"Sun's Out" by Hoops D R E A M A D I S C O No.1 New York City
To you, You know the times spent quietly dancing in your room so as to not disturb but so ferociously to self-complete? They are so beautiful, and in them, you feel so Beautiful Then, amidst your beauty, you accidently fall or hit something or pull out an accidental dab. Every inch of you grows even warmer from the fire you’ve already started inside yourself, then cools a bit at your endearing, quiet laugh at yourself. Because sometimes there’s just something that explains or enraptures you in such a way that you deem it impossible to describe its effects to any audience. But every twist, arch, reach, and sway exposes every crystallized atom of you the sun comes out, and the dreams, hopes, and sincerest beliefs that may have been previously snared by doubt, are given a second act. We’re a disco of color, light, and frequency dancing across the sky, chasing the horizon. And in this letter to you I’m supposed to introduce what the fuk this is, but most importantly, I just wanna tell you how much I urge you to dance as loudly as you want. Moonwalk to Jupiter and millyrock to the desert. Put on some sweet music, feel your skin, imagine you’re just an orb of spirit dancing in the disco you’ve always dreamed of. It's time for your encore.
D R E A M  A  D I S C O is a fashion zine inspired by art and music that strives to capture every star of this life, every word of what it means to be, and the absolute, wild abandonment that goes into telling more vivid stories. We dance, we love, and we welcome you to the disco.
by kaylee warren
www.dreamadisco.com @dreamadisco
right: photographed by Gaby Silva