Holiday Gift Guide
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
SoSo Much Under One Roof - Your Hometown Store Much Under One Roof - Your Hometown Store
29th Discounts Sale ends December 30th 29th Storewide Discounts Sale ends December 30th Merry Christmas -Storewide Happy New Year 51 51 Flooring Specialists &Specialists More Flooring Specialists & &More Flooring Specialists & More Anniversary Flooring More Anniversary I N S Early’s Carpet Inc. T A Residential && Commercial NT CR Early’s Carpet Inc. Carpe Residential Commercial Early’s EEarly’s DIT AV Carp Flooring540-937-5500 Specialists & More AIHometown So Much Under One Roof - Your Store LAHometown 1-800-870-9098 - Your St BL 540-937-5500 1-800-870-9098So Much Under One Roof ST ST
The The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpets, AreaArea Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, Ceramics & Remnants Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpets, Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, Ceramics & Remnants
Storewide diScountS - SALE ENDS december 30th Fauquier, Culpeper & Rappahannock Counties Since 1966 Storewide diScountS - SALE ENDS december 30 Fauquier, Culpeper & Rappahannock Counties Since 1966 LicensedServing & Serving Insured The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpets, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl,Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, Ceramics & Rem So Much Under One Roof - Hardwoods, Your Hometown The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpets, Area Rugs, Orientals, Laminates, Ceramics So Much Under One Roof Your Hometo r eSidential & c ommercial |540-937-5500 1-800-870-909 reSidential & commercial |540-937-5500 1-800-870-9 DrawingRESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DrawingServing Fauquier, CulpeperStorewide & RappahannockDiscounts Counties Since 1966 Sale ends Door Prizes! No Purchase Necessary Door Prizes! Purchase Couistan- Kerman100%No Wool w/ silk Necessary highlights Couistan100% Wool w/ 00 silk highlights RedIvory-Kerman5’6” X 8’6” Value 1700 Red- Ivory- 5’6” X 8’6” Value 170000 Visit + Sign up - Free 2’ X 4’ Bound Rug with Visit
Serving Fauquier, CulpeperStorewide & RappahannockDiscounts Counties Since 1966 Sale en Licensed & Insured Oct. 31st-5pm Oct. 31st-5pm Holiday Fix Up and Gift Sale Holiday Fix Up Store and Gift Sale stockRESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL So Much Under OneInRoof -Broadloom Your Hometown In stockBroadloom BOUND 52nd Anniversary Winner broadloom Sale- in Stock BOUND Sale Visit + Sign up - Free 2’ X 4’ Bound Rug with Visit
52nd Anniversary Winner Oriental OrientalAnd AndRug RugSale Sale Oriental And Rug Sale Oriental And Rug Sale AREA
45 oz Smartstran b roadloom Sale- in Stock Sale 45SmartStrand oz SmartStrand Smartstran 45 oz 45 Smartstrand oz Smartstrand Enticing objective Enticing Objective TO TO Enticing Enticing objective Objective 2200 22 sqyd Enticing Objective 00 Enticing Objective sqyd ! O! 4 colors: 4 colors: white wisp White Wisp White White Wisp O or or G bound areaarr 4 colors: white wisp White Wisp 4 colors: Wisp Quality is just a drive away! Come See Our Gigantic Rug Display. G bound 00 Quality is Wicker justisa just drive away!away! ComeCome See Our Gigantic Quality is just a drive away! Come See Our Gigantic Rug Display. Reg. Basket Reg. Reg.WickerWicker 45 wicker basket 22 sqtd 00 Rug Display. sqyd Basket Quality a drive See Our Gigantic Rug Display. Basket 2’ x 4’ 2 sqft. 45 Reg. wicker basket 22 sqtd sqyd Wicker Basket 50 Nancy Woodard Coastline 2 sqft. 32 sqyd Nancy Woodard TO T3’Ox 5’ 2’ x 4’ Coastline 3250Steel sqyd Border or 3250 sqyd sqtd 50 Coastline or Virginia sqtd Coastline sqyd Steel Border & Remnants Inventory of Carpets, Area Rugs, Orientals,32Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, Ceramics GO!GO!3’ x 5’ SteelSteel Borders 245Boston, sqft. x2’4’x 4’ $10 Borders 245Boston, sqft.2’Virginia 4’ x 6’ 4’ x 6’ $10 45 oz Smartstrand 50
AREA Storewide Discounts SaleCONGRATULATIONS! ends December 29th CONGRATULATIONS! RUGS RUGS The Largest In-Stock the the gift gift thatthat keepskeeps giving yearyear afterafter year!year! GiveGive thethe giftgift thatthat keeps giving yearyear afterafter year!year!GiveGive giving keeps giving OVER 400 RUGS IN STOCK 3’ x3’ 5’x CHRISTMAS COLLEGE AND CHRISTMAS OVER RUGS IN STOCK Winner 540-937-5500 RESIDENTIAL & 400 COMMERCIAL 1-800-870-9098 Smartstran 5’ $20$20 51st51st Anniversary SmartStrand COLLEGE AND ozRunners Smartstran Anniversary Winner45 oz45Runners SmartStrand Runners
45 oz Smartstrand Delightful Character4 Colors: Delightful Character4 Colors: 26” 2 colors: Sand Dollar 2 colors: Sand Dollar Green Sale Sale 26” 50 $14.99 Green Reg. Reg.Ice Crystal Delightful charactersqyd Character 22 sqtd 50 Width Width Ice Crystal $14.99 Oriental-Patterned or Plain Delightful characterLt. Gold Ivory Character 22 sqyd sqtd Oriental-Patterned or Plain 31” $400$400 Lin. ft. 3320 sqyd Lt. Gold 31” Lin. ft. 3320 sqyd 2 colors: SandSand Dollar or Ivory Width Red Ivory 2 colors: Dollar Size or Width Red50Ivory $200$200 College Reg Sale NylonXV N06Ice Crystal 2 sqft. Reg. Roseberry Size College Reg Sale NylonXV N06SPECIAL Ice Crystal 250 sqft. Roseberry SPECIAL 3 colors: VanillaVanilla Shake $400$400 20 Reg. 3 colors: 5’4” X 7’8” VA.Tech $375 $200 Butter Shake 33 sqtd sqyd Rich $200 Butter 3320 sqtd Reg. $375 sqyd ORDER Rich ORDER 5’4” X 7’8” VA.Tech $284 $284 Reg.Doeskin 3 Colors: Doeskin 2350 sqyd 4’1” X 7’4” VA. Cavaliers W/Border $395 Extra 3 Colors: 2350$75 sqyd
Runners Culpeper & Rappahannock Counties Since4’ x1966 4’6’x 6’ $30$30 Serving Fauquier,
22 22 sqyd 50 sqyd or or 50 2 sqft. 250 sqft.
5’ x 8’ 5’ x 8’
Size Size StyleStyle ColorColor Reg Reg 6’ x 9’ 6’ x 9’ RUG CLEARANCE 7’10” X 11’2” Crimson $800$800 RUG CLEARANCE Oriental-Patterned or Plain 7’10” X 11’2”Isfahan Isfahan Crimson Oriental-Patterned or Plain 8’ x 10’8’ x 10’ 5’3” X5’3” 7’6”X 7’6” Isfahan Black Black $370 $370 Isfahan 1650 16 sqyd 50 sqyd 9’ x 12’9’ x 12’ 7’10”7’10” X 11’2” Grey Black $800$800 X 11’2”Damask Damask Grey Black or SPECIAL or 12’ x 12’ SPECIAL 5’ X 8’5’ X 8’ Fantasia Army Army $440$440 12’ x 12 184 sqft. 84 Fantasia 1 sqft. ORDER 15’ 8’ X 10’ Oval Braid Log Cabin $1299$1299 $899$899 Nylon- XVN06 4’1” X 7’4” VA. Cavaliers W/Border $395 $75 Size Extra StyleStyle 12’ xColor XV NolORDER 31’ 12’ xCo 15 8’ X 10’ Oval Braid Log Cabin Black Vine Size Nylon- XVN06 XV 10% Nol- OFF 25 oz 25 NylonAlluring Black Vine width 31’$8.99 oz NylonAlluring 50 00 5’9” X 7’5” VA.50 Cavaliers W/Border $450 $100 5’7” X5’7” 7’11” Cambridge $1308$1308 $640$640 3colors: Vanilla Shake 18’ $8.99 12’ X12’ 29’1229’ OFF Red Vine sqtd 16X 7’5” width W/Border Extra 3-colors: Summer House sqyd sqyd 00Saxony5’9” VA. Cavaliers $450 $100 X 7’11” Karastan Karastan Cambridge 12’ xDe 18 Saxony-12’ xDense 3colors: Vanilla 10% Shake Red Vine sqtd 16 Extra 3-colors: Summer House X Lin. ft. sqyd 12 sqyd Lin. ft. Suede Already Red Basket Weave 5’7” X5’7” 7’11” Red Red $1308$1308 $640$640 21’9” looploop Shamr Butter orVA. or Level Reg. Reg.$50 Suede12’ X12’ Already 3’ X 6’2”Red Basket Cavaliers W/Border $120 Weave X 7’11” Karastan KarastanOFFMorrisMorris Reg. Reg. RichRich X 21’9” Sh Butter orVA. or Level 10% We can bc Taffy Taffy 3’ X 6’2” Cavaliers W/Border 50 $120 $50 34 84 10% OFF Installation Extra We 18 sqyd 5’7” X5’7” 7’11” Cantebury $1308$1308 $640$640 50 SaleSale Price sqft. Doeskin 1 sqft. 84Installation Extra 12 ’X1219’2” Dover 1850 sqyd X 7’11” Karastan Karastan Cantebury Price 134Texture sqft.Texture serge 1 sqft. stairs take 21W/Border Lin.ft ’X119’2” Do 23 sqtd sqyd any 3’6” X 9’AverageAverage VA. Cavaliers stairs take 21W/Border Lin.ft $200 $200 $75 2350 sqtd sqyd Doeskin Already serg 3’6” X 9’ VA. Cavaliers $75 12’ X 19’7” 5’7” X5’7” 7’11” Ivory Ivory Blue Blue $1308$1308 $640$640 Freize Cornfie Already X 7’11” Karastan Karastan 12’ X 19’7” Freize Co 5’9 X 7’4” VA. Cavaliers W/Border $250 $100 25 oz Alluring CONGRATULATIONS! 