A fairly quiet month for me as DG given I have completed most of my official club visits I did complete
I attended a Youth Exchange ‘Rebound’ weekend at Corowa. Always an inspirational event to see so many motivated young people returning from their adventure OS or preparing to go.
D a v i d
Service Above Self award recipient Marg Crisp (left) Lift the Lid Walk in Yarrawonga (above)
two since the last newsletter, one by zoom and the other in-person.
Rebound weekend Corowa
District Governor's message
District Governor's message (continued)
District Governor Nominee Designate announcement
SERVICE ABOVE SELF - Congratulations Marg Crisp!
District Assembly
Rotary Monthly Themes
Volunteering at RICON23
Foundation Moments
Participate in Rotary Friendship Exchange
Honouring Charlie
Rotary Eltham Festival Returns!
Spark Engineering - building careers in STEM
Photocredits:Cover:suppliedbyDavidMcPherson,MargCrispandYarrawongaRotary; Page2:DavidRedfearn;Pages3-5:courtesyof DavidMcPhersonandEmmaDavis;Page6MargCrispandDavidRedfearn,Page7:courtesyofNetaKirby;Page11:suppliedby BraodmeadowsRotary;Page12:suppliedbyYarrawongaRotary; Page13:courtesyofKevinHadinghamandIanToohill;Pages14-15 courtesyofJosephAlkarra;Pages18-22:suppliedbyLindaGidlund
Leaders The Art of Rotary Youth News - “Fired Up! Ready to Go!” Youth News - Rotary Youth Exchange - a staged process Youth News - Rotary Youth Exchange - how to apply Youth News - Inaugural Rotary Youth Challenge Sailing Program
News - Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) 2023 Youth News - Youth Programs Contacts
Art Fest
Club of Heidelberg Golf Challenge Shine On Recognition Event Cycle Dindi - Yea Rotary Easter Art Exhibition - Alexandra Calendar of Events Rotary Calendar Imagine What's Next, RI Convention, Melbourne, 2023 Page Cover 3-5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17 18-19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Recruit Peace
Something that I think would be a great idea for clubs to do either as a fundraiser or to present to guest speakers, is to source ‘cleanskins’ form a winery and to label them with the years theme logo and their club name. Corowa and Shepparton do this and I’m sure others do as well. Whittlesea also have one with their club name but not the theme logo. This is also a good option.
I was asked to be involved in the filming of a segment of ‘All Shoulders to the Wheel’ with the Deniliquin South School.
You can view the recording here at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ndu52L7VCL4MAuCpFzf603Lf 4MYWkvz/ view?usp=sharing
District Governor's Message (continued)
'All Shoulders to The Wheel' Deniliquin South School
District Governor's Message (continued)
Every Year the clubs in Group 7 (NE Vic) get together at Remel at Whorouly for a dinner. This is a great opportunity for fellowship and exchange of information. Cooperation and interchange of ideas is a wonderful feature of this group of clubs. This year's was organised and hosted by the RC Bright. It was great to see three Past District Governors (PDG Patti Bulluss, PDG Clive Walker and PDG Sid Lewis) in attendance. This year they had a guest speaker talking about the Health Van established in the NE area with significant funding from Rotary.
I also had the privilege of being asked to open the Numurkah Art show recently.
There were just shy of 300 entries this year. This year is their 43rd year and they have raised over $300,000 during that time to benefit the local community.
I also had the great privilege of attending the 60th Charter celebrations of the RC Tatura recently and while I was there was asked to perform, not one but THREE new member inductions to their club. A great privilege indeed.
The cutting of the cake was done by a charter member of their club with a lot of great stories about the ‘early days’.
Remel Dinner Group 7
Charter member Arthur Knee cutting the celebratory cake
Tatura 60th Charter celebrations
District Governor's Message (continued)
District 9790 Non-Conference (Social) weekend – Deniliquin
We have just completed the District Social weekend with all those participating saying they had a wonderful time.
