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23 November 1942 - 4 March 2023

Russell Sharp the man who rescued the Caledonian Brewery, by leading a management buyout in 1987, and who helped to found Innis & Gunn with son Dougal as a joint venture with whisky distiller William Grant & Sons, died last month at the age of 80.


Russell, who was a well known character in the trade, was a renowned distiller and brewer until his retiral 12 years ago as a Director of Innis & Gunn. He stepped back three years after his son Dougal led a management buyout of the brewing business, which brought it into the Sharp family entirely.

I met Russell on numerous occasions over the years, but I rarely saw him on his own. He was one of these people who people gravitated to – because you knew you always get an interesting story and an opinion. He was a born raconteur.

Before turning his hand to brewing Russell worked in distilling with a pedigree that included 16 years with Chivas Brothers which at the time was owned by Seagram where he had responsibility for research and development, quality control and production. The brands he looking after included the Glenlivet.

He joined Caledonian as Head Brewer leading the famous buyout in 1987 and created brews such as Caledonian beers, 80/-, 70/and Golden Promise, the UK’s first organic beer. Perhaps his most memorable creation was Deuchar’s IPA which became the 2002 Champion Beer of Britain, the first ever Scottish beer to win that title.

Although living in Edinburgh for most of his life Russell was born in Tillicoultry and educated at Strathclyde University. He had been a keen mountaineer and on one memorable occasion he did a charity climb – mustering the strength to climb 14 munros in one day. His son Dougal spoke at his funeral and paid tribute to the man he called Dad. He said, “How do you put into words the life and character of Russell Sharp? Taking inspiration from the great man’s style, by being direct to the point. God only know how many of us have been on the receiving end of that, one of dad’s defining character traits. Nobody ever accused Russel Sharp of flim flam for he was a man of unshakable conviction, coupled with confidence in his opinions. Even the ones he knew were bloody well wrong. Boy did Dad love an argument…

“He was a natural born revolutionary – a game changer. Status quo, the ‘its aye been done this way’ mentality drove him mad and he sought at every turn to upset the establishment, trying to change and improve things.

“Some people even thought he was a touch over zealous about this. It lead him into many many fights with people carrying clip boards and wearing yellow vests. All of which he won.

“It is only with these convictions and confidence that you can achieve the sorts of things that Dad did. Whether that was climbing a mountain or scaling the heights of the distilling and brewing scene.

“Dad had an uncanny knack of being able to lead, to spot where to go next and then get there. And a child like enthusiasm for the journey and the imagined outcome. He had a deft touch and an uncommon ability to connect with people from all walks of life.

“I think his time in the early years at Caley most typified this character and cemented his reputation amongst the diverse drinks trade in Scotland. He was the perfect underdog, changing the beer market one pint at a time. Socking it to the establishment.. the trade and drinkers across Scotland loved him for it and supported his efforts. A role he was uniquely placed to play.

Dad knew how to get the best out of people.

“Although the things he did were often serious or difficult to achieve, he always let the fun shine through in his approach to situations.

“To his family, particularly to me and Neil while working together, he was an inspiration and our most, shall we say, honest critic.

“I will never forget the time, having become head brewer at Caley, that we scooped first, second and fourth place at CAMRA’s first Scottish beer awards. Yes, you can all imagine what dad focussed on, bloody 4th place, and he didn’t hesitate to tell me. And that he could have done better.

“The following year we won first, second and third. Dad was unusually muted. 3 beers in first place was a boast too far even for dad.

“Dad loved dining out. To picture Russell in your mind’s eye is to see him and mum in a good restaurant, glass of beer or wine in hand, surrounded by people, right in the thick of it, telling stories or tall tales from his life or the lives of people close to him, everyone laughing.

“Some of Edinburgh’s best-known bars and restaurants undoubtedly owe their existence to dad, and his famed pals Elly and Mowat. If that isn’t a legacy I don’t know what is.

“Dad leaves behind a great legacy. From his family’s perspective he leaves a lifetime of fond memories and experiences, love and companionship and strong guidance.

“Mum, the love of his life and to whom dad was married for 60 years, Neil and me, Lorna and Rona our wives. His sister Rita. His grandkids Harry, Ruby, Euan and Calum whom he was especially fond of recently as he began to contemplate his fate. He leaves an unfillable hole but we rejoice at having had someone as special in our lives.”

Stuart Ross, former Chief Executive of Belhaven Brewery says, “Russell was always one of my favourite people in the trade - he was so passionate about Caledonian and latterly Innis & Gunn and he had great intuition about what makes a popular beer. A talented chemist and brewer by profession but a clever marketeer to boot. A rare mixture! Deuchars IPA was to Caledonian what Best was to Belhaven. Wonderful session beers.”

While Angus Meldrum, former MD of Tennents, added, “Russell was a true entrepreneur who changed our drinks industry for the better --- forever. He was a great friend for decades who lived life to the full, a bon viveur with never a dull moment when relaxing in his company. He will be sorely missed”.29


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