3’8” or 5’ or 5’ Karastan Chesterfi eldCONGRATULATIONS! Red 10% OFF Special Orders 20’X 20’ Heavy texture Butterc Sale Price 5’9 X 7’4” VA. Cavaliers W/Border $250 $100 12’ X 25Nylonoz NylonAlluring 3’8” Karastan Chesterfi eld Red$660$660 $350$350 10% OFF Special Orders 12’ Heavy texture Bu Sale Price Donna Otullah Culpeper, VA. 3-colors: Summer House 7’10”Round Out Door Coral Sand $550 $300 12’ X 42’ Floral Pattern Blue/g 5’4” X 7’8” North Carolina $375 $200 Donna Otullah Culpeper, VA. 3-colors: Summer House 7’10”Round Out Door Coral Sand $550 $300 20% OFF In-Stock Clearance 12’ X 42’ Floral Pattern Bl 5’4” XLowest North Carolina $375 $200 Retired PearlPearl Clearance 12007’8”sqtd 00 sqyd 20%Desert OFF In-Stock Lowest Retired Suede 5’3” X5’3” 7’10” Butter Pecan $313 $313 $170 $170 Reg. 13’2”13’2” X 24’6” LoopLoop woolwool GrayGr We Can Keep YourPecan Image Clean! Desert sqtd sqyd Suede X 7’10” Serenity Serenity Butter 2’8” X 3’10” 12 Nutcracker by Milliken $150 $69 X 24’6” We Can Keep Your Image Clean! Reg. Suede 2’8” X 3’10” Nutcracker by Milliken $150 $69 Pattern Tag Price or 50 7’10”7’10” X 10’10” Masterpiece Beige 1 1 1w $815 $600 We can bind Pattern Tag Price Taffy Suede 12’ X 20’ Commercial Green, go or Home &Beige Office 18 sqtd sqyd 50 X 10’10” Masterpiece 1Office 11w CLEAN $815 IN$600 We can bind Taffy 12’ X 20’ Commercial Gre 34 S Home & CLEAN T sqtd 18 sqyd IN A 2’8” X 3’10” Winter by Milliken $150 $69 N TaffyTaffy 1X 3’10” sqft. 34 Bouquet S TAC N Clean 2 or More Rooms GET ONE$410 FREE 8’ Round Ariana 113R Price 2’8” Winter Bouquet by Milliken $150 $69 12’ X 36’6” 1 sqft. RTEC SALE price Tip Sheer PalePa G Clean 2 Burgundy or More Rooms GET ONE FREE $300$300 T D or serge 8’ Round Reg ArianaMinimum 1 13R Burgundy $410 No Re-Orders charges apply. Call for your free quote. IT R 12’ X 36’6” Tip Sheer E A D or serge No V Minimum$32.00 charges apply. Call for your free quote. Carpet prices onlyPad andRe-Orders Installation ExtraExtra IT AIL $62.00 Sq.yd. or $3.56 Sq.ft. A 2ea 6’ X 9’ Blue-GreenRed Floral $169 ea. $39 ea. Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - CeramicSq.yd. - Hardwood - Upholstery V 6’ Freeform Nourison Aqua $1065 $750 Carpet prices onlyPad and Installation A A B IL LA 2ea 6’ X 9’ Blue-Green- Red Floral $169 ea. $39 ea. Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery E 6’ Freeform Nourison Aqua $1065 $750
5’ x5’8’x 8’ $40$40 6’ x6’9’x 9’ $59$59
8’ x8’10’ x 10’$89$89 9’ x9’12’ x 12’$129 $129 12’ 12’ x 12’ $159 x 12’ $159 12’ 12’ x 15’ $199 xCONGRATULATIONS! 15’ $199 12’ 12’ x 18’ $249 Kathy Maskell x 18’ $249
The One-Stop Shop for Complete Home Decorating Services
53rd Anniversary Winner
51st51st Anniversary WinW Anniversary
HUGE - IN STOCK- BROADLOOM SALE Flooring Specialists & More Flooring Specialists & More
Smartstrand: 70oz-Artisan Delight- Heavy Texture. 3 colors: Coachman-Creek Bend- Gilded
Donna Otullah Culpeper, Donna Otullah CulpepeVA
Runners size: ORIENTAL ANDRoom RUG SALE Room size: Size Texture Color Orientals Double Dip Tim Size Texture Co Orientals Double Dip SoSo Much Under One Roof - Your Hometown Store We$18. Install &Lin.foot Warranty RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES 12’ X12’ 16’ Texture BlissBl Lin.foot Much Under One Roof Your Hometown Store We Install & Warranty RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES Quality is just a drive away! X 16’ Texture $18. SPECIAL 45oz- Enticing Objective-Heavy Texture $34.40 Sq.yd. $24.00 Sq.yd. or $2.67 Sq.ft. & Area Rug Receive REBATE from Hunter Dougla 12’REBATE X12’ 16’X 16’ from Freize ANNIVERSARY ONLY We & Sell! HUGE -IN Rug STOCKBROADLOOM SALESALE Color Reg Reg Sale HunterCornb Dou Freize Co ANNIVERSARY ONLY We Area Sell! 5 colors: Coastline-Cobble PathHUGE -IN STOCKBROADLOOM Come See OurReceive Gigantic Rug Display. Color Sale SSize torewide dStyle iScountS - SALE ENDS december 30What thWhat S8”Size torewide dStyle iScountS - SALE ENDS december 30 thORDER 12’ X12’ 17’ Heavy texture Glacie Steel Borders - White Wisp - Wicker Receive FREE Installation from Early 31” Ceramics wide - 2In-Stock colorsBlack X 17’ Heavy texture Gl 11’Monday XInventory 13’X-Inventory Berber suger almond $433 TheBasket Largest In-Stock Carpets, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, &-Remnants Warehouse Specials Friday 9ofam 5 to pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm$121 Receive FREE Installation from Ea 31” Ceramics wide 2In-Stock colorsBlack 11’ 8” 13’ Berber suger almond $433 $121 The Largest In-Stock Carpets, Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwoods, Laminates, & Remnants Warehouse Specials Extra Monday -ofFriday 9 to am 5 •pm • Saturday 10 am to 4 pm CLEARANCE 12’ X17’9” Texture GIVE THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING YEAR! Chestn CLEARANCE Vine-VineBasket weave12’YEAR X17’9”AFTER Texture Ch 42 oz- Desired Elegance Heavy Texture Basket weave15’ X1 1’1 1” Berber foggy mist $500 $160 reSidential & c ommercial |540-937-5500 1-800-870-9098 12’ X 16’6” Texture Dried A 10% OFF 15’ X11’11”& commercial Berber foggy mist $500 $160 reSidential |540-937-5500 1-800-870-9098
!BLE!3’X5’ Over 400 400 Rugs Available Up To 14’ sizesize Licensed & Insured Over Rugs Available 3’X5’ Up10’ To X 10’ Xany 14’any Licensed & Insured 12’ X 12’ Blue-Green-Red Floral $350 $99 12’ X 12’ Blue-Green-Red Floral $350 $99 RESIDENTIAL AND26” COMMERCIAL Wide/ 3 colors - Multi_ RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL We Can Keep Your Image Clean!
Pick Up and Deliver of Area Rugs Available for Cleaning Pick Up and Deliver of Area Rugs Available for Cleaning
Oriental-Patterned Plain 26” Wide/ 3 colors -or Multi_ We Image Clean! 10’ Can 8’ Keep YourCathedral Red 10’ X 8’ CLEAN Cathedral Red LT. Gold IvoryIvory - Red-Ivory Home & XOffice LT. Gold Red Ivory Home & Office CLEAN
$44.60 Early’s Carpet, Inc.Sq.yd. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA VA $26.50 Sq.yd. or•$2.95 Sq.ft. Early’s Carpet, Inc. • Highway Route 211 Amissville,
45oz-Pearly Gates- Heavy Tweed Texture 3 colors- Atrium- Harmony-Shaded Earth
Take Rte. toward Washington, VA, pass the stop 229at 229 Take211 Rte.W211 W toward Washington, VA, pass the light stop at light crossroads, proceed then approximately 2 miles beyond crossroads, proceed then approximately 2 miles beyond Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. Early’s is on is the (211 E.) Early’s onright the right (211 E.)
3 colors: Seashell- Smokescreen- Tradewinds
$42.80 Sq.yd.
$24.50 Sq.yd. or $2.73 Sq.ft.
Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery - VCT -ofVinyl Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery Pick Carpet Up and Deliver Area- Rugs Available for Cleaning Pick Up and Deliver of Area Rugs Available for Cleaning
99 Style 99 $9. Lin.foot Size Style
SMARTSTRAND: REG price SALE price SMARTSTRAND: REG price SALE price 70oz - Artisan Delight - Heavy Texture. $62.00 Sq.yd. $32.00 Sq.yd or $3.56 Sq.ft. 70oz - Artisan Delight - Heavy Texture. $62.00 Sq.yd. $32.00 Sq.yd or $3.56 Sq.ft. 3 colors: Coachman - Creek Bend-Gilded 3 colors: Coachman - Creek Bend-Gilded
Regular Sale Style Gates -Regular Heavy Tweed Texture Sq.yd. 45oz - PearlySize Color Sale$44.60
Offer Good until December 11, 2017 Only.
Offer Good until December 11, 2017 Only. Color Sale 12’sure Xyour 16’6” Texture Dr Make homeReg is holiday ready by ordering beautiful
$9. Shapura Lin.foot - Heavy Tweed Texture $44.60 Sq.yd. $26.00 Sq.yd. or $2.89 Sq.ft. 45oz - Pearly Gates Make sure yourTexture home is holiday ready by ordering be 5’9” X 9’ Karnstan Glacier 3Blue 1528 700 15’Serving X15’ 13’X 13’Fauquier, Berber rock rock $540 colors - Atrium - Harmony-Shaded Earth 12’ Hunter X12’ 16’8” Culpeper &river Rappahannock Counties Since 1966 5’5” X- 7’ 10” Royal Kashimar Antique Nain $720 5’9” X 9’ KarnstanLVT Shapura Glacier 1528 700 Earth Already Douglas window fashions today.$400 Aralon WPC Laminate Hardwood Berber river $540 $175 $175 3Blue colors - Atrium Harmony-Shaded X 16’8” Texture Ar $26.00 Sq.yd. or $2.89 Sq.ft.
Serving Fauquier, Culpeper & Rappahannock Counties Since WPC 700 Laminate LVTKirman 5’9” 1966 X 9’ Karastan Kirman Ivory Hardwood 1528 700 5’9” X 9’ Karastan 700 Ivory 1528 700
Holiday Fix UpUp and Gift Sale Holiday Fix and Gift Sale
38 oz-15 ft. Creative Factor 2 colors: Honeywood- Polished Nickel
Clean 2apply. or More FREE First Come Basis Minimum charges CallRooms for yourGET freeONE quote. ONLY 1 LOCATION • HIGHWAY First Come Basis 211 W, AMISSVILLE, VA Minimum charges apply. Call for your free quote.
Hunter Douglas window fashions today.
