2 minute read
We produce Future Heirlooms.
We are living in uncertain times, some might even say, ambiguous times. The Internet of Things has evolved into the Internet of Disposable Things. Our technology is becoming smaller and cheaper to produce. We are buying fast fashion made by cheap, unsafe and underpaid labor that we view as disposable. We no longer care about WHO makes our clothes, HOW they are made, or WHAT their impact is on the world. We are creating so much waste, and have no way of processing it. What is the future we are creating for ourselves?
They are designed with the uncertain future in mind. They are designed to be valued and cared for. That value and care can take many forms. They can be repaired to restore the future use. They can be recycled to become material for another future heirloom. Or they can be upcycled to transform its initial form and/or function.
We are living in uncertain times, some might even say, ambiguous times. The Internet of Things has evolved into the Internet of Disposable Things. Our technology is becoming smaller and cheaper to produce. We are buying fast fashion made by cheap, unsafe and underpaid labor that we view as disposable. We no longer care about WHO makes our clothes, HOW they are made, or WHAT their impact is on the world. We are creating so much waste, and have no way of processing it. What is the future we are creating for
Yes, we create objects.
But, we want to change our relationship with those objects by rethinking our values around care, production, and materials. An heirloom is an object that is traditionally passed down in a family. Sometimes that object can still be used, like jewelry, dishes, etc. But sometimes that object can no longer be used, and it is retained for its sentimental value. What if we brought that sense of sentimental value to all of our objects. What if we treated everything with care, from a t-shirt to a wedding dress.
They are designed with the uncertain future in mind. They are designed to be valued and cared for. That value and care can take many forms. They can be repaired to restore the future use. They can be recycled to become material for another future heirloom. Or they
We produce Future Heirlooms.
Future Heirlooms are concerned with our relationship to nature and our environment.
Future heirlooms are a way to question and poke at things. ey ask us to rethink nature. ey ask us to rethink the body. ey ask us to rethink what heirlooms are. ey ask us to rethink how they are treated. ey ask us to rethink how they function. A Future Heirloom is made with tenderness and care. It teaches you about labor. It teaches you about preservation, recycling, upcycling, and repurposing.

At the Research Lab of Ambiguous Futurology, we are not trying to change how garments are made, but rather to put that labor at the forefront.
A Future Heirloom, like any heirloom, demands care. We want you to care about the labor. About the impact of the materials, labor and life of the Future Heirloom. We are trying to change how we treat the objects in our lives.