August 2010 Newsletter

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AUGUST 2010 Creating healthy biomechanics and stronger partnerships through combining natural horsemanship principles with the art of dressage... Karen Rohlf

never underestimate the potential for harmony & lightness to improve in ways you cannot yet imagine

Welcome back to the Temenos... Temenos is an ancient Greek word. It refers to a sacred space that has no limits, where special rules apply and extra-ordinary events are free to occur.

A Full Issue This Month!

Clinic schedule: CLICK HERE

• New learning tools in the works!

Finding the Sweet Spot

• NH and WA clinics • Student story: From rescue to relief

• Lots of student contributions • Ancora Imparo

Aug 21-23 Dusseldorf, Germany Contact: Sabine Reub Phone 0492857 902537 Mobil 049157 78771277

Aug 26-28 Finding the Sweet Spot Somerset, UK Contact: Suzanne Cook

Auditors Welcome At All Clinics!

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Raymond Chandler

Aug 29-31

Upward Spiral of Success Somerset, UK Contact: Suzanne Cook

Sept 22-25

Finding the Sweet Spot

Livingston, MT Margot Doohan 406-579-8898 Sept 27-30

Finding the Sweet Spot

San Luis Obispo, CA Contact: Shelley Candelario email: phone: 805-540-8288 cell 1


Link to Web Shop

Follow Karen Rohlf and Dressage, Naturally on Facebook

Three New Learning Tools Soon To Be Released! By ʻsoonʼ I mean September-ish. I am a little superstitious about talking about something before it has totally manifested, but these 3 projects are far enough along at this point and I just canʼt keep quiet any longer!




Results in Harmony #6 is at the replicators!

The School Master Noodle, (ʻSiMoNʼ) will make his official debut!

D,N Video Classroom

The 9 + 1 Conversations for the Upward Spiral of Success. After you have established a good foundation and have played with the conversations about Relaxation, Energy, and Balance to find the Sweet Spot of healthy biomechanics, the next things we can do are gymnastic patterns and dressage maneuvers that will increase the physical capacity of your horse. As the exercises get more specific, so do the conversations. I realized that there are certain conversations that need to be understood in order to put together any dressage movement. DVD #6 shows me riding Monty, describing what I am keeping track of while I ride. I also show how these basic ingredients can combine to build some of the more advanced movements such as piaffe, passage, and canter pirrouettes. But thatʼs not all! I also realize that as the movements get more complex it is even more important that the conversations work well. An analogy I often use is that of a conductor conducting an orchestra. In this DVD you will see a reenactment of that analogy that will give you a memorable and fun way to remember how to keep track of these conversations with quality!

We are working on a kit for learning lateral positions that I have found to be a highly effective simulation/activation at the clinics where I have used it. The kit will include materials for making your own School Master Noodle, a 76 page barnproof booklet/workbook with exercises, and a DVD that shows me doing the exercises. As you can see, Dana is going to great heights in order to get you the best view of the lateral positions! This package is turning out even better than I imagined and will be an excellent tool for students of many levels, whether just beginning lateral work or wanting to gain a deeper understanding and ability. Your horse will be happy with what you learned after you try it on SiMoN!

Iʼm thrilled to finally introduce the D,N video classroom! Starting in early fall, I will be delivering over an hour of new instructional video content monthly on a subscription basis. Video footage will predominantly be me teaching students or playing with studentʼs horses, with an emphasis on the most common topics you have requested. Access will be through my website and subscribers will be able to view all current and archived video content created specifically for the classroom. There will also be a Discussion Forum! This forum will be open only to Video Classroom subscribers. Here you can meet fellow students from around the globe and discuss the videos or other D,N subjects! A protege of mine will field horsemanship questions, and will let me know when I need to answer some questions myself. If there are questions that need more than typing, I may make a video to answer it! The forum can also be an excellent place to let other fellow D,N students know about equipment or horses for sale.

