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Charter Schools
SIZE: 3,119 students, grades Pre-K through 12 KEY ATTRIBUTES: KIPP public charter schools are a non-profit network of college-preparatory schools educating students Pre-K through grade 12. KIPP Texas is dedicated to preparing students in educationally underserved communities for college success and choice-filled lives. KIPP Texas is part of the national KIPP network of college-preparatory public charter schools. KIPP schools are part of the free public school system, and enrollment is open to all students. PHILOSOPHY: We envision that KIPP Texas—DFW will have a transformational impact on the community of Dallas-Fort Worth. It will prove what is possible to city leaders and education entities and set an example of excellence that can be emulated in other school districts. It is our goal that KIPP Texas—DFW students will serve as role models to their families and communities. We aspire for our college graduates to return to their communities, give back, and demonstrate the impact that education has had on their lives.
SIZE: 5,600 students at eight locations in North Texas KEY ATTRIBUTES: Life School is a tuition-free open enrollment public charter school that offers a wide array of academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities to develop the whole person. As character educators, we help to shape the character of students so they are ready to learn, ready to lead, and ready for life. PHILOSOPHY: The mission of Life School is to develop leaders with life skills through strong academics, character training, and partnerships with parents and the community. Our vision is to develop leaders by providing excellence in education to enhance the communities we serve.
SIZE: 300 students. Students range from 3 to 6 years old and grades 1 through 3. KEY ATTRIBUTES: Lumin Education provides Association Montessori Internationale-certified teachers, before- and after-school care, emphasis on parent involvement, and free public education. PHILOSOPHY: Lumin Education is guided by the Montessori philosophy of education. That philosophy is rooted in the conviction that, unless severely impaired, “children naturally have the same drive to develop in a cognitive sense as they do in a physical sense. The desire of an elementary student to master equivalent fractions can be just as strong as the desire of the infant to crawl, unless the desire has been diminished by the circumstances of the child’s life.”
SIZE: 70 students, K-12 KEY ATTRIBUTES: Located in Downtown Dallas, Pegasus School of Liberal Arts & Sciences is a tuition-free public school serving an ethnically, racially, and economically diverse student population. Pegasus School’s mission is to educate individuals in the liberal arts and sciences in order to prepare them for productive and meaningful lives in an increasingly complex world. Pegasus’ vision is to be an interdisciplinary public school committed to continuous improvement with a focus on developing and educating serious learners. PHILOSOPHY: A well-rounded liberal arts education provides a strong foundation preparing students for meaningful futures by enhancing students’ problem solving skills and helping them develop strong character and self-discipline.
SIZE: 617, students in grades 11 and 12 KEY ATTRIBUTES: Serving Dallas County and its six contiguous counties, Richland CHS is an open enrollment charter school on the campus of Richland College. The program focuses on the college experience. All classes are taught by college professors in college classrooms with college adults. Students earn their associate degrees by graduation. PHILOSOPHY: The educational philosophy of the Richland Collegiate High School rests upon the maxim that a successful education program addresses the whole student. A mind-body-spirit approach is designed to enlighten a student’s mind while enriching his or her spirit through learning experiences attuned to skills and abilities; to best use those abilities; and to develop each student’s intellectual, emotional, and social foundation. At Richland College, this philosophy is summarized as: Teaching, Learning, Community Building.
SIZE: 3,379 students across eight campuses—two in Fort Worth and six in Dallas. Grades 9 through 12. KEY ATTRIBUTES: Texans Can Academies provide a safe and healthy learning environment to students who may not have succeeded elsewhere. Each classroom is home to a rich environment fostering reading and thinking skills, bringing struggling students up to grade level and beyond, and creating confidence and a positive outlook. PHILOSOPHY: Texans Can Academies’ mission is to provide the highest quality education for all students in order to ensure economic independence. Studentcentered learning, a rigorous curriculum based on reading and thinking skills, and a sense of urgency in fulfilling every aspect of our mission mark our core values. Reading, we believe, is the key to empowerment, personal fulfillment, success, and employment; personal responsibility, character, values, and passion lead to good citizenship; and learning is best accompanied in a nurturing yet structured environment.
SIZE: 3,550 students, four campuses, pre-K through grade 8 KEY ATTRIBUTES: Trinity Basin Preparatory is a free public charter school of choice that has served the Dallas-Fort Worth community for over 20 years. As a public charter school, TBP meets all accountability and instructional standards as set by the Texas Education Agency. TBP meets these standards by providing students with a structured learning environment that is individualized for their specific learning needs. Our classrooms are smaller, compared to traditional public schools, and generally have fewer than 22 students. Uniforms are required, and strict discipline is enforced to help ensure students feel safe and free to participate in the learning experience. PHILOSOPHY: The mission of Trinity Basin Preparatory is to inspire every student to do more, expect more, and be more. To make this mission a reality, every student and employee of Trinity Basin Preparatory is expected to exemplify the following core values of a TITAN: 1. TRUTHFUL: We seek and speak the truth. We operate with integrity and honesty. 2. INNOVATIVE: We are creative and use resourcefulness in solving problems. 3. TENACIOUS: We are unshakable, determined, and we possess true grit. 4. ACCOUNTABLE: We are transparent in our actions and are accountable to each other. 5. NURTURING: We build relationships and deeply care about all members of the TBP family.
