March 2025 Auction - TimeLine Auctions

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Front cover: Lot 3348

Back cover: Lot 3498

Sale Number: 281 & 282

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2865 Celts in Danube Region AR Tetradrachm. Circa 1st century BC.

Imitating Tetradrachms of Thasos, Thrace. Head of Celticized Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath, and with his hair partially knotted at the back and partially falling down the back of his neck / Blundered inscription around, Herakles, nude but for lion’s skin over his left shoulder, standing to left, holding club with his right hand, monogram to inner left. Cf. Göbl OTA Class III/7. 16.81gr, 31mm, 11h. Near Extremely Fine. Wavy flan. £400 - 600

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

2866 Celts in Danube Region AR Tetradrachm. Circa 1st century BC.

Imitating Tetradrachms of Thasos, Thrace. Head of Celticized Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath, and with his hair partially knotted at the back and partially falling down the back of his neck / Ω Ω , Herakles, nude but for laurel wreath and lion’s skin over his left shoulder, standing to left, holding club with his right hand, monogram of MH to inner left. Cf. Lanz 971-4; cf. Göbl OTA ppl. 46-7. For prototype see HGC 6, 359. 15.96gr, 31mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. £400 - 600

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

2867 Celts in Lower Danube AR Tetradrachm. Circa 300-100 BC.

Imitating Alexander III and Philip III of Macedon. Degraded head of Herakles to right / Stylised Zeus seated to left, holding eagle in right hand and sceptre with left. Cf. Lanz 910-932. 13.59gr, 29mm. Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2868 Celts in Lower Danube AR Tetradrachm. Circa 300-100 BC.

Imitating Alexander III and Philip III of Macedon. Degraded head of Herakles to right / Stylised Zeus seated to left, holding eagle in right hand and sceptre with left. Cf. Lanz 910-932. 15.30gr, 30mm. Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Recorded with PAS

2869 Celtic Gaul. Northeast, Ambiani AV Stater. Circa 58-55 BC.

Gallo-Belgic E Series. ‘Gallic War Uniface’ Issue. Plain bulge / Disjointed horse to right; charioteer’s arm, pellets and ‘coffee beans’ above, pellet below. Van Arsdell 52-1; ABC 16; SCBC 11. 6.24gr, 17mm. Extremely Fine. Excellent example, sharply struck and wellcentred. £600 - 800

Found Bures St. Mary, Suffolk, UK, on 26th February 2024.

Accompanied by copy of the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) report no. SF-4D92AF.

From PAS: Known as the ‘Gallic War uniface’ stater, these coins were struck by the Ambiani in northern France almost certainly during the Gallic War [period] (c. 60-50 BC ) and imported into Britain during the late first century BC. These gold coins are frequently found in southern Britain where they circulated in large numbers, and where some [varieties] may also have been produced.

2870 Celtic Britannia. Cantiaci, Thames Nipples Cast Potin. 1st century BC.

Class II. Outline head to right around large central nipple / Crude outline bull to left around large central nipple. ABC 174; BMC 715723; SCBC 64. 1.33gr, 15mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Found Tendring, Essex.

Property of an Essex gentleman.

‘Cheesefoot Head’ Type

2871 Celtic Britannia. Belgae, Unknown Ruler AV Stater. Circa 60-20 BC.

Uninscribed coinage; ‘Cheesefoot Head’ type (SO5-6). Wreath with pelleted bar intersecting, abstract hair and face around / Triple-tailed horse to right with beaded mane, charioteer’s arm above; wheel below, large pelleted sun before and above head(?), annulets and pellet in field. ABC 761; Bean Q1-13; Van Arsdell -; SCBC -. 4.87gr, 17mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Well-centred issue in rose gold with a beautiful smoke-grey toning. Extremely rare. £2,000 - 3,000

Probably found Hampshire, UK.

Property of the vendor’s grandfather, Douglas Howle, Farnborough, UK; thence by descent.

Excessively Rare ‘Rowntree Fern Leaf’ Type

2872 Celtic Britannia. The Trinovantes AV Quarter Stater. Circa 55-45 BC.

Rowntree Fern Leaf type. Wreath crossed by spike with four pellets, crescents below, stylised hair above / Annulate horse to right with ‘leaf-like’ tail, fern-like symbol and ringed-pellet above, ‘cog-wheel’ radiant sun-sign below. ABC 2362; Van Arsdell -; BMC -; DK 442; SCBC -. 1.31gr, 13mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Excessively rare, only a handful recorded. £1,000 - 1,400

Found near Newmarket, Suffolk, UK.

From Chris Rudd Auction 184, lot 25: This splendid coin is packed with detail. The ring-ended, leafy emblem above and in the tribal mare’s tail must be its author’s personal signature, (also on silver unit ABC 2380), while the little split symbol in front, here exceptionally clear, suggests a clan associate. Several dynasts north of the Thames had vegetal emblems as insignia, and we know the names of two who later worked exactly this leafy motif into their stater designs: Tasciovanos (ABC 2553) and Andoco (ABC 2715). Our man’s sons, perhaps? There’s a handsome little hidden face at 6 o’clock on the obverse. See Hidden faces on Celtic coins, Coin News, November 2019, pp.41-43. Not in VA, BMC nor Spink.

2873 Celtic Britannia. Atrebates & Regni, Commius(?) AR Minim. Circa 50-25 BC.

Concave Square (Atrebatic A) type. Square with concave sides, pellet-in-ring at center / Horse leaping to left; wheel above, pellet-inannulet below. Van Arsdell 482-1; ABC 1046; SCBC 59. 0.29gr, 7mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

Cunobelinus Biga

2874 Celtic Britannia. Catuvellauni, Cunobelin AV Quarter Stater. AD 8-41.

CAMVL in tablet over vertical wreath / Biga to left, branch above; wheel and CVNO below. Mack 202; BMC 1836-36a; ABC 2807; SCBC 290. 1.31gr, 11mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Well-centred; rose tone. Rare. £1,000 - 1,400

Found near Fyfield, Essex, UK, in 2021.

Vepocomes Gold Issue

2875 Celtic Britannia. Corieltauvi, Vepo(comes?) AV Stater. Circa AD 15-40.

[Wreath] / Lunate horse to left with triangular head, pellet rosette before, star below, VEP above. ABC 1851; Van Arsdell 905; BMC 3274-75; SCBC 407. 5.32gr, 21mm. Extremely Fine. Beautifully toned around the devices. £1,000 - 1,400

Found Catterick, Yorkshire, UK. From a private Durham, UK, collection.

For the ruler’s full name see ABC note (p.96): Vepo- ‘voice, word’ is the first part of this ruler’s name and -c[o]mes ‘friend, companion, comrade?’ could be the second part or it might - just might - be a Latinate honorific (see ABC 1869 note). The letter F for filius (Latin ‘son’) on many of his coins indicates that Vepo- was probably a son of Cor-, whose full name might be something like Corionos ‘army chief’ or Corrios ‘the dwarf’ (take your pick). Coins inscribed VEP directly followed the uninscribed South Ferriby series. Area date code: NE8-9.

Charming Portrait of Apollo

2876 Celtic Britannia. The Dobunni, Eisv AR Unit. Circa AD 15-30.

Oxo type (Dobunnic F). Head to right, pellet triads for hair, pellet-inring for eye, cross and pellet-in-ring below, pellet-in-arcs behind; four pellet-in ring before / Triple-tailed annulate horse to left; pellet and EI above, pellet and SV below. Van Arsdell 1110; ABC 2081; SCBC 382. 0.68gr, 13mm, 9h. Good Very Fine. Bent flan with associated crack. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

Cotswold Eagle Type

2877 Celtic Britannia. Dobunni AR Unit. Circa 35-30 BC. (Dobunnic B) type. Uninscribed. Stylised head to right; large boss on chin, stalk lips / Triple-tailed horse leaping to left; flower motif below, stylised bird’s head above. Van Arsdell 1042-1 (Corio); ABC 2015; SCBC 377. 0.78gr, 12mm, 4h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

2878 Celtic Britannia. The Dobunni, Eisu Fourrée Unit. AD 15-30.

Celiticized head to right / Celticized horse with triple-tail to left. Cf. ABC 2081; cf. SCBC 382; cf. Van Arsdell 1110. 0.56gr, 12mm. Fair. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2879 Gaul, Massalia AR Obol. Circa 336-310 BC. ‡ Bare head of Apollo to left / M-A within wheel of four spokes. Maurel 360. 0.71gr, 10mm, 4h. Extremely Fine. Small die break on reverse. Sharply detailed; toned with traces of blue-green iridescence on obverse. £350 - 450

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

2880 Calabria, Tarentum AR Drachm. Circa 280-272 BC. Ω- (So-), magistrate. Head of Athena to left, wearing crested Attic helmet ornamented with Skylla hurling rock / Ω , owl standing facing on thunderbolt, with wings open; Ω upwards to right. Vlasto 1068; HN Italy 1018. 3.05gr, 16mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £80 - 100

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Alexander, Son of Neoptolemos of Epirus

2881 Calabria, Tarentum AE 17mm. Alexander the Molossian, King of Epeiros, circa 342-334 BC. Eagle standing to right; tripod to left, laurel spray to right / Thunderbolt, TOY NE to right and left, all within wreath. SNG Copenhagen 90; Vlasto, Alexander, Son of Neoptolemos of Epirus, (NC, 1926), type 16. 3.85gr, 17mm, 8h. Very Fine. Very rare. £80 - 100

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

2882 Lucania, Herakleia AE 12mm. Circa 280-150 BC.

Forepart of horse galloping to right / Owl standing to right on thunderbolt, head facing; A to left. HN Italy 1439; HGC 1, 1016. 2.09gr, 12mm, 7h. Near Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

2883 Lucania, Herakleia AE 12mm. Circa 280-150 BC. Forepart of horse galloping to right / Owl standing to right on thunderbolt, head facing; A to left. HN Italy 1439; HGC 1, 1016. 1.83gr, 12mm, 9h. Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

2884 Lucania, Herakleia AE 14mm. Circa 281-278 BC. Draped bust of Athena facing three-quarters to right, wearing triplecrested Attic helmet; on her left shoulder, shield / HPA-K EIΩN, trophy. SNG Copenhagen 1137; HN Italy 1436. 2.75gr, 14mm, 2h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

2885 Lucania, Metapontion AR Stater. Circa 510-470 BC. ‡ Ear of barley with seven grains; META retrograde downwards to right; all within cable border / Incuse ear of barley with eight grains. Cf. Noe Class IX, 193; HN Italy 1482. 8.11gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £800 - 1,000

Ex Chaponnière & Firmenich SA, Auction 16, 13 November 2022, lot 9b (dealer’s ticket included).

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

2886 Lucania, Metapontion AE 17mm. Circa 250-207 BC. Athena Promachos advancing to right, brandishing spear and shield / Owl standing on grain ear to right, head facing; META upwards to left. Johnston, Bronze 68a; SNG Copenhagen 1254; HN Italy 1704; HGC 1, 1113. 3.44g, 17mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

2887 Sicily, Akragas AE 21mm. Phintias, tyrant, 282-279 BC. Head of Artemis to left, quiver over shoulder / Boar standing to left; [BA I] EO above, INTIA below. CNS 118; SNG ANS 1119-21; HGC 2, 171. 7.26gr, 21mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 295, 4 May 2024, lot 82.

2888 Sicily, Gela AE Onkia. Circa 420-405 BC. Bull butting to right; grain ear and above, pellet (mark of value) in exergue / Head of river-god Gelas to right, grain ear behind. Jenkins 506-8; HGC 2, 383. 1.27gr, 11mm, 10h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 70, 7 May 2020, lot 367 (company’s ticket included).

Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 77, 1 December 2019, lot 820 (company’s ticket included).

2889 Sicily. Messana, The Mamertinoi AE Pentonkion. 211208 BC.

Laureate head of Ares to left; helmet behind neck / Ω , warrior standing to left, holding spear and leading horse to left; (mark of value) before. Särström Series VIII, Group A, 187-99; BAR Issue 24; CNS 25 Ds 1; HGC 2, 849. 12.69gr, 26mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2890 Sicily, Syracuse AE 15mm. Time of the Second Democracy, circa 415-405 BC.

Head of Arethousa to left, with her hair bound by ampyx in the front and sphendone in the back; olive branch behind / YPA, dolphin swimming to right above scallop shell. CNS II, 24; HGC 2, 1480. 3.49gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2891 Sicily, Katane AE Chalkous. Late 3rd century BC. Jugate busts of Serapis, laureate and wearing Atef crown and Isis, wearing signature headdress to right; [X (mark of value) before, grain ear behind] / Apollo standing facing, leaning on column, holding laurel branch and bow; quiver and omphalos to left; KATA-[NAIΩN] to either side. CNS III, 22; HGC 2, 609. 5.27gr, 18mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Münzen Gut-Lynt GmbH, Auction 8, 27 November 2022, lot 12 (company’s ticket included).

2892 Sicily, Syracuse AR 10 Litrai. Time of Hieronymos, circa 215-214 BC.

Diademed head to left / BA I EO IEPΩNYMOY, winged thunderbolt; above. HGC 2, 1567. 8.17gr, 22mm, 9h. Very Fine. £200 - 300

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

2893 Sicily, Syracuse AE 20mm. Roman rule, after 212 BC.

2894 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 27mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z N , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; monogram in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1263-1270; HGC 3.2, 1428. 10.82gr, 27mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2895 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 26mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z NTI , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1257-1262; HGC 3.2, 1428. 9.91gr, 26mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

£20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2896 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 26mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z NT , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1257-1262; HGC 3.2, 1428. 11.12gr, 26mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

£20 - 30

£20 - 30

Diademed head of Serapis to right, wearing atef crown / [ YPAK]O-CIΩN, Isis standing facing, head to left, holding sistrum with right hand and sceptre with left. CNS II, 240 corr. (wreath); HGC 2, 1478. 8.63gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Fine.

Ex Stocker collection, Kent, UK, 1955-early 2000s; collector’s ticket included.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2897 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 26mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z N , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; HP monogram in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1263-1270; HGC 3.2, 1428. 10.58gr, 26mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2898 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 28mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z N , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; monogram in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1271-1275; HGC 3.2, 1428. 9.37gr, 28mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. Struck on a large oval flan. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2899 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 26mm. 300-200 BC.

Veiled and wreathed head of Demeter to right / Z N , Poseidon seated to right on rock, holding aphlaston with right hand and transverse trident with left; HP monogram in inner right field. Schönert-Geiss 1263-1270; HGC 3.2, 1428. 9.14gr, 26mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2900 Thrace, Byzantion in alliance with Kalchedon AE 23mm. 300-200 BC.

Laureate head of Apollo to right / Tripod; Z NTI to right, to left; uncertain countermark. Schönert-Geiss 1283-9; SNG BM Black Sea -; HGC 3.2, 1427. 5.45gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. Rare. £40 - 60

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2901 Macedon, Akanthos AR Diobol. Circa 430-390 BC. ‡ Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet / Quadripartite incuse square; [A-K-A-N] in quadrants. SNG ANS 50; SNG Ashmolean 2218; HGC 3.1, 393. 0.92gr, 11mm. Near Extremely Fine. £100 - 140

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

2902 Macedon, Skione AE 20mm. Circa 400-350 BC. Diademed male head to right / Ω , Corinthian helmet to right; kantharos(?) before. Cf. SNG ANS 716. 6.62gr, 20mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

2903 Kingdom of Macedon, Perdikkas II AR Tetrobol. 451413 BC.

Aigai(?) mint; struck circa 437-431 BC. Rider on horse leaping to right, wearing petasos and holding two spears / Forepart of lion to right; kerykeion to right above, all within incuse square. SNG Alpha Bank 123; HGC 3.1, 792. 2.37gr, 15mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2904 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II AR Tetradrachm. 359336 BC.

Amphipolis mint. Posthumous issue. Struck under Kassander, circa 316-314 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / - O , nude youth, holding palm frond, on horseback to right; aplustre below, pellet-in- beneath raised foreleg. Le Rider pl. 46, 18; Troxell, Studies, Group 9, 323-5; SNG ANS 738-46. NGC graded AU Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5 Fine Style (#8221307-001). £2,000 - 3,000

Property of a County Durham collector; acquired on the UK art market.

Very Rare Left-Facing Issue

2905 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II AR Tetradrachm. 359336 BC.

Pella mint; struck circa 323-315 BC. Posthumous Issue. Laureate head of Zeus to left / I I - OY, horseman riding to right, holding palm branch and bridle; beneath horse’s foreleg, . SNG ANS 430; SNG Alpha Bank 275; Le Rider 439. 13.75gr, 25mm, 7h. Near Very Fine. Very rare left-facing issue. £400 - 600

Private collection of a North London lady before 2000. Property of a London gentleman.

2906 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II AE Unit. 359-336 BC. Uncertain mint in Macedon. Diademed male head to right / , youth on horseback to right; below, spearhead to right. SNG ANS 850-1. 7.85gr, 20mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. Green patina. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2907 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip II AE 11mm. 359-336 BC. Uncertain Macedonian mint. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress / Club to right; - above and below. SNG ANS 979; HGC 3.1, 889. 1.03gr, 11mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2908 Cyprus. Soloi. Pasikrates (Stasikrates) AR Tetradrachm. Circa 330s-310s BC.

In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Struck circa 325/3-319/8 BC. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / , Zeus seated to left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long sceptre in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing to right with closed wings; prow in left field. Zapiti & Michaelidou 24; Price 3094 (Amathos). 16.55gr, 28mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £100 - 140

Private collection of a North London lady before 2000.

Property of a London gentleman.

2909 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip III Arrhidaios AR Tetradrachm. 323-317 BC. ‡

Uncertain mint in Cilicia. Struck under Philotas or Philoxenos, circa 323-317 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / I Ω , Zeus seated to left on high-backed throne, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long sceptre in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing to right with closed wings; wreath in left field, I beneath throne. Price 2949 [Side(?)]; Müller 550. 17.17gr, 26mm, 9h. Extremely Fine. Lustrous metal; gold iridescence around the devices. £1,800 - 2,400

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

Very Rare

2910 Kingdom of Macedon, Philip III Arrhidaios AR Drachm. 323-317 BC.

Sardeis mint; struck under Menander or Kleitos, circa 322-319 BC. In the types of Alexander III. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / , Zeus seated to left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long sceptre in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing to right with closed wings; to left, TI; beneath throne, torch. Price P96. 4.11gr, 17mm, 12h Near Very Fine. Very Rare.

£40 - 60

2913 Illyria, Apollonia AR Drachm. Circa 80/70-48 BC. Ω (Ariston) and (Lysenos), magistrates. Cow standing to left, head reverted, suckling calf; API TΩN above; monogram of AP in exergue / Double stellate pattern in double linear quadrangle; A O - - around. Ceka 27; Maier 63; P&G 66. 3.24gr, 18mm, 3h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2911 Macedon under Roman Rule AR Tetradrachm. Circa 9570 BC.

Uncertain mint. Aesillas, quaestor. Head of the deified Alexander III ‘the Great’ to right; behind neck, MAKE ONΩN around / AESILLAS Q, money chest, club, and chair; pellet beneath chair; all within laurel wreath. SNG Copenhagen 1330 var. (no pellet); HGC 3.1, 1110. 15.18gr, 30mm, 6h. Very Fine. £150 - 200

Ex Numismatik Naumann, Auction 71, 4 November 2018, lot 97.

2912 llyria, Apollonia AR Drachm. Circa 80/70-48 BC. (Agias) and (Epikades), magistrates. Cow standing to left, head reverted, suckling calf; A IA above / Double stellate pattern in double linear quadrangle; E I-KA- OY A O around. P&G 69; Ceka 3; Maier 38; HGC 3, 4. 3,47gr, 17mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2914 Illyria, Dyrrhachion AR Drachm. Circa 80/70-60/55 BC. (Meniskos) and (Lykiskos), magistrates. Cow standing to right, looking back at suckling calf standing to left below; MENI KO above, statue of Isis to right / Double stellate pattern in double linear square; YP Y-KI -KOY around; all within linear circle border. Ceka 325; Maier 278; HGC 3, 40. 2.78gr, 18mm, 5h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2915 Illyria, Dyrrhachion AR Drachm. Circa 250-200 BC. (Meniskos) and (Archippos), magistrates. Cow standing to right, head reverted, suckling calf; MENI KO[ ] above, rudder in exergue / Double stellate pattern in double linear quadrangle; YP AP-[XI - OY] around. Ceka 318; Maier 144; HGC 3, 40. 3.15gr, 18mm, 5h. Near Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

Pedigree Back to 1938

2916 Boeotia, Thebes AR Stater. Circa 390-382 BC. ‡ Wast(ias), magistrate. Boeotian shield / Volute krater with a decorated upper half, barley grain above, FA- T across central field; all within shallow incuse circle. Hepworth 36; BCD Boiotia 494; BMC 120; HGC 4, 1330. 12.14gr, 22mm, 2h. Near Extremely Fine. Attractive old cabinet tone with blue iridescence around the devices on obverse and gold on reverse. £3,000 - 4,000

Ex A. A. Ravel, 1938.

Ex Pozzi 1443v TTB.

Ex Prunier Auction, Numismatic Auction June 2022, 27 June 2022, lot 198. Acquired from Pecunia Numismatics.

Wastias was the pro-Spartan rival of Androkleidas and was instrumental in the latter’s exile and assassination.

2917 Euboia, Histiaia AR Tetrobol. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Wreathed head of the nymph Histiaia to right / - Ω , Nymph seated to right on stern of galley; wing on side of ship, trident head and OP below. BCD Euboia -; HGC 4, 1524. 2.24gr, 15mm, 2h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2918 Euboia, Histaia AR Tetrobol. Circa 350-300 BC.

Wreathed head of the nymph Histiaia to right, hair in sphendone / - Ω , nymph seated to right on prow of galley; wing on prow. BCD Euboia 372; HGC 4, 1524. 1.95gr, 12mm, 11h. Very Fine. £50 - 70

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2919 Attica, Athens AR Tetradrachm. Circa 454-404 BC. Head of Athena with profile eye to right, wearing disc earring, pearl necklace and a crested Attic helmet adorned with three olive leaves and a pi-style palmette / , owl standing to right, head facing the viewer, olive sprig with berry and crescent moon in upper left field, all within incuse square. Kroll 8; Dewing 1591-8; SNG Copenhagen 31; HGC 4, 1597. 17.16gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £300 - 400

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

2920 Sikyonia, Sikyon AR Triobol or Hemidrachm. Circa 330280 BC.

Chimaera standing to left, raising forepaw; I below / Dove flying to left. BCD Peloponnesos 283. 2.34gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2921 Sikyonia, Sikyon AR Triobol or Hemidrachm. Circa 330280 BC.

Chimaera standing to left, raising forepaw; I below / Dove flying to left. BCD Peloponnesos 283. 2.47gr, 15mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2922 Scythia, Geto-Dacians. Koson AR Drachm. Circa 42-29 BC.

2925 Pontos, Amisos (as Peiraieos) AR Siglos-Drachm. Circa 435-370 BC. -(?) (Dio-), magistrate. Head of Hera to left, wearing decorated polos, triple-pendant earring, and necklace / Owl standing facing on shield, with wings spread, I-O(?) across fields, below. HGC 7, 229. 5.55gr, 20mm, 3h. Fine. Test cut. £20 - 30

UK private collection before 2000. Acquired on the UK art market. Property of a London gentleman.

£700 - 900

Roman consul (L. Junius Brutus?) walking to left, accompanied by two lictors; monogram before, KO ΩN in exergue / Eagle with spread wings standing to left on sceptre, clutching laurel wreath in right talon. RPC I 1701C; W. Fischer-Bossert ‘ Ω ’ in H. Schwarzer and H.-H. Nieswandt eds. Man kann es sich nicht prächtig genug vorstellen! Festschrift für Dieter Salzmann zum 65. Geburtstag, I (Münster 2016), type B; HGC 3.2, 2051. 4.41gr, 19mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Rare.

Ex Leu Numismatik AG, Web Auction 24, 3 December 2022, lot 950.

2923 Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion AE 20mm. Circa 310-304/3 BC.

Beardless head of satyr to left; c/m: twelve-rayed star within circular incuse / Head of lion to left, sturgeon to left in exergue, -A-N around; c/m: bow in bow case (cut into die?). MacDonald 70; Anokhin 130; SNG Stancomb 554-5; SNG BM Black Sea 885-9; HGC 7, 114. 6.79gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

MacDonald argues that after the application of these countermarks, coins without them were no longer considered legal tender. There are some examples of the countermarks being engraved directly into the dies, as they became a necessary feature of the design for the coins to circulate legally.

2924 Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion AE 15mm. Circa 250-200 BC.

Wreathed head of Pan to left / beneath bow and arrow. MacDonald 118; HGC 7, 124. 2.67gr, 15mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £80 - 100

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2926 Pontos, Amisos AR Hemidrachm. Circa 300-125 BC. ‡ Demetrios, magistrate. Rhodian standard. Turreted bust of HeraTyche to right / Owl with spread wings standing facing on upturned shield, - -TPIOY across lower fields. SNG Stancomb 665 = SNG von Aulock 53; Recueil général I, 11, 4; SNG BM Black Sea 111820; HGC 7, 234. 1.72gr, 12mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. Attractive old cabinet tone. Scratch on obverse. £180 - 240

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

2927 Pontos, Amisos AE 20mm. Circa 125-100 BC. Head of Artemis to right, wearing stephane, bow and quiver at shoulder / Tripod; AMI- OY across fields. SNG Stancomb 671; SNG BM Black Sea 1139-1140; HGC 7, 240. 8.51gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Black patina. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

2928 Pontos, Amisos AE 22mm. Circa 95-90 BC. Laureate head of Zeus to right / AMI , eagle standing to left, head to right, on thunderbolt; monogram to left. Malloy 14b; HGC 7, 245. 7.16gr, 22mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

Very Rare

2929 Bithynia, Kalchedon AE 20mm. Circa 240-230 BC. Laureate head of Apollo to left; c/m: tripod within circular incuse / - Ω , tripod, monogram of AK below. SNG BM Black Sea 143-5 var. (no monogram); HGC 7, 539 var. (same); RG 37. 6.78gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Very rare with monogram on reverse. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

The Centaur Chiron

2930 Kings of Bithynia, Prusias II Cynegos AE 21mm. Circa 182-149 BC.

Nikomedia mint. Ivy-wreathed head of Dionysos to right / The centaur Chiron walking to right, cloak over shoulder, playing lyre; BA Ω to right, to left, monogram between forelegs. Cf. SNG Copenhagen 639; HGC 7, 629. 6.60gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Chiron was held to be the superlative centaur amongst his brethren, as he was called as the wisest and justest of all the centaurs (Homer, Iliad 11.831). Throughout Greek mythology, there were many heroes who were trained by Chiron, including Achilles, Ajax, Asklepios, Herakles, Jason, Perseus, and Theseus.

2931 Mysia, Iolla AE 12mm. Early-mid 3rd century BC.

Wreathed head of Zeus to right / , forepart of Pegasus to right; [grain ear below]. S&B 16; SNG Arikantürk 586-9. 2.23gr, 12mm, 3h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

2932 Mysia, Kyzikos AE 20mm. 4th century BC.

[KY]-ZI, head of Athena to right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Bird with closed wings standing to right on bucranium; above, symbol; all within wreath. Von Fritze III, Group II, 15, pl. I, 22. 7.25gr, 20mm, 1h. Near Very Fine.

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

2933 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

£20 - 30

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 3.94gr, 13mm. Near Very Fine.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2934 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

£40 - 60

£40 - 60

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 3.94gr, 15mm. Near Very Fine.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2935 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 4.00gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

£40 - 60

A Splendid Tetradrachm of Eumenes I

2936 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 3.92gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2937 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

£40 - 60

2940 Kingdom of Pergamon, Eumenes I AR Tetradrachm. 263-241 BC. ‡

Pergamon mint; struck circa 255/0-241 BC. In the name of Philetairos. Laureate head of Philetairos to right / I ETAIPOY, Athena enthroned to left, supporting shield with her right hand and resting her left elbow on small statue of sphinx; transverse spear rests at her side, ivy leaf above her knee; pellet-in-A monogram on throne, bow on outer right. SNG BnF 1608; De Luynes 2503; Bement 1390; Jameson 1449. 16.99gr, 28mm, 1h. Good Extremely Fine. A bold portrait, struck in high relief. £1,000 - 1,400

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 3.79gr, 13mm. Near Very Fine.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2938 Mysia, Parion AR Drachm. 5th century BC.

£40 - 60

2941 Lesbos, Mytilene AE 19mm. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Head of Zeus to right, with horn of Ammon / Facing herm of Dionysos on prow to right; M-Y T-I in two lines across fields, grape bunch to left, aplustre to right. BMC 132-3; HGC 6, 1048. 5.91gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

£40 - 60

Facing gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Irregular pattern within quadripartite incuse square. SNG Paris 1351-2. 3.85gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine.

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

2939 Mysia, Pergamon AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm. 166-67 BC.

Struck circa 123-95 BC. Group 2. Basket (cista mystica), with halfopen lid, from which snake coils, around, ivy wreath with fruits / Two snakes coiled around a bow case ornamented with aplustre, and containing a strung bow, between the snake heads, MIH monogram, civic monogram of to left, serpent-entwined staff to right. Kleiner, Hoard 184 = ANS 1944.100.37470; Pinder 103. 12.59gr, 26mm, 2h. Very Fine. Very rare variant. £60 - 80

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000; Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

2942 Caria, Knidos AE 19mm. Circa 200-130 BC. Ω (Pantaleon), magistrate. Laureate head of Apollo to right / [ Ω ] [ Ω ], forepart of bull to left, head turned facing. Cf. HN online 732; cf. SNG Keckman 217. 4.24gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

of Damascus seated to left on rock, holding cornucopia; below, rivergod Orontes swimming; to outer left, E above O . Kovacs 137; M&D 19 (Tigranes II); CAA 110 (same); AC 61 (same). 7.14gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Rare. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2943 Phrygia, Apameia AE 19mm. Circa 200-48 BC. Laureate head of Serapis to right, wearing headdress of Isis / A AMEΩN, piloi of Dioscuroi surmounted by star flanking; all within laurel wreath. SNG Copenhagen 160 (‘Zeus’); SNG von Aulock 3465 (same). 6.58gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

2947 Kings of Armenia, Artaxias III 23mm. Posthumous imitation, circa AD 35-54.

Blundered legend around four-pointed Armenian tiara to left; before, star behind / Blundered legend around horse standing to right. Kovacs 194. 10.14gr, 23mm, 11h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

2944 Phrygia, Hierapolis AE 22mm. 2nd century AD. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Z YC BΩZIOC, bare head of Zeus Bozios to right; c/m: female(?) bust to right within rectangular incuse / I PA -Ω- , Apollo holding reins in right hand and bipennis over left shoulder in left, riding horse to right. RPC III, 2358C; BMC Phrygia 42; SNG Copenhagen 429; SNG Munich 223. 5.79gr, 22mm, 1h. Good Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2945 Lykian League, Masikytes AR Hemidrachm. Late 30s27 BC.

Laureate head of Apollo to right, [ ]-Y across fields / Kithara of four strings; [M]-A across upper fields, filleted branch in lower left field; all within shallow incuse square. Troxell, Lycian League, Period IV, Series 5, 107; Müseler -. 1.81gr, 14mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

2948 Seleucid Empire, Seleukos I Nikator AR Tetradrachm. Second satrapy and kingship, 312-281 BC.

Seleukeia on the Tigris II mint. Struck circa 296/5-281 BC. Laureate head of Zeus right / [ Ω ] , Athena, brandishing spear, shield on left arm, in quadriga of elephants to right; above, AYPH monogram beneath shield, to right of anchor. SC 130.43a; ESM 122; HGC 9, 18a. 16.90gr, 25mm, 10h. Near Very Fine. Die break on obverse. £500 - 700

Private collection of a North London lady before 2000. Property of a London gentleman.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

2946 Kings of Armenia, Tigranes II ‘the Great’ AE Tetrachalkon. 95-56 BC.

Damaskos mint. Struck circa 72-70 BC. Draped bust to right, wearing tiara with star and eagles / [ ] Ω[ ] - , Tyche

2949 Seleucid Empire, Seleukos I Nikator AR Tetradrachm. Second satrapy and kingship, 312-281 BC.

Babylon I mint. Struck circa 311-300 BC. In the name and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / I Ω , Zeus seated to left on high-backed throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low foot rest, holding long sceptre in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing to right with closed wings; in left field, [MI above bee]; monogram or MHTP in wreath beneath throne. SC 82.2b; Price 3754; HGC 9, 10f. 16.93gr, 26mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £120 - 140

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

Apparently Unpublished Variety

2950 Seleucid Empire, Antiochos I, co-regent with Seleukos I Nikator AR Tetradrachm. 294-281 BC.

Susa mint; possibly struck in the final years of Seleukos I or early years of Antiochos I, 281-261 BC. In the name of Seleukos I and types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin / I Ω , Zeus seated to left on backless throne, holding long sceptre in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing to right with closed wings; to left, monogram of KP; beneath throne, monogram of . SC - (cf. 399.5&7 for different secondary controls); HGC 9, 125c. 16.91gr, 26mm, 9h. Very Fine. Double struck. Extremely rare; apparently unpublished variety. £100 - 140

From an English collection formed before 2000.

Only a Few Examples Known

2951 Seleucid Empire, Antiochos III AR Drachm. 222-187 BC.

2953 Seleucid Empire, Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypos) AR Tetradrachm. 121/0-97/6 BC. ‡ Ake-Ptolemais mint; struck circa 121-113 BC. Diademed head to right; within fillet border / A EΩ NTIOXOY E I ANOY , Zeus Ouranios, draped, standing facing, head to left, holding star in outstretched right hand and long sceptre in left; crescent above, monogram of in field; all within laurel wreath border. SC 2336.2; HGC 9, 1197h. 16.59gr, 30mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Lustrous metal, lightly toned. £700 - 900

Acquired in the USA, November 2010.

Very Rare Symbol

2954 Seleucid Empire, Antiochos VIII Epiphanes (Grypos) AE 20mm. 121/0-97/6 BC.

Antioch on the Orontes mint. Third reign at Antioch, 109-96 BC. Diademed head to right / BA I EΩ ANTIOXOY E I ANOY , filleted double cornucopiae; [monogram to outer left], pileus to inner left. SC 2313.1e; HGC 9, 1213. 8.21gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. Very rare variety with pileus as symbol. £40 - 60

£100 - 140

Uncertain mint of the periphery of the Seleucid empire. Diademed head to right / BA I EΩ ANT-IOXOY, Apollo Delphios seated on omphalos to left, holding arrow with his right hand and resting his left on a bow leaning against the omphalos behind him; AP and MYP monograms placed sideways to outer left. SC 1292 corr. (reading of the monograms) = BnF, R 2176; HGC 9, 452o (R3). 4.11gr, 17mm, 3h. Very Fine. Exceedingly rare.

UK private collection before 2000. Acquired on the UK art market. Property of a London gentleman.

2952 Seleucid Empire, Alexander I Balas AR Tetradrachm. 152-145 BC.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2955 Seleucid Empire, Antiochos XII Dionysos AE 22mm. 87/6-83/2 BC.

Antioch on the Orontes mint. Dated SE 165 (148/7 BC). Diademed head to right / Zeus Nikephoros enthroned to left holding sceptre; BA I EΩ A E AN POY to right, EO ATOPO EYEP ETOY to left, E P (date) and monogram in exergue. SC 1784.4c; HGC 9, 875a. 15.04gr, 28mm, 1h. Very Fine.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman. Ex Roma Numismatics Ltd, E-Sale 108, 13 April 2023, lot 543.

£100 - 140

Damaskos mint. Struck 87-86/5 BC. Diademed and draped bust to right / BACI EΩC ANTIOXOV E I ANOVC in three lines to right, I O- ATOPOC KA - INIKOV in two lines to left; Tyche standing to left, holding cornucopia with left hand and palm frond horizontally with right; in outer left field. SC 2473; HGC 9, 1327. 6.88gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Extremely Rare Antiochian Tetradrachm

2956 Sextus Julius Caesar, Proconsul AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. 47-46 BC. ‡

In the name and types of the Seleucid king Philip I Philadelphos. Dated year 3 of the Caesarean Era (47/6 BC). Diademed head to right / Ω , Zeus

Nicephorus seated to left; monogram of AYT to inner left, (date) above thunderbolt in exergue; all within laurel wreath. RPC I 4127; McAlee 4; Prieur 4; SC 2491.1; HGC 9, 1360a. 15.57gr, 27mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. Beautiful old cabinet tone. Extremely rare, Prieur recorded just two examples. £350 - 450

Ex Nomos AG, obolos 20, 3 October 2021, lot 1016.

From a North American collection.

The Second Specimen on the Market

2957 Phoenicia, Berytus AE 20mm. Circa 40-30 BC. Laureate head of Baal-Berit (Poseidon) to right, wearing kalathos; trident over shoulder / [ ]- Ω , Nike advancing to right, holding palm in left hand and wreath in right. BMC Phoenicia 26, pl. VII 15; Rouvier 474 (date above Baal’s head). 6.45gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. Extremely rare; only one other example on CoinArchives (Münzen & Medaillen Deutschland 20, 784). £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2958 Phoenicia, Sidon. `Abd`aštart (Straton) I AR 1/16 Shekel. Dated RY 12(?) (354/3 BC). Phoenician galley to left; [date] above, waves below / Persian king or hero, holding dagger and standing to right, fighting lion standing to left on its hind legs; Phoenician letters Bet and Ayin between; all within incuse square. Cf. E&E-S Group IV.2.4.f; cf. DCA 853; HGC 10, 245. 0.54gr, 9mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market; Ex property of an Essex, UK, collector.

2959 Phoenicia, Sidon AR Shekel-Tetradrachm. 107/6 BCAD 43/4. ‡

Dated CY 5 (107/6 BC). Veiled, draped, and turreted bust of Tyche to right, wearing single-pendant earring and pearl necklace / I ΩNIΩN, eagle standing to left on ram of galley; palm frond in background; to left, L E (date) above monogram of . Rouvier 1305; Prieur -; HGC 10, 275. 13.79gr, 29mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Nicely toned. Rare. £1,000 - 1,400

Acquired in 1995. From a private collection.

2960 Phoenicia, Marathos AE 20mm. 175/4-170/69 BC. Dated CY 84 (176/5 BC). Laureate and draped bust of Ptolemy VI (?) as Hermes to right, with kerykeion over left shoulder / Marathos advancing to left, holding aphlaston in his right hand; to outer right, ‘Amrit’ in Phoenician; to outer left, ‘year 84’ in Phoenician. DCA 832; HGC 10, 194. 6.02gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

2961 Decapolis, Gadara AE 20mm. 1st century BC.

Dated year 18 of the Pompeian Era (47/6 BC). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Turreted, veiled, and draped bust of Tyche to right; palm frond over shoulder / -[ ] , cornucopia; L IH (date) to inner left. Spijkerman 4; SNG ANS 1287; Sofaer 5. 4.49gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. Rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2962 Judaea, John Hyrcanus I AE Prutah. 135-104 BCE. Jerusalem mint. Yehohanan the High Priest and head of the Council of the Jews in paleo-Hebrew within wreath / Two cornucopiae splayed outward, adorned with ribbons; pomegranate/poppy between. Hendin 6172; TJC B; Sofaer 30-64. 2.73gr, 12mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2963 Judaea. Hasmoneans, Alexander Jannaios (Yehonatan) AE Prutah. 103-76 BCE.

Jerusalem mint. BA I EΩ A E AN POY, anchor / Yehonatan the King in paleo-Hebrew between rays of eight-rayed star; all within diadem. Hendin 6189; Meshorer Group K; HGC 10, 637. 3.33gr, 15mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2964 Judaea, Mattathias Antigonos (Mattatayah) AE Eight Prutot. 40-37 BCE.

Jerusalem mint. ‘Mattatayah the High Priest and Council of the Jews’ in Paleo-Hebrew script around double cornucopiae / [B]ACI E[ΩC ANTI ONOY] around wreath. Meshorer 36; Hendin 1162; HGC 10, 646. 14.43gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. Off-centre. £60 - 80

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 499, 1 September 2021, lot 297.

2965 Judaea. Herodians, Herod I AE Eight Prutot. 40-4 BCE. Mint in Samaria (Sebaste?). Dated RY 3 (38/7 BCE). Pileus on couch topped by star; two palm branches above / HPΩ OY BA I Ω , tripod; L (date) to left, monogram of TP to right. RPC I, 4901; Meshorer 44; Hendin 1169. 4.74gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2966 Judaea. Herodians, Herod I AE Half Prutah. 40-4 BCE. Jerusalem mint. Circa 37-34 BCE. Cornucopia; [BACI] to left, HP to right / Eagle standing to right. Hendin GBC 6, 6221; Hendin GBC 5, 1190; TJC 66; RPC I 4909. 0.75gr, 14mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2967 Judaea, Herod I AE Prutah. 40-4 BCE. Small diadem; inscription around / Tripod table within dotted circle. Hendin 6214; TJC 54; Sofaer 24. 1.15gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine.

£20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2968 Judaea, Herod I AE Prutah. 40-4 BCE. Jerusalem mint. [...] - [...], small diadem with cross / Tripod table within dotted circle. Hendin 6212; TJC 51; RPC I 4906. 1.45gr, 14mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2969 Judaea, Herod I AE Prutah. 40-4 BCE. Small diadem / Tripod table within dotted circle. Hendin 6214; TJC 54; Sofaer 24. 1.22gr, 14mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2970 Judaea. Herodians, Herod II Archelaus AE Half Prutah. Circa 4 BCE-6 CE.

Jerusalem mint. Prow to left; HP[ ] anticlockwise around / [ N] within wreath. RPC I 4916; TJC 72; Hendin 1197. 1.66gr, 15mm, 3h. Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2971 Judaea. Herodians, Herod II Archelaos AE Prutah. 4 BCE-CE 6.

Jerusalem mint. HP OY, bunch of grapes and vine leaf on stem / NAPXO, crested helmet; caduceus in left field. RPC I, 4917; TJC 73; Hendin 1196. 2.59gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2974 Judaea. Herodians, Agrippa I AE Prutah. 37-43 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 6 (41/2 CE). [B]ACI C A [PI A], canopy / Three ears of corn; L (date) across fields. RPC I 4981; TJC 120; Hendin GBC 6, 6274; Hendin GBC 5, 1244; Sofaer 153-6. 2.34gr, 17mm, 10h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2975 Judaea. Herodians, Agrippa I AE Prutah. 37-43 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 6 (41/2 CE). BACI C A PI A, canopy / Three ears of corn; [L] (date) across fields. RPC I 4981; TJC 120; Hendin GBC 6, 6274; Hendin GBC 5, 1244; Sofaer 153-6. 2.90gr, 17mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2972 Judaea. Herodians, Agrippa I AE Prutah. 37-43 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 6 (41/2 CE). BAC[I C A PI] A, canopy / Three ears of corn; L (date) across fields. RPC I 4981; TJC 120; Hendin GBC 6, 6274; Hendin GBC 5, 1244; Sofaer 153-6. 2.59gr, 17mm, 10h. Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2976 Judaea. Herodians, Agrippa I AE Prutah. 37-43 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 6 (41/2 CE). [BACI] [ ]C A PI A, canopy / Three ears of corn; L (date) across fields. RPC I 4981; TJC 120; Hendin GBC 6, 6274; Hendin GBC 5, 1244; Sofaer 153-6. 2.92gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2977 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

2973 Judaea. Herodians, Agrippa I AE Prutah. 37-43 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 6 (41/2 CE). BACI [ C A PI A], canopy / Three ears of corn; [L] (date) across fields. RPC I 4981; TJC 120; Hendin GBC 6, 6274; Hendin GBC 5, 1244; Sofaer 153-6. 2.66gr, 18mm, 10h. Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 2.87gr, 15mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2978 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 2.48gr, 16mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2979 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 2.25gr, 15mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2980 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 3 (68/9 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year three’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad, two handles and a lid / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 204; Sofaer 31-35; Hendin GBC 6, 6392; Hendin GBC 5, 1363. 1.67gr, 15mm, 5h. Near Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2981 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 1.81gr, 16mm, 6h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2982 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 2.79gr, 17mm, 6h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2983 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 1.90gr, 15mm, 5h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2984 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. Dated Year 2 (67/8 CE).