Tickets for the Auditor Days of the 10-week Intensive are available in the Web Shop. Oct 3 and Dec 11, 2010. Advanced purchase is recommended. For more info Click Here.


copyright 2009 Temenos Fields, Inc August

NH Clinic From Hostess Brenda Ladd: I just had the privilege of hosting a 4 day "Finding the Sweet Spot" clinic. This is the fourth time I have had the opportunity to ride in one of Karen's clinics. It is the first time I was the hostess, organizer, facility owner as well as a participant. My husband Jonathan and I have spent the last 3 yrs identifying and building our dream facility. The main purpose is to host clinics with like minded natural horsemen and women. Karen Rohlf was at the top of that list. My dream clinician and clinic came true. Now I just had to live it, allow it to flow over me. It became clear to me quite early that my personal theme for this clinic was Balance. Thank you Dana for telling me, very kindly and more than once to relax, sit down and be a student, and for throwing my western saddle on;-) Balance between Participating and Hosting was mainly achieved by the wonderful volunteers who made my life seem easy. We had the most incredible pooper scoopers, stall cleaners, traffic control, lunch coordinators and auditor check in assistants. I had no worries. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We had a terrific group of 12 participants. Some of whom overcame great adversity to participate. Our age range covered over 6 decades. We all had been playing with the Parelli Philosophy for many years. What a joy to see 12 wonderful horse/human relationships on display. On day four we all opted to ride bareback. Could you imagine a bareback dressage clinic anywhere else? There were lots of firsts, for me and many others. On the participant side, I really have little or no idea what any one else was doing. All I know is that suddenly, so many things just clicked around Balance. My new partner is a 7 yr old Palomino Morgan gelding named Diego. I have had him for 2 years and he has just this spring announced he is ready to partner up and do some stuff. He is the number one volunteer at the gate. He stands just at (maybe a hair under) 16 hands. He is like riding a snake, wiggly, wiggly, wiggly. Two exercises hit home the most. There was an online exercise for balance and not stopping Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut

with the weight shifting onto the front end. I could see it so clearly for the first time, what happened when his front end stopped and the hind stepped over. A major shift of weight onto the forehand. What ever the reason (mental, emotional, physical or a combination there of), the answer is just getting my horsemanship better. There was a riding exercise with lots of questions. Is your horse matching your energy? Is he on the circle? Is he relaxed? Well no, his shoulder leaked out, it leaked in, his hip leaked out, his hip fell in. He went to slow, too fast. All of his wiggliness came out on that circle. And for the first time I could feel it, all of it. I had to change a crucial thought. Go BACK across the picture as far as he went out side of it. The answer IS in the middle of all the possible choices. A week after the clinic he is almost perfect. Matching energy, relaxed, and shoulders between my hands. We have expanded well outside that circle. When a body part strays Diego shows understanding when I change the bend and pass back over the picture of where I would like to see him. He even feels grateful for the guidance. Those two exercises were the most profound.

ing up. She was started naturally as a 5yr old. All my rides on her have been from the security of a wade tree saddle, Jeremiah Watt snaffle and horseman's reins. I wasn't sure what else I had to offer her. After Karen's clinic something just struck me. I can help Gypsy. I can help her find where she needs to be under me. She is greatly appreciative of this guidance. Even allowing me to see her unconfident side. I have ridden her bare back with the halter and lead tied into 2 reins every day. Typically everything will turn around on me by the second ride after I try something. Not so. There may be a partner in their after all. Even today when the herd was calling from all directions and Gypsy stayed with me, and found relaxation. Gypsy is also grateful for Karen! Brenda Ladd Hi Karen, Thank you so very much for the fantastic clinic in NH! I like myself so much more after learning how to have even more clarity and grace with my horse. You are an amazing role model for all of us. Thank you for sharing your gifts so openly and for riding my horse and for giving me a beautiful picture to strive for. My horse and I are very grateful! Best, Sarah Grimm 2* Parelli Professional

After the clinic I did a most unusual thing. I brought in my young mare who has been designated "hard, tough, aloof, self assured, confident, doesn't really need any body" by 2 natural professionals... so far. Her name is Gypsy because that is her personality. She will do what you want until she doesn't. Then life gets miserable. Mainly, she isn't really interested in partner3

WA Clinic I promise, the horses did manage to stay on their feet for much of the clinic in Arlington, WA (hostessed by Tina Crawford...) But who can blame them for being so relaxed with such calm, happy humans attached to them, in a wonderful facility with nice weather and views like this nearby:

Tracking up: Steps in the right direction! Hey Karen –

ing on “tracking up” as the end goal; while you focus on the road map of B/ E/R which yields a byproduct of “tracking up.”

