Drayton Hall Interiors - Spring/Summer 2009

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vol. 27 no. 1

spring - summer 2009



Excavations re-examine historic relationships between Drayton Hall’s buildings and landscape. by Carter C. Hudgins Ph.D., Director of Preservation, and Sarah Stroud, Archaeologist This spring’s archaeological investigations of the north yard are shedding new light on Drayton Hall’s architecture and the manner in which the surrounding landscape was divided during the 18th century. Continuing the work of last fall’s Archaeological Institute, current research aims to uncover further evidence of large colonnade walls connecting the main house to the flanker buildings and to investigate an important new discovery: the foundation for what may be a large set of stairs exiting the north flanker building and extending towards the riverfront gardens.

As discussed in the winter 2009 issue of Interiors, the current investigation is driven by a photograph of an anonymous watercolor (Fig. 1) depicting Drayton Hall in the year 1765 and illustrating previously unknown colonnades connecting the main house to the flanker buildings located to the north and south. Significant findings during the 2008 Institute included the base of a curvilinear brick wall that appeared to be treated with plaster to give the appearance of stone. This feature, along with associated artifacts dating to the 1720s and 1730s, seemed to confirm the existence of the colonnade. continued on page 4

Director’s Notes–George W. McDaniel, Ph. D.

FRIENDS ARE OUR BEST AMBASSADORS During this recession, it’s important to remember that since 1738 Drayton Hall has been a survivor, and now it is our time to ensure that its legacy continues into the future. All of us— Drayton Hall’s Site Council, staff, and Friends—have done a superlative job to date, and the foundation upon which we will build is strong. So how might you support Drayton Hall today? A simple yet most effective way is for you to become an ambassador and to tell people about our wonderful programs and to encourage them to visit. The truism is accurate: “Nothing sells like word of mouth.” Whether in personal conversations, commentaries in social media like Facebook® or Twitter®, or testimonials on our blog, your stories produce results. Recently, for example, Director of Development Jessica Garrett received an extraordinary testimonial from one of our wonderful Friends explaining why she supports Drayton Hall. Written from the heart, it captured a feeling shared by many of our visitors, though seldom expressed with such eloquence: “Drayton Hall isn’t a vacation spot. It’s a place where time stands still. The first time I saw it, I was overwhelmed with a sense that things that mattered had happened here. There are beautifully restored places that we can visit, but the wonder of Drayton Hall lies in the quiet you hear through the open doorways as the breeze sweeps across the portico, through the rooms, and away on the currents of the Ashley River. Is it the 1700s, the 1800s, or the 21st century? I cannot tell. I only know that this place that is a part of our history is a part of our hearts as well, and we are better for it.” -Elayne Barnett Now imagine if you were sitting next to Elayne at a social event, and she expressed this same sentiment. Wouldn’t her words spark some immediate curiosity about the site—particularly if you lived in and around Charleston and had never visited Drayton Hall before? I’m sure it would—in fact, many of our visitors confirm that they come because of a “must-see” recommendation from a friend. Fortunately, Drayton Hall has many wonderful friends. In April, our Director of Museum Interpretation Craig Tuminaro received a note from Linda Lear, a writer-historian based in Charleston, who touched on a point that is sometimes a negative with tourists to Charleston—the fact that the main house is unfurnished. She wrote: “[Drayton Hall] was nothing like what I was expecting, and I was quite amazed by the creativity of the interpretation of an ‘empty house’ which was, of course, anything but. The interpretive framework you have developed feels just right.” -Linda Lear, writer and historian Charleston, SC Yet another visitor reported on our blog: “I visited Drayton Hall once again on February 23 and found it as wonderful as ever. What a treasure! I always learn something when I go, and this time I finally was able to attend the Connections program. Also, I purchased a copy of The Voices of Drayton Hall DVD to view at home and found it very enlightening. I’m a preservationist and I love early architecture, so your site is my favorite. Keep up the good work!” Posted by Jed Wall http://draytonhall.wordpress.com/about Amidst these recessionary times, it is important to remember that dollars spent at Drayton Hall support preservation and education and thereby help our economy in the near term and constitute an investment in the future. In a world that may seem to be becoming increasingly de-personalized, a site like Drayton Hall touches people’s hearts, as these testimonials show, and connects them to the continuum of time and place. So how to help Drayton Hall? Become an ambassador. Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Twitter® is a registered trademark of Twitter Inc.

