Who Jesus Is and Why Christianity?

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Greetings from: Imonlywood.com May your day be filled with blessings!

Who Jesus Is and Why Christianity?

At the risk of opening up a giant-sized can of worms, I’d like to take a moment to share with you why I, personally, have chosen Christianity as my particular faith. I have to say upfront, that I detest the word “religion” when it comes to sharing my beliefs, because religion, in my eyes, is nothing but a set of ceremonies, traditions, rules and regulations that are forced upon those who practice whichever “religion” they choose. Therefore, I will share with you my faith, as opposed to my “religion”. From a strictly human standpoint, one reason that I choose Christianity is this: Of all the “religions” in the world that I am aware of, only one has offered me salvation in spite of my weaknesses. All others require that I behave a certain way or follow certain rules that can’t be followed by the ordinary human being. Heck, most of us can’t stick to something as simple as a diet, for crying out loud! How can we possibly follow all the rules of religion…IF we can even remember them all?? Jesus tells me that all I have to do to receive salvation from him, is to believe in who he is and what he’s done for me. That, I can do…even if I can’t always follow all the rules! I don’t have to change who I am to follow him, which is good, because I can’t change me! But I CAN allow HIM to change me into what he will have me become! And I often find, to my surprise, that I don’t generally know I’ve even been changed, until I look back at what I was and compare it to what I am… Reason #2: I don’t have to follow any traditions or perform any rituals or ceremonies I don’t understand in order to be accepted. He takes me just as I am. I don’t have to dress up. I don’t have to fall on my knees and recite man-made sayings that will usher me into my place in heaven. I can just be me. I can talk to him when I like, where I like, how I like. I don’t have to use fancy words I don’t know the meanings of. I don’t have to be in a special sanctuary. I don’t have to wait til a certain time of day. Anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances. He’s always there. Reason #3: Most, if not all, of the other “religions” of the world offer a safety net type deal. If you don’t make it to heaven, then you don’t necessarily go to hell either. You can go someplace where you can “work your way” back into your heavenly spot. If I wasn’t good enough to get in the first time, why the heck would I think I could be good enough to work my way BACK in?? With Jesus, I don’t have to “work”. He’s already done all that needed to be done. All I have to do is accept it. And no, it doesn’t seem fair that I’m rewarded for what he did. But then, I’m not the one that came up with the Christian idea of salvation. Thankfully, all I have to do is take it or leave it! Reason #4: Of all the religions in the world, there is only one that faces persecution. There’s only one that is ridiculed. There’s only one that has been banned in some countries. One that folks would like to ban in other countries. One that grows stronger in the face of the obstacles that are thrown against it. You can talk about witchcraft,

Buddah, the Koran and astrology in school. But mention Jesus or take a Bible…(and this is in a country that “practices religious freedom”)! In light of all this, it seems that there is only one faith the devil is trying to stop Christianity. If he’s so focused on this one that he has no time or need to deal with the others, then I would say there’s something suspicious in that. Like maybe, Christianity is the one that defeated him?? Reason # 5: If I'm wrong, and there is no God...and at death, we simply cease to exist...then I will have spent my life being a better person because of my misguided beliefs...and I will simply cease to be. If, however, there IS a God, and the Bible is true, then those who did not accept his salvation face an eternity of torment. I prefer to take my chances believing in Jesus. Reason # 6: Only one person throughout history has claimed to be God in the flesh. Just one. And no one could prove him wrong. Reason #7: This is the one that leaves me speechless! (I know, hard to believe, huh?) Of all the religions that ever have been…of all the different people those religions hold up for me to worship…only ONE…that’s right…only ONE…has ever offered to take my sins upon himself and be punished in my place, so that I wouldn’t have to face the wrath and judgment of a vengeful God. Only one. In spite of who I am. That one is Jesus. (Not to mention the fact that he’s the only one that’s ever been resurrected!) :0) Who would you choose? From a Biblical perspective, I’ve seen the promises come true! I’ve seen people healed…sometimes at my very fingertips. I’ve seen people changed. I, myself have been changed. I’m still being changed. I’ve seen the mysterious hand of God on people, in people, in the very atmosphere that we suck in and blow out! I’ve seen, with my own eyes, just a tiny fraction of what God can do! It’s the only one that makes sense to me. You may have another that makes sense to you, and if so, that’s fine. I’m just sharing with you why I made the choice that I made. There are no rules, regulations, ceremonies, traditions, or rituals to follow. Only a Man. The Man. Jesus. That’s all I have to do. It’s so much easier than trying to be something I’m not, or something I can’t be. And that’s why… “…if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

It’s not forced on any of us. It’s a choice. Choose wisely, my friend…

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