Harris-Anderson Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church
A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e R e p o rt
Bishop Warren M. Brown As I come to the end of my tenure with you, I apologize for not being able to lead you out of debt. We have reduced our debt load, but it is still heavy. I did not want to destroy another man’s dream nor make matters worse by walking away from the issues. The legal matters have been settled which means the Episcopal residence is not at risk, but there remains a mortgage on the property, which could be paid off within a year if the will is there. The retreat center has not turned a profit and I have not been able to find a way out. However my heart is right and mind clear that I did my best given the issues at hand. One day deliverance is sure to come; we will all look back and wonder how we got over. There are two matters of general concern that I must call to your attention in a pastoral way. Let us take care as Christians to respect each other and to never speak ill of one another especially between our ministers. Let us also remember that we are all under authority. I am concerned about the number of ordained ministers who withdraw from the church because they want to be their own boss. I pray that God will give those persons wisdom to realize that a vow is on the line. The most pressing concern in my heart for this conference is the lack of persons entering the ministry, we have no able body evangelist waiting in the wings. This matter has to be on our prayer list and concern. On May 19th this conference gave me the most glorious retirement celebration that was most unique. Thank [you] all for the creative expressions never to be equaled or forgotten. I will miss all of you, the opportunity to preach, your greetings, your cards and handshakes.
Volume 1, Issue 1
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Bishop Warren M. Brown Farewell Episcopal Address
Mighty Man, Humble Servant.
The Delegate’s Report to the Harris-Anderson
Annual Conference goers must Increase.
The Pastor’s Annual Report
Harris Anderson: Total Membership 43.
First Lady’s Notes
Harris Anderson Claims: $3,600.00.
Delegate’s Report to HARRIS-Anderson The Bishop left us with the words of Jude, “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord...now and forevermore. Amen” We had a wonderful,
enthusiastic, and joyful time, this Annual Conference 2012, hosted by Hood A.M.E. Zion Church. The lay academy started off the conference , with a message from the Connectional Lay Council President, Dr. Yvonne Tracey. We’re Back! The bishop reappointed the Rev. Irving H.
Greene, Pastor of Harris Anderson A.M.E. Zion Church. First Lady, Evg. Greene, serves as the District Director of Christian Education for Children. Finally, yours truly received a scholarship of $500.00 to purchase books and supplies.
Harris-Anderson Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church 218 Oakview Avenue Bristol, Virginia 24201 Tel: 276-494-0062 Mobile: 703-638-5074 Fax: 276-494-0062
The Pastor’s Annual Report as Submitted
This was a wonderful year with two new souls added to our probation list. We enjoyed many activities this year. Every February we have a soul food fest honoring black history month. We had two revivals, one was geared to the young people, and the second was geared to the community. Our women’s day program was a smashing success with Evangelist Nadine Greene bringing the message.
message with spiritual vim and vitality We had an electrician in to repair all the ceiling lights and all the exit lights. We had the church organ repaired, the grounds around the church and parsonage manicured and small trees planted to enhanced the beauty of the church. Humbly submitted, Rev. Irving H. Greene
Other than a fuel rally, grandparent rally, Christmas present for baby Jesus, and an Easter rally, we concentrated on our 102nd church anniversary. Truly the spirit was high as Rev. Ellis brought the Rev. Irving H. Greene Senior Pastor Harris-Anderson Chapel
The FIRST LADY’S NOTES Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Evg. Nadine L. Greene Local Preacher and First Lady
Harris-Anderson Chapel
First, I would like to say praise God for pastor, myself, and Andre returning to Harris Anderson A.M.E. Zion Church. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful church and we look forward to a rewarding and blessed year. During the conference I felt that everyone were in a higher level of spiritual connection. Even though everyone were under some sort of pressure, not knowing the outcome of where we were going to be placed, at the end of the conference our relationship with each other were closer. I have only attended the conference for two years but felt this year was more spiritually connected. What I received from the conference was a greater understanding about
the Lay Council and I really enjoyed the session. The WHOMS as usually was on point in all white. In addition, even though I was at work on the night for WHOMS to really strut their stuff, my spirit was with them all the way. I will truly miss Bishop Brown and Mrs. Brown. They both are such a inspiration to me. May God continue to bless both of them as they continue on their spiritual journey. God Bless all of you. Humbly Submitted to Harris-Anderson Minister Nadine L. Greene