Table of contents This month’s Dream Delivered is Business. We will be learning all about how entrepreneurs start a business, how money is used, and all the careers in a company. Let’s jump right in and use our imaginations! Oh the Places You Could Go!
Write Your Résumé
Goods & Services
Currency Around the World PAGE 5-6
Developing a Dream PAGE 7
Glossary PAGE 8
Did You Know? PAGE 9
Quit with the Jokes Dreamers in Action PAGE 10
Want to be our Pen Pal? Have ideas for the next box? Mail us a letter at 3901 W. Vickery Blvd, Suite 1, Fort Worth, TX 76107
nalyst: Financial Aonitors, and Collects, m ancial data analyzes finwithin and trends to help a company nt make manageme financial decisions
Financial Planner: Works with individuals and businesses to create budgets, savings, and investment choices
Purchasing Agent: Chooses the best products for their company to buy and use or to sell
r: nt Bankes e m t s e v In usinesse Advises bo raise on how t nd buy and money, as for the sell asset company Chief Executive Officer: Sets the goals of the company, models the values of the company, and leads the executive team
Business Con Offers ideas tosultant: companies that can help them improve the business.
Sales Manager: Sets goals of how many goods or services to sell for sales representatives and helps them achieve these goals
Recruiter: Hires new employees to a company and makes sure that they fit within the company’s culture and values
Entrepreneur: Begins or purchases a business and works to expand it using new ideas
Corporate Ban Explains and seker: lls different financial services management sy , like cash stems to companies
Stockbroker: Manages a client’s money and investments, whether the client is an individual or a company.
Advertising Manager: Informs the public about the company’s goods and services through many media sources
Economist: Collects and analyzes trends of who is buying and selling products , from different companies and how much money people have to spend
Accountant: Prepares financial statements to make sure that a company pays the expenses of the company
Did you know that money looks different around the world? In America, we use pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars. Check out what currency looks like around the world! au stra lian on e do llar co in am eric a n dol l ar
There is an eye ‘hidden’ on the back side of the dollar.
This has 5 kangaroos on it, and Queen Elizabeth II on the other side.
egy pti a n po und
This form of currency can be used in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and 12 more countries!
The currency often has both the Arabic and English languages on it.
Mex ic a n 20 peso coin The 20 peso coin has an Aztec ‘New Fire’ Ceremony on one side.
The coin version shows King Tutankhamun’s mask.
h o ng k o ng dollar
sou th a frica n r and These bills feature geometric shapes and abstract designs that make them unique.
b r i tis h p o u nd
The bills of this currency are only in 5, 10, 20, and 50. That means to get change for a 5 pound bill, you would receive 5 coins!
kaz ak h s ta n te n ge
This set of currency features Nelson Mandela and several animals found in South Africa, such as the rhinoceros, elephant, lion, and cheetah.
The tenge has one side displayed vertically, and one horizontally, along with text in Kazakh and Russian.
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Asset: Available balance: A useful or valuable The amount of money thing, such as property, in your account that with the expectation you can withdraw that it will provide future or use. benefit.
Bank: A place where you can store your money so that it is safe. It is also a place to borrow money from.
Budget: A plan that someone makes for how they will spend, save, and use their money.
Deposit: When you put money into your account at the bank.
Executive: People who are responsible for making difficult and important decisions for a company or organization.
Goods: Items that you can buy or sell, such as food and clothes.
Interest: Money that the bank pays you when you keep your money there! It grows over time.
Investments: Giving your money to an idea or company in hopes of it making money, and some of that money being given back to you.
Profit: After the costs are paid, the money that has been made in a business.
Saving (money): setting money aside and choosing not to spend or use it right away.
Service: An action that a person does for another individual, such as a haircut or a car repair.
Withdrawal: When you take money out of your account at the bank.
Finance: money or other easily accessed resources of a business, government, or individual.
Currency: the accepted money that can be used to buy or sell products in a specific country or region.
Résumé: a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience.