Red Wine Magazine April 2015

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“The purest, most precious diamonds�. The rarest, most precious diamond in the universe lies within your grasp, rare because so few people use it. It is the diamond called FORGIVENESS.


Easter is the time for Rebirth

11-12 Wisdom 15-16 Are you on the line for Heaven

Editors Letter Happy Holiday everyone! If you have ever been through a tough situation and you are here to tell the story to someone else, then you have a testimony.


testimonies have power, don’t let them just sit on the shelf.

They will encourage and help others to gain a

sense of strength when they don't feel like they have it. Telling the truth about your life and what you have been through really does do a lot for others. So please don’t hide the tests and trials you have been through. When you get an opportunity, tell somebody what you have been through and especially what God has done for you. I know we are tempted to keep it a secret, sometimes because of our pride. But that’s what satan wants. If we tell our testimony, somebody else, who may not be telling you their problem at that time, is getting the help they need. If you have a story to tell about something that God did for you so He can get the glory, please be encouraged! Write in to us. We would love to print your story so that others can be healed and delivered by the power of God just as you were. Red Wine Magazine reaches people all over the world. Thank you for being a part of Red Wine. Have an awesome Spring. God bless you.

Dr. Diana

December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue

The Cold Letters CANCER C A N C E R - Those cold letters do not reign supreme. So many people are afraid of hearing the words “You have cancer”, that they won’t even go to the doctor. There are others who go to the doctor and are caught completely off guard when they receive a diagnosis of cancer. I originally wrote my book How I Beat Cancer because my secretary asked me to write a small pamphlet that she could give to people when she visited cancer clinics. And so I agreed. What started out as a small pamphlet containing words of encouragement and some “how-to” tips to survive cancer, turned into a 46 page book about my personal life and experience with cancer. I am sharing How I Beat Cancer with the world because I want mothers, fathers, grandmothers and even doctors to know that there is a cure for cancer. It’s just that science doesn’t hold the answer. The one who has the awesome cure is God. Scientists are not completely sure what causes cancer. They conduct vigorous research and have increased understanding about the behavior of cancer cells, but a cure is not yet here. I am not a physician and I don’t pretend to tell physicians or scientists what to do. What I do know is God. I know that God speaks the ultimate truth. And once you know that, you realize that you don’t have to know exactly how things go wrong in the body, because God will show you how to be healed, how to be cured of cancer. God cured me of cancer. And I am still so humbled by it. I have so much gratitude to God because a cousin of mine, who was my age, was diagnosed with colon cancer at the same time I was diagnosed. She died and I didn’t. It takes me places you could never understand when I think about how God chose me. How I Beat Cancer is my personal life story and testimony about my battle with cancer with God by my side. The book tells you how to fight cancer with God. I am not knocking chemotherapy or any other modern day treatments. It was not my choice because I believe chemotherapy kills the good with the bad. God was my choice and I am all the more better for it. So when you are undergoing the medical interventions you choose, take this book along and use the spiritual medication that you find within its pages. You will receive the kind of life-saving results you deserve.


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Easteris Perhaps I have caught you at a time in your life when you are contemplating a major change or you just feel tired of so many things in your life and need renewal. Or, maybe you just suddenly feel that you need a rebirth of sorts. I want you to know that renewal and rebirth are not the same. RENEWAL is when, after a long, hard day at work, we feel the need to rest and relax. We go to sleep and wake up the next day feeling renewed; at least most of the time! REBIRTH is something far different. Rebirth involves delving deeper into yourself to completely change and become a different you. So in this article, I want to speak to those who are seeking a rebirth. YOU CAN


That’s the way it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Nicodemus replied, “How can that be?” Jesus told Nicodemus, “You’re a well-known teacher of Israel. Can’t you understand this?” That’s a powerful statement. Jesus is basically saying that you can experience a rebirth but it has to be done by the spirit. Meaning, you won’t get a new body or a different face but you can become someone brand, spanking new! Scientists, doctors, lawyers and the great minds of our time have not figured out how this could be done. Nicodemus couldn’t figure it out either, and he was a teacher in Israel. We only know through Jesus’s words that we can have rebirth. You can experience the rebirth today, right now.