Jerusalem mint. ‘Year two’ in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 2.56gr, 16mm, 6h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2985 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. 66-70 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated year 3 (68/9 CE). ‘Year three’ in PaleoHebrew, amphora with broad rim, two handles and a lid / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 204; Sofaer 31-35; Hendin GBC 6, 6392; Hendin GBC 5, 1363. 2.26gr, 16mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2986 Judaea. First Jewish War AE Prutah. 66-70 CE. Jerusalem mint. Dated year 2 (67/8 CE). ‘Year two’ (retrograde) in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ‘The freedom of Zion’ in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril. TJC 196a; Sofaer 11-4; Hendin GBC 6, 6389; Hendin GBC 5, 1360. 3.02gr, 18mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. Very rare with retrograde inscription. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2987 Judaea. Uncertain dynasty AE 14mm. 1st century BCE. Two cornucopiae splayed outward / Uncertain symbol (Shewbread table?). 1.39gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine. £100 - 140

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2988 Nabataea, Anonymous AE 12mm. Circa 3rd-2nd century BC.

Petra(?) mint. Imitating staters of Alexander III of Macedon. Stylised helmetted head of Athena to right / Stylised Nike advancing to left, holding wreath and palm; [crescent above (?)] in left field. Cf. CN 2; HGC 10, 671. 2.60gr, 12mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2989 Nabataea, Obodas II, with Hagaru I AE 24mm. Circa 309 BC.

Petra mint. Dated RY 6 or 7 (25/4 or 24/3 BC). Jugate diademed and draped busts of Obodas and Hagaru to right / Crossed cornucopiae; ‘Obodas the king, king of the Nabataeans year 6 (or 7)’ in Aramaic around, O- across fields. Cf. CN 38a or 42a; cf. Barkay, King 19A or 23A; cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 26. 11.35gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Extremely Rare Issue of Obodas


2990 Nabataea, Obodas II AE 23mm. Circa 30-9 BC.

Petra mint. Dated RY 4 (27/6 BC). Diademed and draped bust to right / Filleted cornucopia to right(?); ‘Obodas the king, king of the Nabataeans’ in Aramaic around, ‘Year 4’ across field. Cf. CN 31; Meshorer, Nabataea -; DCA -. 9.33gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Extremely rare; only one other example on CoinArchives (CNG e541, 198). £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2991 Nabataea, Syllaios, Usurper and Aretas IV AE 15mm. Circa 9-6 BC.

Petra mint. Diademed head to right; shin in Aramaic behind / Crossed cornucopiae; shin in Aramaic between, th in Aramaic to right. Meshorer, Nabataea 43; Sofaer 32. 2.79gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2992 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 15mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa AD 17/8-39/40. Laureate head to right; Aramaic letter th to right / ‘Aretas’ in Aramaic within wreath. Meshorer, Nabataea 115; CN 189. 1.85gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2993 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE Quarter Unit. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint. Struck circa AD 1/2. Laureate head to right / Quarter (in Nabataean, mark of value) within wreath. CN 134; Meshorer, Nabataea 81. 2.60gr, 14mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2994 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 14mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa AD 17/8-39/40. Laureate head to right; [Aramaic letter th before?] / ‘Aretas’ in Aramaic within wreath. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 115; cf. CN 189. 2.16gr, 14mm, 11h. Very Fine

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2995 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE Quarter Unit. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint. Struck circa AD 1/2. Laureate head to right / Quarter (in Nabataean, mark of value) within wreath. CN 134c; Meshorer, Nabataea 82. 2.42gr, 14mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

2998 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 15mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck circa AD 17/8-39/40. Laureate head to right; Aramaic letter th to right / ‘Aretas’ in Aramaic within wreath. Meshorer, Nabataea 115; CN 189. 2.15gr, 15mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2999 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 18mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; dated RY 4 (6/5 BC). Laureate head to right; Aramaic th and [semkath] flanking neck / Huldu standing to left, raising her right hand; date to right, Aramaic th and semkath across fields. CN 108; Meshorer, Nabataea 56. 5.78gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 529, 14 December 2022, lot 343.

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

2996 Nabataea, Aretas IV(?) AE 15mm. 9 BC-AD 40. Petra mint. Laureate head to right / Crossed cornucopiae. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 73a; cf. Sofaer 48. 3.31gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

2997 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 11mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa 8/7 BC-AD 15/6. Aramaic letter h th within laurel wreath / Eagle to left with wings closed; Aramaic letter th behind. CN 156; Schmitt-Korte II, 64. 1.14gr, 11mm, 1h. Very Fine.

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3000 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE Quarter Unit. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint. Struck circa AD 1/2. Laureate head to right / Quarter (in Nabataean, mark of value) within wreath. CN 134c; Meshorer, Nabataea 82. 2.09gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3001 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 13mm. Circa 9 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa 8/7 BC - AD 15/6. Laureate head to right / Crossed cornucopiae; Aramaic letter th in between. Meshorer, Nabataea 70; CN 96. 2.09gr, 13mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3002 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 13mm. Circa 9 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa 8/7 BC - AD 15/6. Laureate head to right / Crossed cornucopiae; Aramaic letter th in between. Meshorer, Nabataea 70; CN 96. 1.71gr, 13mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3003 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 16mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa AD 17/8-39/40. Laureate head to right; [Aramaic letter th to right?] / ‘Aretas’ in Aramaic within wreath. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 115; cf. CN 189. 1.52gr, 16mm, 11h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3004 Nabataea, Aretas IV AE 14mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40. Petra mint; struck circa AD 17/8-39/40. Laureate head to right; [Aramaic letter th to right?] / ‘Aretas’ in Aramaic within wreath. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 115; cf. CN 189. 2.01gr, 14mm, 10h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3005 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 17mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right; [H] - F in Aramaic across fields / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Meshorer, Nabataea 114. 3.37gr, 17mm, 11h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3006 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 19mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right; [H F?] in Aramaic across fields / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 114. 4.09gr, 19mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3007 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 17mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right; [H F] in Aramaic across fields / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Meshorer, Nabataea 114. 3.54gr, 17mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.


BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Cf. CN 188a (letters above Shaqilat’s head). 4.21gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.


18mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right; [H F] in Aramaic across fields / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Meshorer, Nabataea 114. 3.90gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 18mm. 9
Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE

3010 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 15mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint. Undated, but attributed to years AD 26-48. Aretas, in military attire, standing facing, head to left, holding spear and sword; Aramaic ligate letters to top right, palm frond to left / Shaqilat, veiled, standing to left, raising hand; ‘Shaqilat’ in Aramaic to right, wreath to left. CN 187a; cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 69. 2.75gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3011 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Phasael AE 13mm. Circa 9/8 BC-AD 40.

3014 South Arabia, Saba’ AR Unit. Circa 3rd century BC. Imitating Athens. Head of Athena to right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves and palmette, and disc earring; N (in retrograde South Arabian) (mark of value) on cheek / A [E], owl standing to right, head facing, olive spray and crescent to left. Huth 160; HGC 10, 720. 4.93gr, 15mm, 6h. Very Fine. £80 - 100

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

Petra mint. Struck circa 5/4 BC. Laureate head to right; th in Aramaic before, [mark behind] / Crossed cornucopiae; Pha a (in Nabataean) between. Meshorer, Nabataea 64A. 2.09gr, 13mm, 11h. Very Fine.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3012 Nabataea, Rabbel II, with Gamilat AR Sela’-Drachm. AD 70/1-105/6.

Petra mint. Uncertain date, but circa RY 17-22 (AD 86/7-91/2). Laureate head of Rabbel to right; [date in legend behind] / Veiled and draped bust of Gamilat to right. Cf. CN 230-4; cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 151-4; DCA2 1052. 3.27gr, 13mm, 1h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531, 25 January 2023, lot 367.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 560, 17 April 2024, lot 257.

3013 Nabataea, Anonymous AE 17mm. Mid 2nd century BC. Petra(?) mint. Imitating staters of Alexander III of Macedon. Helmetted head of Athena to right / Nike standing to left, holding wreath and placing hand on uncertain object. Barkay, Earliest, Group 3; CN 3; HCG 10, 671. 3.59gr, 17mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 533, 22 February 2023, lot 259.

3015 Arabia, Mleiha. Imitative Abi’el BI Tetradrachm. Circa 1st century BC-2nd century AD.

In the types of Alexander III of Macedon. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress; dot on cheek / Figure seated to left, holding sceptre and horse in outstretched hand; ‘b’l in Aramaic to right, palm tree before, trident-like symbol in inner left field, pellets behind, above and beneath strut of throne. Cf. Huth 130-5; HGC 10, 689. 16.36gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £400 - 600

UK private collection before 2000. Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of a London gentleman.

3016 Kings of Parthia, Uncertain Usurper (Tiridates I?) BI Tetradrachm. April/May-October/December 27 BC. Seleukia on the Tigris mint. Dated Daisios 285 SE (May, 27 BC). Draped and bearded bust to left, wearing diadem and three-band torque / King seated to left, holding Nike who crowns him with wreath, and sceptre, pellet between feet; Ω Ω around, (year) under throne, I (month) in exergue. Sellwood 55.5-6 (Tiridates I); Callataÿ 128 (Phraates IV); BMC -. 10.63gr, 30mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Scratches in obverse field. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3017 Kings of Parthia. Pakoros I AR Drachm. AD 78-120. Ekbatana mint. Diademed and draped bust to left, with long beard / Archer (Arsakes I) seated to right, no throne base visible, holding bow; monogram beneath bow. Sellwood 78.3 (Vologases III); cf. Sunrise 439 (throne base represented by two dots); Shore 413 (Vologases III). 3.62gr, 22mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3018 Kings of Parthia. Vologases VI AR Drachm. Circa AD 208-228.

Ekbatana mint. Diademed bust to left, wearing tiara with ear flap; wl in Aramaic behind / Archer (Arsakes I) seated to right on throne, holding bow, monogram below. Sellwood 88.19; Sunrise 459. 3.70gr, 19mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £50 - 70

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3019 Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom, Antimachos I Theos AR

Tetradrachm. Circa 180-170 BC. ‡

Diademed and draped bust to right, wearing kausia / BA I EΩ ANTIMAXOY, Poseidon, laureate, standing facing, holding trident with right hand and filleted palm with left; monogram of to inner right. Bopearachchi 1A; SNG ANS 274-5; HGC 12, 106. 17.30gr, 34mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. Professionally cleaned. £1,200 - 1,700

Acquired in 1995.

From a private collection.

3020 Graeco-Bactrian Kingdom, Eukratides I Megas AR Obol. Circa 170-145 BC.

Diademed and draped bust to right / Caps of the Dioskouroi, each with palm frond; Ω to right, to left, monogram below. Bopearachchi 3C; HGC 12, 138. 0.68gr, 12mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3021 Indo-Greek Kingdom, Menander I Soter AR Drachm. Circa 155-130 BC.

BA I EΩ ΩTHPO MENAN POY, diademed and draped bust to right / ‘Maharajasa tratarasa Menamdrasa’ (Of the Great King Menander the Savior) in Kharosthi, Athena Alkidemos standing to left, wielding thunderbolt and shield; monogram of AY to left. Bopearachchi 13A; Mitchiner 215t; SNG ANS 771-3; HGC 12, 191. 2.47gr, 17mm, 11h. Near Extremely Fine. £50 - 70

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Naville Numismatics Ltd., Auction 86, 17 December 2023, lot 84 (dealer’s ticket included).

3022 Indo-Parthians. Gondopharid Dynasty, Sases (Gondophares-Sases) BI Tetradrachm. Circa AD 19/20-46. King on horseback to right, raising right hand; tamgha to right; Kharosthi A beneath horse / Zeus standing to right, raising right hand and holding sceptre with left; nandipada to left; va above pa in Kharosthi to right; Greek A between Zeus’ legs. Senior 242.615T. 9.42gr, 21mm, 10h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3023 Indo-Scythians, Azes AR Tetradrachm. Circa 58-12 BC. Ω Ω , king on horseback to right, holding whip; letter in Kharosthi before / Athena standing to right, holding spear and shield in left hand and raising right; monogram to left, (retrograde) and monogram to right. Senior 98.324T. 8.95gr, 24mm, 3h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3024 Indo-Scythians. Apracharajas, Vijayamitra BI Tetradrachm. Circa 12 BC-AD 20.

3028 India, Post-Mauryan (Deccan). Satavahanas (Andhras), ri Satakar i BI Karshapana. Circa 70-60 BC.

Elephant with raised trunk standing to right; legend in Brahmi above / Satavahana symbol. AICR 675; MACW 4941-52. 2.13gr, 19mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£60 - 80

In the name of Azes. Azes on horseback to right, holding whip; ‘va’ in Kharosthi to right / Athena standing to right, raising hand in benediction and holding spear and shield; nandipada to left; monogram to right. Senior 175.205T; HGC 12, 716. 9.27gr, 22mm, 4h. Good Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000.

Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3029 India, Post-Mauryan (Deccan). Satavahanas (Andhras), ri Satakar i BI Karshapana. Circa 70-60 BC.

Elephant with raised trunk standing to right; [legend in Brahmi above] / Satavahana symbol. AICR 675; MACW 4941-52. 1.88gr, 19mm. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£20 - 30

3025 Indo-Scythians, Azes AR Drachm. Circa 58-12 BC. BA I EΩ BA I EΩN ME A OY AZOY, king on horseback riding to right, ‘Ti’ in Karosthi before horse / Pallas Athena standing to right holding spear and shield, right arm extended in benediction, monogram to left and right. HGC 12, 653. 2.49gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

Ex A.G. & S.Gillis, South Yorkshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3026 Indo-Scythians, Azes AR Drachm. Circa 58-12 BC. Pallas Series. BA I EΩ BA I EΩN ME A OY AZOY, king on horseback to right, holding spear / Athena Alkidemos standing to left, holding shield and thunderbolt; monogram to left; a in Kharosthi to right. Senior 90.20D; HGC 12, 646. 2.32gr, 17mm, 1h. Very Fine. £50 - 70

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3030 Kushan Empire, time of Kujula Kadphises to Vima Takto AE Didrachm. AD 80-113.

Uncertain (possibly Begram) mint. Soter Megas issue. Radiate and diademed bust to right, holding sceptre; tamgha to left / [ C V C ] V C [ C], King on horseback to right, holding axe; tamgha to lower right. ANS Kushan 186-95; Senior B17.1vT (listed as tetradrachm); Donum Burns 60. 8.25gr, 20mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3031 Kushan Empire, Vasudeva I CU Tetradrachm. Circa AD 190-230.

3027 Indo-Scythians, Azes AE 27mm. Circa 58-12 BC. Round module. Ω Ω , zebu standing to right on ground line; monogram above; a in Kharosthi to right / ‘Rajadirajasa’ in Kharosthi, lion standing to right on ground line; monogram above. Senior 102.110; HGC 12, 657. 13.00gr, 27mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

Main mint in Kapisha (Begram?). Middle phase. Vasudeva, nimbate, helmeted, and diademed, standing facing, head to left, sacrificing over altar and holding trident; to left, trident with additional crossbar / Ithyphallic Siva standing facing, holding garland or diadem and trident; behind, the bull Nandi standing to left; tamgha to right. MK 1000; ANS Kushan 1103-5; Donum Burns 481-5. 9.79gr, 24mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3032 Kushano-Sasanians, Ohrmazd (Hormizd) I AE 14mm. Circa AD 270-300.

Uncertain mint in Bactria (probably Balkh). Draped bust of Hormizd I to right, wearing lion headdress with lotus blossom above, Pahlavi inscription around / Half-length bust of exalted god Ahuramazda, holding ribboned diadem and spear, emerging from fire altar with ribbons, Pahlavi inscription around. Cf. MK 1052; cf. ANS Kushan 2225-2236. 2.04gr, 14mm, 3h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3033 Sasanian Kingdom, Sabuhr (Shahpur) AV Dinar. AD 240-272. ‡

Mint I (Ctesiphon). Phase 2, circa AD 260-272. mzdysn bgy šhpwhry MRK’n MRK’ ‘yr’n MNW ctry MN yzd’n in Pahlavi, diademed bust to right, wearing mural crown with korymbos; one pellet above and two pellets below diadem ties / nwr’zy in Pahlavi to right, šhpwhry in Pahlavi to left; fire altar flanked by two attendants wearing mural crowns; fravahr to left of flames. SNS type IIc/1b, style P, group d/1; Saeedi AV5; Sunrise 740. 7.44gr, 22mm, 3h. Extremely Fine. £3,500 - 4,500

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

3034 Sasanian Kingdom. Peroz I AR Drachm. AD 457/9-484. AY ( r n-xvarrah-Š buhr [Susa]) mint. Struck circa AD 477-484. Type 3. Bust to right, wearing crown with two wings, frontal crescent, and korymbos set on crescent, ribbon over each shoulder / Fire altar with ribbons; flanked by two attendants; star and crescent flanking flames. SNS type IIIb/1e; Sunrise -. 3.91gr, 27mm, 3h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3035 Sasanian Kingdom, P r z (F r z) I AR Drachm. AD 457/9-484.

AS (Aspah n) mint. Struck circa AD 458-465. Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with frontal crescent and korymbos set on crescent, legends flanking; ribbons on shoulders; all within single border / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within single border. Cf. SNS type IIa/1d; Sunrise -. 4.10gr, 28mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Very Rare Mint

3036 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) I AR Drachm. AD 531-579.

KR (Kirman) mint. Dated RY 30 (AD 561). Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with frontal crescent and korymbos set on crescent, stars and legends flanking, ribbons on shoulders; all within single border with crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within single border. 4.05gr, 30mm, 3h. Good Very Fine. Very rare mint. £20 - 30

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3037 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) I AR Drachm. AD 531-579.

GD (Gay) mint. Dated RY 29 (AD 559). Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with frontal crescent and korymbos set on crescent, stars flanking; ribbons on shoulders, crescent before; all within single border with crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within single border. Göbl type II/2. 4.01gr, 30mm, 4h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3038 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 590-628.

3041 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 591-628.

£20 - 30

NAL (N rmashir?) mint. Dated RY 37 (AD 627/8). Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings and star set on crescent; all within double border with star-in-crescents and legend in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within triple border with star-in-crescents in margin. Göbl type II/3. 2.92gr, 29mm, 3h. Good very fine.

Ex property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3039 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 591-628.

WYHC (Veh-az-Amid-Kav d) mint. Dated RY 36 (AD 627). Cuirassed bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings; stars flanking, ribbons on shoulders; all within double border with star-in-crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within triple border with star-in-crescents in margin. Göbl type II/3. 4.11gr, 32mm, 3h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3042 Hunnic Tribes. Hephthalites, Anonymous AR Drachm. Before AD 700.

£20 - 30

ŠY (Shiraz) mint. Dated RY 30? (AD 621). Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings and star-in-crescent; stars and legends flanking, ribbons on shoulders; all within double border with star-in-crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within triple border with star-in-crescents in margin. 4.06gr, 32mm, 10h. Very Fine. Flan crack to 2h.

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

Rare Mint

3040 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 591-628.

NH / WH (Nahr Tire?) mint; uncertain date. Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings and star set on crescent; starin-crescent before; all within double border with star-in-crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; all within triple border with star-in-crescents in margin. For mint’s initials see Göbl, Tafel XVI, 51. 3.85gr, 32mm, 9h. Very Fine. Rare mint. £20 - 30

Ex property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Countermarked Kirman mint issue of Husrav (Khosrau) II dated RY 31. Crowned Sassanian style bust to right; c/m: forepart of senmerv / Fire altar flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames. For coin see SC Tehran 2181-2; for c/m see Göbl, Dokumente KM 3. 3.95gr, 33mm, 9h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3043 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 591-628.

GD (Gay) mint; uncertain date. Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings, frontal crescent and star-in-crescent; stars and legends flanking, ribbon on shoulders, crescent before; all within double border with star-in-crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within triple border, with star-in-crescents in margin. Cf. SC Tehran 2613-6. 4.00gr, 30mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Unlisted Countermark

3044 Sasanian Kingdom, Husrav (Khosrau) II AR Drachm. AD 591-628.

3047 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Artaxerxes I to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 450-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IIIb (late). Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding transverse spear and bow / Oblong incuse punch; countermark: unlisted (cf. 42). Carradice Type IIIb. 5.49gr, 15mm. Good Fine. £40 - 60

£20 - 30

AM ( mul) mint. Dated RY 35 (AD 626). Draped bust to right, wearing mural crown with two wings and star-in-crescent; stars and legends flanking, ribbons on shoulders, crescent to right; all within double border with star-in-crescents in margin / Fire altar with ribbons flanked by attendants; star and crescent flanking flames; date to left, mint to right; all within triple border, with star-in-crescents in margin. 4.01gr, 31mm, 3h. Good Very Fine.

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3045 Kings of Elymais, Kamnaskires III, with Anzaze Fourrée Tetradrachm. Circa 82/1-73/2 BC.

Seleukeia on the Hedyphon. Undated issue. Conjoined busts to right of Kamnaskires, diademed, draped, wearing long beard and torque and to left Queen Anzaze, draped, wearing stephane and necklace; Seleukid anchor behind / BACI EΩC [KA]MNACKI[POY] KAI BACI ICCH[C ANZAZHC]; Zeus seated to left on throne, holding Nike, who crowns him, with his right hand and sceptre with left. For prototype cf. van’t Haaff Type 7.1.1-1-6a. 11.50gr, 28mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. Areas of delamination and double struck of reverse.

Acquired on the UK market before 2000; Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

£250 - 350

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

3048 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Artaxerxes I to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 450-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IIIb (late). Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding transverse spear and bow / Oblong incuse punch. Carradice Type IIIb. 5.49gr, 16mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

C/m: 42

3046 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Xerxes I to Darius II AR Siglos. Circa 485-420 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IIIb (early), style B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding transverse spear and bow / Oblong incuse punch. Carradice Type IIIb, Groups A/B (pl. XIII, 31). 5.56gr, 16mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3049 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Artaxerxes I to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 450-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IIIb (late). Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding transverse spear and bow / Oblong incuse punch; countermark: 42. Carradice Type IIIb. 5.65gr, 15mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

Unlisted Countermarks

3050 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Artaxerxes I to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 450-375 BC.

3053 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle)

£40 - 60

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IIIb (late). Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding transverse spear and bow / Oblong incuse punch; countermark: 7. Carradice Type IIIb. 5.49gr, 17mm. Near Very Fine.

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

3051 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes mint or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle) B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left / Oblong incuse punch with uncertain design (scarab?). Carradice Type IV, Group B; BMC Arabia pl. XXVI, 17; for another example with similar reverse design cf. Leu Numismatik, Web 31, 704. 5.54gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine. Very rare with this design on reverse. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

C/ms: 53 & Unlisted

3052 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes mint or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle). Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left / Oblong incuse punch; countermarks: 53 & unlisted. Carradice Type IV, Group B (pl. XIV, 43); BMC Arabia pl. XXVII, 10; Sunrise -. 5.52gr, 17mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left; unlisted countermark / Oblong incuse punch; countermarks: cf. 169 and 48. Carradice Type IV, Group B. 5.49gr, 16mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

C/ms: 116 & 202

3054 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle)

B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left; uncertain countermarks (cf. 126 and 168) / Oblong incuse punch; countermarks: 116 and 202. Carradice Type IV, Group B. 5.44gr, 15mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland.

From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

C/ms: 50, 96 & 116

3055 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle) B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left; countermarks: 50, 96 and uncertain / Oblong incuse punch; countermarks: 116 and uncertain (cf. 195 & 46).

Carradice Type IV, Group B; BMC Arabia pl. XXVI, 19. 5.48gr, 15mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

Unlisted Countermark

3056 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle) B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left; unlisted countermark / Oblong incuse punch. Carradice Type IV, Group B. 5.55gr, 16mm. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

Interesting Countermark

3057 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Time of Darius II to Artaxerxes II AR Siglos. Circa 420-375 BC.

Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes or subsidiary mint. Type IV (middle) B. Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, in kneeling-running stance to right, holding dagger in right hand, bow in left / Oblong incuse punch; countermark: cf. 98. Carradice Type IV, Group B (pl. XIV, 43). 5.49gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

The numbering of countermarks’ varieties has been done according to the chart published in BMC Arabia, p. cxxxvii.

3058 Kingdom of Persis. D r v (Darios) II AR Hemidrachm. 1st century BC.

Diademed bust to left, wearing tiara with ear flap and decorated with crescent / King standing to left, holding sceptre and sacrificing before altar. K&M 4/5; Tyler-Smith, Parcel 9-12; Alram 565. 1.87gr, 12mm, 4h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3059 Kingdom of Persis. D r v (Darios) II AR Obol. 1st century BC.

Diademed bust to left, wearing tiara decorated with crescent / King standing to left before fire altar. K&M 4/6; Alram 565. 0.67gr, 9mm, 4h. Near Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3060 Kingdom of Persis. Ardaxšir (Artaxerxes) II AR Obol. 1st century BC.

Bearded bust to left, wearing diadem and mural crown; monogram behind / Ardaxšir standing to left, holding sceptre and sacrificing before altar to left. KM 4/13; Alram 572; Sunrise 596. 0.75gr, 11mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3061 Kingdom of Persis. Ardaxšir (Artaxerxes) II AR Obol. 1st century BC.

Diademed bust of Artaxerxes II to left, wearing mural crown; behind, monogram / King standing to left, holding sceptre and sacrificing before altar to left. Klose & Müseler 4/13; Alram 572; Tyler-Smith 8193; cf. Sunrise 596 (no monogram). 0.73gr, 11mm, 8h. Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3062 Kingdom of Persia. Ardaxšir (Artaxerxes) II AR Hemidrachm. 1st century BC.

Istakhr (Persepolis) mint. Diademed and draped large bust to left, wearing mural crown; monogram before / Ardaxšir standing to left before altar, holding sceptre. Alram 574; Sunrise 599. 1.65gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3063 Kingdom of Persia. Pak r (Pakor) II AR Obol. 1st century AD.

Istakhr (Persepolis) mint. Diademed bust to left / Diademed bust to left. Van’t Haaff, Persis, Type 590. 0.52gr, 13mm, 8h. Near Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3064 Kingdom of Persis. Vahš r (Oxathres)(?) AR Obol. 1st century BC-1st century AD.

3067 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (Physcon) AE 19mm. 145-116 BC.

Kyrene, circa 145-116 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / Ω , eagle with spread wings standing to left on thunderbolt; to left. Svoronos 1651 (Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 655-7 (Uncertain mint in Cyprus). 3.53gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3068 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Time of Ptolemy VIII to Kleopatra III & Ptolemy X AR Drachm. Circa 117/6-107/6 BC. Paphos mint. Draped bust of Dionysos to right, wearing ivy wreath; thyrsus over shoulder / Ω , eagle standing to left on thunderbolt. Svoronos 1794; Olivier 2652ß65; SNG Copenhagen 639 & Supp. 1321-3. 3.22gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £120 - 170

£30 - 40

Diademed and draped bust to left / Vahš r standing to right before altar(?), holding sceptre. Cf. Alram 584. 0.56gr, 9mm, 3h. Near Very Fine.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3065 Kingdom of Persis. Vahš r (Oxathres)(?) AR

Hemidrachm. 1st century BC-1st century AD.

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 515, 4 May 2022, lot 292. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Auction 41, 19 March 1997, lot 1025 (as Ptolemy V).

Bearded bust to left, wearing diadem and torque / Vahš r standing to left(?), holding sceptre and sacrificing before altar to left. Cf. Alram 583. 1.50gr, 13mm, 8h. Near Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3066 Kingdom of Persis. Man ihr (Manuchtir) II AR Hemidrachm. 2nd century AD.

3069 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) Hemiobol(?). 117/6-108/7 BC. Kyrene mint; struck 116-107 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / BA Ω , double cornucopiae bound with fillet; over to left, Ω over to right. Svoronos 1718 (Ptolemy X, Alexandria); Weiser 169-70 (Ptolemy IX & X, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 678-80 (uncertain mint in Cyprus). 3.90gr, 17mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Diademed bust to left, wearing tiara decorated with crescent / Diademed bust to left. K&M 5/12; Alram 637. 1.64gr, 14mm, 6h. Near Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3070 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra III and Ptolemy IX Soter II (Lathyros) AE Hemiobol(?). 117/6-108/7 BC. Kyrene mint; struck 116-107 BC. Horned head of Zeus-Ammon to right, wearing taenia with basileion / BA Ω , double cornucopiae bound with fillet; over to left, Ω over to right. Svoronos 1718 (Ptolemy X, Alexandria); Weiser 169-70 (Ptolemy IX & X, Alexandria); SNG Copenhagen 678-80 (uncertain mint in Cyprus). 4.25gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3071 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Kleopatra VII Thea Neotera AR Tetradrachm. 51-30 BC.

Alexandria mint. Dated RY 16 (37/6 BC). Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, wearing aegis / Ω , eagle standing to left on thunderbolt, with palm over shoulder; to left, L I (date) above crown of Isis; A to right. Svoronos 1830 (Ptolemy XIII); SNG Copenhagen 411; DCA 70. 13.60gr, 25mm, 12h. Very Fine. £100 - 120

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Obol of Queen Cleopatra VII

3072 Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Cleopatra VII Thea Neotera AE Obol-40 Drachmai. Circa 51-30 BC.

Alexandria mint. Diademed and draped bust to right / K EO ATPAC BACI ICCHC, eagle standing to left on thunderbolt; cornucopia to left, M to right. Svoronos 1872; Weiser 184-5; SNG Copenhagen 4224; Noeske 383. 9.47gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Tooled. £300 - 400

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3073 Western Asia Minor, uncertain mint (Kyme?) AR Fraction. Circa 5th century BC. Head of horse to right, neck ending in beaded truncation / Quadripartite incuse square. Cf. SNG Kayhan 745 (head to left; uncertain Ionian or Karian mint); cf. Klein 332 (Kyme, Aeolis); cf. Tzamalis 88 (cruder style; Thraco-Macedonian mint); CNG e466, 120; Roma e88, 398. 0.54g, 8mm. Near Very Fine. Rare. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3074 Minor Asia & Levante, PB Trial Strike(?). 2nd-1st century BC.

Incuse of jugate male bearded and wreathed(?) heads / Blank. 17.02gr, 24mm. Condition as seen. £60 - 80

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3075 Thrace, Hadrianopolis AE 19mm. Time of Gordian III, AD 238-244.

Pseudo-autonomous issue. Head of Herakles to left /[ ] , Herakles standing facing, head to left, holding club and lion skin. RPC VII.2, 787. 4.32gr, 20mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3076 Caracalla AE Assarion of Parium, Mysia. AD 198-217. ANTONINVS PIVS AV, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / C G I H PA, Genius standing facing, head to left, sacrificing out of patera over lighted altar with his right hand and holding cornucopia in his left. SNG Copenhagen 294; SNG BnF 1496; SNG von Aulock 1340. 6.34gr, 22mm, 8h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3077 Macrinus AE 22mm of Parium, Mysia. AD 217-218. IMP C M OPE SEV MACRINVS, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from behind / C G I H P (Colonia Gemella Julia Hadriana Pariana), capricorn to right, bearing cornucopia on its back and with globe between its forelegs. BMC Mysia 111; SNG BnF 1502. 6.63gr, 22mm, 11h. Very Fine. Black patina. £40 - 60

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3078 Julia Paula AE Assarion of Parium, Mysia. AD 219-220. IVLIA PAVLA AVG, diademed and draped bust of Julia Paula to right / C G I H P, capricorn to right, bearing cornucopia on its back and with globe between its forelegs. RPC VI online 3858; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG BnF -; SNG von Aulock -. 6.44gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Rare Bronze of Agrippina II, Mother of Nero

3079 Agrippina II AE 17mm of Laodicea ad Lycum, Phrygia. AD 50-59.

(Gaius Postumus), magistrate.H, draped bust to right / Ω , eagle, with wings spread, standing facing on cippus, head to left. RPC I 2918; SNG Copenhagen 569; BMC 174. 4.65gr, 17mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £100 - 140

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3080 Phrygia, Hiearpolis AE 23mm. Time of Philip I, AD 244249.

3082 Gallienus AE 36mm of Apollonia-Mordiaeum, Pisidia. AD 253-268.

AYT • K • • • A IHNOC, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / A O ΩNI-ATΩN V • PAKO •, river-god Hippophoras reclining to left on overturned vase from which water flows, holding reed in right hand and cornucopia in left. Von Aulock, Pisidien II, 184206; BMC 7; SNG Copenhagen 100 (same dies); SNG von Aulock 5000 (same dies). 21.09gr, 36mm, 7h. Very Fine. £200 - 300

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman. Ex Numismatik Lanz München, Auction 109, 27 May 2002, lot 790.

None on CoinArchives

3083 Severus Alexander AE 27mm of Aegeae, Cilicia. AD 222-235.

Dated CY 275 (AD 228/9). , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / (date), draped bust of Dionysus to right, thyrsus over shoulder; before, bunch of grapes. RPC VI, 7186 (temporary); SNG BnF 2359; Haymann 161a. 11.77gr, 27mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. Very rare; no other examples on CoinArchives. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

£30 - 40

Pseudo-autonomous issue. Radiate and draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos to right, AIP-BHNO around / I PA Ω around laurel wreath containing in three lines. RPC VIII Online Unassigned ID 20732; SNG BnF 1260a. 5.75gr, 23mm, 7h. Near Very Fine.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3081 Phrygia, Hierapolis AE 23mm. Time of Philip I, AD 244249.

Pseudo-autonomous issue. Homonoia issue with Ephesus. Radiate and draped bust of Apollo Lairbenos to right, AIP-BHNO around / I PA Ω CIΩ Ω- Ω OMONOIA, clasped hands. RPC VIII Online, Unassigned ID 20751; Franke & Nollé 709; SNG BnF 1263. 6.78gr, 23mm, 9h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Very Rare

3084 Uncertain mint in Seleucis and Pieria AE 21mm. Mid 1st century BC.

Dated year 1 of the Pompeian Era (64/3 BC). Draped bust of Herakles to left, club over shoulder / L A (date) PΩMH in two lines above ram of prow to right; all within wreath. Spijkerman 1 (Gadara); Rosenberger 1 (Gadara); HGC 10, 381. 9.69gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3085 Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch AE 21mm. Time of Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14.

Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticus Silanus, legatus Augusti pro praetore. Dated year 44 of the Actian Era (AD 13/14). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Laureate head of Zeus to right / E I I ANOY ANTIOXEΩN, ram running to right, head to left; star above, M (date) below. RPC I 4269; McAlee 99. 7.14gr, 21mm, 12h. Very Fine. £10 - 20

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3086 Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch AE Dichalkon. Time of Augustus, 31 BC-AD 14.

Dated Actian Era Year 25 (7/6 BC). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Turreted, draped, and veiled bust of Tyche to right / Tripod-lebes containing three laurel branches; [ Ω ] [ Ω ] to right, [ ] to left, E-[K] (date) flanking tripod; all within wreath. RPC I 4243; McAlee 89. 4.75gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3087 Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch AE 16mm. Time of Nero, AD 54-68.

Dated Year 115 (AD 66/7). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Laureate and draped bust of Apollo to right / -Ω (date), laurel branch; dot below. RPC I, 4306; BMC Phoenicia 90-91; SNG Copenhagen 111. 3.64gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3088 Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch AE Trichalkon. Time of Nero, AD 54-68.

Q. Ummidius Durmius Quadratus, legatus Augusti pro praetore. Dated year 105 of the Caesarean Era (AD 56/7). Pseudoautonomous issue. Ω , turreted, draped, and veiled bust of Tyche to right / , ram leaping to right, head to left; star within crescent above, ET EP (date) below. RPC I 4290; McAlee 102. 5.25gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3089 Trajan AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 98-117.

Struck AD 116/7. • • , laureate head of Trajan to right, set on eagle standing to right; club to left / • HMAPX • [...], laureate bust of Melkart-Hercules to right, wearing lion skin around neck. Cf. RPC III 3562; cf. McAlee 467 (Tyre); cf. Prieur 1522 (Tyre). 13.49gr, 25mm, 7h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3090 Septimius Severus BI Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 193-211.

Struck circa AD 202-204. AVT•KAI C OYHPOC•C •B•, laureate head to right / HMAPX• •V A•TO• •, eagle standing facing on leg and thigh of animal, head and tail to right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak. McAlee 659b; Prieur 200. 13.28gr, 27mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £400 - 600

From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman. Ex Artemide Aste s.r.l., Auction LVI, 23 October 2021, lot 389 (company ticket included).

3091 Elagabalus AE 22mm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 218-222.

[IMP C M] AVR • ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head to right; slight drapery on far shoulder / Incuse of obverse. Cf. RPC VI, 8178 (temporary). 7.39gr, 22mm. Near Very Fine. Obverse brockage.

£30 - 50

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3092 Trajan Decius BI Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 249-251.

3094 Caracalla BI Tetradrachm of Emesa, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 198-217. Possibly contemporary imitation. Blundered legend, laureate head to right / Blundered legend, eagle standing facing, head and tail to left, with wings displayed, holding wreath in beak; between legs, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash to left. For prototype cf. Prieur 954. 11.70gr, 30mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Flan cracks at 2h and 4h.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3095 Gordian III AE 26mm of Berytus, Phoenicia. AD 238244.

1st officina. AVT K M KY TPAIANOC KIOC C B, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from behind; one pellet beneath bust / HMAPX OYCIAC, eagle standing to left on palm, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak; S C in exergue. RPC IX 1690; McAlee 1135a; Prieur 590. 13.13gr, 27mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine.

£40 - 60

Struck AD 241-244. IMP CAES M [ANT GORDIANVS AVG COS II P P], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / COL IVL [AVG FEL BER], temple with four columns enclosing bust of Astarte wearing turreted crown and flanked on each side by cornucopiae and aquilae; on roof, Neptune abducting Beroe flanked by two Victories holding wreath; pellet in pediment; in exergue, lion advancing to right. RPC VII.2, 3558; BMC 236-9; SNG Copenhagen 122. 13.01gr, 26mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3093 Augustus AE 21mm of Damascus, Seleucis and Pieria. 27 BC-AD 14.

Dated CY 283 (30/29 BC). Bare head to right / AMA KHNΩN, Tyche seated to left on rock, extending right arm and holding cornucopia; river-god Chrysoroas at feet; L (date, retrograde) to left; all within wreath. RPC I 4786; Rosenberger 8; DCA 500. 7.65gr, 21mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3096 Phoenicia, Dora AE 24mm. Time of Nero, AD 54-68. Dated CY 128 (AD 64/5). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Laureate head of Doros to right / to right, L PKH (date) to left, Astarte standing facing, head to right, holding standard and cornucopia. RPC I, 4757; Meshorer 17; Rouvier 758. 12.36gr, 24mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Ex Naville Numismatics Ltd., Auction 86 , 17 December 2023, lot 266.

Ex Twickenham collection, UK.

3097 Phoenicia, Tyre AE 13mm. Time of Trajan, AD 98-117. Dated CY 230 (AD 104/5). Pseudo-autonomous issue. Turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche to right; palm frond behind / Astarte, holding wreath and stylis, standing to left on galley; (date) to left, monograms of and to right; Phoenician letters below. RPC III, 3883; Rouvier 2251; SNG Copenhagen 356. 2.07gr, 13mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Very Rare

3098 Gallienus AE 30mm of Tyre, Phoenicia. AD 253-268. IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AV, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from front / COL TV-RO ME, shrine with four columns and arcuated lintel; within, bust of Astarte to right; below, two carryingpoles projecting from front of base and murex shell. RPC X Online Unassigned ID 86131 corr. (bust not draped); BMC Phoenicia 478; Rouvier 2522 var. (laureate bust). 14.19gr, 30mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. Very rare; only two examples on RPC Online and none on CoinArchives. £30 - 50

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Unpublished Variety

3099 Augustus AE 24mm of Sidon, Phoenicia. 27 BC-AD 14. Dated CY 123 (AD 12/13). Laureate head to right, aphlaston before / Bull running to left, upon which sits Europa, who holds her veil and horn of bull; Ω L (date) below. RPC -; Rouvier -; BMC Phoenicia -. 7.91gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Apparently unpublished variety. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Ex Naville Numismatics Ltd., Auction 85, 19 November 2023, lot 218.

3100 Judaea, Caesarea Maritima AE ‘Minim’. Mid-late 1st2nd centuries CE.

Pseudo-autonomous issue. Local issue imitating a First Jewish War prutah or a Procuratorial prutah of Valerius Gratus. Illegible legend, amphora / Illegible legend, palm frond. See Meshorer 371 and p. 183-4; cf. Sofaer 1-5. 1.35gr, 13mm. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3101 Titus, as Caesar AE 21mm of Caesarea Maritima, Judaea. 69-79 CE.

Judaea Capta issue. AYTOKP TITO-C KAI AP, laureate head to right / IOY AIAC -A KVIAC, Victory standing to right, with foot on helmet, inscribing [AYT KAI ] on shield resting on knee; palm behind. RPC II 2312; Hendin GBC 6, 6474; Hendin GBC 5, 1447; TJC 382. 6.45gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3102 Titus, as Caesar AE 21mm of Caesarea Maritima, Judaea. AD 69-79.

Judaea Capta issue. AYTOKP TITOC KAI AP, laureate head to right / IOY AIAC A- KYIAC, Victory standing to right, with foot on helmet, inscribing [AYT KAI ] on shield resting on knee; palm behind. RPC II, 2312; Hendin GBC 6, 6474; Hendin GBC 5, 1447; TJC 382. 7.57gr, 21mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3103 Domitian AE 24mm of Caesarea Maritima, Judaea. 8196 CE.

Struck circa 83 CE. Judaea Capta issue. [DOMITIANVS CAES AVG GERMANICVS IMP], laureate head to left / Athena-Minerva standing to left, supporting trophy and holding spear and shield. RPC II 2305; Hendin GBC 6, 6482; Hendin GBC 5, 1455; TJC 392; Sofaer 27-9. 8.91gr, 24mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3104 Domitian AE 23mm of Caesarea Maritima, Judaea. 8196 CE.

3107 Hadrian AE 22mm of Caesarea Maritima, Judaea. AD 117-138.

Struck circa 83 CE. Judaea Capta issue. [DOMITIAN]VS CAES AVG GER[MANICVS IMP], laureate head to left / Athena-Minerva standing to left, supporting trophy and holding spear and shield. RPC II, 2305; Hendin GBC 6, 6482; Hendin GBC 5, 1455; TJC 392; Sofaer 27-9. 8.50gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3105 Domitian, with Agrippa II AE 21mm of Caesarea Panias, Judaea. Circa 50-100 CE.

Dated RY 24 of Agrippa II (83/4 CE). [ OM T KAICAP PMANI], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / Victory standing to right, holding wreath and palm; TO K (date) B[AC] across fields; [A PI A] below. RPC II, 2262; TJC 150; Sofaer 208-9; Hendin GBC 6 6345; Hendin GBC 5 1315. 10.16gr, 21mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3106 Domitian, with Agrippa II AE 24mm of Caesarea Panias, Judaea. Circa 50-100 CE.

Dated RY 24 of Agrippa II (83/4 CE). OM T [KAICAP PMANI], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / Victory standing to right, holding wreath and palm; TO K (date) B[AC] across fields; [A PI A] below. RPC II, 2262; TJC 150; Sofaer 208-9; Hendin GBC 6 6345; Hendin GBC 5 1315. 9.16gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

[IMP TRA HADRIANO CAES AVG], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / [COL I FL AVG CA]ESARENS, draped bust of Serapis to right, wearing calathus. RPC III 3959; Meshorer, Caesarea 28; Rosenberger 29; Sofaer 30; SNG ANS 767. 12.49gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3108 Commodus AE 21mm of Canatha, Decapolis. AD 177192.

(sic) , laureate head to right with traces of drapery on left shoulder / [ ?] , diademed and draped bust of Zeus to right. RPC IV.3, 6544 (temporary); Donceel Group VI.4; Spijkerman 6; Rosenberger 6; Sofaer 4. 7.14gr, 21mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Of the Highest Rarity

3109 Judaea, Gaba AE 11mm. Time of Domitian, AD 81-96. Dated Year 142 (AD 83/4). Tetrastyle temple with pediment; below / Palm branch; - (date) across fields. RPC II 2241; Rosenberger I, 7. 1.36gr, 11mm, 11h. Very Fine. Of the highest rarity; only three examples cited by RPC and only one example on CoinArchives (Numismatica Ars Classica 64, 1912). £300 - 400

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3110 Vespasian AE 22mm of Gadara, Decapolis. AD 69-79. Dated CY 135 (AD 71/2). KAICAP OYEC ACIA[N]OC, laureate head to right / A AP[A], Tyche standing to left, holding wreath and cornucopiae; L E P (date) in left field. RPC II, 2093; Sofaer 24. 10.64gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3111 Lucius Verus AE 20mm of Gadara, Decapolis. AD 161169.

