Dream Delivered Pathway Magazine: Medical Sciences August 2016 Edition

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This month’s Dream Delivered is Surgery.

Table of Contents

In this box we’re going to explore how some of our organs, or body parts, work and what it takes for doctors to treat injuries and diseases through surgery. Surgery is the use of instruments to repair and treat injuries to the human body. There are many careers that relate to surgery! Let’s learn what it’s all about.

Meet Miles & Laila PAGE 2

Oh the Places You Could Go! PAGE 3

Preview the Path

Career Spotlights



Diagram of the Brain PAGE 6

Diagram of the Human Body PAGE 6

Tools for Success PAGE 7

Did you Know? PAGE 8

Glossary PAGE 9

Quit with the Jokes




When you see a word in this color, you can find it in the glossary!


Introducing our Dreambassadors, Miles and Laila. These two buds travel around the nation in Dreamington, their Dream Delivery Gizmo, exploring bigger dreams and brighter futures to share with you each month.


Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas Likes: Exploring, sports statistics, science experiments, trying new things Hobbies: Baseball and Cartography Dream Job: Broadcast Journalism Dream College: University of Colorado at Boulder


Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri Likes: Meeting new people, writing lines of code and creating new flavors of ice cream Hobbies: Rodeo and Coding Dream Job: Computer Engineer Dream College: Stanford University



uler: l Sched Medica hospital Works intration to adminis surgeries and schedulements appoint nts for patie

learn the n more on ext pa ge!

Ophthalmologist: A surgeon who g specializes in workin with eyes

Patient Education Coordinator: Prepares and informs the patient and family about the surgery process

Neu A su rosurgeo spec rgeon th n: surgeializes in at brain ry

m Nurse Recovery Roo ia Nurse): (Perianesthesassists a A nurse that iately patient immedwhen after surgerying up they are wak ication from the med (anesthesia) Dietitian: Talks with pat eating habits ients about them about h and teaches healthy and ow to be any dietary make changes as a result of surg ery


Surgica Surgica l Assistant: doctors l Assistants a surgeon that help there the sur perform gery

Anesthesiologist: A physician who gives the patient medicine so they can go to sleep and cannot feel the surgery, and then wakes them up

Surgical Technician: Prepares the operating room for surgery such as sterilizing equipment, gathering supplies and assisting during the surgery

Vascular Surge on

: A surgeon that op er ates on Orthopedic Surgeon: blood vessels th at flo w from Surgeon who specializes the heart. Th is is what in broken bones Dr. Bengtson do es See page 6 to re ! ad his interview! A ca rdio surgeon specializ thoracic es in surgery on the heart m uscle itself. e: Room Nurs go to page 6! Operating at works with A nurse th s family the patient’ staff Physical Therapist: Help and surgery and patients recover after to help plan e surgery to regain carry out th mobility in their surgery

Social Worker: h care team, Works with heatr family patient and thei are them for members to prep aking a care recovery and m ey th plan for when go home


Respiratory Th Monitors the erapist: lungs of a pati breathing and surgery and teent after breathing exer aches them prevent illness cises to in the lungs

: h t a p e h t preview PREVIEW THE PATH: n o e g r u s o r neu NEUROSURGEON Neurosurgeons work long hours, up to 60 per week! Most of them work Monday through Friday. Neurosurgeons can perform up to 20 surgeries in one week, which means they may perform 3 surgeries in one day. Some surgeries however, can last up to 7 hours.


CAREER SPOTLIGHTS Dr. Cynthia Keator, Neurologist What can I do now to be like you? “Start with volunteering. I knew I always wanted to go into medicine and I started volunteering at the hospital in high school. The simplest level to help out when you’re young is to make projects for patients. You can help make quilts, arts & crafts and donate them to the hospital. Elementary schools actually come in and give toys and teddy bears to patients too. Giving back lets the children know there is a relationship established with other people.” Any advice? “Be confident in yourself and challenge yourself! You will be able to accomplish more than you think. Be humble, make mistakes and overcome them.”


Dr. Todd Bengtson, Cardiovascular Surgeon What motivated you? “I started college and did not feel at all prepared, so I struggled with my science classes and worked hard for my grades. Several times I felt like I would have to quit my pre-med program, but I worked hard to overcome it. With a lot of encouragement I learned better study habits and time management so the transition to medical school was easier for me.” Any advice? “I would say to keep a goal in mind, there are going to be hurdles and you have to make up your mind to tackle them. For most kids, if they are willing to climb the mountain, keep the goal in mind and make sacrifices, anything is possible.”

Journey undergrad undergrad med school

med school residency fellowship



Dr. Keator is a skilled ventriloquist! While she has many talents such as skiing, playing piano and caring for others, ventriloquism is certainly the most 5 unique!

residency fellowship


fun fact: As a kid, Dr. Bengtson always dreamed of being a pilot! He now has his pilot’s license and loves to fly for fun!

This is how our brain interprets things like words for spelling and math problems.

This is the part of our brain that enables us to see.

This is where our memory is. Especially for things like learning and understanding a language.


Where we think, plan, make decisions! This is the problem solving and emotional part of our brain that affects our behavior and personality.

This part of the brain coordinates our movement, balance and posture.

The spinal cord helps connect the rest of our nervous system in our body to our brain so we can experience the five senses.




s s e c c u s f o r S L O TO



Take AP Biology and Chemistry in High School

Interview a doctor at your local hospital regarding their career path


3 Volunteer at your local hospital

Observe a surgery at the hospital


Go to college! Take health science related courses. Be sure to consult a Pre-Med advisor and get involved in clubs related to the field.

6 Work at the hospital as a technician or scribe

7 After college, apply and attend Medical School



ope: Stethosc tool used l a medica to n e to list ts a e b heart

Cardiovascular System: the system of jobs that includes the heart and blood vessels. Vascular Surgery is surgery of the heart and involving the cardiovascular system.

Nervous System: the system of nerves and nerve centers in the body

Skeletal System: the parts of the body containing our bones that protects our organs

Respiratory Organs: S the system ystem: a major structure in of that include the body your body composed s and helps us the lungs of tissues b in and out a reathe ir

Skeleton: the framework of the body of all of our bones


titches: Sutures/s to hold d thread use uts on r e togeth c y the bod

Nerve: fibers in our body that help us feel the five senses

Muscular S y the system stem: of muscles in our body

Spine: the name for your back bone. It is made up of vertebrae, small bones that link together to form your spinal column Neurologist: This is a doctor diseases of the that treats system. This is nervous Dr. Keator do what See page 7 to es! her interview! read

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