Jesus of Nazareth [4:4]

Page 1

4^f * 1r p or a (fro 't to th ht) 0or the birds The sideways panorama (from 1le-it the rl right) Th id

o tl into s ol being 1lett loo loose dl dissolves softly

• 1 n.g lth a flaming a nnew scene, of a 10 young man runn! running with 10 -u ot en . a close-up

10 13 torch hands. him and the 010 olose-up turns slowly d th - u p tur oroh in his i • We follow hi 1 toroh to a o 1 th into a 10 long shot throwing the burning torch 1into ot which hioh shows him thr 1nto fire on top 0of a hill. hill.

r hil w or By means of a ppanorama we see oth other hills

and of each one a gr greatt fire lr 1is burning.• nd on top ot oh on "During t the scene he n shirting hi tl the following is heardDllrl Commentary: •• Co nt

y&zAU fcn-xtrue^

On one of those days as fires were lighted on all hills and all mountains to call the pilgrims of the Passover-to Jerusalem*it came to pass that a certain man named Lazarus» whom Jesus loved» became deathly sicic. He was a native of Bethany» outside Jerusalem» where he lived together with his father and his two sisters» Martha and Mary.

o n ot olv Th The scene of th the hill hills dl dissolves softly into 1 1 to 0

• ce a nnew scene of a ro room 1in tthe hou house 0of LLazarus• u •

h father of LLazarus s a Le The was Levite. Lazarus himself Z 1 • L £ was a scribe fine reputation as a writer. crib who had established a :fin r . Many SynaSIll -

opt h Law and the gogues ordered copies of the him. 0 h prophets from hi . r 1 r sisters r needle workers and 1 two 1 t r were His 0 elder d made garments for or

the priests. th rl • 1 n Though the of JJesus also Tho h family r friends 0 r 111 were u tthey were 0 on 11 good 00

terms with the 10 local rreligious and the lth th 11 Iou authorities uthorltl o 1 0of Bethany h people in general. 1n nr •

bbecomes c 0 L z 111 d 1is 1lying Now Lazarus ill and in bed at 1 In t the h point 1 t of t

(198 ) (198) 1 11 to 1 h d by v r that almost all He 1is so lire appears to ddeath. ath . H o rravished .P 'I ffever

rs move inc 1 lel't him. Only hi his fingers incessantly, hhave ve le t hi • only

to 1 irom time to

ld , white-bearded d 111 Ibl sounds. oun • H1 time he ut utters some unlnt unintelligible His old, r som hi -b tI e he tle 1y 1n bout rrestlessly h roo he ttwo 0 sisters 1 t r oves about hil the father moves in tthe room while .father

ffor or th turns in in 0oaring the patient. p 1 nt . 1 ttake turns hbor hhave entered hi p r th n uir Some ne! neighbors In whispers they iinquire nt r d quietly. u1 lYe In So 11 nt shake of her but th the silent head th but hrh d tells ary about LLazarus' Z of Mary u' health r 1 thtft her broth brother is oon. considered beyond rrecovery. Id r cov y . them th t her

dden 1impulse. ula • Mary hhas a sudden


That is • 1 Th

ro oh h h approaches r sister 1 She her and speaks

e 010 • Martha seems to ro h suggestion tlon and leaves in a 10 low voice. to approve the In ba k tto th . Varyy goes 1 the room room. back the sick-bed and wipes the face of 0 1 -b th th 0 0

Lazarus. L z •

* a 0called th hhas 1 the oourtyar courtyard.• Martha a manaservant and she IIn n the h


1 , savingP ak to speaks to hin hin,

I n Jesus and Go and find him: "He d tell ho lh1: H whom ou lov 1 you love is sick".

Martha: arth

p t th Th r or ho .You The servant the words: "He you 10 love 1i s sick" t rrepeats d B whom 10 " and

s e ts t s out att ono once after f i l l i n g hi h i s bbag with some food. 00 •

Martha th rr e.--

turn 10 -roo • turns to th the sick-room.

10lc-room. Th The sick-room.

th enters d after t r her nt r and Martha 101 • r a physician.

The T

ttwo0 s 1i s tt e rr s watch tah hi ou l as hhe prepares a drug for 0 10 him anxiously the siok ooordln. to ousto the »113 101 0 man.• According to custom th physician, i n handing th the rremedy to th

t1 .n , pronoun


ord -

the p a t i e n t , pronounces the wordsPhysician: p ' 101

our fever.• Arise from your Ar1

(199) (1 )

Bat th r Is no change. t there •

_tl n t 1Is un e any move bl to m h ppatient 0 The unable make

a word. or • or to 0 apeak .P

D a h 1is already h t th .n Angel 1 0of Death Everyone that the un unseen ryon has a feeling 11

le - b • standing at the hhead of th the sick-bed. t th t d1 i p to tthe n c ne . Wipe next scene«

rnl • The n nextt morning.

e1t, . a farmer dl to th Holy Along the toward th road ro d 1leading d JJerusalem« rll ~ r Al o Boll City, • the i,t ar and his wife are traveling. db! tr T 11ns.

on a donkey« 1· head«• h

The man»t unbur unburdened in any way«t 1is riding II d 1n Th

1 1 t 011 His is walking behind on h her b hin.d with 1th a 1large basket b 1 wife r

We folio follow tthem as th they 'rom the of Lazart the h servant r 0 h t tro h house ou L ze.rY meet us«• u


tb The servant them and askst rv t stops T

Servant: r t:

. ing-

ou seen Have you heard anything of Jesus n or 0 h thi J us of Hazareth? th?


r poInt h tfarmer The points 1n in tthe cUr direction come,t sayhloh he h has co tloJl from which



o h r behind hind us«• He 1is somewhere


How far? BO ?

arm r Farmer:

toh up with If you are quick catch u1clt: you ou may o 1th him hi to-night.

Th The servant tthankss th the farmerr and d moves OV on rrapidly. pldly .


Wipe the 11 next 1 to th xt scene. 0 n • I

(200 (200) )

lck...roo of Laz s who ho hhas Ju r The sick-room Lazarus just drawn hi his 1lastt breath* t dr Th •

, ddeclares hi alar slolan, tfeeling The phy physician» 11 his pul pulse, tthat t he has been delivered 1 r Th i ng and has entered ffrom n r d 1n 0 the Joy of tthe Lord. m hhis i sufferings into


ak th r whose duty it becomes to0 d he h makes ro th the bbed room :tor for tb. the old tfather d son. on. With tears 1n rrender nd r th t offices to tthe dead the 1last in hi his eyes he h

s r the bbends d kisses on and th last tine. over the son him tfor d ov r th hi

out of tthee dead.• the h eyes Y s and mouth

Then he 010 closes h.nh

t tthe same time At we see Martha l1 light* 1 h -

in*,) an 011 oil-lamp according to hio ..1 p which» 0 Jewish custom» must be kept burn1 burn-

lng for -thirty days and nights» symbolizing the Immortality 0of the 1 human soul soul. down on her 1 . Mary has fallen r knees and»t tthrowing out t hher cries hysterioallyh cri t rl0 1 ds, she hhands,


1 0 0 1 Woe is me»• woe is my brother. brot'· r •


101 oo • The physician leaves th the rroom. h phy 1

1 tl Relatives, friends»• and neigh1

t h red at or have ggathered t th h 1 sympathy. They loo bors the doe door to express their look

Ir questioning r l e1 t 0 t tthe pphysician 1 at inquiringly and hhe answers their eyes by · 0 ulth tr dltlon using the traditional formula-


Physician: 1 •

Weep with you who bitter of Ith them», all h are bl t ot 1 30 t . heart.