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the Time for



JUST BE REBORN! I know there are many of you who want and need to experience rebirth for a multitude of reasons. I want to applaud you if you have reached that point in your life. Rebirth is an awesome goal. The only way to get started is to make a firm decision that now is the time for rebirth. This is not the time to waiver. This is the time to place 100% of your attention and commitment on the effort to be reborn. You can do this in 2015 and I want you to believe it. Rebirth is vital for your well-being and important to your future. If you do not like your life thus far, no matter what stage you are in, or the number of years you have lived, you can experience a rebirth. Be mindful that you cannot exclude God like you may have in previous times of your life. God has to be at the core of your rebirth because He is the Creator and heavenly scientist who created the ability to be reborn in the first place.

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Rebirth is accomplished by the spirit, which is what He is, and what you are too! You are a spirit encased in a human body. You can experience rebirth with all the bells and whistles; all the components of rebirth you have never conceived of. Hopefully I am convincing you to go to God the Father and talk about your rebirth. This is the right season. Jesus hung on a cross just for you. He laid down His life on a glorious Friday evening and we commemorate it every Good Friday. He got up that Sunday morning. He went through a rebirth so that you could go through one. Don’t accept anything less this season. Never feel like no one is praying for you or thinking about you because Jesus and your Father in Heaven are always thinking about you. And so is the precious Holy Spirit. Be reborn. If you need a fresh outlook, or better yet, the truth in your life, rebirth can bring that. You may want new friends, a new direction and a one-to-one conversation with God. “Mono-y-mono” as Mork used to say. (I know I am dating myself there!) One-to-one conversation is the language of caring. God is not a computer; He is a man just like men here on earth. Converse with Him every day. Ask Him questions. Put Him to the test because after all, He puts you to the test! And get that rebirth. Believe in His Son and confess it with your mouth. Tell Him you want a rebirth; that you want to be reborn. Here’s a prayer to use as the door to rebirth. You have to walk with this prayer every day, asking God for more goodness in your life. Don’t be like those people who feel they shouldn’t ask God for anything. You can ask Him for healing, love, direction, purpose, a husband or wife, good friends, and to make you a better person. God wants you to tell Him exactly what you need. He wants to hear it from you. Say this prayer and begin by calling him Father, because He is your Father in Heaven!

“Father, I need your help! I haven’t always been honest with you but right now I want to tell you the truth. I am at a point in my life where I now understand I cannot live without you. I cannot go any further than where I am.” If you are having trouble believing or breaking away from another religion, then add to your prayer; “Help me to believe your Son really is the Son of God. This is where I am at now, but I really want to know the truth. Help me to believe and understand.” If you already have a deep faith and believe that Jesus is the Son of God then add to your prayer: “Lord I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I believe in my heart that He died on the cross and was resurrected in three days. And I invite You into my heart, my home, my life and I want You to be my Master. I want to be your friend.” If you say that from your heart, God is going to walk right into your life, step into your heart, and become your friend. Know that you are able to make this step because He put you here on earth, and He is always around you to help you. He is the strength you need, He is your Tower of Strength. God wants to be a great many things to you and He wants to help you be reborn. 2015 is your time, don’t miss your season. I will see the new you very soon. Be blessed!

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December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue

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PURPOSE For those of us not born with an innate wisdom, we have to ask God for it. There is a scripture that says “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of GOD who gives it liberally and upbraids it not, and the wisdom will be given to him,” (James 1:5) 11 I Red Wine

HAVE YOU EVER MET A YOUNG PERSON WHO IS WISE? NOT IN A “WISE GUY” SENSE, BUT IN A “WISDOM” SENSE. You knew it by the way they carry themselves and the answers they give. They couldn’t have gleaned that wisdom over the years because as a young person they don’t have that many years to count! And wisdom can’t be learned from a book. Book knowledge is book knowledge. Wisdom comes from within and provides answers and insights into life. Growing up, the “old folks” used to say that young people who were wise were “old souls”. That’s actually an old wives’ tale that was created to answer something that people didn’t understand. How could someone be so wise and such a young age? There is a much more definite answer to that question. The fact is that there are children born into this world with a specific purpose. It requires that they have great wisdom, which God injects into their hearts. If you were to ask these wise young people how they became so wise, they would tell you that they don’t know. That’s because they didn’t ask for the wisdom, but God gave it to them while He was creating them. For those of us not born with an innate wisdom, we have to ask God for it. There is a scripture that says “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives it liberally and upbraids it not, and the wisdom will be given to him,” (James 1:5). This means that God will give you wisdom if you ask for it and once He does He will not take it back. Wisdom is primal. It is important that we have it. We cannot live a good, productive life without it. Proverbs 8 speaks of wisdom’s call. Proverbs is attributed to Solomon who was the wisest man who ever lived. God gave him wisdom and when you get something from God, it can never be surpassed. Wisdom is described in great detail in Proverbs 8. In fact, from chapters 1 to 8, Solomon speaks of the importance of wisdom. When Solomon refers to wisdom, he does so by calling it a female; “She goes 12 I Red Wine

