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Agroup of us went out sketching with Frank Ching during the 2014 Paraty Symposium in Brazil. Although I didn’t know his name, Frank was very well known by many of the sketchers who are architects. I understand Frank wrote many of the textbooks used in architectural school. I was astounded when I met Frank but it wasn’t for the obvious reasons.

I show up to every sketch event with too much stuff. I bring loads of bulky heavy supplies, you know, “just in case”. The sketching emergencies never seem to happen and yet I can’t seem to stop myself from lugging too much stuff.

Frank showed up with a military style canvas map case, and that was it. At the time I was probably carrying a backpack that looked like it was loaded with 40 pounds of potatoes. He took out a sketchbook and a fountain pen. I asked what else he had in the bag, but that was it. I commented on his efficiency and he ruefully had to admit that sometimes, he does pack an extra fountain pen cartridge ... just in case.

We bring too much with us when we go out sketching. I’ve seen it countless times and personally I’ve done a poor job trying to discipline myself to pack lightly. Although Frank is my “packing” hero, I will never have Frank’s discipline. The realistic solution for me is to try to find items that you can pack intelligently.

I was given a gift about a month ago. Sara Noda had just returned with her family from a trip to Tokyo. While there she managed to check out the local art stores and brought back a couple of spray bottles. They were cute; about the size of a credit card. I carry a spray bottle to activate my dry pan watercolors. It’s just one of the many, many things I pack that gives my backpack that potato look I mentioned. The credit card sprayer is well designed and packs flat.

I’m also packing a new water bottle these days – a Newcom Portable Flat Water Bottle. It has the same design principle in that it packs flat. Made of clear plastic, it also looks beautiful.

Happy sketching, everyone!


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