Dated CY 225 (AD 161/2). • • • • , laureate head to right / - • •, bareheaded and beardless male head (Marcus Aurelius?) to right. RPC IV Online 8551; Spijkerman 59; Rosenberger 59; Sofaer 57. 5.40gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3112 Commodus AE 20mm of Petra, Decapolis. AD 177-192. , laureate head to right / , turreted and veiled head of Tyche to right, set on eagle standing facing, head to right, with wings displayed. RPC IV.3, 6632 (temporary); Spijkerman 25a; Sofaer 22. 6.27gr, 20mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3113 Judaea, Herodians. Agrippa II, with Nero, AE 20mm of Caesarea Panias (as Neronias). Circa 50-100 CE.

Struck under Agrippa II, 61-68 CE. [NEPΩN KAI AP] EBA TO, laureate head of Nero to right; invisible symbol before / [ I] BACI E A PI NEPΩNIE in five lines within circular linear border within laurel wreath. Cf. RPC I, 4988-4990 (various symbols). 5.26gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3114 Judaea, Herodians. Agrippa II, with Nero, AE 24mm of Caesarea Panias (as Neronias). Circa 50-100 CE.

Struck 61-68 CE. [NEPΩN KAI AP EBA TO ], laureate head of Nero to right; [lituus before] / I BACI E A PI NEPΩNIE in five lines within circular linear border within laurel wreath. RPC I 4988; Hendin 6303. 11.20gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3115 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name of Tiberius. Dated RY 2 of Tiberius (15/6 CE). Crossed cornucopiae, [TIB] L B(date) in two lines across fields / KAICAP in two lines within wreath. RPC I, 4958; Meshorer 6; Hendin 1332b; TJC 316. 2.43gr, 16mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3116 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the names of Tiberius and Julia Augusta (Livia). Dated RY 4 of Tiberius (17/8 CE). TIB KAICAP in three lines within wreath / Palm; IOY- IA L (date) in two lines across fields. RPC I 4964; Sofaer 26-7; TJC 327; Hendin GBC 6, 6367; Hendin GBC 5, 1338. 1,60gr, 15mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3117 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. Dated RY 5 of Tiberius (18/9 CE).

Jerusalem mint. In the names of Tiberius and Julia Augusta (Livia). [TIB KAICAP] in three lines within wreath / Palm; IOY-[ IA] L (date) in two lines across fields. RPC I 4965; Meshorer 328; Hendin 6368. 2.38gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3118 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the names of Tiberius and Julia Augusta (Livia). Dated RY 11 of Tiberius (24/5 CE). TIB KAICAP in three lines within wreath / Palm frond; IOY- IA and L IA (date) across field. RPC I 4966; Meshorer 329; Hendin 6369. 2.20gr, 15mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3119 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the names of Tiberius and Julia Augusta (Livia). Uncertain date. TIB KAICAP in three lines within wreath / Palm; IOY[IA L (?) (date)] in two lines across fields. Cf. RPC I 4964 (dated RY 4); cf. Sofaer 26-7 (same). 2.35gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3120 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 2 of Tiberius (15/6 CE). Inscription within wreath / Upright branch; L B (date) flanking. Cf. RPC I 4959 ( ); cf. Meshorer 317 (same); cf. Hendin 6362 (same). 1.79gr, 16mm. Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3121 Judaea. Procurators, Valerius Gratus AE Prutah. 15-26 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name Julia Augusta (Livia). Dated RY 2 of Tiberius (15/6 CE). in two lines within wreath / Upright branch; L B (date) flanking. RPC I, 4959; Meshorer 317; Hendin 6362. 1.43gr, 15mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3122 Judaea. Procurators, Pontius Pilate AE Prutah. 26-36 CE.

Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 16 of Tiberius (29/30 CE). In the names of Julia Augusta (Livia) and Tiberius. [IOY IA KAI]CAPOC, three bound grain ears / [TIB PIOY] KAICAPOC L I (date), simpulum to left. RPC I 4967; Hendin GBC 6, 6370; Hendin GBC 5, 1341; TJC 331. 1.96gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3123 Judaea. Procurators, Pontius Pilate AE Prutah. 26-36 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name of Tiberius. Dated RY 17 (30 CE). TIB PIOV [KAICAPOC], lituus / L IZ [Z retrograde (date)] within wreath. RPC I 4968; Hendin GBC 6, 6371; Hendin GBC 5, 1342; TJC 333. 2.02gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3124 Judaea. Procurators, Antonius Felix AE Prutah. 52-59 CE.

Jerusalem mint. Dated RY 14 of Claudius (54 CE). In the name of Claudius and Agrippina Junior. [ ] , two crossed palm branches; L I (date) below / [ ] in four lines within wreath. RPC I 4970; TJC 342; Hendin GBC 6, 6376; Hendin GBC 5, 1347. 2.74gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3125 Judaea. Procurators, Antonius Felix AE Prutah. 52-59 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the names of Nero Claudius Caesar and Britannicus Caesar. Dated RY 14 of Claudius (54 CE). NEP K AY KAICAP, two crossed shields over two crossed spears / BPIT (above) K-AI, palm tree; L I (date) across field. TJC 340; Hendin GBC 6, 6377; Hendin GBC 5, 1348; RPC I, 4971. 2.69gr, 16mm, 4h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3126 Judaea. Procurators, Porcius Festus AE Prutah. 59-62 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name of Nero. Dated RY 5 of Nero (58/9 CE).

N P NOC in three lines within wreath / L KAIC-APOC, palm branch. RPC I, 4972; TJC 345; Hendin GBC 6, 6380; Hendin GBC 5, 1351. 1.70gr, 16mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3127 Judaea. Procurators, Porcius Festus AE Prutah. Dated RY 5 of Nero (58/59 CE).

Jerusalem mint. Struck in the name of Nero. N P NOC in three lines within wreath / L KAIC-APOC, palm branch. RPC I 4972; TJC 345; Hendin GBC 6, 6380; Hendin GBC 5, 1351. 1.64gr, 16mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3128 Judaea. Procurators, Porcius Festus AE Prutah. 59-62 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name of Nero. Dated RY 5 of Nero (58/9 CE).

N P NOC in three lines within wreath / L KAIC-APOC, palm branch. RPC I 4972; TJC 345; Hendin GBC 6, 6380; Hendin GBC 5, 1351. 2.20gr, 16mm, 11h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3129 Judaea. Procurators, Porcius Festus AE Prutah. 59-62 CE.

Jerusalem mint. In the name of Nero. Dated RY 5 of Nero (58/9 CE).

N P NOC in three lines within wreath / L KAIC-APOC, palm branch. RPC I 4972; TJC 345; Hendin GBC 6, 6380; Hendin GBC 5, 1351. 1.44gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3130 Nabataea, Obodas III AE 20mm. 30-9 BC.

Petra mint. Dated RY 21 (10/9 BC). Laureate head to right; th[semkath?] across fields / Female figure standing facing, head to left, raising right hand; ‘Obodas, king of the Nabataeans’ and date in Aramaic around; semkath- th’ across fields. Meshorer, Nabataea 39a; Sofaer 25-6. 4.61gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3131 Nabataea, Aretas IV, with Shaqilat AE 17mm. 9 BC-AD 40.

Petra mint; struck AD 20-40. Jugate busts of Aretas and Shaqilat to right; [H F?] in Aramaic across fields / Crossed cornucopiae; legend in Aramaic between and below. Cf. Meshorer, Nabataea 114. 3.80gr, 17mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3132 Gordian III and Tranquillina AE 31mm of Singara, Mesopotamia. AD 238-244.

Struck AD 243-4. AVTOK K M ANT OP IANON CAB TPANKV INA C B, on left, bust of Gordian, laureate, draped and cuirassed to right, seen from rear, and on right, Tranquillina, draped and wearing stephane to left / AVP C KO CIN APA, Tyche, turreted and veiled, seated to left on rock, holding ears of corn; above, the Centaur Sagittarius to left, discharging arrow; below, river god swimming to left. RPC VII.2, 3471; cf. BMC Arabia 8-13; SNG Copenhagen 257. 18.52gr, 31mm, 6h. Very Fine. £35 - 45

From a private, UK, collection.

First Coinage of Roman Alexandria

3133 Gordian III and Tranquillina AE 31mm of Singara, Mesopotamia. AD 238-244.

Struck AD 243-4. AVTOK K M ANT OP IANON CAB TPANKV INA C B, on left, bust of Gordian, laureate, draped and cuirassed to right, seen from rear, and on right, Tranquillina, draped and wearing stephane to left / AVP C KO CIN APA, Tyche, turreted and veiled, seated to left on rock, holding ears of corn; above, the Centaur Sagittarius to left, discharging arrow; below, river god swimming to left. RPC VII.2, 3471; cf. BMC Arabia 8-13; SNG Copenhagen 257. 23.00gr, 31mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £35 - 45

From a private, UK, collection.

3134 Gordian III and Tranquillina AE 34mm of Singara, Mesopotamia. AD 238-244.

Struck AD 241-244. AVTOK K M ANT OP IANON CAB TPANKV INA CEB, confronted busts of Gordian, laureate, draped and cuirassed on left, and Tranquillina, draped and wearing stephane on right / AVP CE K-O CIN A[PA], Tyche seated to left on rock, holding branch; the centaur Sagittarius above to left, discharging arrow, river god swimming to left below. BMC 13; SNG Copenhagen 257; Lindgren & Kovacs 2627. 24.99gr, 34mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £90 - 120

From a UK, private collection.

3135 Gordian III and Tranquillina AE 31mm of Singara, Mesopotamia. AD 238-244.

Struck AD 241-244. AVTOK K M AT(sic) OP IANON CAB

TPAN[KV INA CEB, confronted busts of Gordian, laureate, draped and cuirassed on left, and Tranquillina, draped and wearing stephane on right / AVP CE KO- CIN APA, Tyche seated to left on rock, holding branch; the centaur Sagittarius above to left, discharging arrow, river god swimming to left below. BMC 13; SNG Copenhagen 257; Lindgren & Kovacs 2627. 22.26gr, 31mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £70 - 90

From a UK private collection.

3136 Augustus (Octavian) AE Diobol or 80 Drachmai of Alexandria, Egypt. 27 BC-AD 14. First series. Struck circa 30-28 BC. [ ], bare head of Augustus to right / [ ], eagle with wings closed standing to left on thunderbolt; to left, cornucopia; to right, (mark of value). RPC I 5001; Dattari (Savio) 2; Geissen 1; K&G 2.5. 20.03gr, 27mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3137 Hadrian AE Drachm of Alexandria, Egypt. AD 117-138. Dated RY 19 (AD 134/5). [AVT KAIC TPAIA]N A PIANOC C B, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / L N-NE[A]K (date), Elpis advancing to left, holding flower and raising hem of skirt. RPC III 5987; Dattari (Savio) 1689; Milne 1466; Köln 1173-1174. 24.30gr, 34mm, 11h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3138 Hadrian AE Diobol of Alexandria, Egypt. AD 117-138. Dated RY 14 (AD 129/30). , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / Tyche standing facing, head to left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia; L I (date) to left. RPC III 5756; Dattari (Savio) 1851; Emmett 1144. 9.28gr, 26mm, 10h. Near Very Fine. £50 - 70

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3139 Antoninus Pius AE Drachm of Alexandria, Egypt. AD 138-161.

Dated RY 13 (AD 149/150). V [...], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / Dikaiosyne seated to left, holding scales and cornucopia; [L] TPICKAI (date) around. RPC IV.4 Online 1190 (temporary); Köln 1634; Dattari (Savio) 8388-9; K&G 35.471; Emmett 1489.13. 27.56gr, 33mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Beautiful reddish-brown patina with touches of green. £40 - 60

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3140 Macrianus, Usurper BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. AD 260-261.

Dated RY 1 (AD 260/1). , laureate and cuirassed bust to right / Eagle standing to left, wings spread, holding wreath in beak; L A (date) in left field. Köln 3011; Dattari (Savio) 5380; K&G 94.1; Emmett 3785.1. 10.91gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £200 - 300

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3141 Maximian BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. First reign, AD 286-305.

Dated RY 8 (AD 292/3). C C , laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / Eagle with closed wings standing to left, head to right and holding wreath in beak; L H (date) across field. Dattari (Savio) 6009; Emmett 4108.8; K&G 120.68. 7.50gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3142 Caracalla AR Tetradrachm of Emesa, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 198-217.

Struck AD 215-217. [ K M] A • ANTΩN INOC • C B •, laureate head to right / C TO , eagle standing facing, wings spread, head to left, wreath in beak; bust of Shamash (Sol) to left between legs. Cf. Prieur 1009. 12.38gr, 27mm, 12h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3143 Uncertain Emperor AE 26mm of Minor Asia. Circa 3rd century AD.

Uncertain Roman Provincial issue countermarked twice: male bust to right and large B in incuse circle. 9.23gr, 26mm. Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3144 Uncertain mint of Minor Asia AE 24mm. Circa 2nd-3rd century AD.

Uncertain ruler. Blank; circular countermark of male head to right / Blank; circular countermark of large B. 7.42gr, 24mm, 7h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3145 M. Sergius Silus AR Denarius. 116-115 BC. Rome mint. Helmeted head of Roma to right; EX • S • C upwards before, ROMA and mark of value behind / Horseman riding to left, holding sword and severed head; Q beneath forelegs, M • SERGI below, SILVS in exergue. Crawford 286/1; BMCRR Italy 512; RSC Sergia 1a. 3.85gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex A.G. & S.Gillis, South Yorkshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3146 Ti. Claudius Ti. f. Ap. n. Nero AR Serrate Denarius. 79 BC.

Rome mint. Diademed and draped bust of Diana to right, with bow and quiver over shoulder; S • C before / Victory driving galloping biga to right, holding reins, palm frond and wreath; A • LXXX[...] below, T [•] CLAV[D] • T[I • F AP • N] in exergue. Cf. Crawford 383/1; cf. RSC Claudia 6. 3.71gr, 17mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £60 - 80

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3147 Julius Caesar AR Denarius. 49-48 BC.

3150 Vespasian AE As. AD 69-79. Rome mint; struck AD 71. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, laureate head to right / Altar with double panelled door; S C across fields, PROVIDENT in exergue. RIC II.1 316. 11.64gr, 27mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3151 Domitian AE As. AD 81-96.

£40 - 60

Military mint travelling with Caesar. Elephant advancing to right, trampling on serpent; CAESAR in exergue / Emblems of the pontificate: simpulum, aspergillum, securis (surmounted by wolf’s head) and apex. Crawford 443/1; CRI 9; BMCRR Gaul 27; RSC 49. 3.00gr, 18mm, 8h. Fine.

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

Rome mint; struck AD 85. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XI CENS POT P P, laureate head to right, wearing aegis / Mars advancing to left, holding Victory and trophy; S C across fields. RIC II 301B var. (CENS PER); Cohen 429. 11.90gr, 27mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Tooled. £350 - 450

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Ex The Coin Cabinet Ltd, The Euclidean Collection, 28 March 2024, lot 98. Acquired from David Miller, August 2017.

£1,500 - 2,000

3148 Augustus AV Aureus. 27 BC-AD 14. Lugdunum mint; struck 2 BC-AD 4. [CAESA]R AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER [PATRIAE], laureate head to right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesar standing facing, each togate and resting hand on shield; spear behind each shield, lituus and simpulum above, [C L] CAESARES in exergue. RIC I 206; BMCRE 513-18; Calicó 176; Lyon 81; BN 1648. 7.76gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Fine.

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3149 Augustus AE As. 27 BC-AD 14. Rome mint; struck 6 BC. Sex. Nonius Quinctilianus, triumvir monetalis. CAESAR AVGVST PONT MAX TRIBVNIC POT, bare head to left / SEX NONIVS QVINCTILIAN IIIVIR A A A F F, large S C; c/m: TIB • AVG (AV ligate) in rectangular incuse. RIC I 440; Pangerl -. 7.35gr, 26mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. Extremely rare and unpublished in the collection Pangerl variety. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3152 Domitian AE Quadrans. AD 81-96.

Rome mint; struck AD 84-85. Rhino standing to left / IMP DOMIT AVG GERM around S•C. RIC II.2 250; Cohen 676; BMCRE 498. 2.15gr, 16mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3153 Anonymous AE Quadrans. Time of Domitian to Antoninus Pius, AD 81-161.

Rome mint. Draped bust of Venus to right, wearing stephane / Dove standing to right; S C below. RIC II 24; Cohen 10. 2.41gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 50

3154 Nerva AR Denarius. AD 96-98.

Rome mint; struck AD 96. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head to right / LIBERTAS PVBLICA, Libertas standing to left, holding pileus in right hand and transverse sceptre in left. RIC II 7; BMCRE 17; RSC 106; BN 10. 3.04gr, 18mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3155 Nerva AE As. AD 96-98.

Rome mint. IMP NERVA [...], laureate head to right / FORTVNA [...], Fortuna standing to left, holding rudder and cornucopia; S C across fields. Cf. RIC II 83. 9.14gr, 26mm, 6h. Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3156 Trajan AE Sestertius. AD 98-117. ‡

Rome mint; struck AD 112-114. IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate head to right, aegis at point of bust / FELICITAS AVGVST, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding caduceus with right hand and cornucopia with left; S C across fields. RIC II 624; Cohen 142. 24.44gr, 31mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Charming olive green patina. £1,000 - 1,400

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

Denarius of Trajan’s Niece Matidia

3158 Diva Matidia AR Denarius. Died AD 119. ‡

Rome mint; struck under Hadrian AD 119-120. Consecration issue. DIVA AVGVSTA MATIDIA, draped bust to right, wearing hair coiled and piled on top of head above triple stephane / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing to left on sceptre, with wings displayed. RIC II.3 2462; RSC 6. 3.55gr, 19mm, 7h. Near Extremely Fine. Old cabinet tone with traces of blue and gold iridescence around the devices. £2,500 - 3,500

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Triton XVIII, 6 January 2015, lot 1079. Ex Chaponnière & Firmenich SA, Auction 15, 21 May 2022, lot 48 (dealer’s ticket included).

3159 Hadrian AR Denarius. AD 117-138.

Rome mint; struck circa late AD 120-121. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate and draped bust of Hadrian to right / P M TR P COS III / Libertas seated to left on throne, holding branch in her right hand and sceptre in her left; LIB PVB in exergue. RIC II.3 367; BMC 286; Cohen 903. 3.43gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3160 Hadrian AR Denarius. AD 117-138.

3157 Trajan AE Semis. AD 98-117.

Rome mint; struck AD 109. [IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN] AVG, laureate head to right, slight drapery(?) on far shoulder / Lupa Romana (she-wolf) at bay to left; S C in exergue. Cf. RIC II 694 (quadrans). 3.02gr, 17mm, 4h. Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

Rome mint; struck AD 118. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate bust to right, with slight drapery on far shoulder / P M TR P COS II, Justitia seated to left, holding patera and sceptre; IVSTITIA in exergue. RIC II.3 117; BMCRE 74; RSC 877. 3.02gr, 19mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

Pedigree Back to 1930

3161 Hadrian AE Sestertius. AD 117-138. ‡

3165 Faustina II, Augusta AR Denarius. AD 147-175. Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, circa AD 170-175/6. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust to right / IVNO, Juno standing facing, head to left, holding patera and sceptre; peacock at feet. RIC III 688 (Aurelius); BMCRE 107-8 (Aurelius & Verus); RSC 120a. 3.22gr, 19mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired from Redhouse Antiques, York, 2015.

Ian Wilkinson collection, Nottinghamshire, UK, formed since 1985.

£1,800 - 2,400

Rome mint; struck AD 129-130. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, bareheaded and draped(?) bust to left / IVSTITIA AVG COS III P P, Justitia seated to left on throne, holding patera in her right hand and long sceptre in her left; S C in exergue. Cf. RIC II, part 3 1228. 23.94gr, 35mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Charming brown patina with green highlights. Very Rare.

Ex Arts Classica, Auction XV, 1930, lot 1552. Ex Stack’s Bowers Galleries (& Ponterio), Sale 174 - N.Y.I.N.C. Auction Ebert I & Sess. B, 11 January 2013, lot 5213.

3162 Hadrian AE Semis. AD 117-138.

Rome mint; struck AD 125-128. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P, laureate head to right, light drapery on far shoulder / COS III, legionary eagle between two standards, S C across field. RIC II.3 976; Cohen 450; BMCRE 1381A. 3.66gr, 16mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3163 Aelius, as Caesar AE As. AD 136-138. Rome mint; struck AD 137. L AELIVS CAESAR, bare head to right / TR POT COS II, Pannonia standing facing, head to left, holding vexillum and robe; PANNO-NIA S C in two lines across fields. RIC II.3 2661; BMCRE 1936. 10.31gr, 24mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3164 Antoninus Pius AR Denarius. AD 138-161. Rome mint. [ANTON]INVS AVG PIVS P P TR P X[...], laureate head to right / COS IIII, Vesta standing facing, head to left, sacrificing over altar with patera and holding palladium. Cf. RIC III 238. 2.48gr, 17mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3166 Commodus AE As. AD 177-192.

Rome mint; struck AD 190. M COMM ANT P FELIX AVG BRIT P P, laureate head to right / VOT XX P M TR P XV IMP VIII COS VI S C in five lines within laurel wreath with jewel at apex. RIC III 576; Cohen 999; BMCRE 664. 10.14gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3167 Septimius Severus AR Denarius. AD 193-211. Rome mint; struck AD 197-200. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART [MAX], laureate head to right / MARTI VICTORI, Mars standing facing, head to right, holding spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC IV 134; BMCRE 133; RSC 320. 3.12gr, 18mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3168 Septimius Severus AR Denarius. AD 193-211.

Rome mint; struck AD 198-200. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head to right / VICTORIAE AVGG FEL, Victory standing to left, holding wreath over shield set on low base. RIC IV 144b; BMCRE 139; RSC 719. 2.83gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3169 Septimius Severus AR Denarius. AD 193-211.

Rome mint; struck AD 196-197. [L SEPT SEV PERT] AVG IMP VIII, laureate head to right / ADVENTVI AVG FELICISSIMO, Emperor, on horse prancing to right, raising right hand. RIC IV 74; BMCRE 151 (wars of succession) corr. (bust type); RSC 6. 3.56gr, 17mm, 1h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3170 Julia Domna AR Denarius. AD 193-217.

Rome mint; struck AD 211-217. IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust to right / VESTA, Vesta standing facing, head to left, holding palladium and sceptre. RIC IV 390 (Caracalla); BMCRE 29 (Caracalla); RSC 230. 3.11gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3171 Caracalla AR Denarius. AD 198-217.

Rome mint; struck AD 213. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head to right / P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P, Hercules standing to left, holding branch and club, with lion skin draped over arm. RIC 206a; RSC 220; BMCRE 48. 3.15gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3172 Caracalla AR Denarius. AD 198-217.

Rome mint; struck AD 213. ANTONINVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate head to right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC IV 236; BMCRE 62; RSC 166. 2.81gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3173 Caracalla AE As. AD 198-217.

Rome mint; struck AD 215. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head to right / P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P, Aesculapius standing facing, head to left, leaning on serpent-entwined staff; to right, globe set on ground; S C across field. RIC IV 553a. 9.12gr, 26mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. Glossy cypress green patina. £200 - 300

Ex David Miller, Hampstead, UK (collector’s ticket included).

Nice Example of Rare ‘Limes Denarius’

3174 Geta as Caesar AE ‘Limes Denarius’. AD 198-209. Struck at the frontiers of the empire, based on an issue minted in Rome under Septimius Severus and Caracalla, AD 200-205. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, young, bareheaded and draped bust to right / PRI-NC IV-VENTVTIS, Geta, in military dress, standing to left, holding baton and sceptre; trophy to right. For prototype: RIC IV 18 var. (branch instead of baton); RSC 157b. 2.56gr, 18mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

‘Limes Denarii’ (misnomer) are more or less faithful bronze copies of silver Denarii, minted on the fringes of the empire out of necessity. Perhaps they may be officially sanctioned issues for use in regions where political unrest made it hazardous to ship large amounts of silver. These low value issues could have served troops on the front and been redeemable for good coinage when they returned to the stable regions. Were they a form of military scrip meant to keep large quantities of precious metal from falling into enemy hands in the event of a defeat?

3175 Julia Mamaea, Augusta AE Sestertius. AD 222-235. Rome mint; struck AD 224. IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA, diademed and draped bust to right / VENVS FELIX, Venus seated to left, holding statuette and sceptre; S C in exergue. RIC IV 701 (S. Alexander); BMCRE 199 (S. Alexander). 19.29gr, 31mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £50 - 70

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3176 Severus Alexander AR Denarius. AD 222-235. Rome mint; struck AD 232. IMP ALEXANDER PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI PROPVGNATORI, Jupiter advancing to left, head to right, holding thunderbolt and eagle. RIC IV 238; BMCRE 824; RSC 83. 3.03gr, 20mm, 7h. Extremely Fine.

Property of a gentleman; acquired in the UK before 2000.

£60 - 80

3180 Maximinus I AR Denarius. AD 235-238. ‡ Rome mint; struck AD 235-236. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / SALVS AVGVSTI, Salus seated to left, feeding out of patera snake coiled around altar before. RIC IV 14; BMCRE 99; RSC 85a. 3.25gr, 21mm, 6h. Fleur De Coin. Beautiful deep old cabinet tone. £350 - 450

Ex Beaussant Lefevre, 16 March 2011, no.75.

Denarius of an Emperor with the Shortest Reign

£60 - 80

3177 Severus Alexander AR Denarius. AD 222-235. Rome mint; struck AD 228-231. IMP SEV ALE-XAND AVG, laureate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing to left, holding Victory with wreath and spear, and leaning on shield. RIC IV 220; BMCRE 709 var. (bust type); RSC 579a. 3.19gr, 19mm, 6h. Extremely Fine.

Property of a gentleman; acquired in the UK before 2000.

3178 Severus Alexanader AR Denarius. AD 222-235. Rome mint; struck AD 222. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / LIBERALITAS AVG, Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus and cornucopiae. RIC IV 148; RSC 108a. 3.00gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Flan crack at 9h. Struck on a broad flan.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3181 Gordian II AR Denarius. AD 238. ‡ Rome mint; struck AD 238. IMP M ANT GORDIANVS AFR AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / PROVIDENTIA AVGG, Providentia standing facing, head to left, leaning on short column and holding wand with right hand and cornucopia with left; globe at her feet. RIC IV 1; RSC. 5; BMCRE 1920 var. (rev. legend break). 2.50gr, 20mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Wonderful old cabinet tone.

£4,500 - 5,500

Ex Tinchant Brussels. Ex UBS Gold & Numismatics, Auction 78, 9 September 2008, lot 1825 (hammer: 5,100 CHF).

Gordian II was Roman emperor with his father Gordian I in AD 238, the Year of the Six Emperors. Seeking to overthrow Maximinus Thrax, he died in battle outside Carthage. Since he died before his father, Gordian II had the shortest reign of any Roman emperor, at about 22 days.

3182 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma, helmetted and in military dress, seated to left on shield, holding Victory and spear. RIC IV 38; RSC 312. 4.08gr, 21mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

£20 - 30

3179 Severus Alexander AR Denarius. AD 222-235. Rome mint; struck AD 222. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P COS P P, Mars standing to left, holding olive-branch and spear. RIC IV 7d; BMCRE 28 var. (bust type); RSC 207 var. (same). 3.45g, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Acquired on the London art market in the late 1980s-1990s. From the family collection of an East London, UK, gentleman.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3183 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 241-243. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVTI AVGVSTI, Hercules standing to right, resting one hand on hip and other on club set on rock; lion skin beside club. RIC IV 95; RSC 404. 4.07gr, 22mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3184 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck late AD 240. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVIS STATOR, Jupiter standing facing, head to right, holding thunderbolt and long sceptre. RIC IV 85; RSC 115. 3.70gr, 22mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3185 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 238-239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVGVSTI, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC IV 3; RSC 173. 4.50gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3186 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244. Rome mint; struck AD 238-239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVGVSTI, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC IV 3; RSC 173. 4.39gr, 23mm, 7h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3187 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 241-243. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI STATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head to right, holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC IV 84; RSC 109. 4.60gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3188 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 238-239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing to left, holding wreath and palm. RIC IV 5; RSC 357. 3.88gr, 22mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3189 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

Rome mint; struck AD 239-240. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC IV 63; RSC 25. 4.19gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3190 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244. Antioch mint; struck AD 238-239. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing to left, holding globe and sceptre. RIC IV 193; RSC 302a. 3.59gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3191 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244. Antioch mint; struck AD 242-244. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / ORIENS AVG, Sol standing to left, raising hand and holding globe. RIC IV 213; RSC 167. 5.59g, 21mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the London art market in the late 1980s-1990s. From the family collection of an East London, UK, gentleman.

3192 Gordian III AR Antoninianus. AD 238-244.

3195 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249.

Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / LIBERALITAS AVGG II, Liberalitas standing to left, holding abacus and cornucopia. RIC IV 38b; RSC 87. 4.09gr, 24mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3196 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249.

Rome mint; struck February-March AD 244. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / SECVRIT PERP, Securitas standing to left, legs crossed, holding sceptre and resting her left arm on column. RIC IV 151; RSC 327. 3.87gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ANNONA AVGG, Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears over modius at feet and cornucopia. RIC IV 28c; RSC 25. 3.49gr, 24mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Collection formed in the 2000s.

Ex property of an English gentleman.

3197 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249.

£30 - 40

3193 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated to left, holding Victory and sceptre; shield at side. RIC IV 44; RSC 169. 3.66gr, 21mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3194 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ADVENTVS AVGG, emperor on horseback advancing to left, raising right hand and holding spear with left. RIC IV 26b; RSC 3. 4.83gr, 22mm, 1h. Very Fine. Flan crack at 5h. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FELICITAS TEMP, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC IV 31; RSC 43. 3.97gr, 22mm, 2h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3198 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249.

Rome mint; struck AD 246. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P III COS P P, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding long caduceus and cornucopia. RIC IV 3; RSC 124. 4.27gr, 25mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3199 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / AEQVITAS AVGG, Aequitas standing facing, head to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC IV 27b; RSC 9. 4.75gr, 23mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3200 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Antioch, mint; struck AD 244-246. IMP C M IVL PHILIPPVS P F AVG P M, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS EXERCITVS, Virtus standing to right, holding spear and shield. RIC IV 71; RSC 243. 3.51g, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. Flan crack at 6h. £20 - 30

Acquired on the London art market in the late 1980s-1990s. From the family collection of an East London, UK, gentleman.

3201 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249.

Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ANNONA AVGG, Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears over modius at feet and cornucopia. RIC IV 28c; RSC 25. 2.90gr, 23mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3202 Philip I AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 244-247. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / ANNONA AVGG, Annona standing to left, holding corn-ears over modius at feet and cornucopia. RIC IV 28c; RSC 25. 4.48gr, 22mm, 5h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3203 Otacilia Severa, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 246-248. M OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia seated to left, holding patera and double cornucopiae. RIC IV 125c (Philip I) corr. (date); RSC 4. 3.46gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3204 Otacilia Severa, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint. 6th emission of Philip I, AD 247. M OTACIL SEVERA AVG, draped bust to right, wearing stephane, set on crescent / IVNO CONSERVATRIX, Juno standing to left, holding patera and sceptre. RIC IV 128; RSC 21. 3.82gr, 22mm, 7h. Very Fine. Rare. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London.

From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3205 Otacilia Severa, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. ‡

Rome mint; struck AD 246-248. M OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / IVNO CONSERVAT, Juno standing to left, holding patera with right hand and sceptre with left. RIC IV 127 (Philip I) corr. (date); RSC 20. 4.09gr, 22mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. Beautifully toned. £80 - 100

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

3206 Otacilia Severa, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 244-249. Rome mint; struck AD 246-248. M OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia seated to left, holding patera and double cornucopiae. RIC IV 125c (Philip I) corr. (date); RSC 4. 3.66gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3207 Otacilia Severa, Augusta AE Sestertius. AD 244-249. Rome mint. MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right / PIETAS AVGVSTAE, Pietas standing facing, head to left, holding perfume box; S C across field. RIC IV 208a (Philip I); Cohen 46. 20.56gr, 28mm, 12h. Very Fine. Tooled. £200 - 300

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3208 Philip II, as Caesar AR Antoninianus. AD 244-247.

Rome mint; struck AD 244-246. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, prince standing to left, holding globe and spear; captive at foot. RIC IV 219; RSC 57. 4.09gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3209 Philip II, as Caesar AR Antoninianus. AD 244-247.

Rome mint; struck AD 244-246. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, prince standing to left, holding globe and inverted spear. RIC IV 218d; RSC 48. 3.29gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

Attractively Toned

3210 Philip II, as Caesar AR Antoninianus. AD 244-247. ‡

Rome mint; struck AD 246. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, Philip II in military dress standing to left, holding reversed spear with left hand and globe with right. RIC IV 218d var. (bust type); RSC 48 var. (same). 4.00gr, 24mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. Beautiful toning. £250 - 350

Ex Pecunem / Gitbud & Naumann, Auction 14, 2 March 2014, lot 748.

3211 Philip II, as Caesar AR Antoninianus. AD 244-247. Rome mint; struck AD 244-246. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, Prince standing to left, holding globe and spear, captive at foot. RIC IV 219; RSC 57. 4.17gr, 22mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3212 Philip II, as Caesar AR Antoninianus. AD 244-247. Rome mint; struck AD 244-246. M IVL PHILIPPVS CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, prince standing to right, holding globe and transverse sceptre. RIC IV 216c; RSC 54. 3.58gr, 23mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3213 Philip II AR Antoninianus. AD 247-249.

Rome mint; struck AD 248. 3rd officina. Ludi Saeculares (Secular Games) issue, commemorating the 1000th anniversary of Rome. IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SAECVLARES AVGG, goat standing to left; III in exergue. RIC IV 224; RSC 72. 4.05gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3214 Herennia Etruscilla, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 249251.

Rome mint; struck early-mid AD 250. HER ETRVSCILLA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / PVDICITIA AVG, Pudicitia seated to left, drawing veil from face and holding sceptre. RIC IV 59b (Decius); RSC 19. 4.00gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3215 Trajan Decius AR Antoninianus. AD 249-251.

Rome mint; struck AD 250. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PANNONIAE, the two Pannoniae, veiled and robed, standing facing, turning right and left away from one another and each holding a standard. RIC IV 21b; RSC 86. 4.45gr, 21mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3216 Trajan Decius AR Antoninianus. AD 249-251.

Rome mint; struck AD 250. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / PANNONIAE, the two Pannoniae, veiled and robed, standing facing, turning right and left away from one another and each holding a standard. RIC IV 21b; RSC 86. 4.41gr, 23mm, 7h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3217 Trajan Decius AR Antoninianus. AD 249-251.

Antioch mint; struck AD 249-251. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing to left, holding wreath and palm. RIC IV 29c; RSC 113a. 3.80gr, 24mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3218 Trajan Decius AE Double Sestertius. AD 249-251. Rome mint; struck circa AD 249-251. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right, drapery over far shoulder / FELICITAS SAECVLI, Felicitas standing to left, holding long caduceus and cornucopia; S C across fields. RIC IV 115a; Banti 9. 31.16gr, 35mm, 12h. Very Fine. Smoothed and tooled. £400 - 600

Ex David Miller, 1970s. From a London, UK, collection.

3219 Trajan Decius AE Sestertius. AD 249-251.

Rome mint; struck AD 249. IMP CAES C MESS Q DECIO TRAI AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / DACIA, Dacia standing to left, holding staff topped with head of ass; S C across fields. RIC IV 101b; Cohen 22. 15.41gr, 29mm, 12h. Very Fine. Tooled. £200 - 300

Ex David Miller, Hampstead, UK.

3220 Trebonianus Gallus BI Antoninianus. AD 251-253. Rome mint. IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PIETAS AVGG, Pietas standing to left, raising both hands. RIC IV 41. 2.75gr, 21mm, 1h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3221 Trebonianus Gallus AR Antoninianus. AD 251-253. Antioch mint. IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right; pellet beneath bust / PAX AVGVS, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding branch and transverse sceptre; [pellet?] in exergue. Cf. RIC IV 86. 3.43gr, 21mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3222 Severus Alexander AE As. AD 222-235.

Rome mint; struck AD 231. IMP SEV ALE-XANDER AVG, laureate head to right, light drapery on far shoulder / PROFECTIO AVGVSTI, the Emperor on horseback to left, raising his right hand and holding spear with his left; S C in exergue. RIC IV 595b; Cohen 490 var.; BMCRE 751. 11.28gr, 26mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. Tooled. Very rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3226 Valerian AR Antoninianus. AD 253-260. Samosata mint; struck AD 255-256. IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VOTA ORBIS, two Victories affixing shield inscribed S C on palm tree. RIC V.1 294 (Antioch) var. (bust type); MIR 1682e; RSC 280 var. (bust type). 3.60gr, 22mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3223 Volusian AR Antoninianus. AD 251-253. Mediolanum mint; struck mid-late AD 252. IMP C C VIB VOLVSIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing facing, head to right, holding spear and resting left hand on grounded shield. RIC IV 206; RSC 133. 4.75gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3224 Volusian AR Antoninianus. AD 251-253.

£30 - 40

Rome mint. IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVGG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding branch and transverse sceptre. RIC IV 179; RSC 70. 3.64gr, 23mm, 6h. Very Fine £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

Attractively Toned Antoninianus

3225 Volusian AR Antoninianus. AD 251-253. ‡ Rome mint. IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing to left, holding grounded shield and spear; star in right field. RIC IV 187; RSC 135a. 3.10gr, 21mm, 7h. Extremely Fine. Attractively toned. £180 - 240

From Besançon Numismatique, 28 April 2015.

3227 Valerian II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 256-258. Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 256. VALERIANVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / IOVI CRESCENTI, infant Jupiter riding goat to right. RIC V.1 3 (Lugdunum); MIR 907e. 2.99gr, 24mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3228 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint; struck AD 267-268. 11th officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / SOLI CONS AVG, bull standing to right; XI in exergue. RIC V 285; Cohen 983; MIR 749b. 3.05gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £90 - 120

Property of a North London, UK, collector.

3229 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint; struck AD 263-265. 2nd officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna seated to left, holding rudder with right hand and cornucopia with left, wheel beneath seat; S in exergue. RIC V.1 194a (sole reign); MIR 546g; RSC 279a. 3.31gr, 23mm, 11h. Extremely Fine. Full silvering. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3230 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Antioch mint; struck AD 267. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SOLI INVICTO, Sol standing facing, head to left, extending right arm and holding globe with left; PXV in exergue. RIC V.1 611 (sole reign) var. (bust type); MIR 1663i; RSC 989. 3.91gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Ex property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3231 Gallienus AR Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Mediolanum mint; struck AD 258. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / LEG I MIN VI P VI F, Minerva standing to left, holding Victory, spear and shield. RIC V.1 322 (joint reign); MIR 988n; RSC 459a. 3.98gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3232 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint; struck AD 265-267. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / SECVRIT PERPET, Securitas standing facing, head to left, legs crossed, leaning on column with left arm and holding sceptre with right hand. RIC V.1 516 (Mediolanum, sole reign); MIR 591w; RSC 962. 4.58gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. Almost complete original silvering. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

Rare Issue from ‘Animal’ Series

3233 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint. 10th emission, AD 267-268. 5th officina. Animal/ Mythical series. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate bust to right / HERCVLI CONS AVG, boar running to right; [ in exergue]. RIC V.1 202 (sole reign); MIR 729b; RSC 317. 3.48gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. £100 - 140

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3234 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. ‡ Antioch mint; struck AD 264-265. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / MINERVA AVG, Minerva standing to right, holding shield and spear; palm in exergue. RIC V 651; MIR 36, 1634d; RSC 632. 3.41gr, 21mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Fully silvered. £150 - 200

From London Ancient Coins Ltd, 17 February 2016, no.33.

3235 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Mediolanum mint. Struck AD 260-268. 1st officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate bust to right, slight drapery on far shoulder / ORIE-NS AVG, Sol standing facing, head to left, raising his right hand and holding whip in left; P in exergue. RIC V.1 494; MIR 1211e; RSC 685a. 3.84gr, 21mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London collection, 1990s.

3236 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint. 6th officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate bust to right / IOVIS STATOR, Jupiter standing facing, head to right, holding sceptre and thunderbolt; in left field. RIC V.1 216; RSC 388a. 3.41gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3237 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Rome mint; struck AD 260-268. 7th officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / VICTORIA AET, Victory standing facing, head to left, holding wreath and palm; Z (retrograde) in left field. RIC V.1 (sole reign) 297; MIR 588a; RSC 1071b. 2.85gr, 21mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3238 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 260-268. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing to left, holding spear and resting hand on shield. RIC V.1 534 (sole reign); MIR 1147m; RSC 1236. 3.08gr, 18mm, 7h. Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Extremely Rare Type

3239 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Antioch mint; struck AD 264. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P XII C VI P P, emperor on horseback to left, raising right hand and holding spear with left. RIC V -; Cohen 840; MIR 1621i. 3.21gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Extremely rare type; only one other example on CoinArchives (Paul-Francis Jacquier 45, 1040; hammer: EUR 380). £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3240 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Rome mint. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / VICTORIA AET, Victory advancing to left, holding wreath and palm frond; Z (or B?) to left. Cf. RIC V.1 297. 2.61gr, 22mm,1h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3241 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Rome mint; struck AD 265-267. 4th officina. IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / PAX AETERNA AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; in left field. RIC V.1 -, cf. 408 (sole reign); MIR 678q(1). 3.14gr, 23mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3242 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Rome mint; struck AD 267-268. 2nd officina. GALLIENVS [AVG], radiate head to right / LIBERO P CONS A[VG], panther walking to left; B in exergue. RIC V.1 230 (sole reign); MIR 713b; RSC 586. 3.62gr, 23mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3243 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Rome mint; struck AD 267-268. 2nd officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / LIBERO P CONS AVG, panther walking to left; B in exergue. RIC V.1 230 (sole reign); MIR 713b; RSC 586. 3.32gr, 22mm, 4h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3244 Gallienus BI Antoninianus. AD 253-268.

Rome mint; struck AD 265-268. 6th officina. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head to right / FORTVNA REDVX, Fortuna standing facing, head to left, holding rudder and cornucopia; in right field. RIC V.1 193 (sole reign) var. (bust type); MIR 586a. 2.86gr, 21mm, 7h. Near Extremely Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.


3245 Salonina, Augusta BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. AD 254-268. Dated RY 12 of Gallienus (AD 264/265). KOPNH IA CA N INA C B, draped bust to right, wearing stephane / Eirene standing to left, holding branch and sceptre; palm frond to left, IB L (date) to right. Köln 2969; Dattari (Savio) 5331; K&G 91.33; Emmett 3855.12. 9.98gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 484, 27 January 2021, lot 623 (company’s ticket included).

3246 Philip II AE 24mm of Nisibis, Mesopotamia. AD 247249.

AYTOK M IOV I I I OC C B, radiate and cuirassed bust to left / IOY C KO Ω N CIBI MHT, Tyche of Antioch seated facing; above, ram (Aries) leaping to right, head to left; all within tetrastyle shrine; below, river-god Euphrates swimming to right. RPC VIII Online Unassigned ID 2962; SNG Copenhagen 240. 8.93gr, 24mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3247 Salonina, Augusta BI Antoninianus. AD 254-268. ‡ Rome mint. 4th officina. SALONINA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / FECVNDITAS AVG, Fecunditas standing to left, holding cornucopia in left hand and extending right hand to child; in right field. RIC V.1 5 (Gallienus); Cohen 39. 3.60gr, 21mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Original silvering fully intact. £80 - 100

From London Ancient Coins Ltd, 17 February 2016, no.34.

3248 Salonina, Augusta BI Antoninianus. AD 254-268. Rome mint; struck AD 267-268. 4th officina. COR SALONIN[A AV]G, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / IVNONI CONS AVG, antelope walking to left; in exergue. RIC V.1, 16 (sole reign); MIR 725cc; RSC 70. 2.13gr, 23 mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. Small die break on reverse. Some toned silvering remains. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3249 Salonina, Augusta AR Antoninianus. AD 254-268. Rome mint; struck AD 257-258. 4th officina. SALONINA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / PVDICITIA, Pudicitia seated to left, raising veil with right hand and holding transverse sceptre with left; Q in exergue. RIC V.1 25 (Gallienus); RSC 94a. 4.04gr, 21mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London collection, 1990s.