1 Iv 1 n O A by on One one th the rrelatives and friends enter the death-room. n.t r th ·th- roo •

Mary 1

1t with Ith grief 1 h 1is bbeside herself and Martha is trying to oon console 01 her. 1 r. Looked 1in each r. LOC oh 0other's h r' arms the two sisters weep together. 0 t r lr t speak to The newcomers first the father then tto th the two Th 00 r and th 0 th t 0


ort1 sisters, oomforting themth r • co 1 1 tt 11.. rrelative:

h Lor 01 t1 II comfort or you. May the Lord 0of Con Consolations 0 ou.

1 i1 22.. rrelative:

t 1in D orl Kemember that Death meett t tthe two 0 Worlds and kiss. •

• rrelative: 1 tl 1 g.

Pr 1 you 0 th ·1 enter praise the Lor Lord,, th that he shall nt r

In 0 peace. into

(201 (201)) How a blast .from the horn of the Synagogue i 3 toard aimounolng that-the Angel of Death has carried away another human seal. and moan t d Tashion. h1on. makes Mary wail/Tn a broken hearted

hi This

.n Wipe to to tthe next soene.

or s the h Z The servant house of L Lazarus on hi his way across rv t from tthe ho h rioh • ru desert between JJerusalem and Jericho, t lies 1 rt that d" n along 0 h ro 1 drl Some driven the road. el are bbeing 0camels 0 •

The servant asJes-

0 t of JJesus of Have you seen or heard anything hr ? Hazareth? Do you Jcaow where he is?

Servant: r

h ctael-drivers oro 1d One of the points across the th wildernessOn 1-4r1 r point


Camel-driver; C 1- 1

v r there, beyond th 11. Over that hill.

Servant: Srv :'

The first one? Th r t on 1

Camel-driver: 1- 1 r: C

No, next xt one. 0 th 11 o . the •

Servant: r t:

ThanJc you. ou. Th

He hurries away.• Wipe too the th next n t scene. ~e .

Outside of h house ho ot Lazarus. It z out 1 the •

o the h deadd has The body of been wrapped in the h b n washed, h d , anointed, anoi tb.

in t linen and laid 1 d in a bier bl r of 0 wiclcerworx. finest • th hands h 01 d on the breast.• andd the are folded

myrtle. tl •

The up 1 turned turn u h face is

1 r is 1 bordered with ith The bier

Those present r nt include lnolud the th old father, t r , the h two t 0 tearrul ho

(202 ) (202)

sisters, and a groat number or relatives» friends» and neigh« / ^ ^ o ^

borsTl •*& l o c a l 4>iwbVi8' L just^d.éllverij3e t h e u s a l funeral r o r a 0t i o n 0opening -0 ng

hi h i s addr address thu t h u s: Babbl: /


You» trees» sway your heads and deplore a worthy and righteous man, a noble spirit that is no more and that spent day8 and nights in meditation» PUT hl»n, you trees» shed your tears, .hen he was but eighteen years if age, never having experienced the effecta or an unchaste dream»he revised his studies before me and J made him my attendant, and therefore I know of his pious deeds. In truth he waB a joint. Bat in the sight or God the death of his 3aints is precious. He welcomes the soula of the pure and right - awaiting their coming as new brides» with delight. And with delight the ministering angels rejoice over their coming to abide among them.• Therefore, weep or the mourners» not ror him, who is lost« He has found his rest« »ieep for his near or xin« /or his father who taught him wisdom and who now is mourning M s only son« /or his two sisters who stood near the dying one at the time he was breathing his last« j?or his friends and neighbors - yea, for the whole town which has lost its choicest ornament, it is our comfort that he was .vorthy that the Sjßhechinah should abide with him. And now: let us bring to the cave and lay him to rest«

h end n of of the h or t n some of the male relatives At oration and A the 1 p l' 1 end 11 ..'t up r it to the friends lift up th the bier upon their shoulders and oarry

tomb«• to

o n Att the sseme tl time th the mourners begin singing th the Jilegy« Q into the no .lpe next scene« 1 •

roe o The on - 'the house n its way to the tomb h funeral procession of silence"« 11 no

o , i ou shoes« without

rl t We .Qot! notice that the men carrying the oasket are all 1

((£0£-a) 2 2- )


roo s 0.0. is the\linboi/t»ao deliyerei head of tthe procession t; the he oration» e or At 11. tthe

d t e .fath After father, Uary. Martha,• and er him 1 . 0come the

e ffamily. 11y . tthe immediate

rh n 00 110 e e the casket which is .1followed Then comes

0 are both bby tthe h hired mourners who t men and women«


't; a. o aniz at great crowd so or organized thatt the men and 0 t tthe rear is a gr

women are separated. t d. n g .(from 0 h preceding reo ngs The funeral song the 3oene 1 is also r o hheardd Th y flutes c in tthis scane, accompanied by and cymbals. lut

or Some men quarrying stones by wording t beY the roadside stop proc and stand reverently until th the procession ka3 ppassed. 0 d. Wipe ttco the nnext rt scene. .n • 1


(20Z ) (203)

The procession ox silence. ion has ha.s arrived arrlv d att the th "house "hou 0 11 no • n proc

so n is 1 also 10 The and scenes d music mus1c rrom ro the th two t 0 preceding pro CU be song 'Ok1 c n f h three thr e following scenes. heard ell as the d in this thi as well h

rlvat tomb Lazarus a long time ago0 ls laid in 1n a private c lr 10 o b acquired 1 L zaru is by his t 111 _ hi family.

roe - h n tomb to 8. vault vult with Ith It consisting of a CO 0 I t 1is a rock-hewn

to , the ' id • lon the th sides. niches for along t he bodies bod! nloh

Beside the th vault v there t r is 1

hioh a oorridor a small corridor 1leads to the out outside. o th m 11 ante-room te-roo from which •

The h

opening to the tomb was covered by stone olroul 00 r tone that op u1 th b3 a heavy circular could be ide a roll d aside. b rolled m The



mourners walk b by th the casket over a o s ssaying 1 ov r the th deceased a

.., in peace". Of • ftDe "Depart ,J..

yo r men om youn£ n 0of th Then the 1immediate li^t u up tu the body hen some 1 1 t family 11J..t bo

_ th r . -b followed rry it into the th to 0110 d by the tomb the father. and ccarry xt scene. into the th n 1 oen • Wipe next

. The interior 0of th the vault vault. 'rh

The young men the body h yow n have llaid I d th bodl

d have av withdrawn, !in th vi the nioh niche and leaving with his n. le tthe father alone Oll i th h1

10 ed son. b on. beloved

s to keep bac As hhe trl tries back his tears the 01 old man covers

-1 th aa .n p n. th e 0of th d with tthe lace the ddead napkin, the 1lastt favor a father's Tor from 'rom a t her t

hand. h Wipe the n next 'I pe into th xt scene. c.n •

• oOutside t 1

th b. the to tomb.

rh The father coming from the oorrl corridor t er ooming om the or and

ar in or d r not to 1 back to walking backward order to turn his to th the dead. e d. Boon Id tthe e ttwo 0 daughters As soon as he has 00 come out outside care for him. h r or him .

