Dress To Kill winter 2012 - The Love Issue

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FAShIon EdItoRIALS dARk RomAntICISm, thE dISCREEt ChARm oF thE bouRgEoISIE, FAtAL AttRACtIon. FAShIon QuEbEC dESIgnER duoS.


bEAutY dARkLY RomAntIC, SEduCtIvE PERFumES, thE At homE SPA.

mEn SEduCEd bY JAmES bond, thE REnEWAL oF thE gEntLEmAn, WAtCh “muSt-hAvES”. ARt thE PhotogRAPhER, thE CItY LovER. FAShIon bookS: thE ESSEntIALS.


On the cOver: Sessilee Lopez is wearing MICHAEL KORS dress, at Holt Renfrew and the“Panache” Ring in 18K white gold set with 1 round-cut diamond of 1 carat and 355 brilliant-cut diamonds for a total weight of 3,5 carats CHANEL HAutE JOALLERIE.Laurent Elie Badessi represented by PMI New York. Model, Sessilee Lopez at Major. Stylist, Yso at Folio. Hair by Dante at Break Management. Make-up by Lucky Smyler for MAC at Next. Manicurist, Cassandra Lamar for Zoya at Next. Digital technician, Brad Van Donsel. Photo Assistants, Kiritin Beyer & Soledad Rodriguez. Retouching, Sublim. Studio & Equipment, Splashlight NY.


winter 2012 LOVE IS IN tHE AIR


hiver-winter 2012 N˚20 Présidente/ President Kathia Cambron Directeur de la publication / Editorial Director Sylvain blaiS editeur@dresstokillmagazine.com, DtK mÉDia inC. Rédacteur en chef / Editor In Chief StÉphane le DuC sleduc@dresstokillmagazine.com MODe/FAShiOn Rédactrice en chef mode / Fashion Editor In Chief ElSa veCChi evecchi@dresstokillmagazine.com Éditeurs Mode / Fashion Editors Fritz fritz@dresstokillmagazine.com, Cary tauben cary@dresstokillmagazine.com, ySo yso@dresstokillmagazine.com, Editeur mode homme / Men’s Fashion Editor Sylvain blaiS Accessories Editor / Éditeur Accessoires Kathia Cambron Éditrice Bijoux / Jewellery Editor Kathia Cambron, Éditeur montres / Watch Editor Shervin Shirvani Stylists Cary tauben, Fritz, izabel SouCy, leila bani, ySo, KriSty WilSon BeAUtÉ/BeAUtY Rédactrice en Chef Beauté / Beauty Director eva bilinSKa beauty@dresstokillmagazine.com Rédactrices /writers robyn ChalmerS Beauty contributors Julie St-laurent, niColaS blanChet, vittorio maSeCChia Art DepArtMent Directeur de création / Creative Director Sylvain blaiS creativedirector@dresstokillmagazine.com Direction artistique / Art Directors eva bilinSKa, Sylvain blaiS Graphistes / Graphic Artists marianne bouSquet, iveta Karpathyova, Simon leveillÉ, annie roSSano. rÉDACtiOn/writerS

StÉphane le DuC, elSa veCChi, yvanKa lÉvy-pÉloquin, marC-olivier thibault, Julia parFenyuK, tanya milJeviC lauren Chan.

trADUCteUrS/trAnSlAtOrS Catherine Campbell, Sarah hoWell rÉviSiOn/prOOFreADer Catherine Campbell

StAGiAire/internS mathieu-JaCqueS bourgault, Fabien maltaiS-bayDa, eliSe glinKa, laurenCe St-Cyr Diotte, KriSty WilSon.

weBSite Online Editor / Felix maJor felix@monolithmtl.com Associate Online Editor / guillaume germain guillaume@monolithmtl.com relAtiOnS pUBliQUeS et ÉvÉneMentS/ pr AnD eventS marlene SenDaShonga marlene@dresstokillmagazine.com

pUBliCitÉ / ADvertiSinG Shervin Shirvani - US & National 514 573-6403 shervin@dresstokillmagazine.com Kathia Cambron - US & National 514-927-9008 ventes@dresstokillmagazine.com Colin boDea - US & National 514-272-6187 colin@dresstokillmagazine.com

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A U T O M N E H I V E R 2 0 12


T I G E R O F S W E D E N E S T 19 0 3

L’équipe Dress To KILL, directeur artistique Sylvain Blais et styliste Yso, ont séjourné à New York au mois d’octobre dernier dans un esprit plutôt romantique. La réalisation de la page couverture de notre numéro « Love » ainsi que l’éditorial « Divine’» c’est fait en compagnie de la séduisante top modèle Sessilee Lopez. Laurent Elie Badessi était aussi de la partie. D’origine française, il débuta sa carrière en photographie de mode à Paris et à l’international, et habite New York depuis 1995 se spécialisant en photographie de beaux-arts.

Richard Bernardin

Né à Chicago, il vit maintenant entre Paris et Montréal. Après son service militaire dans les US Marines et de très brèves études en cinéma et en photo, il entreprend une carrière en photo de mode où il connaît un grand succès, en travaillant pour des magazines internationaux tels que Bullett, Elle, Vogue, Please!, Grazia et Harper’s Bazaar. Son style est influencé par l’architecture moderniste et par les films de Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch et Won Kar Wai. Il travaille présentement à son premier court métrage et des futures expositions à Paris, Shanghai et New York.

Shayne’s predilection for moody and mysterious lighting was the perfect foil for our romanticly gothic beauty editorial. No wonder this Canadian born photographer is now the darling French Grazia and Russian Marie Claire. This spring, the young gun will be extending his playground to the Big Apple, where he’s just been signed to a new agency. Shayne spends the rest of his time rebuilding his 1972 Yamaha RD350 café racer.

Shayne Laverdière



«Born in Ukraine, raised and matured in Toronto, the freelance writer is inspired by travel and fashion’s constant change. Interested in thought provoking subjects, passionately in love with the French language and culture, she hopes to expand her views and writing internationally.»

Notre rédactrice mode, Elsa Vecchi s’est méritée le prix du meilleur reportage mode au Concours P&G beauté, pour son article sur le designer canadien Rad Hourani. C’est le très sexy Rob Lowe (à droite) qui fut l’hôte de la soirée à Toronto. Dress to Kill a aussi gagné le prix de la meilleure couverture canadienne avec la une du numéro d’hiver 2011, où figurait le top modèle canadien Anaïs Pouliot. En tout, nous étions en nomination dans 3 catégories. www.pgbeautyandgroomingawards.ca



Nicolas Blanchet

On félicite un de nos maquilleurs et coiffeurs qui, cette année, s’est mérité le prix du meilleur maquilleur canadien au Concours P&G beauté. Un honneur que nous ne pouvons pas laisser passer inaperçu. Un talent créatif débordant, cet ex-étudiant photo voit la beauté autrement, agence les couleurs les plus improbable et crée les cheveux les plus sublimes. Bravo!


Afondé il y a deux ans le Centre de formation Sublim, qui propose aux artistes de talent un programme complet pour devenir retoucheurs photo. Dans ce numéro elle collabore avec nous, accompagnée par trois de ses élèves (dont la retouche de la couverture). « Je souhaite contribuer au rêve de mes étudiants, qui est de vivre de leur passion en leur apportant le plus de soutien possible ».

L’ELOI Depuis l’an 2000, les Productions l’ÉLOI font tout. Ils réalisent des séances photos ainsi que des vidéos sur mesure. Ils se concentrent aussi sur la gestion de talents exceptionnels dont directeurs artistiques, stylistes, maquilleurs/ coiffeurs, vidéastes et photographes. Ils prennent en main la complexité du projet, afin que tous et chacun se concentre simplement sur la création d’image. Ils aident aussi Dress To KILL avec la réalisation de plusieurs séances photos. « On se sent rempli. On a envie de créer. Le café est délicieux et l’équipe est chaleureuse. »

winter COLLeCtiOn 2012


Love is not only a sentiment, but also an art. - Honoré de Balzac


alzac’s words help explain why so many artists find creative inspiration in their quest for this mysterious feeling called «love». Picasso, great lover of many women over his lifetime, needed muses to fuel his work’s passion. Each epoch is a reflection of his tumultuous love affairs, with each new lover provoking a radical transformation in his art. In a way, Picasso would abandon his past to become reborn within his newest affair. Even the end of an affair was palpable in his work: the subject would seem less inspired compared to earlier portraits until eventually they would simply fade out, slowly but surely, as if they represented the end of a cycle. For Picasso, the master of modern art, love was the spark of creativity. In contrast, did Van Gogh not suffer from a lack of love and rejection in his work? Was this consuming search not the engine of his ceaseless creativity? Was his suffering not the source of his inspiration? Did it not create the greatest artists in the history of art? The irony of Van Gogh’s existence is that he never sold a single painting during his lifetime. Likewise, fashion seems entirely devoted to love, or at least its unavoidable weapon: seduction. For Yves Saint Laurent, no creation existed without love. It’s the heart, after all, that became the symbol of his designs. A symbol that he redesigned and transformed across his collections. His exacerbated sensibility made him a person in constant search for its exalting sentiments. One year after his death, his partner and companion Pierre Bergé wrote Letters to Yves, a magnificent and moving book that served as tribute to the 50 years of life which they shared. The last phrase is particularly poignant: «Here, Yves, is what I wanted to tell you. We have to leave each other now and I don’t know how to do that. Because, I will never leave you. Have we ever left each other?»

Alber Elbaz, who this year celebrated his 10th anniversary at Lanvin, also appropriated the heart as symbol of his universe. A simple heart, designed like a graffiti or a drawing in the margins of a schoolboy’s notebook. According to Elbaz, fashion is the very expression of love and the force of sentiments that it can inspire. His collections are full of love, joy, finesse, and great femininity. As Glenda Bailey from Harper’s Bazaar has said, «He gives women love.» For many local designers, love seems to be the engine that allows their projects to come to life and gives them the strength to overcome the risks that abound in the fashion industry. If the couple Serge and Réal paved the way in 1972, 40 years later, a whole new generation of designers are following in step. Tavan&Mitto, Martin Lim, and UNTTLD all find a source of inspiration and emulation in the association with love that becomes the realization of a common dream. Whether we want it or not, love is at the center of life. A magical moment for some, sensual fever for others... there is no doubt that love takes on different forms. We grasp it, or it burns us. It can arouse our anger and our fears, or also open our hearts. Let’s hope that the pages of this edition dedicated to love will be able to uncover its different facets and, most importantly, warm your hearts in this season of cold.

Stéphane Le Duc Editor in chief

Fast track your fashion career. Mercedes-Benz Start Up was designed to help emerging fashion stars navigate the complicated road to success. Through unprecedented access to industry professionals, national media exposure, and the opportunity to showcase a collection to an international audience with a fully produced runway show during World MasterCard Fashion Week in Toronto, Mercedes-Benz Start Up is ready to shine the spotlight on promising Canadian talent with the drive to succeed. Do you have what it takes? Learn more at mercedes-benzstartup.com

Mercedes-Benz StartUp







Canada’s luxury retail leader Holt Renfrew & Co. is launching a new chain of stores set to carry lower-priced designer lines, distinct from its Holts flagship selections. The new concept stores, called hr2, are set to open in March 2013, with the first location confirmed in Brossard, Quebec, the second in Ontario, and more stores to open nationally by 2015. Holts is going after the younger and price-conscious customers vying for designer goods (while cashing in on the off-price luxury retail trend). hr2 is a smart move for the Canadian Holts in the wake of foreign luxury giants’ invasion of our retail ground. Nordstrom, attention! —Julia Parfenyuk



The year’s end is an ideal time for declarations... of love. The proof: Gap is launching a Christmas campaign under the theme of love. The campaign features various Canadian celebrities, posing with their better halves, each wearing sweaters from the latest winter collection. Among the familiar faces are Michael J. Fox and his wife, Tracy Pollan, and the musician Rufus Wainwright next to his husband, artistic director Jörn Weisbrodt. The collection features many touches of red- symbol for passion- brightening the great classics of the season. Make love not war. www.gap.ca — Elsa Vecchi

The talented blogger/photographer/ illustrator/stylist (and the significant other of Mr. Sartorialist, Scott Schuman), is set to exhibit her popular digital illustrations in print form in New York City. The chic fashion illustrations gained so much positive feedback and requests for purchase from her readers that Garance decided to launch a limitededition sale of posters and art prints, starting at $35, through her website. Stay tuned for more information on the exhibition and the print sale. www.garancedore.fr—Julia Parfenyuk


The trend that has hit in full force the radar of designers this season brings us straight to the luxurious palaces of Ancient Egypt and its rich and memorable jewelry collections. From Marni ($380-$445), to Pamela Love ($290-$830), right up to Aurelie Bidermann ($735-$1260), each has put forward designs worthy of Cleopatra herself, the queen that lies deep within us all. Gentlemen, we’re in love! www.ssense.com Charlotte Gautier

B e h i n d e v e r y g r e at w o m a n i s a n e v e n B e t t e r pa l e t t e 1 4 8 E x t R AO R d i n A Ry CO lO R S . S E P H O R A CO l l E C t i O n CO lO R dA z E B lO C k B u St E R . $ 49. 5 0.





It was raining diamonds into rivers that shone as brightly as a thousand fires this year as the biggest names in high fashion jewelry, from Dior, Boucheron, Bulgari, Cartier, Chanel, Chaumet, Piaget, Siegelson, Van Cleef & Arpels, Wallace Chance, to Harry Winston, enchanted the crowds of rich art amateurs and owners at the 26th Biennale des Antiquaires (Antiques & Arts Paris Biennial) held at Paris’ Grand Palace from the 14th to the 23rd of September, 2012. Karl Lagerfeld was in charge of the decor and visuals for the occasion, successfully creating an ephemeral world that showcased the thousands of art objects. In a reconstruction of their token boutique at Place Vendôme, Dior presented its most recent pieces from its high fashion jewelry collection titled Dear Dior, designed by Victoire de Castellane, showcased alongside a number of jewelry pieces from Couture, Jardin, and Bal, as well as watches from La D de Dior, Dior VII, and Dior Grand Soir. This event is one of France’s true gems. From its art to jewelry mastery, this exceptional biennial reunion features the first class ambitions of its league. www.sna-france.com —Mathieu Jacques Bourgault



Photographie Laurent Elie Badessi Styliste YSO

VAN CLEEF & ARPELS –The Art Of Haute Joaillerie

All the creative boldness of the grand jewelry house will be highlighted in the gallery of Paris’ Les Arts Décoratifs, with over 500 jewelry pieces form Van Cleef & Arpels famous collection since 1906. The prestigious pieces will be showcased alongside a number of archived documents and designs in a scenographic dream designed by the Jouin Manku agency. The history of Van Cleef & Arpels is studded with technical inventions handed down over generations by the Golden Hands of workshops. Their know-how, kept secret over decades, is partnered with imagination and liberal inspiration that are at the heart of the houses amazing fusion of shapes and models. For the first time, the exposition traces through the chronology of Van Cleef & Arpels in a manner as rich as the creations themselves. From September 20th to February 10th, 2013, at Paris’ museum of Arts Décoratifs.. —Mathieu Jacques Bourgault www.lesartsdecoratifs.fr PANKANECKLACE www.artdelahautejoaillerie-vancleefarpels.com AND MOTIF EARRINGS, PARIS 1973 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS

Robe et pochette de soirée SALVATORE FERRAGAMO. Collier de fantaisie CHANEL. Bague en platine avec diamant jaune et pince à oreilles Diamond Star en platine par Jean Schlumberger TIFFANY.