cover photo: Dr. Carter Hudgins speaks to a group of Friends about recent findings. He is pointing to several unexpected discoveries, including the possibility of a large stairway along the east façade of the north flanker—raising new questions about the building’s original purpose & function.



The mission of Drayton Hall, a historic site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, is to preserve and interpret Drayton Hall and its environs, in order to educate the public and to inspire people to embrace historic preservation.

DRAYTON Hall HALL Site SITE Council COUNCIL Drayton Anthony Wood, chairman Elizabeth Alston, Alston, Don Don Balderson, Balderson, Mary Mary Ravenel Ravenel Black, Black, Heyward Heyward Elizabeth Carter, Mimi Mimi Cathcart, Cathcart, Edward Edward Crawford, Crawford, Dr. Dr. Elise Elise DavisDavisCarter, Charles Drayton Drayton McFarland, Jane deButts (emeritus), Charles (emeritus), Chad Drayton, Frank Drayton, Susan Friberg, Phil Phil Gaines, Carle Gable, Hill, Benjamin Gaines, Carl Gable, HelenHelen T. Hill,T.Benjamin Lenhardt, Sandy Logan, Lee Manigault, Peter McGee (emeritus), Suzanne Pollak, Suzanne Pollak, ChadStroup, Prosser,Vanessa RodgerTurner-Maybank, Stroup, Vanessa Chad Prosser, Rodger Connie Wyrick (emeritus)

EXECUTIVE Director DIRECTOR Executive George W. W. McDaniel McDaniel George

ADMINISTRATION Administration Paula Marion, director of finance Michelle Johanek, financial assistant Dawn Brogan, Brogan, executive assistant Dawn

Preservation PRESERVATION Carter Hudgins, director of preservation Joyce Joyce Keegan, Keegan, collections manager Emily Emily Pack, Pack, ashley river region coordinator John John Kidder, Kidder, buildings & grounds superintendent Luke Luke Nesmith, Nesmith, maintenance technician Raymond Raymond Nesmith, Nesmith, maintenance technician Karen Karen Clarke, Clarke, maintenance technician Bill Dinius, maintenance assistant


Craig Tuminaro, director of museum interpretation Craig Tuminaro, Rikki Davenport, curator of education Rikki Davenport, Bob Barker, senior interpreter Bob Barker, Shelia Harrell-Roye, visitor services manager Shelia Harrell-Roye, Kate Ruhf, visitor services manager Kate Ruhf, Joseph Mester, project assistant Joseph Mester, interpreters: Denise Brown, Booie Chappell, Amanda Clarke, : Denise Brown, Booie Chappell, Amanda Clarke, Kelly Conry, Jill Foster, Amanda Franklin, Liz Goodloe, Kathy Kelly Conry, Jill Foster, Amanda Franklin, Liz Goodloe, Kathy Haney, Patricia Jack, Judy Johnson, Betsy McAmis, Diane Miller, Haney, Patricia Jack, Judy Johnson, Betsy McAmis, Diane Leslie Newman, Peggy Reider, Sarah Stroud, Chris Surber, Alice Miller, Leslie Newman, Peggy Reider, Sarah Stroud, Chris Thompson, Phoebe Willis Phoebe Willis Surber, Alice Thompson,