savings are available on select styles,until DecemberB 5’X8’ Huntley Cream $938 12’ Rebate X12’ 16’8” Loop Deep Objective - Heavy $34.40 Sq.yd. $23.50 Sq.yd or $2.62 Sq.ft. 45oz - Enticing Rebate savings are available on $500 select styles,until De cornbread $425$425 $125$1255’9”For or orAshora Bruce Dundee Almost X9’Walls Karastan Brown sky 1528 700Texture X 16’8” Loop De Price Cherry Objective - Heavy $34.40 Sq.yd. $23.50 Sq.yd or $2.62 Sq.ft. 45oz - Enticing cornbread Bruce Dundee Almost 5’9”For X9’Walls KarastanSale Ashora Brown 1528 700Texture $17.00 Sq.yd. or $1.89 Sq.ft. 5 Colors: sky Coastline -X Cobble Path Cherry 8’ 11’ Impressions Pastel $700 Fresh A 12’ X12’ 16’X 16’ $1488 Texture 5 width Colors: Coastline -700 Cobble Path 5’9” X9’ 12mm Karastan 700Heaven Olive Ivory 1528 Floors 4” Steel Borders - White Wisp - Wicker Basket Texture Fr 5’9” X9’ 12mm Karastan 700Heaven Olive Ivory 1528 700 Basket 12’ X12’ 21’X10” Level loop grey $590 $290 Floors 4” width Steel Borders White Wisp Wicker 5’9” X 9’ Antique Legends Bakhtiyari $1778 $900 21’ 10” Level loop grey $590 $2908’ X 10’ Braid Rectangle Star Blosson 1399 750 12’ X12’ 17’X 17’ LoopLoop Pot of 8’ X 10’ Braid Rectangle Star Blosson 1399 750 w/Pad Mocha $3.50 sq.ft. Nylon: Po ft.Sq.yd. w/Pad Mocha 45 oz - Delightful Character $37.60 $25.50 Sq.yd. or $2.84 Sq.ft. sq.ft. 5’9” X 9’ Antique Legends Emperor’s Hunt $1779 $900 Braid Rectangle$3.50 English Garden 1215 650 99¢ sq. 12 X 24’ Texture purple $160$1608’ X 10’ ft.Sq.yd. 45 oz - Delightful $37.60 $25.50 Sq.yd. or $2.84 Sq.ft. 8’ X 10’ Braid Rectangle English Garden 1215 Character 650 99¢ sq. roadloom ale n$640 12 X2” 24’ 2”$66.70 Texture purpleSq.yd. Castle Ground - Cashmere - Tweed Texture Sq.yd. $24.50 or$640 $2.73 Sq.ft. 2 color: Sand948 Dollar - Ice Crystal Harvest Walnut $5.50 sq.ft. TravelTravel Light roadloom ale ntock tock5’6” X 8’Harvest Orissa Browns/Ivory 550 5’7” Xsq.ft. 7’1 Cambridge $1308 $640 2 color: Sand948 Dollar - Ice1” Crystal $5.50 Light 5’6” X 8’ Walnut Orissa Browns/Ivory 550 English Manor 45 oz45 Smartstrand 2 colors: Folk Stone - Sterling 7’ X$3.50 7’7” sq.ft. Floral Green 599 195 12’ X12’ 17’8” Texture linen $600 $240 oz Smartstrand 7’ X$3.50 7’7” sq.ft. FloralRich Cherry Green 5’7”599 X 7’1 1”195 $20.90 English Wm. Morris Red $1308 $640 25 oz - Solo Texture Sq.yd. Manor $12.00 Sq.yd. or $1.34 Sq.ft. X 17’8” Texture linen $600 $240 00 RichGame Cherry Casino Royal Room 25799 399 oz - Solo Texture $20.90 Sq.yd. $12.00 Sq.yd. or $1.34 Sq.ft. 00 Enticing Objective 22 sqyd 2 colors:Room Brushed Nickel 12’ X 19’ Casino Royal Assorted Game 799 Enticing Objective 22 sqyd 12’ X 19’ 5’7” X- Homestead 7’11”399 English Manor Ivory Blue $1308 $640 $2.50$2.50 sq.ft.sq.ft. 12’ X12’ 14’X 14’ $29.25 Texture tahoe $340$340 12 Assorted2 colors: Brushed Nickel - Homestead XVNO6 - Tweed Texture Sq.yd. $17.25 Sq.ft. 4 colors: White WispSq.yd. Texture tahoe $112 8’b or $1or ound a rea r ugS X 10’ Utopia Eden Earth 650 350 4 colors: White Wisp or $1.92 5’3” X 7’10” Euphoria Irvine Sandstone $515 $332 Color Size Texture b ound a rea r ugS NYLON: 8’ X 10’ Utopia Eden Earth 650 350 Quality is just a drive away! Come See Our Gigantic Rug Display. 3 colors: Doeskin Rich Butter Vanilla Shake Wicker Basket Reg. Size Texture NYLON: 5’ X 8’ Army Colors+Design 440 225 45 12’ X 10’ Frieze strawbridge $335 $120 Quality is just a drive away! Come See Our Gigantic Wicker Basket - Tweed Texture Sq.yd. $24.50 Sq.yd. or $2.73 Sq.ft. Castle Ground - Cashmere Reg. X 8’ Colors+Design 440 225 $66.70 2’ x 4’2’Army $10 Zen 2$335sqft. 5’9” X -9’ Sovereign Contessa $940 AquaCo 12’ X 10’ Rug Display. Frieze strawbridge $1205’6” X 5’ Cashmere Castle Ground Installation and Trims Extra 12’ X12’ 15’X 15’ $1778 Heavy twist x 4’ Installation $10Beige 245 sqft. 8’6” Environment 450 - Tweed Texture $66.70 Sq.yd. $24.50 Sq.yd. or $2.73 Sq.ft. 3250 sqyd 2 colors: Folk795 Stone - Sterling 50 Coastline and Trims Extra O Heavy twist Aq Coastline 5’6”O X 8’6” Environment Zen Beige 795 450 T 32 sqyd 2 colors: Folk Stone - Sterling 5’9” X 9’ Sovereign Sultana Red $1778 $940 12 X 14’8” Texture featherstone $500 $200 11’3” X T 8’3”3’Circa Maxwell Black/Gold 1500 750 Tonal Charm: Berber$52.40 Sq.yd. $29.00 Sq.yd. or $3.23 Sq.ft. Steel Border 5’3’Circa $20 12’ X12’ 15’X6” LevelLevel loop$100 12 X 14’8” Texture featherstone $200 O 11’3” X x8’3” Black/Gold 1500 Store 750 ! Other Steel Border and$500 Available - Must Visit 1/2 Price xStock 5’ Maxwell $20 15’ 6”$250 loop Shitake Sh Cambridge Manor - Cashmere $66.70 $24.50 Sq.yd. or $2.73 Sq.ft. 5’9” X Price 7’4” VA.Sq.yd. Cavaliers w/border Flooring Specialists More ! G Other Stock Available Must Visit Store 1/2 3 colors: C.Bubble- Cobble Path- Mushroom Cap O Cambridge Manor - Cashmere $66.70 Sq.yd. $24.50 Sq.yd. or $2.73 Sq.ft. G 5’9” X7’5” Va. Cavaliers College Colors 500 250 12’ X12’ 15’X 15’ $372 Heavy texture Split Sp Pe 2 colors: Atrium - Excalibur 12’ X12’ 12’6” LevelLevel loop loop bisque $300$300 $117 $117 x 6’4’Va. $30 $30 College 5’9” 4’ X7’5” Cavaliers 500 5’4” X- Excalibur 7’8” 250 VA. Tech Collegiate $200 Heavy texture 2Colors colors: Atrium X 12’6” bisque 1/2 Price 45 oz45 Smartstrand 50 x 6’ 1/2 Price oz Smartstrand 50 22 sqyd 12’ X12’ 13’3” LoopLoop $600 Ocean 6’Texture Freeform Design Heritage Hall 22$21sqyd Tweed $29.25 Sq.yd. $17.25 Sq.yd. or $1.92 Sq.ft. 50 oz or more - Heavy TextureX 13’3” $1065 Oc Delightful Character12’ X12’ 16’X10” Texture marble $575$575 1 $211 XVN06- Tweed Texture $29.25 Sq.yd. $17.25 Sq.yd. or $1.92 Sq.ft. 5’ x 8’5’ x 8’ $40 $40 XVN06Delightful Character16’ 10” Texture marble 4 Colors: 3 colors: Doeskin Rich Butter Vanilla Shake + 12’ X 13’ Texture Chic or or DoorDoor PrizeNo Purchase Necessary 8’Necessary X 10’- Rich Butter - VanillaOval Log Cabin $750 4 Colors: French Lace - Haze - Spellbound4 -Colors: Silverado 26” $35.00 Sq.yd $15.00 $1.67 Sq.ft. 2 colors: Sand DollarSq.yd. 3 colors: Doeskin Shake Braid 12’ X 13’ $1315Texture Ch PrizeNo Purchase 2 colors: Dollar or$504 20’9” Texture suedeSand $224$224 OrientalGreen 26”$14.99 50 6’ xby9’6’Couistan $59 12’ X12’ 13’X 13’ $875 Heavy texture PintoPin B 5’Berber X 8’ Rectangle Braid Riviera $475 X 20’9” Texture suede $504 5’5” X5’5” 8’6” Crafted. Green12’ X12’ 2 sqft. TonalHand Charm: $52.40 Sq.yd. $28.50 Sq.yd. or $3.17 Sq.ft. Reg. Reg. Ice Crystal Width $59 Heavy texture Ice Crystal $14.99 Orientalby9’Couistan X 8’6” Crafted. 250 So sqft. TonalHand Charm: Berber $52.40 Sq.yd. $28.50 Sq.yd. or $3.17 Sq.ft. Your Hometown Store Much Under One x Roof! Width Oriental-Patterned or Plain 3 colors: Champagne Bubble Lt. Gold Ivory 20 7’6” Round Braid Log Cabin $1 1 13 $600 Oriental-Patterned or Plain 31” 12’ X 14’ Texture Taho 12’ X 16’6” Texture sherwood tan $400 $129 ft. Texture 3 colors: Champagne Bubble - SEPT. 17 - OCT. 28, 2017 Lt. Gold Ivory 33 sqyd Wool with silk highlights. Kerman Design 20 31”Lin. Lin. 12’ X 14’ Texture Ta 12’ X 16’6” sherwood tan $400 $129 The 100% Largest In-Stock Inventory ofhighlights. Carpet, Cobble Path -Kerman Mushroom SEPT. 17 OCT. 28, 2017 ft. 33 sqyd 100% Wool with silk Design Commercial - Level loop or Pattern, Non-zippering $30.00 Sq.yd. $8.50 Sq.yd. up to $15.00 Sq.yd. Cobble Path - Mushroom 7’10” Round Braid Lighthouse Blue $678 $375 Red Red IvoryIvory Width Width 00 x 10’ $89 Red/ Retail Value 1700Texture Area Rugs, 8’ Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, 00 12’ X12’ 15’X7” kalwah $425$425 $189$189 8’Red/ xIvory. 10’ $89 4 colors: Sterling Silver- Calif. ChromePepper’s Pride Ivory. Retail Value 1700 NylonXV N06Proposal: Tweed $23.20 Sq.yd. $12.50 Sq.yd. or $1.39 Sq.ft. 15’ 7” Sculpture Sculpture kalwah Roseberry NylonXV N06Proposal: Texture Tweed $23.20 Sq.yd. $12.50 Sq.yd. or $1.39 Sq.ft. 50 165016 sqyd SPECIAL Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Roseberry 3 colors: Fossil - Grecian Stone - Pottery Visit and Sign up sqyd SPECIAL Patronage 9’ x 12’ $129 3 colors: Vanilla Shake 3 colors: Fossil Grecian Stone Pottery and Sign up 12’ X12’ 10’5” Texture sandVanilla hill hill 9’ x 12’ Visit$129 Shake $350$350 X 10’5” Texture 3 colors: sand or $98 ButterButter 2’4’ Bound Rug with visit ORDER or $98 Matador: Texture $18.90 Sq.yd. $8.75 Sq.yd. or $.98 Sq.ft. $100Size REBATE ON THE PURCHASES Reg. Reg. Rich Rich Bound with visit 12’Free x 12’ $159 Texture Color 84 Matador: Texture $18.90 Sq.yd. $8.75 Sq.yd. or $.98 Sq.ft. $100 REBATE ONFOLLOWING THE FOLLOWING PURCHASES 10’X 10’ LevelLevel loop greyhound $2401 $93 $93 12’Free x 12’2’4’ $159 Rug 100% Wool 13’2” wide ORDER3 Colors: 12’ X12’ 2 colors: Sherwood Tan - Soapstone Size TextureFASHIONS* Co 84 sqft. 50loop Doeskin greyhound $240 Doeskin 2 colors: Sherwood Tan - Soapstone 1 sqft. OF BEAUTIFUL HUNTER DOUGLAS WINDOW 23 sqyd 50 Colors: 12’ X 11’ Texture OF BEAUTIFUL HUNTER DOUGLAS WINDOW Honeyc FASHION Newberry Stripe SilverExtra Sage - Coventry - 3Sahara $80.00 Sq.yd. 23 sqyd $30.00 Sq.yd. or $3.34 Sq.ft. In Stock Warehouse Clearance 100% Wool - 13’ 2” wide $80.00 Sq.yd. $30.00 Sq.yd. or $3.34 Sq.ft. 12’ x 15’ $199 Extra Texture Ho In Stock Warehouse Clearance 100% Wool - 13’ 2” wide $80.00 Sq.yd. $30.00 Sq.yd. or $3.34 Sq.ft. 12’ X 11’ 13’2”13’2” X 13’ Wool coco $700 $200 12’ x 15’ $199 31’X10” Black Vine Newberry Stripe Silver Sage 1 Luminette 2 Pirouette 2 Silhouette 2 Vignette 2 Vigne Flooring Specialists and More 10” Wool coco $700 $200 31’$8.99 25 oz25 NylonAlluring Black Vine width 13’ Newberry Stripe - Silver Sage 12’ X12’ 11’8” Texture 2 Vignetteglacier 1 Luminette 2 Pirouette 2 Silhouette oz NylonAlluring 10% OFF XWindow 11’8” gla2 $8.993-colors: 00 $8.50 Sq.yd. up to $15.00 Sq.yd . - Level loop or Pattern $30.00 Sq. yd. Privacy 12’ x 18’ $249 $249 Commercial Sheer Window Shadings ShadingsTexture Modern Roman Modern 10% OFF 14574 blue Lee$8.75 