Am I on the right … umm … track? Thanks so much for you clinic. As always, it surpassed all of my expec- ~Jean tations.

I got the Orca photo below while sitting in a sea kayak off San Juan Island!

One of the auditors in the clinic shot this picture of me and Biscuit, which is the best still shot I have of him tracking up. And it got me thinking on the whole issue.

A BIG Thank you to all the volunteers, auditors, hostesses, participants and horses who come to my clinics. The energy and atmosphere has been exceptionally positive! ~Karen

I had been told that in order to get him to “track up,” I needed to push, push, push with the seat until I got a very undefined “it.” The red flags came up, as my DN mantra is to balance my butt, and push the head; not balance the head on a pushing butt. If I re-interpret this movement in terms of posture, coordination and the balance/energy/ relaxation trio, I’m seeing the “tracking up” as one of the physical indicators of getting the B/E/R right… which explains why you never talk about that term, and why it was so effortless to get when my buddy and I were in the B/E/R groove. In other words, my previous advice was focus-


Hi Jean... Thanks, it was great to see you and Biscuit looking just as positive as always and even more organized this year! Your brain is, indeed on the right track and it is an interesting way of thinking about riding ‘forward to the connection’. In general I like to remove reasons for not tracking up before I specifically copyright 201 temenos fields, inc August

ask for it .... by playing with R/E/B: getting those conversations excellent and playing with them to find the place that feels the best... chances are that place will be more engaged and will track up better...

quite a bit to get her hind legs more underneath her. We gradually developed the habit though, and now, as soon as I gather the reins, she visibly lifts her neck, lightens her entire front end, and tucks her hind legs underneath her. She doesn’t move quickly, For you and your horse specifically, That will increase his strength behind, but very deliberately, and with hardly having a tight back and contracted develop another degree of balance any sway! I get the sense that she is neck was a big reason why he may not longitudinally and will create more more comfortable doing this, and I have been tracking up before, so find- power (oh, and don’t expect it to feel can tell you the same is true for me. I ing and being able to sustain the smooth and comfy.... power isn't almake sure that I periodically release stretch is important right now. ways smooth!!) the reins to check that I’m not ‘holdBut.. to add something to it: (hopeing’ her in the frame. fully without adding confusion): I hope this helps... bottom line.... Yay! You have more pieces of the puzzle.... Am I correct in thinking that this can be another useful exercise for helping Once he is consistently stretchable Onward, Upward (literally!) a horse lighten the front end and imanother piece will be to gain carrying prove its gymnastic ability for collecpower. If you look at the photo there Cheers, tion? I would love to think that we are a couple things that still need to Karen are advancing our dressage while enimprove: that he has more 'air time' joying this simple part of our trail (spring) and that he is not on the fore- Improving your ability to go rides! -Cheryl Bradley hand (notice all his feet are touching down hills in order to develop the ground at this moment in the more uphill balance Hi Cheryl photo). In a horse with some spring, there is a moment of suspension beDear Karen, YES! You are absolutely on track. The tween the 2 beats of the trot. exercise you mentioned is a wonderful I am a newcomer this year to one. My horse Ovation also had a horFor now it is worth it to forgive and dressage. I am so enjoying your book rible style of going down hill... He allow some time on the forehand in and DVD, and I think my 19 year old would just sort of fall down it, and an order for him to experience the stretch Arabian mare is too. I have a question exercise I did with him was just as and receive the benefits of stretching: about exercises intended to lift the you described... midway down the hill relaxed, loosening muscles and mind. front end of the horse. You have sev- I would gather up and ask him to stop eral in your book, and I’m wondering then take a few steps and stop which One way to gain tracking up is to have if I’m on the right track with another. required his hind end to really sit the hind leg swing more freely under and ‘propel’ into the foot prints of the I trail ride as often as possible, and on down (scooch) as well as to lift the front end and prevent it from just rollforefeet.... But unfortunately, another the property where I ride there are ing down the hill. Pretty soon he way is that the front legs stay on the many fairly steep hills. I used to find learned this other way of moving his ground too long (supporting the body it uncomfortable riding my mare body and now he can go down the hill weight instead of the hind legs)... down these hills, as she has quite a on a long rein and he organizes himmake sense? pronounced hip sway on loose rein. self. And Yes, if they can do this, then She always walks with a swing, but it on flat ground it is much easier to So... remember from my coaching you was as if she were leaving her hind in the clinic: the spot with him where legs behind when walking downhill. think of becoming more engaged! he has his working gait and you are This riding season I have been exCarry on trusting your good instincts! finding the sweet spot and when he perimenting with riding downhill Not all issues of arena work need to gets it you have the feeling you can slopes with contact rather than a loose be solved in the arena! stretch? Find that and spend more and rein, and gently asking her to My Best, more time feeling like you could ‘scootch’. At first, she had to work Karen copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August