(204 ) (204) * 0 tone into 1nto place o that t t Some men stone so n roll the olroular olroul o e young 0

it covers tob . oov rs the tr ce to the h tomb. th entrance

At the same the t1 r am time h camera c t

tone . approaches the c n ends n s in a close-up th stone. t e scene o 0 - up or 0 roaoh andd the a; th The mu 1 andd the th wailing is 1 lading away, Th song, on t the music • andd the

d1 ol v scene softly o n dissolves o tly into --

a nnew soene rooky and deserted Jesus h r d d er t 1landscape i u is o n 0of a roe c 1> where 1 e • sitting and y his hi disciples d1 01 an a few Pharisees, urroun d by Itt1n surrounded

A short rt

d Lawyers« h 1 distance is another Pharisees and 1 group grou of anoth r small 0 r • i t e away 1

Apparently both groups have halted here on their ou th lr way to Jerusalem,• 1> y t made any final decision c1 1 n as to Although at yet t whether h Jesus e s has not

he will in Jerusalem or stay out in 0 nd the Passover J e 111 spend t i n the th desert h t where he is safer. h r s r. h

om the t r group A Lawyer from Jesus th 1latter ou approaches ro oh su and asks a s himL hi Lawyer: L 3 r:

Master, st r, what h t shall 0 to rit eterno 1innerit h 11 II do t rnal life? if ?

rior motive otlv in his a iking this question. There was 40 no ult ulterior lle t 011 . It 1'her I cA o-e a....--t. s

r c 1 was 00 common practice among Jewish 1 h Rabbis and Lawyers/to question 0 0 on each doubtful problems. oh 0other on do bt 1 ttheological h 010 10 1 •

This Lawyer wished h

to 1learn of IJesus to n the h opinion l n on ot u on 0certain r oint of 0 n fundamental points rreligion. 11 on.

Jesus received the question in good exi h qu tlon 1n it andd being ood faith 1

perienced of dialectics, r l no d in the art t ot 1 0 0 , he answered Ith a questionr d with t o -

u : Jjesaa:

»that h t 1is written r it en in tthe e LLaw? ?

yer, already y Oll lr The on th the defensive, e LLawyer, n. 1 t quotes uote from ro the firth 1 th boo book 0of Moses. 0 • LLawyer: Y r:

h It 10 »Thou shalt love the the Lor Lord thy God with "Thou Ith all 1 tthy hheart, 1 . thy soul, lt all rt. and with 0 and with 1 •

(205) (205) /

. d with 1h all l l tthy mind." .n • th , and all thy th3 strength, tr

or if to say: and what more? noour 1 11 1t su nods encouragingly JJeans

T The

uot hi tl Lawyer thinks for moment continues, time quoting noon nu , this o ent and d tthen n k s :t r a m L w er thi

.c>/' ~v-r.&. ~ ~ the £crz>A: <*S h thirdfrook of Hoooo- .~~k / Lawyer: r: L

1 .n h or as thyself." thy nl neighbor It love 0 "Thou shalt

ott h nods another textt r by qquoting ro 1 13 andd answers od approvingly u n JJesus b 0 • from tthe he same book. 0

nTh1 t 1 "This do eternally." 0 and you shall live

su : JJesus:

tthe po rt of 0 The LLawyer, power r of Jesus 1in this sort 00 lz1 Th Y r. recognizing 1 tthat b t hhe, , for or his ould d to make it clear 1 part, cu slon . wished dl t . would discussion, oh great lutlon 0of a problem 0of such uper le! 1 solution oc pt a superficial r not not accept iimolse ddefinition e lnitlon 0of neighbor was needed. • The -third portance. A pr precise ' Zi~

d: "T'lOU h t not book of Meses said: "Thou shalt not take vengeance,, no» no* bear any ou shalt n 0 th3 .P 1 • but t thou h t h ohild in t tthe u grudge against children of thy people, love ooor t 1 thy tl 19h or n 1 t hJ 1 ". According thy neighbor as thyself". to this a "neighbor" could r r lit • Th r 0 he 0 1 J :I bbe an IIsraelite. only Therefore he asks Jesus the very simple qu · 10 question-


Lawyer:• L

Who ho 1is my neighbor? 1 bor?

ght ffor or a moment om nt and then decided us tho Jesus thought that 01 h t the best b

t way to m make tthe matter clear was by use 0of a parable.

n. Itlon from 11 transition reality to is done as 0 0 the parable 1 The tr .followst ollo hv his disciples have hhalted at a place South 1 1 1 t u and hi 1 0 Just u out JJesus

of 0

that runs across the h t run tthe h road 0 ora he desert rrorn Jericho er10 o tto o Jerusu. -

alem. •

((206) 06 ) i

OU 0or J u s and end r turns 120 ddegrees> grees , ffrom ro, the group How the 0camera Jesus ow th

his disciples road. B disci ple to the h ro d.

iis s m ked. by photoh to(The shirting marked (Th hl £tl

p cial way» ay . graphic means ill in a special ' gr phi c mean

HO How it iis to be done cannot be

explained l a 1n d hhere). r ).


th During th the P panorama the following 1is he heardor Du.ri

rtai,n And Jesus spoke a parable oor aa 0certain !.l m t o JeriJ eri man who went down irom Jerusalem to cho, and fell among thieves«.•

Commentary: .at Co

L *

(The country between Jericho and Jerusalem is a rooky desert with a gloomy and sinister look» The road between the two places is tortuous, at times running along the edge of steep precipices and at other times at the foot of rooky walls.• It thus lent itself to sudden attacks by robbers /ho had their hiding-places in the innumerable caves in the trackless mountains. Though the road was dangerous for travellors it was used a great deal because it was the only road between Jericho and Jerusalem. At the time of Christ it was named the "reå*1 or the "bloody" wa|t Halfway between Jerusalem and Jericho there was an inn capable of giving a night*s shelter to people and animals. This inn was an open space, a courtyard surrounded by a high wall. Inside the wall were roof-covered coilonades. Here men, women and children slept together while the animals spent the night in the middle of the open court-yard, around rook-hewn water cisterns, in addition to the colonnades there were a few rooms for travellors of some means. There was only one gate in the wall.

