1 minute read
Vince Drewer
by dreich
I float above a sea of cloud There’s waves of cloud, swells of cloud, and in between, still pools of cloud I float above an ocean wide of cloud
My thoughts were ever in that ocean cloud The dreamer, always criticized, from childhood But voices could not stop my dreams in cloud My mind a cloud, my parents harshly said But there I was, in cloud And now I coast ten thousand feet above the deck of cloud
I coast ten thousand feet above this ocean without coasts
An endless field of cloud is here, plowed and furrowed, it would seem And only seed of rainfall planted here, to wet the seeds so far below So far below are seeds in earth, the earth I walk, on ordinary days How ordinary, not to be here in this living daydream: cloud How dull it is, not sailing vapor seas So high-up we could be, where no mountain peak protrudes No islands show amidst the sky It’s just the hawks within tin tubes that cruise the altitude The hawks within tin tubes cruise here
Lance Nizami
Moon Vince Drewer
You are moon , I howl under your tide changing moods. To exit my module and set foot on you would be intolerable. You are free of my gravitational pull, but I love you, Like a bloodhound driven to bay but not understanding why.