Highway, Amissville, 20106 LVT LVT Laminate width Polyester w/R2X 3 colors - Dolphin -Red Fog Red -Vine Sugar Sq.yd. or VA $.98Sq.ft. Summer House 00 12’Cookie X12’ 13’9” flblue eck $220 $200 12 $8.50 Sq.yd. up to $15.00 Sq.yd . sqyd Commercial - Level loop or Pattern $30.00 Sq. yd. Privacy 12’ x 18’Hardwood Sheer Window Shadings Window Shadings Modern Roman M Hardwood Laminate Vine 540-937-5500 3-colors: Summer House 12’ X11’2” Berber Foggy X 13’9”Lin.Texture Texture fl eck $220 $200 Non zippering 12 sqyd ft. Shades Shades 12’ X11’2” Berber FoS Non zippering Lin. ft. Visit Us Online: www.earlyscarpet.com Suede Already Shades Red Basket Weave Colors: Beige grey Sterling Silver + Suede Haven Oak Oak Sierra Cherry Already Reg. Red Basket 12’Prices X12’ 13’Weave Frieze $325 Mon - wheat Fri 9 am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10 am to 4 pm or $90 Colors: Beige Cherry grey - Sterling Silver 12’ X12’ 12’7” Commercial StarsSta & or $90 Almost Almost Reg. Carpet Only More Store * Subject to credit approval WeHaven can bindbind or Sierra Visit Taffy XExtra 13’ Selections Frieze wheat $325 One Time- Offer X 12’7” Commercial 34 50 * Subject to credit approval We can or Taffy Installation One TimeOffer EMERGENCY SERVICES 30 PLUS $100 FOR PLUS $50 FOR EACH PLUS $50 FOR EACH PLUS $50 FOR EACH PLUS $25 18 sqyd 34 Roof! Sale Price sqft. 50 ONLY PRICES Available - MORE SELECTIONS AVAILABLE Installation Extra Your Hometown Store So Much1 Under at participating retailers 30 PLUS $100 FOR PLUS $50 FOR EACH PLUS $50 FOR EACH PLUS $50 FOR EACH PP Sqft Right LockLock CARPETCARPET 12’ X 12’ Heavy/Freize Joyful sqyd Sale Price AverageAverage 1One sqft. 3 3 ONLY PRICES Available - MORE SELECTIONS AVAILABLE OVER18 200 IN STOCK Day, Night & Weekends Available stairs take 21 Lin.ft at ADDITIONAL participating retailers Sqft Right 12’ UNIT Heavy/Freize Jo serge any size ADDIONAL UNIT12’ X ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL UNIT ADDITION VISIT STORE EACH OVER 200 IN STOCK stairs take 21 Lin.ft The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, serge any size
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12’ X12’ 11”XPURCHASED Heavy Saxony Blank S NEW! sqft UNIT PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHA 17 2 2Sqft Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood, 11”PURCHASED Heavy Saxony Bla UNIT PURCHASED PURCHASED PURCHASED P Sqft99¢ 99¢ sqft Free Free Smartcushion and vinyl experts. But did you know… Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Smartcushion 15’ X15’ 11”X 11” Texture Bombe 10% OFF Special Orders Texture Bo Other Stock Available 10% OFF Special Orders carpet with with Special OrderOrder Other Stock Available carpet Special 11’9” X 11’4” Berber Oyster Install &Store Early’s Carpet, Inc.Inc. • Highway Route 211211 • Amissville, VA VA WeMust 11’9” X 11’4” Berber Oy See our “New” We Install &Store Early’s Carpet, • Highway Route • Amissville, VisitVisit See our “New” Must Flooring Specialists and More 20% OFF In-Stock Clearance Lowest Retired Take Rte. 211 W toward Washington, VA, pass the stop light at 229 crossroads, 20% OFF In-Stock Clearance Lowest Retired ONLY Take Rte. 211 W toward Washington, VA, pass the stop light at 229 crossroads,Warranty Warranty ONLY ONLY Clean! 1ONLY LOCATION • HIGHWAY 211 W,211 AMISSVILLE, VAWall/Floor Pattern TagTag Price proceed then then approximately 2 miles beyond ALL VINYL Displa We Can Keep Your Your Image 1 LOCATION • HIGHWAY W, AMISSVILLE, VAWall/Floor Pattern Price CONGRATULATIONS! proceed approximately 2 miles beyond ALL VINYL Display! Can Keep Image Clean! What WeWeWe Sell! PHOTO: Woodland Relics , Industrial Tones, EAXWRM5L405X Flooring Specialists and More CONGRATULATIONS! What Sell! PHOTO: Woodland Relics , Industrial Tones, EAXWRM5L405X Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. Early’s Carpet, Inc. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA Home & Office CLEAN Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. REMNANTS + Early’s Carpet, Inc. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA Donna Otullah Culpeper, VA. Home & Office CLEAN No No Re-Orders REMNANTS Donna Otullah Culpeper, VA. 540-937-5500 Take Rte. 211 W toward Washington, VA, pass theONE stop light at 229 Re-Orders Clean 2toward or More Rooms GET FREE Early’s is on is the (211 E.) 540-937-5500 Take Rte. 211 W Washington, VA, pass theONE stop light at 229 Natural Beauty from Angle WEWe CAN Install KEEP YOUR&IMAGE CLEAN! Clean 2 Every or More Rooms GET FREE Early’s onright the right (211 E.) ONLY 1 LOCATION • HIGHWAY 211 W, AMISS crossroads, proceed then approximately 2 miles beyond Warranty Natural Beauty from Every Angle Minimum charges apply. Call for your free quote. Early’s 1/2 PRICE crossroads, proceed then approximately 2 miles We Install & Warranty Over 400400 Rugs Available 3’X5’ Up ToYour 10’ X 14’ Minimum apply.from Call for yourbeyond quote. Xfree Early’s 1/2 PRICE ONLY 1 LOCATION • HIGHWAY 211 W Store So Much Under One 10 Roof! Carpet, Monday Friday 9 am to 5 pm • Saturday am to 4 pm Amissville sign, make-charges U-turn across Rte. 645. 800-870-9098 Over Rugs Available 3’X5’ Up To-Hometown 10’ 14’ & OFFICE X Inc Carpet VCT Vinyl Ceramic Hardwood - Upholstery Carpet, Inc HOME Monday -X Friday 9 am to 5 pm • Saturday 10 am to 4 pm ONLY WhatCLEANING We Sell! Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. 800-870-9098 + Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery 17
You already know we are your hometown carpet
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M-F 9am to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm EMERGENCY SERVICES Day, Night & Weekends Available
Early’s Carpet, Inc.
You already know we are your hometown carpet and vinyl experts. But did you know…
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ONLY What We Sell! Early’s is on the right (211 E.) The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet,Let Pick Sending wall-to-wall best wishes toisArea all our Up and ofEnliven Rugs Available Cleaning the of Wood More Than Your Floor Early’s on the rightRugs (211 E.)2 Just CLEAN OR for MORE ROOMS GETFloor ONE FREE. MINIMUM CHARGES APPLY. CALL-FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE. VisitVisit store bring your sizes! Pick Up Deliver and Deliver of•Enliven Area forYour Cleaning LetWarmth Warmth of Wood More Than Just Monday -the Friday 9 am 5at pm Saturday 10Available am toTransform 4 pm store - bring your sizes neighbors and friends this wall, the carefully crafted textures and tones of are dynamic and show stopping. a4 room from top to bottom with the distinctive Monday - Friday 9toam towood 5joyous pm • Saturday 10 am toTransform pm Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, Hardwood,On thecustomers, On the wall, the carefully crafted textures and tones of wood are dynamic and show stopping. a room from top to bottomUPHOLSTERY. with the distinctivePICK UP AND DELIVERY OF AREA RUGS CARPETVCTVINYLCERAMIC-HARDWOODYour Hometown Store So Much Under One Roof! character and extraordinary beauty of engineered wood from Armstrong Flooring, Inc., naturally beautiful, ruggedly durable, and an ideal solution for an time of year. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure character and extraordinary beauty of engineered wood from Armstrong Flooring, Inc., naturally beautiful, ruggedly durable, and an ideal solution for an on-trend look thatCarpet, will last. Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! Early’s Inc. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA AVAILABLE FOR CLEANING on-trend look thatCarpet, will last. like you! Early’s Inc. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA The Largest In-Stock Inventory of Carpet, serving people Take Rte. 211 W toward Washington, VA, pass the stop light at 229 UNIQUE BENEFITS OF ARMSTRONG FLOORING ENGINEERED WOOD ON pass WALLS Take Rte. 211 W toward Washington, VA, the stop light at 229 UNIQUE BENEFITS OF ARMSTRONG FLOORING ENGINEERED WOOD ON WALLS ONLY 1 LOCATION • HIGHW Area Rugs, Orientals, Vinyl, crossroads, proceed then Hardwood, approximately 2 miles beyond EASY TO CLEAN AND DURABLE ONLY 1 LOCATION • crossroads, EASY TO CLEAN AND DURABLE proceed then approximately 2 miles beyond ✔ Durable urethane coating protects the wood, just as it does on the floor ✘ Most competitors’ planks are susceptible to stains and wear, since Amissville sign, make U-turn across from Rte. 645. Laminate, Ceramic & Remnants! ✔ Durable urethane coating protects the wood, just as it does on the floor ✘ Most competitors’ planks are susceptible to stains and wear, since Amissville across from Rte. 645. ✔ Simply wipe clean to remove dust and debris sign, make U-turnthey have no protective coating ✔ Simply wipe clean to remove dust and debris they have no protective coating Early’s is on the right (211 E.) STRONG AND STABLE Early’s is on the right (211 E.)
Double DipDip Time Double Time Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery Carpet - VCT - Vinyl - Ceramic - Hardwood - Upholstery Receive REBATE from Hunter Douglas Receive REBATE from Hunter Douglas Early’s Carpet, Inc. • Highway Route 211 • Amissville, VA Receive FREE Installation from Early’s Warehouse Specials Receive FREE Installation from Early’s Take Rte.In-Stock 211 W toward Washington, VA, pass the stop light at 229 In-Stock Warehouse Specials Home & Office CLEAN Home & Office CLEAN Clean 2 or More Rooms GET ONE FREE
Clean 2 or More Rooms GET ONE FREE Minimum charges apply. Call for your free quote. Minimum charges apply. Call for your free quote.
Pick Up and Deliver of Area Rugs Available for Cleaning Pick Up and Deliver of Area Rugs Available for Cleaning
- Friday 9 am to 5 pm • Saturday 10 am to 4 pm WeMonday Install & Warranty ONLY What We Sell!
We We Install & & Install Warranty ONLY Warranty ONLY What We We Sell!Sell! What
STRONG AND STABLE ✔ Engineered hardwood is built for stability minimizing unsightly gaps ✘ Most competitors’ planks are less stable, so gaps can show if they ✔ Engineered hardwood is built for stability minimizing unsightly gaps ✘ Most competitors’ planks are less stable, so gaps can show if they
The Largest Monday - Friday 9 am to 5 pm shift • Saturday 10 am to 4 pm • HIGHWAY 211 W, AMISSVILLE, VA between planks after installation Lee Highway, Amissville, VA 20106 ONLY 1 LOCATION lifetime customers between planks shift after installation crossroads, proceed then14574 approximately 2 miles beyond With a limitedOffer Goodwarranty, until December 11,enjoy 2017 Only. 540-937-5500 Good until December 2017 Only. In-Stock INSTALLATION TIPS the benefit of free, Offer lifetime parts for your custom11, INSTALLATION TIPS Make sure your home is holiday ready by ordering beautiful new Install on any level of your home – most engineered hardwood from by ordering beautiful new window treatments.Make sure your home is holiday ready Amissville sign, Hardwood make U-turn from Rte. 645. M-F 9am across to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm Install on any level of your home – most engineered hardwood from Inventory of HunterHunter Douglas window fashions today. Armstrong Flooring can be showcased on the wall in basements, living WPC Laminate LVTLVT EMERGENCY SERVICES Douglas window fashions today. Armstrong Flooring can be showcased on the wall in basements, living WPC Laminate roomsstyles,until or bedrooms alike.* Visit armstrongflooring.com Rebate savingssavings are available on select December 11, 2017 to view antoeasy isHardwood on the (211Available E.) Carpet, Day, right Night & Weekends rooms or bedrooms alike.* Visit armstrongflooring.com view an easy on select 14574 Lee Highway, Amissville,Rebate VA 20106 are availableHow-To For Walls or Bruce Dundee video. styles,until December 11, 2017 AlmostEarly’s
For Walls or
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Cherry Area Rugs, 540-937-5500 know•we are your hometown carpet Floors 12mm width Heaven Monday - Friday 9 am 4” toYou 5already pm Saturday 10 M-F am9amto 4 pm 540-937-5500 Floors 12mm 4” width Heaven to 5 pm ~ Sat 10am to 4pm and vinyl experts. But did you know… Orientals, w/Pad Mocha $3.50 sq.ft. EMERGENCY SERVICES sq. ft. w/PadGift Guide Mocha 99¢ 99¢ $3.50 sq.ft. sq. ft. Vinyl,Day, Night & Weekends Available 2 Harvest Holiday 2019 Walnut Travel Light $5.50 sq.ft. Harvest Walnut Travel Light $3.50 sq.ft.sq.ft. Rich Cherry $3.50
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*Armstrong Flooring Engineered Hardwood tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 and approved for Residential and Class C Commercial uses. Class C = 76 - 200 Flame Spread.
Early’s Carpet, X IEC
Tis the season to support small business
Small-business owners have been in my holiday psyche more these days. As a board member with Be the Change Foundation, we offer classes in the spring and fall for women who are thinking about starting their own businesses or building on an existing one. Each session starts with a local entrepreneur sharing their story. We’ve heard from Lora Gookin from Gateau Bakery Café and Tea Room and Lee Owsley from Latitudes Fair Trade and Sunny Reynolds from Biotrek Adventure Travels and Michelle DeWitt from The Farm Brewery at Broad Run and Cammie Fuller from The Open Book. All of them represent small-business success stories. They are thriving and growing. They are also part of a larger community of small businesses in Virginia numbering nearly 725,000. Small businesses in Virginia employ 1.5 million residents and make up 99.5 percent of all businesses statewide. Our local small businesses are in pretty good company and it speaks volumes. Their success depends on the communities they serve, like ours, buying their products or using their services. Shop Small is a nationwide movement that celebrates small businesses every day and helps communities thrive and stay vibrant. This Saturday, Nov. 30, is a day focused on supporting the small businesses in our community. 2019 marks the 10th annual Small Business Saturday – an idea created by credit card company American Ex-
FROM WHERE I SIT ANITA SHERMAN press during an economic recession. The idea was to bolster small business by targeting the Saturday after Thanksgiving and encourage communities across the country to join in. Each year the movement has grown, as has support for small businesses looking to make their mark. There are obvious benefits to shopping small and shopping local -- like keeping our money closer to home. While Amazon has made it easy to shop online, it can suck the life from small businesses who depend on folks stopping by. I still find it very satisfying to take a stroll on Main Street in Warrenton or Marshall or Davis Street in Culpeper or Old Town Manassas or shops in Middleburg. All part of the Piedmont charm. Every time that you take a yoga class or buy a piece of artwork or jewelry, or decide to dine at Café Torino or Denim and Pearls, Claire’s at the Depot or Field and Main, you’re making a difference. Small acts yield big results. We’re into another holiday season. Christmas decorations have lined the aisles for weeks in some large retail stores. As you’re starting to create your shopping lists and look to find those unique, one-of-a-kind items, keep your local shops in mind. I’d suggest getting out and supporting the people and places that you love this Saturday. And while you’re out there, snap a photo, post pictures and tweets. Use the hashtag #ShopSmall. Consider writing a positive review on Yelp. Be part of a growing movement to preserve and honor our small towns and the places and people in them. It’s a rich and rewarding legacy that we have the power to continue. Merry Christmas and happy shopping. See you on Main Street! Reach Anita Sherman at asherman@fauquier.com
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
From our heart to your home When we asked Brian Noyes at the Red Truck Bakery for a good holiday choice from his latest cookbook, he suggested the Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread Cake. His book, “Red Truck Bakery Cookbook: Gold-Standard Recipes from America’s Favorite Rural Bakery,” now in its second printing, would make a great gift for friends and family if it isn’t already in your collection. You can find copies at either of the Red Truck Bakery locations in Warrenton or Marshall. Enjoy!
Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread Cake Makes one 9-inch cake Ingredients The topping: Nonstick cooking spray Unbleached all-purpose flour, for dusting topping: 4 tablespoons (½ stick) unsalted butter, melted 3 tablespoons packed dark brown sugar 3 tablespoons chopped crystallized ginger 3 ripe medium pears, peeled, halved, and cored For the cake: 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger 2 teaspoons orange zest ½ cup granulated sugar 1¼ cups unbleached all-purpose flour, sifted ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon baking soda ½ teaspoon kosher salt 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground allspice ¼ teaspoon ground or freshly grated nutmeg 2 teaspoons ground ginger ¼ teaspoon ground cloves 2 large eggs ¾ cup buttermilk ½ cup molasses 2 tablespoons canola oil 1. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Coat a 9-inch round cake pan with nonstick spray and dust it with flour, tapping out any excess. To prevent the fruit in the batter from sticking to the pan, line the pan with parchment paper cut to fit and spray the parchment with nonstick spray. 2. Make the topping: Pour the melted butter into the prepared cake pan, tilting it to evenly cover the bottom. Sprinkle the brown sugar and crystallized ginger evenly over the bottom. Holding the pear halves in your palm, slice them lengthwise into ¼-inch-thick slices. Place each half carefully in the pan, rounded-side down, fanning the slices by pressing down. Repeat with each pear half to make a spoke pattern around the pan. 3. Bake for 15 minutes, until the pears look softened and lightly browned. 4. Meanwhile, make the cake: In a small bowl, combine the fresh ginger, orange zest, and granulated sugar and stir with a fork. Let sit for a few minutes to allow the orange and ginger flavors to infuse the sugar. 5. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Add the sugar mixture to the flour mixture. 6. In a separate large bowl, whisk together the eggs, buttermilk, molasses and canola oil. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and stir with a wooden spoon or spatula to combine. 7. When the pears are baked, pour the batter carefully and slowly into the pan over the pears to ensure they maintain their pattern. Bake for 25 to 33 minutes, turning the pan after 15 minutes, until golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Carefully invert the cake onto a large plate or platter and remove the 4
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
parchment. Let cool completely before slicing and serving. “Reprinted from Red Truck Bakery Cookbook. Copyright © 2018 by Brian Noyes. Photographs copyright © 2018 by Andrew Lee Thomas. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC.”
Small town shops offer unique boutiques
Evergreen season
The joy and beauty of a fresh-cut Christmas tree By John Hagarty
Contributing Writer
Artificial Christmas trees are steadily growing in popularity. The first fakes were created some 90 years ago by the Addis Brush Company but did not gain wide acceptance. But since 2004, sales of the imitations in the United States have doubled from nine to 18 million trees. Real trees have held their own during the same period selling about 27 million each holiday season. If you consider there are 36 million more Christmas revelers today than 15 years ago, the artificials are making headway.
It’s understandable.
Artificial trees are now more realistic looking than ever and can “live” for years. The branches are typically made of polyvinyl chloride; think PVC plumbing pipe. And while they cost more initially, amortized over a long-life expectancy they are a good investment. Still, they aren’t the real deal. Folks who walk into a home with a beautifully decorated artificial tree will often know it’s not from Mother Nature’s cupboard. Too perfect. There is also the question of which tree is more environmentally friendly. The pros and cons tend to balance each other out. Many believe cutting a live tree is ecologically harmful but artificial trees made of petroleum-derived plastic will sit in landfills for centuries. Real trees decay in about seven years. Sound arguments prevail on both sides of the issue. There is no right or wrong when Christmas celebrations are in play. Nonetheless, real seems more fun; especially if you can make a family event out of scoring a “needle factory” for the holidays.
During the Roman era, the mid-winter festival Saturnalia saw houses decorated with wreaths, evergreens and other items now associated with modernday Christmas celebrations. The first actual Christmas trees date to medieval times in early modern-day Germany where the populace brought trees into their homes to help celebrate Christmas. Decorations consisted of colored paper, apples, wafers, tinsel and sweetmeats. At the close of the Middle Ages, the Catholic reli-
gious order of monks and nuns called the Cistercians wrote what many consider the oldest reference to the Christmas tree: “On Christmas eve, you will look for a large branch of green laurel, and you shall reap many red oranges, and place them in the branches that come of the laurel and in every orange you shall put a candle …”. The first mention of the Christmas tree in the United States was in 1836 when an article was published describing a German maid decorating her mistress’s tree. Since 1923, a national Christmas tree has been placed on the Ellipse near the White House. The towering evergreen is decorated with 2,500 lights and is lit by the President in early December.
The farm offers hot cider and other refreshments, which customers can enjoy while have their trees netted and tied to their vehicles. Payment can be made by cash, check or credit cards. For a complete list of Christmas tree farms in Fauquier, Culpeper and Prince William counties, and throughout Northern Virginia visit http://www. pickyourownchristmastree.org/VAxmasnorthern. php.
Go local
Given the popularity of the tradition, it’s not surprising Christmas tree farms have sprung up in most rural areas of the country. Typically, these are small businesses that cater to families in search of the holiday icon. It often becomes a ritual to pack up the kids and spend a day in search of the perfect tree. The farms usually offer both pre-cut and cut-yourown trees. However, the joy of visiting these farms is the time spent roaming the properties looking for a live tree that matches a family’s needs. Here in Fauquier County there are four cut-yourown farms: Aboria in Marshall, Hank’s Christmas trees at the Hartland Farm in Markham, KK Christmas Trees in Marshall, and Stribling Trees at Oldacres Farm in Markham. Jim Stribling is the tree farmer at his Oldacres Farm and knows from holiday trees; his parents farmed both the orchard and tree emporium before he accepted the baton as “tree maven” upon their retirement. “This year we’ll be open the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas each weekend from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,” said Stribling. “We have hundreds of Fraser pine and White pine trees that families can choose and cut. Customers can bring their saw, or we’ll provide them one.” Stribling underscores he has a variety of trees, from four feet to more than eight feet high. The taller trees are typically harder to find. His farm grows several thousand trees, with hundreds primed each year for gracing living rooms throughout the Piedmont. Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Capture every holiday moment with these picture-perfect tips Courtesy of McClanahan Camera, Warrenton
• Do not make your group too deep to avoid depth of field or focus issues.
To help you snap pictures you’ll treasure for years to come, try these easy to follow pro tips and enjoy.
Look for distractions
Take charge • Put taller people in the back and shorter people on the sides or kneeling in the foreground. • Ask people to raise their chins. • Coordinate clothing if possible.
Choose the time of day and location • Shade can be better than sun to eliminate shadows but note that it can fool your camera meter. • Consider using fill flash outdoors.
Aim for a broad depth of field • Choose a larger number aperture like f11 to allow for more depth of field or more of the photo to be in focus.
• Make sure necklaces and ties are straight. • See that buttons are buttoned, and hair is in place. • Check all four corners of the frame for distractions.
Get everyone to look at the camera and smile • Take many shots. • Take traditional posed shots as well as creative ones. • Silly shots can break the ice and possibly get the group’s attention.