There were over 100 people that attended the various events on offer over the weekend. There was the Ride to conference, Golf, Welcome function, Ruth Konig Memorial walk, Houseboat ride on the Edward followed by lunch, the Gala dinner in the evening then finishing off with a farewell breakfast on the Sunday morning.
Thank you so much to those that participated and hopefully you will return to see what else our town has to offer.
The April Newsletter will have a more extensive coverage of the weekend.
Service Above Self Recipient
At the District Social weekend I had the immense privilege of presenting the Service Above Self Award to Rotarian Marg Crisp. The SAS award is the highest award given by Rotary International to an individual.
Marg truly exemplifies the definition of ‘Service Above Self’
Please see a full report on Marg and the presentation elsewhere in this edition
DG David McPherson
District Governor Nominee Designate announced
Moreland Rotarian Emma Davis
has been chosen to be our Rotary District Governor in 2025-26
This is a huge honour for Emma and a recognition of her outstanding capacity for leadership in Rotary and beyond.
Congratulations Emma!
(Emma's profile will follow in our next edition)
SERVICE ABOVE SELF - Congratulations Marg Crisp!
The Service Above Self Award is considered the highest honour that RI can bestow on a member It recognises up to 150 outstanding Rotarians and Rotaractors each year whose service activities make an impact on humanity.
The award originated in the 1991-92 Rotary year, when it was approved by the RI Board on a pilot basis. In 1995, the Board decided to continue it as an official award of Rotary International.
No more than one recipient is selected from a given district each year, and a person can receive the award only once in their lifetime. Recipients are Rotarians or Rotaractors, except current, incoming, or immediate past governors, RI directors, RI presidents, or Rotary Foundation trustees, who are in good standing, who have demonstrated exemplary continuing humanitarian service, especially personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping others through Rotary, rather than one’s performance in an elected or appointed Rotary assignment. Personal financial contributions to Rotary, its Foundation, or any individual project are not relevant considerations for this award.
This year there are 101 recipients worldwide Of these only five are from Australia.
Amembersince25thAug1998(25years5months).PHF+3,MemberoftheBequest Society.
CurrentlyamemberofRotaryclubofBelvoir-Wodonga. ExtractfromServiceAboveSelfnomination. Rotarypositionsheld(pleaselistthemostrecent,upto5)
1.BushfireRecoverCommitteemember(2020-Present)2.DistrictsGrantsSubCommitteeChair(2021-23)3 AssistantGovernorCluster9D9790(2018-22)4 ClubSecretary(2015-18)(2020-22)WodongaCentral5 ClubPresident(2001-02) (2013-15)WodongaCentralPlusmore
Rotaryserviceactivities: BushfireRecoveryofCorryongarea AssistedinSourcingfundingfor:ToyLibrary, FoodSharebuilding,deliveryofshippingcontainersforfarm,youthsummer holidayprograms,10lifeguardstrainingforpool,BadmintonCourt,WetlandsBee Hotel&BirdNestingboxbuilding,Children'sBikesafety,Boxingclub. Compassionategrants.RFEx2toUSAandLeadertoSthAfricaRFE,GSEtoUSA,RLI, DistrictDebatecoordinator,MentalHealthprogramfacilitator,International Director,Publicationofclubhistory.
LifeMemberAlbury-WodongaCommunityCollegeSecondary,schoolteacher withaHigherDiplomainEducation Educationalconsultant,BusinessManager andExecutiveOfficeroftheNorthEastLocalLearningandEmploymentNetwork BusinessandProfessionalWomen'sclub,RuralWomen'sLeadershipAward recipient Fostersasenseofteamharmonywithallaswellasmaintainingakeen interestandexceptionalvoluntaryinvolvementwithallorganizationssheis involvedwith.