3250 Salonina, Augusta BI Antonianus. AD 254-268. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 266. 2nd officina. SALON[INA AVG], diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / AVG [IN] PACE, Salonina seated to left, holding olive branch with right hand and transverse sceptre in left; MS in exergue. RIC V 58; MIR 36, 1374e; RSC 17. 2.69gr, 21mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. Silvering almost fully intact. Flan crack at 6h. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3251 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Contemporary imitation. IMP C POSTVMVS [...], radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / VBERITAS AVG, Uberitas standing facing, head to left, holding cow’s udder with right hand and cornucopia with left. Cf. RIC V 330. 2.61gr, 19mm, 11h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3252 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 260. IMP C POSTVMVS [...] AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIC[T]ORIA AVG, Victory walking to left, holding wreath and palm, treading on captive seated to left. Cf. RIC V.2 89 (Lugdunum); cf. RSC 377a (Lugdunum). 3.22gr, 22mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. Flan crack at 4h. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3253 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Contemporary imitation from an irregular mint. IMP C POSTVM[...], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Mars walking to right, holding spear and trophy. For prototype cf. RIC V.2 57 (Lugdunum). 3.30gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman; collector’s ticket included.

3254 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 268. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI STATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head to right, holding sceptre and thunderbolt. RIC V.2 309 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RIC V.4 396; RSC 159a (Colonia Agrippinensis). 4.11gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman; collector’s ticket included.

3255 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / LAETITIA AVG, galley to left. RIC V.2 73 (Lugdunum); RIC V.4 57; RSC 167a (Lugdunum). 3.83gr, 21mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. Rare. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman; collector’s ticket included.

3256 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 262-263. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC V.2 75 (Lugdunum) and 315 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RSC 199a. 3.37gr, 20mm, 8h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3257 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 261. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P COS II P P, emperor in military attire standing to left, holding globe and spear. RIC V.2 54 (Lugdunum). 3.20gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3258 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor AR Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint; struck AD 262-263. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing facing, head to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC V.2 75 (Lugdunum) and 315 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RSC 199a. 4.41gr, 22mm, 8h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3259 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Treveri mint, struck AD 262-263. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / MONETA AVG, Moneta standing facing, head to left, holding scales and cornucopia. RIC V.2 75 (Lugdunum) and 315 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RSC 199a. 3.13gr, 22mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3260 Postumus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 260-269.

Mint II (Colonia Agrippinensis). Group II, struck AD 268-269. IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / P M TR P X COS V P P, Victory standing to right, left foot on globe, supporting shield inscribed VO XX. RIC V 295; AGK 66; Cunetio 2469. 3.03gr, 20mm, 7h. Near Extremely Fine. Rare. £150 - 200

Property of a North London, UK, collector.

3261 Aureolus, Romano-Gallic Usurper BI Antoninianus. AD 268-269.

Mediolanum mint; struck AD 268. In the name and types of Postumus. IMP POSTVMVS AVG, radiate and draped bust to right / FIDES [E]QVIT, Fides seated to left, holding patera and standard; P(?) in exergue. Cf. RIC V.2 378. 3.03gr, 20mm, 6h. Very Fine. £70 - 90

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3262 Aureolus, Romano-Gallic Usurper BI Antoninianus. AD 268-269.

Mediolanum mint; struck mid AD 268. In the name and types of Postumus. 2nd officina. IMP POSTVMVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus to right / CONC[ORD E]QVIT, Concordia standing to left, holding patera and rudder, foot on prow of ship; S in exergue. RIC V.2 (Postumus) 373; cf. RIC V.4 (Postumus) 446; Elmer 613. 2.64gr, 21mm, 5h. Very Fine. Some original silvering remaining. £50 - 70

Property of a North London, UK, collector.

3263 Aureolus, Romano-Gallic Usurper BI Antoninianus. AD 268-269.

Mediolanum mint. Struck in the name of Postumus, circa early or mid AD 268. 1st officina. IMP POSTVMVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FIDES EQVIT, Fides seated to left, holding patera and standard; P in exergue. RIC V 378 var. (no officina; Postumus); CGE 498 (Postumus); AGK 18c (Postumus); RSC 60 (Postumus). 3.87gr, 21mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman; collector’s ticket included.

3264 Marius, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269.

Treveri mint; struck AD spring 269. IMP C MARIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SAEC FELICITAS, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding caduceus and cornucopia. RIC V.2 10 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RIC V.4 485; Cohen 13 (Colonia Agrippinensis); Elmer 634. 3.11gr, 22mm, 7h. Near Extremely Fine. £150 - 200

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3265 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Rome mint; struck September 268-end 269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SPES PVBLICA, Spes standing to left, holding flower and raising robe. RIC V.1 102; RIC V online 212; Cohen 281. 3.73gr, 22mm, 7h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3266 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Mediolanum mint; struck circa AD 269-270. 2nd officina. IMP CLAVDIVS P F [AVG], radiate, draped, [and cuirassed?] bust to right, seen from behind / FIDES [MIL]IT, Fides standing facing, head to left, holding standard in each hand; S in exergue. Cf. RIC V 149; cf. Cohen 89; cf. MER-RIC 57. 2.92gr, 20mm, 5h. Extremely Fine.

£20 - 30

3270 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Rome mint; struck AD 268-269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / GENIVS EXERCI, Genius standing to left, holding patera and cornucopia. RIC V.1 48; MERRIC 229 (temporary). 2.99gr, 20mm, 7h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3267 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 258-270. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 269-270. 2nd officina. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / AEQVIT-AS AVG, Aequitas standing facing, head to left, holding scales with right hand and cornucopia with left; S in exergue. RIC V.1 137; MER-RIC 55 (temporary). 2.32gr, 19mm, 11h. Near Extremely Fine. Dark green patina. Flan crack at 12h. £30 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3271 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270.

Rome mint; struck AD 268-269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / FIDES EXERCI, Fides standing to left, holding standard and transverse standard. RIC V.1 34 var. (Fides standing to right). 3.71gr, 21mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3272 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 268-269. 3rd officina. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FELIC TEMPO, Felicitas standing to left, holding caduceus and sceptre; T in exergue. RIC V.1 145 var. (bust type); MER-RIC 35 (temporary). 3.01gr, 20mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

£20 - 30

3268 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Rome mint; struck AD 268-269. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing to left, feeding serpent rising from altar out of patera and holding sceptre. RIC V.1 98; MER-RIC 184 (temporary). 2.92gr, 20mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. Original silvering almost fully intact.

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3269 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 269-270. 3rd officina. IMP CLAVDIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed(?) bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax running to left, holding olive-branch and sceptre; T in exergue. Cf. RIC V.1 157; cf. MER-RIC 60 (temporary). 2.35gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3273 Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. AD 268-270. Rome mint; struck AD 270. 5th officina. IMP CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate head to right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing to left, holding olive branch and spear, shield resting on ground; in right field. RIC V.1 110. 3.93gr, 20mm, 8h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3274 Divus Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. Died AD 270.

Local imitation(?). DIVO CL[...], radiate head to right / [...]RATIO, altar with flame above, divided in four squares with pellets. Cf. RIC V.1 261. 2.14gr, 17mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3275 Divus Claudius II Gothicus BI Antoninianus. Died AD 270.

Rome mint. DIVO CLAVDIO, radiate head to right / CONSECRATIO, eagle standing to left, head to right. RIC V.1 266; MER-RIC 1278 (temporary). 3.20gr, 21mm, 11h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3276 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint(?). [...] VICTORINVS [...], radiate bust to right / VIR[...]VG, Virtus standing facing, head to right, holding spear with right hand and shield with left. Cf. RIC V.2 78; cf. RIC V.4 562. 2.40gr, 21mm, 1h. Very Fine. Double struck. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3277 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 269-270. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RIC V.4 526; Elmer 682; AGK 14b. 2.39gr, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3278 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 269-270. IMP C VICTORINVS [...], radiate and draped bust to right / PAX [AV]G, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. Cf. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 2.27gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3279 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 269. 5th officina. IMP C PIAV VICTORINVS P

F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 117 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 2.02gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3280 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 270-271. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / INVICTVS, Sol advancing to left, raising hand and holding whip; star in left field. RIC V.2 114 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 3.19gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine.

£25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3281 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 269-270. 5th officina. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 3.03gr, 19mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£25 - 35

3282 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 269-270. 5th officina. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 2.50gr, 19mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3283 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 270-271. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking to left, holding wreath and palm. RIC V.2 75 (Southern Gallic Mint). 3.35gr, 22mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3284 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 271. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing facing, head to left, holding baton and cornucopia; globe at foot. RIC V.2 61. 2.43gr, 21mm, 6h. Very Fine.

£20 - 30

3286 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 271. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing to right, feeding serpent in her arms. RIC V.2 67 (Southern Mint) and 122 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 3.13gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3287 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 271. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing facing, head to left, holding baton above globe with right hand and cornucopia with left. RIC V.2 61 (Southern mint). 2.02gr, 22mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3288 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri (Trier) mint; struck early-mid AD 270. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch with right hand and transverse sceptre with left; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RIC V.4 526; Elmer 682; AGK 14b. 3.41gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3285 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Treveri mint; struck AD 270. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / INVICTVS, Sol advancing to left, raising hand and holding whip; star in left field. RIC V.2 114 (Colonia Agrippinensis); RIC V.4 521. 3.45gr, 19mm, 1h. Good Very Fine.

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

£20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3289 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Contemporary imitation. IMP C VICTORINVS [...], radiate bust to right / [...] AVG, Pax(?) standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre. Cf. RIC V.2 118. 2.74gr, 20mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3290 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

3294 Quintillus BI Antoninianus. AD 270. Mediolanum mint; struck AD 270. 2nd officina. IMP QVINTILLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FIDES MILIT, Fides standing to left, holding two standards, S in exergue. RIC V.1 52 var. (bust type); MER-RIC 1116 (temporary). 1.96gr, 22mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

£20 - 30

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck mid-late AD 270. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from front / PIETAS AVG, Pietas standing to left, holding box of perfumes and sacrificing over altar to left. RIC V 57; AGK 18a. 2.64gr, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine.

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3291 Victorinus, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 269-271.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3295 Quintillus BI Antoninianus. AD 270. Rome mint; struck AD 270. 5th officina. IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing to left, holding vexillum and sceptre; in right field. RIC V.1 18; MER-RIC 1152 (temporary). 2.52gr, 20mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

£20 - 30

Treveri mint; struck AD 270. IMP C VICTORINVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch with right hand and sceptre in left; V in left field, star in right field. RIC V.2 118 (Colonia Agrippinensis). 1.81gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3292 Quintillus BI Antoninianus. AD 270. Rome mint. 12th officina. [IMP C M AVR CL QVI]NTILLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed(?) bust to right / LAETIT[IA AVG], Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath and anchor set on globe; XII in right field. Cf. RIC V.1 22; cf. MER-RIC 1202 (temporary). 2.64gr, 21mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3293 Quintillus BI Antoninianus. AD 270. Rome mint. 12th officina. IMP C M AVR CL QVINTILLVS [AVG], radiate, draped and cuirassed(?) bust to right / LAETI[TIA AVG], Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath and anchor set on globe; XII in right field. Cf. RIC V.1 22; cf. MER-RIC 1202 (temporary). 2.43gr, 20mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3296 Aurelian, with Vabalathus BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Antioch mint; struck November AD 270-March AD 272. 8th officina. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust of Aurelian to right; H below / VABALATHVS V C R IM D R, laureate, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Vabalathus to right. RIC V.1 381 corr. (reverse bust type); BN 1258-61. 3.69gr, 19mm, 4h. Very fine. £40 - 60

Acquired on the German art market around 2000. From the collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3297 Aurelian BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Rome mint. 1st officina. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / RESTITVT ORBIS, Emperor standing to left, holding sceptre and receiving wreath from female figure, standing to right; A in exergue. RIC V.1 53. 4.28gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3298 Aurelian BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Tripolis mint. Struck AD 274. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / RESTITVT OR-BIS, female figure standing to right, presenting wreath to emperor standing to left and holding sceptre; star in field, •KA in exergue. RIC V.1 389 var.; MER-RIC (temporary) 3228. 3.77gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. Much original silvering remaining. Some delamination to reverse. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3299 Aurelian BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. ‡ Serdica mint. 6th emission, spring AD 274. 3rd officina. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / ORIENS AVG, Sol standing to left, raising right hand and holding globe with left, two captives seated to left and to right at feet; T in exergue. RIC V.1 279; MER-RIC 2650 (temporary). 5.02gr, 23mm, 7h. Mint State. Attractive old cabinet tone with light gold iridescence around the devices. £200 - 300

Ex Pecunem / Gitbud & Naumann, Auction 14, 2 March 2014, lot 796.

3300 Aurelian BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Antioch mint; struck AD 275. 1st officina. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / RESTITVT OR-[BIS], female figure standing to right, crowning emperor standing to left, holding sceptre; P between, XX[I] in exergue. RIC V.1 386; MER-RIC 3186 (temporary). 3.90gr, 24mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3301 Severina, Augusta BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Ticinum mint; struck AD 275. 6th officina. SEVERINA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / PROVIDEN DEOR, Fides standing to right, holding standard in each hand, facing Sol standing to left, raising hand and holding globe; UIXXT in exergue. RIC V.1 9; MER-RIC 1558 (temporary). 4.28gr, 24mm, 5h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3302 Severina, Augusta BI Antoninianus. AD 270-275. Antioch mint; struck AD early-September 275. 4th officina. SEVERINA AVG, diademed and draped bust to right, set on crescent / CONCORDIAE MILITVM, Concordia standing to left, holding standard in each hand; Q in lower left central field, XXI in exergue. RIC V.1 20; MER-RIC 3193 (temporary). 4.86gr, 23mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Original silvering almost fully intact. £30 - 40

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3303 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Uncertain mint. [...]CVS P F AVG, radiate bust to right / Incuse of obverse. 1.86gr, 18mm. Very Fine. Brockage of obverse. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

Brockage errors are caused when an already minted coin sticks to the coin die and impresses onto another blank that hasn’t been struck yet, pressing a mirror image of the other coin into the blank.

3304 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. [I]MP TETRICV[...], radiate bust to right / Blundered legend, female figure standing facing, head to left, holding palm branch with right and cornucopia with left hand. For prototype, cf. RIC V.1 80 (Hilaritas). 2.47gr, 17mm, 8h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3305 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. [...]ICVS AVG, radiate bust to right / VI-I-[...]G, Fides standing facing, head to left, holding standard in each hand. For prototype, cf. RIC V.1 71 (FIDES MILITVM). 2.43gr, 18mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3306 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. IMP C [...]ETTRICVS AVG, radiate bust to right / VICTO[...] AVG, Victory standing to left, holding wreath with right hand and palm with left. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 141. 1.86gr, 18mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. An imitating issue of a very rare variant. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3307 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch with right hand and sceptre with left. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 100. 2.91gr, 18mm, 10h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

Sharp Minting Error

3308 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint. IMP TETRI[...], radiate and cuirassed bust to right / [LA]ETITIA AVGG, Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath and anchor. Cf. RIC V.2 88 (Colonia Agrippensis). 2.46gr, 22mm. Mint State. Double struck. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Rare Reverse Legend

3309 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint. [...]RICVS P F AVG, radiate, cuirassed and draped bust to right / VICTO[RIA] AVG, Victory standing to left, holding wreath and palm. Cf. RIC V.2 141. 2.47gr, 16mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. Rare reverse legend. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3310 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 272-273. IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate and draped bust to right / COMES AVG, Victory standing to left, holding wreath and palm. RIC V.2 56; Cohen 17. 2.35gr, 19mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3311 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. IMP C [...], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PA[...], Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch with right hand and sceptre with left. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 100. 1.62gr, 17mm, 8h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3312 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint; struck circa AD 272-273. IMP C TETRICVS P F [AVG], radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINC IV[VENT], emperor standing facing, head to left, holding branch with right hand and vertical sceptre with left hand. RIC V.2 115; RIC V.4 786; Cunetio 2620. 2.28gr, 18mm, 7h. Near Extremely Fine. Rare. £20 - 30

Ex property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3313 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate bust to right / Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch with right hand and sceptre with left. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 100. 3.11gr, 19mm, 1h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3314 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Local imitation. IMP TETRICVS P F A[...], radiate bust to right / Blundered legend, female figure standing facing, head to left, holding palm branch with right and cornucopia with left hand. For prototype, cf. RIC V.1 80 (Hilaritas). 2.14gr, 16mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3315 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint; struck AD 274. IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SALVS AVGG, Salus standing to left, feeding serpent rising from altar and holding anchor. RIC V.2 126. 3.08gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £25 - 35

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3316 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor, BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint; struck AD 273. IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas standing to left, holding long branch with right hand and cornucopia with left. RIC V.2 80; RIC V.4 801. 4.59gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3317 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Contemporary imitation(?). IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding branch and sceptre. Cf. RIC V.2 100. 2.64gr, 18mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3318 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint; struck AD 273. IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding branch and sceptre. RIC V.2 100; Cohen 95; Elmer 775. 1.83gr, 20mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3319 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Treveri mint; struck AD 272. IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding branch and long vertical sceptre. RIC V.2 100. 2.17gr, 18mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3320 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

Colonia Agrippinensis mint; struck AD 272-273. IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate and draped bust to right / COMES AVG, Victory standing to left, holding wreath and palm. RIC V.2 56; Cohen 17. 3.08gr, 18mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3321 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-274. Treveri mint; struck AD 272-273. C PIV ESV TETRICVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / SPES PVBLICA, Spes walking to left, holding flower with right hand and raising robe with left. RIC V.2 272; RIC V.4 759. 1.96gr, 18mm, 7h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

Well-struck Reverse Brockage

3322 Tetricus I, Romano-Gallic Emperor, BI Antoninianus. AD 271-274.

[...]S P F AVG; incuse of reverse / HILARITAS AVGG, Hilaritas standing to left, holding long branch with right hand and cornucopia with left. Cf. RIC V.2 80; cf. RIC V.4 801. 2.36gr, 19mm. Extremely Fine. Brockage of reverse. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

Brockage errors are caused when an already minted coin sticks to the coin die and impresses onto another blank that hasn’t been struck yet, pressing a mirror image of the other coin into the blank. Until the late 3rd century AD brockages showing the reverse are much less common since mint workers would be more likely to see the stuck coin in the anvil die.

3323 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-274. Treveri mint; struck AD 272-273. C [PIV ESV TETRICVS CAE]S, radiate and draped bust to right / [PIETAS AVGVSTOR], pontifical implements: sprinkler, simpulum, jug, knife, lituus. RIC V.2 258; RIC V.4 772-3 (knife not mentioned). 1.96gr, 17mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

£20 - 30

3325 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 273-274. Treveri mint; struck AD 273. C PIV ESV TETRICVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right, seen from rear / SPES PVBLICA, Spes standing facing, head to left, holding flower with right hand and raising robe with left. RIC V.2 272. 2.45gr, 19mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3326 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-274. Uncertain mint. [C] PIV ESV TETRICVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / Incuse of obverse. 2.50gr, 19mm. Near Very Fine. Brockage of obverse. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

Brockage errors are caused when an already minted coin sticks to the coin die and impresses onto another blank that hasn’t been struck yet, pressing a mirror image of the other coin into the blank.

3327 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 272-273. Local imitation. [...]SV TETRICVS CAE[...], radiate bust to right / Blundered legend, Spes walking to left, holding flower with right hand and raising robe with left. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 272. 3.29gr, 19mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

3324 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-274. Treveri mint; struck AD 273. C PIV ESV TETRICVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / SPES AVGG, Spes walking to left, holding flower and raising robe. RIC V.2 270. 3.50gr, 20mm, 8h. Very Fine.

From a London, UK, specialist collection, 1990s.

£20 - 30

3328 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-273. Local imitation. [...]RICVS CAES, radiate and draped bust to right / [...]TAS AVG[...], pontifical implements. For prototype, cf. RIC V.2 255 & 258. 2.06gr, 15mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3329 Tetricus II, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 270-274. Treveri mint; struck AD 272-273. C PIV ESV TETR[ICVS CAE]S, radiate and draped bust to right / [SPES P]VBLI[CA], Spes walking to left, holding flower with right hand and raising robe with left. RIC V.2 272; RIC V.4 759. 2.60gr, 20mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. Double struck. £20 - 30

Ex property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Very Rare Brockage of Reverse

3330 Tetricus I or II BI Antoninianus. AD 272-274.

Uncertain mint. Incuse of reverse / [SPES P]VBLICA, Spes walking to left, holding flower with right hand and raising hem of skirt with left. For reverse type cf. RIC V.1 135 (Tetricus I, Treveri); cf. RIC V.2 272 (Tetricus II, Treveri). 1.79gr, 16mm. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

Brockage errors are caused when an already minted coin sticks to the coin die and impresses onto another blank that hasn’t been struck yet, pressing a mirror image of the other coin into the blank. Until the late 3rd century AD brockages showing the reverse are much less common since mint workers would be more likely to see the stuck coin in the anvil die.

3331 Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276.

Lugdunum mint; struck AD 276. 4th officina. IMP CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding long caduceus with right hand and cornucopia with left; in left field, star in right field. RIC V.1 65 (Gaul); MER-RIC 3325 (temporary). 4.44gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Plenty of silvering remaining. £50 - 70

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

Attractive Antoninianus Struck in High Relief

3332 Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276. ‡

Lugdunum mint; struck AD 275. IMP C CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus standing to left, holding shield and spear. RIC V.1 69; MER-RIC 3267 (temporary). 3.91gr, 24mm, 12h. Mint State. Flan crack at 4h. Original silvering fully intact. Attractively toned, struck in high relief. £180 - 240

Acquired from Mike Vosper, 20 May 2015; collector’s ticket included.

3333 Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276.

Lugdunum mint; struck AD 276. IMP CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SPES PVBLICA, Spes walking to left, holding flower and raising skirt; CA in exergue. RIC V.1 61 (Gaul); MER-RIC 3289 (temporary). 3.30gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3334 Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276.

Lugdunum mint; struck AD 276. 4th officina. IMP CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS, Felicitas standing facing, head to left, holding long caduceus with right hand and cornucopia with left; in left field, star in right field. RIC V.1 65 (Gaul); MER-RIC 3325 (temporary). 4.65gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3335 Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276.

Lugdunum mint; struck November-December AD 275. IMP C CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing facing, head to left, holding cornucopia and scales. RIC V 14; BN 1403-5; Lyon 26. 4.47gr, 22mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. Full silvering remaining. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.


Tacitus BI Antoninianus. AD 275-276.

Lugdunum mint; struck AD March-April 276. 4th officina. IMP CL TACITVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / TEMPORVM FELICITAS, Felicitas standing to left, holding long caduceus and cornucopia; A across fields. RIC V.1 65; MER-RIC 3314 (temporary). 3.84gr, 23mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Much original silvering remaining.

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

3340 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Rome mint; struck AD 281. 6th officina. IMP PROBVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / ADVENTVS AVG, emperor riding to left, holding sceptre and raising hand in salute; captive seated below to left, R(star) in exergue. RIC V.2 157; 1972. 4.02gr, 21mm, 6h. Good Extremely Fine. Original silvering fully intact. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3341 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282.

3337 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Siscia mint. 1st officina. IMP PROBVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right, seen from front / CONCORDIA MILIT, emperor standing right, clasping hand of Concordia; XXIP in exergue. RIC V 657 var. (legends). 2.99gr, 21mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3338 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Ticinum mint; struck AD 280. 5th officina. VIRTVS PROBI AVG, radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust to left, holding spear and shield / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; T in left field, VXXI in exergue. RIC V.2 517; Pink VI/1, p. 66. 3.74gr, 21mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £50 - 70

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3339 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Lugdunum mint; struck AD 282. 4th officina. IMP C PROBVS • P • F • AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; D in left field. RIC V.2 119; 179. 4.87gr, 23mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Much original silvering remaining. Collector’s note ‘1’ on reverse. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

Lugdunum mint; struck January-August AD 282. 2nd officina. IMP C PROBVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / SALV-S AVG, Salus standing to left, holding sceptre and feeding from patera snake coiled around and rising from altar to left; B to right. RIC V 124; Lyon 393. 3.67gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Much original silvering remaining. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3342 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Cyzicus mint; struck AD 281. 2nd officina. IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate and mantled bust to left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / SOLI INVICTO, Sol standing facing in spread quadriga, head to left, holding whip and reins, and raising hand; CM below, XXIB in exergue. RIC V.2 911; 2792. 3.86gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3343 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Serdica mint; struck AD 280/1. 2nd officina. IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, radiate, helmeted and cuirassed bust to left, holding spear and shield / SOLI INVICTO, Sol in spread quadriga, holding whip; in exergue: KAB. RIC V.2 862; 2030. 2.97gr, 24mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3344 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282.

Siscia mint; struck AD 276-282. 4th officina. IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from rear / CONSERVAT AVG, Sol standing to left, right hand raised, left holding globe; XXIQ in exergue. RIC V.2 671. 4.52gr, 23mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3345 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Rome mint; struck AD 280. 3rd officina. IMP PROBV[S] P F AVG, radiate and mantled bust to left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / SOLI INVICTO, Sol driving galloping quadriga to left, holding globe and whip and raising hand; R(wreath) in exergue. RIC V.2 200; 2399. 3.38gr, 22mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3346 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282.

Rare Aureus with Portrait of Elderly Carus

3348 Carus AV Aureus. AD 282-283. ‡ Antioch mint. IMP C M AVR CARVS P F AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTOR-IAE AVGG, Victory advancing to right, holding palm frond over left shoulder and wreath in her right hand; SMA in exergue. RIC V.2 122; Calicó 4290; Cohen-. 5.02gr, 20mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Extremely rare; only one other example on CoinArchives (CNG 53, 1698). £15,000 - 20,000

Ex Hess-Divo AG, Auction 334, 29 May 2018, lot 132. Ex Nomos AG, Auction 17, 26 October 2018, lot 304 (dealer’s ticket included).

3349 Carinus, as Caesar BI Antoninianus. AD 282-283.

Ticinum mint; struck AD 282. 3rd officina. M AVR CARINVS NOB C, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI IVVENTVT, prince standing to left, holding globe and spear, captive seated to left; TXXI in exergue. RIC V.2 182; Cohen 97. 3.94gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

Serdica mint; struck AD 276. 2nd officina. IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, radiate bust to left, wearing imperial mantle, and holding eagletipped sceptre / SOLI INVICTO, Sol in spread quadriga, holding globe; KAB in exergue. RIC V.2 862; Pink VI/1 p. 45. 3.89gr, 23mm, 12h. Extremely Fine.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3347 Probus BI Antoninianus. AD 276-282. Ticinum mint; struck AD 281. 4th officina. IMP C PROBVS AVG, radiate and mantled bust to left, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / PROVIDENT AVG, Providentia standing to left, holding globe and sceptre; Q in left field, SXXI in exergue. RIC V.2 490; 303. 3.81gr, 24mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Original silvering almost fully intact. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3350 Carinus BI Antoninianus. AD 283-285. Siscia mint; struck AD 284. 2nd officina. IMP C M AVR CARINVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONS-ER, Carinus standing to right, holding sceptre and receiving globe from Jupiter standing to left, holding sceptre; B between, SMSXXI in exergue. RIC V 314; Pink VI/2, p. 44. 4.24gr, 23mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3351 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 286-305.

Heraclea mint; struck AD 297-298. 1st officina. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI, Genius, wearing modius on head, standing to left, holding cornucopia and patera, from which liquid flows; HTA in exergue. RIC VI 19a. 10.05gr, 28mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Ex Nash collection, 1990s-2000s. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

3355 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 284-305. Treveri mint; struck AD 296-297. 3rd officina. IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing to left, modius on head, holding patera and cornucopia; C across fields, TR in exergue. RIC VI 187a. 8.19gr, 26mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3352 Diocletian BI Antoninianus. AD 284-305. Lugdunum mint; struck mid AD 285-1 April 286. 3rd officina. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing to left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; C in left field. RIC V.2 47; Lyon 24. 4.07gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3353 Diocletian BI Antoninianus. AD 284-305. Cyzicus mint; struck AD 284-294. 1st officina. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / CONCORDIA MI-LITVM, emperor standing to right, holding sceptre and receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter, standing to left, holding sceptre; A below, XXI• in exergue. RIC V.2 306 var. (bust type). 3.79gr, 21mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3354 Diocletian BI Antoninianus. AD 284-305. Ticinum mint; struck AD 290-292. 3rd officina. IMP C VAL DIOCLETIANVS AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONSERVAT, Jupiter standing to left, head to right, holding thunderbolt and sceptre, eagle to left, two standards to right; TXXIT in exergue. RIC V.2 228. 3.13gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3356 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 284-305. Ticinum mint; struck AD 298-299. 2nd officina. IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing to left, modius on head, holding patera and cornucopia; star in left field, ST• in exergue. RIC VI 33a. 9.44gr, 27mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the London art market in the late 1980s-1990s. From the family collection of an East London, UK, gentleman.

3357 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 284-305. Alexandria mint; struck AD 301. 5th officina. IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius, wearing modius on head, standing to left, holding cornucopia and patera, from which liquid flows; XX in left field, over I in right field, ALE in exergue. RIC VI 32a. 10.29gr, 26mm, 5h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3358 Diocletian BI Antoninianus. AD 284-305. Lugdunum mint; struck AD 287-288. 1st officina. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONSER AVGG, Jupiter standing to left, holding thunderbolt in right hand and sceptre in left hand, eagle at foot left; A in right field, SML in exergue. RIC V.2 35. 3.67gr, 23mm, 6h. Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman; collector’s ticket included.

£20 - 30

3361 Maximian BI Antoninianus. AD 286-305. Lugdunum mint; struck AD 290-291. 1st officina. IMP MAXIMIANVS AVG, radiate bust to left, wearing imperial mantle and holding sceptre surmounted by Victory / IOVI AVGG, Jupiter standing to left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, eagle at foot; A in exergue. RIC V.2 384. 4.10gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Some original silvering remaining. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3362 Maximian BI Nummus. First reign, AD 286-305. Carthage mint; struck AD 297-298. 8th officina. IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / FELIX A-D-VENT AVGG NN, Africa standing facing, head to left, wearing elephant skin headdress and holding signum and tusk; at feet to left, lion with captured bull; H in left field, PKS in exergue. RIC V 23b. 10.64gr, 27mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex Coincraft, London, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3359 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 284-305. Antioch mint; struck AD 300-301. 2nd officina. IMP C DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius, wearing modius on head, standing to left, holding cornucopia and patera, from which liquid flows; K in left field, B over V in right field, ANT in exergue. RIC VI 54a. 9.36gr, 27mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3363 Maximian BI Antoninianus. First reign, AD 286-305. Rome mint; struck AD 285-286. 1st officina. IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONSERVAT AVGG, Jupiter standing facing, head to left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre; XXIA in exergue. RIC V.2 506. 3.51gr, 24mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Double struck. £20 - 30

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3360 Diocletian BI Nummus. AD 284-305. Treveri mint; struck AD 298-299. 1st officina. IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing to left, modius on head, holding patera and cornucopia; A in left field, star in right, TR in exergue. RIC VI 306a. 10.27gr, 28mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Much original silvering remaining. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3364 Maximian BI Antoninianus. First reign, AD 286-305. Lugdunum mint; struck AD 286. IMP C VAL MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS AVGG, Hercules standing to right, leaning on club placed on rock and holding lion skin; D to left. RIC V 437; Cohen 565; Bastien 67. 3.99gr, 22mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3365 Maximian, as Senior Augustus BI Nummus. First reign, AD 305-307.

Rome mint; struck circa 305. 3rd officina. D N MAXIMIANO FELICISS SEN AVG, laureate bust to right, wearing imperial mantle and holding olive branch in right hand and mappa in left / PROVIDENT DEOR QVIES AVGG, Providentia standing to right, extending her right hand to Quies, standing to left, holding branch in her right hand and long sceptre in her left; S F across field, RT in exergue. RIC VI 117b. 10.52gr, 27mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

A Well Struck Antoninianus of Carausius

3366 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293. ‡

Uncertain mint; struck AD 287-290. IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch with right hand and vertical sceptre with left. RIC V 880. 4.53gr, 22mm, 11h. Extremely Fine. Nice dark green patina with some brown highlights. £450 - 650

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005, collector’s ticket included.

3367 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

London mint; struck March AD 291 - October 292. IMP C CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX [AVG], Pax standing to left, holding olive-branch and transverse sceptre; S in left field, P in right field, MLXXI in exergue. RIC V.2 118; Webb 139. 3.17gr, 24mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3368 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

‘C’ (Camulodunum?) mint. IMP CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate and draped bust to right / APOLLINI CONS, griffin walking to left; MSC in exergue. RIC V 196. 3.32gr, 21mm, 7h. Fair. Very rare. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3369 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

‘C’ (Camulodunum?) mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing facing, head to left, holding olive branch and sceptre; S P across fields, C in exergue. RIC V.2 321. 4.69gr, 22mm, 6h. Very Fine. £50 - 70

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3370 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

London mint. IMP CARAV[...] AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch with right hand and sceptre with left; F O across field, ML in exergue. Cf. RIC V.2 101. 3.87gr, 28mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £50 - 70

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3371 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

London mint; struck circa AD 291-292. IMP C CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / PAX AVG, Pax standing to left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre, B E across field; MLXXI in exergue. RIC V.2 98. 2.69gr, 24mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3372 Carausius, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 286-293.

‘C’ (Camulodunum) mint. IMP C CARAVSIVS [...], radiate, draped, and cuirassed(?) bust to right / FID[...], Fides standing to left, holding signum in each hand; S P across field, mintmark below. Cf. RIC V 225. 3.04gr, 23mm, 6h. Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3373 Allectus, Romano-British Emperor AE Antoninianus. AD 293-296.

London mint. IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / LAETITIA AVG, Laetitia standing to left, holding wreath and anchor; S A across fields, ML in exergue. RIC V.2 22. 2.98gr, 21mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found Essex, UK.

Suberb Antoninianus of Allectus

3374 Allectus, Romano-British Emperor BI Antoninianus. AD 293-296.

‘C’ (Camulodunum?) mint. IMP C ALLECTVS P F AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust to right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providentia standing facing, head to left, holding globe in her right hand and cornucopia in her left. RIC V.2 108; Webb 164. 4.41gr, 22mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Well struck in attractive dark olive-green patina. £100 - 140

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3376 Constantine I, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 306-309. Treveri mint; struck AD 307. 1st officina. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing to left, head towered, holding cornucopia and patera; S C across fields, PTR in exergue. RIC VI 703b. 6.34gr, 26mm, 6h. Very Fine. Rare. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Very Rare

3377 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Arelate mint; struck AD 320-321. 1st officina. IMP CONSTAN-TINVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / CONSTANTINI AVG around VOTIS XX; PA in exergue. RIC VII 216. 2.60gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3378 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 328-329. 2nd officina. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head to right / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, camp gate with two turrets, no doors and star above; BSIS(double crescent) in exergue. RIC VII 214. 3.09gr, 19mm, 1h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3375 Maxentius AE Quarter Nummus. AD 307-312. Rome mint; struck AD 310-312. MAXENTI-VS P F AVG, laureate head to right / VOT • Q • Q MVL X, legend in four lines within wreath. RIC VI 281a. 2.10gr, 16mm, 6h. Near Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Bertolami Fine Arts - ACR Auctions, E-Auction 304, 20 June 2024, lot 757 (company’s ticket included).

3379 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Ticinum mint; struck AD 322-325. 1st officina. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head to right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT • XX in two lines above crescent within wreath; PT in exergue. RIC VII 167. 2.81gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3380 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337.

Cyzicus mint; struck AD 325-326. 1st officina. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head to right / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, camp gate with two turrets and no doors; star above, SMKA• in exergue. RIC VII 34. 2.96gr, 21mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Original silvering fully intact. £20 - 30

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3381 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337.

Nicomedia mint; struck AD 330-335. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS

MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers standing facing one another, each holding spear and shield, two standards between them; SMNA in exergue. RIC VII 188. 2.09gr, 17mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3382 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337.

Siscia mint; struck AD 320. 3rd officina. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head to right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT • XX in three lines within laurel wreath, jewel at apex; SIS in exergue. RIC VII 148. 2.62gr, 18mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3383 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337.

Arelate mint; struck AD 321. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT • XX in three lines within laurel wreath; P(star within crescent)A in exergue. RIC VII 239. 3.65gr, 20mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Beautiful olive green patina. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3384 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 315-316. 2nd officina. IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head to left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre; eagle with wreath in beak at feet to left, B in right field, •SIS• in exergue. RIC VII 15. 3.85gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels. From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3385 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Aquileia mint; struck AD 321. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, laurel wreath with jewel at apex enclosing VOT • XX in three lines; •AQP• in exergue. RIC VII 85. 3.30gr, 19mm, 5h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3386 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 326-327. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, camp gate with no doors and two turrets, star above; •ASIS• in exergue. RIC VII 200. 2.97gr, 19mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels. From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3387 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Nicomedia mint; struck AD 325-326. 5th officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, camp gate with no doors and two turrets; star above, MN in exergue. RIC VII 121. 3.04gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3388 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. London mint; struck AD 310. 1st officina. IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, radiate Sol standing facing, head to left with chlamys around shoulders, with right hand raised and holding globe in left; T F across fields, PLN in exergue. RIC VI 121a; C&T 6.02.010; RML 249. 3.70gr, 21mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3389 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Constantinople mint; struck AD 328. 3rd officina. Dafne coinage. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed head to right, looking upwards / CONS[T]A[NTINIANA DAFNE], Victory seated to left on cippus, head to right, holding palm branch in each hand; trophy in front, at the foot of which captive kneeling to left, head to right, spurned by Victory; in left field, CONS in exergue. RIC VII 32; LRBC 992. 3.25gr, 20mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3390 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Treveri mint; struck AD 316. 1st officina. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing facing, head to left, raising one hand and holding globe; T F across fields, ATR in exergue. RIC VII 95. 2.65gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3391 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Rome mint; struck AD 329-330. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XXX in two lines within wreath; RFP below. RIC VII 322. 3.30gr, 21mm, 11h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3392 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Constantinople mint; struck AD 327-328. 3rd officina. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed head to right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, soldier standing to left, head to right, holding spear and resting hand upon shield set on ground to right; in left field, CONS in exergue. RIC VII 22. 3.73gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3393 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Alexandria mint; struck AD 330-335. 1st officina. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with two standards between them, dots on banners, SMALA in exergue. RIC VII 58. 3.17gr, 19mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Original silvering almost fully intact. Rare.

£20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels. From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3394 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 320-321. 2nd officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, wreath enclosing VOT • XX in two lines; BSIS(star) in exergue. RIC VII 159. 3.53gr, 19mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. Much original silvering remaining. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection.

3395 Constantine I BI Nummus. AD 307/310-337. Antioch mint; struck AD 326-327. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head to right / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, camp gate with no door, two turrets, star above and pellet within doorway; SMANTA in exergue. RIC VII 71. 2.86gr, 19mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3396 Divus Constantine I BI 15mm. Died AD 337. Nicomedia mint; struck AD 337-340. 3rd officina. DV CONSTANTINVS P T AVGG, veiled head to right / Veiled emperor drives galloping quadriga to right, hand of god above; SMN below. RIC VIII 18. 1.88gr, 15mm, 1h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3397 City Commemorative BI Nummus. Struck under Constantine I, AD 335. Antioch mint. 10th officina. CONSTAN-TINOPOLIS, laureate and helmeted bust of Constantinopolis to left, wearing imperial mantle and holding sceptre / Victory standing to left on prow, holding transverse sceptre and resting hand on shield; SMANI in exergue. RIC VII 92; LRBC 1360. 2.41gr, 17mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3398 City Commemorative BI Nummus. Struck under Constantine I, AD 330-333. Siscia mint. 2nd officina. CONSTAN-TINOPOLIS, laureate, helmeted and mantled bust of Constantinopolis to left, holding sceptre / Victory standing to left, foot on prow, holding sceptre and resting hand on shield; BSIS in exergue. RIC VII 224. 2.02gr, 18mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3399 City Commemorative BI Nummus. Struck under Constantine I, AD 333-334. Treveri mint. 2nd officina. CONSTAN-TINOPOLIS, laureate, helmeted and mantled bust of Constantinopolis to left, holding sceptre / Victory standing to left, foot on prow, holding sceptre and resting hand on shield set on ground; palm frond in left field, TRS in exergue. RIC VII 563. 2.55gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3400 Commemorative Series AE Follis. AD 330-354. Alexandria mint; struck AD 333-335. 1st officina. VRBS ROMA, bust of Roma to left, wearing crested helmet and imperial mantle / Shewolf standing to left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above; SMALA in exergue. RIC VII 63. 2.48gr, 18mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3401 Commemorative Series AE Follis. AD 330-354. Rome mint; struck AD 330-331. 4th officina. VRBS ROMA, bust of Roma to left, wearing crested helmet and imperial mantle / She-wolf standing to left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above; RBQ in exergue. RIC VII 338. 1.87gr, 17mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3402 Commemorative Series AE Follis. AD 330-354. Alexandria mint; struck AD 335-337. 2nd officina. VRBS ROMA, bust of Roma to left, wearing crested helmet and imperial mantle / Shewolf standing to left, suckling Romulus and Remus; two stars above; SMALB in exergue. RIC VII 70. 2.94gr, 17mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels. From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3403 Fausta, Augusta BI Nummus. AD 324-326. Treveri mint; struck AD 325-326. 1st officina. FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG, mantled bust to right / SPES REIP-VBLICAE, Spes standing facing, head to left, holding two infants in her arms; PTR(pellet in crescent) in exergue. RIC VII 484. 3.19gr, 18mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Nice dark green patina. £40 - 60

Ex Coincraft, London, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3404 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. London mint; struck AD 322-324. 1st officina. CRISPVS NOBIL C, helmeted and cuirassed bust to left, holding spear and shield / BEAT TRANQLITAS, banded globe set on altar inscribed VOTIS XX in three lines; three stars above, F B across field; PLON in exergue. RIC VII 247; C&T 9.06.019; RML 1088. 3.62gr, 18mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £100 - 140

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3408 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. London mint; struck AD 317. 1st officina. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing facing, head to left, with chlamys across shoulder, raising his right hand and holding globe with left; S-P across fields, PLN in exergue. RIC VII 115; C&T 8.09.020; RML 807. 3.24gr, 19mm, 8h. Good Very Fine. Very rare. £20 - 30

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3409 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Alexandria mint; struck AD 325-326. 1st officina. FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to left / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, camp gate with no doors and two turrets; star above, SMALA in exergue. RIC VII 35. 2.88gr, 20mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

£20 - 30

3405 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Treveri mint; struck AD 317. 2nd officina. FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right, seen from front / PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, prince standing to right, holding spear and globe, F T across fields, BTR in exergue. RIC VII 142. 2.66gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

Ex Michael Trenerry, Truro, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3410 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Heraclea mint; struck AD 317. 3rd officina. D N FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and draped bust to left, holding globe, mappa and sceptre / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, camp gate with seven rows, no doors and three turrets; •MHT • in exergue. RIC VII 23. 3.54gr, 19mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

£20 - 30

3406 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Aquileia mint; struck AD 321. 2nd officina. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM around wreath containing VOT • V in three lines; •AQS• in exergue. RIC VII 87. 3.24gr, 19mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Much original silvering remaining.

From a private, UK, collection.

3407 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Siscia mint; struck AD 320-321. 3rd officina. IVL CRISPVS NOB C, laureate head to right / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, wreath enclosing VOT • V in two lines; SIS(star) in exergue. RIC VII 161. 2.45gr, 18mm, 7h. Extremely Fine. Some original silvering remaining.

From a private, UK, collection.