Vera Ford, director of marketing Vera Ford, Kristine Morris, communications director Kristine Morris, Elizabeth Huseman, museum shop supervisor Elizabeth Huseman, Carole Tinkey, creative director, retail Carole Tinkey, Debbi Zimmerman, group tour coordinator Debbi Zimmerman, Natalie Baker, marketing assistant Natalie Baker, Leslie Lewis, visitor services associate Leslie Lewis, Sadie Cook, visitor services associate Sadie Cook, Alice Thompson, visitor services associate Alice Thompson, Janie Clayton, Charlotte Collier, Cathy Conroy Janie Clayton, Charlotte Collier, Cathy Conroy


Jessica Kelley Garrett, director of development Jessica Kelley Garrett, Monte Parsons, director of individual giving Monte Parsons, Courtney Bates, development coordinator Courtney Bates,

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS John Anderson, Margot Anderson, Lawrence Brogan, Chris

John Anderson, Margot Anderson, Lawrence Brogan, Chappell, Ed Delaney, Wally Jack, Franco Manzullo, IanChris Purches, Chappell, Ed Delaney, WallyDiane Jack, Zender, Franco Manzullo, Judy Purches, Stan Younce, Matt Zender, Jerry Ian Purches, Judi Purches, Stan Younce, Diane Zender, Zimmerman Matt Zender, Jerry Zimmerman

3380 Ashley River Road, Charleston SC 29414 Phone: 843-769-2600 Fax: 843-766-0878 www.draytonhall.org dhmail@draytonhall.org www.draytonhall.org | dhmail@draytonhall.org

Drayton Hall

Villa Cornaro

THE PATH FROM VILL A CORNARO TO DRAY TON HALL By Carl I. Gable, President, Center for Palladian Studies in America, Inc.


he projecting double porch on the west façade of Drayton Hall, where construction began about 1738, resembles a similar feature at Villa Cornaro, a country villa near Venice, Italy, designed by the Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio in 1551. Palladio is generally considered history’s most influential architect, and Drayton Hall is regarded as one of the earliest and most important examples of Palladian architecture in America. But two interesting questions arise: First, does Drayton Hall embody basic design principles of Palladio, rather than merely borrow Palladio’s double porch motif? Second, if so, how did those Palladian principles find their way from 16th-century Italy to 18th-century colonial America? The dramatic worldwide impact of the villas, urban palaces, and churches which Palladio designed for his patrons in the Veneto region of Italy did not result simply from his attractive motifs such as the double porch. He actually developed an overall conception of architecture as a combination of function and beauty, anchored in rules of harmony and proportion. He distilled his own individual ideas from a variety of sources, including a treatise by the classical Roman architect Vitruvius, visits to Rome to explore and measure the half-buried classical ruins, and study of earlier Renaissance architects such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and Giulio Romano. Finally, near the end of his career, Palladio published The Four Books of Architecture, setting out his architectural principles and explaining them with woodcut illustrations. Four Books was soon being translated and reprinted across Europe. The first complete English translation appeared in London in 1715-20, with a much better edition by Isaac Ware following in 1738.

Although the specific floor plan of Drayton Hall is not to be found in Four Books, the proportions of its rooms are. Palladio stated that he had seven preferred proportions for rooms: the circle, the square, and rectangles in the proportions 3 x 4, 1 x 2, 2 x 3, 3 x 5, and 1 x 2. Analyzing the Drayton Hall floor plan (Figure 1) shows that all the major rooms utilize one or another of Palladio’s preferred shapes, so the building is emphatically Palladian in its conception. In fact, the strong correlation of room sizes, combined with the presence of the double porch motif, suggests that the unknown architect of Drayton Hall had a copy of Palladio’s Four Books at hand. Since the precise arrangement of rooms at Drayton Hall does not come from Four Books, did the unknown architect turn to any other source of inspiration for the floor plan? In fact, the floor plan bears a marked similarity to Plate 58 in James Gibbs’ A Book of Architecture, published in London in 1728 (Figure 2). If the row of rooms to the left and right of the plan are deleted, and the staircases are moved from the sides to the center rear, the floor plan looks remarkably like that of Drayton Hall—complete with projecting porch! Recent research at Drayton Hall has actually confirmed that the library of Charles Drayton, son of Drayton Hall’s builder, held copies of both Palladio’s Four Books and James Gibbs’ A Book of Architecture. If the books were inherited from his father, John Drayton, the original owner of Drayton Hall, then the possibility exists that John Drayton himself might be the unidentified architect of the great Palladian house.