stretch, but don't.... check the self carriage and then do those transitions where you feel in a state of preparedness.... including the short number of strides lengthening then returning to the working sweet spot.


Basic Alignment Exercise alleviates pain for a rider. Dear Karen, I was just looking at a photo of a friend of mine lying backwards on her horse and it made me think of your alignment exercises for the rider and it made me think I should tell you of my experience with them as it might be of some interest, if not it is good for me to go over it!

start teaching again, something I haven’t felt in years because the cold would mean that I would curl up my body even more which would increase the pain.

~~ "Your article on the process of physical development (with the before/after shots of Atomic) really hit home with me. I've been struggling some in the physical development with my horses (both playing at and above Level 4 things in the Parelli program), and there were several tidbits that clarified and gave me direction with my struggles! Thanks so much for sharing!"

I guess what it all comes down to the basic alignment exercises that you do with the horses, how they must try and try to do what we are asking and just physically can’t maybe because of lack of strength and the coordination that comes from that. Being a ~Fran L strong willed person I would get frustrated In 2006 I had an operation to remove a secand try and push through it and eventually tion of my first rib that was crushing the arcollapse in a very frustrated, painful heap. But Choose wisely who you ask for tery, nerve and vein that travels from our I guess a horse feeling this restriction and advice: hearts through the shoulder area and down our pain in their body will become fearful and A student of mine and I recently were discussarm. For the previous two years I had been in particularly so when there is unaligned rider ing different bits, as her horse was having chronic pain so bad that I didn’t go near my and an unaligned horse together! some issues with curling too deep and round. horses for that time and stopped skiing, guidWe talked about how we ned to consider two ing and instructing, basically our lives I guess that is obvious to everyone else, but things: 1: That the horse finds the bit comfortstopped and no one could tell me what was pain is such an overwhelming thing that at able, and 2: that we address the biomechanics happening to cause this horrific pain in my times it causes such confusion it is impossible so he understands how to carry himself confichest and down my left arm. Just before we to understand how profoundly it affects your dently forward (oh yeah, and of course riding found out what was happening I had an MRI everyday life, particularly when you just want him well!). which showed that my skeleton on the right life to be as it was before. Now I write this I side is smaller than my left and my sternum know I have felt this in Rowley. It is important to make sure that the horse bends the wrong way and pushes on my heart. finds the bit comfortable, so he isn’t avoiding Probably doesn’t sound very good written So now I know what alignment feels like I the feel of it. Within the ‘gentle and comfortdown like this and in medical terms it’s all am starting to hunt for it, it feels so good and able’ category of snaffle bits, there are a range mild and don’t worry I have a reason for tell- anything else feels so bad! Maybe I am lucky of mouthpieces that are really up to the horse ing you! in a way that when I am out of alignment to decide what he feels is comfortable. I gave alarm bells start ringing in my body now and I Sally a few descriptions, and she found someSo since the operation nearly 4 years ago, I feel so empowered that I can find ‘let loose’! thing sort of similar in an online store, so inhave slowly improved and can tolerate the  vestigated it. While on the phone with the guy pain, but still struggle with the fatigue in that from the web-shop she asked his advice on arm, my description of it is that it feels like a Now it’s winter I am happy to let my horses her horse’s issue. Here is her report on that damaged wing! Kind of heavy and really not rest and I think the best thing I can do is work conversation: very useful. This sort of pain I found out also on me. I am very excited to try out my new let causes general fatigue and everything can loose posture on skis rather than my horses “I did have an interesting conversation with a become an effort. Over time I also have come for the time being and am absolutely enjoying guy about the bit -- he said they don't make it to realise the effect this has on my horses, but longer periods of pain free life and the higher anymore, but then went on to tell me quite the until your course couldn’t quite put the pieces energy levels that come with that, I feel good! training option to *help* Cody break the together. It is a real eye opener for me because this is habit of curling and evading... And that would the last thing I thought I would get from your be 2 pieces of PVC pipe strung on a running Immediately after I finished your course my course, but it is changing everything for me martingale that would remind him that curlenergy levels went through the roof and my and of course my family. (My surgeon said ing is a bad idea. I thanked him for the adpain levels went right down and I have manyou that he can tell how bad the pain is by vice and got off the phone....<eyeroll>” aged to maintain this and improve. What I how much the person’s partner is suffering!) have been doing consistently since your course is when I feel comfortable I challenge So thanks again Karen, I hope you don’t feel Luckily Sally knows enough to know bad advice when she hears it. Sigh. myself to move into the more uncomfortable like I am dumping on you, but I really feel side for a while and exaggerate it. Over the that what you are doing is for horses and rid~Karen last couple of months I have strengthened my ers is incredible and inspiring. This has weaker side beyond belief. My left arm is changed not only mine but my family’s life now useful and I am so keen to go skiing and hugely! ~Anne 6