£20 - 30

Very Rare

3411 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Ticinum mint; struck AD 321-322. 3rd officina. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / DOMINOR • NOSTROR • CAESS around wreath containing VOT • X • in four lines; T T in exergue. RIC VII 164 (r4). 3.51gr, 19mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Flan crack at 6h. Very rare. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3412 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Thessalonica mint; struck AD 324. 4th officina. FL IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to left / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, wreath enclosing VOT X in two lines; TS VI below. RIC VII 125. 2.89gr, 18mm, 11h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3413 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Treveri mint; struck AD 322. 2nd officina. IVL CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate and cuirassed bust to left, holding spear and shield / BEATA TRANQVILLITAS, banded globe set on altar inscribed VOTIS XX in three lines; three stars above, STR• in exergue. RIC VII 347. 3.15gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3414 Crispus, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-326. Ticinum mint; struck AD 322-325. 1st officina. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate head to right / DOMINOR • NOSTROR • CAESS around wreath containing VOT • X (crescent); P T below. RIC VII 168. 2.71gr, 20mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3415 Maximinus II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 305-309. Alexandria mint; struck AD 308-310. 6th officina. GAL VAL MAXIMINVS NOB CAES, laureate head to right / GENIO CAESARIS, Genius, wearing modius, standing to left, holding patera and cornucopia; K in left field, S over P in right field, ALE in exergue. RIC VI 100a. 6.53gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3416 Maximian BI Antoninianus. First reign, AD 286-305. Ticinum mint; struck AD 290. IMP C M A VAL MAXIMIANVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / HERCVLI CONSERVAT, Hercules standing to left, nude, right hand on club, left holding lion skin and bow; TXXIT in exergue. RIC V 548. 3.65gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3417 Maximinus II BI Nummus. AD 310-313. Alexandria mint; struck AD 312. 4th officina. IMP C GAL VAL MAXIMINVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / GENIO AVGVSTI, Genius standing facing, head to left, holding head of Serapis and cornucopia; N above palm branch in left field, in right field, ALE in exergue. RIC VI 157b var. (placement of branch). 4.77gr, 22mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Flan crack at 2h. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3418 Maximinus II BI Nummus. AD 310-313. London mint; struck AD 311-312. 1st officina. IMP MAXIMINVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing facing, head to left, wearing modius, holding patera and cornucopia; star in right field, PLN in exergue. RIC VI 209b; C&T 7.05.011; RML 413. 3.63gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £50 - 70

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3419 Maximinus II BI Nummus. AD 310-313. London mint; struck AD 311-312. 1st officina. IMP MAXIMINVS P F

AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing facing, head to left, wearing modius, holding patera and cornucopia; star in right field, PLN in exergue. RIC VI 209b; C&T 7.05.011; RML 413. 3.81gr, 21mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3420 Time of Maximinus II AE 16mm. AD 310-313. Antioch mint; struck circa AD 312. 10th officina. ‘Persecution Issue’. GENIO AN-TIOCHENI, Tyche seated facing, river-god Orontes swimming below / APOLLONI SANCTO, Apollo standing to left, holding patera and lyre; I in right field, SMA in exergue. Van Heesch, Last 3a; McAlee 170j; Vagi 2954. 0.90gr, 16mm, 11h. Near Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3421 Time of Maximinus II AE 15mm. AD 310-313. Antioch mint; struck circa AD 312. 7th officina. ‘Persecution Issue’. GENIO AN-TIOCHENI, Tyche seated facing, river-god Orontes swimming below / APOLLONI SANCTO, Apollo standing to left, holding patera and lyre; Z in right field, SMA in exergue. McAlee 170; Vagi 2954; Failmezger 229. 1.62gr, 15mm, 11h. Near Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3422 Licinius I BI Nummus. AD 308-324. Siscia mint; struck AD 315-316. 2nd officina. IMP LIC • LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head to left, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre; eagle at feet with wreath to left, B in right field, •SIS• in exergue. RIC VII 17. 4.05gr, 20mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine.

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Very Rare Mintmark

3424 Licinius I BI Nummus. AD 308-324. Siscia mint. 4th officina. IMP LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate head to right / IOVI CON-SERVATORI, Jupiter standing facing, head to left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, eagle at feet on left, holding wreath; in right field, SIS in exergue. RIC VI 231a var. (thunderbolt instead of Victory). 3.22gr, 21mm, 2h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3425 Licinius I BI Nummus. AD 308-324.

Heraclea mint; struck AD 316-317. 1st officina. IMP LICINIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust to left, holding sceptre, globe and mappa / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, camp gate with three turrets, no doors; HTA in exergue. RIC VII 15. 2.67gr, 19mm, 11h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s.

Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

Rare Bust Type

3426 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. London mint; struck AD 322-324. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN N C, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to left / BEAT TRANQLITAS, globe on altar inscribed VOTIS XX in three lines, three stars above; F B across fields, PLON in exergue. RIC VII -; C&T 9.06.026; RML 1097. 3.23gr, 19mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Rare with this bust type; unrecorded in RIC. £80 - 100

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3423 Licinius I BI Nummus. AD 308-324. Alexandria mint; struck AD 321-324. 2nd officina. IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing to left, holding Victory on globe and leaning on eagle-tipped sceptre, eagle with wreath in beak at feet to left, captive seated to right; XII in right field, SMAL•B in exergue. RIC VII 32 (r5). 3.02gr, 20mm, 11h. Extremely Fine. Very rare with this mintmark.

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3427 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Treveri mint; struck AD 317-318. 1st officina. FL CL CONSTANTINVS IVN N C, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / CLARITAS REIPVBLICAE, Sol standing to left, holding globe and raising hand; F T across fields, •ATR in exergue. RIC VII 147. 3.51gr, 20mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £50 - 70

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3428 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Arles(?) mint. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate head to right / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, around, VOT • V in three lines within laurel wreath; AR(?) in exergue. Cf. RIC VII 231. 3.39gr, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Ex Den of Antiquity, Cambridgeshire, UK. Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3429 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Treveri mint; struck AD 317-318. 1st officina. FL CL CONSTANTINVS IVN N C, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI • IVVENTVTIS, prince advancing to right, holding transverse spear and globe; F-T across fields, •ATR in exergue. RIC VII 173. 2.92gr, 23mm, 7h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Ex M.D. collection, Brussels. From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3430 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 320-321. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate head to right / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM around wreath containing VOT • V in three lines; ASIS(star) in exergue. RIC VII 163. 2.75gr, 18mm, 6h. Good Extremely Fine. Some silvering remaining. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection.

3431 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Treveri mint; struck AD 322. 1st officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate bust to left wearing ornate trabea, holding Victory on globe in right hand and mappa in left / BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, banded globe set on altar inscribed VOTIS XX in three lines; three stars above, PTR• in exergue. RIC VII 353. 2.88gr, 19mm, 7h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3432 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Rome mint; struck AD 330. 2nd officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing facing, holding spears and leaning on shields, two standards between them; RFS in exergue. RIC VII 328. 2.22gr, 18mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3433 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Thessalonica mint; struck AD 324. 2nd officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to left / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, VOT • X in two lines within laurel wreath; TSBVI in exergue. RIC VII 128. 3.15gr, 17mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3434 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Rome mint; struck AD 330. 2nd officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing facing, holding inverted spears and leaning on shields, two standards between them; RFS in exergue. RIC VII 328. 2.40gr, 18mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3435 Constantine II, as Caesar BI Nummus. AD 316-337. Siscia mint; struck AD 320-321. 5th officina. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate head to right / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, wreath enclosing VOT • V in two lines; SIS(star) below. RIC VII 163. 3.48gr, 20mm, 1h. Good Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection.

3436 Constans BI Centenionalis. AD 337-350. Thessalonica mint; struck AD 348-350. 3rd officina. D N CONSTANS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, emperor on galley sailing to left, holding phoenix on globe and labarum, Victory seated steering at helm; TES in exergue. RIC VIII 109. 5.64gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3437 Constans BI Centenionalis. AD 337-350. Thessalonica mint; struck AD 348-350. 1st officina. D N CONSTANS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Constans standing to left on galley holding phoenix on globe and labarum with Christogram; at stern sits Victory, steering the ship; TESA below. RIC VIII 109. 4.60gr, 25mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. Original silvering almost fully intact. £20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Exceedingly Rare Solidus of Constantius II

3438 Constantius II, as Caesar AV Solidus. AD 324-337. ‡ Ticinum mint; struck AD 324-325. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right / PRINCIPI I-VVENTVTIS, prince standing facing, head to right, holding legionary standard surmounted by eagle with right hand and sceptre with left; in field to right, another standard surmounted by hand; SMT in exergue. RIC VII 181; Cahn 71, 1847; Basel xvii, 612. 4.38gr, 19mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. Exceedingly rare; no other examples on CoinArchives. £2,500 - 3,500

From a Swiss private collection, before 2005.

3439 Constantius II, as Caesar AE 17mm. AD 324-337. Antioch mint, 6th officina. Struck under Constatine I, AD 324-325. Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust to left / CONSTAN-TIVS CAESAR in three lines; star above; SMANTS • below. RIC VII 60 corr. (bust type). 2.35gr, 17mm, 5h. Very Fine.

£40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3440 Constantius II, as Caesar AE 18mm. AD 324-337. Antioch mint, 6th officina. Struck AD 324-325. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust to left / CONSTAN-TIVS CAESAR in three lines; star above; SMANTS • below. RIC VII 60; LRBC 1327. 2.59gr, 18mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3441 Constantius II, as Caesar AE 18mm. AD 324-337. Antioch mint. Struck under Constantine I, AD 324-325. 4th officina. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to left / CONSTANTI•VS CAESAR SMANT • in six lines. RIC VII 60. 2.74gr, 18mm, 5h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3442 Constantius II AR Reduced Siliqua. AD 337-361. Arelate mint; struck AD 355-360. 1st officina. D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VOTIS XXX MVLTIS XXXX in four lines within wreath with jewel at apex; PCON in exergue. RIC VIII 261 and 291. 1.34gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3443 Constantius II AR Reduced Siliqua. AD 337-361. Lugdunum mint; struck AD 360-361. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIA DD

£40 - 60

NN AVG, Victory advancing to left, holding wreath and palm; LVG in exergue. RIC VIII 210; RSC 259c var. (bust type). 1.71gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine. Edge chipped; flan crack at 10h.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3444 Constantius II BI Centenionalis. AD 337-361. Antioch mint; struck AD 350-355. 6th officina. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FEL

3447 Magentius BI Centenionalis. AD 350-353. Ambianum mint; struck AD 351-352. 1st officina. D N MAGNEN-TIVS P F AVG, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right; A behind / VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE, two Victories facing each other, holding between them wreath inscribed VOT V MVLT X written in four lines; AMB(star) in exergue. RIC VIII 14. 4.55gr, 23mm, 7h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

TEMP RE-PARATIO, soldier spearing fallen horseman to right; in left field; ANS in exergue. RIC VIII 135; LRBC 2623. 5.45gr, 23mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3445 Constantius II BI Nummus. AD 337-361. Sirmium mint; struck AD 355-361. 2nd officina. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, soldier, holding shield, standing to left and spearing fallen horseman below, shield on ground to right; BSIRM• in exergue. RIC VIII 69. 2.85gr, 19mm, 1h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3446 Magnentius BI Centenionalis. AD 350-353. Ambianum mint; struck AD 351-352. D N MAGNEN-TIVS P F AVG, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / [VICTORIAE DD NN] AVG ET CAE, two Victories facing each other, holding between them wreath inscribed VOT V MVLT X written in four lines; AMB(crescent) in exergue. RIC VIII 23. 3.45gr, 22mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3448 Magnentius BI Centenionalis. AD 350-353. Treveri mint; struck AD 350. 1st officina. IM CAE MAGNENTIVS AVG, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / FELICITAS REIPVBLICE, emperor in military dress standing facing, head to left, holding standard with Chi-Ro and Victory on globe, crowning emperor with wreath; A in right field, TRP(crescent) in exergue. RIC VIII 266; Bastien 28; LRBC 51. 6.29gr, 22mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3449 Magnentius BI Centenionalis. AD 350-353. Lugdunum mint. 1st officina. D N MAGNENTIVS P F AVG, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed bust to right; A behind / VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE, two Victories standing facing one another, together holding shield inscribed VOT V MVLT X in four lines; SV below, RPLG• in exergue. RIC VIII 128. 5.67gr, 20mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Purchased from Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, September 2010; From an old UK collection; From the collection of a London antiquarian.

Very Rare

3450 Decentius, as Caesar AE Centenionalis AD 350/1-353. Contemporary imitation of Lugdunum/Ambianum mint. D N DECENTIVS NOB CIIES, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VICTORIIIE DD NN HVG E CIIE, two Victories standing facing each other, between them holding a shield resting on a short column, inscribed VOT V MVLT + in four lines; S V across lower central field, (palm)HMB(palm) in exergue. Bastien pl. 17, 32/3; Cohen-; RIC -; LRBC -. 2.80gr, 21mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. This interesting ancient imitative piece combines both the mintmark of the mint at Ambianum, and the reverse field letters S-V which are only found on issues of Lugdunum.

3451 Julian II BI Nummus. AD 360-363. Heraclea mint. 1st officina. D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG, pearldiademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust to left, holding spear and shield / VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath; HERACLA below. RIC VIII 105. 2.84gr, 19mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3452 Jovian BI Nummus. AD 363-364. Heraclea mint. 2nd officina. D N IOVIANVS P F AVG, pearldiademed, draped and cuirassed bust to left / VOT V MVLT X in four lines within wreath; HERACB in exergue. RIC VIII 110. 3.37gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3453 Valentinian I AV Solidus. AD 364-375. Antioch mint; struck AD 364-367. 8th officina. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE, Valentinian standing facing, head to right, holding labarum with Staurogram in banner and Victory with wreath; ANTH in exergue. RIC IX 2b.xxviii. 4.34gr, 20mm, 6h. Very Fine. £400 - 600

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3454 Valentinian I AV Solidus. AD 364-375. Antioch mint; struck AD 364-367. 3rd officina. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE, emperor in military attire standing facing, head to right, holding Victory on globe and labarum inscribed with Christogram; ANT in exergue. RIC IX 2a, ii. 4.40gr, 22mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £400 - 600

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3455 Valens BI 19mm. AD 364-378. Siscia mint; struck AD 364-367. 2nd officina. D N VALEN-S P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / GLORIA ROMANORVM, Emperor standing to right, holding banner with Chi-Ro and dragging captive; BSISC in exergue. RIC IX 5b. 2.81gr, 19mm, 7h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3456 Gratian AE Nummus. AD 367-383. Antioch mint; struck AD 378-383. 1st officina. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / CONCOR-DIA AVGGG, Roma helmeted seated facing, head to left, holding globe and spear; to left, over K to right, ANTA in exergue. RIC IX 45a; LRBC 2699. 2.79gr, 18mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Very Rare

3457 Valentitian II AE Maiorina. AD 375-392.

Cyzicus mint; struck AD 378-383. 2nd officina. D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, diademed, helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust to right, holding spear and shield / GLORIA RO-MANORVM, Emperor standing to left, head to right, on galley sailing to left, raising right arm; Victory at helm; wreath to left; SMKB in exergue. RIC IX 14b var. (officina). 5.33gr, 24mm, 12h. Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3458 Theodosius I AE 14mm. AD 379-395.

Uncertain mint. D N THEODO-SIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / SALVS REI-PVBLICAE, Victory advancing to left, carrying trophy over shoulder and dragging captive; [mintmark in exergue]. 1.02gr, 14mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3459 Arcadius AE Maiorina. AD 383-408. Thessalonica mint; struck AD 383-395. 3rd officina. D N ARCAD-IVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right, holding spear and shield; hand of God holding wreath above / GLORIA RO-MANORVM, Emperor standing facing, head to left, holding standard and resting on shield; captive seated to left, head to right; TES [•?] in exergue. Cf. RIC IX 45a. 4.36gr, 23mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3460 Honorius AR Siliqua. AD 393-423. Mediolanum(?) mint. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to right / VIRTVS R[OMANORVM], Roma seated to left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and spear; [MDPS?] in exergue. Cf. RIC X 1228. 1.11gr, 14mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Clipped. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3461 Justinian I AV Solidus. AD 527-565. Constantinople mint; struck AD 542-565. 10th officina. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger with right hand and shield decorated with soldier on horseback motif with left / VICTORIA AVGGG I, Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by Staurogram and globus cruciger; star to right; CONOB in exergue. DOC 9j; MIBE 7; SB 140. 4.29gr, 19mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £400 - 600

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3462 Anonymous Issues AR Third Siliqua or Scripulum(?). Time of Justinian I, circa AD 530. Constantinople mint. Helmeted, draped, and cuirassed bust of Constantinopolis to right / Large TX monogram. Bendall, Anonymous Type 12; cf. MIB 3, 69 (Constantine IV); Tolstoi pl. 28, 620. 0.96gr, 14mm, 2h. Good Fine. £60 - 80

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3463 Justinian I AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 527-565. Cyzicus mint. Dated RY 18 (AD 544/5). 1st officina. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVG, helmetted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger with right hand and shield decorated with soldier on horseback motif with left, cross to right / Large M, ANNO X III (date) across field, cross above, A below; KYZ in exergue. MIBE 120; DOC 170a; SB 207. 21.73gr, 37mm, 6h. Very Fine. Flan crack at 7h. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3464 Justinian I AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 527-565. Theoupolis (Antioch) mint; struck AD 529-533. 2nd officina. D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG, diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust to right / Large M; cross above, B below, stars flanking; +TH po+ in exergue. SB 216; DOC 210b; MIB 126. 14.92gr, 33mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3465 Justinian I AE 10 Nummi or Decanummium. AD 527565.

Ravenna mint. Dated RY 29 (AD 555/6). D N IVSTINI-ANVS PP AVG, helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger and shield / Large I, ANNO to left, XX VIIII to right, all within wreath. DOC 349; SB 326. 3.50gr, 17mm, 6h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3466 Maurice Tiberius AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 582-602. Constantinople mint. Dated RY 19 (AD 600/1). 3rd officina. ∂ N AVRC Ib R P P AV, helmeted and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger and shield / Large M; cross above, A N N O X I II (date) across field; below, CON in exergue. DOC 42b; MIBE 67D; SB 494. 11.47gr, 34mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3467 Maurice Tiberius AE 10 Nummi or Decanummium. AD 582-602.

Theoupolis (Antioch) mint. Dated RY 13 (AD 594/5). ∂ N A CN P A , bust facing, wearing crown with trefoil ornament and consular robes, holding mappa and eagle-tipped sceptre / Large I, surmounted by cross; ANN• in left field, XIII in right field, H UP’ in exergue. MIB 102; DOC 206; SB 537. 2,43gr, 17mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3468 Revolt of the Heraclii AE 10 Nummi or Decanummium. AD 608-610.

Carthage mint. ERAC IO CON[SV I], bareheaded facing bust of Heraclius, wearing consular robes and holding eagle-tipped sceptre; cross above / Large X; cross above; [• N •] • M • across field; star below. DOC 8; MIBE 13; SB 715. 4.03gr, 17mm, 10h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3469 Heraclius AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 610-641. Syracuse(?) mint; struck circa AD 629-631. Countermark: crowned facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, cross above / Countermark: SCLs., bar above. Struck on a Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine Follis for Constantinople (RY 21). DOC 242; SB 883. 8.55gr, 28mm, 6h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Very Rare Date

3470 Heraclius AE 10 Nummi or Decanummium. AD 610-641. Catania mint. Dated RY 5 (614/5). Crowned facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Large I; ANNO V (date) across field; CAT below. DOC -; MIB 240; SB 885. 3.85gr, 14mm, 7h. Very Fine. Very rare date.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3471 Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius

AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 668-685.

Syracuse mint; struck AD 677-679/80. Constantine IV standing facing, holding spear in right hand, resting his left on his hip / Large M; standing facing figures of Heraclius, on left, and Tiberius, on right, flanking, each holding globus cruciger in right hand; monogram above; SCL below. Anastasi 227; DOC 62; MIB 105; SB 1209. 3.55gr, 29mm, 7h. Very Fine. £50 - 70

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3472 Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius

AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 668-685.

Syracuse mint. Struck AD 668-674. Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger / Large M, flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing; monogram above; SCL below. DOC 60; MIB 104; Anastasi 220; SB 1207. 3.96gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3473 Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 668-685.

Syracuse mint. Struck AD 668-674. Crowned and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger / Large M, flanked by Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing; monogram above; SCL below. DOC 60; MIB 104; Anastasi 220; SB 1207. 1.82gr, 20mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3474 Tiberius III (Apsimar) AE 20 Nummi or Half Follis. AD 698-705.

Constantinople mint. Dated RY 2 (AD 699/700). Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear / Large K; cross above, A N N O II (date) across field. SB 1368. 3.55gr, 26mm, 1h. Very Fine. Struck on a triangular flan, most likely made by quartering a large follis of Constantine IV. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3475 Michael II the Amorian, with Theophilus 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 820-829.

Syracuse mint; struck AD 821-829. mIXAHL [S EOFI], crowned and draped facing busts of Michael in chlamys and Theophilus in loros; pellet between / Large M; above, cross; below, . Anastasi 513; DOC 21; SB 1652. 2.80gr, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3476 Michael II ‘the Amorian’, with Theophilus AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 820-829.

Syracuse mint; struck AD 821-829. [MIXA]HL S F, crowned facing busts of Michael on left, wearing chlamys, and Theophilus on right, wearing loros / Large M; cross above, below. DOC 21; SB 1652. 2.36gr, 17mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3477 Theophilus AE 40 Nummi or Follis. AD 829-842. Constantinopolis mint. • OFIL’ bASIL’, half-length figure of Theophilus standing facing, wearing crown surmounted by cross, holding patriarchal cross in his right hand and akakia in his left / Large M between X X X and N N N; above, cross; below, . DOC 13; SB 1666. 5.66gr, 30mm, 5h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Wonderful Condition for the Issue

3478 Basil I the Macedonian AE 20mm. AD 867-886. Cherson mint. Struck AD 879-886. Large B / Cross crosslet on two steps; pellets flanking. DOC 20a; SB 1719 corr. (rev. description). 4.68gr, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine.

£30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531.2, 26 January 2023, lot 1773 (part of).

3479 Leo VI ‘the Wise’, with Alexander AE Follis. AD 886912.

3481 Theodore Comnenus-Ducas, as Emperor of Thessalonica BI Trachy. 1225/7-1230.

Thessalonica mint. Struck AD 1224-1225(?). Type A. Bust of Christ Emmanuel, beardless and nimbate, wearing tunic and kolobion, holding scroll in left hand; IC XC flanking, M A in three lines to left, to right / Theodore and St. Demetrios, holding sword over shoulder, standing facing, supporting between them staff topped by cross-in-circle and triangular decoration; to right, O A to left. DOC 4; SB 2161. 3,70gr, 31mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Partially double struck on reverse.

£60 - 80

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531.2, 26 January 2023, lot 1773 (part of).

Yubna Mint

Constantinople mint. + L O S AL A ROS, two emperors seated facing on double throne, each wearing crown and loros, and holding between them labarum / + L O S AL A ROS ASIL’ ROM O in four lines across field. DOC 6; SB 1730. 6.90gr, 25mm, 7h. Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 531.2, 26 January 2023, lot 1773 (part of).

Rare Light Module of Usurper Nicephorus Basilacius

3480 Nicephorus Basilacius (Usurper) AE Follis. AD 1078. Thessalonica mint. Nimbate bust of Christ Pantokrator facing; IC XC across fields / Jewelled patriarchal cross with central X set on base; [C]-B N-B in quarters. DOC 2b (Nicephorus Bryennius); SB 1890. 2.98gr, 22mm, 6h. Very Fine. Very rare light module. £300 - 400

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

Nicephorus Basilacius was a general of Michael VII who had been sent in 1078 to quell the revolt of Nicephorus Bryennius, duke of Dyrrhachium. Whilst Basilacius was unsuccessful in his attempts to oppose Bryennius, he took possession of Thessalonica where he would soon after proclaim himself emperor. The revolts of the Nicephori would, however, be short lived as Nicephorus III Botaniates took control of Constantinople and sent his general Alexius Comnenus to deal with the rebels. Basilacius was surrendered to Alexius by the citizens of Thessalonica following a short siege of the city.

3482 Arab-Byzantine, Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals. Time of ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, AH 65-86 (AD 685-705).

Yubna mint. Standing caliph coinage, type 7. Caliph standing facing, wearing long robes, holding pommel of sword; legends in Arabic to left and right / Large cursive M; legends in Arabic to left and right. Cf. DOCAB 150-151; SICA I -. 2.45gr, 19mm x 16mm, 3h. Good Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3483 Arab-Byzantine, Time of the Rashidun AE Fals. Circa AH 19-39 (AD 641-660).

Uncertain mint. Pseudo-Byzantine type, imitating a follis of Constans II. Imperial figure standing facing, wearing crown surmounted by cross, holding long cross in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left; inscription around / Cursive M flanked by inscription; in exergue, IIA (?). For type cf. Goodwin, Khalili Collection, p. 34, 5-6 (type E). 2.84gr, 19mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Very Rare ‘Celtic Cross’ Variety

3484 Arab-Byzantine, Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals. Time of ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, AH 65-86 (AD 685-705).

3487 Anglo-Saxon. Eclectic Sceattas AR Sceatt. Circa 710760.

Series 2c; BM type 14. ‘Celtic Cross’ Group. +LVNDONIA(retrograde), diademed bust to left / Voided Celtic cross with central and terminal pellets; rosette in quarters. SCBI, 69 -; M427 II (IV, bust to right); SCBC 822. 0.86gr, 11mm, 11h. Fine. Very rare. No other examples on CoinArchives. £150 - 200

£40 - 60

Amman mint. Struck AH 74-80 (AD 693/4-699/700). ‘Standing Caliph’ type. Caliph standing facing, wearing long robes, holding pommel of sword; girdle band hanging from elbow; legend around / Transformed cross standing on three steps; ‘Amman’ in Kufic to right, eight-rayed star to left; around, part of the first Kalima. Cf. SICA I, 718. 3.09gr, 17mm, 1h. Near Very Fine.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3485 Arab-Byzantine, Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals. Time of ‘Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, AH 65-86 (AD 685-705).

Amman mint. Struck AH 74-80 (AD 693/4-699/700). ‘Standing Caliph’ type. Caliph standing facing, wearing long robes, holding pommel of sword; girdle band hanging from elbow; legend around / Transformed cross standing on three steps; ‘Amman’ in Kufic to right, six-rayed star to left; around, part of the first Kalima. Cf. SICA I, 718. 2.34gr, 18mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3486 Arab-Byzantine, Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals. Circa AD 660-680.

Hims (Emesa) mint. Type VI, ‘Standing Emperor’. Standing Imperial figure, holding long cross with right hand and globus cruciger with left; ‘bism allah’ in Arabic to left; K[A ON] to right / Large M; staurogram above, below, MH-CIC to left and right; ‘tayyib’ in Arabic in exergue. SICA I, 531-2; Album 3516. 2.94gr, 20mm, 7h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Found Tendring, Essex. Property of an Essex gentleman.

3488 Anglo-Saxon. Secondary Sceattas AR Sceatt. Circa 710/5-725/35.

Series U; type 23b. Female figure standing facing in crescent boat with pellet finials, head to right, holding long cross pommée either side in enormous hands / Disjointed full-bodied and long-necked bird with pellet eye and upward curled wing, striding to right in foliage and pecking berries. Cf. M445; SCBC 816. 0.95gr, 12mm, 10h. Very Fine. £150 - 200

Found Tendring, Essex. Property of an Essex gentleman.

Rare Variant

3489 Anglo-Saxon. Primary Phase, Series BX/B VI Mule AR Sceattas. Circa 685-710. ‡ East Anglia. Diademed bust with protruding chin to right, annulet before; all within beaded circle / VANTAVMA, bird on cross with annulet in each angle, additional annulet either side of the cross arms; all within a serpent circle. SCBC 776/777; M 97/102; Abr 1510/16-10. 1.18gr, 13mm, 9h. Extremely Fine. Deep brown old cabinet tone. Extremely rare mule and exceptionally rare variant with additional annulets. £500 - 700

Found in UK.

Acquired from Mike Vosper, 25 November 2016, no. SS-BTQD, old collector’s ticket included.

Very Rare ‘Hen Type’ Variety

3490 Anglo-Saxon. Secondary Sceattas AR Sceatt. Circa 710-760.

Variety 51-10. ‘Hen’ Type. Hen (or cockerel) standing to left, with wing straight and fantail raised, comb, standing in foliage and pecking berries / Large bird, possibly swan or goose standing to right, with wing over back and long tail feathers, turning head to peck suspended berries. SCBI 69, 807-808; SCBC 826. 0.69gr, 11mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. Very rare variety with hen standing to left.

Found Tendring, Essex. Property of an Essex gentleman.

£600 - 800

3491 Anglo-Saxon. Secondary Sceattas AR Sceatt. Circa 710-760.

Variety 24-40. ‘Monita Scorum’ type. MONITA SCORVM, diademed bust to right; [cross? before] / Standing figure in crescent boat, head to right, wearing long robe and holding two long crosses. Cf. SBCI 69, 532; SCBC 824. 0.99gr, 12mm, 1h. Fine. £500 - 700

Found Tendring, Essex. Property of an Essex gentleman.

3492 Anglo-Saxon, Secondary Sceattas AR Sceatt. Circa 720-735/50.

3493 Anglo-Saxon. Kings of Northumbria, Aethelred II AE Styca. First reign, 841-843/4. York mint; Fordred, moneyer. + EDILRED REX, central motif of pelletin-annulet and four pellets / + FORDRED, central motif of five pellets. North 188; SCBC 865. 0.95gr, 13mm, 3h. Fine. £50 - 70

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3494 Anglo-Saxon. Kings of Northumbria, Eanred AE Styca. 810-841.

Monne, moneyer; struck 810-830. EANRED REX around central cross pattée / MONNE around central motif. North 186; SCBC 862. 0.95gr, 12mm, 3h. Good Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

Unique Variety Recorded on EMC

3495 Anglo-Saxon. Kings of Mercia, Cynethryth (wife of Offa) AR Penny. 757-796.

Hamwic mint. Series H, type 39. Bird pecking to right, wing raised; beaded foliage (vine-scroll) around / Voided Celtic cross with central rosette and rosette-in-annulet in each quarter. Cf. SCBI 69 (Abramson), 356; North 96; SCBC 801. 0.92gr, 12mm. Good Very Fine.

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

£400 - 600

Canterbury mint; Eoba, moneyer. Light coinage, portrait type. Struck circa 784/5. ·: ·: :◊·BA, draped bust to right; to left, Latin cross / CfN·E∂Rf.ð REGIN around barred Mercian in pelleted circle. SCBI 67 (BM), 654-8 (all monograms placed at 12h); North 339; SCBC 909. 1.08gr, 16mm, 6h. Good Fine. Apparently unique variety with Mercian monogram placed at 9h. £3,000 - 4,000

Found Harston, Cambridgeshire, UK, in the 1990s.

Recorded by the Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridgeshire, with reference no. EMC 2024.0425.

‘Monita Scorum’ Type

Very Rare Moneyer

3496 England. Norman, Henry I AR Penny. 1100-1135. London mint; Brunic moneyer. Quadrilateral on Cross Fleurée type (BMC xv). Illegible inscription, crowned bust facing slightly to left, holding sceptre / BRV[...]VND :, quadrilateral with incurved sides and fleurs at limbs; all over cross fleurée. North 871; SCBC 1276. 1.23gr, 18mm, 6h. Fair. Very rare moneyer. £200 - 300

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3498 England. Norman, Stephen AR Penny. 1135-1154. York mint. Local and irregular issues of the Civil War. 'Ornamental' Group, Flag type. STIEP-E-N, crowned and draped bust to right, holding staff with flag or 'triple banner' in right hand; star to right of banner / Legend with ornaments, cross moline, lis in quarters. North 919; SCBC 1313. 1.03gr, 19mm, 12h. Very Fine. Very rare.

£3,000 - 4,000

Unrecorded Obverse Legend

3497 England. Norman, Stephen AR Penny. 1135-1154. Warwick mint; Eadræd, moneyer. Struck circa 1136-1145. Cross moline (Watford) type (BMC i). [...]TIEFRE R, crowned bust right, holding lis-tipped sceptre / E[...]ED : [O]N : [...]C :, cross moline. Cf. Mack 38a; EMC 2002.0143 = Coin Register 2002, 213 (this coin); North 873; SCBC 1278. 1,35gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. Flan crack at 10h. Bold portrait. Rare. £800 - 1,000

Found near Barton Hill, Bedfordshire, circa 1995. Ex Spink 4018 (6 October 2004), lot 500. Recorded by the Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridgeshire, with reference no. EMC 2002.0143.

As noted in the Spink catalogue, The obverse of this coin appears to be of local workmanship. The portrait is of an unusual, slightly derivative style, and the reading stief rex is not one of the eight variants of the king’s title recorded by Mack (BNJ 1966, p.40). The reverse legend is possibly e[dre]d:on:[parpi]c, but remains uncertain. In his study of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman mint at Warwick in BNJ 1965, N. J. Ebsworth only records two examples from this moneyer, neither of which exhibit these legends.

Found near York, Yorkshire, UK, in the 1980s.

Recorded by the Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridgeshire, with reference no. EMC 2024.0424.

From Martin Allen, The York Local Coinage of the Reign of Stephen (1135-54) in NC 2016, vol. 176, p.287-8: Mack adopted Packe’s suggestion that the flag refers to the standard carried into battle at Northallerton in August 1138 by the army raised on Stephen’s behalf by Archbishop Thurstan of York to fight David I of Scotland (1124-53), and that it was issued soon after the victorious conclusion of this Battle of the Standard, although Brooke had reserved judgement on this attribution. Boon offered an alternative interpretation of the Flag type, suggesting that it was probably based upon Stephen’s seal (in use from 1139 to the end of the reign in 1154), which depicts a mounted figure of Stephen carrying a banner (gonfalon). The obverse (majesty side) seal has a star beside the king’s head, and this is a motif also found on the Flag to the right of the flag. Seaby argued that the banner on York coins of the Flag Standard types is a papal gonfalon, of a kind sent by Pope Eugenius III (114553) to participants in the second Crusade of 1145-9, before the departure of the crusading armies and fleet in 1147. All of these interpretations of the Flag type are possible the York local coinage began in the mid-1140s, as Blackburn proposed.

3499 England. Plantagenet, Henry II AR ‘Tealby’ Cut Halfpenny. 1154-1189. Uncertain mint and moneyer. Cross-and-crosslets (‘Tealby’) coinage. Crowned facing bust, holding sceptre / Cross pattée, with crosslet in angles. Cf. SCBC 1337-1342 (for type). 0.56gr, 20mm. Fair. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3504 England. Plantagenet, Henry III AR Penny. 1216-1272. Canterbury mint; i.m: 3. Roger, moneyer. Long Cross type, class 3a. Struck circa 1248-1250. (Six-rayed star) NRICVS R X III’, crowned bust facing / ROG-ER(ligate) O-N C-[...], voided long cross with triple pellets in angles. Cf. SCBC 1362. 1.45gr, 17mm, 8h. Fine.

£60 - 80

3500 England. Plantagenet, John AR Penny. 1199-1216. London mint; Fulke, moneyer. Short cross type, class Vb2. Struck in the name of Henry II, 1205-1207. NRICVS R- X, facing crowned bust holding cross-tipped sceptre to left / FVLKE ON LVND , voided short cross with small crosses in angles. North 970; SCBC 1351. 1.33gr, 18mm, 12h. Good Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3501 England. Plantagenet, Richard I AR Penny. 1189-1199. London mint; Ricard, moneyer. Struck in the name and types of Henry II. Short cross type. h NRICVS R X, crowned head facing, holding sceptre / RIC RD • ON • LVN, short voided cross; quatrefoils in quarters. Cf. SCBC 1348. 1.41gr, 19mm, 4h. Good Fine.

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

£80 - 100

3505 England. Plantagenet, Henry III AR Penny. 1216-1272. London mint; Nicole, moneyer. I.m: 3. Long Cross coinage, class 3b. Struck 1248-1250. NRICVS (NR ligate) R X • III, crowned facing bust / NIC-OL ON L-VND (ON and ND ligate), voided long cross, with central pellet; triple pellets in quarters. North 986; SCBC 1363. 1.36gr, 18mm, 4h. Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3502 England. Plantagenet, Henry III AR Penny. 1247-1272. London mint; Henri, moneyer. Long Cross coinage, class 5a2. PostProvincial Phase III, struck 1250-1272. NRICVS (NR ligate) R X III, facing crowned head holding lis-tipped sceptre to left / N-RI O-N LV-ND ( N and ND ligate), long voided cross, three pellets in each angle. North 991/2; SCBC 1367A. 1.43gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

£20 - 30

3506 England. Plantagenet, Henry III AR Penny. 1216-1272. Newcastle mint; Roger, son of William, moneyer. I.m: uncertain. Long Cross coinage, class 3c(?). Struck 1248-1250. (?) NRICVS R X III, crowned facing bust / ROG- R(ligate) O-[N N ]-W C, voided long cross pommée, with pellet at center and trefoil in each angle. Cf. North 988; cf. SCBC 1364. 1.73gr, 18mm, 1h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3507 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. Bristol mint. New coinage, class 3d. Struck circa June 1280-circa December 1281. DW R ‘ ANGL’ DNS B, crowned facing bust / VILL-A BR-ISTO-LLI , long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. SCBI 39 (North), 113; North 1019; SCBC 1416. 1.30gr, 20mm, 4h. Fine. Wavy flan. £20 - 30

£20 - 30

3503 England. Plantagenet, Henry III AR Penny. 1216-1272. Canterbury mint; Willem, moneyer. Long Cross coinage. Struck 1250-1272. NRICVS R [...] (NR ligate), facing crowned head holding cross-tipped sceptre to left / [W]IL-L M ON C-[...] ( M ligate), long voided cross, with central pellet; triple pellets in quarters. Cf. North 991; cf. SCBC 1367A. 1.29gr, 17mm, 5h. Good Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3508 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. London mint. Struck May-December 1279. New coinage; class 1c. DW R X R ANGL’ DNS B, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LO -DO , long cross pattée; trefoil of pellets in quarters. North 1012; SCBC 1382. 1.33gr, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3509 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. Berwick-upon-Tweed mint. New coinage. [+ D]WAR ANGL DNS B, crowned facing bust / VILL-A BE-REV-VICI, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1078; SCBC 1415. 1.47gr, 18mm, 5h. Good Fine. £30 - 40

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3512 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. London (Tower) mint. Crowned facing bust / Long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. 0.86gr, 17mm. Fair. Edge chipped; obverse double struck. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3513 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Halfpenny. 12721307.

London (Tower) mint. Struck circa 1280-1281. New coinage, class 3b. DWR’ ANGL [D]NS B, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; trefoil of pellets in quarters. SCBI 39 (North), 956; North 1044; SCBC 1431. 0.61gr, 15mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3510 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. London mint. New Coinage, class 1d. Struck 1279. • DW R’ ANGL’ DNS hyB, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross with three pellets in each quarter. North 1013; SCBC 1383. 1.32gr, 19mm, 1h. Near Very Fine.

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

£20 - 40

3514 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Farthing. 12721307.

London mint. New coinage, class 10. Struck early 1301-circa 1314. DWARDVS R X A, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. SCBI 39 (North), 1028; North 1070; SCBC 1450. 0.39gr, 11mm, 8h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3511 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. London mint. New Coinage; class 1d. Struck 1279. DW R’ ANGL’ DNS hyB, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée with three pellets in each quarter. North 1013; SCBC 1383. 1.37gr, 19mm, 6h. Near Very Fine.

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

£20 - 40

3515 England. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Farthing. 12721307.

London mint. New coinage, class 10. DWARDVS R X ANG, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-[DON], long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1070/1; SCBC 1450. 0.27gr, 10mm, 12h. Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

Very Rare

3516 England. Plantagenet, Edward II AR Halfpenny. 13071327.

A Lovely Example

London mint. Class 10-11. DWARDVS R X, crowned facing bust; three pellets on forehead / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1069/3; SCBC 1472. 0.61gr, 15mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. Very rare.

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

£50 - 70

3519 England. Plantagenet, Edward III AV Noble. 1327-1377. London mint; p.m: cross pattée. Regular Series A. Fourth Coinage, Treaty Period, 1361-1369. ◦ D-WARD D I GRA R X ANGL DNS B ‘ Z AQT, King standing facing in ship, holding sword with left hand and shield bearing coat-of-arms with right; all within beaded border (ropes 3/1, quatrefoils 4/4, ornaments -11-11) /

IhC AVT TRANSI NS P R DIV x’ ILLORV IBAT, short cross potent over cross fleurée; voided angled polylobe containing at centre, lion passant guardant with crown above and trefoil below in each angle; all within polylobe, lis in each spandrel. Schneider I, 86; North 1232; SCBC 1503. 7.68gr, 33mm, 2h. Good Very Fine. Trace of red wax of recesses. £4,000 - 6,000

Ex Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin, February 1973, lot G2116 [Inventory 724137] (company’s ticket included).

Ex Spink, Auction 374 (sale 51731/3), 16 January 2022, lot 14 (hammer 6,000 USD) (company’s ticket included).

Ex Hammered British Coins, Reference: D1691 (hammer 7,950 GBP) (company’s ticket included).

Property of a County Durham collector.

3517 England. Plantagenet, Edward II AR Halfpenny. 13071327.

London mint. + EDWARDVS REX AN, crowned bust facing / CIVITAS LONDON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. SCBC 1472. 0.51gr, 15mm, 6h. Near Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£30 - 40

3518 England. Plantagenet, Edward II AR Halfpenny. 13021307.

London mint. Class 10-11. + DWARDVS REX, crowned facing bust / CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. SCBC 1472. 0.50gr, 13mm, 9h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3520 England. Plantagenet, Edward III AR Groat. 1327-1377. London (Tower) mint; i.m: cross 1. Fourth coinage, Pre-treaty period, series C. Struck 1351-1352. (Cross 1) DWARD ◦ DI ◦ G ◦ R X ◦ A GL ◦ Z ◦ FRA C ◦ D ◦ B’, crowned facing bust, with trefoil on breast; all within tressure of arches with trefoils at cusps / (Cross 1) POSVI ◦ D V ◦ A-DIVTOR- ◦ V and CIVI-TAS LO -DO , long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1147; SCBC 1565. 4.02gr, 27mm, 7h. Near Fine. £40 - 60

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3521 England. York, Edward IV AR Groat. First reign, 14611470.

London (Tower) mint; i.m: rose. Struck 1464-1470. Light coinage. (Rose) DWARD ×’ DI ×’ GRA ×’ R X × ANG × S × FRANC ×, crowned facing bust within tressure of arches; fleurs on cusps; quatrefoils flanking neck / (Rose) POSVI D V ×× A-DIVTORV’ and CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. SCBC 2000. 2.88gr, 25mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £50 - 70

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3522 England. Plantagenet, Edward III AR Halfgroat. 13271377.

London mint; i.m: cross 1. Pre-Treaty Period. Series D; struck 13521353 DWARDVS ◦ R X ◦ ANGLI ◦ Z ◦ FRA C, facing crowned bust within tressure of arches / POS-VI D V ◦ ◦ ADIVT-OR and CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée with three pellets in each quarter. North 1154; SCBC 1575. 2.18gr, 23mm, 10h. Fine. £50 - 70

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3523 England. Lancaster, Henry VI AR Halfgroat. First reign, 1422-1461.

Calais mint; i.m: incurved pierced cross/-. Annulet issue, struck 1422-1427. (Incurved pierced cross) NRIC ‘× DI ‘× GRA ‘× R X ANGL ‘× Z × FR, crowned facing bust within double polylobe, fleurs at cusps; annulets flanking neck / [POSVI] D V ×× A-DIVT-OR ×× ×× and VIL-LA ×× CAL-IS ××, long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters; additional annulet in second and third quarter. North 1429; cf. SCBC 1840. 1.70gr, 20mm, 3h. Fine. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3524 England. Lancaster, Henry VI AR Halfpenny. First reign, 1422-1461.

Calais mint; i.m: cross 5. Annulet issue; struck 1422-1430. (Cross) NRIC xx R X xx ANGL, crowned facing bust; annulets flanking / VIL-LA xx CAL-IS xx, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters, additional annulets in second and third quarters. North 1435; SCBC 1849. 0.43gr, 14mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. Flan crack at 3h. £20 - 30

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3525 England. York, Edward IV AR Groat. 1461-1485. London (Tower) mint; i.m: crown/crown. Light coinage, type VII. Struck 1466-1467. (Crown) DWARD ‘ DI GRA R X ANGL Z FRANC, crowned facing bust within tressure of nine arches with fleurs on cusps and quatrefoils flanking neck / (Crown) POSVI D V A-DIVTOR- V and CIVI-TAS LON-DON, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1570; SCBC 2000. 2.85gr, 25mm, 1h. Fine.

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

£60 - 80

3526 England. York, Edward IV AR Penny. First reign, 14611470.

Struck in an illicit mint in London, circa 1490-1500. Contemporary counterfeit of a Light coinage issue of the York mint. [ECAR]CVS C I [GRA REX], crowned facing bust / C[IVI-TAS ERO]-RAC, long cross pattée with voided quatrefoil at centre; triples pellets in quarters. M. Archibald, The Queenhithe Hoard of Late-Fifteenth-Century Forgeries, in BNJ 50 (1980), p. 62, York rev. 1. 0.48gr, 15mm, 8h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector.

