2 minute read
from DRAM May 2021
Our cover this month features some very well known faces in hospitality. They are all part of a campaign thought up by Graham Chalmers of Radisson Red to remind customers to be kind to hospitality staff. #bekindtohospitality is trending across social media channels in a bid to remind customers that staff too are under a lot of pressure. Perhaps we should also be putting out the message #pauseb4posting because we have all done it posted a throw away comment and before you know folk are upset. If there is anything this pandemic has taught us it is to be kind to each other.
We are all waiting with baited breath to see the outcome of Sasha Lord’s JR. We will update you online as seeon as we have any news. Meanwhile the NTIA are seeking permission too for a JR... I can’t believe that we are heading towards the summer and next month we will have some big news - we’ve all changed the way we are doing things and last year we took our awards online, this year we are doing something a wee bit out of the ordinary too. Here’s a wee clue... but put the 7th September in your diaries.

It was great to see the pubs and bars busy again, albeit the weather could have been a bit kinder. But on a positive it meant that staff had an opportunity to settle in. But now please let us have some decent weather so we can have a good summer.
I remain dismayed by the lack of clarity around guidance. It WAS great news that weddings were being allowed... what is not great news is that, as we went to press, there was no definitive guidelines. Brides and grooms don’t know what to expect. What they can or can’t do? Come on... enough is enough.
It is rather ironic that the V&A in Dundee is celebrating nightclubs - when there is no indicative opening date for these much loved venues. Well I suppose the exhibition will bring back lots of great memories.
DRAM DRINKS RETAILING AND MARKETING PUBLISHED BY MEDIA WORLD LIMITED t: 0141 01560 600585 e: news@mediaworldltd.com w: dramscotland. co.uk Publisher Susan Young • Editor Jason Caddy • Advertising Nikki Oji • Admin Rebecca Or The publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Any transparencies or artwork will be accepted at owner’s risk. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder and publisher, application for which should be made to the publisher. Articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publishers. © Media World Limited 2021. Printed by Stephens & George Print Group.