Robe TAVAN&MITTO. Boucles d’oreille «Panthère» en platine, diamants et onyx 21 300$. Bracelet Maillon Panthère en or blanc 18K, diamants et onyx 38 100$. Bague Panthère en or blanc 18K, onyx et diamants 28 300$, le tout CARTIER.





Robe HERVÉ LEGER par Max Azria. Boucles d’oreille «Himalia» en or jaune 18K et diamants CARTIER 26 700$. Montre Classic Fusion 42mm boitier et lunette en or King Gold 18K cadran noir matte sur bracelet soit alligator soit caoutchouc noir HUBLOT 21 000$.

Laurent Elie Badessi représenté par PMI New York. Judith Berard at Montage Models. Styliste Yso chez Folio. Mise en plis, Dante chez Break Management. Mise en beauté, Lucky Smyler pour MAC chez Next. Manicure Cassandra Lamar pour ZOYA chez Next. Technicien numérique, Brad Van Donsel. Assistants photo, Kiritin Beyer & Soledad Rodriguez. . Retouche, Sublim. Studio, Splashlight NY





COCO’s heritage

In November 1932, CoCo Chanel revolutionized the world of jewelry in debuting her collection Bijoux de Diamants (Diamond Jewelry). The press immediately flocked to her hotel showroom on Faubourg Saint-Honoré street to admire the dazzling collection, a collection that captivated based on its modern and audacious touch. By Stéphane Le Duc


he designed 30 jewels show cased not in boxes but on wax mannequins, from necklaces without clasps, rings that wrap around fingers and with diamonds in abundance. A contrast to the fantasy jewels that she favored for her previous collections, as she stated in a press file from the exposition: “The reason that brought me, in the beginning, to think of fake jewels is because I found them devoid of arrogance in a time of pomp. This consideration vanishes during a time of financial crisis where, all things considered, there surfaces an instinctive desire for authenticity. This desire brings cheap junk back to its true value. I chose diamonds because their density represents the highest value for the smallest volume.” Jewelers reacted poorly to the intrusion of a seamstress into their domain and forced her to take off the precious stones and give them back after the exposition. From there, Coco abandoned the idea of making another line of high fashion jewelry. As she then said to a popular newspaper at the time, “I don’t want at any price to be competing with jewelers. I do not sell jewelry. I just wanted to give a new life to this very French art that was threatened to fall into obscurity during the crisis. I only hope to be copied: it’s the greatest mark of success!” The spirit of her unique exhibition never disappeared and reigns 80 years later through the collection “1932”, an homage to the original legendary exposition. Chanel’s high fashion jewelry line now presents 80 never before seen pieces that are inspired by the symbols and creative world of Gabrielle Chanel. It’s important work for a fashion house that is always in search of excellence. As Chanel’s International Director of Jewelry Benjamin Comar says, “This collection is a huge deal for Chanel jewelry. It marks an important step in our development, as much through the creative values and themes it carries, as by the number of pieces that it presents and their worth. It took two years to develop this collection based on the theme of “1932”. For each new collection, firstly we draw the jewelry freely then we try to find the stones, the materials, and the techniques to give our designs life while trying to stay as close to the original idea as possible.”

To say the least, the result is sublime. Chanel’s daring creations carry us into a world of dreams and magic thanks to an amazing creative know-how. It is jewelry that Gabrielle Chanel could have created herself in so much that they stay true to her vivacious creative spirit. As example is the “Shooting Star” necklace, which puts a new spin on the classic necklace, “Comet” from 1932. It’s a fine necklace without clasps in the true spirit of this free woman who always refused to follow conventions. According to Chanel, jewels could be worn just as well in the tresses of hair or on a clip over the shoulder. Similarly, the “Shooting Star”, made in a baguette diamond chain, is held together by a diamond star that can be worn on the shoulder or the chest, depending on the wearers desire. Among the emblematic themes of Chanel jewelry: comets, stars, suns, fountains, fringes, feathers, and ribbons, we also find for the first time in this latest collection the figure of a lion, Mademoiselle Chanel’s good-luck charm. Born August 19th, 1883, she loved to reproduce her astral sign on the buttons of her tailored skirt suits as well as fill her apartment on Cambon street chock full of them. We can only applaud the astral-inspired necklace and ring with tawny comet. Bold designs that unite rock crystal, rutilated quartz, and diamonds. It’s this unique creative spirit and exceptional technical mastery that allows Chanel to attain the peak of jewelry making and find tremendous success among a savvy clientele. According to Benjamin Comar, “The value of creation, femininity, fluidity, and versatility that Chanel jewelry carries is very in line with the aspirations of modern women.” 80 years later, the spirit of Gabrielle Chanel is still well alive in this formidable collection “1932”. It’s the soft revenge of a visionary designer that understood the essence of high fashion jewelry and who, still to this day, knows how to inspire the greatest artists.




To speak of fashion and Love with a capital «L» without mentioning Elie Saab would be heresy in the greatest form. That’s because, intrinsically, the style of this Lebanese designer, who rubs elbows with RED CARPETS and haute couture clientele, is an ode... to love. By Elsa Vecchi

Take his latest haute couture Fall/Winter 2012-2013 fashion show. The show opens with long-black ensembles, luxurious kaftan-like, made of nothing less than precious lace. True marvels of chic and elegance, complete with nuances plucked from the Orient to the Occident. His evening gowns with trains, entirely embroidered, are at once divinely refined and dreamy, delicately showing the back while tulle and lace magnificently cover the bust. Then there’s the traditinal closing piece of his haute couture fashion show, the wedding dress: a dream-like apparition of a «modern princess» in each one of its folds. The ingredients? Somewhat oxymoronically: grandiloquence and modernity. But after all, it’s these famous wedding dresses that, from the beginning, have sealed the reputation of this cherished child among Middle Eastern haute couture clientele. Over the years, Elie Saab’s strength has been his ability to mix romanticism, fragility, tenderness, poetry, sprinkled with a bit of «glitter», all while evading the trap of becoming A Thousand and One Nights cliche. The proof is in his incredible work with broidery, glitter, semi-precious stones, and pearls. It’s a style more and more becoming contemporary. Elie Saab is even expanding the vocabulary of pastel colours (dust, powder, tea rose, peach, blush, celadon, mist, blue candy... . All his fetish shades). There is nothing bland about these colours that in his hands take on a whole new life and give his designs stylistic power that the critics so love. For that very reason, they would never miss a single one of his

shows, neither haute couture nor ready-to-wear. You can call that success! Even before the buzz in the fashion editorials, Hollywood was all over his designs. Today, they’re still crazy for Saab. In March, 2002, while Hale Berry, sumptuously dressed in a peek-boo red wine dress adorned with floral embroidery over the chest, took home the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film Monster’s Ball, and the cliche made news the world over, the name of the designer becoming immortalized on magazine covers across the globe. It was an amazing promo moment, which would have never come to fruition without hard work and a few deciding meetings. As testimony to his success is his Perfume, name of his first fragrance, launched the same day as his Fall/Winter 2011-2012 haute couture collection. Behind this floral and woody composition is Francis Kurdjian, one of the greatest perfume makers in the world. The verdict

for Perfume says it all: in June, 2012, it won a *FIFI Award in celebration of its refined luxury with notes of nectar, orange flower, jasmine, patchouli, subtly warmed with hints of cedar and rose honey. It was a road long coming. In 2000, Elie Saab was invited by the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture for the first time to present a fashion show in Paris. What a journey, indeed. For Saab though, that break-through moment felt like decades of dust in the making; designing has been his dream since the age of 9 when he started cutting patterns out of his mother’s curtains and table cloths to dress his sisters. Since then, this designer has never ceased to bless women. The reason is very simple: women are the love of his life. www.eliesaab.com *FIFI: annual award held in New York City since 1973 that rewards the creative achievements and excellence of the international fragrance industry.



Tandem Can we isolate or disassociate these two words that are so charged with meaning? What would be the force of creation without the engine called love? The following three

Québécois design duos are testament to this irresistible sentiment that transcends at the heart of art. photography Sylvain Blais styling Yso Story Elsa Vecchi

White crimped gown Necklace HARAKIRI.

UNTTLD is José Manuel and Simon Belanger launched their women’s line in January, 2011.


e spend all our time together, 24 hours a day,” confides José Manuel, who is now sporting a noticeably shorter ‘do since our last meeting. Since then, Simon Bélanger also stopped by the hairdresser. Makes sense: “We do everything together, absolutely everything!” A quote that says it all. When it comes to fashion, the young designer duo speak without hesitation, with a frank liberty pushing on baffling. We are talking in a small café located in the trendy Milend, at that very moment hipsters are busy boosting themselves on café lattes. “We met in 2006, but we were physically separated for two years while Simon left to study in Italy at Milan’s Domus Academy,” explains José Manuel. After a few trips back-and-forth, each with their respective diplomas in hand, and José freshly graduated from Concordia’s Fine Arts program, he finally got the chance to reunite with his alter ego. It was then on TVA’s famous reality-TV show, “La Collection”, that the duo were propelled to the front of the scene. “José was working alongside Montréal stylist, Yso, creating costumes for the opera. On my end, I was assisting Denis Gagnon. He told me that the reality-TV show was looking for young, aspiring designers. We were then completely broke. We applied, got called back, and... we won!” During the weeks of shooting, while they were not supposed to see each other, José and Simon still couldn’t be apart, even to the knowledge of the producers. Rule or not, who could try to separate them? “We’ve asked ourselves if such close proximity to one another can be sane. We can definitely say, yes, it is. Ironically, our problems are worse when we’re not together!” The duo admits that since the beginning of their story they’ve dreamed of becoming a designer couple doubling also as a couple in their private lives, united by the success of their very own line. Well, since 2011 it’s been a dream come true. While José defines himself as more colorful, more inclined towards poetry, Simon is the “darker” side, more obscure. Nonetheless, over the past years they’ve been able to bring their styles together... and closer yet.

“If I was working alone I would only create in black or white,” admits Bélanger, “but José brings out another side of me, something very different, and it includes colours, too!” They look at each other as partners and lovers. Yet another day of creation in the name of harmony and sophisticated taste. Indeed, this very morning, the word “fusion” seems to take on all its literal sene. This duo of benefactors, who we presented as the it thing last spring, hasn’t finished enchanting us. With their edgy and architecture-like silhouettes, their pants like second skin in laced leather, their composite coats made of leather and fur, or dresses that mix metallic chains and waxed cotton, the duo is rockin’ it again with their winter line. “Together we make twice as many things!” Conclude the designers, also confiding that they’ve been engaged for a little while now. And yes, the big decision was made in the washroom of a restaurant, just for laughs. United and always surprising, for better or for worse. www.unttld.ca



anielle Martin and Pao Lim fused their two family names to launch their very own label. It’s a definite sign of boundless love. “The night that we met, Pao had bleach blonde hair and I was wearing a wig that I’d bought in the Patricia Fields boutique in NYC, the stylist from Sex and the City,” confides Danielle Martin, who at the time was a young fashion enthusiast fresh out of Cégep. “Danielle told me, “You have nice hair, you know!” And that’s how it all started,” adds Pao Lim, who was then himself just finishing a bachelors degree in psychical activity and sports science. “That’s where he gets his sport/chic inspiration from,” jokes Martin.

Martin Lim launched in 2010 by Danielle Martin and Pao Lim.

Pao, the young athlete, did a complete 360 degree turn in throwing himself blindly into design. Always the force of love... Pause. They throw each other looks and smiles. The morning sun bathes their Montréal Plateau workshop in a white light as the duo reminisces about their road from Montréal to London with one desire guiding them all along: to someday own their own line. The present serves as testimony to their respective successes. Each on their own time, with the “Smirnoff Fashion Awards” in hand, and a few well-earned scholarships won later on, this united duo undertook classes at the reputed St. Martin School of London, the very school that trained some of the most prestigious designers in the world (from John Galliano to Alexander McQueen, Gareth Pugh and many others). “Zola, our first daughter, was still a baby then. It wasn’t easy balancing family and work,” says Danielle. “It was then that, while Pao was finishing his last year, I became a designer for Roland Mouret so that I could be more available during the night. Then, the following year, we changed roles: he took up my place at the famous French design house and I worked to finish my last year at Saint Martin College.” A dedicated exchange of duties between the lovebirds, who have since the begging continued to support each other in turn. “We compliment each other in every way, and of course in design,” explains Pao, adding, “Her style is undeniably more feminine and fluid, too!” Danielle is quick to compare, “He’s graphic and modern!” Then it’s back to the man of the line, “She creates a number of ‘boards’ that help enrich her inspiration.” Danielle gets the last words, “He’s the faster one of us two, instinctive and sensitive.” Nothing left to add. Perfect harmony seems to unite the two designers, parents of two daughters, the oldest of which now also has the fashion bug. At only 14 years, Zola has already made a name for herself in the blog world with her site, “Smile Style”. A last look around the room gives us a chance to take in the scene: a mix of long silk evening gowns custommade on measure, magnificent, and the collection for next spring, fluid, graphic, and floral. In total, a perfect mix of their creative spirits perfectly woven together by four hands that offer concrete proof that it is possible to live as a couple and work perfectly well together, hand in hand. www.martin-lim.com

Pink handkerchief gown MARTIN LIM Fuchsia shoes GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI. Jewelry HARAKIRI. Right: Robins egg shoes BROWNS COUTURE. Cropped floral pants & shirt MARTIN LIM. Necklace, bracelet, rings HARAKIRI.

Tavãn & MiTTo

Tavan & Mitto launched in 1995 by Payam Tavan and Mike Mitto.


e met up in their boutique/workshop located on Saint-Laurent boulevard in Montréal. While sipping their espressos, Payam Tavan and Mike Mitto reflect on the notion of love, the day’s topic. “Love of women,” they sigh in the same voice. “What can you do,” explains Tavan, “we love women! It’s for them that we design. There’s a reason why we installed our workshop above the store: we wanted to be able to observe our clientele when they first come in so that we can get a feel for their energy and find what they’re looking for. To see them evolve is a source of constant inspiration.”

