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Last month I caught up with Barry Makin, the General Manager of Cromlix. He took over in January when owners Andy and Kim Murray decided to operate the hotel themselves. Find out what he has t say about his new role on page 18


This issue our Sustainability focus is on the Torridon Hotel. This family-owned five-star hotel is a class act. Cat Thomson explores how owners xx and xxx are

The importance of offering guests EV Charing is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. We take a look at the growth of the service and the benefits of investing.

As well as our interview with Barry we also take a look at the new-look Cromlix in our Design feature.

And of course not magazine would be complete without some pictures of a recent HIT event -- this issue it is the Discovery Dinner that we highlight.

Susan Young Editor

Editor: Susan Young

Editorial: Nicola Young,Cat Thomson, Alastair Roy

Advertising: Anne Campbell, Sylvia Forsyth

Admin: Rebecca Orr susan@mediaworldltd.com

@hotel_scotland hotelmagazinescotland.co.uk

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