Assuming that JJerusalem 1 is behind 1 .n tthe ecamera, we see the t ,"certain c rt 1 b merchant, 1leading his heavily man", probably 13 a Jewish l¥

10 d. loaded donkey road. onk 1 along the ro

d is swarming with Suddenly tthe road lth

b r coming down armed ro robbers from th the roo rocky slopes. 0 10 •

The merchant is i

, taken by such thatt 1in a few seconds he 1is overpowered, oh surprise th oon r ro robbed, and 1literally trip d nnaked.• r 1 stripped

Some of th the ro robbers take 0 0 t

(207) (207)

t r them th u into the t the donkey, up mountains. ount in. .onk y. pulling it arter t

Other« Oth r

him with wl th their daggers. d le s. Tell f 11 upon the t~ merchant, er chant , stabbing tabbl

Th.n Then

ounded and bleeding bleed1 d they him and heir dead. 1 1 hi wounded th Y hurry away leaving • lp • Wipe,

Commentary!, Comment '

By chance down p r i e sit . chano there ere came 0 do n a certain 0 rt 1n pr1

h p pr! oomln from the h Holy City, CIty, 1i e probably The r i e at, s t , coming robab11 rreturning tur.oJ.

com 1 t d h1i s turn to hi his native duty n th the n tlv town to n after t r having completed ur of 0 ut iin Temple. Seeing by p s e pl • ' S eln a man apparently dead he hurriedly passes b on the the other oth r side. 1de.

Maybe he rears a trap by robbers»—Qr p or hap o he—

tottouch ou 0 a dead body and l e t i t maice him unclean does not l i k e to for an. for



seven daysH»«-was the bolioi' at the timo and» thelLaw.

This must be

taken into consideration ^though It la no v a l i d oxouoo.—As a priest rew4-ah~ commandment rfthou ohalt love thy neighbor as -«-r-r-aadas-a-~pr1 e«t he~~8h^u44~have- bourne i n mind the words— •v-&£ w m have aeray-a»dr-&gt~ sacrifice"» But hi a heart was— «et^ -open ~£or~^uo&~ thought a and he passed by.

Ip • Wipe. Commentary: Co nu I:.

Likewise a L Levite, he was Llk wl vlte. when hen he a at t the th place.•• plao • • •

1 te com! We ssee a. a ICe Levite coming from the the dlr direction Jerusalem, what o 'lon 0of Jerusale . ~~r-

-is Bald about-the-priest may also be oald about tho Levite»—fie then leaves the placet not oaring about the //€-


jb o.A.^6 <*-<*•


•1i p *

Commentary: Comm nt 1:

But' aa 0certain as he journeyed, rBut rta1n Samaritan, am came, oam • and when h n hhe saw nlm, • he had compassion on on hi him... •••

(208) (208)



e Trom r The SSamaritan too ccomes Jerusalem, le • Th donkey. on - y. o o


e 1is rl He riding on a

As soon as he becomes 00 s aware of what hhas happened he gets one. t

hurries to the the hhelpless ey and d hurr 1p1 s man. tthe donkey

He has pity 0on

him and him.• In lp hi et the d begins immediately 1at 1y to help th hi I n 0orderr to disinfect wounds he cleans th them with ith wine. 1n • onn

order In ord r to hheal tthem and to t

the pain oil. it oil in hhe rubs them with . rrelieve 11

Axter he bandages r that t h

d starts lifts onto his donkey and t h n 11 t tthe poor man on tthe wounds and tthen

is not thlch ls ot far away.• out for r tthe 1inn which

Ip • Wipe. Commentary: nt Co

ht th And he brought the man to an 1inn and too took 0 care of him.••

1 he 1is well We see th the Samaritan arriving at th the inn. inn where 11 11

qu, nt vi Itor . Obviously he is a frequent visitor.

c 1 received. •

The situation is h situ

an 014 old story the inninn-keeper and few words of explanation or t ry tto th .x lan tio are needed.• n

er help The inninn-keeper helps tthe Samaritan fco the wounded Th ' o 0carry r th ound d

merchant room where placed a couch. roh t to a roo her he 1is pl ed upon 0 couoh.

1p • Wipe. ntar Commentary: Co

he Samaritan deAnd 0.0. on the morrow when the t d he took out two denaries and gave parted the them to the host...

arlt n tthe Jl ou· to0 make his We ssee th the Samaritan next morning about 1 ded parture inn-keeper in the where the ur and speaking to o the Inn-k h rroom h 0 11 wounded is 1lying in a deep sleep. o ll. d man 1 1n 1 e • 1 :,)

e .p r ttwo 0 coln d glanoing Handing the inninn-keeper coins and att th the patient ll8 th 1 01 tlent h

he says-

arlt •• Samaritan:

Take cscare 0of Mm; and whatsoeverI you nd more, sspend more, when I come again, II w111 ill repay you. you.

(2 9 ) (209)

Wipe.• Then inn d i n g awajr inn andd t i1d1 lta.n l1e a v i1n g the t th Samaritan T II we see the

road on which oh the t roh h th same road along the merchant had been.Q a t t a c0h e d the a10 day b e f ore. ore. d

bl and by b means of This the a panorama 0 or n of 0 th parable h1 1i s t h e end P

r t urn tto we return o rr e a.1l 11 H i 'e :: JI e s u s surrounded by:J h i s d 1i s c i p l e s and

er. t 1 in" it . t a l k i n g w i t h the Lawyer. J e s u s ::

eau t 1 J e s u s has j u s t asked t h i s q u e s t i o n Which now of t h e s e t h r e e , think you, was 0 neighbor unto him that f e l l among t h i e v e s ??

rt f ilr 1 The LLawyer's r s tt 1impulse* i s t o answer: "The Samaritan", ". b 0 Butt he h e s it i t a tt e s because, being a Jew and a Lawyer he has always d h 1 t f e l t harshly toward the SamaritänsT^-J^yis so great that the word 1 "S ·1 " "Samaritan" oannot pass h i s l i p s . F i n a l l y he answers-







He that showed mercy on him.• 0

To To tt h i s J e s u s rr e p11 lies-

J esu s:

Go,• and do you l i k e w1i s e •, 0 11 G ((Jesus

taught t h a t any man of any f a i t h and of any race may be your neighborI t I s the heart that imports. These thoughts were not only new for that age; they were r e v o l u t i o n a r y and contrary t o Jewish f a i t h , and i t was not s u r p r i s i n g that p i o u s Jews opposed them)•

Afterr th the l a s t rremark of J e s u s the LLawyer the P h a rIs isees r and th withdraw and Join th t h e lr i r 0own and 1l e a v e the .Pp l acc e.. it cl JOin n group u

r t sent I n tthe meantime tthe servant wit ith nt bby Martha h 0of Bethany t the message for ctfully or JJeus hhas j u s t arrived r1 d and r e s p eat


(210) (210) !

