DRAM 356

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n Monday the 16th of March I believe our trade was officially thrown under a bus in one statement, “stay open but don’t go in!”. The following Friday the Government threw us a lifeline for our staff when it announced 80% wages would be paid, along with the closure announcement we needed at that point. I, along with another four other local premises, made the decision to close at 9pm, as we believed what we did from that point on would be remembered for a very long time to come. The same five premises ourselves ‘The Fort Hotel’, The Eagle Coaching Inn, The Anchor, The Occidental Bar & Bruach had met earlier in the week to discuss the situation, and it was at that point that Debbie from the Eagle suggested we each put £100 in to start a local food bank. There has been so many misleading statements. The Government said at first “We will do whatever it takes” which has changed to “we cannot save every business and everyone.” Probably the biggest joke of all ‘Insurance companies will pay out!’ They have not, not a penny! The Grant system which is so unfair in so many ways under £19k in Rates - £10K Grant, £19K - 51K a £25K Grant but over £51K which is where I happen to be, not a penny! This needs to change. Yes, our staff have been Furloughed with 80% pay, but again I, the employer, am left to pay them weekly for now until the Portal is ready and will we get every penny back? Well, that is another question. I have more than 30 staff how long can they expect me to sustain this. There are two reasons why I have not folded already. The first reason, is that I have used the cash due for my VAT return which I now have to get back somehow to pay HMRC in the future. The second is that I had cleared my overdraft in January, but for one reason or another, I had kept it open. That has been my main lifeline. Not the loans that the Government made out would be so easy to acquire. Only 1.4% have been approved so far. Up until now I have paid all my local suppliers first, and have a list of others which I will pay in full before this month is out. Not because any Government has helped me with this but plain and simple my overdraft! Which again is debt that I will have to pay back in the future. Our Business is like so many other businesses out there

because of past renovations, constantly changing legislation and other costs we are asset rich but cash poor. My staff’s wages right now are being paid with borrowed interest added money. We need our team to be there for us when we do reopen so we need to look after them now. Day to day it has been tough in so many ways mainly mentally dealing with the numbers which juggle through your mind at every second of the day. Going from being a thriving business one week to having zero income the next. The previous week we had deliveries for future renovations which are now all in storage. When will be be able to reopen? What is our future? It’s the not knowing that’s eating at me. Daily I am racking my brain on how I can bring in an income to soften the blow on the damage this is causing to all our futures. My theory for getting through this now is, if you can, make sure you pay all local suppliers first. This will be first to impact our futures with a knock on effect. Don’t just cancel all your standing orders and your direct debits to the big suppliers, having said that the energy companies have been horrendous! Instead speak to the companies first, most have been understanding and will offer some kind of help be it for future payments. After all we need to come back from this and you will need them again. As for personal payments, mortgages, cars, loans again, my advice is speak to the companies. Most will give you a three month holiday. As a director my personal wage stopped on the 20th of March so any savings I can make right now will help. Finally if you can do anything for now ‘Be Kind!’ as I said earlier whatever you do right now will be remembered for a long time. The five pubs that initially put the £100 each in started something that has become so much bigger and a lifeline to a lot of local people, The majority of us are still working on this (one took not well). We have now raised over £10K and have a fully working food bank delivering twice a week plus emergency deliveries. But will my business survive this? I believe it will, although it won’t be easy and there will be many sacrifices and changes along the way, but I will stay strong and help as many as I can along the way. DRAM MAY 2020 15

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