Carl I. Gable, a native of Charleston, S.C., is a businessman and retired lawyer who now divides his time between Atlanta and the Veneto region of Italy. He is president of the Center for Palladian Studies in America, Inc., and has served on the boards of the Spoleto Festival USA, the Atlanta Opera, and the Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University. He and his wife Sally (left) are co-authors of Palladian Days (Knopf 2005), describing their experiences as owners of Villa Cornaro, a sixteenth-century Italian villa designed by Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. (All images except Drayton Hall are courtesy of Carl Gable.)

To learn more about Villa Cornaro & the Center for Palladian Studies in America: www.boglewood.com & www.palladiancenter.org. For books on Palladio & historic architecture, visit our Museum Shop, on-site & online at www.draytonhall.org.

Fig. 1. The floor plan of Drayton Hall incorporates four of Palladio’s seven preferred room shapes.

Fig. 2. After just two adjustments, Plate 58 of James Gibbs’ A Book of Architecture (1728) bears a marked resemblance to the Drayton Hall floor plan.


COLONNADES LEAD TO NEW THEORIES c o n t i n u e d f ro m f ro n t However, a second round of fieldwork was needed to identify the overall size and composition of the colonnade, as well the possibility of its use as a covered, connecting walkway. The latest excavations began alongside the foundations of the north flanker building. If the northern colonnade wall existed, it would have made contact with the flanker in this area. Anticipating the extent of below-ground evidence associated with the construction of a colonnade, work began by removing the topsoil from six 5’ x 5’ excavation units. Just inches below the modern grade, a low line of bricks curving away from the southeast corner of the north flanker started to appear. This feature is identical to the wall foundation identified during last year’s Institute. Now, by uncovering a greater section of intact wall, more clues about its construction and usage are surfacing. The wall was constructed of brick “bats,” or broken bricks, which were dry-laid without the use of mortar. A foundation with these qualities would not have been capable of supporting a substantial colonnade. Accordingly, this brickwork more likely relates to the low connecting wall documented by Lewis Reeves Gibbes in 1845 (Fig.1.) So where is the colonnade? Was the colonnade ever constructed as depicted in the mysterious watercolor? As excavations continue into deeper deposits of soil beneath the crude brick wall, an answer to these questions is appearing in the form of a dark soil stain. Mirroring the curve of the brick wall and measuring approximately 2’ wide, this feature may be the foundation trench of a wall constructed and dismantled prior to the wall documented in the 1845 Gibbes sketch. Further excavations are underway to locate a possible corresponding rear wall and to determine if a covered walkway once existed. Another important archaeological find took place when a brick foundation along the east wall (riverside) of the north flanker was encountered (Fig. 2.) Potentially measuring fourteen feet across and nearly spanning the eastern façade of the flanker,

Figure 2. An excavation at the east side (riverside) of the north flanker reveals a curving line of bricks thought to be the remains of the low connecting wall in the Gibbes sketch shown in Fig. 1. Note the dark soil stain mirroring the curve of the bricks; this may be the foundation trench of the earlier colonnade wall shown in the mystery watercolor in Fig. 1. To the right of the curving line of bricks is a brick foundation spanning the east façade of the flanker building, possibly the foundation of a large stairway.