1 - to 0 one n of his- d1 disciples 0 tthe he group r o p 0of JJesus end d hi 01»1 s he makes a sign

the disoiples that s g for ol'ple th t he hhas aa message or JJesus. sus. h d1

The ~he

cl 1 d1 disciples

0 ov rv draws the attention of JJesus the eservant and JJesus over us to th t nt 0 o. u goes th r s·n

0110 alpl s filled lled with lth ourlos1t d follow him. Th The d1 disciples curiosity. rl rise and ttoo h1m.

u • JJesus»

ter th The the usual greetings, rv t. after tl h servant, • says-


Martha a sent nt me with rth hhas i t a message... ess ..

Servant: r t:

looks at him Iinquiringly. nqu1rl y. t hi JJesus loo Servant: S .rv t:

l d me to 0 say y un whatt she ttold unto0 •...this • • hi 1is ~h you. you:

11 ohool oy about bout to recite ll · e 01 The like a schoolboy a lesson on h servant pauses 1 1learned .n d bby heart.


p Then n he speaks«

Servant: r t:

"He whom is sick ho you love 0 1 le n.•

tly. earnestly. 0 JJesus nods

It 1is as 1if he hhas had a premonition, re 0 ion ,

. lr d by the rn to 1 01 le h message. 1 • He turns confirmed to tthe disoiples, • saying-


u : JJesus:

Let us go tto Bethany. et •

1 01 1 tartle .. The disciples are startled. Th

To 0 go to Bethany, close to JerusJeru -

alem, the same thing as dell delivering himself into 1 m. would eth! ou ld. be th hi rl Ato tthe hhands 0 1 enemies: nm th 11 Iou authorities. of his the rreligious uthorltl •

h r anx1 their anxiety. tl .

1John: hn~

th To Bethany? ?

Jacob: Jaoob·

To o JJerusalem? ?

s nt . nods aassent. JJesus no

The disciples show i o .p1 ho

((211) 11) •


Are you really determined to go to Jerusalem?

Jesus shakes his head In the affirmative. Kathanael:

How at Passover time?

Jesus says quietly: Yes, now. peter:

Are you aware of the danger?


Of late they sought to stone you*

Jesus, looking very serious, says after a short pausejesus:

I must go. Our friend Lazarus sleeps ana t may awake him out of his sleep.

As a matter of faot Jesus is speaking of his death out the disciples "thought that he had spoken of taking rest in sleep". Therefore they saypeter:

But if he sleeps he shall do well.

And becavise they still have scruples about the wisdom of going to the Holy City they addphilips

And there is no neeå for us to go up to Jerusalem just now.

Then Jesus decides to speak to them plainly and saysJesus:

Lazarus is dead«

The disciples are silent for a while, standing as though struck dumb, because all of them loved Lazarus.

But they also

love Jesus and are deeply concerned about the danger he will run into if he insists on going to Jerusalem,

«or this reason John

once more decides to try and make Jesus abandon his plans, saying-

((212) 212 )


IT Lazarus is already dead and cannot bee eru .. saved - why then go to Bethany and Jerusalem?

Absent-mindedly Jesus listens to what John is saying. • thoughts and ideas are running through his mind.• Jesus:


t r Other

H saysS Ee

__ "'''_ Tor for Yea, Lazarus is dead. And I am glad r , in or r your sakes that I was not there, in order that you may believe.

Ol ot pause a h r p t Ai'ter a short he repeats-


Lazarus is dead.• L

r 1 Nevertheless let Uus go0

unto him.

or • h meaning or these words. 101 The disoiples do not understand the h II 1on. r on th 1r comprehension, h They are beyond their

e ntl too e spealcs peter urgently

Jesuspeter» P t r:

1 :'r to Then you are still on going 11 determinedd on Jerusalem?

n.t . u nods assent. JJesus

. John: Jo - tt

the danger? it 0of th In spite r?


,t tremor 1 y saying' 1 h a sl 010e Jesus answers by 1 With slight in his voice ~i!-6


o h t to die outside -It io not ilt i'or S Prophet ut 1 or Jerusalem.

1 1 1 1 0 The disoiples look at each other, disturbed because ox' the 0 h b

c r. ttheir beloved d tteacher. hr t 11 10" danger threatening

et 0 acts IIt is Thomas who

po e or 1 0 t 4e , pr 1 t e1 as spokesman Tor all oil them, expressing their thoughts as he saysThomas: ho

Since it 1is to be so,t 1let n 1t 0 that t t uus also0 go die we may die with him.

tthey flock All agree to thl this and the place 1 0of them 00 h 4 1le ving th 1

rround o 1 ; 1listening nt1 1y to what OU to hi&, attentively t 0 say. t he 1is about t •

( 13) (21?;)


0110 them and an jefsten t en tto or , We follow o hhis i s words/

J sua: Jesus:


Are there not twelve hours In the day? Ii' any man walks in the day, he stumbles not, because he sees the light of this world. But If a man walks in the night, he stumbles, beoause there is no light in him.

Th s cen ends nd with 1 h a cl03e~mp olos - p of 0 Jesus and several disciples This scene 1 01

hi and o11~.;. . .u.e> to him nd listening. 1 t nl • clinging

The Th ancle is out in n a way that t t

e. ht upp i th the r1 right upper corn corner ffree,

1 01 c n dissolve» Then n the scene

o tly into softly


ho 1 a ne new. scene a 010 close-up 0ox" tthe oil-lamp which was c n showing 1l- 1 · 0

dl lighted and which hi oh according to custom has tto be 19hte when Lazarus died le t burning thirty davs and n1 nights. gh • right upper orn rl h 1.1 r corner.

The h lamp appears in the h

o the t f To left we see the wet h face ox* Martha t

with then lamp»• n her lth ttears; th r hend3 as she refills the h 1

As soon oon as

she has 1left the scene softly c 1 ~ 1it dissolves 1 th in h h tll into

a nnew scene of th the dead Lßsarus in niche 1in the cen 01' zru lying n his me 1 vault oof om • f tthe tomb. vult

e the h dissolve 1is not 00 This time complete. hi tl •

The h

0of the close-up of the lamp ((in the scene can 1is a superimposing u rl po h

h niche (with right corner) p r co t the head 0of LLazarus iin n r) and the n rl ht upper

the 1left lover earner). th t 10

After a short while tthe superlapostion 0 u r o t10n

ol tl into dissolves softly Int 1 olv

• _h 011 a Xlnev; scene oil 1lamp. nly the ~ 0 0of Only •

As soon oon as tthe dissolve 01

completed the 0camera until 1it encompasses the un! 00 r glides backward 0 h 1 t d th 1is 00 whole room in which Lazarus died. 1 d. hol roo hi h L z

(214 ) (214) , Y th lr st three t 1lasts ts thirty days but only Th ournl The mourning the first e

days were a ttime oof deep mourn1 mourning«• d

tto o ou to chairs coordl According custom

ver d and laid 10 • n couo e h and couches ha»e bbeen rreversed low.

e 1 0 A dead silence

prevails interrupted only b3 b^ the ssighs weeping or the prev 11 lnt rr pta onll i gh and the e 1 t t

ha are sitting who ffew e immediate rrelatives 1 1tt!n 0on tthe ffloor. loor.