Purple lace halter dress, skirt TAVAN & MITTO. Necklace HARAKIRI. Shoes MIMOSA. Right: Jacquard lurex hightop shorts and cropped tank TAVAN & MITTO. Necklace HARAKIRI. Styling Yso at Folio. Hair & Makeup Jessica Lablanche at Folio. Model, Ryan at Folio. Assistant photographer, Julien Barbès. Retouching Marie Pier Toutant.

It’s already been 17 years that these accomplices, ultra talented and sensile, have been designing together with the same dogma in mind: dress women with elegance. It’s the goal of many designers, but how many are actually able to succeed? Tavan & Mitto have the required class. To say the least, the designing accomplices went to good schools. Throughout the ‘90s, Tavan worked at Gianfranco Ferré, while Mike Mitto spent a few seasons at Chanel. In the past, they admit to having been lost at times, whether it was in making compromises, or in seeking to please the masses. But those days are gone. What was the turning point? “Two years ago, famous stylist Annie Horth called us to design dresses for the musicians of Céline Dion’s show in Las Vegas. We realized that elegance and luxury were really at the heart of our designing DNA.” Their collection this Fall/Winter is testimony to their return to grand chic. It features dresses and skirts boasting impressive

volume, oscillating between fluidity and rigidity; “loose” pants paired with organza tops; and clothes presented in luxurious fabrics from silk, organza, wool, cashmere, sequins, to wild fur. In sum, it’s a showcase of incredible delicacy. As for the topic of love? “Love of fabrics and colours,” Tavan quickly replies, while sketching with his hands the touch of smooth, raw, and soft fabric... all that defines the richness of a garment. “My speciality are finishes. I can spend days working on one seam, a line between two fabrics,” admits Mitto. “We are a bit like Yin and Yang. We compliment each other and are inseparable,” says Payam. Their creative process is like a long, tranquil river? The question seems to amuse the duo. The response, unanimous: “Definitely not! And therein lies the beauty of creating as two!” It’s best not to rely on their acclaim and try to instill permanence on complex and arduous work whose result leaves neither room at rest (of the creator), nor at respite (of the woman who is always in search of more elegance). As such, better than a long, tranquil river, the analogy is best described as a turquoise sea: calm on the surface, but tumultuous at depth. www. tavanmitto.com






All of Tomorrow’s Parties edited by Kathia Cambron & Mathieu Jacques Bourgault





543 Richmond St W, Suite LL300 Toronto, ON, M5V 1Y6 PH: 416 703 0060 E: everton@g-sus.com W: www.g-sus.com





F/W 2012-2013

edited by Kathia Cambron & Mathieu Jacques Bourgault


F/W 2012-2013





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LE ROUGE ET LE NOIR Photography Joseph Saraceno Styling Tricia Hall Hand treated leather pump, ABEL MUÑOZ.

Leather and horsehair shoulder bag, HERMÈS.

Quilted lambskin boy bag, CHANEL.

Bib necklace, SWAROVSKI; black cuff and black bracelet, both LIA SOPHIA.


PumP uP the Volume Photographie Mathieu Fortin Stylisme Yso

Page de gauche : Manteau SAMUEL DONG. Jupe H&M. Chandail WILDFOX chez Billie. Bottillons cloutés compensés JEFFREY CAMPBELL chez Little Burgundy. Collier AGATHA. En haut, à gauche : Pull blanc en mailles de laine SANDRO chez La Baie. Pantalon JAGGER SUITING chez Billie. Veste en cuir gris M0851. Manteau DARLING chez Pony Ride. Chapeau M0851. Bague et collier AGATHA. En haute, à droite : Jupe DARLING chez Pony Ride. Manteau matelassé vert/bleu PUMA. Manteau bleu tissé DESIGN REMIX chez Pony Ride. Bottillons MODERN VINTAGE chez La Baie. Bracelet et bague AGATHA . En bas : Col roulé noir J BRAND chez Billie. Leggings en rayonne/polyester JEAN PAUL GAULTIER chez Henriette L. Manteau SPORT MAX. Bottes talons chrome POUR LA VICTOIRE chez La Baie. Sac à main SONIA RYKIEL chez Henriette L. Broche ROLLING STONE. Bagues AGATHA .

En haut, à gauche : Robe JOY FLORIDA chez Billie. Veste en cuir et maille de laine noire UN UPTOWN chez Billie. Manteau matelassé orange/noir X2O. Bottes DR. MARTENS AIRWAIR chez X20. En haute, à droite : Robe JOY FLORIDA chez Billie. Manteau M0851. Bottillons MODERN VINTAGE chez La Baie. Bagues AGATHA . En bas : Col roulé beige PINK TARTAN chez La Baie. Pantalon J BRAND. Manteau long dessous MAXMARA STUDIO chez Henriette L.Manteau à plumes d’oies et bottes LA CANADIENNE. Boucles d’oreilles et collier AGATHA. page de droite : Pantalon/ Veste denim/ Col roulé J BRAND. Manteau PINK TARTAN chez La Baie. Collier et bague en argent AGATHA. Bottillons MODERN VINTAGE chez La Baie. Mise en beauté, Jessica Lablanche chez Folio. Assistants photographes, Ariel Methet Bellemare et Jesse Brunette. Mannequin, Mira Bouchard chez Montage.


To Marilyn, With Love


SPA CARE At home spa, love yourself... Photography Yann Ostiguy Makeup & Hair Vittorio Masecchia Styling Kristy Wilson Model Lara at Next

Choose from the MacGraw, the Audrey, the Bardot or the Kardashian (not for the faint of heart!). The twohour process takes place in a girly salon that Lauren Kurtz likens to a cupcake shoppe. She uses premium, synthetic mink lashes in a variety of curls to create the most natural shape and weight.These lashes feel natural, lasted almost two months (although a refill is suggested after four weeks), and bring the most flattering, subtle attention to your eyes. Lauren’s post-care tips include not watching The Notebook for at least 24 hours, and using her special lash serum to keep your extensions in tip-top shape. 907 College St. 647-350-GOSH (4674) www.goodgoshbeauty.com —Jennifer Ng


The ultramodern WAXED glows with soft, white, underlit counters, leather banquettes and a candy wall for a posttreatment snack. Michele and Inna, the owners, perfectly complement each other. Michele is the head esthetician, and Inna is the MBA brains behind the operation—she’s also a lash tech! Besides offering the most thorough, long-lasting Brazilian wax in recent memory, they aslo have a bikini brush for a pre-shower exfoliation to combat ingrown hairs as well as heated lash curlers from Japan – Inna tells me the manual ones kink your lashes. Besides excellent, ultra-quick wax services, they also offer makeup applications and Botox. A great place for a quick downtown pick-me-up. 1777 Avenue Rd, 416-783-9293 www.waxedwaxbar.com —Jennifer Ng

Erno Laszlo has reopened its famed Institute after a forty year absence, in New York’s downtown Soho. Formerly an exclusive treatment center for the world’s most coveted silver screen skincare (Audrey Hepburn, Jackie O, and Grace Kelly), the brand is once again offering memberships and made-to-measure beauty regimes to its ever-loyal devotees. Correlating with its 85th anniversary as well as its most iconic customer, the Institute will be showcasing a very rare collection of Marilyn Monroe paraphernalia in-house (free of charge and open to the public), until the end of December. Take the tour, and pick up their limited edition Marilyn-inspired HydraTherapy Bath & Shower Gel with cream pairing (Holt Renfrew, $75), as the ultimate indulgent museum souvenir. www.ernolaszlo.com/ institute —Robyn Chalmers

High Brow

There is no better time to join the well-groomed set with this new and extensive collection to help define, fill and shape. MAC ‘s Stylish Brow collection has perfect pencils($23) that are not too dry or too greasy, Fluidline pots ($19) and duo sets of pressed powder ($33) for all hair colours, even red. Available January 3rd.-E.B.

Aqua Cream in Red MAKE UP FOR EVER. Eye shadow quad in Starstruck KAT VON D at Sephora. Lip Maestro in 401 GIORGIO ARMANI. False eyelashes MUSST. Dress ALEXANDER MCQUEEN at Ssense. Blazer IMPERIAL BY MAGICO. Cross ring ALDO. Spider ring TOM BINNS at Ssense. Ring YVES SAINT LAURENT at Ssense. Bracelet MORGAN BLACK.



ROM A N T IC S Photography Shayne Laverdière Makeup & Hair Nicolas Blanchet Styling Izabel Soucy

Single eye shadow in D Gorgeous NARS. Longwear gel liner in Black Mauve BOBBI BROWN. Rouge Interdit in Black Plum GIVENCHY at Sephora. Chiffon dress CHANEL. Rings THE BAY. Blush in Unconventional M.A.C.

Illusion D’ombre in Mirifique CHANEL. Lux Cream Eye Shadow and Liner in Enchantmint MARCELLE. Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick in Déterminée CHANEL. Eye shadow quad in Starstruck KAT VON D at Sephora. Mineralized blush in Alpine Bronze M.A.C. Fur coat FAITH CONNEXION at Simons. Lace dress RINASCIMENTO. Necklace EMILY WOUDENBERG. Ring MORGAN BLACK. Hat, stylist own. Models, Ran at Dulcedo and Maya at Folio. Stylist assistant, Daniel Bruno Frerreira. Production assistants, Laurence St-Cyr Diotte, Elise Glinka and Kristy Wilson.

Eye shadow in Shimmering Emerald ELIZABETH ARDEN. Eye shadow in 372M INGLOT. Aqua Cream matte liner in Hunter Green MAKE UP FOR EVER. Blush in Passionately Tempted M.A.C. Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick in L’Impatiente CHANEL. Bibi SONIA RYKIEL at Henriette L. Lace top ISABEL MARANT at TNT. Earrings BCBG MAXAZRIA.

The Art of

Do it yourself

Lancome’s cream is infused with the extracts of 3 roses and has a luxurious perfume. Rosa Centifolia: soothes the skin and strengthens the natural defense barrier. Rosa Gallica: calms and reduces redness in order to protect and soothe the skin. Rosa Canina: improves skin hydration. Rose body creams 150ml - $36, 350ml - $46.

Jennifer Ng reflects on the pitfalls and the joys of at home spa. Illustration Iveta Karpathyova


e probably should have Googled how to do this.” “Try not to talk, you’re flaking.” I reach over and try to catch a few flakes of mud loosening from my friends face mask. What had started as an innocent girls’ night had turned into a veritable beauty fiasco.

Chanel body cream. Sumptuous with traces of light floral scents of rose and iris, the two classic notes of Chanel perfumes. It also enhances any Chanel exclusive perfume. Fresh Body Cream 150ml - $125. Available at Chanel boutiques.

Luxury ROSE

Joe Malone is known for her colognes. Many of the best loved fragrances are available in bath oil and body creams. The rose scented bath oil relieves stress and calms nerves. At Holt Renfrew Red Roses Bath Oil 250ml – $75

Chloe, body cream. With its main note of Bulgarian rose absolute, the cream captures the modern rose, romantic and beautiful. Chloe perfumed body lotion 200ml - $60.

Rose oil is almost identical to the natural oils the skin produces. Use over moisturizer to help seal in moisture and to repair and to heal dehydrated skin, at Sephora. Rose O12 Moisture Defence Serum 30ml - $96.


We looked helplessly at the sea of lotions, bath bombs, q-tips and other beauty paraphernalia. I reflexively ran a hand through my hair and realized the egg-yolk mask had hardened in my hair and the milk was starting to sour. Ew. That was last year. I was determined that this year would be different. It happens to everyone – temperatures drop and our propensity to forage for food and entertainment decreases, never mind our motivation to pamper ourselves. When was the last time you did a good body scrub? That’s right. Time to DIY spa. Let’s start at the beginning, my skin. So, I reached out to an expert to get some input. Dina Krinitski from EDVA Spa products quickly became my go-to girl; she is also a wholesaler of products to many Toronto salons. The secret is to examine your skin and what it’s telling you. You might seem to have an oily complexion but that might be because it’s dry...Confusing I know. If you’re getting mixed messages then it’s wise to consult a specialist like Dina. Here’s a little beauty writer’s secret: most of it is trial and error based on professional opinion. After looking back, I realize it was my lack of preparation that was my downfall. I take a moment to map out my beauty schedule. I had unwisely chosen to put egg in my hair before stepping into a steaming hot shower to rinse off my mud mask (egg yolks are significantly less nourishing if you cook them into your hair cuticle). The best way I’ve found is to order your treatments from longest to shortest. The longest treatments tend to be hair masks. Take a moment to brush out your hair and saturate it with the product. Get in a good head massage while you’re at it – we often forget to take time to nourish the scalp. Be sure your hair is secured before moving onto the next step – nobody likes a mouthful of Kerastase’s Oleo-Relax. After that, start on your face. Try a gentle but thorough cleansing routine by taking the cleanser down your neck and onto your décolleté. For mature skin or problem skin, exfoliat-

ing is key – a physical scrub will polish any roughness, while a chemical scrub will help remove dead skin cells. Either way, both should help brighten and smooth your complexion. Be sure to follow with an alcohol-free toner to help restore the pH of your skin. My favourite part of a DIY facial has to be the masks. Unlike a regular skincare routine where I jump from toner to moisture, a spa day means I take a few minutes between these steps to apply a mask. If I’m feeling really pious, I’ll do a peeling mask to make sure the skin is fresh, new and exposed. Next, follow with a hydrating mask. While it’s not a traditional mask, I like to use a thick layer of something rich to give my skin a glowy boost. The next 20 minutes are up to you, take this time to sip a detoxifying tea and do absolutely nothing. It is the holidays, after all. At the end of the day, proper skincare is a habit, as with brushing your teeth. Proper cleansing, facial massage and moisture– these are things that should occur regularly enough that they’re no longer considered pampering. Pampering comes initially, when we take the time to properly educate ourselves about the way our skin, body and mind react to regular care. Everyone deserves a sanctuary – do your research, make one at home, and love yourself. www.edvaproducts.com www.procrastinatingpretty.blogspot.ca


The GLOWExpert


Ole Henriksen started mixing his naturallybased formulas in the mid-seventies in his kitchen, and selling them to local Beverly Hills spas. Keeping with his all-natural philosophy, his products are infused with botanicals. The 3 part peel combines a physical exfoliator, a chemical peel and you finish with a moisturizing, calming cream. All perform superbly, and leave your skin glowing. At Sephora. Micro/Mini Peel System 50ml x3 - $114. olehenriksen.com

They have their own lines, their own philosophy and they also have a cult following of stars and everyday people that swear by their products and expertise.



Kate Somerville has been working for 20 years as a skin specialist at her medi-skin Clinic. After gathering much experience with her celebrity clients (Jessica Alba and Paris Hilton, to name a few), she decided to put her knowledge into a skincare line. Her star product has to be Exfolikate. A blend of salicylic acid and fruit enzymes, to clean pores, as well as to exfoliate, giving skin a radiant glow. At Sephora. Exfolikate 60ml – $102, 150ml - $175.