copyright 201 temenos fields, inc August

It’s never too late for a new beginning... By Nancy Sepe and Morocco

KAREN SAVES ANOTHER RESCUE! Karen, I wanted to fill you in on the “rest of the story” and some amazing improvements of Morocco, which I accredit to your teachings. Morocco was rescued at the age of 5, an Arabian stallion with no training. He had been sold as a weanling and endured neglect from that point forward for the next 5 years. During that period, he was rescued 3 different times by two different sheriff’s department for neglect and starvation. Twice he was placed in rehab for 3 months to regain some health. Only to be placed in homes that made him go through the same ordeal of neglect all over again. It was his third sale that I found him huddled in a corner of a stall, depressed and oh so skinny. There were 19 horses living on a one acre dry lot and shared one 5 gal bucket of water per day. One horse had died and the others were eating each other’s mane and tails to stay alive. There were three stallions, geldings and mares all in the lot together. After reading the stats on his past, I simple said that this horse had suffered enough and deserved a chance. Little did I know that I was not ready to handle all the problems that would follow due to his health, lack of trust issues (who could blame him), and lack of training. His health problems included allergies, hives, a flaccid epiglottis that is offset to the left, displacement of the soft palate, and muscle spasms’. I could only ride him at a walk in the summer months due to his breathing and coughing issues. In an effort to simply continue his education, I started trick training during the heat of the summer and he excelled in the idea of the challenge and how smart he is. Finally, there was something he enjoyed and could do good. This gave me a connection into his personality and his brain, which I found fascinating. During all of this, I had him on numerous holistic meds, coughing meds, special feed and soaked hay (every feeding). He even has a chiropractor and massage therapist to relax

copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August

PHOTO: Mary Ellen Carbone

his muscles. Boy, I wish I could afford this for myself! But what about riding?

work in challenging my riding skills to keep this very intelligent and sensitive horse relaxed (cool and calm in everything we do.) As we began training, he was very reluctant to You have shown me the way and now we can move forward, worked with a high head, and move forward more, and canter both leads refused to canter (or hold the canter, if I ever with very little coughing (if any – it gets less got it). He would go into these coughing fits and less). Also, with all the different exerand one time he even went down with me due cises you have us doing, Morocco is much to extreme coughing. He would also buck happier as his confidence grows. and managed to leave several of my friends in the dirt. Many times, I was told by others to I don’t know how I can ever really thank you, get rid of him but where would such a rescue Karen for all your help and not giving up on go? Now I am starting to feel unconfident in us. But as I write this with happy tears in my riding him. After all, it had been a long time eyes and a heart full of emotions, I can only since I had ridden regularly due to family and express my feelings by saying that YOU have job requirements. So now what do I do? I saved another rescue horse, and what a great got it, I need a great trainer! service for you legacy. From Morocco & Nancy Here you come, Karen, and I am amazed with Thank you, Karen! the results. Over the past few years, I have taken seasonal monthly lessons and attended Note from Karen: your workshops. This year I was thrilled to Thanks, Nancy for writing this wonderful story. Of ride in Temenos 6. Thank you for your sugcourse I give all the credit back to YOU. gestion that I have another endoscopy procedure to see if there were any changes from When I met Nancy and Morocco they could barely complete a circle without throwing his head down and his first endoscopy done in 2003. The new cough. But what better motivation to free him of extechnology and video revealed a very flaccid cess mental, emotional and physical tension! epiglottis that is slightly offset to the left, He is lucky to have you, Nancy. I am continually and displacement of the soft palate. When amazed at your progress, positive attitude, and comhe gets excited or unsure about anything, he passionate determination. ~Karen tightens up and this triggers the coughing. With this new knowledge, you now went to













