figure/ground similarity proximity closure continuance translation rotation reflection glide/reflection dilation symmetric balance asymmetric balance ambiguous balance neutral balance
Figure/Ground The relationship, and distinction, between a figure, and the space it resides within.
Similarity Figures with similar characteristics, tend to be associated as part of a group.
Proximity Figures arranged near each other, appear as components of a group.
Closure Viewers imply some lines and shapes that may not actually exist visually.
Continuance Figures arranged in a certain manor can imply movement, and control the viewer’s eyes.
Translation Figures that have been duplicated and shifted can create movement for the viewers.
Rotation The movement of an object or figure around a centered axis
Reflection A figure flipped across an axis can create an interesting “inverse” effect.
Glide/Reflection The combination of translation and reflection to create a new effect.
Dilation Changing the size of a figure or object can create perceptions of depth.
Symmetric Balance Occurs when the image is equally proportioned on all sides with exact imagery.
Asymmetric Balance Occurs when the image visually leans toward one side.
Ambiguous Balance The image balance is somewhat unbalanced or unclear.
Nuetral Balance When the image is evenly balanced throughout.
速 Andrew Leider, September 2013 completed as a requirement for visual communication course in the graphic design program at the Kansas City Art Institute. Michael Kidwell : assistant professor.