Less is MORE

With her less-is-more philosophy, Eve Lom designed her world famous cleanser to be multi-tasking. Containing essential oils such as clove (antiseptic), chamomile (calming), eucalyptus (detoxifying).The cleansing ritual is also spa-worthy (you can find all the step on the Website), and encourages you take the time to take cleanse your skin, as well as to exfoliate (thanks to the muslin cloth)—all with one product. At Murale.ca, Eve Lom Cleanser 50ml - $55, 100ml - $88, evelom.com.


Based on a formulation developed by her husband, Dr. Paul Herzog, Karin put the formula in every skincare product in the line. The formula binds oxygen and keeps it in a liquid state. The mask contains 2% oxygen that is released only when in contact with the skin. The oxygenation kills bacteria and stimulates skin. Not to mention: Kate Middleton is a big fan of the Swiss-based brand. Available in spas only, Essential Mask Face Mask 50ml - $62. www.karinherzog.com

One of Boscia’s star products is a black and opaque mask. To be applied generously then, let dry, and peel-off. Containing 67 different minerals, it absorbs oil, heals skin, reduces inflammation, detoxifies and exfoliates (plus it’s like a giant pore strip). At Sephora. Luminizing Black Mask 80g - $41.

Murad offers dermatological grade solutions for skin problems. Rejuvenating Lift for Neck and Decollete, helps to restore a youthful appearance to the fragile area, by mimizing texture, reducing spots and boosting collagen production, at Sephora.ca and Murale.ca. Rejuvenating Lift for Neck and Decolleté 50ml - $60 www.murad.com

BRIGTH FUTURE The loss of luminosity and hyperpigmentation are the first signs of aging. Products that clear and brighten skin.

Shiseido’s brightening mask, helps with sallow winter skin White Lucent Intensive Brightening Mask 6 units - $74.

The Swiss company Luzern, has taken great efforts to remove many controversial chemicals from their spa-exclusive line. Opting for natural ingredients, and somtimes bio ones The Force de Vie Crème is made with two powerful antioxidants to boost cell activity. It also contains Biodyne TRF which helps to boost cell oxygenation, 60ml - $143 . www.luzernlabs.com

Margaret Dabbs is a pedicure and foot specialist. She developed her own line of foot products so you can pamper your feet at home. This relaxing foot soak is formulated with rich emu oil to condition dry skin. For even more hydration, use the Intensive Treatment Foot Oil. Hydrating Foot Soak 200ml - $30

Keep your cuticles and your nails well hydrated. Massage a tiny amount of the thick cream every night before going to bed. Dior Crème Abricot Fortifying Cream For Nails 10ml $27.


Foot Therapy HAIR REPAIR

Oribe’s haircare line is quickly becoming a cult classic with products that are luxurious and high performance. An intense mask great for reviving dry strands. At Holt Renfrew. Signature Moisture Masque 175ml - $66. www.oribe.com

GOURMET DELIGHTS POWER Cleansing Clarisonic: Kate Somerville, renowned skin expert, and

newly fangled beauty guru, Tom Ford, all swear by the Clarisonic. The buzz has been getting louder and, at DTK, we decided we couldn’t ignore it anymore. I tested out the brush only on one side my maturing skin for two months on daily basis, while cleansing the other side with fingers only. Does it work? Yes, it does! It did improve the texture, and made my skin smoother, thanks to its exfoliating action. Available at Holt Renfrew and Sephora. Mia2™ Skin Cleansing System $189.

Brings an instant gourmet factor to your cleansing ritual with comforting scents of indulgent sweets.

Strivectin uses delivery molecules to infuse vitamin B deep into the epidermis. The potent vitamin helps to plump and tighten skin while diminishing the appearance of stretch marks and reduces sagging skin. Available at Murale, The Bay and Sephora. Intensive Concentrate for stretch marks and wrinkles, 150ml - $162.




Tiny jojoba beads exfoliate, while glycolic acid helps to melt away dead skin cells. The formula can be used on the body as well as on the face. At Sephora, Anti-Aging Buffing Beads For Face and Body 250ml - $41


Philip B, is a L.A. based hairdresser with a line of hair and body products. This milk-chocolaty body wash/bubble bath smells deliciously irresistible, Chocolate Milk Body Wash & Bubble Bath 60ml $90 Ebeauty.ca.

Body Shop has the most amazing fragrances for its Body Butters. The holiday edition of the rich and creamy formula is scented with a decadent vanilla, with green and peppery overtones. There is also a tart and sweet cranberry version. Vanilla Bliss Body Butter 200ml - $19.




CAUDALIE Cabernet Scrub

Made with sugar, grape extracts and honey, this spa worthy scrub will get your legs, or body, super smooth. It drains, softens, and nourishes the skin as it delivers moisture and exfoliates. 150g - $29.



Yon Ka Phyto-BAIN

Yonka is a spa care brand known for its use of aromatherapy and essential oils in all of its skincare products. A relaxing and soothing bath oil, it also helps to moisturize skin. PHYTO-BAIN invigorating bath with botanicals 100ml - $48. www.yonka.com

THE POTIONS The legendary love potion, if it actually existed, would be without a doubt a perfume, as sll perfumes are essentially about seduction. Sweet, caressing and intoxicating–use wisely! Photography Qi Wang By Eva Bilinska



Frédéric Malle and Romano Ricci, BOTH DESCENDANTS of big names in the perfume industry, have taken a gamble with liberty and independence choosing to step away from the big production groups. A Q&A SESSION with two men, pure and free as air. By Elsa Vecchi

BACK TO BLACK! Whether it’s the bottle, the name, or the liquid, black is everywhere in the perfume industry. From Guerlain’s Little Black Dress, mega-star Lady Gaga’s first fragrance Fame - the first black perfume liquid in the world - right up to our personal favourite, Coco Noir, Chanel’s latest hit. It’s a mystical, opulent, velvety scent served in the iconic Coco bottle... in black! The fragrance draws its inspiration from Venice, Gabrielle Chanel’s charmed city. It combines citrus, rose, incense, and patchouli, taking us to the heart of the City of Bridges and its canals illuminated by baroque palaces. Truly bewitching! — Elsa Vecchi

Jacques Polge creator of Chanel fragrances.

Valentina Assoluto.Warm, heady and creamy. A potion of jasmine and tuberose with an oriental touch. But the surprising note is the white truffle, with it’s musky overtones, it gives the perfume all of its sophistication, EDP 50ml - $105. Replica Flower Market, Maison Martin Margiela. An impressionistic rendering of a flower market. Light strokes of tuberose dominate at first, and vanish, leaving the freesia and notes of watery jasmine and rose. Available only through thebay.com, EDT 100ml - $100. Candy, Prada. Musk and amber are the backbones of Prada fragrances. In Candy they play up a cashmeran note, comforting and sensual. The caramel notes (sweet ans salty) come in as a seductive and playful surprise, EDP 80ml - $125. Love,Chloé. Skin lingerie, inspired by cosmetic fragrances and their powdery scent. Deliciously retro notes of violet and iris give this hyper-feminine perfume some bite, purse spray 3 X 10ml - $82. La Petite Robe Noire, Guerlain. Fruity and bubbly notes sparkle like champagne with a hint of a sweet cherry. More red than black, it strikes a perfect balance between sugary and fruity. EDP 30 ml – $68, 50 ml – $90, 100 ml – $122. Dhalia Noir, Givenchy. Rose water, pink pepper, peach and light woods. A play on the contrast between sweet and spicy, between freshness and warmth, EDT 30ml - $49, 50ml- $77, 75ml - $90. Coco Noir, Chanel. Smokysweet incense notes with an overdose of patchouli are seductive and sophisticated. Sweet vanilla and white musks bring some softness to a perfume that is perfectly rounded, EDP 50ml - $112, 100ml - $158. —EB


omano Ricci, great-grandson of designer Nina Ricci, and current perfumer of “Juliette has a Gun”. Perfume is the heritage of this young talent, whose grandfather created L’air du Temps, when he turned fifteen. This Juliette, is she inspired by the Shakespearean heroine? Romano Ricci (RR) : “Yes, of course. It’s a modern Juliette that takes on multiple personalities. In short, I’ve created different portraits of fantasy women in an olfactory way. I work with a small team. We work hard, but in liberty and humor. Exactly the opposite way that big perfume groups work. So this Juliette reveals herself as Miss Charming or Lady Vengeance, two of your fragrances under more evocative name? Yes, it’s like magic. Depending on the time of day (or night) the perfume you choose can change your personality. To come back to those two fragrances, I got Francis Kurkdjian, the biggest perfumer at present, to create varying smells around roses, which in essence is the flower of romanticism and richness. In Lady Vengeance’s case, we went for more sensual notes through a pairing of the Bulgarian rose with vanilla and patchouli. Meanwhile, Miss Charming is fruitier, made with Moroccan rose, musk, and wild fruits. Is perfume a tool of seduction? Definitely. Perfume gives you the chance to define yourself in a certain space, to be fatal or more discreet, and as always, to be romantic, modern, and a bit wild. To each woman, and for each woman, there is a Juliette in my line. Available at Holt Renfrew www. juliettehasagun.com.


rédéric Malle who launched “Editions de Parfums” in 2000. The former advisor at Givaudan and grandson of the founder of Christian Dior perfumes is offering scents created by the finest talents in the industry, where the marketing brief doesn’t exist. What does it mean to be a ‘perfume editor’? It’s like a book editor! I work with a handful of perfumers, the most talented in the world, like Maurice Roucel, Dominique Ropion, Sophia Grosjman, Jean-Claude Ellena, and I give them free range, without any price, style, or target constraints to create whatever they like. Overall, I work in the exact opposite way as the big houses do. They tend to adjust their ‘noses’ to the various laws of marketing by not giving the makers much artistic liberty. In search of the highest luxury, Malle pushes perfumers to center stage, when usually their name is most often an after thought. What is the greatest perfume you’ve edited? “Portrait of a Lady”, which Dominique Ropion created after hundreds of tries. It’s at once part night gown, part A Thousand and One Nights, and part incredible richness. It has that fatal touch of je-ne-sais-quoi that makes the men fall in love. Is perfume inseparable from love? Without a doubt. I’ll tell you something: I love to test the fragrances on my wife and smell the notes evolve over the course of a few hours. For me, her skin is the perfect barometer. Now if that isn’t love... . Available at Holt Renfrew. www.fredericmalle.com

WHARHOL set fea&NARS Each tures a Wharhol muse and

is packaged in silver foil. You can go Online and choose your 60’s cool girl look thanks to tutorials by NARS makeup artists so you’ll be ready when spring trends start rolling along.

MAC Powder blush in Passionately Tempted $24.

narscosmetics.ca/ andywarhol

Illamasqua Nail Varnish Duo in Viridian and Glitterati $17 at Sephora. Chanel “Le Vernis” Nail colour in Malice $27.


Diorific Vernis (Lady White & Diorling) $26. Diorific Long-Wearing True Color Lipstick in Diva $38.

DHALIA A film noir screen siren. Matte and red rose coloured lips, with the right accents of shimmering textures to keep the look from going too gothic. Darkly romantic. By

Givenchy- Le Prisme Yeux - Acoustic Quatuor $32, at Sephora.

Eva Bilinska

Givenchy Rouge Interdit Satin Lipstick in Illicit Raspberry $32, at Sephora.

A versatile matte pressed powder to use as blush or as eyeshadow-or both Matte Dark Rose No58 $23 Make Up For Ever,

The fit for a princess packaging is just too adorable.

STRICKING GOLD Collector’s items

Café Rose Tom Ford, Eau de parfum 250ml- $560, 50ml - $225 at Holt Renfrew and Sephora.

and major swag that should make any beauty aficionado happy. It’s time to strike gold!

at Sephora.

High impact colour with a velvety finish. Available in January. Giorgio Armani Lip Meastro at Holt Renfrew, $38.


By Eva Bilinska

Sephora by OPI -Perfect Reds Nail polish $47, set of 5.

Packed to the brim with their natural products Tarte Carried Away Collector’s Set $70, at Sephora.

Sephora CollectionDeco Daze Clutch and brush set $70. Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in Guilty Pleasure, $7,95.

STYLE for the



It has been twenty years since controversial Calvin Klein ads launched a waifish and teenage Kate Moss to supermodel status. Her style has evolved from ‘90s grunge girl to millennial model-mother-mogul, but she never lost the enchanting aloofness that first captivated the fashion world. A true chameleon, she is just as breathtaking in a full face of glamorous makeup as she is stripped down and natural. Despite more than two decades in the game, we still can’t get enough of Kate Moss – her doe eyes, killer cheekbones, and inimitable cool-girl style are untouchable even after all these years.—Madison Blake



Kérastase crée un rituel d’huile sublimatrice pour nourrir, protéger, renforcer et illuminer les cheveux.



Edited & written by Robyn Chalmers

LOUIS VUITTON spring 2013. below, MARC JACOBS spring 2013 Shu Uemura Volume Maker $50. Redken Wax Blast 124g - $23.99



We’ve hit a major mod revival, from Marc Jacobs’ Edie Sedgwick faux-ponied crop, to Moschino where we spotted a Nancy Sinatra inspired and over-teased halfupdo.This spring we’ll be seeing the rebirth of Bardot-teased sexpot strands and daring crops.

LouiS VuiTTon iMAge CourTeSY oF LouiS VuiTTon. MArC JACobS,CreATureS oF THe wind And rodArTe, CourTeSY oF nArS CoSMeTiCS. MAndY Coon And CALLA pHoToS bY robYn CHALMerS.


Moroccanoil’s lead stylist, Antonio Corral-Calero, created the look for the Mandy Coon spring show, using their soon to be launched gel formula to give a “just washed” aesthetic. You can also try Matrix Vavoom Switch Flicks ($14.95) it is part wax and part gel. He braided the hair and secured it in a low pony. He tucked the end of the braid up and underneath itself while fixing it with bobby pins. Having parted the top of the head into a large V, before creating the updo, he then molded and drew individual strands down the back to give a woven appearance, and framing the folded braid. The look was perfected with Moroccanoil’s Luminous Hairspray (23$) to lock in the arranged style, while adding an additional blast of high gloss lacquer.


CREATURES OF THE WIND spring 2013. Right: Jean Paul Gaultier fall winter 2012-13. Below: RODARTE spring 2013.

The contrasting pairing of disheveled coifs with refined garments has evolved into something of a runway and editorial staple.

Extreme PARTING Parts are getting exaggerated and adventurous with the rise of pin-straight hair, creating bold, yet simple statements on their own-or as a base for updo’s and free-flowing styles. Overlapping zigzags were seen on the Creatures of the Wind runway, while Rodarte took it a step further for SS2013 and infused a diagonal aesthetic starting just above the ear and continuing to the crown. To achieve this look: brush your hair forward, then, using the end of a small toothed comb, trace the shape desired from back to front. Divide as necessary and polish with something like Sebastian Halo mist for a smoothed and shiny effect and pin lightly for natural and buoyant chunks.