Ancora Imparo

"The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them." ~Jim Rohn Photo:

Dangerous patterns: In horsemanship & in the world, harmony or conflict begins with us. My reason for writing this article is to perhaps shift the way you think about how you are thinking about something. As I get older, more aware and (hopefully wiser), I search for ways to feel that I am contributing to the betterment of the world. Maybe there is something in what I am doing that can really help me contribute. One of the simplest and most profound ways is something we all can do. Ghandi said it best: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” There are lessons to be learned through horsemanship that go beyond horsemanship. When you live with horses you get good at seeing patterns; at seeing how one thing influences another and how one little nuance can manifest in so many ways, often with greater consequences than we imagine. We can drop the lead rope and lose track of our horse for a moment because our liberty is good, so he usually comes back easily, itʼs not a big deal.... But a habit is formed... And maybe last thing that happened right before a horse you were holding went into the road and killed himself and the family in the car was that you dropped the line. A small error of judgement that happened by allowing yourself to form a careless habit. You had no idea something so terrible could result from such a small assumption. Do I have your attention? Maybe I am in a position to help people see a pattern, that I have realized is the same pattern that is creating a lot of pain for a lot of people in this world. It may seem benign, or even ʻrightʼ and may be done with the best intentions, but it is a pattern that can lead to trouble, none the less.


copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August

We all have our own unique perspective of this world, and because of that we each have something unique to share. The world does not look exactly the same from each of our different perspectives, and this is part of what creates a world that is infinitely interesting. It also can create a sense of needing something concrete, some absolute truth to hold onto... An island upon which to rest after swimming in the vast ocean of particular pieces of information, sights, sounds, colors, temperatures coming at us in waves. We look for something to tell us who we and where we fit in this world. These islands of truth can be landmarks. And if they arenʼt real we can make them up. We can set up lighthouses. We can mark them on the map to help us know exactly where we are....


written in bold red letters, with a big red arrow is one of the most comforting symbols a human can find.

Even among the group of people standing in front of the sign reading: ʻYou are here” no one is in exactly the same place, but we are happy to group ourselves together in that moment and enjoy the security of a shared ʻherenessʼ. It is close enough. And clearly the people at the other end of the building are ʻnot hereʼ. Unless of course, the map got bigger and it became a map of the county. Then perhaps on that scale we would all be in the ʻhereʼ of this particular building. If we pulled out even more we would all be in the ʻhereʼ of this state, this country... This planet. So stand at that sign and look around. Where do you draw the line? Who is actually ʻhereʼ and who is not designated as ʻhereʼ? Ponder that for a moment. I have designated my unique perspective in the horse world as: Dressage, Naturally. I used to call myself a dressage rider (with a big, red, bold letters and arrow pointing). Then as I drove down the driveways to the Parelli Centers in FL and CO I could almost see the big red arrow in the sky that said: ʻNatural Horsemanshipʼ because clearly HERE was where it was all happening! In both those locations (Dressage-Land and Parelli-Land) everyone had clearly and quite proudly marked themselves as fully HERE in THIS place, doing THESE things. Then there was me. Who was I? Where was I? I canʼt possibly be in two places at once, so I took turns letting the different arrows point to me at different times until eventually creating my own label: Dressage, Naturally. It is by absolute design that the name is a little vague... Is it saying that I do ʻdressage in a natural wayʼ, or is it that ʻnaturally I do dressageʼ (I mean, who wouldnʼt want to?) ;-) It is more a description of what I see from my unique perspective when I put my periscope up and look out over the murky waters. When people come to Dressage, Naturally I want to share with them what I see. I want them to see the parts of the ocean they can visit and help them navigate there.. In my mind, my Dressage, Naturally label isnʼt an arrow, but is a sort of semi-transparent area, with borders that are difficult to discern.