ThiscandidateembodiesServiceAboveSelf: Travelled250kmroundtripweeklysinceDec2019togaugewhatneedstobe donetohelprebuildtheCorryongcommunityfollowingdevastingbushfires. MentoredRotarianswithinthelocalclub Reinvigoratedlocalclub(notherhome club)withadvice,friendshipandmore Actsasasoundingboardformany communitymembers EncompassesqualitiesofStrategicthinkingaswellas participatinginprojectsatthecoal-face Hasmuchknowledgeregardingsources offundingatstate,federalandcharitylevel
Withthisaward,theRotaryfamilyrecognizesthecontributionsyouhavemade throughRotaryovertheyearsandcelebratesyouasanextraordinaryexampleof howeachRotariancanmakeadifference.Ithankyouforyourdedication, enthusiasm,andpassiontotheidealsofRotary,andcongratulationsonreceiving thisprestigioushonor.
District Assembly 2023-2024
In preparation for the Rotary 2023-2024 year, two President Elect Development (PEDS) days and a District Assembly day have been set.
These are not training days but development sessions One may say I have been President, I am being recycled, I know what to do and I do not need this. I suggest you do as there have been changes, even in the past year and with the possibility of Regionalisation there may be more that we have to know and act on
So please put in your diaries , PEDS 1 -27.11.2022: PEDS 2 - 19.02.2023: District Assembly - 23.04.2023.
More details regarding content and venues will be published as arrangements are finalised
Neta Kirby DGE 2022-2023
Rotary clubs can play a key role in bringing a community together. We frequently work in partnership with, or provide support to, other organisations to address identified local needs, but how well do we know the full range of organisations and activities on offer in our community?
Imagine you are:
• prospective or new residents looking for ways to engage in the community
• existing residents seeking new interests or responding to changed personal circumstances
• organisations seeking to attract suitable members/supporters.
• looking for organisations with similar or complementary objectives.
• wishing to engage specific interest groups in relevant community issues/programs
Where can you see the full smorgasbord of community groups and activities available?
When we investigated this issue in Eltham, we discovered that there were only partial lists held in various sections of our council, frequently with outdated personal contact details which could not be shared publicly
However, most community organisations maintain publicly accessible websites or Facebook pages which they update when their contact details change. A listing of organisations with a link to the public website or Facebook page would therefore address the identified currency and privacy issues. We set about compiling such a listing with a search of the Register of Charities on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) website, together with a search of the Register of Incorporated Associations on the Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV)website. This initial list was followed-up by searches online for organisations and activity groups in our area and monitoring of media and community FB postings.
The resulting listing, now with over 500 entries, is periodically updated and has direct live links to the Website or FaceBook page of each organisation. It is accessible for download from the Rotary Eltham website (www.rotaryeltham.org.au).
Feedback received to date from the community has been very positive and appreciative of such a tool for community engagement through a diverse and eye-opening range of organisations and activities.
Kevin Hadingham Eltham Rotary
Honouring Charlie
Past President Charlie Grech of the Rotary Club of Broadmeadows was recently honoured by the Hume City Council when the reserve almostoppositehishomewasre-namedtheCharlieGrechReserve
Charlie was an outstanding community member having served on the BroadmeadowsCouncilforsixyears,wasthePresidentoftheGlenroy Chamber of Commerce and also of the Greenvale Residents AssociationandwasaBroadmeadowsRotarianfor43years
Charlie who managed a successful business in electronics and TV repairs In Glenroy was active in the community for much of his lifetime, he exemplified the Rotary Motto, Service above Self and was widely recognised for his contributions. The re-naming of the reserve in Greenvale, an outstanding recognition, will ensure that his contributionsarerememberedforyearstocome.
The Hume City Council recently held a moving ceremony at the Charlie Grech Reserve to acknowledge Charlie and his involvement in his local community The Hume Mayor, Cr Joseph Haweil, spoke of Charlie’s service as a councillor in the former City of Broadmeadows, theFederalMember,MariaVamvakinousaidthatCharliewouldalways keep her informed about local issues over a cup of coffee and Greenvale MP, Iwan Walters commented on Charlie’s legacies in the locality as the leader of Greenvale Residents Association. Past President of Broadmeadows Rotary, Michael Church, said that Charlie was one of the club’s greatest servants having served a President threetimesandaPaulHarrisFellowwitharecentsapphireaward.
