How to Tap the POWER OF Belief /mlmmarketinggems/blog/how-to-tap-the-power-of -belief
How to Tap the POWER OF Belief What would you say if I told you that there is a power of belief that can help you overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals and the success that you have always desired? Known to people and cultures around the world for ages, this power, the power of belief is one that can bring about the goals that you always dreamed about.
Examples of What t he Power of Belief Can Do 1. If you want to get a new job, you can 2. If you want to buy a new home, you can 3. If you want to make a better living, you can 4. If you want to meet your future spouse, you will ! If you want to live a healthier life…yes all this is possible if you embrace and practice the POWER of Belief Claude Bristol says that in fact there is genuine magic in the power of belief. This is core to his central thesis in The Magic of Believing written in the mid 20th century.
T he ideas and premises are not new. Nor is the power of belief. But it endures because the power of belief …WORKS !
Here’s how: Concentrate, focus on what you want…and it will become manifested… in other words it will come to be.. That job, increased income, new spouse, paid off home, new car or vacation? Believe it as if it already a reality…and it will become reality thru the power of belief If you have had a desire for success in the past and it has eluded you then Claude Bristol would tell you that it is because you did not practice the magic of believing… You may said something like…” I need a new job…but I won’t get one…” If that is what you think that is what will happen Instead try saying ” I need a new job and will have a better one than before within 1 week…” Try that, apply the power of belief and you may soon be back to work before you know it ! That is the true Magic of Believing.. Watch this short video introducing the Magic of Believing and the power of belief Then put the concept into action… start believing in yourself and your dreams. Block out the naysayers …Let them live in their own misery… I do not say that lightly…Have you ever heard the saying, misery loves company? Well, it is the negative practice of the power of belief. If someone believes they can’t have success and get you to believe it will both bring about a negative reality. Who the heck needs that ? !! Instead, use the power of belief for good.. Build a successful future for you and your family… And let us know how it feels to do so We’re rootin’ for ya !
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