I recently saw a video much like many videos that get sent around the internet. It showed amazingly beautiful horsemanship. People were riding bareback, bridle-less doing liberty, smiling with their horses, looking excruciatingly happy. These were labeled the Natural Horsemen and they did everything better, lighter, happier. This was contrasted with the Sport riders (dressage & jumping primarily). This video showed only the worst moments of dressage and jumping. Tongues were lolling out of mouths, eyes were rolling in heads, photographs caught horses in the most contorted positions. clearly this is undesirable. ʻWhy would you do this?ʼ (showing a stressed horse in competition) the video asked, ʻif you could do thisʼ (showing a child sitting on a pony smiling ear to ear). People gave many comments, ʻOh, this is so beautifulʼ, ʻyes natural horsemanship is the bestʼ. I just can’t help but wonder what the message of this video really was (whether intended or not). Why werenʼt they images of excellent horsemanship contrasted with horrific horsemanship done among people who call themselves natural horsemen? This would give the opportunity to discern what is quality and what is not. I had hoped that the intended Copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August













message of the video was that there is a quality of horsemanship that can lead to happy humans and horses. I hoped that the message was meant to be that there is a way to do be with horses that leads to beauty and harmony. Unfortunately I couldnʼt help but feel that the message was more about we are better than you. Uh Oh. An uneasy feeling came over me. What I would find most beautiful is a video that recognized the best of horsemanship across disciplines... To me, natural horsemanship is about a harmonious context from which you can move forward to any discipline... It is about the best qualities that master horsemen everywhere share... (Even ones that would never give themselves the label ʻnatural horsemanʼ). That is my idea of natural horsemanship, but I am fearing that maybe the intention or message of the video was not to highlight quality. It seemed like the point of that video was to give the idea that anyone who called themselves a natural horseman was ʻbetterʼ than anyone who did a sport. From my perspective (in that semi-transparent fuzzy-edged circle of mine that includes natural horsemanship and dressage) I couldnʼt help but feel that this wasnʼt really playing fair. It wasnʼt fair to the sport people because it was certainly set up to make them look bad, ALL of them. And it wasnʼt fair to natural horsemen because it was a pretty darned predatory video and my view of natural horsemanship was about learning to decrease our predatory characteristics! It happens both ways, of course, from both sport and ʻnaturalʼ people... One mistake, one misunderstanding or unfortunate moment caught on tape, and people are so eager to not so much critique or understand what just happened, but instead to use it as a reason to condemn everything about what that person, or worse, the entire ʻdisciplineʼ does. It caused me to wonder what people are really wanting. Do we want to celebrate excellent horsemanship or do we want to belong to something easily labeled? In order to feel good about US do we have to put down THEM? It seems to be human nature to do this. Once you give yourself a label, the next instinct is to promote that label as the best one in order to confirm oneʼs choices and place in the world. I guess I expected more from humans who have signed up to learn the lessons that horses teach us when we choose to become their partners. Just as easily, there could be a video made of amazingly beautiful scenes of horses jumping the moon for their riders, offering extended trots and flying changes, effortlessly. Proud equine athletes who understand perfectly their precise riders, who feel exhilarated by what they get to go and do. It could be contrasted with horrific scenes of horses learning hard lessons from people in fringed chaps. Horses in rope halters being wrapped around trees, horses with ropes tied around their legs. Scenes with riders allowing their horses to run and run until they ʻchange their ideaʼ, taken out of context and without explanation. How would natural horsemen feel about a video like that? Lets face it, no matter what the discipline, there are humans who so sincerely do it wrong, or who have their heart in the right place and are merely learning and have not yet ʻarrivedʼ. We need to be gentle with them, because they are us. Havenʼt we all had unfortunate moments? If someone is a horse-lover doing their best, why do they need to be attacked? Of course, there are those who simply are mean people, horse-haters, instead of horse-lovers. People who are using animals to satisfy their egos or needs to dominate. Those people need to be sent good energy, and a positive example... They need to be ignored by not giving them business, by not watching them do their thing... And if a horse is being harmed, we need to intervene to save the innocent. Those people can be found in many places, not just in the competition arena. In fact I would be willing to guess there are much worse things going on ʻbehind the barnsʼ in the privacy of their ignorance and out of the view of the public eye. Do we really need to set up an US or THEM pattern? Is that being a partner, is that moving towards harmony? What is the line? Who is part of the big red arrow of US? Who gets to draw the line? What would be much more interesting to me would be to see videos that highlight and acknowledged excellence in riding no matter where you learned it or what you like to do with your horse. Wouldnʼt it be a noble goal to be able to recognize what the qualities of excellent horsemanship look like regardless of outfit, equipment, discipline? If you pull back far enough you will see that we are all in the same place, the place marked by the big red arrow that says: “Horse Lovers Are Here”. But this is not just about these particular videos. It is an example of a way of thinking... A careless, dangerous habit that only seems benign. Maybe some of you are thinking: ʻOh Karen, relax, they are just proud to be a natural horseman and want to show the worldʼ. So here is the real point I want to make. Let me ask you: What is the difference between this video I first described and the propaganda against any group of people that has been hated and discriminated against. How is it different? Now, I am not comparing this as an equal crime, but it is a way of thinking, it is a predatory thought pattern. It promotes disharmony. Isnʼt this a thought pattern that we, as students of the school of natural horsemanship are supposedly trying to eliminate? In our human history this careless habit has been repeated many, many times, with horrific consequences. 10

copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August

To me, the thought process that gives the message: “All natural horsemen are pure and beautiful and all sport riders are cruel”, (or vice versa) is the same thought process as when one group of people discriminates against another, or when politicians put the need to have their party win over the needs of the people. If everything we have learned from our journey with horses stops as soon as we look at another human, then they are lessons lost. If we have not learned to see the subtlety of quality beyond labels then they are lessons lost. If it is more important to us to be righteous than compassionate then they are lessons lost. Letʼs help the innocent who are in trouble, but know that if we fight against fighters we become fighters. If we hate the haters we become haters. By going against ʻthemʼ we become ʻthemʼ. Letʼs not use our beautiful horses and our harmonious horsemanship as a vehicle towards becoming haters and fighters. Standing in my Dressage, Naturally shoes, I hear it from both sides. I hear students of dressage criticize natural horsemen, and I hear students of natural horsemen criticize dressage. From my vantage point I have the beautiful opportunity to reconcile these seemingly different concepts. One of the most wonderful results is that it is a metaphor for life. It has given me a concrete example and a way to practice some more spiritual/philosophical principles. It gives me a chance to practice walking the talk. Our world has enough problems. Use your gift. Use the gift that our horses have given us. It is the gift of compassion, of harmonizing through our differences, of creating positivity, of partnership over dominance, of leading through following, of communicating by understanding, of being open within boundaries. And if you must create a change, then use the gift of understanding how to cause their ideas to change without making them feel wrong. I tell my students at my clinics: “You donʼt have to be a ʻdressage riderʼ, you donʼt have to be a ʻnatural horsemanʼ, you donʼt even need to be a ʻDressage, Naturallyʼ person. You are you. You have your dream with your horse, just like everyone else.” Dressage, natural horsemanship, and Dressage, Naturally are names of bodies of knowledge that can serve you. You donʼt have to be them, you donʼt have to promote them. You donʼt need to take on that burden. Be you and use them to help you fulfill your dream. It is your dream. Free yourself. Show the world what you can do. Share, if you like, where you got your information, but shed the label... You just may be more than that label can describe anyway. In the words of don Miguel Ruiz: “You are not something. You are not nothing. You are something else.”


Over time our habits carve grooves into our lives and our surroundings. They form footprints for others to follow and leave our signature on the landscape. What is the shape of the carving that you would like your life to leave? ~K1 Copyright 2010 temenos fields, inc August


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