Sleek & styled

Sleek and pulled back styles are always in season, for spring it was a modernized take on the 90’s wet and tousled trend.

Second day bed head, beguilingly messed and distressed hair, has been spotted everywhere from Derek Lam’s volumized pony approach, to Preen’s windblown locks for fall. Recreate Calla’s youthful spring schoolgirl-a-la-floral-art-student look with a widened, carefree fishtail side braid, pulled apart and teased into romantic oblivion, as created by Moroccanoil stylist Owen Gould. Little product is required to set this style. Gently mist your favorite water-free hairspray to keep teased and crimped strands looking effortlessly disheveled, without the stick or stiffness.

Braids have been resurfacing in incredibly relevant ways and are no longer solely reserved for the sweet rural girl. They capture a romantic carefree spirit. Soft and loose crowns seen at Emerson played opposite to the subtler and tighter side details at Marchesa, Honor, and Herve Leger for spring. Bumble and Bumble stylist, Laurent Philippon, spritzed Bumble & Bumble Thickening Spray onto hair before straight ironing it for kink-free tresses with grip.

Above: MAndy Coon spring 2013. Below: CAllA Spring 2013.


AttrAction Opulent femininity, sexy and dangerous curves, you can forget about the less is more philosophy. If to be a woman means to be “generous” then some women have more than enough for the excesses of luxury. What item of clothing hugs and celebrates the body more than fine lingerie. Photographie Sylvain Blais Stylisme Fritz

Soutien-gorge et culotte en dentelle EMPREINTE chez Lyla. Porte-jarretelle en dentelle MARIE JO chez Lyla. Collier/ceinture en chaînes ESCADA. Bas mi-cuisse SECRET. page de gauche: Robe en bandes élastiques HERVÉ LÉGER chez Holt Renfrew. Soutiengorge en dentelle AUBADE chez Lyla. Collier perles de fantaisies et cristaux chez et bracelet en or, perles et diamants LINKS, le tout chez Holt Renfrew.

Corset à basque en crin rebrodé HELMER. Culotte en dentelle B.TEMPT.D chez La Baie. Portejarretelle en dentelle MARIE JO chez Lyla. Bas mi-cuisse SECRET. Boucle d’oreille métal et franges KENNETH JAY LANE chez Holt Renfrew.

The female body and its shape have been greatly debated, and even politicized. But our bodies cannot be defined by any single generalisation made by fashion or society. The sexiest women (and the most iconic): Bardot, Raquel Welch and Jane Fonda all come from the sixties. Blame it on the bikini or Brigitte Bardot movies, but the idea of the ample sexy female form has remained alive and well in the collective unconscious. Women such as Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez or Beyoncé seduce and delight with their generous figures and flaunt them with equally glamorous and excessive wardrobes. – Eva Bilinska

Soutien-gorge en dentelle WACOAL chez La Baie. Culotte ‘playsuit’ en satin AGENT PROVOCATEUR chez Holt Renfrew. Boucles d’oreille MICHAEL KORS chez Holt Renfrew. Bracelet en or, perles et diamants LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Sandales pailletées SAM EDELMAN chez La Baie. Stylisme Fritz chez Judy Inc. Mise en beauté et coiffure, Julie St-Laurent chez Next avec les produits MAC et Label M. Mannequin, Sarah Fay chez Ford - Chantale Nadeau placement. Retouches Marie-Pier Toutant.




To receive a hand-written invitation to attend one of Paris’ most prestigious ready-to-wear fashion shows is one of the last great luxuries of our time. From the texture of the page, to the quality of the impression and especially the subtlety of NICOLAS OUCHENIR’s , there is an extreme CALLIGRAPHY elegance to this art that can only be found in Paris. By Stéphane Le Duc


icolas Ouchenir is a master of calligraphy, an ancient art that dates back to Roman antiquity; one that monks of the Middle Ages brought to a peak practically unrivaled to this day. Ouchenir has developed this talent through hard work, sheer will and determination to set himself apart as a boundless imaginary. His unique penmanship has become affiliated with the biggest fashion houses. “For example, with Martin Margiela, we discussed the idea behind the collection, what writing would suit it, whether it should be simple or complex in style. In the end, we designed a calligraphic style that is uniquely and exclusively for him. For Rick Owens, a designer who deeply inspires me, I use a very fine penmanship: classic, but sharp. There are also very elegant projects, such as for Gv ivenchy or Hermès, which demand classic styles that are completely chosen by them. For the rapper Kanye West, who was showcasing one of his collections in Paris, it was a simple, white invitation card where the calligraphy was made to look like graffiti, but in an elegant way with a stylistic touch that made it more than just a street-level invitation. The fun is in mixing styles and inventing identities. Like when you see someone’s writing, you can get a pretty good idea of the person. Invitations are exactly the same way. My challenge is to cut across all styles of writing and recreate the heart and mood of the show.” During fashion week, this young artist has to tap into a fountain of energy: over two weeks, night and day, Ouchenir is in a race to write over 400 names and addresses, and there is no room for error. “Certain invitations, such as those for big champagne houses or embassies like the United States, use precious papers that are quite costly, ultra-luxurious and often hard for writing; there is no margin of error. The cards are so expensive that for 50 invites, for instance, I only get 50 sheets. If I ruin the invitations -- something that’s never happened to me-- I would have to ask the client to re-write everything by hand. Once, I had to write graffiti-like text directly on stands that were meant to support classic-style suitcases for a Vuitton

showing. There was absolutely no going back once I pressed my ink. I had to just go for it, giving myself only one day when normally a project of this grandeur would have taken at least a week. My strength is that I am very fast and I have this confidence that could be mistaken for pretentiousness, but it’s necessary to succeed. If not, nothing will ever get done.” The man behind the invitations for Dior, Miu Miu, Rykiel, and Margiel underlines his attachment to calligraphy: “It’s the idea of mastering something that is short-lived, because fashion is ephemeral-- unless we’re Madame Grès and we find ourselves in a museum. Manuscripts stay long after the show and that’s what’s interesting. Even if a fashion show is fast and fleeting, it’s a magnificent event and, to receive an invitation, a privilege. When someone receives a personal invite via mail or carrier it’s luxury at a whole new level and merits only the best calligraphy. Each invite is a souvenir, a memory set in stone. The idea of a letter written by hand or in calligraphy has become rare. The person who receives such an invite feels desirable.” For nearly 10 years, Nicolas Ouchenir has been practicing his art with as much energy and envy as day one. “My ideas are inspired from everything around me. I want to continue working with designers; I like their craziness because it inspires me to try all these things I wouldn’t have otherwise dared to do. For instance: working on new materials with new colours and different scents. I like all creators, not just in fashion, but also in design and architecture. I meet designers that introduce me to architects that make me write everywhere and anywhere. I could do a fresco in a given hotel, all in calligraphy. I would like to design a kitchen dish collection; I would love work with the manufacture of Sèvres porcelain; I dream of making a square Hermès, suitcases... . The ideas come easily and they flow incessantly. This is one of the oldest jobs. It’s a trade I highly respect. I can firmly class myself in that legion of calligraphers as I have created alphabet styles. I love my job and I’m in it till the ink runs dry.”


The books of

Desire By Stéphane Leduc

rei KawaKubo Published by Tashen

Christian Dior

Legendary designer Rei Kawakubo of the line Comme des Garçons (Like the Boys), isn’t easily engaged. This book allows us to get to know this Japanese avant garde designer better. Kawakubo is as much involved in fashion as in furniture, architecture and graphic design. This book goes through the archives of magazine i-D and gives the opportunity to discover Kawakubo’s philosophy, which has always defied the ideal conceptions of body and clothing in the West. She continues to break conventions all while pushing boundaries of art and fashion.

Mario TesTino: in Your Face Published byTashen

Mario Testino is one of the most celebrated fashion photographers and also one of the greatest portraitists of his generation. He was able to capture the sensuality and audacity of model Kate Moss, as well as the fragility and softness of Princess Diana. For those who won’t have time to make their way to his retrospective at Boston’s Fine Arts Museum (until February 3rd, 2013), this book compiles 30 years of cult photos and is as fitting for those keen on fashion, art, publicity as those of photography.

By Farid Chenoune Published byAssouline

Gruau: Portraits of Men By Réjane Bargiel and Sylvie Nissen Published by Assouline

Since 1940, the name “René Gruau” has been associated with the biggest post-war designers: Balmain, Fath, Balenciaga, and most notably Christian Dior for whom he created the New Look as well as the look for many campaigns including the Miss Dior perfume. From a single trait, he is able to capture the essence of his subject or of a collection. If you admired the beauty of his female portraits, this new book now gives us the chance to discover another aspect of his work: that of the male portrait. It was near the end of the ‘50s that Gruau overturned the male image in proposing a look of a man that was confident and seductive. It was a progressive bang for a rather conservative time. Thanks to unique images coming from his sketchbooks, this book offers an amazing survey of that time, which marked an important turn in the evolution of fashion.

This is the definitive anthology dedicated to the 60 years of Dior. Within this book there are exclusive photos from 150 of the most extraordinary haute couture designs by Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Gianfranco Ferre, and John Galliano. The photographs of legends the likes of Irving Penn and Nick Knight, without forgetting muses Suzie Parker and Kate Moss, serve to illustrate this exceptional document that captures the spirit, creativity, and style from each period of Dior’s fabulous history.



high &Low on the open road, the rules no longer apply; and the modern man takes every advantage of his sartorial freedom. avant-garde silhouettes and details with an edge pave a fashion rebel’s very own path. sur la grande route, les règles ne s’appliquent plus; l’homme moderne prend avantage de sa liberté de style. Des silhouettes avant-gardes et détails excentriques ouvrent le chemin du rebelle de la mode. Photography Greg Swales styling Leila Bani

Jacket Diesel Black GolD and pants Balmain (customized by stylist) at Holt Renfrew. shirt comme Des GaRçons from Roden Gray. shoes salvatoRe FeRRaGamo.

Blazer Givenchy and pants WinGs + horns, both at roden Gray.shirt versace at Leone. shoes Lacoste. vintage harness from deLuxe Junk co. opposite page: Jacket, tunic, and pants all rad By rad hourani at secret Location. Leather watch nataLia BriLLi and Boots MerreLL all at Gravity Pope tailored Goods.

Shirt Balenciaga and bomber jacket Dolce & gaBBana (worn around waist) at Holt Renfrew.Blazer RoBeRto cavalli at leone. vest and pants topman, necklace expReSSionS, all from The Bay. Boots lacoSte. opposite page: Blazer, sweater, shirt and shoes all SalvatoRe FeRRagamo. alexanDeR Wang for linda Farrow collection sunglasses at Secret location.

Coat and pants Rad by Rad HouRani at Secret Location. Vintage tshirt from deLuxe Junk Co. Shirt GiVenCHy at Holt Renfrew. opposite page : Sweatshirt GiVenCHy and polo shirt WinGS + HoRnS (worn underneath) at Roden. Gray pants Rad by Rad HouRani at Secret Location. Vintage kilt from deLuxe Junk Co. Shoes LaCoSte. Cap Stylist’s own.

Coat Prada and sweater BalenCiaga at Holt renfrew. lapel pin Prada at leone. Vintage lapel pin at deluxe Junk Co. Blazer Hugo Boss and pants ToPman both at The Bay. shoes Cesare PaCioTTi at Browns. styling, leila Bani at THeYrep. grooming, Katrina molson at THeYrep. makeup & Hair by Katrina molson at THeYrep using maC cosmetics and Phyto Hair. stylist’s assistant, shanna mcelrea. model, matt loewen


the New gentleman

photo : Shaemara roSemond

photos : GeorGe pimentel

A man with the belief that love is the most powerful force in the universe and with the ability to design men’s clothing accordingly is certainly worth listening to. So, when Toronto-based menswear designer Christopher Bates said, “Love is my core inspiration and a central theme for my brand. Not just romantic love, but love for life,” it was impossible not to take note. By Lauren Chan

“i think of myself as an evolution, never changing, but always evolving. [i’m] fluid. i’m constantly refining my taste and aesthetic. things that appeal to or stimulate my aesthetic inspire me and become a part of me.” Bates is surely an inspired person—to say the least. his belief in his own greatness is an overarching component of his budding success. since ditching Vancouver’s marketing industry in 2006 and rerouting his life with the help of milan’s instituto marangoni, he’s launched an ever-growing menswear line that he most recently showed on the runway during World masterCard Fashion Week. Aptly entitled Dressed to Kill, Bates’ spring 2013 collection is a stab at the hearts of men and women aching for a heartthrob in a well-tailored suit. During its showing on the runway, one model even handed a lush red rose to a blushing front-row spectator. [swoon.] Complete with French cuffs, appliqué trims, colourblocking, exposed zippers, screen-printing, and embroidery, the collection was created to make a bold statement—which is much like the designer. if you ask Bates, he will ensure you that both himself and his theatrical collection are fit for a modern day hero. “i was inspired by the heroes and villains of classic 1960’s James Bond films. I’ve maintained my signature contemporary tailored silhouette designed to flatter slim to athletic type builds. I also produce a relaxed fit and offer custom service to accommodate a broad range of clientele. my pieces are lightweight and comfortable for optimum mobility and speed. [they’re] designed for living fast.”

his contemporary clothes have proven to be desirable to men and attractive to women because they’re undeniably sexy, with the right touch of the unordinary. the sexiness in his clothing comes from his translation of love’s warm and dangerous juxtaposition. “love is a lust for life. it is pure energy and joy. it is light. But there can be no light without dark. i’m drawn to passion that is wild and out of control. But there has to be balance, which I reflect in my designs. I’m on the edge of wisdom and oblivion.” (…And of class and sass.) More technically, he sticks to a refined colour-palette and spices it up with injections of boldness. Bates professes that his, “Fabrics must be interesting to look at and enjoyable to touch. Construction is critical to ensure a well-made and durable garment. Finally, where i really distinguish my line is with clever details.” he’s even made a seductive signature of a red-lipstick-kissed collar. According to the Canadian fashion scene, Bates’ sex-sells mentality and hyper-belief in himself seem to be working. He placed as one of eight finalists and was the only menswear designer in this season’s mercedez-Benz startUp program. even though montreal’s Duy took home the grand prize, Fashion Television’s Jeanne Beker cooed that Bates, along with designers Caitlin power and malorie Urbanovitch, is part of the future of Canadian fashion. if Beker’s eye for talent is any indication, we should all hop on the Bates bandwagon while there are still open seats—and male models handing out roses. www.christopherbates.com

Spices and aromatic herbs are the new masculine notes. They bring zest to soft and creamy-woody undertones. Part mysterious, part sensual, and sometimes dangerous. By Eva Bilinska

THE SPICE OF LIFE Photography Yann Ostiguy Grooming Vittorio Masecchia Styling Kristy Wilson still life photography Qi Wang

Fan di Fendi pour Homme. Pungent basil, peppery lemon and exotic cardamon are mixed with warm tonka beans and musk, a radiant oriental perfume, EDT 100ml - $88 at the Bay, Shoppers Drug Mart & Sephora. Hommage à l’homme, Lalique. A bitter bergamot, green violet leaves and saffron are combined with a bright and warm oud. Woody and light, EDT 50ml - $95, 100ml - $128. Spice Bomb, Victor & Rolf. Pink pepper, saffron, hot pepper and cinnamon leaves are the spicy heart that floats over a leather, vetiver and tobacco base. Sensual. EDT 30ml - $49 50ml - $77, 75ml - $90. Eau Sauvage, Christian Dior. The perfume version of this classic cologne is dark and spicy. Bergamot ads freshness to the smoky-sweet heart of myrrh, incense and tonka bean. An earthy and sweet masculine scent, 100ml - $96. Encounter, Calvin Klein. A fresh mandarin with spicy pepper, cardamom over a woodsy base with rum and cognac notes. A contrast between citrusy bright and spicy notes. Sporty, EDT 50ml - $67, 100ml - $87. Hugo Boss, Cotton Verbana. Evoques a clean and crisp shirt with its notes of cotton. A shirt that was perfumed with oakmoss, verbana, vetiver and warm, sweet woods. Classic, EDP 50ml - $184, at Holt Renfrew. Au Masculin, Lolita Lempicka. A sexy skinscent with notes of aniseed, licorice and cucumber over green and woody notes that evoque a seductive skinscent, EDP 50ml - $76, 100ml - $95 www.fr.amorepacific.com.