Figure 1. Left: a section of the 1765 watercolor depicts a covered colonnade connecting the main house with the north flanker building. Right: a section of the 1845 Lewis Reeves Gibbes sketch shows a low connecting wall from the main house to the south flanker building.

this new feature may be the foundation of a large stairway that would have provided direct access to and from the river garden and associated paths. The considerable width of the potential stair foundation and the likely presence of at least one colonnade wall provide intriguing new questions about the changing landscape around the core of the Drayton Hall property. More research is currently underway through the analysis of the excavated artifacts to further understand these features and determine their correct timeframes. Archaeological examinations are essential to understand how the functions of buildings and landscapes evolved over time. In the case

of Drayton Hall’s flanker buildings, these structures may have been conceived as formal buildings intended to work with the main house to entertain guests. Later, the flankers could have been adapted for more practical uses as a kitchen or other service buildings. To increase our understanding and gain fresh insights, excavations will continue through the early summer and start again in the fall with Drayton Hall’s 2009 Archaeological Institute. If you enjoy reading about our ongoing excavations, you can go from being an armchair enthusiast to a member of the team by joining the 2009 Drayton Hall Archaeological Institute— open to Friends of Drayton Hall. Details on page 6.


Left: Education at Every Turn: New Interpretive Panels installed across the site familiarize visitors with their surroundings and describe why Drayton Hall is More Than A House.

Members get a behind-the-scenes look at an open excavation as Director of Preservation Dr. Carter Hudgins and archaeologist Sarah Stroud discuss the dig’s physical features, its recovered artifacts, and the resulting theories and dramatic conclusions that shape our understanding of the history of the site and its surroundings.

I Dig Drayton Hall.

Visit to Drayton Hall “A Wonderful Success” L-R:

George McDaniel with Stanley and Bo Reahard of Royale Coach Club Tours in Tampa, Florida. The Reahards brought a large group to visit Drayton Hall in April. Mr. Reahard, the nephew of Sally Reahard, who was Drayton Hall’s prime benefactor, said the group’s experience “…could not have been nicer…everyone had a wonderful time.” Drayton Hall receives The 2009 SC Heritage Tourism Award for “Voices of Drayton Hall: An Interactive Landscape Tour on DVD” given by the Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation, the SC Dept. of Archives and History, and the Governor’s office. Shown L-R: Dr. George McDaniel, executive director of Drayton Hall; Scott English, chief of staff for Governor Mark Sanford; Director of Museum Interpretation Craig Tuminaro; and Rodger Stroup, director of the SC Department of Archives and History. Staff photo.

Job Well Done! Project Assistant Joseph C. Mester (left)

Drayton Hall Receives the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce 1773 Award for Educational Services. L-R: Robert Collins, Chairman of the Board of the Chamber; Skip Godow, Lowcountry Graduate Center;

Drayton Hall’s Executive Director George McDaniel and Director of Museum Interpretation Craig Tuminaro; and ABC News 4 anchor Dean Stephens. Photo courtesy of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce.

recently updated Volume Two of Drayton Hall’s Museum Interpretation Training Manual, which covers the architecture and design of the main house, landscape, and outbuildings. Congratulations to Joseph whose eight months of research, development, and writing (in addition to his other, full-time duties) resulted in this greatly expanded and improved second edition.


SECOND ANNUAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE BEGINS OCTOBER 27 TH Building on last year’s success, the 2009 Archaeological Institute will continue to examine evidence of 17th- and 18th-century occupation, including the structure beneath Drayton Hall that dates to the 1680s. Investigations around the north yard will be focused on gathering additional proof of possible earlier features, including house-to-flanker colonnades, a large north-flanker stairway, and a 17th-century defensive ditch. One goal will be to identify the size and scope of the ditch in order to better understand the fortifications that might have surrounded the pre-Drayton building. Participants will learn the methods and theories of fieldwork while acquiring practical skills in excavation, recording, artifact identification, and laboratory work. The ten-day program runs Tuesdays through Saturdays, October 27th through November 7th. Participants may register for two days or all ten, but since space is limited, early registration is encouraged. Discounted rates are available for members. Please contact Director of Preservation Dr. Carter Hudgins (843) 769-2617 or carter_hudgins@draytonhall.org.

what is it? How was it used? by carter c. hudgins, ph.d., director of preservation