to the corner by the gate leading to the city and she calls out to mankind. Wisdom tells them if they are simple or foolish, she is willing to teach them. She says she is trustworthy and has trustworthy things to say. When she opens her lips she speaks what is right and true and she detests wickedness. She and knowledge dwell together with prudence. She is more precious than rubies, silver or gold.” Science created medications with a long list of disclaimers about possible side effects that range from nausea to blindness to death. Despite those dire warnings, many of us still take these medications because we trust doctors and science. And yet, when wisdom comes along and cries out the right answer to our questions and problems, we are slow to listen. Wisdom gives you understanding, knowledge and purpose. She makes you


better than you already are. She gives you the truth, only the truth; that alone is certainly more precious than anything else. When you take her information and let her teach you and train you, you become excellent at living your life. I encourage you to read all of Proverbs 8. And when you have time, read Proverbs 1 and 2 which speak of the benefits of wisdom. Education is important and knowledge is power. But wisdom really is the principle thing that will help you live your life. You will never be on sure, stable ground if you have education and knowledge without wisdom. You will never know if you have the correct answer. However, when you have wisdom, you will have the answer to whatever problem is presenting itself to you. WISDOM WILL WALK, TALK AND TAKE UP RESIDENCE WITH YOU. And when you come to her for answers, you can be 100% sure she will give you the right answer. How do I know that? Why is that true? Because wisdom is a branch of God. It is the essence of who He is. Read it in Proverbs. She says when God got ready to create the world, He used her wisdom. If God used wisdom to help Him, why wouldn’t we? After all, His wisdom is higher than ours. If He looks to Wisdom for answers, then we should run, not walk, toward the answers that Wisdom holds for us. SO BE ENCOURAGED TODAY. WISDOM IS AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR THE ASKING. If you ask her for help, and she knows you will allow her to teach and train you, then she will come in and inject herself right into your heart, in the place it most matters. You need wisdom to know who to pick for a lifetime mate, for your marriage, to raise children, to pick a career and be successful. You need wisdom to know what to do today. When you get up in the morning, you need wisdom. Invite her into your house. She has so much to teach you and tell you. She wants to share her heart with you. Share yours with her.

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Diamond “The purest, most precious diamonds�. The rarest, most precious diamond in the universe lies within your grasp, rare because so few people use it. It is the diamond called FORGIVENESS.

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am writing this article to you this morning with the powerful hope that you will really think about what I am writing: Life is too short. I know you have heard this many times, and it is a bit cliché, but it is the truth. Life is just too short for the pain and feelings that bombard us and make us feel as though the world is gray instead of bright.



I want to talk to you this morning from the deepest recesses of my heart. I want you to know that I believe that all of us over-think and over-process things that happen to us. Sometimes we focus on problems and can’t let

them go. They become like a bad song that gets stuck in your head, repeating itself over and over until you think you are going to go crazy. Life’s disappointments and pain can get stuck in our heads in the same way and as a result we feel hurt over and over again. It becomes a vicious cycle that creates a hole in us, becoming deeper and deeper until it sucks in everything that is good in our lives. There is a solution to this, one that will get that crazy “song” of problems out of your head, and free you to enjoy life. I have this solution as a result of where I am living now, in the Kingdom of God. Living here has made me rich with wisdom and love, and I want to share some of it with you. It will do my heart good to help you heal emotionally and physically and to relieve some of the burden you are feeling from life’s pressures. The solution is just like the diamonds that the jewelry store commercials talk about. “The purest, most precious diamonds”. The rarest, most precious diamond in the universe lies

within your grasp, rare because so few people use it. It is the diamond called forgiveness. Forgiveness will remove years of hurt and pain from your mind, your heart and your soul, and open you up to opportunity. When you forgive people, you will be surprised at the good things that materialize in your life, seemingly out of thin air. You will find that you want to start getting involved in life again. Where you once lacked desire, you will feel inspiration. Where you once felt isolation and darkness, you will find laughter and see the humor in life again. When you forgive people, and yourself, for things that happened in the past (You can’t go back and change them anyway!), you give yourself the chance to experience you. There is an enormous amount of creativity you, and you may never discover it unless you forgive yourself and others.