Vest and Shirt TIGER OF SWEDEN. Model, Sebastien Lauzon at Next Models.

Seduced by

James Bond


he Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style exhibition at TIFF in Toronto, is revisiting the 23 films in the franchise to celebrate the writers, film-makers and designers who created Bond and his signature look. Co-curated by Bronwyn Cosgrave and costume Lindy Hemming (who worked on five Bond films, outfitting Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig), visitors get a glimpse at the costumes, gadgets and set pieces that define Bond. Because, undeniably, Bond’s immaculate style is rooted in the material. Luxury and sophistication were newly re-defined for the masses with the iconic introduction of Sean Connery as James Bond in Dr. No, released in 1962. It was the first film of the franchise based on Ian Fleming’s successful espionage-thriller novels, which are on display in their first edition at the exhibition. And right from the start, Sean Connery’s Bond was dressed with quality written into the character: his tuxedos and suits were tailored by the Mayfair tailor Anthony Sinclair, and, as the story goes, Connery was even encouraged to sleep in them to sink into the sophisticated mindset. The tailored Bond helped popularize the narrow, simple and elegant silhouette, and became a new standard of men’s fashion at the time. Over the course of the next 22 films, fashion, technology, economic and social circumstances have drastically changed, but our expectations of James Bond and his character haven’t. Bond continues to be outfitted by top costume designers, who in turn work with leading fashion

designersto adapt for the screen – Tom Ford created Daniel Craig’s wardrobe for Quantum of Solace and Skyfall, and previously it was Brioni for Pierce Brosnan. And you cannot forget to include the Bond women in this discussion. Whether they seduce or are being seduced, are lovers or mortal enemies, each one of these women is dangerously stunning and plays the primary role of enhancing Bond’s image. Luxurious attire extended to the leading ladies as well, with costumes designed in collaboration with designers like: Azzedine Alaia (the sculpted burgundy dress for Grace Jones’ role in A View to a Kill), Miuccia Prada (chinoise shirt/jacket for Michelle Yeoh in Tomorrow Never Dies),Oscar de la Renta (red evening gown in The World Is Not Enough), and Roberto Cavalli (Vesper Lynd dress in Casino Royale). To this day, viewers are seduced by James Bond and the life-style associated with him: we desire to be transported to exotic destinations, get swept up in torrid love affairs, experience exulting, adrenaline-rushing moments – all the while dressed impeccably, and racing through in an Aston Martin. These are the fundamental elements that have remained the same over the past fifty years, no matter how the times change. We cannot help but surrender to this Bond fantasy that is being celebrated with Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style at TIFF. Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style, until January 20, 2013. www.tiff.net/bond

with blue swim trunck : sony Picture/Photofest other Pictures are courtesy of tiff.

Fifty years later, he is still an icon for men and an object of desire for women, or vice versa for both genders. He is at the heart of the longest-running film franchise; a pop culture icon that transcended the world of cinema. Blame it on his effortlessly cool and classic style coupled with that British charm. I am talking about Bond, James Bond, of course. By Julia Parfenyuk

Correction & Distinction





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6028 Jean Talon Est, Saint-Léonard, tel. 514-256 7555

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POCKET ESSENTIALS Photography Joseph Saraceno Styling Tricia Hall

Clockwise from top left: Stainless steel flask IZOLA at Drake General Store. Watch HERMÈS. Cuff links THOMAS SABO. Satin bow tie HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY. Stainless steel/carbon fiber USB key ring LINKS OF LONDON. Leather card holder MONTBLANC. Stainless steel/carbon fiber money clip LINKS OF LONDON.

Watches, left to right: LINKS OF LONDON, MICHAEL KORS, BURBERRY. Leather driving gloves DANIER. Gold playing cards GOLDEN CARDS at Drake General Store. Cuff links LINKS OF LONDON (left) THOMAS SABO (right).

Clockwise from top : Anchor cufflinks THOMAS SABO. Watch BURBERRY. Watch VICTORINOX SWISS ARMY. Bracelet MONTBLANC. Dog tags LINKS OF LONDON. Silver Corgi Car LINKS OF LONDON. Sterling Silver Ring THOMAS SABO.

Clockwise from top left: Cufflinks SWAROVSKI. Stainless steel/carbon fiber ring LINKS OF LONDON. Bracelet SWAROVSKI. Emergency bow tie DRAKE GENERAL STORE. Silver knife VICOTRINOX SWISS ARMY. Watch HAMILTON. Watch BURBERRY. Flash USB key VICTORINOX SWISS ARMY. Silver attaché case RIMOWA. Assistant stylist, Candace Campbell. Special thanks to Rei Briedis.


stand by me Photographie Sylvain Blais Stylisme Yso Texte Elsa Vecchi

Jessiann: Robe PAUL SMITH. Porte jarretelle LA VIE EN ROSE. Culotte STELLA MCCARTNEY. Collants PIERRE CARDIN. Chaussures MANOLO BLAHNIK. Collier + bague BIRKS. Bague CARTIER. Montre LINKS. Francisco : Pantalons TIGER OF SWEDEN. Trench-coat TIGER OF SWEDEN. Col roulé SIMONS. Chaussures TIGER OF SWEDEN. Chaussettes TIGER OF SWEDEN. Montre LINKS. Bague DAVID YURMAN.

v« I love the cliché of him and I, he being the one that is making my tummy all round. Can it be anything else but the symbol of love? »

How can we talk about love without mentioning the shoot that reunited one of the most glamorous couples on earth? Jessiann and Francisco, top models by trade, met three years ago in Tokyo while exiled in the land of the Rising Sun for work. Jessiann, a Québéc native born in Montréal, has traveled the world over with her long legs, from runway shows to ultra prestigious ad campaigns (including H&M, Giorgio Armani, Victoria Secret). Not to mention the multitude of Unes magazine shoots that featured her perfect figure. To cite a complete list would require pages and pages more.

When this sublime beauty crossed paths with Francisco, a Brazilian with Polish origins, jaw to kill, dream body, made famous by a Dior campaign- which over three years has pretty much put to rest the belief that male models work less than women- Jessiann remembers, “it was love at first sight!” Since that day in 2009, they have never left each others sides. From Tokyo, Paris, London, New York, and lastly to Montréal where the couple have finally decided to unpack their bags in anticipation of their first child, a baby boy set to arrive next March. An ultra ‘fashion’ baby, as Jessiann adds, “that was conceived during the last fashion week in Milan!”

Page précédente : Jessiann : Robe SHARON WAUCHOB. Bijoux LINKS. Francisco : Veston + Pantalon TIGER OF SWEDEN. Chemise NEIL BARRETT. Foulard TIGER OF SWEDEN. Ceinture BURBERRY. Collier + bagues DAVID YURMAN. Bague BIRKS. Francisco : Manteau PAUL SMITH. Chemise TIGER OF SWEDEN. Gillet BALMAIN. Culotte CALVIN KLIEN. Collier + bracelets LINKS. Collier + bague BIRKS. Collier DAVID YURMAN.

Jessiann : Robe MARCHESA. Bijoux LINKS. Francisco : Complet (veston + pantalon) MARC BY MARC JACOBS. Col roulé SIMONS. Chaussures PRADA. Montre LINKS.

Francisco : Ensemble trois pièces GIVENCHY. Cravate TIGER OF SWEDEN. Bottes GUCCI. Bague LINKS. Page de droite : Jessiann : Robe PAVONI. Collants PIERRE CARDIN. Bijoux BIRKS. Francisco : Pantalon TIGER OF SWEDEN. Chemise TIGER OF SWEDEN. Veston MATINIQUE. Nœud papillon TIGER OF SWEDEN. Bijoux DAVID YURMAN. Mise en beauté, Jessica Lablanche chez Folio. Assistant photo, Julien Barbès.



Big Bang Ferrari Titanium, 45mm satin-finished titanium case, vertical satinfinished titanium bezel, black composite resin lateral inserts and bezel lugs, sapphire dial with Ferrari prancing horse appliqué, self winding chronograph fly back HUB 1241 movement with column-wheel, approximately 72 hours of power reserve, red stitched black rubber and black alcantara strap with deployant buckle, Water resistant to 100 meters, Limited Edition of 1000 pieces HUBLOT $26 300.



edited by Shervin Shirvani

The Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M SKYFALL powered by OMEGA’s exclusive new Co-Axial calibre 8507, 42 mm brushed and polished stainless steel case and a matching patented screw-and-pin bracelet whose divers’ clasp is engraved with “007”, the rotating diving bezel is distinguished by its matt black ceramic ring with a chromium nitride diving scale equipped with a unidirectional rotating diving bezel and a helium escape valve, water resistant 600 m/2000 ft/60 bar, Limited edition of 5007 pieces OMEGA $6200.

Britain BBY1000, A powerful balance of modernity and tradition, The Britain blends innovative British design with Swiss craftsmanship and timeless quality ,47 mm case, Sapphire crystal face and matte black sunray dial, four-hand movement, 40hour power reserve and date functions BURBERRY $3 995.

Chiffre rouge C01, retrograde date marker, day counter and power reserve indicator make this timekeeper both elegant and technical, embellished with a cotton piqué patterned dial and a hand-sewn alligator strap, 38mm, either silver on a slate grey strap or a black dial on a black strap, limited edition of 200 pieces DIOR $6 800 (available at Birks in Canada).


This P’6930 Indicator Chronograph is a 47mm titanium case, the brand’s signature. An intersect between the automobile industry and watchmaking. The side grooves is based on the design of the legendary P’6910 Indicator, robust construction, both bezel and framed caseback are in sapphire crystal, provides precicion down to one tenth of a second, Valijoux 7750 movement certified by the COSC, grooved strap with tyre-tread design PORSCHE DESIGN 11 500$

Nicolas Rieussec Chronograph Automatic, comes in 43mm golden case, sapphire crystal back, sapphire crystal with double anti-reflective coating, anthracite dial with black numerals on appliqué hour circle, automatic winding mono pusher chronograph MB R200 movement with 30 min and 60 sec counters with rotating discs, second time zone with day and night display, approximately 72 hours of power reserve, alligator strap, Water resistant to 3 bar (30 m) MONTBLANC $33 100.





By Marc-Olivier Thibault aMy wInehoUSe – baCk to blaCk

In her much too short career, Amy Winehouse gave us songs of raw love. She sang soul: a music of emotion, and heart break that we could feel thanks to her soulful voice. On Back to Black, we can hear the powerful heart cries, the title song is an eloquent example. Brass instruments, tense piano, and her legendary voice. Amy Winehouse’s dark songs represent a life lived with intensity: the life of a soul diva, is stewn with moments of genius.

lady GaGa – artPoP, MarCh 2013

Fans of Lady Gaga are loyal unlike any other. And they aren’t the only ones to go gaga over her work: every time the Lady releases a new album, the media and web flare up in the craze. The release of her fourth album in March titled ARTPOP. For this album, Lady Gaga is going for a multimedia and multi-platform experience, will be released as an iPad, iPhone, mobile, and computer compatible application that is completely interactive with chats, films for every song, extra music, content, Gaga inspired games, fashion updates, magazines, and more still in the works!» . Three titles have already been revealed: «Cold Hearted Bitch», «Candy Art», and «Crwth»; and it seems as if ARTPOP will be a double album.

PaUl MCCartney – tItle Unknown, FebrUary 2013

t’s in the spirit of improv, whether in front of the piano or on a hand instrument, that Sir Paul McCartney sits to create, still, at the age of 70. His new musical opus set to release February 2013 and definitely seems to be the raw sounds from these creative sessions. His manager Scott Rodger said in an interview, «Macca is working on different musical projects, like the rendition of Wings over America, the triple album of Wings live in 1976.» He is also working on the release of Rockshow, a live recording of 30 songs never before published and, as if that wasn’t enough, a team of a dozen people are working hard to retouch and date more than a million photographs from his collection. Perhaps for a future exposition?









neIl yoUnG - harveSt

the beaCh boyS – Pet SoUndS

Along with Sgt. Pepper and Lonely Heart Club from the Beatles, The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds is perhaps one of the greatest albums of all time. It’s a “concept” album that exposes the sometimes cheeky or difficult facets of love as a young adult. Pet Sounds takes us across totally different moods, sometimes more pop-rock like classic “Wouldn’t it be nice”, and sometimes more synthesized electronic like “Don’t talk (put your hand on my shoulder)”. If side A of this album shows a more adolescent side of love, side B starts exactly opposite by showing a complete maturity, with it’s great hit, “God only knows”. The lyrics of this song are not only brilliant, but the vocal performance takes it to the top with the voice of Brian Wilson and the hovering choir marking the great build up at the end of the song. As anecdote, Paul McCartney thinks that “God only knows” is the greatest love song of all time. Enough said.

According to his fans, this is Neil Young’s greatest album. Music critics have also claimed this album as one of the most important in the history of rock, Rolling Stone magazine rated it 78th among the best albums of all time, and in the 2007 book, “The Top 100 Canadian Albums” by Bob Mersereau, Harvest was ranked number one. This album is full of powerful love songs, without falling too much into the mushy love trap that is too often heard. Metaphoric songs in the classic style of Neil Young are marked with accoustic guitar lines. The highlight track of this album is without doubt “Heart of Gold”, which tells the story of a boy in search of pure love.