Charlie loved his Rotary Club, was a great leader and brought the wisdom of his various involvements to Rotary He was especially supportive of the club’s Opportunity Shop, was the guardian, caretaker and maintenance man and the best friend of the Op Shop’s managers Charlie’s van was always there with tools for any job and a paint-brush to cover up graffitti He also maintained the nearby RotaryClock
Charliewasalwaysactiveinseekingtoattractnewmembersandgive his best to fight the demolition of the Rotary building as the LXRA juggernaut moved its attention to Glenroy. With all hope lost he sought to salvage what could be saved or sent to other organisations. Charlie gave his life to Rotary and was a Rotarian that we all aspire to be.
Charlie Grech has been one of the Rotary Club of Broadmeadows greatest servants Charlie was inducted into the club in 1978 and in his 43 years has served on all of the club’s committees, has been President on three occasions and has been active in all of the club’s projects over many years He received numerous Rotary awards over time.
Charlie spent almost all of his working life in Glenroy. He managed a successful business in electronics and TV repairs in Glenroy, conveniently close to Rotary and together with Connie they have engaged their family in Charlie’s life as a Rotarian. He brought the wisdom gained from his business, his years as a Broadmeadows Councillor and the Glenroy Chamber of Commerce and Greenvale ProgressAssociationexperiencestoRotary
Charlieprovidedleadershipandsupporttoothers HelovedhisRotary Club and gave his time and energies to ensure its success He was most careful in managing our finances as treasurer in recent years andsoughtstrenuouslytoattractnewmemberstoensureourfuture
He was closely involved with the success of the Op Shop For almost 30 years he was guardian, caretaker and maintenance man and provided on-going support to the staff He was their best friend He was always there with his van with tools for any job and often a paint brush to cover up graffiti. He kept Glenroy on time with his attention to our Rotary Clock and always did the little extra. He was totally involved in our three year campaign to Save the Rotary Centre, and then in the program to salvage as much as possible before its demolition. We gave it our best shot but were never going to win. I think Charlie was hurt more than anyone when the building came down.TheOpShopwasCharlie’s.
Charlie established a special relationship with Westmeadows Primary School, presenting annual scholarship awards and their honour board hasbeenre-namedinhishonour
Charlie exemplified the Rotary motto, Service above Self, and he was theRotarianweallaspiredtobe
Charlie was Sergeant at Arms at the District Conference in Shepparton in 2001, was most careful in managing our finances in recent years as Treasurer, was a leader in our program to attract new members and fully involved in our more than three year campaign to Save the Rotary Centre, and then in the program to salvage as much as possible from the building before its demolition Charlie brought the wisdom of his community experience to the Club’s projects and activities, provided leadership and support to others, particularly to the ladies who managed the Op Shop, and was recently recognised by theClubwithaDoubleSapphirePaulHarrisRecognition Charlieloved his Rotary Club, gave his time, ideas and energy to its success and his wasalifetrulyofServiceAboveSelf
The Yarrawonga Mulwala Rotary Club came together with the local community on Sunday, 23 February to host their inaugural LIFT THE LID WALK for Mental Health. The walk far exceeded expectations with over 200 walkers taking part in perfect weather conditions.
“This Lift the Lid Walk was the first for regional Victoria; an honour for our club and something special for the town”, Yarrawonga Mulwala Rotary Club event co-ordinator, PE Ron Kennett, said The walk was part of the national community walk series hosted by Australia Rotary Health (ARH) and Rotary District Clubs, and the timing could not have been better.
The walk is an opportunity to get locals and community organisations together to raise awareness of the serious mental health issues we face in all areas of our communities, schools, homes and workplaces. Ron said the walk and talk format is deliberately not a race, but a chance to bring people together in our local community to talk about mental health and help break down the stigma that continues to plague our society, so that people feel more comfortable discussing and seeking help for their mental health issues. Everybody has someone to walk for, be it a family member, friend or work mate
Proceeds from the day are still being calculated but it will be a substantial amount that will be used to assist the vital Australia Rotary Health research and programs associated with mental health. The current focus for ARH research is in the area of children 0–12year-olds. This research is addressing mental health issues before children grow into teenagers and young adults, considering the impacts of COVID. ARH research has already played a founding role in establishing programs such as Teen Mental Health First Aid and Cool Kids.
