Vip for me design document

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VIP for Me The Ultimate Launch Page Professor David Meyers Theories in Interaction Design

Drew Curry

M.A. Interactive Design


INDEX Project Introduction - 3 User Research - 4 Solution Research - 6 Development - 8 Prototyping & User Testing - 10 Solution Presentation - 12 Conclusion - 14


PROJECT INTRODUCTION The aim of this project was to create a web page that would gather information and sites that are relevant to me into a one page site.

This project served to make my daily life easier

and enable to spend less time and effort clicking around the internet and instead letting me gather all relevant links into one place.


USER RESEARCH Since the solution is predominately based upon my own needs and wants I started seeking a solution by first assesing which sites I visit the most. I went back and checked my browser history and made a list of some of the sites that I visit the most. The page to the right shows several of the sites I figured out I regularly visited. Once I figured out which sites I checked regularly looked at I compiled them into a list of features that I would like to see. After this I developed a persona for the person that I thought may use a site like my own to help to understand a perspective clients needs.



Wordpress offers you the most flexibility out of the sites listed,

allowing you you to do more with this site than the others.


bility comes with a price however as the learning curve to be able

Square Space Square Space is a website building tool that has been growing in popularity in the last couple years. With the incresed use of mobile devices to access sites, Square Space offers the best mobile responsive templates. They also have more styles to skin your site than the other sites listed here.


to use all of the features is steep

and takes some time to get used to.

Wordpress also cost the most.


Solution Research

Wix Wix is the most popular personal website building site on the internet. Why you may ask? Because of

For my Solution Research I looked at websites that already sought to do what I was seeking to do. To the left you

will find a comparative analysis of those sites.

it has a simple and intuitive drag

and drop building style that can help even a novice make an amazing looking website.

They also offer incredible support to their users.





Medium Fidelity Wireframes

The sketches on the left rep-

resent my rough ideas of how

I could lay out my site. The

medium fidelity wireframes on this page are a combination of the two ideas

I had with the top

image being from the left most picture and the one on the right from the other.



Paper Prototype User Tesing

Prototyping and User Testing Initial user test meet with very positive result and an overall completion of assigned task of slightly over 80%. Four users were tested initially and asked

to perform four task.

The users made

the following comments about the task

“pretty self-explanatory”, “Very Simple”, and “This is an intuitive website that is easy to navigate.” Since the final design ended up being fairly different from the intial test I

thought it would be good to go back and test the final design with one of the original testers.

She was overall satis-

fied, only criticizing the lack of a button to return to the top of the page once you we already in a certain section.

Final Digital User Testing



Presentation This is how the final visual composi-

tions looked when skinned on the wireframes.

After user testing a trial and

error this design came out to be the

most functional and most closely vi-

sually to what

I originally envisioned.

The different sections can be accessed either by clicking the respective book

at the top of the page which will jump you to the right section or by simply scrolling down the page.





I sat out to develop a website that served to simplify my life and gather all of my regularly visited sites into one easily accessible space. Starting with my sketches I developed the idea of putting the information in a bookshelf and making the information accessible in open books. This evolved into wireframes that combined the ideas of a couple different sketches into a functional idea. After prototyping and user testing these original ideas we made some adjustments and redesigned certain aspects. This lead to the final visual composition and final funtioning prototype of the website that I believe captures the original goal, to create a website that gathers aspects of my life and simplifies my day to day.

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