The DREAM Program, Evaluation Report, Mentor Report, 2005

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2005 Mentor Survey Results The DREAM Program, Inc.

"DREAM has been the most influential organization that I have had the pleasure be involved with while at Dartmouth. My involvement with the program showed me just how much I enjoy working with kids and has lead to my decision to teach this fall. It is my goal after graduation to continue working with kids and making a difference where it is needed most." Alex Dominguez Dartmouth College ‘05

The DREAM Program 2005 Mentor Survey Results In January of 2006 the DREAM Central Office administered a brief survey to four DREAM Local Programs. Using Survey Monkey (an online survey tool, the DREAM Central Office surveyed the mentors of four DREAM Local Programs - 37 mentors responded. Survey questions included an opening section of questions pertaining to mentors’ individual programs and leadership. This was followed by a section of 26 items where mentors were asked to rank their thoughts on a scale of “Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.” These questions were intended to gauge DREAM mentors thoughts and reflections on their involvement with DREAM and the relationships they have built through the program. The DREAM Central Office has compiled the data from this latter section of DREAM survey items and presented the data in the following report. Focus areas of this report include: •

Mentor and Child Relationships

Mentor and Parent Relationships

DREAM’s Effect on the College Experience

The intent of this pilot study and report is to begin to provide insight into the experience of being a DREAM mentor. By taking a deeper look into the interaction between DREAM and college experiences we hope to understand more about the positive effects of DREAM on the college age volunteer. This study will be ongoing and increasingly comprehensive. As DREAM continues to develop as an organization it is important for us to truly understand the depth and breadth of our impacts. We are excited to embark on this study! Keep DREAMin’! Jen Lazar Director of Resource Development The DREAM Program, May 2006

DREAM Mentor and Child Relationships 2005 Survey of 37 Mentors At the core of DREAM are the relationships that mentors and children develop on DREAM Fridays throughout the school year. These relationships, based on mutual trust and understanding, are what make it possible for DREAMers to take on increasing challenges and adventures, engage in constructive risk-taking, and work together to grow their individual sense of self-reliance.

% of DREAM Mentors Surveyed

On the whole, DREAM mentors think highly of the relationships that they’ve built with their mentees. The vast majority of surveyed DREAM mentors reported that they are a positive role model in their partner’s life (95%), that their partner trusts them (94%), and that their partner relies on them (71%). Surveyed mentors felt unanimously (100%) that their mentoring relationships were important to them personally. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree

I am a positive role model in my DREAM partner's life.

My partner trusts me.

My partner relies on me.

My relationship with my partner is important to me personally.

% ofDREAM Mentors Surveyed

Taking a look at the larger impact of these relationships, 64% of the surveyed DREAM mentors consider themselves an important person in the lives of other DREAM children’s lives, 70% report that their relationship will last with their mentee’s beyond graduation and a vast majority (94%) feel that they can make a difference in their partner’s lives. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree

I am an important My relationship I feel like I can person in other with my partner make a difference DREAM will last beyond in my partner's children's lives. my graduation. life.

“I’m writing to let you all know that I think about DREAM a lot and truly miss you guys. Even though I’m a million years away I never forget that all of you guys and the kids are a part of me... Remember that EVERYTHING we do is for the benefit of these kids. We make them so happy!!! Remember to help them feel safe and at home.” Josie Tommasino (during study abroad in Italy) St. Michael’s College ‘06

DREAM Mentor and Parent Relationships 2005 Survey of 37 Mentors DREAM communities are built of children, mentors, and families. In addition to their one-on-one mentoring relationships DREAM mentors build relationships with fellow mentors and with the families of the children they work with. These relationships expand the network of support for each child and mentor partnership increasing social capital and expanding social horizons for each DREAMer.

% of DREAM Mentors Surveyed

Of DREAM mentors surveyed, 67% agreed that fellow DREAM mentors are a source of support for them personally, 72% reported that other DREAM mentors comprise some of their closest peer relationships at school and 64% felt that DREAM is a social outlet for them. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree My fellow Other mentors in DREAM is a DREAMers are DREAM social outlet for a source of comprise some me. support for me of my closest personally. peer relationships at school.

% of DREAM Mentors Surveyed

Answers varied on questions concerning DREAM mentors’ connection to DREAM families. Surveyed DREAM mentors were split on feeling close to their DREAM partner’s family (35% agreed, 35% disagreed, 29% felt neutral). The majority of surveyed mentors (42%) felt neutral as to whether or not they are an important source of support for their DREAM family, while 12% of surveyed mentors felt that their DREAM family is a source of support for them. When asked whether the relationship with their DREAM family will persist beyond graduation, 50% of mentors felt neutral, 26% agreed and 24% disagreed. 47% of surveyed DREAM mentors feel close to their DREAM family’s neighborhood. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree

I feel close to I am an My DREAM My my DREAM important family is an relationship partner's source of important with my family. support for my source of DREAM DREAM support for me. family will family. persist after I graduate.

I feel a close connection to my DREAM family's neighborhood.

“DREAM has a number of goals, from breaking the cycle of poverty, to emphasizing the importance of education, to providing a positive role models, to increasing social justice. All of which we strive to achieve through the power of mentoring and the positive community which consists of all those involved in DREAM!” Edy Wilson Dartmouth College ‘06

DREAM’s Effect on the College Experience 2005 Survey of 37 Mentors For the past couple of years the DREAM Central Office has been interested in investigating DREAM’s effect on our mentor’s college experience. As DREAM works to expand the horizons of children around the state of Vermont, it too increases the sense of self and possibility for Vermont’s college students.

% of DREAM Mentors Surveyed

DREAM mentors felt overwhelmingly positive about the connection between DREAM and their college experience. 97% of surveyed DREAMers felt that DREAM adds significantly to their college experience, 94% felt that it adds to their sense of place at college, and 97% felt that it adds to their happiness at college. Surveyed mentors felt unanimously (100%) that they have had new experiences because of DREAM. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree

DREAM adds DREAM adds DREAM adds I have had new significantly to to my sense of to my experiences my college place at happiness at because of experience. college. college. DREAM.

% of DREAM Mentors Surveyed

Half (50%) of surveyed DREAM mentors felt that Camp DREAM, 50 acres of property in Fletcher, VT is an important place for them. 90% of mentors felt that DREAM has made them more confident their abilities to affect change, 74% of surveyed DREAM mentors felt that DREAM has influenced their future pursuits and 64% felt that they learned skills in DREAM that they otherwise would not have learned. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Disagree Neutral Agree

DREAM's DREAM has DREAM has I have learned Camp is an made me more influenced my skills in important confident in future pursuits. DREAM I place for me. my abilities to otherwise affect change. would not have learned.

“DREAM, simply put, is the best part of my college life.” Erin Caswell Champlain College ’06

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