First time visitors to Yarrawonga, current chair of Australia Rotary Health, Kevin Shadbolt OAM and his wife Anne, were present as special guests of the club. Although a 4 hour delayed flight from Tasmania meant their time was cut short to fully appreciate Yarrawonga and surrounds, Kevin did comment on the wonderful scenery while on the walk along River Road.
Several sporting and service clubs in the town supported the walk by purchasing “walk spots” for the day with many sending employees to join in as part of their mental health / wellbeing workplace programs. Other local Rotary Clubs also assisted by having their members walk.
A special Lawn Bowls Tournament was organised at the Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort, by PDG Bernie Bott, in support of the day.
Up to twelve local organisations also took up the offer of a marquee to present their services and volunteer opportunities adding to the colour and entertainment on the day. This proved popular with many participants using the time prior to the walk to chat and pick up information and giveaways while the SES were also on hand with their various displays.
“We are very appreciative of the support of our sponsors that made the event possible”, Ron said. “Club Mulwala as the major sponsor not only provided financial assistance but were fantastic in promoting the event through their online newsletters and website. A huge thanks goes to Yarrawonga Chronicle with the team there providing extensive support and De Maria’s Mitsubishi in Cobram for their donation, along with two cars to anchor the huge inflatable start / finish arch.”
Members of The Rotary Club of Yarrawonga Mulwala were proud to be involved in such a wonderful event and would like to especially thank all walkers and participating organisations who contributed to an outstanding day, Lifting The Lid on Mental Health.
Yarrawonga Rotary
Rotary Eltham Festival Returns!
RotaryElthamFestivalNovember2020CANCELLEDdue toCovid,2021CANCELLEDduetoCovid, 2022 CANCELLEDduetofloodingandsaturatedground conditions!Theysay“Threestrikesandyou’reout”but notinEltham!
Determinedtohaveafestival,theclubre-scheduledit to4-5March2023andthecommunitylovedit.
Undersunnyblueskies,singles,couples,groupsand families,toddlerstograndparents,frustratedbythe3 yearhiatus,welcomedthereturnoftheFestivaland cameoutintheirthousandstocelebratecommunity andhavefun.
TheAlistairKnoxParkwasahiveofactivity: professionalmusiciansperformedonthemainstage; younglocalmusiciansdidtheirthingontheBuskers Stage;over100market,businessandcommunitygroup stallspliedtheirservicesoverthetwodaysofthe Festival;emergencyservicesprovideddemonstrations andadviceandthefoodiesareaofferedagreat smorgasbordtosatisfyalltastebuds.Therewere potteryworkshops,sailingboatsandelectriccars.The CleanFuturesZoneprovidedlotsofinformationand displaysofhomeenergyefficiencymeasures,solar energyandyummyfreepancakespreparedonan inductioncooktop.
Youngfamilieswereexcitedbyfreeridesforsmall kids,craftactivities,facepainting,rovingentertainers, professionalchildren’sentertainersandFarmerDaryl’s mobileanimalfarm.
Thousandsofpeoplefilledtheparkforthespectacular fireworksonSaturdaynightandofcourseteenagers and‘teenagersatheart’receivedtheiradrenalinfixon thegreatcarnivalrides.
TheElthamRotarianshavedeliveredtheFestivalfor manyyearsandhavefocussedondevelopingamodel to“bringthecommunitytogether”withelementsto engageandsatisfyallagegroupsandinterestsin partnershipwithNillumbikCouncil,communitygroups andlocalbusinesses.Itshowcases“RotaryInAction” andalthoughtheFestivalisitselfagifttothe community,thefundsraisedthroughtheFestival underpinourlocalyouth,environmentaland communityserviceprograms…adoublewinforour community.
