Dreamtown Journal vol. 1 - Mbare Community Profile

Page 28


TRADE is one of the main pillars of the economy in Mbare. The country’s

largest farm produce market, the Mbare Musika, is in Mbare. The market provides fresh farm produce for commercial and household use. This forms the economic base for a large amount of people in the community. Furthermore, there is a Curio market, a flea market(Mupedzanhamo) and endless informal markets. Young people from Mbare also use this space as a basis for other informal labour such as luggage carriers and vendors. A number of young entrepreneurs are engaged in different trades including carpentry, sculpturing, welding, motor mechanics and basket weaving among other trades in the Siyaso home industry. However, these young people face barriers such as lack of adequate work spaces, lack of protective clothing, limited markets for their products and lack of finance to expand and formalize their enterprises. Inspite of their hard work to make a living through various informal trading and entrepreneurship, people in Mbare consider poverty a permanent feature due to neglect by the government and council. Harare and Bulawayo Community Profile, Safe and Inclusive Cities, Plan International, 2019


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