3527 England. York, Edward IV AR Penny. First 1461-1470. Struck in an illicit mint in London, circa 1490-1500. Contemporary counterfeit of a London mint issue. Crowned facing bust / CIVICO[...], long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. M. Archibald, The Queenhithe hoard of late-fifteenth century forgeries, BNJ 50 (1980), p. 62, London rev. 0.48gr, 14mm, 6h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector.

3528 England. York, Edward IV AR Penny. First reign, 14611470.

Struck in an illicit mint in London, circa 1490-1500. Contemporary counterfeit of a Light coinage issue of the York mint. Crowned facing bust / Long cross pattée with voided quatrefoil at centre; triple pellets in quarters. M. Archibald, The Queenhithe hoard of late-fifteenth century forgeries, BNJ 50 (1980), p. 62, York rev. 1. 0.43gr, 14mm. Fine. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector.

Exceptionally Rare Norwich Mint

3529 England. York, Edward IV AR Halfpenny. First reign, 1461-1470.

Norwich mint; i.m: sun. Light Coinage, type VI. Struck 1464-1470. (Sun) D[...]I GRA R X, crowned facing bust; quatrefoils flanking / CIVI-TA[...]C’, long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters. Cf. Withers 1; North -; SCBC 2074A. 0.38gr, 12mm, 3h. Fine. Exceptionally rare Norwich mint. £400 - 600

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

During Edward IV’s recoinage of 1464/5, extra royal mints were opened to cope with the need for the new light coinage. In July 1465 the mints of Bristol, Coventry and Norwich were opened and in the case of York re-opened for this purpose. Blunt and Whitton suggested that both Coventry and Norwich were closed by September 1465 after just two months of production.

3530 England. York (Restored), Richard III AR Penny. 14831485.

York mint; i.m: not visible. Archbishop Thomas Rotherman. Illegible inscription, crowned facing bust; T to left, upright key to right / [CIVI]TAS BO[RACI], long cross pattée; trefoils in quarters; quatrefoil at centre. North 1686; cf. SCBC 2166/2167. 0.61gr, 15mm, 12h. Near Fine. Clipped with wavy flan cracked at 1h. £400 - 600

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

3531 England. Tudor, Henry VII AR Groat. 1485-1509. London (Tower) mint; i.m: greyhound’s head. Facing bust issue, type IIIc. Struck 1502-1504. (Greyhound’s head) NRIC × DI × GRA × REX × AGL × Z × FR, crowned facing bust within double polylobe / (Greyhound’s head) POSVI DEV ×’ A-DIVTO-E × V and × CIVITAS × × LONDON ×, long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1705c; SCBC 2199. 2.62gr, 25mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £80 - 100

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3532 England. Tudor, Henry VII AR Halfgroat. 1485-1509. Canterbury mint; i.m: tun. King and Archbishop John Morton jointly. Facing Bust issue, class IIIc. Struck 1495-1498. + (Tun) NRIC ‘ DI ‘ GRA ‘ R X ANGL Z F, crowned facing bust within double polylobe / POSVI D V ‘ A-DIVTO- V and CIVI-TAS CAN-TOR, long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1712; SCBC 2211. 1.46gr, 19mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3533 England. Tudor, Henry VII AR Halfpenny. 1485-1509. London (Tower) mint; i.m: -(?). Crowned facing bust / Long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters. Cf. North 1734; cf. SCBC 2244. 0.40gr, 12mm, 12h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3534 England. Tudor, Henry VIII AR Penny. 1509-1547. Durham mint; i.m: star/-. Cuthbert Tunstall, bishop. Second coinage, sovereign type. Struck 1530-1534. (Star) ‘ D ‘ G ‘ ROSA ‘ SI ‘ SPIA ‘ , Henry enthroned facing, holding lis-tipped sceptre and globus cruciger / CIVI-TAS DVR- AM, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée; C D flanking shield. Whitton (ix); North 1813; SCBC 2354. 0.60gr, 14mm, 9h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3535 England. Tudor, Henry VIII AR Penny. 1509-1547. Durham mint; i.m: lis. Thomas Ruthall, bishop. First coinage, sovereign type. Struck 1509-1523. Henry enthroned facing, holding lis-tipped sceptre and globus cruciger / Coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée; T D above shield. North 1776; SCBC 2331. 0.70gr, 14mm, 9h. Good Fine.

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

£20 - 30

3539 England. Tudor, Edward VI AR Groat. 1547-1553. Canterbury mint; i.m -. Struck in the name of Henry VIII, 1547-1548. Sixth bust. HENRIC [...]X, crowned and mantled facing bust facing slightly to right / [...]AS CAN-TO[R], coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. North 1875; SCBC 2408. 1.58gr, 25mm, 2h. Fair. Edge chipped, areas of delamination, pierced. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

£20 - 30

3536 England. Tudor, Henry VIII AR Halfpenny. 1509-1547. London (Tower) mint; i.m: portcullis crowned/–. First coinage; struck 1509-1526. (Portcullis crowned) [ NRI]C DI [GRA R X A]GL, crowned facing bust / C[IVI-TAS] LON-DON, long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1779; SCBC 2334. 0.35gr, 11h, 12h. Near Fine.

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3537 England. Tudor, Henry VIII AR Halfpenny. 1509-1547. York mint; i.m: key/-. Edward Lee, archbishop. Second coinage, struck 1531-1534. Crowned facing bust; L flanking / Long cross fourchée; triple pellets in quarters. North 1820; SCBC 2361. 0.34gr, 10mm. Fair. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3538 England. Tudor, Henry VIII AR Groat. 1509-1547. Tower (London) mint; i.m: martlet. Struck 1550-1551 under Edward VI. Crowned and mantled bust facing slightly to right / Coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée; roses in forks. Cf. SCBC 2403. 1.86gr, 25mm, 3h. Near Fine. Slightly bent flan with edge chipped. £40 - 60

Found Essex, UK.

3540 England. Tudor, Edward VI AR Shilling. 1547-1553. Tower (London) mint; i.m: tun. Third period; struck 1551-1553. .(Tun). DWARD .’ VI : D .’ G .’ AGL .’ FRA .’ Z : IB .’ R , crowned and mantled bust facing slightly to left; rose to left, XII (mark of value) to right / (Tun) POSVI D V .’ A-DIVTOR- .’ V .’, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. North 1937; SCBC 2482. 5.74gr, 31mm, 3h. Near Fine. £100 - 140

Found Essex, UK.

3541 England. Tudor, Mary AR Groat. 1553-1554. Tower (London) mint; i.m: pomegranate. Struck 1553-1554. ARIA ◦(pomegranate)◦ D ◦’ G ◦’ ANG ◦’ FRA ◦’ Z IB R GI’, crowned bust to left / V RITA-S (pomegranate) T -PORIS FILIA, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. North 1960; SCBC 2492. 1.84gr, 24mm, 12h. Near Fine. £40 - 60

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3542 England. Tudor, Mary AR Groat 1553-1554. Tower (London) mint; i.m: pomegranate. Struck 1553-1554. ARIA ◦(pomegranate)◦ D ◦’ G ◦’ ANG ◦’ FRA ◦’ Z(retrograde) IB R GI’, crowned bust to left / V RITA-S (pomegranate) T -PORIS FILIA, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. North 1960; SCBC 2492. 1.95gr, 24mm, 10h. Near Fine. Flan crack at 6-8h. £50 - 70

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3543 England. Tudor, Elizabeth AR Sixpence. 1558-1603. Tower (London) mint; i.m: coronet. Dated 1567. Third and Fourth Issues. (Coronet) ELIZAB : D .’ G .’ ANG .’ FR .’ ET : HI .’ REGINA, crowned bust to left, wearing ruff; rose behind / (Coronet) POSVI DEV .’ AD-IVTORE-M • MEV .’, coat-of-arms over cross fourchée; date above. North 1997; SCBC 2562. 2.90gr, 26mm, 3h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3544 England. Tudor, Elizabeth I AR Sixpence. 1558-1603. Tower (London) mint; i.m: pheon. Dated 1561. Third and Fourth issue; struck 1561-1565. (Pheon) ELIZABETH • D .’ G .’ ANG .’ FR .’ ET • HI .’ REGINA, crowned bust to left, wearing ruff; rose behind / (Pheon) POSVI DEV .’ AD-IVTORE-M : MEV .’, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée; date above. North 1997; SCBC 2561. 2.92gr, 25mm, 12h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3545 England. Tudor, Elizabeth I AR Sixpence. 1558-1603. Tower (London) mint; i.m: hand. Dated 1591. Sixth issue. (Hand) ELIZAB .’ D .’ G .’ ANG .’ FR .’ ET HIB .’ REGI .’, crowned bust to left, wearing ruff; rose behind / (Hand) POSVI DEV .’ AD-IVTORE-M • MEV .’, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée; date above. North 2015; SCBC 2578B. 2.41gr, 25mm, 3h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3546 England. Tudor, Elizabeth I AR Threepence. 1558-1603. Tower (London) mint; i.m: Latin cross. Fifth issue; dated 1579. + ELIZABETH : D .’ G .’ ANG .’ FR .’ ET : HI .’ REGINA, crowned bust to left, wearing ruff; rose behind / + POSVI DEV .’ AD-IVTORE- • EV .’, coat-of-arms over long cross fourchée. North 1998; SCBC 2573. 1.37gr, 19mm, 5h. Fine. £30 - 40

Found Essex, UK.

3547 England. Tudor, Elizabeth I AR Halfpenny. 1558-1603. Tower (London) mint; i.m: A. Sixth issue; struck 1582-1584. Portcullis; A above / Cross moline; triple pellets in quarters. Withers V 1B; North 2018; SCBC 2581. 0.26gr, 9mm. Fine. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3548 England. Stuart James I, AR Shilling. 1603-1625. Tower (London) mint; i.m: lis / lis. First coinage; struck 1604-1605. (Lis) • IACOBVS D .’ G .’ ANG .’ SCO .’ FRA .’ ET • HIB .’ REX •. crowned bust to right; XII (mark of value) behind / (Lis) • EXVRGAT • DEVS • DISSIPENTVR • INIMICI •, coat-of-arms. North 2073, SCBC 2646. 5.86gr, 30mm, 6h. Good Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a Wiltshire lady, by descent from her late father.

3549 England. Stuart, James I AR Sixpence. 1603-1625. Tower (London) mint; i.m: bell. Dated 16-?. Second Coinage. •(Bell)• IACOBVS D G MAG .’ BRI[...] FRA .’ ET • HI ,’ REX, crowned bust to right; VI (mark of value) behind / (Bell) QVÆ • DEVS CONIVNXIT • NEMO • SEPARET, coat-of-arms, date above. Cf. SCBC 2658. 2.79gr, 25mm, 5h. Near Fine. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3550 England. Stuart, James I AR Halfgroat. 1603-1625. Tower (London) mint; i.m: lis. Struck 1603-1604. First coinage. I: D : G : ROSA • SINE • SPINA, crowned first bust to right; II (mark of value) to left / Coat-of-arms, lis (mintmark) above. North 2076; SCBC 2649. 0.82gr, 17mm, 2h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3551 England. Stuart, James I AR Halfgroat. 1603-1625. Tower (London) mint; i.m: lis. Third coinage; struck 1623-1624. (Lis)

I : D : G : ROSA SINE SPINA , crowned rose / (Lis) TVEATVR •(?) VNITA DEVS, crowned thistle. Cf. North 2127; cf. SCBC 2671. 1.18gr, 16mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. £80 - 100

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3552 England. Stuart, James I AR Halfgroat. 1603-1625. London mint; i.m: rose. Second Coinage; struck 1605-1606. (Rose)

• I : D : G : ROSA • SINE • SPINA •, crowned rose / (Rose) • TVEATVR • VNITA • DEVS •, crowned thistle. North 2104; SCBC 2659. 0.90gr, 16mm, 10h. Good Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

3553 England. Stuart, James I AR Halfpenny. 1603-1625. Tower (London) mint, i.m: lis. Second coinage, struck 1604-1605. Rose / Thistle. North 2107; SCBC 2663. 0.20gr, 11mm. Fine.

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

£30 - 40

3554 England. Stuart, James I CU Farthing. 1603-1625. Harrington ‘round’, type 2; im: cinquefoil. Struck 1613-1615. IACO · D · G · M AG · BRIT, crown over crossed sceptres / (Cinquefoil) FRA : ET · HIB : REX ·, crowned harp. North 2132; SCBC 2676. 0.73gr, 15mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman, by descent.

Spirited Horse of Aberystwyth Mint

3555 England. Stuart, Charles I AR Halfcrown. 1625-1649. Aberystwyth mint; i.m: book. Struck 1638/9-1642. Spirited horse. •(book)• CAROLVS • D .’ G .’ MAG .’ BRIT .’ FRAN .’ ET HIB .’ REX, King wearing cloak flying from shoulder on horseback to left; holding sword upright with his right hand; no ground, plume before / •(book)• • CHRISTO • AVSPICE • REGNO, large plume above oval quartered shield of arms. SCBI Brooker 745; North 2327; SCBC 2880. 14.70gr, 35mm, 4h. Near Very Fine. Rare. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £4,000 - 6,000

Property of a County Durham collector.

Rare Obverse Legend Arrangement

3556 England. Stuart, Charles I AR Shilling. 1625-1649. Tower (London) mint; i.m: triangle in circle. Struck 1641-1643. Group F; sixth large ‘Briot’s bust’, type 4.4. (Triangle in circle) · CAROLVS · D .’ G .’ MAG .’ BRI .’ FRA .’ ET · H.’I REX ·, crowned sixth bust to left, wearing ruff; XII (mark of value) behind / (Triangle in circle) · CHRISTO · AVSPICE · REGNO ·, coat-of-arms over cross moline. North 2231; SCBC 2799. 5.57gr, 30mm, 5h. Near Fine. Unusual stop within HI on obverse. £50 - 70

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3557 England. Stuart, Charles I AR Shilling. 1625-1649. Tower (London) mint; i.m: triangle. Struck 1639-1640. Group F (North E; ‘Aberystwyth’), class IV.3. (Triangle) · CAROLVS · D ·’ G ·’ MAG ·’ BR[...] FRA ·’ ET · H[...], crowned bust to left; XII (mark of value) behind / (Triangle) [...]RISTO · AVSPICE · REGNO ·, coat-of-arms over cross moline. North 2229; SCBC 2796. 5.84gr, 31mm, 12h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3558 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles I AE Farthing. 1625-1649. Tower (London) mint; uncertain i.m. Struck 1625-1634. CARO : D : G [...], crown over two sceptres crossed in saltire / FRA : ET : HIB : REX ·, crowned harp. SCBC 3183. 0.46gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3559 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles I AE Farthing. 1625-1649. London mint; i.m: castle. (Castle) CARO : D : G • MAG • BRI, crown over crossed lis-tipped sceptres / FRA • ET HIB • REX, crowned eagle-headed harp. SCBC 3183. 0.37gr, 16mm, 6h. Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3560 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles I AE Farthing. 1625-1649. London mint; i.m: mascle. (Mascle) CARO : D G • MAG • BRIT, crown over crossed lis-tipped sceptres / FRA ET HIB REX, crowned eagle-headed harp. SCBC 3183. 0.84gr, 17mm, 12h. Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3561 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles I AE Farthing. 1625-1649. London mint; uncertain i.m. CAROLV D : G MA • B[...], single-arched crown; below, two crossed sceptre handles / FRA .’ ET • HI .’ REX, crowned rose. Cf. SCBC 3206. 0.83gr, 13mm, 12h. Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3562 Great Britain, Commonwealth of England AR Halfpenny. 1649-1660.

London mint. Coat-of-arms / Coat-of-arms. Bull 230; ESC 2728; North 2160; SCBC 3223. 0.21gr, 9mm, 9h. Good Fine. £80 - 100

Found Essex, UK.

3563 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles II CU Halfpenny. 16601685.

Dated 1675. Possibly a contemporary imitation. CAROLVS · A · CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust to left / BRITAN-NIA ·, seated figure of Britannia to left, holding spear in left hand, olive branch in raised right hand, shield with Union flag resting at left; date in exergue. SCBC 3393. 11.65gr, 31mm, 6h. Near Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3564 Great Britain. Hanover, George II CU Farthing. 17271760.

Dated 1749. GEORGIVS • II • REX •, laureate and cuirassed bust to left / BRITAN NIA •, Britannia seated to left on globe holding spear and olive branch, date in exergue. SCBC 3722. 4.96gr, 23mm, 6h. Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3565 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles II CU Farthing. 1660-1685. Tower (London) mint. Dated 1672. CAROLVS ·A· CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust of King Charles II to left / BRITAN NIA·, seated figure of Britannia to left, holding spear in left hand, olive branch in raised right hand, shield with Union flag resting at left; date in exergue. SCBC 3394. 6.15gr, 22mm, 7h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3566 Great Britain. Stuart, Charles II CU Farthing. 1660-1685.

Dated 1672. CAROLVS · A · CAROLO, laureate and cuirassed bust to left / BRITAN-NIA·, seated figure of Britannia to left, holding spear in left hand, olive branch in raised right hand, shield with Union flag resting at left; date in exergue. SCBC 3394. 5.76gr, 24mm, 6h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3567 England. Stuart, James II AR Twopence. 1685-1688.

Dated 1688. Design by John Roettier. IACOBVS • II • DEI • GRATIA, laureate head to left / MAG • BR • FRA • ET • HIB • REX • 16-88, crowned denomination. SCBC 3416. 0.91gr, 14mm, 6h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Found Essex, UK.

3568 England. Stuart (Orange), William and Mary AR Threepence. 1689-1694.

Dated 1689. GVLIELMVS • ET • MARIA • D • G •, jugate busts to right / MAG • BR • FR • ET • HIB • REX • ET • REGINA • 16-89, crowned denomination. Bull 903; ESC 1986; SCBC 3441. 1.39gr, 18mm, 6h. Fine. £20 - 30

Found Essex, UK.

3569 Great Britain. Stuart (Orange), William III & Mary CU Halfpenny. 1688-1694.

Tower (London) mint. Dated 1694. GVLIELMVS • ET • MARIA •, jugate busts to right of William, laureate and cuirassed, and Mary, draped / BRITAN-NIA, Britannia seated to left on globe, holding branch and sceptre; garnished shield to right. SCBC 3452. 9.04gr, 28mm, 6h. Fair. £60 - 80

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3570 England. Stuart (Orange) William and Mary Tin Halfpenny. 1689-1694.

Dated 1692. GVLIELMVS • ET • M[ARIA], jugate laureate busts to right / BRITAN-NIA, Britannia seated to left on globe, holding laurel branch in raised right hand, sceptre in left, shield at side; date in exergue. Edge inscribed. SCBC 3449. 10.14gr, 30mm, 9h. Fair. Copper insert has bled into the tin creating a dark brown square to the centre of both sides. £60 - 80

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3571 Great Britain. Stuart (Orange), William III AR Shilling. 1694-1702.

London mint. Dated 1696. First bust. GVLIELMVS • III • DEI • GRA •, laureate and draped bust to right / MAG • BR • FRA • ET • HIB • REX • 1696 •, crowned cruciform shields around central Nassau lion. Bull 1104; ESC 1078; SCBC 3497. 5.75gr, 26mm, 6h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3572 Great Britain. Stuart Restored, Anne AR Halfcrown. 1702-1714.

3575 Great Britain. Hanover, George II CU Halfpenny. 17271760.

London mint. Dated 1730. GEORGIVS • II • REX •, laureate and cuirassed bust to left / BRITAN-NIA •, Britannia seated to left on globe, holding olive branch and sceptre; Union shield to right, date below.. SCBC 3717. 9.49gr, 29mm, 6h. Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£60 - 80

Edinburgh mint. Post-Union with Scotland, 1707-1714. Dated 1707 E and RY SEXTO. Designs by John Croker and Johann Ochs. ANNA • DEI • GRATIA •, draped bust of Queen Anne to left; E below / • MAG BRI • FR ET • HIB REG •, crowned cruciform shields with central rayed Garter star, seven strings to harp; date (J7-07) above. Edge inscription: * * DECVS * ET * TVTAMEN * * * ANNO * REGNI * SEXTO. Bull 1379; ESC 575; SCBC 3605. 14.62gr, 33mm, 6h. Good Fine.

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3576 Great Britain. Hanover, George III AR Shilling. 17601820.

3573 Great Britain. Stuart, Anne AR Fourpence. 1702-1714. Tower (London) mint. Dated 1710. ANNA • DEI • GRATIA •, draped bust to left, with hair tied in fillet / • MAG • BRI • FR • ET • HIB • REG • J7-J0, crowned denomination. SCBC 3595C. 2.05gr, 19mm, 6h. Good Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

3574 Great Britain. Hanover, George I AR Shilling. 17141727.

London mint. Dated 1723. South Sea Company issue. Designs by John Croker and Johann Ochs. GEORGIVS · D · G · M · BR · FR · ET · HIB · REX · F · D ·, first bust laureate, draped, and armored to right / · BRVN ET



I · A

TH ET · EL · 17 23, crowned cruciform coats-of-arms around rayed Garter Star; SS and C alternating in angles. ESC 1176; SCBC 3647. 5.94gr, 25mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

London mint. Dated 1819. ‘Bull Head’ type. Last coinage. Engraved by Benedetto Pistrucci and Thomas Wyon. GEOR : III D : G : BRITT : REX F : D :, laureate head to right; date below / Ornate crowned Royal shield overlaid with smaller crowned shield, all within Garter inscribed HONI • SOIT • Q MAL • Y • PENSE. Bull 2152; ESC 1235; SCBC 3790. 5.50gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

Very Rare Variety

3577 Great Britain. Hanover, George III AR Shilling. 17601820.

London mint. Dated 1817. ‘Bull Head’ type. Last coinage. Engraved by Benedetto Pistrucci and Thomas Wyon. GEOR : III D : G : BRITT : REX F : D :, laureate head to right; date below / Ornate crowned Royal shield overlaid with smaller crowned shield, all within Garter inscribed HONI(unbarred H) • SOIT • Q MAL • Y • PENSE. Bull 2146; ESC -; SCBC 3790. 5.54gr, 24mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Very rare variety with unbarred H in HONI. £30 - 40

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3578 Great Britain. Hanover, George III AR Threepence. 1760-1820.

Dated 1763. GEORGIVS • III • DEI • GRATIA •, laureate and draped bust to right / MAG • BRI • FR • ET • HIB • REX •, large crowned 3; date above. Bull 2255; ESC 2034; SCBC 3753. 1.52gr, 17mm, 6h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3579 Great Britain. Hanover, George III CU Twopence. 17601820.

Soho (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1797. ‘Cartwheel’ type. Design by Conrad Heinrich Küchler. GEORGIUS III · D : G · REX., laureate and draped bust to right / BRITANNIA., Britannia seated to left, holding transverse trident in left hand and branch in her raised right hand; shield with Union flag resting on left; sea behind with ship on left; SOHO in small lettering and date below. Peck 1077; SCBC 3776. 55.82gr, 41mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3580 Great Britain. Hanover, time George II to George III CU ‘Halfpenny’. 1727-1820.

Counterfeit BRITANNIA issue of George III. Dated 1775. GEORGIVS · III · REX ·, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / BRITAN-NIA ·, Britannia seated left on globe, holding olive branch and sceptre; Union shield to right. Cf. Ringo 5920. 6.05gr, 27mm, 6h. Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3581 Great Britain. Hanover, George III CU Halfpenny. 17601820.

Uncertain date. Contemporary counterfeit BRITANNIA issue of George III. GEORGIVS • III • REX •, laureate and cuirassed bust to right / BRITANNIA •, Britannia seated to left, holding trident and olive branch; date in exergue. Cf. SCBC 3774. 4.43gr, 27mm, 6h. Near Fine.

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

£20 - 30

3582 Great Britain. George III AE Evasion Halfpenny. 17601797.

Dated 1774. Imitation of the Regal Coinage. CLAUDUIS : ROMANUS •, laureate bust to right; [I]•C• below / DELECTAT RUS • C, female figure (Britannia?) seated to left, holding branch with her right hand and spear with her left; 1774 • below. Atkins 55. 6.21gr, 27mm, 5h. Near Fine.

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector.

£20 - 30

3583 Great Britain. Hanover, George IV AE Farthing. 18201830.

Second issue. Dated 1826. GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA, laureate head to left, date below / BRITANNIAR : REX FID : DEF :, Britannia seated to right, holding transverse trident in left hand, and shield with Union flag in right hand; shamrock, rose, and thistle in exergue. SCBC 3825. 4.80gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3584 Great Britain. Hanover, George IV AE Farthing. 18201830.

3587 Great Britain. Hanover, William IV CU Halfpenny. 18301837.

London mint. Dated 1837. GULIELMUS IIII DEI GRATIA, date below / BRITANNIAR : REX FID : DEF :, Britannia seated to right and holding trident, shield with the Union flag beside; emblems below. SCBC 3847. 9.37gr, 28mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

£80 - 100

London mint. Dated 1822. Design by Benedetto Pistrucci. GEORGIUS IIII DEI GRATIA •, laureate and draped bust to left / BRITANNIAR: REX FID: DEF:, Seated figure of Britannia facing to right with lion at her feet, trident in left hand, shield with Union flag and olive branch in right; date in exergue. SCBC 3822. 4.62gr, 22mm, 6h. Almost Uncirculated.

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3585 Great Britain. Hanover, George IV AE Third-Farthing. 1820-1830.

London mint. Dated 1827. Design by William Wyon. GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA, laureate head to right, date below / BRITANNIAR: REX FID: DEF:, seated figure of Britannia to right, holding trident in left hand and shield bearing the Union flag in left; national flower emblems in exergue. SCBC 3827. 1.50gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Fine.

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£20 - 30

Struck for use in Malta where the farthing was already circulating at a face value of three Maltese grani. The third farthing was made to be 1/3 of the weight of a farthing, providing Malta with a coin valued at one grano. Thirdfarthings were never legal tender in the United Kingdom.

3586 Great Britain. Hanover, George IV AE Third-Farthing. 1820-1830.

London mint. Dated 1827. Design by William Wyon. GEORGIUS IV DEI GRATIA, laureate head to right, date below / BRITANNIAR: REX FID: DEF:, seated figure of Britannia to right, holding trident in left hand and shield bearing the Union flag in left; national flower emblems in exergue. SCBC 3827. 1.38gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £60 - 80

Struck for use in Malta where the farthing was already circulating at a face value of three Maltese grani. The third farthing was made to be 1/3 of the weight of a farthing, providing Malta with a coin valued at one grano. Thirdfarthings were never legal tender in the United Kingdom.

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3588 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria CU Halfpenny. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1853. Design by William Wyon. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, young head of Victoria to left; W:W. in small lettering on truncation; date below. / BRITANNIAR: REG: FID: DEF:, Britannia seated to right, holding trident in left hand, and shield with Union flag in right hand; national flower emblems in exergue. SCBC 3949. 9.84gr, 28mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3589 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AE Farthing. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1884. ‘Bun Head’ issue. VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D :, laureate bust to left / FARTHING, Britannia seated to right, holding trident in left hand, and shield with Union flag in right hand, date in exergue; sea behind with lighthouse on left and ship on right. Freeman 553; SCBC 3958. 2.85gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3590 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AV Sovereign. 18371901.

London (Tower Hill) mint. Dated 1891. ‘Jubilee Head’ type; long tail. Designs by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Benedetto Pistrucci. William Wellesley Pole, Master of mint. VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D :, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on base of truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right on broken lance to left on ground line; small WWP under lance, small B. P. beneath ground line to right; date in exergue. Marsh 129A; SCBC 3866C. 7.94gr, 22mm, 12h. Good Fine. £300 - 400

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3591 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Double Florin. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1890. Jubilee Coinage. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles. Bull 2703; ESC 399; SCBC 3923. 22.53gr, 36mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. Beautifully toned. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3592 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Double Florin. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1887. Jubilee Coinage. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles; date with Roman I above. Bull 2695; ESC 394; SCBC 3922. 22.53gr, 36mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3593 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Halfcrown. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1887. Jubilee Coinage. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITANNIARUM REGINA FID: DEF:, crowned arms within Garter inscribed HONI • SOIT • QUI MAL • Y • PENSE •• and wreath; date below. Bull 2771; ESC 719; SCBC 3924. 13.97gr, 32mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3594 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Florin. 1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1887. Jubilee Coinage. Design by Joseph Edgar Boehm and Leonard Charles Wyon. VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; J.E.B. in small lettering on truncation / BRITT: REG: FID: DEF:, crowned cruciform shields around Star of the Garter, sceptres in angles; date with Roman I above. Bull 2953; ESC 868; SCBC 3925. 11.29gr, 30mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3595 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Crown. 1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1895 and RY LIX. Old Head Coinage. Designs by Sir Thomas Brock and Benedetto Pistrucci. VICTORIA • DEI • GRA • BRITT • REGINA • FID • DED • IND • IMP •, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left; T.B. in small lettering on truncation / St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small B. P. beneath ground line to right, date in exergue. Edge inscription: DECUS ET TUTAMEN ANNO REGNI LIX . Bull 2599; ESC 309; SCBC 3937. 28.18gr, 39mm, 12h. Good Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3599 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AE Halfpenny. 18371901.

London mint. Dated 1901. ‘Old Head’ type. VICTORIA • DEI • GRA • BRITT • REGINA • FID • DEF • IND • IMP •, crowned and draped bust to left / HALF PENNY, Britannia seated to right on rocks, holding shield and trident, sea in background, date in exergue. SCBC 3962. 5.74gr, 25mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£20 - 30

3596 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Florin. 1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1900. Old Head Coinage. Design by Sir Thomas Brock and Edward J. Poynter. VICTORIA • DEI • GRA • BRITT • REGINA • FID • DEF • IND • IMP •, crowned, veiled and draped bust to left / Three crowned shields set in shape of a ‘V’ mostly within Garter, floral emblems between; date below; ONE • FLORIN TWO • SHILLINGS around. Bull 2971; ESC 884; SCBC 3939. 11.22gr, 29mm, 12h. Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3600 Great Britain. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Edward VII AE Farthing. 1901-1910.

London mint. Dated 1903. Design by George William de Saulles. EDWARDVS VII DEI GRA: BRITT: OMN: REX FID: DEF: IND: IMP:, bare head to right / FARTHING, seated figure of Britannia facing to right, trident in left hand, shield with Union flag in right hand, sea behind; date below. SCBC 3992. 2.91gr, 20mm, 12h. Uncirculated.

£20 - 30

3597 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria, AR Shilling. 1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1895. Old Head Coinage. Small rose type. Design by Sir Thomas Brock and Edward Paynter. VICTORIA · DEI · GRA · BRITT · REGINA · FID · DEF · IND · IMP ·, crowned and veiled bust to left / Three crowned shields set in shape of a ‘V’ mostly within Garter, floral emblems between; date below; ONE SHILLING above. Bull 3158; ESC 1364A; SCBC 3940. 5.63gr, 24mm, 12h. Good Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

£20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3601 Great Britain. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Edward VII AE Third Farthing. 1901-1910.

London (Tower Hill) mint. Dated 1902. For use in Malta. EDWARDVS VII D : G : BRITT : OMN : REX F : D : IND : IMP :, bare head to right / ONE THIRD FARTHING 1902 in three lines, crown above; all within oak wreath. SCBC 3993. 0.94gr, 15mm, 12h. Almost Uncirculated.

£20 - 30

3598 Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AE Penny. 1837-1901. London mint. Dated 1901. Old Head type. Designs by Sir Thomas Brock and Leonard Charles Wyon. VICTORIA • DEI • GRA • BRITT • REGINA • FID • DEF • IND • IMP •, older diademed and veiled bust to left; T.B. in small lettering beneath truncation / ONE PENNY, Britannia seated to right, holding trident in left hand and shield bearing the Union flag in right, sea behind; date in exergue. SCBC 3961. 9.47gr, 30mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3602 Great Britain. Windsor, George V AE Penny. 1910-1936. London mint. Dated 1936. Designs by Bertram Mackennal and Leonard Charles Wyon. GEORGIVS V DEI GRA : BRITT : OMN : REX FID : DEF : IND : IMP :, bare head to left; B M in small lettering on the base of truncation / ONE PENNY, Britannia seated to right, holding trident in left hand and shield bearing the Union flag in right, sea behind; date in exergue. Freeman 214; SCBC 4055. 9.35gr, 31mm, 12h. Brilliant Uncirculated. £10 - 20

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3606 Scotland. James VI AE Turner Twopence. 1567-1625. Edinburgh mint. Struck 1623. • IACOBVS • D • G • MAG • BRIT, three thistles / • FRAN • & • HIB • REX, crowned lion rampant to left; two pellets to right. SCBC 5524. 1.77gr, 19mm, 10h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

£20 - 30

3603 United Kingdom. Elizabeth II AR 2 Pounds. 1952-2022. Royal Mint. Dated 2021. Silver Britannia Series. Design by Jody Clark and Philip Nathan. ELIZABETH II · D · G · REG · F · D · 2 POUNDS ·, fifth crowned portrait of Queen Elizabeth II to right, wearing the George IV State Diadem on guilloche design; J.C below / ‘ BRITANNIA ‘ 2021 ‘ 1oz ‘ 999 ‘ FINE ‘ SILVER ‘, Britannia standing facing, head to left, holding trident in her right hand, shield bearing the Union flag and olive branch in her left hand; security padlock to left; all on wave effect; DECUS ET TUTAMEN on inner circle, NATHAN below. Sp BSF23; KM 2019. 31.11gr, 39mm, 12h. Uncirculated.

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

Exceptional Blank Error

3604 Great Britain. Windsor, Elizabeth II Blank Error One Pound. Dated 2017. ELIZABETH II D. G. REG . F . D, fifth crowned portrait of Queen Elizabeth II to right, wearing the George IV State Diadem, with holographic image below and denomination as incuse micro-legend around the edge / ONE POUND, English rose, Welsh leek, Scottish thistle and Northern Irish shamrock emerging from one stem within royal coronet, with the minting year as incuse micro-legend around the rim. For prototype cf. KM 1378. 8.57gr, 23mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Lustrous, extremely rare and exceptional. Apparently unique.

£1,000 - 1,400

3607 Scotland. Charles I CU Twopence. 1625-1649. Earl of Stirling coinage, 1632-1639. I.m: saltire. NEMO • ME • IMPVNE • LACESSET, thistle with two leaves / CAR • D • G • SCOT

• AN • FR • ET HIB [...], small C R slightly above large II; double arched crown above. Cf. SCBC 5601a. 0.66gr, 16mm, 3h. Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

Property of a Wiltshire, UK, collector.

This One Pound coin of the new type (issued 2017) has been struck on a metal error blank, rather than on the bi-metallic flan that should have been used; such occurrences are extremely rare.

3605 Scotland. Mary BI Lion-’Hardhead’. 1542-1567. Edinburgh mint. Date not visible. Second period, Francis and Mary. Crowned FM monogram; dolphins flanking, heads to left / Crowned lion rampant to left. SCBC 5450. 0.69gr, 14mm. Fair. £20 - 30

Found Tyne and Wear, UK.

3608 Ireland. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. Dublin mint. Second (‘ DW’) coinage, class IV. Struck 1297-1302. DW R ANGL D-NS B, crowned facing bust; single pellet below; all within triangle / CIVI-TAS DVBL-INI , long cross pattée; trefoil of pellets in quarters. North, Anglo-Irish, Group G, 1; D&F 68; SCBC 6264. 1.21gr, 19mm, 4h. Fine. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3609 Ireland. Plantagenet, Edward I AR Penny. 1272-1307. Dublin mint. Second (' DW') coinage. DW R ANGL' D-NS B, crowned facing bust within triangle / CIVI-TAS DVBL-INI , long cross pattée; trefoil of pellets in quarters. SCBC 6246. 1.21gr, 18mm, 6h. Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

3610 Ireland. Edward IV AR Penny. Second reign, 1471-1483. Dublin mint; i.m: not visible. Bust with sun and Roses/Rose on Cross coinage. Struck circa 1478-1483. Illegible inscription, crowned facing bust; rose and sun by crown, sun and rose by neck, / [...] DVB-L[...], long cross pattée with small rose at center; rose and two suns and sun and two roses alternating in angles. Cf. Burns Du-S4; cf. SCBC 6396. 0.45gr, 14mm, 3h. Good Fine. £300 - 400

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

Extremely Rare

3611 Ireland. Edward VI Brass Shilling - ‘Bungal’. 1547-1553. Contemporary cast imitation of the London mint; i.m: arrow. Dated 1549 in Roman numerals. (Arrow) DWARD ’ VI D ’ G ’ AGL ’ FRA ‘ Z HIB ’ R X , crowned and mantled bust to right / [TIMOR DOMINI] FONS VITE M D XLIX(date) , garnished coat-of-arms; E R flanking. For prototype cf. SCBC 2466. 4.22gr, 29mm, 7h. Fair. Areas of corrosion. Extremely rare. £150 - 200

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector.

3612 Ireland. Stuart, Charles I CU Farthing Token. 1625-1644. 'Maltravers' issue. I.m: bell. (Bell) CAROLVS : D : G : MAG : BRIT, crown over two sceptres crossed in saltire / • FRAN .' ET • HIB .' REX (bell) •, crowned harp. SCBC II 6526. 0.32gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

‘Late Plantagenet’ Token

3613 England. ‘Late Plantagenet’ Pb Token. 1425-1490. London mint. Mitchiner Type La. Expanding cross with convex arms and central dot / Expanding cross with convex arms and central dot. Cf. Mitchiner & Skinner type L, 6-7. 1.03gr, 12mm. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

Unpublished English Token

3614 England. ‘Shield and Rose’ Pb Token. 1425-1672. Shield quartered by void and linear cross with central dot; cross-incircle in two upper quarters / Tudor double rose of five and four petals. Mitchiner & Skinner -. 0.80gr, 11mm. Very Fine. Pierced. Exceedingly rare and apparently unpublished. £40 - 60

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

‘Cross and Pellets’ Token

3615 England. ‘Cross and Pellets’ Pb Token. 1425-1490. London or Paris mint. Mitchiner Type Mb. IHC (retrograde) in Gothic within anti-clockwise ray border / Cross with dot in each angle; al within anti-clockwise ray border. Mitchiner & Skinner type M, 50 var. (IHC not retrograde; clockwise ray border). 0.69gr, 12mm. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

The ‘cross and pellets’ tokens differ from the other series of fifteenth-century tokens found in London by virtue of their close links with a series of French tokens. They have been found with not quite equal frequency in London and in Paris. The uniformity of design suggests centralised production control (such as by a guild) but the range of symbols - religious, merchant, brothelssuggests a wide range of users.

‘Cross and Pellets’ Token

3616 England. ‘Cross and Pellets’ Pb Token. 1425-1490. London or Paris mint. Mitchiner Type Ma. Large E in Gothic within clockwise ray border / Cross with dot-in-circle in each angle and expanded arms; al within clockwise ray border. Mitchiner & Skinner type M, 2. 0.62gr, 12mm. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

The ‘cross and pellets’ tokens differ from the other series of fifteenth-century tokens found in London by virtue of their close links with a series of French tokens. They have been found with not quite equal frequency in London and in Paris. The uniformity of design suggests centralised production control (such as by a guild) but the range of symbols - religious, merchant, brothelssuggests a wide range of users.

Unpublished ‘Late Plantagenet’ Token

3617 England. ‘Late Plantagenet’ Pb Token. 1425-1490. London mint. Mitchiner Type L. Quartered field with striate angles / Linear cross within void cross with central dot. Mitchiner&Skinner -. 1.19gr, 14mm. Very Fine. Exceedingly rare and apparently unpublished. £40 - 60

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

‘Cross and Pellets’ Token

3618 England. ‘Cross and Pellets’ Pb Token. 1425-1490. London or Paris mint. Mitchiner Type Mb. IHC in Gothic within anticlockwise ray border / Cross with dot in each angle; all within anti-clockwise ray border. Mitchiner & Skinner type M, 50 var. (clockwise ray border). 0.69gr, 12mm. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found from Billingsgate spoil from the Thames foreshore, London, UK, in the 1980s.

Property of an Essex collector.

The ‘cross and pellets’ tokens differ from the other series of fifteenth-century tokens found in London by virtue of their close links with a series of French tokens. They have been found with not quite equal frequency in London and in Paris. The uniformity of design suggests centralised production control (such as by a guild) but the range of symbols - religious, merchant, brothelssuggests a wide range of users.

3619 England. Cambridgeshire, Soham. Mary and John Kent AE Farthing. Dated 1666.

IOHN • KENT • OF • HORNSWELL around, I • K over 1666 in centre / MARY • KENT • OF • SOHAM around,• • M K • • in centre. Dickinson 174; W 174 and Suffolk 152. 1.12gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3620 England. Cambridgeshire, Joseph Heath AE Farthing. Dated 1666.

IOSEPH • HEATH • OF, shield of arms / CAMBRIDGE • 1666, H I • H in three lines, stars in fields. Dickinson 52. 1.26gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3621 England. Cambridgeshire, Market Place. John Finch AE Farthing. 17th century.

IOHN • FINCH • MAR : around, I • F in centre / KET • PLACE • CAMBRI around, I • F in centre. Dickinson 44. 1.01gr, 15mm, 12h. Fair. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3622 England. Holborn AE Halfpenny Token. 1649-1672. London (Holborn) mint. Richard Underwood, issuer. IN HOLBORN • POVLTERER, hare running to left / RICHARD UNDERWOOD HIS • HALFE PENNY • R V E • in five lines. Dickinson 1475. 0.70gr, 18mm, 12h. Fair. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974. Property of an Essex collector (collector’s ticket included).

3623 England. ‘I W’ of Fryer Lane, London CU Farthing Token. 1648-1672.

3626 Armenia. Cilician Armenia, Levon I BI Denier. 1198/91219.

Sis mint, struck for use in Antioch, 1198-1219. L O D I GRATIA, cross pattée / R X ARM OR, crowned head facing. AC 281; CCA 9; MAC 33; CCS 133a. 0.94gr, 18mm, 8h. Very Fine. Very rare. £800 - 1,000

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

£100 - 140

London mint. Illegible inscription, initial W over IM, three cinquefoils in field / STREETES • STRE[...]S, FRYER LANE in two lines, two cinquefoils above, one below. Williamson -; Dickinson -; SCBI 59 -; UKDFD Recording Software Online 55733 (this token). 1.00gr, 16mm, 3h. Near Very Fine.

Found in Thames foreshore, 9 March 1985. Property of an Essex collector.

Very Rare

3624 England. Yorkshire, Whitby. Henry Sneaton AE Halfpenny. Dated 1667.

HENRY • SNEATON • 1667 around, HIS HALF PENY in three lines and four pellets below / IN • FLOWER • GATE • IN • WHITBY around, three ammonite fossils in centre. Dickinson 371; Boyne 327; W 371. 1.29gr, 18mm, 12h. Near Fine. Very rare token that displays three ammonite fossils, reflective of the Arms of Whitby Abbey.

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

£20 - 30

The Only Dutch Motto in British Civic Heraldry

3625 Great Britain. South Cambridgeshire District Council Token. Dated 2002.

Golden Jubilee - 50th Anniversary of the Accession of Queen Elizabeth II. • GOLDEN JUBILEE • • ELIZABETH II 2002 •, crowned head of Elizabeth II to right; behind, crown within •THE QUEEN’S•GOLDEN JUBILEE• / SOUTH CAMBRIDGESHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL, coat of arms with motto: NIET • ZONDER • ARBYT (‘nothing without work’). 8.28gr, 27mm, 12h. Near Mint State. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

Sir Cornelius Vermuyden (1595-1677) was a Dutch engineer who introduced Dutch land reclamation methods to England. He was commissioned by the Crown to drain Hatfield Chase in the Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire. In the 1650s, he directed major projects to drain The Fens of East Anglia, introducing the innovation of constructing washes, to allow periodic flooding of the area by excess waters. His motto Niet Zonder Arbyt (Nothing Without Work) was adopted as the official motto of South Cambridgeshire District Council.

3627 Armenia. Cilician Armenia, Levon I AR Tram. 11991219.

Sis mint. (Levon, king of the Armenians), Levon seated facing on throne decorated with lions, his feet resting on footstool, wearing royal mantle on his shoulders, holding globus cruciger in his right hand and lis-tipped sceptre in his left / (By the will of God), two lions rampant back-to-back, each with heads reverted; patriarchal cross between. CCA 123ff. 2.74gr, 22mm, 2h. Good Very Fine. Nicely toned. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3628 Armenia, Cilician Armenia. Hetoum II AE Kardez. 12891293, 1295-1296, and 1301-1305.

Sis mint. ‘Hetoum King of Armenians’ in Armenian, crowned head facing / ‘Struck in the city of Sis’ in Armenian, patriarchal cross terminating in floral scroll. AC 398. 4.28gr, 22mm, 2h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3629 Armenia. Cilician Armenia, Oshin AR Takvorin. 13071320.