KevinHadingham ElthamRotary
Spark Engineering - building careers in STEM
Pascoe Vale Rotary Club recently invited volunteers from a not-for-profit program Spark Engineering Camp Joseph Alkarra, who presented to the Club on behalf of Spark, spoke about its long-standing legacy of empowering high school age students to pursue university and further careers - especially women, Indigenous students, students from remote and regional areas, refugees and migrants, and youth facing financial barriers.
Spark holds an annual, week-long camp in Brisbane and Melbourne With support from industry partners and the community they pay for students to travel from their community and stay on university campus for the week Many of Spark’s competitors require students to pay, which Joe says “prevents the most deserving of students from attending a valuable opportunity”.
While ‘engineering’ is in the name, Spark invites students with all types of interests who are interested in further education. “Our message is that education is not a dream, especially to those who are prevented from accessing it through no fault of their own” Joe said to the Pascoe Vale Club “Barriers are more than financial – the guilt a student might feel moving away from their community and the worry of loneliness of moving to a new city are the sorts of barriers we help students overcome”
Throughout the week, Spark runs STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) where students get to learn about the concepts of force, momentum, electrical conductivity and other engineering mechanisms. Instead of taking a purely academic approach, Spark incorporates these lesson into the activity, where students might need to apply the concepts of car ‘crumple zones’ to protect an egg dropped from a large height. “The students get so passionate about their design – they cheer if the egg survives and they were successful, or if they aren’t successful and the egg well ” Joe remarks that even when the egg doesn’t survive the team building and confidence they achieve throughout the activity means no one ‘gets egg on their face’ “Staff make the environment highly supportive There is no failure Everyone gets very passionate about it; egg drop is always a favourite.”
Students also get a chance to talk with engineers who are currently working in industry. Spark invites their partners to attend a ‘mentor in a minute’ where students have a minute to ask questions “A minute is precious time when the engineer works in explosives, or builds drones, or does something awesome” Joe says. “You can see the moment students’ eyes light up”
Spark also provides an important source of diversity to universities and industry. “The commercial reality is that we don’t have enough skilled students in any industry” says Joe, who is an engineer himself “We offer a valuable source of talent to the industry, and it means companies can source locally than resorting to the cost of looking overseas Talk about ‘golden soil and wealth for toil’ – we have amazing students who are underrepresented in university and industry We want to break down their barriers, and in our 12 years of operation we have seen tremendous success.”
Spark and Rotary share the same mission of supporting education, growing economy, and creating a fellowship of understanding and progress. If you would like to learn more, you can visit their website at ywb com au/spark-engineering-camp or message
at chair@spark.ywb.com.au
JosephAlkarra–NationalChair SparkEngineeringCamp2023 AYouthWithoutBordersProgram e:chair@sparkywbcomau|m:+61412520038 |w:wwwsparkywbcomau
Spark Engineering - tributes from Rotary
JosephAlkarraisapassionateandinspirationalyoungmanwhospoketoPascoeValeRotaryClubaboutSparkEngineeringCamp. Asaformer“Sparkie”himself,Josephhasvolunteeredfor5yearstogivebacktotheprogramhebenefittedfrom Insomanyways thiscamphasthesamevaluesasRotaryYouthProgramsandPascoeValeRotaryispleasedtocontributetoandbepartofYouthWithout BordersandtheSparkCamp
PatSolibakke AG2
AndyKhongaddressedourmembersfollowingthemostrecentCamp.HesaidthatheisNationalStaffmanagerofSparkEngineeringandhewasoneof30 mentorsincludingournominees,NaomiandMarina,whotookpartintherecentcampfromJuly4to9atMelbourneUniversity
Andysaidthatthecampincludesengineeringworkshopsandprovidesanopportunitytoexperienceuniversitylife.Theywillneedevenmorementorsnextyear. TheinspirationforthecampprogramwhichcamefromYassminAbdel-Maghiedin2007isfullyinclusiveandfullyfunded Thisyear’scamphad70participants inMelbournedownfromtheusual100wasalsoheldinBrisbaneandNewZealand.