20/20 Vision

In the world of optics, AlAin Mikli is a legend. He has become the symbol of a revolution that has changed both perceptions and codes of the eyeglass trade. He has designed glasses for a number of celebrities from Grace Jones to Kanye West, not to mention also some of the biggest designers such as Issey Miyake, Jill Sander, Jean-Paul Gaultier, and Philippe Stark. By Stéphane Le Duc

(laughs) It was more subconscious... definitely not my direct ambition because I have never had a big head. I am of Armenian origin. Armenia doesn’t exist in a practical sense anymore and it’s people have all been expatriated to other countries where they live outside of their homeland. When there are no borders, there are no wars. That was the approach I had in mind, more than business or ambition. Starting my company was definitely born out of a desire for creative liberty.

Was the idea to be audacious and different always there from the beginning? No, at the beginning I made glasses that

were very normal like I had learned in school. There was zero reaction from buyers, public, or media. I quickly understood that what interests media and people in general is provocation, vulgarity, aggressiveness. “Normal” interests no one. I used this new found violence in my designs, creations, and as soon as I did so the attitude of buyers and media completely changed. For years, from 1978 up until the ‘90s, I used it excessively. I didn’t care about the customer, who was wearing my designs, or how they were wearing them. What interested me most was to provoke, live, and make people talk about the name.

portrait of alain mikli: Vahan Stepanyan eVent: Jimmy hamelin

When you debuted your worked in 1978 at the age of 23, you called your company “Alain Mikli International”. Was that out of ambition, thoughts of grandeur, or just a subconscious act?

Did you also want to evolve peoples traditional perceptions of what glasses were? Of course. When I started glasses were

considered purely as ocular prostheses, medical objects, and a shame to wear. We would laugh at the four-eyed people. All of these conceptions had to be shaken and in order to change that it was necessary to provoke. I worked a lot to also communicate the idea that this constraint could be a pleasure. Today it seems perfectly normal to wear glasses, but I worked 20 years to change that dialogue. I am very satisfied with where we’ve come and happy to have contributed to this social change.

Was it exciting to be a provocateur in your industry?

It stimulated ideas, pushed limits of creation to infinite bounds... it was very fun. There was always this notion of it being a subconscious act because when we start something we have the perfect tools for creating: innocence and incompetence. Now, I no longer create through intuition or ignorance, but through know-how. It’s not at all the same creative process. It’s amazing! For the past two or 3 years, I have the feeling of only now mastering my field and I think that I will be able to make designs that are completely different.

If I understand correctly, the passion is still there for you? Yes, absolutely. My only regret is that I know I won’t have time to do it all. Time goes by too quickly. But, that’s part of life... . Alain Mikli Collection – www.antoinelaoun.com

TORONTO BOOK BY Julia ParfenYuk Shaken, not Stirred:

BOnd On FiLm

(And in YOUR dRink)


To accompany the Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style exhibition, TIFF launched a film programme screening all 22 Bond films, chronologically from Dr. No (1962) to Quantum of Solace (2008). And you can extend your 007 experience to Bond Martini Thursdays, with 7 restaurants in the King and John neighbourhood serving their own Bond-inspired martinis. Participating restaurants and their concocted drinks’ names are: Luma and TIFF Lounge (Moneypenny), Gabby’s (Octopussy), HUSH (Casino Royale), The Ritz Carlton (AMERICANO), The Red Tomato (The Vesper), Hey Lucy (The Vanquish) and Marben. TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King St. W.

Punk roCk Queen

Luxury hotel and resort chain Shangri-La officially opened the Toronto hotel and residences tower this past October. You don’t need to reserve a stay here to enjoy the intricate Chinese art and architecture details, along with Asian-influenced cuisine and hospitality – come by to relax in the hotel’s contemporary spaces like the Lobby Lounge (without possibly missing the stunning stainless steel structure ‘Rising’, hand-hewn by contemporary artist Zhang Huan at the University Ave. street entrance), dine at Bosk or have a drink at The Bar.

Shangri-La Toronto, 188 University Ave. 647-788-8888

dJ Skate nightS at harbourfront Centre

(Patti Smith: Camera Solo exhibition)

Patti Smith is recognized by many as the punk rock queen (in 2007, she was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), an extraordinary poet and visual artist, who defined New York’s infamous punk rock era of the 1970s. For the first time in Canada, AGO is presenting Smith’s work to the public with an intimate exhibition featuring her dreamlike, unfiltered photography (seventy black and white photographs captured on her vintage Polaroid camera, and spanning the past forty years), personal objects, and her short film titled Equation Daumal. This is one legendary artist, whose work you don’t want to miss! Art Gallery of Ontario, February 9 – May 19, 2013. www.ago.net.com Images: Jackson smIth, nYc 2006, Fender duo-sonIce, nYc.


Yes, the Canadian winter can be tough in Toronto as well, but the DJ Skate Nights at the Harbourfront Centre give a reason to endure the cold for one night. Select DJs (names to be announced) kick up the temperature on the ice rink with a view of the lake. And the cool factor always goes up whenever the 1loveT.O. team (from 1loveto. com) hosts community-promoting events. Get your cute skating outfit photo-ready and check in for dates and scheduled DJs. Harbourfront Centre, Saturdays December 1 - February 2013. www.harbourfrontcentre.com


©2012 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Preferred Guest, SPG, Aloft, Element, Four Points, Le Méridien, Sheraton, St. Regis, The Luxury Collection, W, Westin and their logos are the trademarks of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., or its affiliates.


travelling light

FroM Top To boTToM: LA FenIce, An operA house In venIce, The sAgrAdA FAMILIA In esPaGne, et tHe Grand Palais in Paris.

Jean Paul Gaultier

Lead : In observing the work of Nicolas Ruel, no one can deny his love for the great cities. Since 2007, this passion has brought him to the four corners of the world for his project titled 8 seconds. Meet the photographer who is so fascinated and in love with the world, its diversity, and especially, its cities. By Yvanca Lévy-Péloquin


t’s possible to summarize nicolas ruel’s artistic career by the famous saying, «it’s about the journey, not the destination.»

Since last spring, he has been represented by the Bellefeuille gallery, a culmination from his academic journey that lead him to pursue photography and scriptwriting. For the past dozen years, he’s been working as a photographer, starting his career working for magazines and making reports. it was in 2004, however, where he left his more traditional photography side to become an artist. it was then that ruel started experimenting and making prints on stainless steel. needless to say, it was to become a determining move in his career. Since 2005, stainless steel has become his favourite medium in showcasing his photos. the change in his artistic technique led him to his current project, 8 seconds, which has been his main focus for the past several years. 8 seconds is a collection of photographs where Ruel redefines the greatest cities of the world. it’s his love and fascination for urbanization and architecture that pushes him towards his photographic introspection of the diversity of cities. When asked about

his project, ruel admits without hesitation that it is his most personal work to date. «This project is a reflection on the movement of cities and architecture. it is something that reflects me personally. It’s the project that, to this point in my career, defines me the most,» confides Ruel. it’s through his love of travel that ruel has found inspiration. His work is completely influenced by cities: their architecture, urbanism, art, culture, and way of life for its people. For this lover of picture, production delays are always short because his trips rarely last longer than a week. as such, from the moment he lands in a new city he has to immediately get a feel for it. He has never visited the city before he begins his work, which is a part of his creative process. ruel prefers to discover each city by walking in the morning or night, where the magic is at its best. For him, his work is not about portraying «the beautiful cities of the world», but rather about capturing inspiring cities. For example, a few years ago he immortalized Tokyo on film and since then it has remained engraved in his memory. «each new street corner was amazing and extreme. This city definitely surprised me. no other city in the world has this effect.

i was so far from our culture. i found myself among 35 million people, in one city, where for instance millions of people have to use the same public transport system every day. it’s their reality and they do it like pros. It’s a definite example of urbanism,» says ruel. above his personal aspirations, on a photographic level his time in rome also gave him the chance to achieve memorable cliches. as he says, «On so many levels, everything was connecting so naturally. Taking photographs was very easy. It was the final selection that was the hard part.» Then there was also rio, where the city’s urbanism and peoples’ energy hugely charmed him. nicolas ruel often takes up the theme of movement in his work, it’s a central theme according to him. We find this theme throughout his many collaborations, as such he is know for mastering movement in photography. notably, it’s around this theme that he collaborated with robert lepage for le Moulin à images show. He has also worked with Marie Chouinard for her shows and Jean Paul Gaultier for his exposition at Montreal’s Fine Arts Museum. nicolas ruel’s approach stays the same across all his projects: photograph a city and present it under a different light. each one of his photos is the result of a discovery. in using stainless steel for his prints the possibilities for creation become endless. «there is always something new to discover and experiment with in using this process. i am nowhere where I was in the beginning, and definitely not at the end. It’s far from ending and it’s still all so stimulating,» concludes ruel. www.nicolasruel.com




Although The Bay has carried some items from this Swiss menswear brand for some time, we’re glad nonetheless that a Strellson flagship shop has recently opened at Bloor and Avenue – the first in North America. Their modern, slim-cut suits retail at prices below those of Hugo Boss, while achieving a similar style impact. The Deep Black F/W 2012 capsule collection is to go mad for, while the Premium collection (featuring pullovers and cardigans in deep burgundy and mustard, styled with rich brown suits and coats) and Sportswear pieces will have the gents covered for all occasions. Other offerings include Strellson quality bags, shoes and eyewear. 170 Bloor St. West

www.strellson.com This dapper menswear style shop is expanding to a second, larger location (at 7,000 square feet and two levels) in the heritage Distillery District, with the official opening in January. First opened in 2005, Gotstyle has become a hit in the city with their made-to-measure suit services and in-store tailor and barber shop. The new location will now have exclusive Gotstyle Woman and Gotstyle Groom Room, expanding their stylish apparel, shoes, bags and accessories for casual, social and business occasions (among the brands carried: Ted Baker London, Tiger of Sweden, Bustle, Franco Negretti), to the ladies. The store and its clients indeed got style! www.gotstylemenswear.com, 21 Trinity St.



Gravitypope is a big name among the fashion-savvy in Western Canada. The independently-owned high end men’s and women’s boutique (first opened as a footwear boutique in Edmonton in 1990) stocks some of the finest brands today: Acne, A.P.C., Alexander Wang, Isabel Marant, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Marni, Maison Martin Margiela and Rag & Bone. Gravitypope’s arrival should significantly reduce the number of cross-border shopping trips (and the hefty duties) for those coveted designer items, with the Toronto store open for business as of November. 1010 Queen St. W. (at Ossington) www.gravitypope.com

The Monocle media brand is expanding its global reach with the recent inclusion of Toronto as their fifth retail shop among select few international locations (New York, London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong). Opened in October, the space houses the Monocle magazine and design agency Winkreative, a broadcast studio and a retail section. You can now read, browse and shop all in one go. Monocle’s products range from prints, wallets, diaries, radios, shirts, jackets and items in collaboration with Porter and Comme des Garçons. 776 College St. W. www.shop.monocle.com


LE CHARME DISCRET Photography Richard Bernardin Stylist Cary Tauben

Lithe bodies and feline poise spell seduction. With flashes of skin, sensuous straps, and shapely curves, these undergarments are the glamorous uniform for contemporary coquetry. The cat’s out of the bag – this lingerie is made to be seen. Corps souples et félin définissent la séduction. Des peaux dévoilées, ganses sensuelles et courbes provocantes, ces sous-vêtements sont l’uniforme glamour de la coquetterie contemporaine.

Bra, thong, garter belt and stockings AGENT PROVOCATEUR at Holt Renfrew. Boots STUART WEITZMAN at Browns. Mink coat NATURAL FURS. Earrings, necklace and ring KENNETH JAY LANE at Holt Renfrew.

Bra, underwear and garter belt AGENT PROVOCATEUR at Holt Renfrew. Coat SPORTMAX Henriette L. Necklace POGI Blue Comme Le Ciel. Knee high boots STUART WEITZMAN at Browns. Opposite page: Dress BALMAIN at Ssense. Earrings MARNI at Holt Renfrew. Boots STUART WEITZMAN at Browns.

Glitter tulle and printed organza dress jacket CHANEL. Garter belt and stockings AGENT PROVACATEUR at Holt Renfrew. Earrings SWAROVSKI. Opposite page: Coat GUCCI at Holt Renfrew. Necklace AURELIE BIDERMANN. Crystal studs BLUE COMME LE CIEL.

Dress BALMAIN at Ssense. Cuff YVES SAINT LAURENT at Ssense. Boots STUART WEITZMAN at Browns. Opposite page: Dress ALTUZURRA at Ssense. Heels GIUESSEPE ZANOTTI at Browns. Earrings SWAROVSKI.

Cotton tweed jacket and skirt CHANEL. Garter belt and stockings AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Opposite page: Shirt with star collar GIVENCHY at Ssense. Blazer LANVIN at Ssense. Earrings GIVENCHY at Ssense.

Fur coat BALMAIN at Ssense. Bra LA PERLA. Stay ups AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Knee high boots GIVENCHY. Earrings YVES SAINT LAURENT at Ssense. Opposite page:Tights WOLFORD. Crystal watch SWAROVSKI. Heels GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI at Browns.

Leather dress THE ROW at TNT. Garter belt and stockings AGENT PROVOCATEUR at Holt Renfrew. Crystal bracelet SWAROVSKI. Heels GIUESEPPE ZANOTTI at Browns. Styling, Cary Tauben at Folio. Hair & Makeup on MASHA by Nicolas Blanchet using M.A.C cosmetics and Oribe Hair Care on CHARLOTTE by Leslie Ann Thomson using M.A.C. Cosmetics and TRESemmé hair care . Models, Charlotte and Masha at Folio.Assistant-Photo, Julien Barbès. Special thanks to the Tauben family for the accommodations.


Equal parts the seductress and the dominatrix, red lace and black leather form a darkly sweet mélange. Every rose has its thorns. Séductrice et dominatrice, dentelle rouge et cuir noir forment un mélange sombre et doux. Les roses ont leurs épines. Photographie Mathieu Fortin Stylisme YSO

Robe guipure HELMER. Collier, montre et bracelets LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Page de droite : Cape plissée UNTTLD. Gilet en cuir d’agneau AZZEDINE ALAïA. Porte jarretelle et sous-vêtement AGENT PROVOCATEUR chez Holt Renfrew. Collier et bracelet HÉLÈNE ZUBELDIA chez Simons. Bague en boucle TOUS. Bague en or et diamant LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Bottes cuissarde BRIAN ATWOOD chez Holt Renfrew.

The superstar is always dressed up and always on display. Fleeing the paparazzi she drags her bodyguards to the Ritz. Escape in luxury. La superstar est toujours sublime et en représentation. En échappant aux paparazzis elle traîne ses gardes du corps au Ritz. Fuite dans le luxe. Photographie Sylvain Blais Stylisme YSO


Manteau en cuir et sac CHANEL. Pantalon en crepe ANOMAL COUTURE. Bottes en cuire YVES SAINT LAURENT chez Holt Renfrew. Bracelets en or et perles LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Page de gauche: Boléro fourrure et pierres NAEEM KHAN chez Holt Renfrew. Robe en chiffon de soie MÉLISSA NEPTON. Bracelets de fantaisie DANIELLE FAITH chez Holt Renfrew. Collier en or et pendentif TOUS.