7 th-Grade Program Reaches over 950 Students in Eight Charleston County Title One Schools Educates future generations about the importance of environmental stewardship. Through funds provided by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, the Post & Courier Foundation, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, all 7th-grade students in Charleston County’s Title One schools came to Drayton Hall this spring to take part in Where Nature and Culture Intersect: Man’s Use of the Lowcountry Environment. This innovative program explores over 300 years of occupation, settlement, and use of the site and surrounding region. Students discover how the natural environment, geography, and historical events have shaped human activity, and in turn gain an understanding of how people have interacted with their environment and one another. A cross-curricular learning experience with academic standards and content from social studies, science, mathematics, and geography, the program also includes many learning activities such as winnowing rice, Native American clay stamping, and testing the quality of water samples. The program’s goal is simple: by teaching these students about threats to the region and about the consequences of everyday decisions, they will be better stewards of the region. Down the road, when it’s their turn to vote on issues related to growth and conservation, such as zoning changes, density, and buffers, they will be that much more likely to understand what’s at stake. 7 66

During the 18th century, wax seals were frequently used in the Lowcountry to close, mark, and authenticate important documents such as legal records. In practice, a small portion of melted sealing wax, formed from beeswax or a combination of resin, shellac, plaster, turpentine, and coloring agents, was placed on a document and then pressed with a seal matrix to create a seal. (Fig. 1) Typically, the seal matrix was personalized and embossed with the user’s initials, coat of arms, or motto. Numerous wax seals are held within Drayton Hall’s archival collection, including one example associated with a land grant issued by the Lords Proprietors. While no seals survive in the collection, portions of several 18th-century seal matrixes called “fob seals” (Fig. 2) have been found in the archaeological record of Drayton Hall. Formed from copper alloy, these seals were constructed with swiveling mounts that would have originally been inset with an intaglio gem or engraved silver or copper disk. Given their 18th-century date, these objects might have held the seal matrix of John Drayton or his son Charles. Hopefully, these important and complementing artifacts will be recovered through continued archaeological research.

Fig. 1. A fragment of a wax seal.

Fig. 2. Three fob seals measuring approximately 2.5” X 1”

DRAY TON HALL S U S TA I N E R S For many years, Drayton Hall has published quarterly lists of gifts—including membership gifts and special donations—in this column of Interiors. This system worked because most members made one annual membership gift each year, and thus your gift level was based on that one gift. Today, more and more members are making multiple gifts over the course of the year. The result is that this quarterly gift list no longer accurately represents all that you do for Drayton Hall because instead of looking for your cumulative gifts over a year, it looks for single gifts above a certain amount. To address this problem, we are converting to a new reporting method: an annual list that accounts for cumulative gifts over the course of the year. In this way, we will be able to report and, most of all, celebrate all of our Friends who do so much for Drayton Hall all year long.

Jehossee Island Where History & Conservation Converge by monte parsons director of individual giving On March 31st, Drayton Hall and The Nature Conservancy invited members to travel back in time to 1776 when Charles Drayton, son of John Drayton who built Drayton Hall, purchased the 3,500 acre island called Jehossee. Jehossee was only one parcel of the 18th-century Drayton agricultural empire that contained over 76,000 acres in South Carolina and Georgia. The event began with an introduction by Dr. George McDaniel, executive director of Drayton Hall. Then, Dr. Carter Hudgins, Drayton Hall’s director of preservation, interpreted the archaeological sites that we visited, which included the ruins of a steam-driven rice mill and the tabby foundation of what is believed to be the former Drayton dwelling. Owned and managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and not open to the general public, Jehossee Island is located in the ACE Basin, named for the three rivers in the region, the Ashepoo, the Combahee, and the Edisto. Mike Prevost, former project director for The Nature Conservancy, which helped lead the internationally acclaimed ACE Basin initiative, described the impact of the rice culture on conservation in the coastal regions of South Carolina. The sense of history, the beauty of the landscape, and conviviality of the members from both organizations made for a memorable day. Shown above, our guests included Edward Crawford, Cynnie and Peter Kellogg, Howdie and Mary Phipps, Suzanne and Peter Pollak, Woody Rash, and Walton and Jeff Selig.