BroadmeadowsRotaryhasalwayshadanemphasisonsupportingYouth.SoMembersweremovedtobecomeinvolvedwithSparkEngineeringfollowingan excellentZoomsessionwithNaomiMoraes
ThecampprovidesopportunitiesforYear10-12studentswithfinancialburdens,difficultpersonalcircumstancesanddisadvantagedstudents Thecohortof thisyear’scampwasmostlyfemale,55%andourcontributiontowardsfundingthementorswasmostappreciated.
Andysaidthateachmorningcommencedwithastaff/mentorbriefingat7.00amandeachdayprovidedtheparticipantswithavarietyofactivitiesatvarious placestoengageandchallengethestudents StudentaccommodationwasprovidedatUniversityColleges
TheSparkEngineeringCampprogramclearlycomplementsRotary’sNYSFandRYLAprograms.MemberswereveryimpressedwithAndybothasapresenter andwithhisapproachtothestudentsandthesuccessoftheCamps
Rotary Youth Leadership Award - Oceania Elevate 2023 (RYLA) – Region 8
“Fired Up! Ready to Go!”
What are 24 RYLA alumni Fired Up! Ready to Go! on about? They gathered at Blue Gum Lodge, Springwood, NSW to begin the journey of addressing the leadership principles of:
• Align my values and actions • Understand and engage with others
• Manage my state and wellbeing • Identify and measure key outcomes
• Comminicate a message • Plan projects and tasks
• Give and recieve feedback • Get things done
• Build and contribute to a great culture
To what purpose? …in order to make the world a better place.
The learning and teaching environment was woven together with specialist guest speakers and hands on activities. A sample of initial sessions: keynote speaker, Angela Coble, OAM, Managing Director, Accenture; Values by Johanna Parker, Heart Sparks, International Speaker; and Shane Fitzsimmons, Commissioner of Resilience NSW, presented on Leadership as a Culture.
RYLA Elevate extends the District RYLA by experiencing a voluntary leadership role and directly connecting to service above self. Teams of four the RYLArians are directly working on six community projects selected from Rotary Australia World Commuity Service (RAWCS) Projects. During the retreat the RYLArians met representatives of the projects in preparation for the year long project to ‘get things done’ for their specific project.
• Kyebe Maternity Clinic, Uganda • Lift Every Malagasy –Madagascar
• Sepik Dental Clinic –Papua New Guinea • FORaMeal –Rotary Canterbury Initiative, Australia
• Housing for Homeless People – Blue Mountains, Australia • Shelterbags for the Homeless – Australia
The RYLArians will develop themselves and their fellow leaders through leadership challenges, community service and their accountability to their RAWCS projects. Ten Kiwi’s and twelve Aussies raring to go!
Fired Up! Ready to Go! RYLA Elevate cultivating People of Action!
Linda Gidlund, RYLA Elevate 2023, Wellbeing Lead Facilitator
Note: If you would like to know the origin of Fired Up! Ready to Go! – look at this YouTube – Gemma Curcio, Director RYLA Elevate 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AhRqg0ADbk
David, Facilitator / Sam, Ash, Anna, Ariana, Hayden, Kevin (absent)
Elevate RYLArians: Tom, Chloe, Will, Paz, Lachan, Sarah Genevieve Facilitator
Grace, Facilitator / Elevate RYLArians Ash, Ben, Miriam Owen Richie April
Nhan, Facilitator / Lachlan, Crystal, Stephanie, Kate, Jack, Amy
“Fired Up! Ready to Go!” (continued)
The Team and Elevate RYLArians
Rotary Youth Exchange - a staged process
YouthNews 20
Inaugural Rotary Youth Challenge Sailing Program
Invitation to Victorian District Clubs on the One & All
South Australia’s ship the One & All will be in Melbourne in May/June 2023 following her official selection by Rotary International to participate in the Melbourne World Convention.