Sis mint. [...] , King on horseback to right, head facing, holding lis-tipped sceptre in his right hand, (retrograde) before, L beneath horse’s fore hoof / [...], lion to right with forepaw raised; behind, long cross; dot above. Cf. CCA 1928. 2.60gr, 20mm, 3h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3630 Armenia. Cilician Armenia, Levon IV AR Takvorin. 13201341.

Sis mint. ] , King on horseback to right, holding sceptre in his right hand, uncertain letter and across field / [ ] , lion to right with forepaw raised; behind, cross; dot above. Cf. CCA 1954 or 1963. 2.41gr, 20mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3631 Armenia, Cilician Armenia. Levon V AE Pogh. 13731375.

Lion of Cyprus rampant to right within circular pelleted border / Cross pattée within circular pelleted border. Cf. Bedoukian 2242-2245; cf. AC 505-508. 0.71gr, 14mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3632 Armenia. Cilician Armenia, Hetoum I AE Kardez. 12261270.

King seated facing on wide bench, legs crossed, holding lis-tipped sceptre and globus cruciger; star in left field / Cross pattée; short lines in three quarters, crescent in first quarter. AC 363. 4.97gr, 22mm. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3633 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Baldwin II, III or IV AR Denier. 1118-1185.

BALDVINVS R X, cross pattée / D I RVSAL M, tower of David. Metcalf, Crusades 160; MPS p. 74, 19; Schlumberger III, 21. 0.75gr, 17mm, 3h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3634 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Baldwin III BI Obol. 1143-1163.

BALDVINVS REX. cross pattée within circle / DE IERVSALEM, tower of David. CCS 21; Metcalf, Crusades 165-167. 0.71gr, 17mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3635 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Baldwin III BI Denier. 1143-1163.

‘Rough’ coinage, series 3. BALDVINVS REX, cross pattée / DE IERVSALEM, tower of David. Metcalf, Crusades 153-153A; CCS 15. 0.75gr, 17mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3636 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Baldwin III AR Denier. 1143-1163.

BALDVINVS R X, cross pattée within circle / D I RVSAL M, tower of David. CCS 4. 1.01gr, 18mm, 10h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3637 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Amaury AR Denier. 1163-1174.

AMALRICVS R X :, cross with pellets in two angles / D I RVSAL M, church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. CCS 23; Metcalf, Crusades 171. 0.65gr, 16mm, 12h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3638 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Amaury AR Denier. 1163-1174.

AMALRICVS R X, cross with pellets in two angles / D I RVSAL M, church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Cf. CCS 23. 0.74gr, 15mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. Broken flan. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3639 Crusaders. Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Amaury AR Denier. 1163-1174.

AMALRICVS R X :, cross with pellets in two angles / D I RVSAL M, church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. CCS 23; Metcalf, Crusades 171. 0.97gr, 17mm, 2h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3640 Crusaders, Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201.

Antioch (Principality) mint. BOA V DVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / A TIOC IA(sic), cross pattée, crescent in second angle. Cf. CCS 68a; cf. Metcalf, Crusades 3958. 0.80gr, 18mm, 1h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3641 Crusaders. Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201. Antioch (Principality) mint. BOAMV DVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / A TIOCHIA, cross pattée, crescent in second angle. Cf. CCS 66b. 0.90gr, 18mm, 8h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3642 Crusaders. Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201.

Antioch (Principality) mint. BOAHVHDVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / AHTIOCHIA, cross pattée, crescent in second angle. CCS 68; Metcalf, Crusades 395-8. 0.96gr, 18mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3643 Crusaders. Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201.

Antioch (Principality) mint. Class E. BOAHVHDVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / ANTI(trefoil)OCHIA, cross pattée, crescent in second angle. Metcalf, Crusades, 402. 0.86gr, 18mm, 5h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3644 Crusaders. Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201. Antioch (Principality) mint. BOANVHDVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / ANTIOCHIA, trefoil between I and O, cross pattée, crescent in second angle. Cf. Metcalf, Crusades, 381; cf. CCS 67b. 0.88gr, 19mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3645 Crusaders. Bohémond III BI Denier. 1163-1201. Antioch (Principality) mint. BOA VNDVS, helmetted head to left, between crescent and star / A TIOCHIA, cross pattée, crescent in second angle. Cf. Metcalf, Crusades, 376. 0.93gr, 18mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3646 Austria. Karnten (Herzogtum), Bernhard von Spanheim AR Freisacher Pfennig. 1202-1256.

3650 France. Provincial, Valence (Bishophric), Anonymous AR Denier. 12th-13th centuries AD.

£30 - 40

Landstraß mint. Two facing half-length busts to either side of palm tree, behind low decorated wall / [ LANDESTROS], lion rampant to left, holding cross-tipped sceptre. CNA C n 4; Lu. Fr. 161. 0.92gr, 17mm, 3h. Near Very Fine.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3647 Austria. Kärnten (Herzogtum), Bernhard von Spanheim AR Freisacher Pfennig. 1202-1256.

VRBS VAL NTIAI, eagle facing with wings spread / S APOLLINARIS, short cross pommée; annulet in fourth quarter. Duplessy, Féodales 2255. 0.67gr, 17mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. Edge chipped. £30 - 40

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3651 Hungary. Magyar Kiralysag, Bela II AR Denar. 11311141.

REX BELA, crowned facing head / Cross with wedges in quarters within circle; strokes around and small cross above; all within circle. Cf. Grierson, Coins of Medieval Europe 224; Frynas H.11.1; Huszár 50. 0.48gr, 11mm, 6h. Good Extremely Fine. Toned. £40 - 60

£30 - 40

Landstraß mint. Two facing half-length busts to either side of palm tree, behind low decorated wall / [ LAN]DESTRO[S], lion rampant to left, holding cross-tipped sceptre. CNA C n 4; Lu. Fr. 161. 0.77gr, 17mm, 9h. Near Very Fine.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3648 France AE Jeton. Time of Louis XI le Prudent, 14611483.

Issue of Dauphiné. Contemporary imitation? (Lis) AVE (voided fiverayed star) ARIA (voided five-rayed star) GRACA, dolphin to left / Legend around cross in form of four keys clockwise with central motif and lis in angles. For a similar example see Feuardent, Jetons 11300. 4.26gr, 27mm. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3649 France. Bretagne (Brittany, Duchy), Conan III BI Denier. 1112-1148.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3652 Low Countries. Vlaanderen (Flanders [County]), Gwijde I van Dampierre AR Esterlin. 1278-1305.

Aalst mint. Struck circa 1296. MARC IO NAMVRC (Marquis of Namur), facing bust; quatrefoils flanking / G CO-M S FLA-DR (Gwijde, Count of Flanders), long cross pattée; triple pellets in quarters, voided quatrefoil in third quarter. Mayhew 16; De Mey, Namur 76; Chalon 59. 1.25gr, 19mm, 9h. Good Fine. £40 - 60

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3653 Spanish States, Aragon (Kingdom). Jaume I AR Denier. 1213-1276.

Catalunia mint. ARA-GON, crowned and draped bust to left / : IACOBVS • REX, patriarchal cross. Cru.VS-318. 1.23gr, 19mm, 8h. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

£30 - 40

Rennes mint. CONANVS, monogram / REDONIS, cross. Duplessy 57; Boudeau 23; Poey-d’Avant 217. 0.85gr, 19mm, 5h. Fine.

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3654 Pre-reform issues. Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals Circa AD 660-680.

Pseudo-Damascus mint. Imperial standing figure type (Type VI). Standing imperial figure, holding cruciform sceptre in right hand and globus cruciger in left; crescent to upper right / Large cursive m; designs within each arc; above, bifurcated cross between two stars; additional symbols and pseudo-letters flanking; [...]O [T] in exergue. Cf. Milstein 79; SICA 1, -; Walker -; cf. Album 3522.1. 2.72gr, 19mm, 3h. Good Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3655 Pre-reform issues. Umayyad Caliphate AE Fals. Circa AD 661-697.

Dimashq (Damascus) mint. Struck circa AD 685-693. Early PseudoByzantine coinage. Crowned Byzantine-style emperor seated facing on throne, holding cruciform sceptre and globus cruciger; bird standing to right on T to left, O downwards to right / Large M; staurogram set on crescent above, ANO to left, X II to right, Ω below, AMI in exergue. SICA I -; DOCAB -; Khalili 19; Walker, ArabByzantine 4; Album 100. 3.02gr, 19mm, 5h. Good Very Fine. Rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3656 Abbasid Caliphate AR Hemidrachm. Time of al-Rashid, AH 170-193 (AD 786-809).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 137 (AH 172 [AD 788/9]). Stylised crowned Sassanian style bust to right; ‘GDE pzwt (may his glory increase) in Pahlavi to right and left; in outer margin, star-increscents, ‘pd (excellent) in Pahlavi to lower right, nwk’ (good) in Pahlavi to lower left / Fire altar flanked by attendants; pellets flanking flames, date to left, mint to right; alternating triple pellets and starin-crescents in outer margin. Album 73. 1.84gr, 23mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3657 Abbasid Caliphate AR Hemidrachm. Time of al-Rashid, AH 170-193 (AD 786-809).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 136 [AH 171 (AD 787/8)]. Stylised crowned Sasanian style bust to right; ‘GDE pzwt (may his glory increase) in Pahlavi to right and left; in outer margin, star-increscents, ‘pd (excellent) in Pahlavi to lower right, nwk’ (good) in Pahlavi to lower left / Fire altar flanked by attendants; pellets flanking flames, date to left, mint to right; alternating triple pellets and starin-crescents in outer margin. Malek 174.1-8; Album 73; ICV -. 1.96gr, 24mm, 10h. Extremely Fine. Some green deposits in fields; some delamination on edge of reverse. £30 - 40

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3658 Abbasid Caliphate AR Hemidrachm. Time of al-Mahdi, AH 158-169 (AD 775-786).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 135 [AH 170 (AD 785/6)]. Stylised crowned Sasanian style bust to right; ‘GDE pzwt (may his glory increase) in Pahlavi to right and left; in outer margin, star-increscents, ‘pd (excellent) in Pahlavi to lower right, nwk’ (good) in Pahlavi to lower left / Fire altar flanked by attendants; pellets flanking flames, date to left, mint to right; alternating triple pellets and starin-crescents in outer margin. Malek 167.2-4; Album 73A; ICV 120. 1.85gr, 24mm, 4h. Extremely Fine. Die-break to obverse. £30 - 40

From a London, UK, collection, 1990s.

3659 Abbasid Caliphate AR Hemidrachm. Time of al-Rashid, AH 170-193 (AD 786-809).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 136 = AH 171 (AD 787/8). Stylised crowned Sassanian style bust to right; ‘GDE pzwt (may his glory increase) in Pahlavi to right and left; in outer margin, star-increscents, ‘pd (excellent) in Pahlavi to lower right, nwk’ (good) in Pahlavi to lower left / Fire altar flanked by attendants; pellets flanking flames, date to left, mint to right; alternating triple pellets and starin-crescents in outer margin. Malek 174.1-8; Album 73; ICV -. 2.05gr, 24mm, 3h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3660 Abbasid governor of Tabaristan AR Hemidrachm. Time of Al-Mahdi, AH 158-169 (AD 775-785).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 134 = AH 169 (AD 785/6). Crowned and draped bust to right; behind head, GDH ('kingship' in Pahlavi); before head, 'AFZUT' ('may increase' in Pahlavi); in outer margin, APD and NWKW ('excellent' and 'good' in Pahlavi) and 'bakh bakh' ('very fine' in Arabic) / Sasanian fire altar set on three steps, flanked by two attending priests standing facing; to left, date; to right, mint. Album 73; SICA I, -; Walker, Arab-Sassanian, p. 156, O.10. 1.98gr, 24mm, 4h. Good Very Fine. Very rare. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3661 Abbasid Caliphate AR Hemidrachm. Time of al-Rashid, AH 170-193 (AD 786-809).

Tabaristan mint. Dated PYE 136 = AH 171 (AD 787/8). Stylised crowned Sassanian style bust to right; ‘GDE pzwt (may his glory increase) in Pahlavi to right and left; in outer margin, star-increscents, ‘pd (excellent) in Pahlavi to lower right, nwk’ (good) in Pahlavi to lower left / Fire altar flanked by attendants; pellets flanking flames, date to left, mint to right; alternating triple pellets and starin-crescents in outer margin. Malek 174.1-8; Album 73; ICV -. 2.13gr, 24mm, 11h. Near Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3662 Abbasid Caliphate. Al-Mu’tasim AR Dirham. AH 218227 (AD 833-842).

Dimashq mint. Dated AH 222(?) (AD 837/8). Legend in three lines and in margins / Legend in five lines and in margin. Album 226; ICV 398. 2.37gr, 25mm, 4h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3663 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

Zabîd mint. Undated. Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around / Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around. ICV 1083. 0.33gr, 14mm, 10h. Very Fine. Edge chipped. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3664 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

Sa’da mint. Undated. Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around / Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around. SICA 10, 198-203; Album 1068; ICV 1083. 0.38gr, 13mm, 7h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3665 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

‘Udhr(?) mint. Undated. Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around / Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around. ICV 1083. 0.40gr, 14mm, 6h. Near Very Fine. Seemingly looped and repaired. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3666 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

Sa’da(?) mint. Undated. Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around / Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around. Cf. SICA 10, 198-203; cf. Album 1068; ICV 1083. 0.38gr, 15mm, 12h. Very Fine. Edge chipped. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3667 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

Sa’da(?) mint. Undated. Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around / Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around. Cf. SICA 10, 198-203; cf. Album 1068; ICV 1083. 0.26gr, 13mm, 3h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3668 Yaman. Zaydi Imams (Rassids), al-Nasir AR Sudaysi. AH 301-322 (AD 913-934).

Kalima in three lines across field; mint formula around / Legend in four lines across field; part of Qur’an around. Cf. Album 1068. 0.33gr, 12mm, 3h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3669 Fatimids, al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah AR Dirham. AH 341-365 (AD 953-975).

Three concentric circles of inscription around central pellet / Three concentric circles of inscription around central pellet. Album X699. 2.20gr, 22mm. Near Very Fine. Edge chipped. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3670 Anatolia and al-Jazira (Post-Seljuk). Zangids (Sinjar), Qutb al-Din Muhammad AE Dirham. AH 594-616 (AD 11971219).

Sinjar mint. Dated AH 596 (AD 1199/1200). Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed male Roman-style bust to left, holding spear or sceptre over shoulder and shield; tamgha before, mint name and AH date around / Names and titles of Abbasid caliph al-Nasir and Qutb al-Din Muhammad bin Zengi in five lines across field; name continued to right and left; Zengid tamgha below. Whelan Type II, 228-9; S&S 81.1; Album 1880.2; ICV 1275. 9.76gr, 26mm, 5h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3671 Seljuqs, Rum. ‘Izz al-Din Kay Ka’us II bin Kay Khusraw AE Fals. Second reign over western Rum Seljuk, AH 644-647 (AD 1246-1249).

Figure seated slightly to right on throne; star to left and right / Legend in Arabic. Cf. Album 1225a; cf. ICV 1346. 2.98gr, 21mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3672 Post-Mongol Dynasties. Ilkhanids, Arghun AE Fals. AH 683-690 (AD 1284-1291).

Maragha mint. Dated AH 685(?) (AD 1286/7). Child suckling under cow standing to right, with lowered head; date above / Kalima in three lines within square and in margins. Album 2157; cf. Diler Ar212. 3.43gr, 27mm, 8h. Very Fine. Wavy flan. Exceedingly rare Fals of Ilkhanids £200 - 300

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3673 Ayyubids, Mayyafariqin & Jabal Sinjar. Al-Muzaffar Shihab al-Din Ghazi AE Fals. AH 617-642 (AD 1220-1244).

Mayyafariqin mint. Dated AH 618 (AD 1221/2). Legend in three lines and in margins / Legend in three lines and in margins. Album 860; ICV -; Whelan 283-4. 7.40gr, 25mm, 8h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

Most Beautiful and Rarest Ilkhanid Bronze

3674 Umayyads, time of al-Walid I ibn ‘Abd al-Malik AR Dirham. AH 86-96 (AD 705-715).

3678 Abbasids AR Dirham. 8th century AD.

£20 - 30

Dimashq mint. Dated AH 87(?) (AD 705/6). Standard Umayyad Shahadah at the centre with marginal stating mint and year / Umayyad Symbol (Quran 112) in four lines across field; Second Symbol(?) (Quran 9.33) in margin. Cf. Album 128. 1.26gr, 19mm, 6h. Very Fine. Edges clipped.

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3675 Abbasid Caliphate. Time of al-Mansur AE Fals. AH 136158 (AD 754-775).

Al-Yazidiya mint. Dated AH 150 (AD 767/8). Legend in three lines, mint and date in margin; star above and below / Legend in three lines; star above and below, annulets in border. SICA 2, 1628; Shamma p.293; Album 313K. 2.86gr, 22mm, 12h. Very Fine. Rare. £40 - 60

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3676 Abbasid Caliphate, Al-Muqtadir AR Dirham. AH 295-320 (AD 908-932).

Legend in five lines and in margins / Legend in five lines and in margin. Album 246; ICV 431. 2.20gr, 26mm, 2h. Very Fine. Edge chipped. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3677 Abbasids. Time of al-Rashid AR Dirham. AH 170-193 (AD 786-809).

Al-Muhammadiyah mint. Legend in three lines and in margin / Legend in four lines and in margin. Album 219.9. 2.74gr, 25mm, 9h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Legend in three lines and in margin / Legend in four lines and in margin. 2.67gr, 27mm, 4h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3679 Islamic AR Dirham. Circa 10th century AD.

Legend in four lines and in margin / Legend in five lines and in margin. 3.66gr, 25mm, 11h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3681 Abbasids. Time of al-Ma’mun AR Dirham. AH 196-218 (AD 812-833).

Legend in three lines and in margins / Legend in three lines and in margin. 2.47gr, 25mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3682 Islamic AR Dirham. Circa 10th century AD. Legend in four lines and in margin / Legend in five lines and in margin. 3.87gr, 25mm, 10h. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3683 Uncertain Islamic AE 38mm. 13th-14th century AD. Legend in field and in margins / Legend in field. 11.09gr, 38mm. Near Fine. Pierced. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

Very Rare

3684 India, Princely States. Bharatpur AV Mohur. Time of Ratan Singh AH 1182-1183 (AD 1768-1769). ‡

In the name of Shah Alam II, Mughal emperor. Maha Indrapur (Dig) mint. Dually dated AH 118[...] & RY 9 of Shah Alam II (AD 1768). Persian couplet citing Shah ‘Alam II; AH date to right / Mint formula and RY date; ma in Devanagari to left of RY. KM 50; Friedberg -. 10.80gr, 23mm, 12h. Extremely Fine. Evidence of possible prior mounting. Very rare. £1,200 - 1,700

From the collection of Dr Lawrence A. Adams, purchased from Dr Lawrence Brilliant.

Ex Glendining (15 October 1985), lot 296.

Ex Skanda Collection (Spink-Taisei 9, 20 February 1991), lot 495.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 366, 13 January 2016, lot 167.

3685 Babylonian Sphendonoid Hematite Three-Shekel Weight of 9.48gr. Circa 1500-1200 BC. Sphendonoid weight with flat base and incised band to the equator. Cf. Hendin, Ancient Scale Weights p.138, 13. 28.45gr, 31mm x 19.5mm. Condition as seen. £400 - 600

UK private collection before 2000. Acquired on the UK art market. Property of a London gentleman.

3686 Judaea. Cupcake-Shaped AE Weight of 4 Shekels. Iron Age, circa 1000-500 BC.

Black cupcake-shaped weight with engraved large X on the base. For similar weight see Hendin, Ancient Scale Weights p.170, 182. 42.72gr, 24mm x 18mm. Condition as seen. £50 - 70

Ex Simmons Gallery, UK, 1990s.

3687 Judaea, Tortoise AE Weight of 1 Shekel. Iron Age II (1200-586 BC).

Land tortoise with segmented shell. Cf. Hendin, Ancient Scale Weight 185 (Shekel of 14.12gr). 16.56gr, 25mm x 20mm x 8mm. Condition as seen.

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

£100 - 140

3688 Minor Asia and Levante Bone Weight of Uncertain Standard. Circa 750-300 BC.

Dome-shaped bone ring with grooved linear circle on one side and wide hole. For a similar example see British Museum 1969,0401.120. 2.41gr, 30mm x 4mm. Condition as seen. Tag attached, inscribed ‘2.41 gms 1/2 MITKAL’.

Found Hebron in 1971. From the Gabby family collection, 1960s-1970s. Accompanied by an old identification tag.

£100 - 140

3689 Minor Asia and Levante Bone Weight of Uncertain Standard. Circa 750-300 BC.

Dome-shaped bone ring with wide hole. For a similar example see British Museum 1969,0401.120. 1.93gr, 23mm x 4.5mm. Condition as seen. Tag attached, inscribed ‘Hord 19/10/71 from Hebron’ and ‘1.93 gms’. £100 - 140

Found Hebron in 1971.

From the Gabby family collection, 1960s-1970s. Accompanied by an old identification tag.

3690 Minor Asia and Levante Bone Weight of Uncertain Standard. Circa 750-300 BC.

Dome-shaped bone ring with wide hole. For a similar example see British Museum 1969,0401.120. 3.11gr, 25mm x 7.5mm. Condition as seen. £100 - 140

Found Hebron in 1971.

From the Gabby family collection, 1960s-1970s.

3692 Phoenicia, Tyre PB Weight of Half Libra. Dated Year 12 of the Era of the Freedom of Tyre (115/114 BC).

Club of Herakles within square motif surrounded by oval designs; [ - (Agoranomos)] to upper field; [L] BI (date) to lower field / [Tanit symbol on cross-hatch background]. E&E, Poids -; Hendin 286; Pondera Online 15538 & 12864 & 11932. 100.40gr, 39mm x 37mm x 7mm, 12h. Condition as seen. Suspension loop (since removed).

£50 - 70

From the S.M. Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group, Electronic Auction 476, 9 September 2020, lot 297 (company’s ticket included).

3693 Roman Truncated Spheroid Basalt Weight of 6 Scripula. Circa 1st century BC-1st century AD.

3691 Greek PB Weight of 1 Mina. Dated SE 230 (83/2 BC). ‡ Possibly Levantine region. ETOY (date) HMO IA M-NA (denomination), two crossed cornucopiae, to left, monogram / Latticework design. Unpublished in the standard references. 704gr, 96mm x 95mm. Condition as seen. £1,800 - 2,400

Acquired in the mid 1980s-1990s.

Private collection, Switzerland, thence by descent. Private collection, since the late 1990s.

Such commercial weights were produced in cities currently or formerly under Seleucid control. The inscription HMO IA (‘public’), indicates that this was used as an official market weight.

Roman basalt weight in the shape of truncated sphere; dotted and inlaid in silver VI on one base, the other plain. Cf. Pondera Online 1083. 7.16gr, 19.5mm x 11.5mm. Condition as seen.

£40 - 60

From an old collection formed before WWII and believed to have been from Paestum.

Ian Wilkinson collection, Nottinghamshire, UK, formed since 1985.

3694 Byzantine Square AE Weight of 3 Unciae or 1/4 Libra. Circa 5th-6th century AD.

Long silver inlaid cross between silver inlaid / Blank. Bendall -; Rochesnard, p.57; Pondera Online 16369. 78.07gr, 33mm x 32mm. Condition as seen.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£60 - 80

3695 Byzantine Circular AE Weight of 11 Nomismata or 2 Unciae. Circa 4th-6th century AD.

Facade of church on base with steps, with two pillars and pediment surmounted by three crosses, across fields; all engraved in outline / Blank. Pondera Online -; Bendall -; Pera -. 48.52gr, 38mm x 6mm. Condition as seen. Circular weight with double-grooved edges. £100 - 140

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3696 Byzantine Square AE Commercial Weight of One Uncia. Circa 4th-6th century AD.

Engraved in outline and inlaid with silver large cross between A; all beneath arch supported by two columns / Blank. Cf. Pondera Online 18540; Bendall -; MAH -; Pera -. 26.80gr, 24mm x 25mm x 6mm. Condition as seen. Square commercial weight with edge of two tiers. £150 - 200

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3697 Byzantine Circular AE Commercial Weight of One Uncia. Circa 5th-7th century AD.

Engraved in outline and inlaid with silver large cross between A; all within stylised laurel wreath / Blank. Bendall 121 var. (2 Unciae); Pera 178 var. (same); Pondera Online 10558. 25.34gr, 25mm. Condition as seen. Inlays missing. £80 - 100

Ex German art market, 2000s. Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3698 Byzantine AE Commercial Weight of Two Unciae. Circa 5th-7th century AD.

B inscribed / Blank. Bendall 31 var. (letters not inlaid); Pandora Online 12609. 48.71gr, 22.5mm x 18.5mm. Condition as seen.

£30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3699 Byzantine AE Commercial Weight of Two Unciae. Circa 5th-7th Century AD.

B inscribed / Blank. Bendall 31 var. (letters not inlaid); Pandora Online 12609. 54.45gr, 24mm x 19.5mm. Condition as seen.

£30 - 40

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3700 Byzantine AE Weight of 1 Nomisma. Circa 5th-6th century AD.

Circular coin weight for a solidus made from a Roman Provincial issue of Trajan (AD 98-117) from Antioch in Seleucis and Pieria: laureate head of Trajan to right / HMAPX [E] [Y ]AT [...] within laurel wreath. Cf. RPC III, 3653. 4.15gr, 19mm, 6h. Fine. Serrated edge.

£20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3701 Byzantine Square AE Glass of 1 Nomisma. 4th-6th century AD.

Square coins weight made from a bronze coin of Philip II of Macedon (359-336 BC): [ ] , youth on horseback riding to right; below, . Cf. HGC 3.1, 882. 3.66gr, 13.5mm x 13.5mm. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

A remarkable re-use of an ancient Macedonian coin type.

3702 Byzantine Square AE Weight of 1 Nomisma. 4th-6th century AD.

Engraved large N; stars in fields / Blank. Cf. Pondera Online 18577 & 18579. 3.18gr, 13mm x 14mm. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

Very Rare Tremissis Weight

3703 Byzantine Square AE Weight of 1 Tremissis. 5th-7th century AD.

Engraved cross within square linear border / Engraved X within square linear border. Bendall -; Pondera Online -. 1.43gr, 9.5mm x 10.5mm. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3704 Byzantine Heart-shaped Glass Weight of 1 Gramma or Scrupulus. 4th-6th century AD.

Engraved cross pommée / Blank. Cf. Pondera Online 7457. 0.96gr, 14mm. Condition as seen. Blue heart-shaped glass weight with engraved cross. £40 - 60

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3705 Islamic Polyhedral AE Weight of 20 Dirhams or 2 Uqiya. Circa 10th-13th century AD.

A flattened sphere doubly truncated in form; punched on the top and bottom with a large bird’s eye pattern; the main body of the weight decorated with five rows of bird’s eyes. CPAI 1, 127 (Southern Anatolia). 57.37gr, 25mm x 19mm. Condition as seen. £40 - 60

Found ‘Ainsbrook’ North-West Yorkshire, UK, circa 2005-2007. Ian Wilkinson collection, Nottinghamshire, UK, formed since 1985.

3706 Islamic Barrel-Shaped AE Weight of 20 Dirhams or 2 Uqiya. Circa 10th-13th century AD.

A barrel-shaped weight doubly truncated in form with multi facets; punched on the top a large bird’s eye pattern and on the bottom an inscription in Arabic in four lines. CPAI 2, 329 var. (no inscription). 58.53gr, 24mm x 18mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

Ex Simmons Gallery, UK, 1990s.

3707 Byzantine Iconographic PB Seal. Circa 13th-15th century AD.

Uncertain figure standing facing, holding cross on base with right hand; C SO ON N O in five lines to left, O C C C in five lines to right / NCK IC C IN NP IB N CTOCNOPT[...] OCI TO IB N in six lines. For a seal of similar style, cf. Roma e82, 1788. 51.14gr, 45mm, 12h. Condition as seen. £80 - 100

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3708 Anonymous Lead Seal. 4th-5th century AD. Levante or Egypt mint. Menorah, Etrog(?) to right / Blank. For a similar issue cf. CNG, E-245, 530. 2.66gr, 14mm. Near Very Fine.

Collected from 1970-1999.

From the collection of the late Mr S.M., London, UK.

£150 - 200

3712 Anonymous Lead Seal. 4th-5th century AD. Levante or Egypt mint. Menorah / Blank. For a similar issue cf. CNG, E-245, 530. 3.15gr, 12mm. Near Very Fine. £150 - 200

Collected from 1970-1999.

From the collection of the late Mr S.M., London, UK.

3713 Roman Imperial PB Token. 5th century AD. Uncertain mint in Judaea. Central pellet surrounded by wreath with eight pellets and rays / Blank. See Y. Fahri, Note on Two Types of Lead Currency from Late Roman / Early Byzantine Palestine, Israel Numismatic Research 8, 2014, pp. 135-141. 2.73gr, 16mm. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

£150 - 200

3709 Anonymous Lead Tessera. 2nd-4th century AD. Possibly Levante mint. Menorah / Uncertain object or monogram. 2.15gr, 17mm. Near Very Fine.

Collected from 1970-1999.

From the collection of the late Mr S.M., London, UK.

3710 Anonymous Lead Tessera. 2nd-4th century AD. Possibly Levante mint. Menorah / Wreath containing monogram(?). Apparently unpublished. 1.20gr, 11mm. Near Very Fine.

Collected from 1970-1999.

From the collection of the late Mr S.M., London, UK.

£150 - 200

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

According to Y. Farhi : ‘It is suggested here that these two objects from Khirbet Qeiyafa, as well as the three similar objects published by Hendin, were used as currency during the fifth century CE alongside other small bronze and lead issues’ (p.138).

3714 Crusaders PB Tessera or Token. Circa 10th century or later.

Tree with three branches within circular rayed border / Six-rayed star within circular rayed border. 2.89gr, 16mm. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3711 Anonymous Lead Seal. 4th-5th century AD. Levante or Egypt mint. Menorah on base, lulav(?) to left / A[...]. For a similar issue cf. CNG, E-245, 530. 4.38gr, 13mm. Near Very Fine. £150 - 200

Collected from 1970-1999. From the collection of the late Mr S.M., London, UK.

3715 Minor Asia & Levant PB Tessera. 1st century BC-1st century AD.

Anchor in the form of club / Wreath containing uncertain inscription. 3.00gr, 14mm, 12h. Condition as seen. £80 - 100

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3716 Roman Imperial PB Seal. Circa 3rd century AD. Bare-headed, bearded and draped bust to right / Blank. Apparently unpublished. 5.47gr, 19mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3717 Roman Imperial PB Seal. Circa 4th century AD. Two imperial, diademed(?) and draped busts facing third imperial, facing, diademed(?) and draped bust at the centre / Blank. Cf. Leukel 123-126. 3.13gr, 13mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3718 Roman Imperial PB Seal. Circa 3rd century AD. Bare-headed, bearded and draped bust (Hercules?) to right; club(?) before / Blank. Cf. Leukel 242. 8.46gr, 14mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3719 Roman Imperial PB Seal. 1st-3rd century AD. Uncertain mint in Egypt. Draped bust of Serapis to right, wearing kalathos / Blank. Rostowzew & Prou -; Leukel -; cf. Récamier 463. 7.51gr, 14mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3720 Roman Imperial PB Seal. Circa 3rd-5th century AD. Monogram of THB / Blank. Leukel -. 19.30gr, 22mm x 10mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3721 Roman Imperial PB Seal. Circa 3rd-5th century AD. C K-H(sic)[...], draped bust to right / Blank. For similar cf. Leukel 141-142. 8.31gr, 17mm x 12mm. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

From an English collection formed before 2000.

From Atocha Shipwreck

3722 Bolivia, Colonial (as Alto Peru). Felipe II, King of Spain AR 8 Reales. 1556-1598.

Potosí mint; uncertain date. Assayer A. Cob issue. Crowned Hapsburg coat-of-arms; P A to left, O VIII to right / Arms of Castille and Leon in quarters of Jerusalem cross, all within ornate quadrilobe. S P11; KM 5.1; Cal 674. 26.84gr, 38mm, 4h. Very Fine. Double obverse struck. Very rare assayer. £200 - 300

From an important Cambridgeshire estate; thence by descent.

Likely recovered 1985 from Atocha Shipwreck.

3723 Canada, British Colonial. Bank of Upper Canada CU Penny. 1850-1857.

Heaton (Birmingham) mint. Dated 1857. John Pinches, engraver. Design by Benedetto Pistrucci. BANK OF UPPER CANADA 1857 , St. George on horseback to right, holding sword with right hand and wearing plumed helmet and billowing cloak, slaying the dragon which falls to right; small R.K. & Co. beneath ground line to right / BANK TOKEN ONE • PENNY , crown over crossed sword and anchor set on two cornucopiae; Union jack to upper right. Breton 719; Charlton PC-6; KM Tn3. 15.77gr, 33mm, 6h. Good Very Fine.

£20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

The initials ‘R.K. & Co.’ are for agent’s mark of Rowe, Kentish, & Co., which is the agent that the Bank of Upper Canada used to place their orders.

3724 Germany. Münster (Bistum), Everhard von Diest AR Pfennig. 1275-1301.

Published in PAS

3726 Low Countries, Flanders. Charles the Bold AR Double Patard. 1467-1477.

Bruges mint; i.m: cross pattée. KAROLVS D I GRA DVX BVRG CO F[LA], shield with Burgundian arms / SIT NO N DO INI [B ]N DICTV (firesteel), short floriate cross with fleurde-lis in centre. Gelder Hoc 23-3; Boudeau 2267; Vanhoudt 32-BG. 2.75gr, 27mm, 5h. Good Fine. £30 - 40

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection. Accompanied by copy of the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) report, with reference no. NLM-1A5A10.

3727 Italy. Milano (duchy), Louis XII BI Trillina or 3 Denari. Circa 1500-1512.

Milano mint. + LV’ D G’ FRANCOR’ REX’, three lis / (Lis) MEDIOLANI’ DVX’ C’, cross fleurée. C. 1025; Mar. 2207; Dy. 737. 1.08gr, 15mm, 9h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

Undated. Inscription off flan, bishop seated facing, wearing mitre and holding crosier and book / [PAVL]-VS AP-OST[O], facing bust of St Paul, cross above, x flanking; all within triangle. Ilisch XIII.1; Grote 36. 1.20gr, 14mm, 3h. Good Fine.

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

£40 - 60

Very Rare

3725 Germany, Baltic Territories. Teutonic Order, Michael Küchmeister von Sternberg AR Schilling. 1414-1422. Danzig (Gdansk) mint. Struck 1416-1422. [MAG]S-T MIC-hA L PRIM, Grandmasters shielded arms on long cross pattée / MON[TA DN-ORVM] PRVC, shielded arms on long cross pattée. Cf. Davenport, Baltic 274; cf. Voßberg 801. 1.39gr, 20mm, 7h. Good Fine. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3728 Portugal. Kingdom, Afonso V AE Ceitil. 1449-1457. Lisboa mint. Group 3. AD[IVT]ORI[VM ]OST, castle with seven double inner columns and towers formed by square elements; turrets with four battlements; all over concavous waves / [ ALF]O SVS : QVI [TI], Portuguese coat of arms (3rd type) surrounded by loose crosses. Cf. Magro A5 2.5; cf. Vaz, Portugal A5.122. 1.45gr, 20mm, 10h. Near Very Fine. Very rare.

£40 - 60

Found on various UK sites since 1974; Property of an Essex collector.

3729 Spain. Isabel II AE 25 Cent de Real. Dated 1858. Design by Luis Marchionni Hombrón. ISABEL 2A. POR LA G· DE DIOS Y LA CONST·, laureate head to right, date below / REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS, UN C.LLO across fields, 25 CENT· DE REAL beneath crowned coat of arms of Spain within wreath. KM 615; Cal. 587. 9.57gr, 26mm, 12h. Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market; Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3730 East India Company. Admiral Gardner Shipwreck CU 20 Cash. Dated 1808.

EAST INDIA COMPANY, arms of the East India Company, date below / Persian legend, XX.CASH. in exergue. Stevens 5.122; Pridmore 198; KM 321. 9.06gr, 31mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020); collector’s ticket included.

From wreck of the Admiral Gardner.

3731 East India Company. Admiral Gardner Shipwreck CU 10 Cash. Dated 1808.

EAST INDIA COMPANY, arms of the East India Company, date below / Persian legend, X.CASH. in exergue. KM 319. 4.39gr, 25mm, 6h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020); collector’s ticket included.

From wreck of the Admiral Gardner.

3732 India. British Colonial, Madras Presidency AR 2 Fanam. 1764-1807.

Madras mint. [Interlocked ‘C’s monogram] / Vishnu facing. KM 308. 1.75gr, 11mm. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found Tendring, Essex. Property of an Essex gentleman.

3733 India. Kingdom of Mysore, Kanthirava Narasa Raja Wodeyar AV Fanam. 1638-1662.

Narasimha seated in Yogabandha posture, holding chakra in each upper hand / Crude legend in Karanese. KM C212; cf. Mitchiner 310. 0.37gr, 6mm, 3h. Extremely Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3734 Greece. Ionian Islands, British Administration CU Lepton. 1834-1862.

Dated 1851. Design by William Wyon. BRITANNIA., Britannia seated to right with shield and trident / , winged lion of St. Mark facing to left holding Bible and seven arrows; date below. KM 34. 1.81gr, 16mm, 6h. Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3735 Greece. Ionian Islands, British Administration AR 30 Lepta. 1834-1862.

London mint. Dated 1862. .; denomination within oak wreath; date below / BRITANNIA., Britannia seated to right with shield and trident. KM 35. 1.39gr, 16mm, 6h. Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3736 Sweden. Pomerania(?) AE 12mm. 17th century AD. Legend around unidentified figure / Legend around crown. 0.43gr, 12mm. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974;. Property of an Essex collector.

The Wreck of the Casper, 23 December 1928

3737 Opening of Thames Tunnel WM Inauguration Medal. Time of Victoria, 1837-1901.

Dually dated 1824 and 1842. Sir Marc Isambard Brunel, engineer (1769-1849). Designs by Joseph Davis. Commemorative issue of opening of Thames Tunnel. SIR ISAMBART MARC BRUNEL, F. R. S. & c., bare head to left; small DAVIS BIRM. beneath truncation / View of the Thames Tunnel; above, ROTHERHITHE ENTRANCE; in exergue, THAMES TUNNEL 1200 FEET LONG COMMENCED 1824 • COMPLETED 1842 76 FEET BELOW HIGH WATER. COST L.450000. SIR I • M • BRUNEL ENGINEER • in five lines. Eimer -; BHM 2080. 27.19gr, 44mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3738 Austria. White Metal Calendar Medal of Hauptmünzamt Wien. Dated 1945.

Design by Welz. Jupiter reclining to left with legs crossed, holding eagle with wings spread to right with his right hand and globe with his left; comet star in left field, sun and thunderbolts below; around, the twelve signs of the Zodiac / Calendar with Sundays of 1945. Strothotte 1945-3. 17.29gr, 40mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3739 Life Saving AV Medal. 20th century AD. Philadelphia mint. Presented to A. Mölder for actions during the sinking of the American ship Casper, 23 December 1928. Designs by George T. Morgan. PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, wreathed and diademed head of Liberty to left, star below, small M on truncation / Engraved: To A • MÖLDER. SEAMAN OF THE ESTONIAN STEAMSHIP METEOR, IN RECOGNITION OF THE HEROIC SERVICES IN EFFECTING THE RESCUE AT SEA, ON DECEMBER 23, 1928, OF THE MASTER AND CREW OF THE AMERICAN STEAMSHIP. CASPER. in thirteen lines, all within wreath. Suspended from bar decorated with shield and E · PLUR S UNUM. Julian LS-3. 33.91gr, 35.5mm, 12h. Near Extremely Fine. Few hairlines, minor edge marks and scratches. Struck in standard (.900) gold with pin-back suspender. £5,000 - 7,000

Ex Classical Numismatic Review XLIX.2, Summer 2024, 5653806 (company’s tickets included).

Acquired on the North American art market.

Ex Property of a County Durham collector.

New York Times (25 December 1928) copy of article included.

From CNR note: ‘On 13 December 1928, the American steamship Casper, en route from New York to Gothenburg, Sweden, ran aground on rocks near Utö Light in Pargas, Finland. The crew remained aboard, hoping to dislodge and refloat the vessel. On the 23rd, a fire broke out in the ship’s engine room. The flames spread with such great speed that there was no time to lower the boats, and the crew was forced to jump into the cold Baltic waters. One fireman drowned, while the remainder were picked up by salvage vessels that had been standing by.’

3740 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1922. Philadelphia mint. Peace type. Design by Anthony de Francisci. LIBERTY, head of Liberty to left, wearing radiate headband, IN GOD WE TRUST across fields; date below / UNITED • STATES • OF • AMERICA E • PLURIBUS UNUM, eagle standing to right on rock, wings closed, seen from rear, branch in talons, rays behind, PEACE below; ONE DOLLAR across fields. KM 150. 26.66gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3741 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1889. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Designs by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

ONE DOLLAR, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.64gr, 38mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3742 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1921. Denver mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.61gr, 38mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman, by descent.

3743 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1922. Philadelphia mint. Peace type. Design by Anthony de Francisci. LIBERTY, head of Liberty to left, wearing radiate headband, • IN • GOD • WE TRUST • across fields; engraver’s monogram beneath truncation, date below / UNITED • STATES • OF • AMERICA and E • PLURIBUS UNUM, eagle standing to right on rock, wings closed, seen from rear, branch in talons, rays behind, PEACE below; ONE DOLLAR across fields. KM 150. 26.57gr, 38mm, 6h. Near Mint State. Graffito ‘P B’ on both sides. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman, by descent.

3744 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1886. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. NGC graded MS 62 (#3708634-005). £80 - 100

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3745 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1879. San Francisco mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. NGC graded MS 64 (#6868902-003). £80 - 100

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3746 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1900 New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. NGC graded MS 64 (#242345-009). £80 - 100

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3747 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1881. San Francisco mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. NGC graded UNC Details, Cleaned (#6868902-002). £80 - 100

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3748 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1879. San Francisco mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. NGC graded MS 64 (#6868902-001). £80 - 100

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3749 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1886. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.70gr, 38mm, 6h. Extremely Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3750 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1900. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.73gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3751 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1884. New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.68gr, 38mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3752 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1896. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR aroun, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.53gr, 38mm, 6h. Near Mint State. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3753 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1921. San Francisco mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.56gr, 38mm, 6h. Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3754 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1921. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.71gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Die crack on both sides. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3755 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1883. New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.69gr, 38mm, 6h. About Uncirculated. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3756 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1881. New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.71gr, 38mm, 6h. Near Extremely Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market.

Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3757 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1879. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.44gr, 38mm, 6h. Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3758 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1885. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.68gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3759 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1884.

New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan.

E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.74gr, 38mm, 6h. About Uncirculated. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market.

Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3760 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1884.

New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan.

E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.70gr, 38mm, 6h. Near Mint State. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3761 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1882. New Orleans mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan.

E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around; mintmark below. KM 110. 26.57gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3762 United States of America AR Dollar. Dated 1898. Philadelphia mint. Morgan type. Design by George Thomas Morgan. E • PLURIBUS • UNUM, thirteen stars divided by date below Morgan style Liberty Head / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR around, IN GOD WE TRUST above eagle clutching laurel and arrows, laurel sprays around. KM 110. 26.65gr, 38mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. Coin stored in quickslab coin capsule. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market.

Ex property of a County Durham collector.

3763 Reproduction of a Nero AE Sestertius. 19th-20th century AD.

For prototype: IMP NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P P P, laureate bust to right, wearing aegis / Roma seated to left holding Victory and parazonium; S C across field, ROMA in exergue. RIC I 277 var. 19.26gr, 33mm, 6h. Very Fine.

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£80 - 100

3764 Reproduction of a Caligula AE Sestertius. 19th-20th century AD.

For prototype: C CAESAR DIVI AVG PRON AVG P M TR P III P P, laureate head to left / Emperor standing to left with right hand raised on platform, low stool behind, addressing five soldiers holding shields and aquilae; ADLOCVT above, COH in exergue. RIC I 40. 30.92gr, 35mm, 6h. Very Fine.

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

£50 - 70

3765 Reproduction of Vespasian AE Sestertius. 16th century AD.

‘Paduan’ type, after Giovanni Cavino (circa 1530-1570). IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM TR P PP COS III, bare head to right / The Coliseum; The Meta Sudans to the left and another building to the right. Klawans 64, 6. 18.60gr, 33mm, 6h. Very Fine. £50 - 70

From the collection of a gentleman, acquired on the London art market in the 1990s.