Continuing a Family Tradition at Drayton Hall Tamara Harrison (right) and her mother enjoyed many mother–daughter holidays through the years, but when they arrived at Drayton Hall they were completely captured by its architectural beauty as well as the sense of history surrounding the Drayton family. Through the years, not only did Drayton Hall become their favorite vacation destination, but its mission of educating visitors about historic preservation also inspired Tamara to become a docent at an historic site near Dallas called Thistle Hill. Six years ago when her mother died, she returned to Drayton Hall with her 12-year-old daughter Libby (left). Tamara memorialized many happy visits and sprinkled her mother’s ashes along the bordering Ashley River. Now, Tamara and her daughter continue the mother– daughter tradition of holidays at Drayton Hall. Fascinated with history, Libby returns to her classroom with a renewed excitement for learning.

PRESERVATION PAYS Honoring Drayton Hall’s Past with a Future Gift by jessica garrett director of development As a member of the Friends of Drayton Hall, you have supported Drayton Hall through your annual membership gifts and any special gifts you have been inspired to make over the years. And while I don’t know the reason that inspired each of you to join, I am willing to guess that it had something to do with Drayton Hall’s authenticity and very survival. One way that you can help Drayton Hall survive and thrive in the future, is to add Drayton Hall to your estate plans. In fact, given today’s economic climate, a bequest may allow you to make an even more generous gift than you could make today. There are four types of bequests to consider when naming a charitable organization in your will: An unrestricted bequest is a gift for our general purposes, to be used at the discretion of our senior leadership staff and advisory Site Council. A gift like this—without conditions attached—is frequently the most useful, as it allows us to determine the wisest use for the funds, often helping us fulfill our most critical preservation needs at the time of receipt. A restricted bequest allows you to specify how the funds are to be used. Whether that’s educating students, preserving the house, or archaeological research, we would be delighted to work with you to review plans to ensure that your intent is carried out. An honorary or memorial bequest is given “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone. We are pleased to honor your request and can discuss a range of ways to recognize your gift. An endowed bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring us to hold the funds permanently and use only between 4% to 5% of the return of a three-year rolling average. In this way, you will give a gift that can continue giving indefinitely. Please consider letting us know when you have added Drayton Hall to your will. Planning for Drayton Hall’s future is a wonderful gift, and we want to be sure to thank you. If you would like to learn more, contact Jessica Garrett, director of development, at 843-769-2601 or jessica_garrett@draytonhall.org 7




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The Family Fun Pack Promotion at Drayton Hall through September 15th

Free Admission for Teachers through September 7th

At $39 for the entire family (two adults and up to four children), this may be Charleston’s very best “daycation” value. Includes admission and access to all daily tours and programs, creative activities just for kids, a Museum Shop discount, future savings to keep or share, and a complimentary fun pack with gifts and games—a $75+ value.

New Credential Recertification Workshop in June was a highlight of this year’s program. To participate in the Free Admission program, teachers present the gatekeeper with their teacher identification or a recent pay stub. Teachers may also bring one guest at no extra charge. To learn more, please contact Curator of Education Rikki Davenport at 843.769.2607 or rikki_davenport@draytonhall.org.

Free Admission to Drayton Hall for Military, Firefighters, Police, EMS through September 15th In celebration of July 4th, and in recognition of and thanks for all they do, Drayton Hall is again offering free admission to American military (active duty and veterans), firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services personnel. Official identification cards are required; free admission is for the qualified participant and one guest.

Drayton Hall’s 2009 Summer Camp Starts Soon - July 13th and July 20th To reserve, please contact Rikki Davenport at 843-769-2607

2009 Archaeological Institute Starts October 27th See page 6 for details

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