There are two opportunities to sail aboard a tall ship-training vessel for young people:
· The first longer 7-day special Sailing Challenge will be voyaging around the rugged SA/Vic coastline when the One & All departs Adelaide on Friday 26th May 2023 bound for Melbourne
· The second special 7-day Sailing challenge will be voyaging back to Adelaide from Melbourne departing Sunday 4th June 2023
· Victorian and South Australian young people will be involved in both of these special voyages.
The expansion of the program into Victoria where a Youth Challenge Sail Committee has just been formed offers the opportunity to commence the program into Victoria.
How to participate? Firstly, explore the resources provided on the website and the video, see below. Secondly, have a conversation with your club and decide to be a financial sponsor and thirdly, seek a young person between 15 – 18 years of age to participate.
For further information contact, Youth Challenge Sail Committee Members:
Linda Gidlund M 0418 173 279
Malcolm Watt M 0439 158 274
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) 2023
Dates: Friday, 31 March, Saturday, 1 April & Sunday, 2 April 2023
Venue: Kinglake Forest Adventures Camp
Application closing date - Application deadline extended – Wednesday, 22 March 2023
Contact your local secondary college now for students. Financial obligation of $250.00 per student.
Applications are available from the District Website – Youth Services - RYPEN or directly from the committee at watt.malc@gmail.com.
Transportation to and from venue is your club’s responsibilities.
Kinglake Forest Adventures Camp is situated at 1419 Yea Road, Kinglake West.
Thank you for your ongoing support of this vital youth program.
Yours in Rotary Youth Service Mal~
PP Malcolm S. Watt PHF District Chair
International University Student
Rotary Home Hosting – Philip Clancy, M 0428 834 162, Email: philip.clancy1@gmail.com
Interact – Linda Gidlund, M 0418 173 279, Email: lleegidlund@gmail.com
District Rotaract Representative –
Elliot Silcock, M 0483 041 905, Email drr.9790@rotaract.org.au
National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) – Nigel Liggins, M 0400 694 618, Email: nigelliggins@bigpond.com
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) –
Meredith Miegel, M 0417 246 546, Email: chairperson@rye9790.org.au
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) – Kerry Jones, Secretary M 0414 861 557, Email: info@ryla9790.org.au
Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN) – Contact Malcolm Watt, M 0439 158 274, Email: watt.malc@gmail.com or rypen@rotary9790.org.au
Rotex – Contact Rotex by email: rotex9790@gmail.com, see the Rotex District 9790 Facebook page.
Albury North - Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment (RYPEN) –Contact Warwick Tasker, M 0439 158 274, Email RYPEN Coordinator M 0408 052 386, Email warnel@bigpond.com
Youth Volunteer ManagementContact Bruce McIntyre, M 0427 623 142, Email bruce.mcintyre1@bigpond.com
If you would like further information please contact Linda Gidlund on 0418 173 279 or lleegidlund@gmail.com
Calendar of events
Shine On Recognition Event (page 25)
Inaugural Rotary Youth Challenge Sailing Program
Enquiries and nominations to: Lara
M: 0416 262 615
DGE Neta Kirby
Youth Challenge Sail Committee Members: Linda Gidlund M 0418 173 279 lleegidlund@gmail com
Malcolm Watt M 0439 158 274 watt malc@gmail com
March is Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month
District Assembly
Date(s) Event Location Contact Event: 1 00 pm, 13 May 2023 23 April 2023 26 May 2023 The Templestowe Baptist Hall, Anderson Road, Doncaster East, 3109 Benalla Melbourne/Adelaide
lara barrett
Visit this calendar throughout the year to find award nomination due dates and convention and event information. Develop meeting agendas, projects, or public image campaigns based on these special occasions. All dates are subject to change.
March 2023
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month
13-19 March — World Rotaract Week
31 March Preregistration discount ends for the Rotary International Convention
April 2023
Maternal and Child Health Month
30 April — Rotary International Convention registrations and ticket cancellations are due
May 2023
Youth Service Month
June 2023
Rotary Fellowships Month
27-31 May Rotary International Convention, Melbourne, Australia
30 June — Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs Award nominations are due
For more information or to register, go to: https://bit.ly/3Ikl7I4