SIZE: 18,500 across 40 schools, pre-K through 12 KEY ATTRIBUTES: Uplift provides a whole scholar approach that sees each learner as an individual and supports his or her academic, social, and emotional well-being through curriculum and academics, a nurturing school community, supportive families, and unmatched college preparation. PHILOSOPHY: Uplift Education is the largest public charter school network in North Texas. We have grown to a network serving more than 18,500 scholars in pre-K through 12th grade at 40 schools in North Texas. Uplift’s mission is to create and sustain public schools of excellence that empower students to reach their highest potential in college and the marketplace, and that inspire in students a lifelong love of learning, achievement, and service. Each school provides free, college-preparatory education in a community that has limited high quality public education options. Our goal is to completely close the achievement gap between students, regardless of their ethnic or socio-economic background, while ensuring that 100 percent of our students graduate and enroll in college. Uplift’s big goal is for 70 percent of its graduates to earn a college degree within six years.
SIZE: 2,800 students, grades 9 through12 KEY ATTRIBUTES: Winfree Academy is a free, public high school that has been serving the Dallas-Fort Worth community for over 18 years. With six Dallas-Fort Worth campuses located in Irving, Lewisville, Richardson, Grand Prairie, North Richland Hills, and Dallas, we work with learners from over 86 ISDs. Learner ages range from 14-26. With four-hour school days, Winfree Academy meets the educational needs of learners who prefer a non-traditional way of learning and thrive on individualized instruction. This makes Winfree a great choice for learners who are self-driven, need credit recovery, or are unable to attend high school during traditional school hours. PHILOSOPHY: Winfree Academy Charter School’s mission is to create a safe, supportive environment that educates, motivates, and trains learners so they can graduate from high school prepared with the skills and abilities needed for higher education, employment, and life.
I JUST HAD A BABY. HOW DO I FIND A DAY CARE OR PRESCHOOL? To search for a licensed child care center or home, go to the Department of Family and Protective Services website (dfps. state.tx.us). Other resources include DFW Child (dfwchild. com) and Child Care Group (childcaregroup.org). MY CHILD IS READY FOR KINDERGARTEN. WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ENROLLING HER? Kindergarten is encouraged but not required in Texas. Students turning 6 as of Sept. 1 are required to attend school. To enroll your child in any Texas school, you must have: > Birth certificate or other proof of identity > Immunization records > Student records from recently attended school > Proof of residency in the district WHAT IS THE SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR? Public schools begin the last week in August and include 180 days of instruction per year. Each district sets its own holiday calendars, typically including winter and spring breaks. Testing typically takes place in the spring for public schools. Private schools typically start earlier in August, and testing takes place in January or February. WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS FOR PRIVATE OR PAROCHIAL SCHOOL? HOW ABOUT HOME SCHOOLING? You have many options. Explore tea.texas.gov/ for information on charter schools and home schooling. See the map in this section of the book and check out tepsac.org for information on private schools in your area. DOES TEXAS FOLLOW THE NATIONAL COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS? No. Texas does not follow the Common Core State Standards program. State of Texas learning standards are called the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Every grade level and every subject have learning standards that drive curriculum development. WILL MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT NEED TO RETEST FOR GIFTED AND TALENTED? Yes, most likely. You’ll need to confirm with your new district and school. WILL MY MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HAVE TO TEST-IN FOR HIS GRADE LEVEL? HOW ARE THE GRADE LEVELS ALIGNED IN TEXAS? No. If your child has passed the sixth grade in your state, he or she will start in the seventh grade in Texas. Grade-level alignment varies by district. MY SON WILL BE STARTING HIGH SCHOOL RIGHT AFTER WE MOVE. WILL HE BE ABLE TO JOIN THE BASKETBALL TEAM? Each district schedules its own tryouts, summer practices, and calendars. Speak with your new school to determine eligibility. MY DAUGHTER WILL BE STARTING 10TH GRADE. WILL SHE LOSE HER CREDITS TOWARD GRADUATION? Probably not. Meet with your new school counselor as soon as possible to discuss graduation requirements. MY CHILD HAS ALWAYS TAKEN AP CLASSES. WILL THEY BE OFFERED IN TEXAS? WHAT ABOUT DUAL CREDIT? Yes. Most districts in the DFW region offer AP classes, International Baccalaureate programs, and dual-credit WILL TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL BE PROVIDED FOR MY CHILD? It depends. Bus service is provided to students living more than two miles away from their schools. Transport is also provided in cases where students might face hazardous conditions such as crossing a major roadway or a lack of a crossing guard. Confirm with your new school. MY SON HAS AUTISM. WILL THE DISTRICT PROVIDE SERVICES UNTIL THE AGE OF 22? Yes. Your son will continue to be educated under an IEP as dictated by federal and state law. Get in touch with the district as soon as you can to ensure a seamless transition.
IF MY CHILD WANTS TO START COLLEGE AT A PUBLIC TEXAS SCHOOL, DO WE HAVE TO PROVE TEXAS RESIDENCY? Yes. To be classified as a Texas resident and be entitled to pay resident tuition, a person must establish a domicile and maintain continuous residence in Texas for 12 months preceding the school census date.

Possibilities Await You at Parish Episcopal School.