Fill the frame • Leave a little room on the edges and top and bottom to allow for difference picture sizes. • Keep the original uncropped image and crop for the photo size in mind. Remember 8x10 and 5x7 photos do not have the same proportions.
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
For those quiet Christmas moments Books to enjoy with your children, grandchildren or by yourself By Anita L. Sherman Community Editor
Memory serves me that it was somewhere in my high school years that I became acquainted with O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” Whether true or not, there is rumor that he wrote it hurriedly because he was past deadline. Whether he penned it quickly or not, it’s clear he knew something about great love. This is a short story that begs rereading and the holidays is a perfect time to do so. Della finished her crying and cleaned the marks of it from her face. She stood by the window and looked out with no interest. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a gift. She had put aside as much as she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week is not much. Everything had cost more than she had expected. It always happened like that. Only $1.87 to buy a gift for Jim. Her Jim. She had had many happy hours planning something nice for him. Something nearly good enough. Something almost worth the honor of belonging to Jim. Della and Jim are dealing with dwindling finances. Their respective solutions are bittersweet and endearing. Penned in the early 1900s, it’s a story that continues to resonant through the years, it’s a quick read and a good choice if you’d like to be reminded of simpler times and big hearts. An English teacher in Fauquier County for many years, Eileen Burgwyn, shared her thoughts on a memorable holiday read. “One of my favorites to teach in class is ‘A Christmas Memory,’ by Truman Capote. It’s a short story, set in the Depression. Makes me cry at the end, but the final sentence is one of the best in American literature, in my humble opinion,” said Burgwyn of this classic, first published in 1956. It is an autobiographical recollection of Truman Capote’s rural Alabama boyhood and has become a modern-day classic. Another classic that has found its way into film, plays and musicals is Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.”
Written in 1843, Ebenezer Scrooge’s original story by Hans Christian Anvisits from the three spirits wasn’t the derson, adapted by Christopher Corr. big money maker that Dickens had The quintessential tale of learning to hoped it would be. Sales were good but appreciate what we have. publication costs had been high. But “Merry & Bright: A Keepsake the book remains as popular today as it Journal of Family Christmas was 150 years ago. Through the voice Memories” of Scrooge, Dickens encourages us to This keephonor Christmas in our hearts through- sake journal is out the year. a place to record Sharing a good read with your child or grandchildren carries on the stories precious memothat many of us cherished when we were ries – recipes, children. One such poem is Clement decorating themes, favorite Clarke Moore’s, “A Visit from St. Nich- photos, olas” otherwise known as “The Night Christmas movies, Before Christmas.” It has been immor- and other family tradihearttalized in books and film and wonder- tions – all in a beautiful felt poem about fully illustrated through the years by hardcover with a ribbon marker. “Christmas Feasts & Treats” by Christmas, peace, and the true meaning various artists. He reportedly wrote it for his family on Christmas Eve in 1822 Donna Hay of loving thy neighbor. with no intention that it would be pubYUUUUUMMMMMMMMM. Whether you are revisiting old falished. Later a family friend learned of That’s it. Just yum. vorites or discovering new titles for it and the rest is history. There is some “Amazing Peace: A Christmas yourself, family or friends, the gift question as to the original authorship of Poem” by Maya Angelou of a book is priceless. this now famous poem but, that aside, it There’s a reason her name was “My Reach Anita Sherman at asheris a holiday classic and evokes the most Angel” and it resounds in this elegant, man@fauquier.com wonderful and magical images. Cammie Fuller, one of the owners at The Open Book in Warrenton, has lots of holiday titles to share. Among her favorites are: “The Night of Las Posadas” by Tomie dePaola This is the story of the procession of Las Posadas, the tradition in which Mary and Joseph go from door to door seeking shelter at the inn on Christmas Eve. Celebrated chiefly in Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, and by Hispanics in the United States, Las JUST IN TIME FOR Posadas begins on Dec. 16 and ends onMeditationRings are based on the ancient Tibetan Prayer Wheels. The practice of turning the pra Our wheel helps increase good karma and purify negative thoughts. Based upon these same principles ou Dec. 24. MeditationRings are designed to have one or several outer bands that you can physically spin aroun “The Christmas Miracle of Jonathe actual ring, this is said to bring the wearer good luck and fortune and a sense of serenity and pea NEW Marahlago Larimar than Toomey” by Susan Wojciechowski This lyrical tale about the loneliness and grief of the season when spent alone may just open your heart and help you see that miracles can be found in the simple act of reaching out to those around you. “How to Hide a Lion at Christmas” by Helen Stephens This story is so cute! Little Iris is sad when she has to leave her lion for Christmas, but her lively lion just can’t stay away from his favorite friend. 524 Fletcher Dr, Warrenton, VA 20186 • (540) 341-8840 • warrentonjewelers.com “The Little Fir Tree,” from an Holiday Gift Guide 2019 13
welcome to meditation rings
more than a jewelry store
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Take a stroll on Davis Street and shop small this season.
Culpeper: heart and home on Davis Street
2019 edition of Liz’s List: Home for the Holidays
There is a saying that comes to mind as I dream of the season ahead. One that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside: “Home for the Holidays.” The feeling of forever-lasting hugs from Grandma, unbreakable traditions, timeless and familiar decor, comforting aromas, and of course, obligatory family photos; all bring the soothing sense of home. What makes “home” for small business? The traditional collection sold year after year, favorited by all, or the service and smiles received by customers from passionate employees, or the aromatic experience you enjoy when visiting their shop. Experience the heart and home
of downtown Culpeper this holiday season with this suggested guide. It’s a listing of opportunities where the spirit of “Home for the Holidays” can be found and enjoyed … and it wouldn’t be Liz’s List if it weren’t $25 or less. Enjoy!
cessories, these products’ positive vibe will not only adorn your home
Classic bakery: Baking the classics has always been the goal at Knakal’s. The sweet, fresh aroma of their infamous glazed doughnuts speaks real comfort, and much of the town knows a little wait in line is well worth it. Ready your home for the holidays with the famous aroma of this downtown bakery. A dozen doughnuts for brunch, $6.95. 146 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-825-8181.
notable style and holiday fun, festive magnets ($16) with heritage designs are sure to add spirit to all those family pictures on the fridge. Paired with a classic matchbox ($8) to light the evergreen candles, your holiday spirit will erupt. Enjoy spirited findings all throughout this season with the welcoming team and socially responsible boutique downtown. 141 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-829-6378.
this holiday but share inspiration and laughter with all. Flour sack towel, $11. 163 E. Davis St. Contact: chikpeafx@gmail.com.
Green Roost
Green gift shop: With an eco-conscious heart and soul, your home will approve of the “kind-to-the-earth” gifts found at Green Roost. Adding
A gal’s happy place: When Mom
Please join us for the 2019 Holiday Season. Le Monkey House
Original design house: A home full of inspiration and laughter sounds like a home to spend the holidays in. Embrace your houseguests with the witty and traditional designs of Le Monkey House, and you will guarantee chuckles. From apparel, to wall art, to kitchen ac-
Incredible Belgian and American chocolates, French pastries and great gift ideas for friends and family.
T he F renchman ’ s Corner thefrenchmanscorner.com 540.825.8025
129 E. Davis St., Ste. 160, Culpeper, VA
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
shop and dine with us this holiday season
SAUCES& NOODLES& OLIVES& WOOD& CERAMICS... The first CBD shop in Culpeper County, specializing in only products derived or made from Hemp. We have everything from oils, topicals, edibles and lots more! Please stop in, there is always someone here to assist you to select the appropriate product to fit your needs.
146 N. MAIN STREET | CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-321-4341 16
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Shop in-store or online at tasteovs.com!
815 Caroline Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 540 . 373 . 1262
202 East Davis Street Culpeper, VA 22701 540 . 825 . 8415
and sis come to town, the shopping spirit is sure to come alive when visiting the charming and stylish downtown gift boutique, Pepperberries. Welcoming spirit and cheerful displays accompanied by a rich sense of community support, that home sweet home vibe of Culpeper is sure to be found within these walls. Stocking stuffers starting at $2. 102 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-829-2290.
will feel the holiday spirit here. Santa’s cookie tray this year will need to include the decadent molasses goods baked with spirit. $0.95 each. 254 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-317-5862. Hi, I’m Liz Linski; a Maryland native, until I found myself attending a picturesque southern Virginia school, and falling in love with a good ole’ Virginia boy. Who knew I had a little southern charm flowing through my veins. I could not be prouder to call Culpeper my home now; a home I share with my husband, a baby on the way, and our similarly outgoing GSP pup! I could
your guests over the holiday season. Wood-fired pizzas start at $10 ($5 special on Mondays) 134 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-825-1011.
not be more excited to share with y’all the unique charm our town has to share. Enjoy!
CUPCAKES • CHOCOLATE • FUDGE 162 East Davis Street, Culpeper, Virginia 22701
The place to bee!
Décor destination: A tradition close to my heart is gifting an ornament to family -- one with personality, originality and date, of course, is a must during the holiday season. Visit Homeconomics, the downtown destination for home accents and trending furnishings to find a most perfect ornament that speaks to you. A character-filled find touching my heart this year is a Baby’s First Christmas ornament to adorn the family tree. Pictured $16.95. 155 E. Davis St. Contact: 540-764-4620.
• Featuring local honey • Housewares and Linens
Thyme Market
European kitchen: What kitchen does the aroma of crusty French bread and fresh herbs bring you back to? Captivate your senses with one of downtown’s favorite casual dining spots, Thyme Market, and fulfill your desires of home. Samples set to tempt your taste buds and an endless supply of wood-fired pita chips and signature pizzas will surely bring comfort of home to you and
Amy & Brian Hicks 540-812-2491
Moving Meadows
A farmer’s bakery: Opening the door of your childhood home fulfills that home for the holiday’s sensation; and that is true to the welcoming feeling when visiting Moving Meadows bakery downtown. Built on a foundation of family and nutrient rich goods, your heart and taste buds
New items: t-shirts, chocolates, more honey, and oh so many great gift ideas, don't forget our live bee hive!
236 E. Davis St., Culpeper VA
703-975-2966 • labeedaloca@gmail.com
www.labeedaloca.com Like us on Facebook!
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Holiday Happenings Compiled by Coy Ferrell Bull Run Festival of Lights Sponsored by NOVA Parks, visitors can drive through 2.5 miles of illuminated holiday displays at Bull Run Regional Park. At the terminus of the route they can enjoy a holiday village that features rides, refreshments and Santa Claus. $20 per vehicle Nov. 22-Dec. 13, Dec. 30Jan. 5 ---- $25 per vehicle Dec. 7-29 Visit www.novaparks.com/events/bullrun-festival-of-lights
Saturday, Nov. 30
Santa Walk to open Gum Drop Square Hosted by Experience Old Town Warrenton, Santa will meet children on the sidewalk at the corner of fifth and Main Street and walk down to the John Barton Payne Building to open Santa’s Workshop at Gum Drop Square. Children will be able to visit with Santa and purchase gifts from Santa’s Workshop after the walk. Note that Gum Drop Square is opening
a week before the parade since the parade is a week later this year. 3 to 5 p.m. Walk is at 3 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 1
Santa’s Workshop at Gum Drop Square Held in the John Barton Payne Building, Gum Drop Square is host to Santa’s Secret Workshop. Santa will be on hand for photo-ops and hearing your wish list! (Take your own photo with Santa, or have a photo taken for a cash donation). Children can shop for family gifts at the workshop with the help of happy elves. Sunday, Dec. 1 from 1-3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6 immediately following the parade until 9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. plus pet photos with Hungry Like the Wolf from 3-4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13 from 6-9 p.m. Main Street open to pedestrian traffic only, stores stay open late. Visit www. oldtownwarrenton.org/gumdropsquare The Nutcracker Tea The cast of “The Nutcracker,” from The Lasley Centre Performing Arts Company, will talk about the story behind the ballet and perform select
Bull Run Festival of Lights vignettes during a sophisticated themed experience. The menu is prepared by Gâteau Bakery Café and Tea Room. Held at Gloria Faye Dingus Music Alliance. Three seatings: 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 3 p.m. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Children $28/ Adults $35.
