DV News November 2007

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Zurich Home Show 2007 Digital Unterhaltungs, DreamVision’s distributor in Switzerland, enjoyed a great success with his static red DreamBee at the last show in Zurich (oct07) and was also rewarded with «Best Demo Room» of the show. Contact: carlo@digitalcom.ch

Cedia Australia 2007 DreamBee was making the buzz on the most important AV exposition in Australia, held in Gold Coast, 26-28 JUL. 07. A static product was visible on Synergy Audio’s booth and another unit was demonstrated in a private room for Synergy’s dealers. The show has generated much interest in the DreamBee. Contact: info@synergyaudio.com

AVA Expo Jo’Burg 2007 Looks like a home cinema room under construction and yes it is! AVSpecialists, DreamVision distributor in South Africa, and Unlimited Audio, a famous dealer/ CI, purposedly reproduced this ambiance and they did well. First, they got the «Best Specialist Stand» award and secondly they saved a lot of time building and tidying up the booth. francois.vr@avspecialists.co.za

The Financial Times, the world’s leading newspaper, features the DreamVision DreamBee in a special one-off ‘interiors’ edition of its sumptuous ‘How To Spend It’ magazine, which is part of the FT Weekend edition. This is the perfect platform for luxury products like the DreamBee, with the average FT reader having an income of £147,932 and one in ten being a millionaire. (October 2007 cover date). The Financial Times has an audited ABC circulation of 445,276 and a readership of over two million. The Weekend FT, through the awardwinning, monthly and massively influential ‘How To Spend It’ magazine, offers a direct route to an incredibly affluent, brand-aware audience when they have time to focus on leisure and luxury.

Maxim, the well-known magazine for men, features the DreamVision DreamBee projector at the top of its gadget pages in October 2007 issue. The section is headed ‘This Month’s Best New Stuff’ and the DreamBee looks resplendent in Sunflower Yellow, alongside the Sony laptops and Samsung cameras. Maxim addresses the real-life needs of young professional men in an entertaining and informative way. It sets out to reach men in their late 20’s rather than outand-out young lads, producing a magazine that readers can grow into rather than out of. Maxim has an ABC of 131,497 and a readership of over 600,000.

The DreamVision DreamBee receives a very fine write-up in The Mail on Sunday’s Live magazine. Complete with stunning photography and with an entire spread to itself, the DreamBee kicks off a feature on HD-ready projectors in glorious style. The Mail on Sunday’s circulation of 2,303,472 is one of the largest of any English language newspaper anywhere. 6.1 million adults read The Mail on Sunday every week – that’s 13% of the UK adult population! In addition, it has more ABC1 readers that any other daily or Sunday newspaper. Live magazine is an especially great section of the paper, as it includes the TV listings, which increases its ‘shelf-life’.

United Kingdom


Press Coverage Contacts for UK only : Press enquiries : Mr Tim BOWERN Andy Giles Associates Telephone : 078 5496 6071 tim@andygilesassociates.co.uk Consumer : Absolute Sounds Telephone : 020 8971 3909 www.absolutesounds.com

What Video and High-Definition TV, the highest circulating dedicated home cinema magazine in the UK, features a comprehensive news story on the DreamVision DreamBee projector in its current issue. What Video and High-Definition TV has an audited ABC circulation of 16,207 and a high-quality, videophile readership of nearly 70,000.

The world’s hottest video projector, DreamVision’s DreamBee, was featured in August’s Observer Woman magazine, bundled with The Observer newspaper on 5th August. This fantastic coverage encompasses a large image of the DreamBee at the top of the ‘Shop: Fabulous Toys’ page, plus product name, contact details and price. The Observer Woman magazine is read largely by intelligent, affluent women in the 20 to 50 age range. No doubt the DreamBee’s fabulous exterior design and Parisian connections have played a large part in attracting this audience, alongside the projector’s exceptional technical prowess. The Observer is Britain’s oldest Sunday newspaper. It boasts a circulation of 451,316 and each issue is read by 1,455,000 people on average.

Review : NewZealand magazine Tone Tone magazine is the reference in New-Zealand for anything related to Audiovideo Home devices and electronic gadgets. DreamBee receives a stunning overall 96/100 and the magazine’s «Gold Award». Contact : nadist@ihug.co.nz Click here for website


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