JDuring Dur1ns

1 tlv hunnl oonv r ion these first days th the rrelatives are shunning conversation r t three hr the d aaiar as s po lbl refraining Trom 1 lth oth r ppeople opl and o eating with other possible )

and dr drinking.• 1 tlv s who h are mourning we notice Among the rrelatives Mary, her oti r i.' t er, father,

ot r an and a few others.

e · or • She ot t 1 Martha h The pr practical has again taken up hher hou housework. t Th

lth Qa few driedd figs which h rl 1 is Jut Just .no now entering the roo room with she d 1 in h ho rrefuses to r to offers to Mary who to take them.• She weeps and is incon1 c;;.J to co lor 1 • 't; h • droppin ... do 11 • ttries solable. Martha, dropping down on her knees, to comfort in 1 in d z • er! 1y h r 1 ter hos 1 rt - r her sister whose mind is in a daze. Weeping heart-renderingly he sshe says0




11' ••• h. 1if - if - if... Oh,

Martha herb c1 rth embracing h r-

th : Marthai

If what? It' t?


d bbeen If Jesus hhad in time... n appealed to o 111 tl • • •


r ttear filled 11 f ti oontl,nu Lifting up her face Mary continues0


••• our brot t!l bbe alive. allv • ...our brother r would d sstill

th : Martha:

How could we know it would onl be HO e tthe death th 0 of


t will 111 do 00 Be quiet no now,, iit do no good

to to weep any more.

((216) 1 )

o Some neighbors now enter tthe room to o console the sisters,

p1 lapping her shoulder affectionately they speakhr

especially cl 11 Mary»•

1, neighbor: 1 bo: praise you the Lord, blessed is the right1. h eous» who is taken away from the evil to come. 2. neighbor:

She memory or the just is blessed*

Ba neighbor:

Surely he shall 11 not 0 be moved Tor ever«•

During the speaking or these words Martha has 1left tthe room* ro • Wipe to the next scene.

We see Martha entering tthe kitchen and looking about o to set what work h r needs to be done«

Walking to the door her attention is

attracted by a group of men entering the village«

She wipes the

ttears from her eyes in order to see better and Is able 1 to make out who the men are: o th

Jesus uid his disciples and at the head of the


group ou hher servant«

Without any hesitation she runs to meet «Tesus« 1 J •

I pe tto the next scene« y.ipe

s As soon as JJesus has caught sight of Martha he goes ahead of 1 0 his disciples to h1 0 meet her«•

When Martha has oome up to Jesus, she

cannot restrain her tears any longer«

Jesus does hi3 bbest to 0

comfort h her and makes her sit 1 down, saying-

u : JJesus:

Be Bit weeping« 1 •

Martha,J sobbing, him what has happened«• 1 hi 0 • tells

(216) (216)


Laz ru 1is dead.,. Lazarus

rth goes o Ollo • He e knows it. Martha Jesus only nods. onSU onl d not .t n'here er my brother If you hhad bbeen "brother Xlhad died.

M art thha;

,ye ... u answers010 1 e s rl reassuring voice Jesus IIn a qquiet


rot .·. r shall 1 Your "brother again. YOl 1 rise


~or s 11 t r'pret hi t 1interpret Martha not his words literally th does 0 :3 n e ally and says3

Martha: t :

in 1in the hall rrise i se again t II know that he shall he 1 rresurrection at the last day. t t


((after r a pause) )

..,.th ••• Martha...

1 h makes her ole of Je There is 1n in tthe voice Jesus a strange note whioh hr Th r 1 in surprise. lift look at t him r head and 10 11 l t her •


n esJesus continues*

I am the resurrection and the lixe; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.

·t h Martha at him, moved b by the t r thin he is 1 rth stares t e tremendous thing • 1 ' • saying«

How Jesus her, ·r . J u asks h Jesus:

you th1 11 Believe this?

Martha, almost overcome by tthe words and manner ot Jesus, o t ov roo or J u • answers er weakly* yMartha: th . :


Yes, II believe.,, 1.1 v • •

t r a pause And n after h addsu e she add -

(217 ) (217) ",


II Relieve bel!ev th h Messiah that yo you are the which 1 oh should come 1nto into th the world. sho d 00 orl .

art h Martha:

h r1ses , still loo ng at t JJesus,• She rises, looking

11 Mary.,. I'll go and ttell ••

Martha: arth


Then h n she h says0-

p ac and Jesus sits Tor it down, o n , waiting 1t! or Mary.• 1leaves a e tthe place

#ipe the n next scene. 1p to th te n .

Tl The mourn1 mourning-room. -roo •

f ore . bbefore.

Mary 1is sitting at th the same place as tt

r e have Other neighbors the room. h v entered th Othe 00 • n 19

Martha rth appears. are .

1 tl approaches r sister She qquietly her and tells ro ch 1 S II

e r in a whisper tthat Jesus has arrived and 1is out3ide. Mary rises hher r In h u 1 .V s tthe room. quia 00 • quicklyy and %lth Martha 1leaves

The other mourners loo look h ot

after them in n surprise and ask each otherr th 0 r 1. r. u • mourner:

d Mary rise Why did so o hhastily? tl1 1

urn 22, . mourner:

, r did ' 1 she Where h go? O?

2.• mourner:

ta1n.l to tthe grave to r 0Certainly 0 weep. •

The 1.lather: th

0 go to Lett uus also 0 the h grave. L •

d r • he The mourners, headed by the father Lazarus, h mOUl" th r 0of L Z h • 1leave the 00 • room.

xt scene, Wipe the nnext 1 tto th n •

tIll in the p1 0 h r Martha met et him,t waiting place where tl IJesus 1is still for or Mary.

o 11 at t his feet When she arrives she and rl 11 down t weeping h falls 1

saying unto him1 to h1 -

((J818) -e th r had a .no If you had b been brother not en here, ere . my br died«


:£ despair b 1 ad hher eyes.• throng through ttears 0of that blinded a id this t. ..She h said P ir tha.t

and tthe lather re an - ~th Seeing her and Martha pi , an the mourners h r weeping,and 1

slon and .nd h it oom s themalso is fill filled oompaoslon he as asks pi d with 0 weeping, JJesus ls t


Where have laid ho.'V e you 1 r 1 him? IOU 1



!.y The "ether, r1 g him,• says* ~ r. answering

Come and see» Co e •

Father: th r:

1 his 01 1 And JJesus follows him, and with them all and th th 1 disciples 01 0

the mourners.

en . Wipe to the h next scene. 1

At t thee ttomb.•

be n rwnor rumored tthatt JJesus and i c1 1 d his disciples IIt has been


op 0 0 of p people has gathered near th the to tomb, h h hhave arrived and a ocrowd kept at t c by the 01 t a ddistance h ddisciples.


d Scribes. c 1 e • 1isees and

.... 111 says* One of tthem On

cri • 1. scribe. 1.