Friday, Dec. 6
Warrenton Christmas Parade Hosted by Experience Old Town Warrenton, this popular holiday tradition brings the community
Country Shoppes of Culpeper Christmas Open House Saturday December 7th * 10-5 pm
together to kick off the season and enjoy numerous floats, bands and much more as they process down Old Town’s Main Street. The parade concludes with a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Afterward, the mayor illuminates the town’s official Christmas tree on the courthouse steps. 6 p.m. Main Street, Warrenton (Sixth & Main through Courthouse Square down Waterloo to Ashby Street) Free. Visit www. warrentonchristmasparade.com
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Fresh Christmas Wreath Decorating Class 12/ 14/ 19 2-4 pm Boxwood Tree Decorating Class 12/ 15/ 19 2-4 pm
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
• • • • • • •
Fresh Wreaths Delivery to local cemeteries Locally grown poinsettias Unique gift selections many locally made Collectible Christmas ornaments His & Hers Liquor & wine filled chocolates (Locally made) Use promo code ftxmas2019 & save 15%
Stories in the Park Hosted by Warrenton Bible Coalition, immediately following the Warrenton Christmas Parade, attendees are invited to walk a winding luminary path, enjoy a live nativity, refreshments and caroling and listen to biblical readings about the birth of Jesus at Eva Walker Park. Free. Christmas in Middleburg Three days of festivities in and around Middleburg are kicked off by the lighting of the Middleburg Christmas tree on Friday evening, followed by the singing of carols. Activities are planned for all of Saturday, the most popular of which are the Middleburg Hunt and Hounds Review and the Christmas Parade: both process down Washington Street. Sunday features a live Christmas pageant at Foxcroft School. Friday, Dec. 6 – tree lighting at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7 – hunt and hounds review at 11 a.m., parade at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 – live animal pageant at 2 p.m. at Foxcroft School $20 per vehicle to park Visit www.christmasinmiddleburg.org Christmas is coming! The Warrenton Chorale will perform at the Warrenton United Methodist Church. Friday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Saturday,
Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. $15 adults/$5 kids
Saturday, Dec. 7
Bealeton Christmas Parade Hosted by Southern Fauquier Business Owners Association, parade begins in front of the Bealeton library, processes down Station Drive, continues down Village Center Drive, turns onto Willow Drive and ends in front of Aspen Way. 1 p.m. Visit www.sofauquierbusiness.org/ christmas-parade.html Santa at the Caboose Sponsored by Fauquier Parks & Rec and Friends of Warrenton, Santa Claus will be taking visitors in Warrenton’s vintage railroad caboose at the Warrenton Branch Greenway, and there will be cookies, hot chocolate, music and more. Santa will bring his mailbox so children can mail their letters to the North Pole. 5 to 7 p.m. Free. Visit www. facebook.com/events/warrentonbranch-greenway/santa-at-thecaboose/325169481650498/ Christmas 1862 Sponsored by the Manassas Battlefield Trust, Manassas National Battlefield Park, visitors will be immersed in Christmas traditions from the Victorian era, including caroling, refreshments and holiday treats. Held
at The Stone House at Manassas Battlefield. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free, but advance registration requested Excell Dance Holiday Performance Numerous classes from Excell Dance Studio will perform in special holiday event that spans genres from ballet to hip hop to ballroom. This event will also feature a performance by professional dance company Ash & Elm. Held at Gloria Faye Dingus Music Alliance. 1 p.m. $10 for adults / $5 for children. Date and time may change
Sunday, Dec. 8
Culpeper Christmas Parade Sponsored by the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office and held on Main Street, this hometown event features an array of floats, marching bands, and nativity scenes. The final float will bring Santa Claus himself down the street. 5:30 p.m. Visit www.culpepersheriffsoffice.com/ christmas-parade Christmas in Little Washington Sponsored by the Town of Washington, fun starts with a parade down Main Street and an artisan’s market in the historic town center. This year’s theme is “Christmas at the Movies.”Parade starts at 1:30 p.m. Artisans Market 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit www.facebook.com/Christmas-InLittle-Washington-420015704775771/
Thursday, Dec. 12
Holiday Sing-A-Long with Peter McCory. Sponsored by Fauquier Parks and Rec, and especially geared towards prekindergarteners, this event features popular local children’s performer and one-man-band Peter McCory who will invite the kids to sing, dance, clap and stomp along to holiday musical favorites. Kids are invited to bring their own rhythm instrument. Tickets are available in advance at the Marshall Community Center – the event may sell out and tickets are not guaranteed on the day of the event. 10 a.m. $7 per person
Saturday, Dec. 14
Nokesville Christmas Parade Hosted by Friends Uniting Nokesville, this eighth annual parade will travel through the middle of town, and Santa Claus will be in attendance. Wagon rides back and forth from Nokesville School to the parade site will be available. 4 p.m. Email Dona for more information at dona.swanson@gmail.com Civil War Christmas & Concert Sponsored by Prince William Historic Preservation Foundation, visitors will be able to interact with CivilWar soldiers to learn about holiday customs from the mid-nineteenth century. Civil War Santa will be there as well. After a holiday performance by the Brentsville District High School Choir, visitors are invited to sing carols with the choir around a campfire. Held at the Brentsville Courthouse Historic Centre. 5 to 8 p.m. (concert at 7 p.m.) Free. Visit www.visitpwc.com/event/ civil-war-christmas-%26-concerts-atbrentsville/2812/
Monday, Dec. 16
Music for the Holly-Days Sponsored by the Fauquier Community Band and held at Fauquier High School, this free event features lots of favorite holiday music. 7 p.m. Free. Holiday Gift Guide 2019 19
HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Get a flavor of our community and a night out on us. Enjoy appetizers, dinner, dessert and beverages. Choose your Thursday. December 5th or 19th RSVP to (703) 468-2750
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Prince William
Knock out your shopping list from a host of local merchants.
Day-long family-friendly celebration of the season WinterFest in Occoquan is Dec. 14 Staff Reports The Town of Occoquan will participate in the fifth annual WinterFest event on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 2 to 7 p.m. in Historic Occoquan. WinterFest in Occoquan is fun for the whole family! Visitors will enjoy heart-warming fire pits with marshmallow roasting, sing holiday carols with the Woodbridge Community Choir, sample free hot chocolate, and so much more! Santa Claus arrives via boat at Mamie Davis Park at 2 p.m. and will be escorted to town hall where he will sit for photos until 4 p.m. when the other WinterFest festivities begin. Visitors are invited to browse the town’s unique shops, boutiques, galleries, restaurants, and cafes to experience all that Occoquan has to offer. Many businesses will be open late for visitors to complete their holiday shopping.
celebrity at Hitchcock Paper Co. •Try some hot cider at Patriot Scuba. •View the entries to the Occoquan Gingerbread contest at town hall! WinterFest is a daylong familyfriendly celebration of the winter season that highlights multiple destinations with entertainment, food, and activities for all ages in the Lorton-Occoquan-Lake Ridge region. WinterFest begins with Santa’s Lake Ridge Parade on Harbor Drive in Lake Ridge at 11a.m., followed by a holiday arts market at Tackett’s Mill until 2 p.m. Occoquan’s holiday activities run from 4 to 7 p.m., and the Workhouse Arts Center’s Second Saturday Art Walk from 6 to 9 p.m. The Town of Occoquan offers free, off-site shuttle service between the VDOT lot at Va 123 and Occoquan between 2 and 7 p.m. For more information, visit www. occoquanva.gov or contact Julie Little, Events and Community Development Director, at 703-491-2168 or jlittle@occoquanva.gov.
Christmastime in historic Occoquan is a magical adventure offering lots of memories for the entire family.
Start a Family Tradition -Rekindle an Old OnePut a Train Under the Tree
Toy Trains & Collectibles
Hours Mon-Fri 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm
What should be on your WinterFest checklist?
•A visit with Santa! •Warm yourself and toast marshmallows over a fire pit. •Enjoy the Dunbar Saxophone Quartet’s performance at town hall. •Sing along with the Woodbridge Community Choir as they carol throughout town. •Sample some roasted chestnuts at Gift & Gather. •Warm up with some hot chocolate at Tastefully Yours. •Find your favorite children’s activities throughout town. •Pick up gourmet s’more fixings at the Ballywhack Shack. •Puzzles on the Porch at Puzzle Palooza, Etc. •Snag a caramel apple or cookie at The Pretentious Gourmet. •Attend the book signing of a local
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Holidays bring out the best of the arts By Debra Smyers
Contributing Writer
The arts have a way of making holidays extra special; events become part of traditions year after year. Artistic light displays, musical theater, concerts, ballets, exhibits, stories and books all add to the enjoyment of the holiday season. The festive events are ones that are looked forward to all year. Enjoy experiencing the arts during the holidays, cherishing old traditions, and creating new ones with friends, family and the community.
on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. Ticket prices are adults $22, seniors $20, and youth $18. To reserve tickets and for more information, visit www.FCTstage.org or call 540-349-8760.
Sky Meadows State Park
The community is invited to enjoy Sky Meadows’ Holiday Open House on Saturday, Nov. 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 11012 Edmonds Lane, Delaplane. Sky Meadows’ Historic Area comes alive with the sights, sounds and smells of the holidays with costumed interpreters. Visit each of the houses in the park’s Historic Area and discover how the people who called Sky Meadows “home”
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical”
This musical comedy is presented by Fauquier Community Theatre at the Vint Hill Theatre on the Green, 4225 Aiken Drive, Warrenton, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from Nov. 29 to Dec. 15. The show is set in the early ’60s and adapted from Barbara Robinson’s classic story about the unruly children in the Herdman family. Performances are at 7:30 p.m.
celebrated the holidays from 1843 to 1943. Cost is $7 car for park entrance fee. Children and families can also stop by to visit Santa and have photos taken for a donation to the Friends of Sky Meadows.
“A Nutcracker Tea”
Join members of the cast of “The Nutcracker” from The Centre Performing Arts Company for a magical Tea Party. Hosted by Experience PHOTO COURTESY OF EXPERIENCE OLD TOWN WARRENTON. Old Town Warrenton, Lasley Centre for the reserved here: www.insidenovatix. Performing Arts, and Gloria Faye com/events/A-Nutcracker-Tea-ThreeDingus Music Alliance, there will be Seatings-12--1-2019. three tea times of 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 1. The “A Chanticleer Christmas” festive themed tea will be prepared A Chanticleer Christmas concert by the Gâteau Bakery and Tea Room will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1, at and served at the Gloria Faye Dingus 4 p.m. at the Hylton Performing Music Alliance, 92 Main St., Suite Arts Center, 10960 George Mason 104 in Old Town Warrenton. There Circle, Manassas. The music is a are both adult and children’s menus. festive program of Gregorian chant, Ticket prices are $28 for children and $35 for adults and may be Renaissance motets, gospel melodies
Celebrate the Holidays at the Hylton Center! Chanticleer
A Chanticleer Christmas Sunday, Dec. 1 at 4 p.m.
American Festival Pops Orchestra
Natalie MacMaster & Donnell Leahy
Holiday Pops: Songs of the Season
A Celtic Family Christmas Sunday, Dec. 8 at 4 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 13 at 8 p.m.
Family Friendly
Family Friendly
Children and youth through grade 12 may get half-price tickets for any Hylton Presents event.
TICKETS 703-993-7759 or HyltonCenter.org
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Hylton Presents Holiday Performance Series Sponsor
Hylton Presents Season Sponsor
The Hylton Center is located in Manassas on the SciTech Campus of George Mason University, just 4 miles south of I-66 via exit 44.
articulated by Langston Hughes’ poetic narrative, scripture, diverse music genres, and evocative dance.” This performance is family friendly and tickets for reserved seating range in price from $25 to $35. For tickets and additional information, visit www. hyltoncenter.org or phone the box office at 703-993-7759.
and Christmas carols. Tickets range from $33 to $55. To reserve tickets and for more information, visit www. hyltoncenter.org.
