Table of Contents
This month’s Dream Delivered is Ancient History.
Oh the Places You Could Go!
In this box we’re going to explore how we learn about past events from the beginning of human history through
Preview the Path
paleontology, archaeology and anthropology. There are many careers that relate to this field! Let’s learn what it’s all about.
History Timelines PAGE 4
Fossil Types
Career Spotlights PAGE 5-6
Types of Dinosaurs
Ancient Writing Scripts
Decoding Ancient Writing Scripts PAGE 10
Did You Know?
Where are Miles & Laila now? PAGE 13
Quit With the Jokes PAGE 14
When you see a word underlined or in this color, you can find it in the glossary!
Archaeologist: A person who specializes in the study of prehistoric people and their cultures through the analysis of artifacts. See page 5.
apher: Cartogr n who studies . A persoof map-making the art
Special Effects Artist: A person that creates graphics and illustrations for special effects animation. Some specialize in drawing and animating dinosaurs!
Archivist: A person that collects, inform and records to ation preserve them for history.
OH THE PLACES YOU COULD GO! ANCIENT HISTORY Paleontologist: A scientist that studies the forms of life that have existed on earth through the study of fossils.
Heritage Manag A person respon er: for conserving ansible managing histor d sites like buildin ical museums and gs, monuments.
Professor: A person that teaches at the higher education level at universities.
Museum Exhibition Officer: A person in charge of planning and organizing exhibits at museums.
Geologist: A scientist that studies rocks and layers of the earth.
Historian: An expert in a specific period in history.
ropologist: Geographer: Forensic Anthhuman A scholar wh o The study of bones. st udies the ea remains and natural enviro rth’s and the societnment that live ther ies e.
Cultural Anthropologist: A person that studies the cultures of humans.
Archaeological Lab Director: A person that manages and oversees the da recovered from ta archaeological si tes. onist: Conservati ho w A person nd preserves a e protects thnt environme . and wildlife
: h t a p e h t w e i v e pr PREVIEW THE PATH: paleontologist PALEONTOLOGIST
TEACH COLLEGE STUDENTS Share your knowledge and skills with the next generation of paleo-learners. WORK IN A MUSEUM Help create and preserve exhibits, cultivate digs for students and teach others about the field.
CONDUCT FIELD WORK Find fossils, artifacts and uncover history. Just like Miles and Laila are doing above! LOCATE PETROLEUM Help oil companies find the oil that goes into our cars and helps power our homes.
You can prepare today by:
you can prepare today by: Practicing Research Skills 3
Search for fossils in your area
Participating in science fairs
Volunteer & intern in your community 4
HISTORY timeline
Time periods are defined in the glossary too!
human timeline humanhistory HISTORY timeline
True Form Fossils are when the actual plant or animal is the fossil. This happens when the plant or animal gets stuck in ice or mud. Scientists use these fossils to study past plants and animals. Examples: Leaves, Insects, Shells
Cast Fossils are the 3D form of a mold fossil. Where the empty space of the fossil is then filled with dirt or sediments to create a new form. Examples: Shells, Bones, Wood
Mold Fossils are where an impression of an animal or plant was made, and then the animal or plant died/left. The inside of this fossil is hollow (empty) but the physical characteristics are impressed or an outline is made. Examples: Shells, Insects, Fish
Trace Fossils are an outline, sketch or markings left behind of an animal. Not the whole animal itself. Scientists use these types of fossils to study animal behavior. Examples: Footprints, coprolite
Systems of writing used for human communication
egyptian hieroglyphics
sumerian cuneiform 9
DECODING ANCIENT WRITING SCRIPTS Can you translate the hieroglyphic message? Use the symbols to the left to crack the code!
Archaeology: the study of ancient human activity and materials by artifacts
Paleontology: the study of fossils
Anthropology: the study of cultures of the world
Fossil: the remains of prehistoric animals preserved in rocks
Artifact: a historical object left behind by a human being
Society: a group of people living together in a community
Culture: a group’s values, beliefs, behaviors and symbols passed down through generations
Civilizations: a complex society defined by its own culture
Ancient Civilizations: the major cultural centers of the world • Americas • China • Egypt • Greece • India • Middle East • Rome
Agriculture: the practice of farming and cultivation of soil for crops and animals
Hieroglyphics: a formal writing system used by the ancient Egyptians
Excavation: the action of digging an archaeological site
Exhibit/Exhibition: a public display or collection of works of art at a gallery or museum
Mummy: a body that has been preserved after death. The purpose of mummification was to keep the body whole so it made it to a spiritual afterlife
Ancestral Pueblo: Cuneiform: indigenous peoples that one of the earliest systems of writing, lived in the Southwest first developed by the United States ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. 35003000 BCE. distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets The Stone Age: • Paleolithic Era or Old Stone Age: from the first stone artifacts until the last ice age near 9,600 BC. • Mesolithic Era or Middle Stone Age: during this area, agriculture was introduced into society. Dates vary depending on the region. • Neolithic Era or New Stone Age: during this era, farming was introduced to society, the first cities were formed. Dates vary depending on the region.
The Bronze Age: Time period varies by region anywhere between 3000 to 600 ns BC. During this time period, civilizatio began using bronze, a type of metal to era make tools. Also developed during this ms. syste ng writi first were the
ger and Junior pleting the free Junior Ran “We plan on hiking and com n we’re going to head over to the Dinosaur Quarry Paleontology Programs. The n 1,500 dinosaur fossils. I can’t wait!”—Miles Exhibit that houses more tha
What should you do if you find an artifact? It is best to leave the artifact where you found it. However, record as much information as possible: a description of the artifact and its location. It is useful to draw or photograph the object, and to record its location on a map. Share this information with a professional archaeologist. If you are visiting a state or national park, inform a park ranger or a naturalist. Each state has an historic preservation office that records the exact location of archaeological sites.
“This Monument has Aztec Ruins. I’m so excited to see the 900- year old Great House of over 400 rooms from the Ancestral Pueblo!”—Laila “This park is a World Heritage Site! It also has Ancestral Pueblo Great Houses. The structures they built, dating from 850 AD-1150 AD, indicate an advanced level of engineering for this time.”—Miles
ument there “At this Mon 0 symbols 0 are over 25,0 anic rock. lc carved into vo s are believed ph ly og tr pe These ttlers by Spanish se to be created n people about oa and the Puebl 0 years ago. 400 to 70 their ancient They depict religious cultural and onder traditions. I w Laila ”— e! se what we’ll
For more information visit: http:// dinosaur-national-monument
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You Can Only Dream What You’ve Seen