3766 Reproduction of Aeilius, as Caesar AE Hemidrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. 20th century AD.

For prototype: C C , bare-headed and draped bust to right / Omonoia seated to left, holding patera in her right hand and cornucopia in her left. Dattari-Savio 2077; RPC III, 6234. 13.10gr, 29mm, 12h. Near Fine. £30 - 40

From a London, UK, collection.

3767 Reproduction of Plotina AE Sestertius. 19th century AD.

For prototype: PLOTINA AVG IMP TRAIANI, diademed and draped bust to right, wearing stephane / FIDES AVGVST, Fides standing to right, holding corn ears and basket of fruit; S C across field. RIC II 740 (Trajan); Woytek 711. 25.85gr, 33mm, 6h. Good Fine. £70 - 90

From a London, UK, collection.

3768 Reproduction of Diadumenian, as Caesar AE Sestertius. 19th century AD.

M OPEL DIADVMENIANVS CAES, bare-headed and draped bust to right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian, as Princeps Iuventutis standing facing, his head turned to right, holding signum in his right hand and sceptre with his left; to right, two signa; S C across field. For prototype cf. RIC IV 211. 14.33gr, 26mm, 12h. Very Fine. £80 - 100

From a London, UK, collection.

3769 Electrotype of York, Edward IV AV Angel. 20th century AD.

Archangel Michael slaying the Dragon / Ship bearing shield and cross, and rose flanking cross. For prototype cf. North 1626; SCBC 2091. 5.52gr, 26mm, 10h. Good Very Fine. £80 - 100

From a London, UK, collection.

3770 Reproduction of Scotland, James VI AR Ten Shillings. 19th century AD.

Dated 1598. · IACOBVS · 6 · D · G · R · SCOTORVM, armored bust to right / · NEMO · ME · IMPVNE · LACESSIT · 1598, three thistles; crown above. For prototype: SCBI 35 (Ashmolean & Hunterian) 1263; SCBC 5493. 4.79gr, 29mm, 3h. Very Fine. A serial number stamped in reverse field then crossed out. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection.

3771 Reproduction of Henry IV or V AR Groat. 20th century AD.

‘Emaciated’ crowned facing bust / Long cross pattée with trefoil of pellets in each quarter. For prototype cf. SCBC 1759. 6.02gr, 27mm, 12h. Good Fine. £50 - 70

From a London, UK, collection.

3772 Reproduction of Henry VII AR Groat. 19th century AD.

Crowned and draped bust to right / Square-topped shield over long cross fourchée. For prototype cf. SCBC 2254. 3.05gr, 26mm, 6h. Fine. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection.

3773 Reproduction of Ireland, Southern Cities of Refuge AR Shilling. 19th century AD.

Cork mint. Dated 1647. CORK 1647 within double border / XII (date of value) within double border. For prototype cf. SCBC 6561. 5.51gr, 26mm, 1h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection.

3774 Reproduction of Ireland, Cork Refuge CU Farthing. 19th century AD.

CORK within dotted border / Turreted castle within dotted border. SCBC 6562A. 4.06gr, 22mm x 24mm. Very Fine. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection.

3775 Reproduction of George III Countermarked AR Two Reales of Charles III. 20th century AD.

Mexican mint. Dated 1773. Octagonal bust of George III at centre of obverse; bust of Spanish King laureate and draped to right, date below / Crowned quartered shield of arms, pillars flanking. For prototype cf. KM 88. 6.70gr, 28mm, 12h. Good Fine. £50 - 70

From a London, UK, collection.

3776 Reproduction of Anne AE Pattern Farthing. 19th-20th century AD.

Draped bust of Queen Anne to left / Britannia seated to left in portico; date below. 3.55gr, 23mm, 12h. Very Fine. £60 - 80

From a London, UK, collection.

3777 Reproduction of Italy, Firenze AR Fiorino Nuovo da 12 Denari. 19th century AD.

• S IOHANNE : B :, half-length facing bust of St. Giovanni Battista, blessing and holding cross-tipped sceptre / FLORENTIA , large fleur-de-lis. For prototype: Bernocchi 43; Biaggi 783. 1.79gr, 21mm, 6h. Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3778 Contemporary Copy of Isabella II of Spain AR 20 Reales. Dated 1860.

ISABEL 2A POR LA G· DE DIOS Y LA CONST·, laureate head of Queen Isabella II to right, date below / REINA DE LA ESPAÑAS, crowned coat of arms of Spain with Pillars of Hercules; denomination below. Edge inscription: LEY PATRIA REY. For prototype: KM 609. 21.00gr, 37mm, 12h. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3779 z Group of Eight [8] Greek and Roman Coins. Circa 3rd century BC-3rd century AD.

Various types. 44.09gr total. Near Fine to Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3780 z Group of Nineteen [19] Greek AE Coins. 3rd-1st century BC.

Various mints. 66gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3781 z Group of Six [6] Judaean AE Coins. Circa 1st century BC-1st century AD.

Various types. 9.67gr total. Near Fine to Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3782 z Group of Six [6] Greek and Roman AR Coins. 4th century BC-3rd century AD.

Various types. 28.86gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3783 z Group of Three [3] AR Drachmai of Parion, Mysia. 5th century BC.

Facing gorgoneion / Quadripartite incuse square. 12.35gr total. Very Fine. £80 - 100

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3784 z Group of Five [5] Thrace, Byzantion AE Coins. Circa 300-200 BC.

Various varieties. 44.85gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3785 z Group of Six [6] Greek AE Coins. Circa 3rd-1st century BC.

Various cities. 40.92gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3786 z Group of Seven [7] Greek AE Coins. 3rd-2nd century BC.

Various mints. 30.30gr total. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

3787 z Group of Six [6] Lesbos, Mytilene Countermarked AE Coins. 3rd-1st century BC.

Various types. 23.81gr total. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the E.E. Clain-Stefanelli collection.

3788 z Group of Eight [8] AR Sigloi of Achaemenid Empire. 5th-4th century BC.

Various types. 44.66gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £250 - 350

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3789 z Group of Eight [8] AR Sigloi of Achaemenid Empire. 5th-4th century BC.

Various types. 44.51gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £250 - 350

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland.

From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3790 z Group of Eight [8] AR Sigloi of Achaemenid Empire. 5th-4th century BC.

Various types. 44.64gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £250 - 350

Ex ‘V’ gentleman’s collection, Switzerland. From the property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3791 z Group of Four [4] AR Drachms of Sasanian Kingdom. 4th-5th century AD.

Various mints and dates. 16.00gr total. Very fine. £60 - 80

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3792 z Group of Four [4] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 5th century AD.

Various mints. 17.11gr total. Very Fine. £100 - 140

Acquired on the UK market before 2000. Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3793 z Group of Five [5] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 5th century AD.

Various mints. 21.28gr total. Very Fine. £120 - 170

Acquired on the UK market before 2000. Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3794 z Group of Five [5] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 6th-7th century AD.

Various mints. 20.44gr total. Very Fine. £70 - 90

Acquired on the UK market before 2000. Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3795 z Group of Five [5] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 6th-7th century AD.

Various mints. 21.11gr total. Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK market before 2000; Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

£70 - 90

3796 z Group of Five [5] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 6th-7th century AD.

Various mints. 20.37gr total. Very Fine.

Acquired on the UK market before 2000; Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

£70 - 90

3797 z Group of Five [5] Sasanian Kingdom AR Drachms. 5th century AD.

Various mints. 20.99gr total. Very Fine. £120 - 170

Acquired on the UK market before 2000; Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3798 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 4th century AD.

Various emperors. 21.79gr total. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found individually on a Roman lead-mine site near Ilam, Derbyshire, in the 1990s.

Ian Wilkinson collection, Nottinghamshire, UK, formed since 1985.

3799 z Group of Nine [9] Roman Imperial AE and AR Coins. 1st-4th century AD.

Various emperors. 16.69gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3800 z Group of Two [2] Carausius AE Antoniniani. AD 286293.

Various types. 6.59gr total. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3801 z Group of Six [6] Roman Imperial BI Antoniniani. 3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 16.73gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3802 z Group of Eleven [11] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 36.55gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3803 z Group of Six [6] Roman Imperial BI Antoniniani. 3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 17.23gr total. Very Fine to Good Very Fine.

£20 - 30

3809 z Group of Two [2] Carausius BI Antoniniani. AD 286293.

Various types. 6.63gr total. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3810 z Group of Ninety-Seven [97] Ancient AE Coins. 2nd century BC-4th century AD.

Various types. 149gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3811 z Group of Five [5] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 1st-4th century AD.

Various emperors. 90.36gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3812 z Group of Twenty-One [21] Ancient AE Coins. Circa 3rd century BC-3rd century AD.

Various types. 80.64gr total. Near Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3813 z Group of Fourty [40] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd4th century AD.

Various emperors. 59.56gr total. Fine to Good Fine. £20 - 30

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3804 z Group of Four [4] Roman Imperial AR Denarii. 1st2nd century AD.

Various emperors. 11.70gr total. Near Very Fine. £60 - 80

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3805 z Group of Six [6] Roman Imperial BI Antoniniani. 3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 14.72gr total. Very Fine to Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3806 z Group of Nine [9] Roman Coins. 1st century BC-4th century AD.

Various emperors. 55.39gr total. Fair to Very Fine. £30 - 40

Found on various UK sites since 1974; Property of an Essex collector.

3807 z Group of Ten [10] Roman Imperial AR Denarii. 2nd3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 25.85gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine.

£100 - 140

3814 z Group of Twenty Four [24] Ancient AE Coins. 2nd century BC-4th century AD.

Various types. 138gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3815 z Group of Five [5] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 1st-3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 85.84gr total. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3816 z Group of One Hundred and Fifty-Four [154] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 2nd-4th century AD.

Group comprising: mixed issues and types. 304gr total. Condition as seen. £40 - 60

Found Suffolk, UK.

3817 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AR Coins. 2nd3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 84gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £80 - 100

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

From an English collection before 2000.

3808 z Group of Nine [9] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd-4th century AD.

Various emperors. 26.17gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3818 z Group of Twenty-Two [22] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd-4th century AD.

Various emperors. 88gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3819 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd4th century AD.

Various emperors. 72gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3820 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 1st4th century AD.

Various emperors. 130gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3821 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 1st4th century AD.

Various emperors. 88gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3822 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd4th century AD.

Various emperors. 82gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3823 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd4th century AD.

Various emperors. 99gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3824 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 2nd4th century AD.

Various emperors. 123gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3825 z Group of Sixteen [16] Roman Imperial AE Coins. 3rd6th century AD.

Various emperors. 139gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3826 z Group of Twelve [12] Roman AR Coins. 2nd-3rd century AD.

Various emperors. 90gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £80 - 100

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3827 z Group of Six [6] Roman PB Seals. 2nd-3rd century AD.

Various types. 57.68gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3828 z Group of Six [6] Roman PB Seals. 2nd-3rd century AD.

Various types. 56gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3829 z Group of Two [2] China AE Coins. 10th-11th century AD.

Various types. 7.26gr total. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

UK private collection before 2000. Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of a London gentleman.

3830 z Group of One Hundred [100] Chinese AE Cash. 1st century BC-1st century AD.

Various types. 151gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £100 - 140

Property of a North London, UK, gentleman.

3831 z Group of Twenty-Two [22] Byzantine AE Coins. 6th8th century AD.

Various emperors. 64gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3832 z Group of Fourteen [14] Byzantine AE Coins. 6th-10th century AD.

Various emperors. 125gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3833 z Group of Six [6] Byzantine AE Coins. 6th-8th century AD.

Various emperors. 20.56gr total. Fine to Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3834 z Group of Thirteen [13] Byzantine AE Coins. 6th-9th century AD.

Various emperors. 71gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3835 z Group of Fourteen [14] Byzantine AE Coins. 6th-10th century AD.

Various emperors. 149gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3836 z Group of Forty [40] Ancient AE Coins. 2nd century BC-11th century AD.

Various types. 308gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £180 - 240

Previously acquired on the UK art market.

3837 z Group of Ten [10] Byzantine AE Weights. Circa 6th12th century AD.

Mixed group of discoid and oblate trade weights with low-relief detailing. 39.74gr total. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

Acquired since the 1970s.

From the private collection of a Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3838 z Group of Three [3] Byzantine AE Weights. 5th-6th century AD.

Various types. 8.33gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From an English collection formed before 2000.

3839 z Group of Four [4] Islamic AR Coins. 14th century AD. Various types. 13.66gr total. Good fine. £50 - 70

Ex property of a South West London gentleman.

3840 z Group of Two [2] AR Dirhams. 8th-9th century AD.

Various types. 6.49gr total. Very fine.

Acquired on the UK market. Ex property of a London gentleman.

£30 - 40

3841 z Group of Three [3] AR Dirhams. 8th-9th century AD. Various types. 8.33gr total. Very fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK market. Ex property of a London gentleman.

3842 z Group of Four [4] Islamic AE Coins. 13th century AD.

Various rulers. 33.02gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3843 z Group of Eight [8] Islamic AE Coins. Circa 13th century AD.

Various rulers. 40.94gr total. Very Fine. £60 - 80

Property of a London, UK, gentleman.

3844 z Group of Two [2] Islamic AE Weights of 10 Dirhams or 1 Uqiya. Circa 10th-13th century AD.

Weights in the form of a polyhedron decorated with numerous punch marks. 58.95gr total. Condition as seen. £40 - 60

Ex German art market, 2000s.

Acquired from an EU collector living in London. From the collection of Surrey, UK, gentleman.

3845 z Group of Three [3] Crusaders, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus BI Denier. 13th century AD.

Various kings. 1.47gr total. Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3846 z Group of Nine [9] Ancient, Medieval and World Coins. 3rd-19th century AD.

Various rulers. 18.95gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired from the vendor’s grandfather in the 1990s. Property of an Essex collector.

3847 z Group of Three [3] France AR Deniers. 11th-12th century AD.

Various types. 3.54gr total. Near Very Fine. £30 - 40

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3848 z Group of Seven [7] Medieval AR Coins. Circa 12th16th century AD.

Various types. 8.93gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3849 z Group of Six [6] England AR Pennies. 13th-14th century AD.

Various varieties. 7.72gr total. Good Fine to Near Very Fine. £40 - 60

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3850 z England. Group of Twenty-One [21] AR Coins. 12th17th century AD.

Various kings. 25.06gr total. Fair to Very Fine. £30 - 40

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3851 z Group of Fourty-Two [42] AR Coins. 12th-17th century AD.

Various types. 37.37gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £50 - 70

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3852 z Group of Twenty-One [21] England AR Coins. 12th17th century AD.

Various kings. 21.86gr total. Fair to Very Fine. £30 - 40

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3853 z Group of Eight [8] Great Britain AE Coins. 19th-20th century AD.

Various kings. 35.77gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex collector.

3854 z England. Plantagenet Two [2] AR Pennies. 12th-13th century AD.

Various kings. 2.51gr total. Near Fine to Fine. £30 - 40

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3855 z England. Group of Four [4] AR Pennies. 13th-14th century AD.

Various mints. 5.14gr total. Near Fine to Fine. £30 - 40

Found Yorkshire/County Durham, UK.

3856 z England. Stuart, Charles I Two [2] AR Halfcrowns. 1625-1649.

Various varieties. 27.10gr total. Fair to Near Fine. £40 - 60

Found Cambridgeshire, UK.

3857 z Ireland. Group of Three [3] George III AE Halfpennies. 18th-19th century AD.

Various dates. 26.04gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s.

Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3858 z Group of Seven [7] English Medieval AR Coins. 12th14th century AD.

Various kings. 7.21gr total. Fair to Good Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3859 z Group of Thirteen [13] Islamic, Medieval and World Coins. 11th-15th century AD.

Thirteen silver and bronze Islamic, Armenian and World coins. 29.90gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

From a 1980s UK collection. Property of a London antiquarian.

3860 z Group of Two [2] Coin Cutouts. 20th century AD. Various types. 3.81gr total. Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3861 z Ireland. George I & III CU Two [2] Halfpennies. 17141727 & 1760-1820.

Dated 1723 and 1805. 15.68gr total. Fine to Good Fine. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3862 z Great Britain. Group of Three [3] AE Coins and Token. 18th-19th century AD.

Two coins of George III and one token of Walthamstow, British Copper Company. 15.24gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. Pierced. £20 - 30

From a private Barnsley, UK, family collection.

3863 z Great Britain. Group of Twelve [12] AR Threepence. 19th-20th century AD.

Various dates. 17.06gr total. Good Fine to Good Very Fine. £30 - 40

Property of an Essex collector.

3864 z Great Britain. Hanover, George III AR Shilling and Sixpence. 1760-1820.

Various dates. 8.40gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3865 z Great Britain. Group of Two [2] AR Coins. 17th-18th century AD.

Various kings. 8.59gr total. Near Fine to Fine. £20 - 30

Found on various UK sites since 1974; Property of an Essex collector.

3866 z Group of Five [5] Germany, Third Reich AE Coins. 1937-1941.

Various denominations. 14.14gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3867 z Group of Thirteen [13] Elizabeth II AR Crowns. 19532009.

Various dates. 404gr total. Very Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3868 z Group of Sixteen [16] Elizabeth II Commemorative Coins. 20th century AD.

Various types. 455gr total. Very Fine to Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3869 z Group of Thirteen [13] Elizabeth II Commemorative Coins. 20th century AD.

Various types. 480gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3870 z Group of Thirty Four [34] Great Britain 50 Pence and 2 Pound Coins. 20th century AD.

Various dates. 608gr total. Very Fine to Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3871 z Group of Fifty One [51] Great Britain AR Coins. 19th20th century AD.

Various kings. 374gr total. Fine to Very Fine. In a velvet tray. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3872 z Group of Sixty Eight [68] Great Britain CU Coins. 19th-20th century AD.

Various kings. 907gr total. Very Fine. In two velvet trays. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3873 z Group of One Hundred [100] Great Britain CU Pennies and Halfpennies. 19th-20th century AD.

Various dates. 1173gr total. Fine to Very Fine. In three velvet trays. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3874 z Group of Three [3] George V & VI Crowns. 1935-1937. Dated 1935 and 1937. 121gr total. Good Very Fine to Almost Uncirculated. £40 - 60

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3875 z Great Britain. Hanover, George III AR Maundy Coin Set. 1760-1820.

Dated 1800. 47gr total. Very Fine. Display box included. £200 - 300

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3876 z Great Britain. Hanover, George VI AR Maundy Coin Set. 1936-1952.

Dated 1939. 62gr total. Extremely Fine. Display box included . £100 - 140

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3877 z Great Britain. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Edward VII AR Maundy Coin Set. 1901-1910.

Dated 1906. 32gr total. Extremely Fine. Display box included. £100 - 140

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3878 z Great Britain. Hanover, Victoria AR Maundy Coin Set. 1837-1901.

Dated 1882 and 1886. 18gr total. Extremely Fine. Display box included. £100 - 140

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3879 z Ireland. Last Pre-Decimal Coin Set. 1968. Various denominations. 153gr total. Uncirculated. £40 - 60

From a Leicestershire, UK, collection.

3880 z Group of Twelve [12] Great Britain Coins. 19th-20th century AD.

Various kings. 118gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3881 z Group of Eighteen [18] Great Britain AE Coins. 19th20th century AD.

Various kings. 120gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3882 z Group of Eighteen [18] Great Britain AE Coins. 20th century AD.

Various kings. 126gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3883 z Group of Eighteen [18] Great Britain AE Coins. 18th20th century AD.

Various kings. 185gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3884 z Group of Twelve [12] Great Britain, Victoria AE Coins. 1837-1901.

Various dates. 125gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3885 z Group of Twelve [12] Great Britain AE Coins. 18th19th century AD.

Various kings. 205gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3886 z Group of Twelve [12] Great Britain AE Coins. 18th19th century AD.

Various kings. 179gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3887 z Group of Twelve [12] Great Britain AE Coins. 18th19th century AD.

Various kings. 142gr total. Fine to Near Very Fine. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3888 z Great Britain. Windsor, Elizabeth II Millennium AR Coin Set. 2000.

Royal Mint set number 08746. The Silver Proof Millennium £5 Crown with 22k gold UK highlights and raised edge lettering.

The Silver Proof Shoulders of Giants £2 coin with outer ring plated with fine 22k gold.

The Silver Proof £1 featuring the Welsh Dragon design.

The Silver Proof Britannia 50p.

The Silver Proof versions of the standard definitive 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p and 1p.

3889 z Group of Two Hundred and Thirty-Five [235] Great Britain Coins. 19th-20th century AD.

Various dates. 1945gr total. Very Fine to Extremely Fine. In four velvet trays. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3890 z Group of Twenty Three [23] Great Britain Coins. 19th20th century AD.

Various types. 734gr total. Near Fine to Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3891 z Group of Six [6] Great Britain CU Coins. 20th century AD.

Various kings. 58gr total. Extremely Fine. £30 - 40

Property of an Essex collector.

3892 z Group of Fifteen [15] Morocco AE Coins. 19th century AD.

Group comprising: mixed issues and types. 133gr total. Good fine to Very fine. £20 - 30

From the collection of an London antiquarian, 1980s.

3893 z Group of Seventy-Six [76] AE Coins. 18th-20th century AD.

Various dates. 442gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3894 z Group of Five [5] Elizabeth II Coins. 1952-2022. Various dates. 67gr total. Very Fine to Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex collector.

3895 z Group of Five [5] Elizabeth II Commemorative Coins. 20th century AD.

Various types. 144gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Property of an Essex collector.

3896 z Group of Eleven [11] George VI and Elizabeth II AR Coins. 20th century AD.

Various dates. 154gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £40 - 60

Property of an Essex collector.

3897 z Great Britain. Group of Sixty-Four [64] AE Coins. 18th-20th century AD.

Various kings. 567gr total. Fair to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3898 z Group of Sixteen [16] Victorian ‘George II’ CU Gaming Tokens. 19th century AD.

Various dates. 51.41gr total. Near Very Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market.

£250 - 350

The Silver Proof Maundy Money 4p to 1p which exhibit the first predecimal laureate effigy of Elizabeth II. 990gr total. Uncirculated. All the coins are protected within their own capsules and are housed in Royal Mint blue case of issue together with the informative booklet and certificate of authenticity. Also included is the outer white protective box for the case.

Acquired on the UK art market.

Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3899 z Group of Twenty-Six [26] AE Coins and Artefacts. 17th-20th century AD.

Various types. 159gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

Found South Gloucestershire, UK.

3900 z Group of Three [3] French Tokens. 20th century AD. Various types. 47.27gr total. Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3901 z United States of America. Group of Three [3] CU Coins. 1864-1904.

Various dates. 12.75gr total. Very Fine to Good Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market before 2000. Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman.

3902 z Group of Thirty [30] English Milled and Other Coins and Tokens. 16th-20th century AD.

Group comprising Elizabeth I sixpence; George III shilling, cartwheel penny; and others; sold with a modern copy of a Chinese gold ingot. 836gr total. Fine to Very Fine. £20 - 30

From Ian Wilkinson collection, Nottinghamshire, UK, formed since 1985.

3903 z Group of Twenty Three [23] World Coins 19th-20th century AD.

Various countries. 97.46gr total. Very Fine to Near Extremely Fine. £20 - 30

From a private, UK, collection in the 1980s. Property of a London, UK, antiquarian.

3904 z Group of Seventy Three [73] Mixed Coins in Six Tray Case. 1st century-20th century AD.

Various types. 1589gr total. Condition as seen. £30 - 40

Property of an Essex, UK, gentleman, by descent.

3905 z Group of Forty Eight [41] World Coins. 19th-20th century AD.

Various countries. 406gr total. Very Fine. £20 - 30

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3906 z Group of Thirteen [13] British Museum Electrotype Planchets of Greek Coins. 19th century AD. Various types. 107gr total. Condition as seen. £80 - 100

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3907 z Group of Ten [10] British Museum Electrotype Planchets of Greek Coins. 19th century AD. Various types. 141gr total. Condition as seen. £80 - 100

From the collection of a London antiquarian, formed since the 1980s.

3908 z Group of Three [3] AE Reproductions of Roman Solidi. 20th century AD.

Various emperors. 15.81gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

Property of a Cambridgeshire, UK, gentleman.

3909 z Group of Sixteen [16] Reproductions of Greek and Roman Coins. 20th century AD.

Various types. 231gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3910 z Group of Sixteen [16] Reproductions of Roman Coins. 20th century AD.

Various types. 155gr total. Condition as seen. £20 - 30

From the private collection of Kenneth Machin (1936-2020).

3911 z Vintage Velvet Lined Wood Display Case. 20th century A.D.

With a velvet lined raised insert, glass top and hinged clasps to the forward edge. 1.87 kg, 45.5 x 31 cm £20 - 30

Property of an Essex collector.

3912 z Very Large Velvet Lined Artefact Collector’s Box Group [4]

Comprising four large ‘Abafil Type’ Milano collector’s storage boxes specifically designed for the housing and transportation of fragile items (glassware, ceramics, etc.); stackable with metal retaining brackets to the upper corners, separate lid for easy access, one with twelve velvet-lined internal slots, and three with two large velvet-lined recesses. 20.1 kg total, 60 x 44 cm each £80 - 100

Property of a UK gallery.

3913 z Very Large Antique Oak Double Collector’s Cabinet. Early 20th century A.D.

Divided into two sections, each side with twenty trays with knob handles; articulated locking bar to each side, no keys. Over 60 kg, 116 x 109 x 72 cm £500 - 700

Property of a UK gallery.

3914 z Very Large Velvet Lined Artefact Collector’s Box Group [5]

Comprising five large ‘Abafil Type’ Milano collector’s storage boxes specifically designed for the housing and transportation of fragile items (glassware, ceramics, etc.); stackable with metal retaining brackets to the upper corners, separate lid for easy access, two with twelve velvet-lined internal slots, and three with two large velvet-lined recesses. 24.65 kg total, 60 x 44 cm each £100 - 140

Property of a UK gallery.

3915 z Coin Case Tray Group [7]. 20th century A.D.

Comprising seven red velvet covered trays with square inserts in various sizes. 1 kg total, 29 x 22.5 cm each £20 - 30

Property of an Essex collector.

3916 Vintage Velvet Lined Wooden Display Case. 20th century A.D.

With a velvet lined raised insert, glass top and hinged clasps to the forward edge. 2.35 kg, 48 x 31 cm

Property of an Essex collector.

£20 - 30

3917 z Collector’s Wooden Tray Group. Mid 20th century A.D.

3920 z Collector’s Wooden Coin Cabinet Tray Group. Mid 20th century A.D.

Group of ten shallow wooden collector’s trays, each with separate inner card trays, two turned bone handles to one edge. 4 kg total, 43 x 20 cm each

UK gallery, early 2000s.

£30 - 40

3918 z Group of Two Aluminium Coin Carry Cases. 20th century AD.

Two used carry cases with carry handles, one with five velvet trays, the other with four (no keys). 4 kg total, 40.5 x 24.2 x 13 cm each.

£30 - 40

Acquired on the UK art market. Property of an Essex, UK, collector.

3919 Vintage Eight Tray Coin Cabinet with Key. 20th century A.D.

In dark wood, the coin trays with circular openings and red felt lining (some missing), graduated in sizes and accepting 28, 20, 14 (5), 6 coins. 1.58 kg total, 21.1 x 17 x 11 cm.

Property of an Essex collector.

£50 - 70

Each with 60 shallow recesses arranged 6 x 10, central voids to underside. 8.3 kg total, 40.5 x 24.5 cm each.

UK gallery, early 2000s.

£40 - 60

3921 z Large Vintage Oak Display Cabinet. Mid 20th century A.D.

A large wood cabinet glazed on three sides for the display of a suit of armour or similar; internal light; for collection from our Head Office in Harwich only. Approximately 80 kg, 191 x 69 x 80.5 cm.

£200 - 300

Property of a UK gallery.




£20 - 30

£30 - 40



£20 - 30

£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£20 - 30



£30 - 40

£30 - 40


£20 - 30



£30 - 40


£20 - 30




£30 - 40


£20 - 30



£20 - 30


£10 - 20


£10 - 20


£40 - 60


£10 - 20



£20 - 30

£40 - 60


£20 - 30


£60 - 80


£30 - 40


£60 - 80


£20 - 30


£20 - 30



£20 - 30

£120 - 170



£20 - 30


£10 - 20



£30 - 40


£20 - 30


£20 - 30



£10 - 20

£30 - 40



£10 - 20

£10 - 20


£30 - 40



£30 - 40

£10 - 20



£20 - 30

£10 - 20


£30 - 40


£10 - 20


£30 - 40






£10 - 20


£30 - 40


£30 - 40


£10 - 20



£70 - 90


£20 - 30


£30 - 40


3987 ENGLISH COINS 1180-1551

£10 - 20

£30 - 40


£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£30 - 40




£60 - 80

£10 - 20


£10 - 20


£60 - 80



£20 - 30

£10 - 20


£20 - 30


£30 - 40



£60 - 80

£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£30 - 40


£10 - 20


£30 - 40


£10 - 20



£40 - 60

£30 - 40


£50 - 70





£60 - 80

£10 - 20

£10 - 20

£20 - 30


£40 - 60


£10 - 20


£10 - 20


£10 - 20


£20 - 30


£30 - 40


£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£40 - 60


£10 - 20


£20 - 30



£30 - 40

£20 - 30



£10 - 20

£20 - 30


£40 - 60


£60 - 80


£30 - 40



£40 - 60


£20 - 30


£20 - 30


£10 - 20


£30 - 40


£20 - 30


£30 - 40



£40 - 60

£30 - 40


£50 - 70

Bidder/Buyer Terms and Conditions

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TimeLine may provide the Buyer with a quotation and contact details for the services of Mail Boxes Etc on TimeLine documentation (any storage/shipping contract is between the Buyer and Mail Boxes Etc). The Buyer may arrange a service of their choice for collection, packing and shipping services. Lots not collected by the seventh working day following the Date of Sale will be moved to storage at a transfer cost of £20 plus VAT per Lot and storage charges will thereafter be applied at the rate of £1.90 plus VAT per Lot per day until collected; no Lots may be removed/released to the Buyer until all storage and transfer costs have been paid in full. In the event that the accrual of storage charges reaches 50% of the Hammer Price paid or after the expiration of three months from the transfer date, whichever occurs first, Timeline reserve the right to re-sell any and all Lots stored without notice and in any manner at their sole discretion and to apply any proceeds in defrayment of such costs. The Buyer will be entitled to receive any credit balance above the amount of the costs on request but will remain liable for any deficit.

31.Delivery by TimeLine: at the absolute discretion of TimeLine, TimeLine may, on request, directly arrange delivery of certain Lots to the address registered to the Buyer, on payment by the Buyer to TimeLine of any advised handling and delivery charge.

32.Remedies for Buyer’s Failure to Make Payment and/or Remove Lots: if the Purchase Price and/or all sums payable are not paid in full when they fall due and/or the Lot is not removed in accordance with these terms, TimeLine may without further notice to the Buyer be entitled to exercise one or more of the following rights:

a.To terminate the agreement immediately for breach of contract;

b.To retain possession of the Lot;

c.To remove and/or store the Lot at the Buyer’s expense, as detailed at clause 30at a cost to the Buyer of £20 + VAT for the transfer per Lot plus a daily cost of £1.90 plus VAT per Lot for the storage;

d.To take legal proceedings against the Buyer for payment of any sums due to TimeLine by the Buyer;

e.To be paid interest on any monies due to TimeLine at the annual rate of 8% per annum from time to time to be calculated on a daily basis from the date upon which such monies became payable until the date of actual payment;

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h.To refuse to allow the Buyer to register for a future Auction or to reject a bid from the Buyer at a future Auction.

33.Limitation of Liability: The Auctioneer has obtained insurance cover in respect of

its own legal liability for individual claims. The limits and exclusions in this clause reflect the insurance cover the Auctioneer has been able to arrange and the Buyer is responsible for making his own arrangements for the insurance of any excess loss.

Timeline will under no circumstances be liable to the Buyer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the contract for: a.any loss of profits, sales, business or revenue b.loss of business opportunity indirect or consequential loss.

Our total liability to you for all losses arising under or in connection to the contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, will in no circumstances exceed £500.

Nothing in the Contract limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including but not limited to liability for: a.death or personal injury caused by negligence; b. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and c. breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1979 (title and quiet possession).

This clause 33 shall survive termination of the Contract.

34.Buyer’s Indemnity: the Buyer agrees to indemnify TimeLine on a full indemnity basis against all legal and other costs, all losses and expenses incurred as a result of TimeLine taking steps under clause 33.

35.Use of your personal information: TimeLine will only use the Seller’s personal information as set out in their privacy policy. TimeLine may amend this policy from time to time. Where Timeline processes any personal data, it will comply with the requirements and obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.

36.Anti-Money Laundering: TimeLine’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy sets out TimeLine’s policy for ensuring compliance anti-money laundering legislation that applies to some of TimeLine’s activities. TimeLine may amend this policy from time to time.

37.Sale of Goods Act: The terms implied by sections 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded.

38.Severance: If any provision or partprovision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms and conditions.

39.Amendments: TimeLine may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Please check our website for our latest terms and conditions.

40.No waiver: No failure or delay by TimeLine to exercise any right or remedy provided under the these Terms and Conditions or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

41.Third-Party rights: These Terms & Conditions are between Timeline and a Seller. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of these terms.

42.Governing Law: these terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including noncontractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.

43.Jurisdiction: the Bidder irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims). At the sole discretion of TimeLine, the auctioneer may instigate any proceedings within the jurisdiction of the bidder's country of residence.

44.Disputes: in the event that the Buyer has any dispute in relation to any Lot, not being a Lot described as a Group, Collection or other term indicating that the lot comprises more than one object, (such lots being sold cannot be returned in accordance with clause 15), which has been sold, that dispute must be notified to TimeLine in writing within 14 days following the Date of the Sale in order that TimeLine can hold the proceeds pending resolution of the dispute.

In the event of deliberate forgery being claimed for any Lot, the Buyer shall submit two opinions in writing from recognised experts for consideration; the inability of different experts to agree shall not be sufficient grounds. No liability is accepted by TimeLine for any costs/losses of the Buyer, including but not limited to fees, shipping, loss of profit, consequential costs or any other matters beyond the Hammer Price and Buyer's Premium. In all cases, any item must be returned to TimeLine, strictly in the condition it was in at the date of the sale being held; Buyers are advised that any form of destructive examination or testing undertaken will result in claims being rejected; claims resulting from results of tests under a scientific process not generally accepted for use at the Date of the Sale or which were unreasonably expensive in relation to the estimates for the lot or impractical or likely to have caused damage to the Lot at the Date of the Sale will not be allowed.

TimeLine will have no liability to the Buyer after a period of 14 days as then TimeLine will release monies and make payments to Sellers.

45. Import restrictions: Auction lots (or individual item/s within any given lot) of either Persian or Iranian origin are subject to United States trade restrictions which currently prohibit their import into the US, without exception. Buyers should be aware that similar (or other) restrictions may apply to other categories of items offered for sale. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer to satisfy themselves that any lot/s purchased at auction can be legally imported into the desired shipping destination prior to bidding.

Seller’s Terms and Conditions

1.Interpretations and Definitions: the following terms generally apply within these Terms and Conditions; other terms are defined within specific sections following: Auctioneer – the firm TimeLine Auctions Ltd (“TimeLine” hereafter) or its authorised auctioneer, acting as Agent for the Seller. TimeLine is a company registered in England and Wales (company no: 06873501) with registered office at 40 Kilmarnock Drive, Luton, LU2 7YP, UK. The website and telephone number are and +44 (0) 1277 815121.

Agent – a person or body acting on behalf of another.

ALR – Art Loss Register - All lots with an upper Estimate value of £1,500 and above and all ancient Western Asiatic lots are searched against the Art Loss Register database.

Auction – a sale event whether taking place live in real-time or of extended duration (Timed Auction).

Bid – a sum offered by a Bidder to purchase the Lot.

Bidder – the person offering a Bid.

Buyer – the person who the Lot is Knocked Down to.

Date of Sale – the date on which the Auctioneer Knocks Down the Lot.

Data Protection Legislation –all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (83) (GDPR); the Data Protection Act 2018; the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC (as updated by Directive 2009/136/EC) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/2426) as amended, and any and all applicable national data protection laws made under or pursuant to the GDPR, as may be amended or superseded from time to time.

Estimate – the estimate for any Lots as set out in the Property Receipt.

Group – any Lot comprising more than one item.

Hammer Price – the amount of the winning bid when Knocked Down by the Auctioneer to a Bidder.

Knock(ed/ing) Down – the act of the Auctioneer in bringing the Hammer down to complete the contract for the sale of the Lot to the Bidder submitting the highest bid.

Lot – the goods for sale.

Net Proceeds-the Hammer Price less the Selling Commission and any charges or expenses levied at Timeline’s discretion in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Purchase Price – the total sum due for any Lot, including the Hammer Price, the Buyer’s Premium, any internet bidding fees, any shipping charges, taxes, duties or any other costs payable to TimeLine.

Reserve Price – the minimum Hammer Price at which a Lot may be Knocked Down Seller – the person offering the Lot for sale.

Selling Commission – the sum due to TimeLine from the Seller in accordance with clause 10.

Timed Sale –in relation to an unsold Lot, a 28 day timeframe to allow a sale post Auction in accordance with clause 15.

Title – legal rights of ownership of the Lot. Unsold Fee – 6% (VAT inclusive) of the Reserve Price.

Withdrawal Fee – the fee payable to TimeLine in the event the Seller withdraws a Lot in accordance with clause 14, which shall be 6% (VAT inclusive) of the low Estimate or Reserve Price, whichever is higher.

2.Application: the singular includes the plural and vice versa and any reference to ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’ applies to all of them.

3.Basis of Contract:

a.These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of any other terms that the Seller seeks to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

b.Each Seller is required to read the terms and conditions attached to the Property Acceptance/Receipt and acknowledges that he/she has read, accepted and acknowledged the terms of such attachment, in advance of signing the same.

c.As auctioneer, TimeLine acts solely for, and in the interest of, the Seller.

4.Copyright: all cataloguing text, images and other material published by TimeLine (including in relation to any Lot) whether physically or electronically is the property of TimeLine and may not be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or otherwise transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written consent of TimeLine. Timeline does not guarantee that a device accurately displays the colours and condition of a Lot.

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6.Title, Risk and Insurance: Title to any Lot is retained by the Seller until the Purchase Price and all other sums payable by the Buyer have been paid in full in cleared funds to TimeLine; at this point, Title will transfer from the Seller to the Buyer. Risk for the Lot passes to the Buyer at the time the Lot is Knocked Down to the Bidder. TimeLine does not hold any Lot insured after the Lot has been Knocked Down.

7.Seller’s Representations and Warranties: in submitting any Lot for sale, the Seller warrants and represents to TimeLine the matters set out in the Property Acceptance/Receipt and Seller’s statement of provenance. The Seller will be asked to provide proof of identity and address.

8.Limitation of Liability: The Auctioneer has obtained insurance cover in respect of its own legal liability for individual claims. The limits and exclusions in this clause reflect the insurance cover the Auctioneer has been able to arrange and the Seller is responsible for making his own arrangements for the insurance of any excess loss.

Timeline will under no circumstances be liable to the Seller, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the Contract for:

a.any loss of profits, sales, business or revenue;

b.loss of business opportunity; and indirect or consequential loss.

TimeLine’s total liability to the Seller for all losses arising under or in connection to the Contract, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, will in no circumstances exceed £500.

Nothing in these terms and conditions limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including but not limited to liability for:

a.death or personal injury caused by negligence;

b. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and

c. breach of the terms implied by section 12 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1979 (title and quiet possession).

This clause 8 shall survive termination of the Contract.

9.Seller’s Indemnity: the Seller shall indemnify and hold TimeLine harmless from all claims and all direct, indirect or consequential losses (including loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and similar losses), costs, proceedings, damages and expenses (including legal and other professional fees and expenses) awarded against or incurred or paid by TimeLine as a result or in connection with:

a.any breach of the warranties referred to in clause 7; b.any claim made against TimeLine concerning the authenticity of any Lot; c.any alleged or actual infringement, whether or not under English law, of any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights or other rights arising out of the Auction or sale of the Lot.

10.Selling Commission: The standard rate of selling commission payable to TimeLine shall be 18% of the Hammer Price (VAT inclusive).

11.Additional Charges: TimeLine may levy additional charges regarding:

a.Collection of goods from Seller’s premises, storage of goods submitted for sale by a Seller and storage of Lots unsold in accordance with clause 15; b.Further charges at the discretion of TimeLine on advance warning to the Seller for any unusual research, special or additional imaging, testing, consultation with external specialists, conservation, cleaning or other services concerned with presenting the Lot, including VAT or other taxes or duties as applicable.

c.All items submitted for sale in the 'Western Asiatic' category (other than items designated as 'style') and all lots over £1000 will incur an administration charge of £6.00 (VAT inclusive) per item for additional checking, including searches against the ALR.

12.Lots: all goods submitted to TimeLine will be lotted, catalogued and offered by live auction sale, limited timed auction sale, 'buy it now' direct sale or other method at the sole discretion of TimeLine; antiquities, antiques and collectables Lots with a low Estimate of £200 or less and coin Lots with a low Estimate of £100 or less will not normally be illustrated in any printed catalogue and printed text entries may be minimised (images and full text will always be shown on the TimeLine website); Estimates are provided for information only and Hammer Prices may differ from the estimated range.

13.Reserve Price: The Seller may set a Reserve Price on any Lot where the low Estimate exceeds £120 subject to agreeing that an Unsold Fee will become payable to Timeline for any such Reserved Lot which fails to sell; in addition the Seller agrees that the auctioneer may accept a bid received at one bid increment or 10% of the Reserve Price (whichever is higher) below the Reserve Price sum if necessary to sell the Lot.

14.Withdrawal of Lots: Once entered for sale, Lots may be withdrawn by the Seller only upon the agreement of TimeLine and payment to TimeLine of the Withdrawal Fee; a Withdrawal Fee will also be payable should any post-Sale offer be received in accordance with clause 14 but not accepted by the Seller. TimeLine reserves the absolute right to withdraw any Lot from sale for any reason in which circumstance no Withdrawal Fee will be payable. The Seller is thereafter responsible for collection of any Lot which has been withdrawn and clause 15 applies.

15.Unsold Lots and Storage: in the event that a Lot is not sold no Selling Commission is payable unless the Lot was subject to a Reserve Price in which case a sum of 6% (VAT inclusive)of the Reserve Price is payable by the Seller to TimeLine. TimeLine shall retain possession of unsold Lots for a period of twenty-eight days from the date of any Auction for entry into any Timed Sale or against the possibility of receiving postSale offers for such Lots. The Seller is thereafter responsible for collection of any unsold goods immediately after this period and Lots will be released after any charges due have been paid in full. Lots not removed by 4.30pm on the seventh working day after the due date will be moved to storage at a transfer cost of £20 plus VAT per Lot and storage charges will thereafter be applied at the rate of £1.90 plus VAT per Lot per day until collected; no Lots may be removed until any storage or other amounts due to TimeLine have been paid in full. In the event that the accrual of storage charges reaches 50% of the Reserve Price or after the expiration of three months from the transfer date, whichever occurs first, Timeline reserve the right to re-sell any and all Lots stored without notice and in any manner at their sole discretion and to apply any proceeds in defrayment of such costs. The Seller will be entitled to receive any credit balance above the amount of the costs on request but will remain liable for any deficit.

16.Payment to Sellers: the Net Proceeds of the Auction will become due and

payable to the Seller 30 days following the Date of Sale provided that TimeLine have received cleared payment of the Purchase Price in full from the Buyer.

17.Use of your personal information: TimeLine will only use the Seller’s personal information as set out in their privacy policy. TimeLine may amend this policy from time to time. Where Timeline processes any personal data, Timeline will comply with the requirements and obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.

18.Anti-Money Laundering: TimeLine’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy sets out TimeLine’s policy for ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering legislation that applies to some of TimeLine’s activities. TimeLine may amend this policy from time to time.

19.Sale of Goods Act: The terms implied by sections 13 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded.

20.Severance: If any provision or partprovision of these terms and conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms and conditions.

21.Amendments: TimeLine may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Please check our website for our latest terms and conditions.

22.No waiver: No failure or delay by TimeLine to exercise any right or remedy provided under the these Terms and Conditions or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

23.Third-Party rights: These Terms & Conditions are between Timeline and a Seller. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of these terms.

24.Governing Law: these terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including noncontractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.

25.Jurisdiction: each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

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