Today, I want you to accept this diamond called forgiveness. No matter what you have done, I forgive you. I don’t care how bad or ugly it was. You deserve to be forgiven. I understand that whatever you went through was part of your journey. Now, simply make the decision to be a better person. I have forgiven you, now you need to forgive someone else. And keep it moving. When you can, please give someone else one of these diamonds. Share them with a family member or friend, even a stranger. It doesn't matter who you give it to. Have a good day! It’s on me. I am rooting for you every day! By Dr. Diana Hardy

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Are You On The Line For

HE VEN GOD will be everything we need. He has promised never to leave or forsake us. If you are hurt because someone has left you, don’t worry; God will never leave you. He will bring you into a large family where there is plenty of room for everyone.

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A Thanks for coming by today and clicking on this article. I certainly hope you are one of the people who will make this journey with me. My question is, are you in line for heaven? The Bible’s Book of Revelation speaks implicitly about what heaven looks like and the details of the love and beauty that went into creating this place we call our Heavenly home. I know you have never been there but read how awesome this place is:


Revelation speaks of Heaven’s gates and the streets- it’s real you know, just in case you are wondering; as real as the world you live in now. There is one very important difference; all the pain, hurt, sickness and fear in this world cannot be found in Heaven. Why? Because Heaven is the place where God lives. His throne is in Heaven. He is the President of Heaven just like Obama is president of the United States, here on earth.

when compared to eternity. Choose carefully where you want to live for eternity. Even if life is not good for you right now, believe that you can go to Heaven. Hell is the place for no one. You need to come with us now and I will tell you how to do that.

what you have done in the past. All of that is going to be wiped clean. God knows what you did anyway. You can’t hide anything from Him. He’s just going to take a big eraser and wipe away your past the moment you take a number and get in line with us.

God will be everything we need. He has promised never to leave or forsake us. If you are hurt because someone has left you, don’t worry; God will never leave you. He will bring

Don’t worry about not knowing how to do this, none of us do. God keeps us in His arms the moment we go to Him. He has been waiting for you because He is so in love with



Back to my initial question, did you come here to get in line for Heaven? I hope so! I hope you are here to line up and take this journey with us as we wait for the day when we go to see God. (I am not suggesting that any of us hasten our death to get to Heaven. God gave us life and only He knows our perfect time to join Him in Heaven!) However, you certainly can stand in line with us and live your life fully while you wait with us. Let’s face it, where else would you want to go, but Heaven? The alternative has fire instead of streets of gold, great heartache and more pain than you can imagine, instead of the peace and glory of God. Remember, whether you go to Heaven or Hell, you go for eternity. However long you live here on earth, it is a very, very short time

I have been standing in this line for over 25 years now, living my life and sharing it with other amazing people in line. We weren’t always biological family, but we lifted each other up while we were waiting. We inspired each other. We laugh and have fun. We are just like you and we want you to join us.

HERE’S HOW: In the book of Romans, Chapter 8, the Bible assures us that if; • We believe deep in our hearts that God sent His Son into the world to die for us, • We confess our faith verbally, • We are not ashamed to tell people Jesus Christ is our Lord, • And we accept Him as our Lord, Master, Healer and Friend, Then we can join the line.

you into a large family where there is plenty of room for everyone. You don’t have to become a Catholic, Baptist or Pentecostal. You don’t have to chase a denomination. God just wants to be your Friend and Counselor. He wants you to know how happy it would make Him if you would get in line today and stand with us while we walk on this journey.


you. I want to meet you and talk to you too. We all do. So please, there is a place waiting for you in our line. Don’t leave it empty. Accept Him into your life and get in line. Become a part of the biggest family in the world. If this article has helped you to decide to get in line, the angels are rejoicing. Welcome to a better life. By Dr. Diana Hardy

Don’t worry about where you have been and 16 I Red Wine


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