Robe PRADA chez Holt Renfrew. Gants et serre-tête avec plumes et voilette HELMER. Collier de fantaisie CHANEL. Bracelet TOUS. Bagues en argent et perles LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Page de gauche : veste dorée et pantalon taille haute JEAN PAUL GAULTIER chez Henriette L. Pièce de dentelle ANOMAL COUTURE. Collier HOUSE OF HARLOW 1960 chez Holt Renfrew. Gants HELMER. Chaussures MIMOSA chez Browns.

Haut transparent VIKTOR&ROLF chez Simons. Bas-cuissarde italiens VALENZA chez Simons. Dessous, faux-cul et masque en soie et dentelle AGENT PROVOCATEUR chez Holt Renfrew. Main gauche; bracelets, bagues, TOUS. Main droite; LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Bottillon CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN chez Holt Renfrew. Page de gauche : Peignoir en dentelle AGENT PROVOCATEUR chez Holt Renfrew. Gant en plumes et dentelle HELMER. Bas-cuissarde italien VALENZA chez Simons. Collier avec pendentif et bracelet TOUS. Collier argent et perles LINKS chez Holt Renfrew. Collier en pierres noires HARAKIRI chez Denis Gagnon. Mannequin, Lara chez Next Canada. Mise en beauté, Leslie-Ann Thomson chez Folio avec les Cosmetiques MAC et TRESemme.Assistée de Catherine Deschamps.

If God is in the details, so too is style. From intricate lace, to appliqué to beading, exquisite embellishments create a playground for the senses. Complementing sleek silhouettes, texture and bold colour take control. Si dieu est dans le détail, le style aussi. De la complexité de la dentelle, à l’application de perle, ornements exquis permettent à nos sens de s’épanouir. Pour rehausser les silhouettes épurées, texture et couleur audacieuse sont de mises. Photography Laurent Elie Badessi Styling Yso


Robe TAVAN&MITTO. Sac à dos CHANEL. Page de gauche : Robe ANASTASIA LOMONOVA.

Robe DOLCE & GABBANA. Ceinture corset HERVE LEGER par Max Azria. Bottes GIO DIEV. page de droite : Haut guipure TAVAN&MITTO. Pantalon et sac CHANEL. Chaussure GIO DIEV.

Top, skirt and peplum DUY. Leather belt JEREMY LAING. Metal collar REBEKAH PRICE. Necklace RITA TESOLIN. Opposite page: Silk blouse McQ BY ALEXANDER McQUEEN at The Bay. Necklace RITA TESOLIN. Ring REBEKAH PRICE.

Haut en dentelle MICHAEL KORS. Robe, sac et chaussure LOUIS VUITTON. Page de droite : Robe GUCCI. Laurent Elie Badessi représenté par PMI New York. Mannequin, Sessilee Lopez chez Major. Styliste Yso chez Folio. Mise en plis, Dante chez Break Management. Mise en beauté, Lucky Smyler pour MAC chez Next. Manicure Cassandra Lamar pour ZOYA chez Next. Technicien numérique, Brad Van Donsel. Assistants photo, Kiritin Beyer & Soledad Rodriguez. Retouche, Sublim. Studio et équipement, Splashlight NY..

Silk dress and suede shoes GUCCI. Metal cuffs KARA ROSS NY. Opposite page: Wool knit sweater GRETA CONSTANTINE. Cotton sheer dress GRETA CONSTANTINE. Underwear HOLY TEE. Fishbone silver earrings REMIX CLOTHING. Ring REBEKAH PRICE.



James Bond may be a spy with style, but the real essence of mystique and seduction is the infamous Bond girl. No matter the time or the place she always packs an arsenal of glamour. An homage to the smoothest siren on the silver screen James Bond est un espion alléchant, mais c’est la séduisante et mystérieuse Bond Girl qui possède un pouvoir d’attraction fatal. Peu importe l’heure ou le lieu elle emmènera toujours un arsenal de glamour. Un hommage à la délectable sirène du grand écran. Photographie Richard Bernardin Stylisme Fritz

Veste à volants en crêpe de laine et satin, lisières en vison sur épaules VIKTOR & ROLF. Jupe crayon en crin HELMER. Culotte en dentelle LA PERLA. Boucles d’oreille dorées MICHAEL KORS. Collier et bracelets en or et diamants DAVID YURMAN.

Smoking en laine et satin, chemise en coton, nœud papillon, ceinture en satin WAXMAN.

Robe en crêpe de laine, double boutonnage, manche en mousseline de soie JEAN PAUL GAULTIER. Ceinture en cuir SONIA RYKIEL. Collier et bracelets en or et diamants DAVID YURMAN. Sandales en suède lacées SALVATORE FERRAGAMO. Page de gauche : Soutien-gorge et corset ceinture en satin AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Jupe à volants en satin de soie LANVIN. Serre-tête disque en plastique SONIA RYKIEL. Boucles d’oreille dorées MICHAEL KORS. Collier et bracelets en or et diamants DAVID YURMAN. Bague en or et rubis BIJOUTERIE ITALIENNE. Pochette en satin rebrodé ALEILA.

Blouse en mousseline de soie moustachée, jupe crayon en velours de coton et sandales en suède lacées SALVATORE FERRAGAMO. Ceinture en cuir laqué, dentelé VANZETTI. Lui : Smoking en laine et satin, chemise en coton, nœud papillon, ceinture en satin WAXMAN.

Robe longue en crêpe de laine, tulle rebrodé sur épaules PAVONI. Ceinture en cuir SONIA RYKIEL. Collier et bracelets en or et diamants DAVID YURMAN. Sandales en suède lacées SALVATORE FERRAGAMO. Page de droite : Body en mousseline de soie et dentelle AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Ceinture obi en pvc, jupe longue en mousseline de soie et coton UNTTLD. Boucles d’oreille dorées MICHAEL KORS. Collier et bracelets en or et diamants DAVID YURMAN. Bague en or et rubis BIJOUTERIE ITALIENNE.

Styliste, Fritz chez Judy Inc. Assistant photographe, Julien Barbès. Mannequins, Autumn et Laszlo chez Folio Montréal. Mise en beauté, Nicolas Blanchet avec les produits M.A.C et TRESemmé chez Folio. Remerciments à Travis et au restaurant L’Orignal.

Emmotional EscuE R

Photographe Jorge Camarotti Styliste Fritz

Goth culture has always had one big love: black. But with lace, length, and alluring silhouettes, we take the macabre romance a little further, striking an indulgently somber tone. La culture goth a toujours entretenu un grand amour : le noir. Mais avec la dentelle, les longueurs et les silhouettes séduisantes, nous prenons cette romance macabre un peu plus loin, en accord avec les tons sombres.

Robe drapée en soie MARTIN LIM. Collier en cristal SWAROVSKI.

Robe en satin reversée avec cape au dos TAVAN & MITTO. Gourmette en or BIRKS. Sandales en cuir cloutées MICHAEL KORS. Lui :Maillot de bain vintage KITSCH’N SWELL.

Robe asymétrique en jersey drapée ROBERTO CAVALLI. Manteau de fourrure teinte BIZANG. Pochette en métal BCBG MAX AZRIA.

Robe pailletée effet dentelle et ceinture en cuir métallique MICHAEL KORS COLLECTION.Lui : maillot de bain vintage KITSCH’N SWELL.

Robe en jersey drapé GRETA CONSTANTINE. Bracelet large en crystal SWAROVSKI. Gourmette en or BIRKS. Sandales en cuir cloutées MICHAEL KORS.

Robe asymétrique en mousseline plissée JS COLLECTIONS. Bracelet large en cristal SWAROVSKI. Gourmette en or BIRKS. Lunettes fumées GUCCI. Lui : maillot de bain AMERICAN APPAREL. Styliste, Fritz chez Judy.Inc. Assistante styliste, Katrina Lukaitis. Mannequins, Miyanda chez Dulcedo et Adonis chez Montage. Mise en beauté, Leslie-Ann Thomson avec les produits MAC etTRESemme, chez Folio.


WHERE TO BUY ABEL MUÑOZ www.abelmunozaccessories.com AGATHA agatha.fr AGENT PROVOCATEUR agentprovocateur.com AUBADE aubade.com AURELIE BIDERMANN aureliebidermann.com ALTUZARRA josephaltuzarra.com AZZEDINE ALAÎA alaïa.fr ALDO aldoshoes.com ARTHUR MENDONÇA arthurmendonca.ca AURÉLIE BIDERMANN aureliebidermann.com BACCARAT à la Bijouterie Italienne BALENCIAGA balenciaga.com BALMAIN balmain.com BCBG MAXAZRIA bcbg.com BEDO bedo.ca BIJOUTERIE ITALIENNE bijouterieitalienne.com BILLIE billiegirls.ca/fr BLEU COMME LE CIEL bleucommeleciel.com BOA boainternational.com BROWNS brownsshoes.com CESARE PACIOTTI cesare-paciotti.com CHANEL chanel.com CHLOÉ chloe.com CHLOÉ COMME PARRIS chloecommeparris.ca COMME DES GARÇONS comme-des-garcons.com DAVID YURMAN davidyurman.com DANIER danier.com DARLING darlingclothes.com DENIS GAGNON denisgagnon.ca DENNIS MEROTTO dennismerotto.com DIOR dior.com DRIES VAN NOTEN driesvannoten.be DR. MARTENS drmartens.com DUCHAMP LONDON chez Holt Renfrew FULLUM & HOLT fullumandholt.com GEORGES LAOUN georgeslaoun.com GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI giuseppezanottidesign.com GIVENCHY givenchy.com GRETA CONSTANTINE gretaconstantine.com GUCCI gucci.com HAMILTON hamiltonwatch.de HARAKIRI harakiridesign.com HELMER helmerjoseph.com HENRIETTE L. henriettel.com HERVÉ LÉGER herveleger.com HOLT RENFREW holtrenfrew.com JAGGER SUITING tibi.com JIMMY CHOO chez Rosenstein JEREMY LAING jeremylaing.com SPORTMAX chez henriettel.com H&M hm.com HERMÈS hermes.com HUGO BOSS hugoboss.com ITALIE INDEPENDENT chez Ogilvy J. BRAND jbrandjeans.com KARA ROSS NY kararossny.com

KIKI DE MONTPARNASSE chez Boutique No. 11 KENNETH JAY LANE chez Holt Renfrew LA BAIE thebay.com LANVIN lanvin.com LA CANADIENNE lacanadienneshoes.com LA PERLA laperla.com LES HOMMES leshommesfashion.com LIA SOPHIA www.liasophia.ca LINKS OF LONDON linksoflondon.com LUCIAN MATIS lucianmatis.com MARC BY MARC JACOBS marcjacobs.com MARIE SAINT-PIERRE chez Ogilvy MARNI marni.com MARTIN LIM martin-lim.com MARY KATRANTZOU marykatrantzou.com MAX MARA maxmara.com MICHAEL KORS michaelkors.com MICHEL BRISSON michelbrisson.com MIMOSA mimosashoes.com MISSONI missoni.com MODERN VINTAGE shopmodernvintage.com MONT BLANC montblanc.com M0851 m0851.com NATURAL FURS chez Ogilvy NEW BARK newbark.com OGILVY ogilvycanada.com PAUL SMITH paulsmith.co.uk PHILIPPE DUBUC dubucstyle.com PINK TARTAN pinktartan.com POUR LA VICTOIRE pourlavictoire.com PRADA prada.com RADO chez Birks REMIX CLOTHING remixclothing.ca RIMOWA rimowa.de RITA TESOLIN ritatesolin.com SABRINA DEHOFF sabrinadehoff.com SALVATORE FERRAGAMO salvatoreferragamo.com SAMUEL DONG samueldong.com SANDRO sandro-paris.com SIMONS simons.ca SPORTMAX chez Henriette L. SONIA RYKIEL soniarykiel.com SSENSE ssense.com STUART WEITZMAN stuartweitzman.com SWAROVSKI swarovski.com TAVAN & MITTO tavanmitto.com THOMAS WYLDE thomaswylde.com THOMAS SABO thomassabo.com UNTTLD unttld.ca TIGER OF SWEDEN tigerofsweden.com TNT tntfashion.ca TRAVIS TADDEO travistaddeo.com VANZETTI vanzetti.de VIKTOR & ROLF viKtor-rolf.com VICTORINOX victorinox.com

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Not to be missed

MonTréal By Stéphane Le Duc

QUeenin love

The mythical queen Jocaste, wife and mother of oedipus from one of the greatest myths of antiquity that has inspired as many poets as Freudians, has been revisited by non other than writer nancy Huston. sublime louise Marleau is in charge of portraying the mythical queen in love in this theatre version that is infused with modernism and the true passion of a woman taken by desire, lust, and love. Jocaste reine – From March 5th till 30th, 2013 – New World Theatre – www.tnm.qc.ca

long liVe winter! ToronTo

By Julia Parfenyuk

big costUmes

Montreal’s High Lights Festival is surely one of the best remedies to beat the hump of the winter blues. Art, music, circus, songs, theatre, dance, and of course, gastronomy are all at the heart of this frosty celebration. Thanks to a unique concept to partner celebrated international chefs, the event allows visitors to discover some of the best chefs in the world in an equally unique festival ambiance. Since its beginning in 2000, the festival has showcased over 400 chefs, viniculturists, and specialist of grand cuisine. Winter has never been so heart warming. Montreal’s High Lights Festival From February 21st to March 3rd – www.montrealenlumiere.com

and TexTiles 40 “BIG” and unique artifacts from the ROM’s collection of over 50,000 textiles and costumes are receiving an exhibition and the word capitalization treatment. The costumes’ and textiles’ importance is not just in their size, but in the personal, social and cultural effects they produced across different time periods. The highlight is the red Christian Dior Couture cape dress from S/S 2011 collection designed by John Galiano that took 500 hours of work to create. Other big fashion designs include works by Martin Margiela, Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford and Yves Saint Laurent. And the historical textiles on display are sourced from countries around the world, among them the 1925 Art Deco exhibition pieces from Paris. Royal Ontario Museum, Patricia Harris Gallery. Until October 22, 2013. www.rom.on.ca

DX : Vertical Urban Factory

This one is for design enthusiasts keen on social and environmental issues: recently-renamed as Canada’s design Museum, the design exchange (dx) is presenting a research project on the past and future of urban factories, exploring the issue of whether they can be re-integrated into urban centres. The exhibition looks into 30 factories – from the american apparel factory in l.a. to the vW “Transparent Factory” in dresden, Germany, and explores industrial technology, factory design and social issues over time with over 200 photographs, drawings and historical films. Design Exchange, 234 Bay St. – Until December 9, 2012.




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