We notice roup of Pharot c a group

Could not this man, which opened the eyes or the blind,, have caused that even .n this man should not have died? 0

d Jesus J s standing before t the entrance tto the to tomb. • -

-11 Between t


him and the tomb are th the father, the two and oth other e to r , th r rrela1 t 0 sisters, 1 of th the 1 immediate 11 ttives v dl t . family. ((The angles of this scene are out in a 0 way that maJc^-s them as much as possible like the angles of the funeral scene.) c

h 1 hi tlm v n any wailing; u la , no song,t not 11 i This time tthere is no music, not even

(219) (21 )

Jus y, oppressive sllenoe justt aa hes heavy, silence,.

rybody 1is loo h everybody looking 1n in the

t tu • direction of or Jesus t ho stands calm and iimmovable direotion tand aas s cal 0 1 as a statue« To his dleolpl s it 1is clear that he h 1is cone disciples concentrating all his

psyohio po er, thu pr p ring fTor or th sk he hhas underun rpsychic power, thus preparing the gra greatt ttask taken* taken.

The ddead d silenoe brok n aarter r a while silence 1is broken hil by JesusJ uJesus: JSU:

Take a; away the stone* :I th aton.

tlve approach p ro oh th Some the rel relatives the stone So e young men among th on. but ·u arth make 19n for 1 t and d then h the the lmpulslv impulsive Martha makes aa sign Tor th them to to wait then she turns to J • say! turns to Jesus, sayingMartha: arth

Master, Tour days« st r , hhe hhas been n ddead tour d •

It was a s not qu1te ht Jesus 1n.t quite 01 clear to her that intended doing and II d dol d s ae1z d with lth a nameless n 1 s Tear, eh suddenly udd nly was ar . she seized

t any rrate, t • now AO At

that r brother broth r .was as dead h wished 1 h d hi o. Butt that h her dead she him to to rrestt in» in peace. Jean r buk h r In.gJesus rebukes her sayingJesus:: Jesu

1d II not unto you Said you,. that if 'IOU you would ould b 11 v • you hould Glory . od? believe, you should see the Glory ot of God?

11It and Sh han hher r he d. in humility She hangs head e a sign d JJesus makes 1 to the th

ttwo 0 young men en to rremove 0 th tOll . the stone.

s 1is seen or a while hil JJesus n again ain oono ntr tl For concentrating his ppsychic hi yohi o oree • forces.

opl see him 010 udd nly people ing hi y Suddenly closing his eyes while hil ttears are ar d pour! pouring out and running do down his cheeks. n hi oh e 8.

ome 1n d say in a whispered Some in th the ora crowd tonehi p r ton010 •• Voices:

Behold, how h he lOT loved him.• B hold. ho d him

(220 ) (220) fI

The stone aside. A wave of ex expectation Th ton hhas "been b en rolled aside . A av of eota 10n is i running

through th the orowd crowd,, but no sound ound 1is hheard. a.rd.

ove, do pe k , until h t up UR But JJesus do does not move, does not speak, he 11 lifts 831,ng 1ll volo . y hi his eyes, in a 10 low voice• saying

Jesus:• leeu

iather, ~ th r.

you tthat you hhave II thank h ve heard si me.• And And II k.n knew that that you you hhear m me always; JU t because b c use 0or the eo le which hloh stand tand by bl just the people II said 1d 1t , th t th Y may bbelieve l1 v m t it, that they me th that you ent me.• you hay have sent

d s11 nee. hil ther For there 1is another ddead silence. or a while

us 1is Then Th .n JJesus

loud vo1e .. Ith heard ory! heard crying with a loud voice-

Je Jesus:

Lazaru orth. Lazarus,, co come fforth.

pr nt hold th l r breath ln All their in fearful ar 1 excitement. nt . 1 who ho are present xclt

oonds a white hap 1 After is se seen n mo moving In 810 slowly tt r a ffew seconds hit shape 11 in d1 out fro the oorridor corridor le leading from th the ante-room. r p d te- roo • It 1is LLazarus th zaru wrapped in hi his grave-clothes and the np napkin in his hand hand.. d th v - cloth Jesus turns . to toward le u turn d Martha r ha and Mary,• 8saying1l1BJesus:: Jesu

Loose him. him, and 1let hi him go. Loos go .

th hurrle hl1 hile Martha hurries to his. aid, looses hi his clothe clothes and o hi d eem.-ry 1is awe-struck br oe him, Mary braces clings to her father. - true and 011 there h Pharisees har1 The are mutter! muttering amo among themselves. and scribes crib s ar them lve .

t n and we he We 11 listen hear on.e one 0of them saying1 ... 1. Pha.rl Pharisee: 1. e

Surely, these works are not ot of God. God. urel" thee ork ar

Pharisee: 22. . Ph 1 :

Certainly not. not .

The 41 disciples gathered Th alpl hhave v gath r d around JJesus. u . They marvel arvel and d

(221) (221)

are filled ar 111ed with 1 h awe. • a r stone on bback 0 1 0 he yo en roll into it The young men roll th the olro circular its place

ntrano to sso o that in oov r th b. that it it again covers the entrance to th the to tomb»

At the same

pro ohe and d th oen en time th the ccamera aapproaches the scene ends 1in a 010 close-up of ot tl circular stone. ton • tthe e olroul

o' tly 1nto hn it Then it dissolves softly into the n nextt scene, so Jl •

th 0110 1 During th the scene-shifting the following 1is heard. Duri cen. - hi t1 •

Commentary: 00 nta.rl :

But the Pharisees, who had witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus, went their ways to Jerusalem and told the High-priest what things Jesus had done* And the High« priest gathered his privy council.




(222) (222)

ce 0or tthe Hi h-p ri This room in the the palace High-p riestt nts a roo pr hi scene c n rrepresents

oCaiaphas. 1 h •

our wings of Tour I ng 1st! It 1is a rrectangular building,, oon consisting bulld1 cte.ngul It

grouped open courtyard. n oourtya ound an op grou ed around •

a 01 re facing tthis hi e room All 11 tthe rooms were

courtyard. rty rd. 00

rob b11 the The roo room 1in which the, meeting place was probably loh th t ,ng ttakes plaoe Th "tablinarium", library. rYe blln rI n the "t • he 1Ibr

om n hold 0of men and women It household Ith a 1large hous t with t 1is a rich setting 118 show Gre oor tIon of tthe walls slaves. The furniture Greek h decorations nltur and the 1 • Th and Roman influence. d Ro •

to • the gate a J Janitress kkeptt watch. t At th

1 oe of ot The oouncil council which Th hloh had been summoned ummone to meett in the palace th the HighHigh-priest l>r!est was a th the privy pr1 1 oouncil council ot of the Hi High-priest, h-prl st, corresoor sonaroh. the prl~y privy counoil council ot of an absolute ponding to th b olut monarch.

