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Journeys in ROMANIA
1998: First Visit to Romania
In 1998, our best friends got engaged. My husband Troy and I were asked to be “godparents of the wedding”, in Bucharest (right). At the time, we did not know much more about the country except for the deposition of Ceausescu and the intrigue of Transylvania.

We met Ioana Popescu, who was attending the University of Cincinnati to get her PhD in biology, when she started dating our close friend George Gibeau. So off to Bucharest we went with extra suitcases full of wedding supplies in tow; no extra charge even though one weighed over 70 pounds (31kg).
In Bucharest, we were enthusiastically welcomed by Ioana’s friends and family and sipped plenty of homemade, distilled concoctions like Țuică and Vișinată before a whirlwind tour of Transylvania and Constanța. The country was in transition then but its charms showed through. Romania has a robust artistic and cultural history. For example, I saw an original painting by Mucha in Peleș Castle!
2014: First Sketch Visit to Romania

I joined Ioana in 2014 to sketch Romania while she was working on her book about native wildflowers. We traveled all over the country, as far north as Săpânța, on the small part of Romania’s Ukranian border to Arad, close to the western border of Hungary. We hiked in the Carpathian Mountains, watched a farmer milk his cow (after all the cows walked home to their barns voluntarily), were invited for more home brewed Țuică (I got a terrible headache after), got to see a weaver’s cottage, and even picked up a few hitchhikers between towns!
In addition to an architecture mix from Habsburg – Art Nouveau, Saxon, Vernacular, to French Restoration –Romania contains roughly two-thirds of Europe’s old temperate forests. The economy was booming from EU investment. The landscape is so pristine and medieval that movies are often filmed in Romania. I dreamed of bringing a group of sketchers to experience it.
2022: Our first group trip
Derailed by the pandemic and then the war in Ukraine, we finally achieved our goal to take a group of sketchers to Bucharest and Transylvania in June 2022.
Bucharest has blossomed, even since my last visit, and is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination in Europe. I contacted Mugur Popa, who runs the Bucharest Urban Sketchers, and we sketched with his group on several occasions.
The first day we met many skilled and friendly artists. I was interviewed on English-speaking radio. We found out that this was also the first outing after a long lockdown. There is a vibrant artist community throughout the country and Mugur connected us with artists such as Rares Kerekes in Transylvania. It was exciting to talk art and materials with the different skechers. Mugur took us to Colorit, an art store where he is an associate. It was stocked with some of the best sketching tools I have seen! We plan to go back to Romania in 2024 to explore more.

“For me, USK is first and foremost a great group of friends! We evolve together, we learn from each other, united by the same enthusiasm and pleasure to draw.”
Raluca Morariu
“Above all, Urban Sketchers is about friendship, supporting each other, accepting and encouraging fellow sketchers to share their personal approach and perspective of the world around us through drawing.”
Laura Tudorica
“Hi! An impetus to do Master of Arts! The influence of Urban Sketchers on me is that I already have a dissertation work titled “Art-Journal through Museums and Galleries” but also many travelogues! Thanks, USk!”
Carmen Tanu
“USk Group means to me trusted friends with artistic sense and a high level of understanding, whose appreciation matters a lot to me!”
Florin Toderici
About Urban Sketches Bucharest and Constanța
By Mugur Popa
Urban Sketchers (Bucharest) and Urban Sketchers (Constanța) were founded in 2016 at the initiative of the architect Mugur Popa and currently have 900 and 190 members respectively. To date there have been more than a hundred group events and two collective exhibitions.

During the pandemic, the groups’ activities were restricted, but continued thanks to the administrators, Raluca Morariu, Adina Tudor, Laura Tudorica, Marilena Iepan, Daniel Manafu, and a few enthusiastic members, Carmen Tanu, Radu Florea, and Toderici Florin-Alexandru. Currently, activity is returning to normal. The Romanian Athenaeum is the favorite sketching location in Bucharest (shown in the chapter logo), and the Casino in Constanța.

A Message From Mugur Popa
Usk Romania, fondată la Bucuresti de arhitectul Mugur Popa, a adunat de-a lungul anilor un grup de artiști pasionați. Fie că desenează într-o cafenea, pe o bancă de parc, pe străzile din București, Brașov, Constanța, desenatorii noștri urbani adoră să petreacă timp împreună surprinzând spiritul și atmosfera unui loc și a oamenilor săi în timp real. Schițele noastre spun povestea împrejurimilor noastre, a locurilor în care trăim și unde călătorim. Ne oferă o modalitate unică de a ne documenta și de a ne aminti călătoria, permițându-ne totodată să exersăm și să ne îmbunătățim abilitățile. Ne împărtășim schițele online și organizăm expoziții.

Afew weeks ago, I got in touch with the Drawing Attention team to talk about possible topics for this column. Winter in the northern hemisphere is a tough time for new ideas – we’re not sketching as often and not getting our usual turnouts. Frankly, I get ideas from the people I sketch with and ideas that you send in (markleibowitz810@gmail.com).
I’d been thinking of glass dip pens as a topic. The only problem is, I’ve never tried one, and I don’t know anyone who has, so there’s not much I can say, other than that glass pens sound interesting. However, we are also at the dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI). My hope is that AI will become an astounding tool for creative people – like us.
So, without knowing a thing about sketching with a glass dip pen, I asked an AI service what it could tell a group of urban artists. Here is the answer I got: drawing fine details. The ink dries quickly and provides a range of shades, from dark black to delicate washes, allowing for a range of artistic expression.
“As an amateur artist, have you ever wanted to take your sketches to the next level and add an extra touch of sophistication and elegance? Then, have you ever considered using a glass dip pen?
“Glass dip pens are a traditional art form that has been around for centuries, providing artists with a unique and beautiful way to express themselves. Unlike traditional ballpoint pens or markers, glass dip pens require a certain level of control and patience to use effectively. This, in turn, provides the artist with greater artistic freedom and the ability to create fine lines and bold, dramatic strokes.
“Drawing with a glass dip pen is a slow and deliberate process, but the results are stunning and unique. The smooth flow of the ink creates a timeless quality, making it a popular choice for artists and calligraphers. And now, at the dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence, the glass dip pen may become an even more powerful tool for creative people like us.
“In short, drawing with a glass dip pen would not only provide a unique tactile experience but also a unique look to your artwork. However, it would require patience and a light touch to use effectively. So, why not step outside of your comfort zone and try something new this winter? Your sketches are sure to benefit from the elegant touch of a glass dip pen.”
Honestly I have no idea if any of this is true, but it has piqued my curiosity. And about AI – clever artists like us are going to find ways to use the technology to be more creative and more productive, so we might as well jump in.
“These pens are most commonly used for calligraphy, lettering, and other hand-drawn forms, but they are also ideal for sketching and
If you have a piece of Cool Gear you’d like to share with readers, please send a couple of photos or sketches with a description and how you use it. We’d love to hear from you!