2019 Annual Messiah Sing-A-Long
On Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m., students from Osbourn Park, Patriot, and Brentsville district high schools will come together under the direction of Osbourn’s choir director, Dominick Izzo, for their annual Messiah Sing-A-Long. An all-student choir and orchestra with professional soloists perform Handel’s timeless masterpiece at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 seniors (65 and older), $5 children and youth (ages 5-17), and free (ages 4 and under). Reserve seats at www.hyltoncenter.org.
Warrenton annual Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting
It is the 33rd year of this community parade with hundreds of participants. Floats, cars, firetrucks, bands, dancers, musicians, all make their way to the courthouse for the tree lighting on Main Street in Warrenton’s Historic District. The parade takes place on Friday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m.
“Langston Hughes’ Black Nativity”
The Creative and Performing Arts Center presents the musical, “Langston Hughes’ Black Nativity” on Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hylton Center on George Mason’s Manassas campus, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas. The show is described as “a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ wrapped in a modern and soul-stirring classic. More than just a musical, this joyous theater experience depicts Christmas through the lens of African-American culture,
Warrenton Chorale presents a festive holiday concert on Dec. 5, 6, and 7 at Warrenton United Methodist Church, 341 Church St., Warrenton. Thursday and Friday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday’s concert is at 3 p.m. The event will introduce the chorale’s new artistic director Mary DeMarco Roland. Performances include The Warrenton Chorale with the Velocity Handbell Ensemble and the P.B. Smith Elementary Honor Choir. Tickets available at the door or at participating merchants: adults are $15 and youth K-12 are $5. For ticket venues and other information go to: www.warrentonchorale.org
“Story Time”
Manassas Symphony Orchestra presents a family concert on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 3:30 p.m. with three timeless stories: “Jack and the Beanstalk,” “Twas the Night Before Christmas” and “Peter and the Wolf” narrated by special guests. George Pekarsky, concertmaster of the American Youth Philharmonic, will perform Sarasate’s “Carmen Fantasy.” An Indoor “Light and Music Show Spectacular” is the finale of the concert which takes place at the Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas. Tickets prices are $20 adults; $16 seniors (62 +), active and retired military, and educators; free for students (through college). Order tickets online at www.hyltoncenter.
Manassas Ballet Theatre: “The Nutcracker” org. For more information call the box office at 703-993-7759.
Santa at the Caboose
Join in the fun on Dec. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. with a visit with Santa Claus in Warrenton’s vintage railroad caboose. Sing along with the carolers and enjoy refreshments of cookies, hot chocolate, and roasted marshmallows. Children are reminded to bring any letters to Santa as there will be a Santa mailbox on site which serves as a great photo opportunity. Enjoy the fun at the caboose located on the Warrenton Branch Greenway off of Fourth Street behind the restaurant Claire’s at The Depot.
“The Nutcracker”
The Lasley Centre for the Performing Arts in conjunction with the Centre Performing Arts Company is pleased to present its seventh annual fulllength production of “The Nutcracker” for the 2019 holiday season. The performances are on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. and on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 4 p.m. at Fauquier High School, 705 Waterloo Road, Warrenton. Tickets are $25 for adults, and $20 for seniors age 65 and older and children under 12 years of age. All tickets at the door will be $30. To reserve tickets, visit www.lasleycentre.com or www. centrecompany.org. For additional information, call 540-905-8311.
“Langston Hughes’Black Nativity”
Enjoy 70 voices in a Christmas Concert on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. and Sunday Dec. 8 at 4 p.m. at Culpeper
Baptist Church, 318 S. West St., Culpeper. The concert is free, and no tickets are required. Free will donations will be gratefully accepted. For more information, visit www.brcsings.com.
“Breakfast with Clara”
Hosted by Ordway Conservatory of Classical Ballet and Ordway Conservatory Youth Ballet, the public is invited on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to meet cast members from “The Nutcracker.” i Activities include crafts and photo booths. The event is free. Space is limited and advance reservations are required either through the Facebook event or by calling 703-791-4500. The event will take place at Ordway Conservatory at 13456 Dumfries Road, Manassas. Ballerinas greet guests as they arrive for “Breakfast with Clara.”
“Handel’s Messiah”
Piedmont Symphony Orchestra presents a holiday traditional concert on Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. at the Highland Center for the Arts, 597 Broadview Ave., Warrenton. Vocalists include Emily Casey and Nakia Verner, as well as members of The Reston Chorale. The rarely heard Vivaldi Triple Violin Concerto will be performed by Concertmaster H. Lee Brewster, Associate Concertmaster Jason Labrador and Principal Second Violin Matthew Gattuso. Tickets are for reserved seating: $30 for seniors, $35 for adults, youth 18 and under free. For more information, visit www. piedmontsymphony.org. Holiday Gift Guide 2019 23
Holiday Gift Guide 2019
“A Celtic Family Christmas”
Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy from Cape Breton along with their seven children will perform Celtic music, lively step dancing and heartwarming family stories on Sunday, Dec. 8, at 4 p.m. at Hylton Performing Arts, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas. Tickets range from $33 to $55 and may be reserved at www.hyltoncenter.org or by phoning the box office at 703-993-7759. A pre-performance discussion begins in Merchant Hall one hour prior to the performance.
Bealeton Library Annual Holiday Program
On Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 5 to 8 p.m., join in the festive activities including making crafts, visiting with Santa, caroling and enjoying the Christmas tree lighting. The event talks place at the Bealeton Library, 10877 Willow Drive, Bealeton. Children will receive a book as a gift from Santa. The event is free. Space is limited and registration is required. Lighting of the tree and caroling takes place at 6 p.m. Call 540-422-8500 to register and for more information.
“Holiday Sing-a-Long with Peter McCory”
Fauquier County Parks & Recreation presents this very entertaining “one-man band and singer” on Dec. 12 from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Marshall Community Center, 4133-A Rector Road. Peter McCory performs for kids, who love the sing-a-long, dancing, clapping, and laughing good time. Tickets are $7 either payable at the door or available in advance at Marshall Community Center, 4133A Rectortown Road, Marshall. (Tickets are not available online for this event.) For additional information call 540-422-8580.
“Living Christmas Tree”
Warrenton United Methodist Church
presents this 19th annual event of holiday sights and sounds adding some new artistic dimensions. Performance dates are Dec. 12 and 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 14 and 15 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. While the event is free, a limited number of select tickets in a special reserved section will be available at each performance for $10. Free and select tickets are available on a first come, first served, basis online from the church website at www. warrentonumc.org or directly at www. lct2019.org. For questions, email lct@ warrentonumc.org or call the church at 540-347-1367, ext. 125. Warrenton United Methodist Church is located at 341 Church St., Warrenton.
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at the Hylton Center at George Mason in Manassas. Performances at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. “Clara’s Christmas” is the inspiring interpretation of the traditional ballet, “The Nutcracker.” Back by popular demand, also on the program is Handel’s “Messiah” choreographed by Robin Conrad Sturm. This performance is family friendly. Tickets: $30 adults; $20 seniors (65+), children (12 years and younger
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Manassas Ballet Theatre: “The Nutcracker”
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“Clara’s Christmas/ Vivaldi’s Autumn & Winter” “A Charlie Brown Christmas” Prince William Little Theatre presents this classic about how Charlie Brown accepts Lucy’s challenge to direct the school Christmas pageant and the search for the true meaning of the season. Performances run from Dec. 13 to Dec. 22 on Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. The show takes place at the Gregory Family Theater in the Hylton Performing Arts Center, 10960 George Mason Circle, Manassas. For more information and the link to purchase tickets, visit www.pwlt.org.
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
Ordway Conservatory of Classical Ballet and Ordway Conservatory Youth Ballet presents a production of “The Nutcracker” that also has children in the audience join in. Director Sara Ordway said, “During act one, children in the audience will be invited up on stage to join Clara and her friends. Each year there is a new interactive feature.” There are two performances on Sunday, Dec. 15 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Colgan High School, 13833 Dumfries Road, Manassas. Tickets range from $10 to $15 and may be purchased at www.ordwayballet.com. For additional information, call 703-791-4500.
“Clara’s Christmas/ Vivaldi’s Autumn & Winter” Asaph Dance Ensemble presents Clara’s Christmas/Handel’s Messiah on Dec. 15
Northern Virginia’s popular production of “The Nutcracker” returns in a festive holiday celebration. Performances Dec. 18 to 23 at Hylton Performing Arts Center.
Visit with Santa Fauquier Library invites children for a Visit with Santa on Dec. 17 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 11 Winchester St. in historic Old Town Warrenton. Children will enjoy time with Santa, holiday activities, and Christmas stories. Give the gift of reading. For more information, visit: www.fauquierlibrary.org.
“Bethlehem Walk and Living Nativity” Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 8213 Linton Hall Road, Gainesville, presents a free event for the whole family to enjoy in a time travel back to the birth of Jesus Christ. The event takes place on Thursday, Dec. 19 and Friday, Dec. 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. For those who would like to volunteer in helping with the event, email Margi Loesel at religioused@holytrinityparish.net. Families enjoy being part of the Bethlehem Walk.
Bethlehem Walk and Living Nativity
Coping with
Coping with
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540-349-5814 DATES TO REMEMBER: Surviving the Holidays Celebrating Thursday, NovemberChristmas 14, 2:30 – 4 p.m.with SCSM Healing1,Grief Saturday, December 3-5& the pm,Holidays Warrenton Community Center, 430 E. ShirleyThursday, Ave., Warrenton and the Christmas Tree Lighting December 12, 2:30 – 4 p.m. ceremony, caroling, Claus immediately following Healingand Grief &Santa the Holidays atGriefthe SCSM Center, 76 W Shirley Ave., Warrenton. Christmas support groups take place at the office of Hospice of the Piedmont, celebration to1200 honor heroes and the memory of loved Sunsetpersonal Lane, Suite 2320, Culpeper ones. Lights for a donation of $10 each can be dedicated to Sunday, December 8, 1 p.m. remembering someone special. Pictures with Santa Claus. This Memorial Illumination Ceremony, Country Club of Culpeper, 2100 Club Road, Culpeper, VAand free. isCountry non-denominational SPIRITUAL CARE SUPPORT MINISTRIES 540-349-5814 www.scsm.tv Surviving the Holidays Sunday, November 20, 3 – 4:30 pm SCSM Center, 76 W. Shirley Ave, Warrenton Our Surviving the Holidays program is designed to help anyone grieving the death of a loved one navigate the many emotions they may face throughout the holiday season.
WARRENTON • December 1, 2018, 1-3pm: Earth Glaze Celebrating Christmas with SCSM and Fire FREE Ornament Painting Saturday, December 7, 3 – 5 pm for Holiday Support Warrenton Community Center Roxanne Woodward at aged 7 and up. To register contact 430 E. Shirley Ave, Warrenton 703-957-1867 Christmas Celebration to honor personal heroes and the memory of loved ones. Light17, refreshments be provided. December 3 & Copingwillwith the Holidays Bereavement We will have the reading of the Christmas Story and Santa Claus will be there for pictures. FREE Support Group at Fauquier Hospital from 1-2:30pm Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony and caroling immediately following at the SCSM Center. for anyone experiencing difficulty with the holiday adults. programs are NoBoth registration necessary. non-denominational and free. December 9, a Coping with the Holidays Evening Meal All services grief supportGroup groups areat available at no chargeRestaurant to anyone in our service andandSupport McMahon’s fromarea, 6-8pm. regardless of whether you lost a loved one under the care To register contact Roxanne Woodward at of Hospice of the Piedmont. 703-957-1867 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 540-718-5323.
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019
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Holiday Gift Guide 2019