::: Newsletter
Pixetra Club and their associates present a two day (weekend) Digital Photography Workshop at Ramada Resort Cochin by accomplished wildlife and travel photographer Balan Madhavan. On 30th June and 1st July 2012.
::: Newsletter
The only member of the International League of Conservation Photographers (www.ilcp.com ) from India, An Associate of Royal Photographic Society (ARPS), England and an Artiste, Federation Internationale de lArt Photographique (AFIAP), Balan Madhavan is a winner of the United Nations UNEP Photography Award, 1992. Visit www.balan.in
The workshop is for aspiring photographers (DSLR users) and will focus on understanding the basic science and art of photography and the application of various techniques to achieve the desired visual effect. Camera techniques and secrets will be explained with the support of images. An ideal workshop for people who wish to take up photography as a serious hobby and fine tune their creative skills. Equal importance will be given for the technical and creative aspects of photography. Cost: Pixetra Club Members: Rs.10,500/Non-Club Members: Rs.12,000/Includes: Two day food and accomodation at Ramada Resort Cochin. TO REGISTER NOW: CLICK HERE Call Sethu +91 9382343437 Mail sethu@pixetra.com Group-size is limited to 15. So hurry.
PIXETRA is now in two locations: at Padma Junction on M.G.Road, Kochi. (Tel: 4021212) at LSY Estate in Ameerpet, Hyderabad. (Tel: 66623452) And online 24/7 at w w w .pixetra.com Do visit the Club page w w w .pixetra.com /club for more details about how to become a PIXETRA CLUB member.