th h hee. The High-priest, ha at t th the same tlm time was the head of the 1 h-prl t, who Th

overnor Pil t 0 t io by the Roman Ro an governor State,• was appointedd to office Pilate 1 h stat JJewish

ood terms t rm with bei lnt r ted in being 1th and on good 00.0. qu ntll was only interested an consequently ha h by all oarry1 d ill i h • Though the foreign ruler in carrying out his rulr and hi wishes. or 1 th oorrupt tool good upon as a hireling and ood patriots tr1 0t he was looked loo d upon. hir 11 d a corrupt

o 'pr or there ther 1is no evidence of the oppresser this being the 0 1 0 h Roman vid no of 0 thi b th 0 case. •

As a :polltlo1 politician he a a realist re list andd he h was OOll Id r d it to be h considered b

or the benefit b n it of for 0 the Jewish e ran-a s with ith J 1 h nation to keep up appearances

om the them, way th Romans, 1 glvI question of ay in political o11tia 1 questions th m. giving • appeasing ap 0 minor over lnor importance, Importano • but on the other oth r hand watching ate ov r and stubbornly 11 defending d ndlng the remnants of ot liberty lIb rty 1leftt to the th Jews: J we: their th ir own 0 n divine d1vIne worship, orShip. their th ir own 0 n justice, JustIe • their theIr own 0 n courts oourts andd their own 0 n police polloe force. ~oro .

In case of 0 or insurrections Insurr ot1ons the th Jewish J 1 h authorities uthorltie

had arresting the them h d the th duty of 0 rre tl th guilty 11tl and delivering d 11 rl t m over ov r to the Roman governor, Rom governor.

it or these reasons ~r re ons the th High-priest HI h-priest hadd to to conoon-


id r all 1 rrebellious belllou . movent r to th to. sider movements as a danger the Hation. 010 the su substantial people or The Nobility, obility. the priesthood, riesthood . and th t t1

1 • oountry shared hi 0 the country his poInt point of view.

The pr1 privy council the H1 High-priest consisted mainly Th 1 oouncI l of th h-prl t oon 1 t d m inll of ot Sadducees and Pharisees who were religiously irreconcilable antagonists but who agreed on the necessity of living in peace with the Romans,

Regarding Jesus the Sadducees and Pharisees

were inclined to consider him in two different ways.

i*lrst they

considered him from a political point of view and then from a religious one. d bbeen n ppresent One or of th the Ph Pharisees the rresurrection 011 rl e who had nt at t th urr ot1on


oof Lazarus 1is about to give 1 hi port . He sayshis rreport. har1s Pharisee:

...people came whom jesus had they were many took him for a

from far to see Lazarus, raised from the dead, and who believed on Jesus and prophet...

C 1 ph Calaphas smiles Ironically up to now the whole 11 lr nio 11 because o u. o th hol

qu stion hhas been b n mor question more 0of a rreligious one. Then 11 10us than a political olltlc on. h n he saysh ay -

C 1 phas: Caiaphas:

A prophet? Where h r 1is it written r1tt n that a 1 come co 0 Galilee? 111? prophet shall from

To tthis h l a Chief-priest Chi -1' 1 t addsd Chiex-priest: And from ffazareth? Chi th

on th re thre Among the oounsellor counsellors are three men, being Just 1 Jcnown as b 1 n . all JU t d1 1 ne r In and good and exceedingly sincere in their feelings: the 1r religious 11 10 th

old Rabtøl and tteacher his disciples Kioodemus and oh r Gamaliel, lel, and dh1 1 d

10 eph 0of Ar1 Joseph Arimathea. th •

Secretly they aapproved oretly th 'pro S tthe teaching 0 0of Jesus. J u •

((224) 24)

lid to ssay y a e1 00 1 t he th r f ore feels JJoseph oeph 0of Arimathea therefore compelled O n h1 ord iin d no • word his defence.

Joseph; Jo P

by Go 0 Truly u t bbe a man an moved God.• rull hhe mu3t

p 1n. and sa^sHioodemus vein iin n a similar 11 a slco u speaxs

Nicodemus: lcod

ould hhe obt po r her would n th I agree. Where obtain the power 0 i f not o '1 he has shown if not from God?

Chief-priest: - prle t: Ch!

~o There have been others before him who nt by God, and claimed that they were sent who stirred up tthe people.

1. Lawyer:

Making the Bomans exceedingly angry.


And he is Just another one of the same type.

2. Lawyer:

And therefore a danger to the state.

At this moment Gamaliel rises with dignity and saysGamaliel:

If Jesus is a danger to the State his preaching will soon come to nought-andr 'he will be- idrll^d- liic» the o therms But if he be of God we do well to leave him alone. the His words influence members ord strongly In.f h m r · 0of tthe Council. Counoil. Hi There is a short pause. hort pau e. h r 1 C 1 p ha. • Caiaphas:

o cl Then Caiaphas closes the discussion. hn. Calaj;)h 1 cuss1on. e ' th

lm ous . Times are danger dangerous. on h1 him.•

have to We will/leep an eye :I

This scene dissolves 01 e softly o n d.1 Thi oft 1l into

• pyru sheet. th the nxt next scene, close-up a 1> papyrus h t. on. a 01 -UJ? 0of a 1t! b writing beautiful in Bebr Hebrew.• ut1 letters 1n

1 left. •

of o~

A hhand is seen lld 1 en

The is from it1 'ro right to 1 h writing

The h hand b belongs Lazarus who copying one of th the book books lOl18 to Lazaru he 1is 00P11

the Prophets. th prophet •

(225) (225)

~loor and leaning Sitting Slttl on n the th floor against i n t the t wall 1 1 we see e

the aged father r of :t Lazarus, Laz ru •

ap e tho ht . He deepp in thought. B appears

lid The backward and we see Lazarus sitting in a t 0 r glides Th camera ad Slowly Lazarus from the th screen.and or d 0 1 g of 510 11 the th image L zaru fades

room. roo •

Jesus and Maryy come 00 into focus. foou • J house. hon •

They Ittl outside o t 1 the th Th Y are sitting

th door oor to the Hot far from them th kitchen. tah n . t m 1is the

0 h camera r is moved so 0 that By a trucking-shot t 0 B means of - ho the 0 Jesus in h foreground. oun • n the r Je u and Mary are

In the background oun Martha ,.

is seen fro between kitchen d :fro d the th dining room, b t 'I n the tah n and t een going to0 and roo t 1 carrying plates, baskets fruit, k ts with Ith bread, br o • Martha 1is obcarry! pl t ob1 • etc.

viously eeper. hou t e housekeeper. v10u 11 the

The indicates that Th nname Martha 1ndioate t t this 1 is 1

n. the case, is the h Aramaic 1 word or fforr "mistress", 1 tr b e use' th c a . because'»Martha" rth " 1

d forth passing back to ccatch of orth in her h r work ac and or Martha tries trl 0 oh some 0 bu the words but without Ithout success. uco th ords of Jesus J •

Mary 1is sitting at the tfeet of th the Master t r 1listening with Ith a

rrapt pt expression xpre ion. on hr c and forgetting everything else. her fface 1 • t n to what ha JJesus 1is telling 111 We 11 listen herr JJesus: s

Fear not them whioh kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. And are not two sparrows sold for a 1 farthing? And not one of them shall fall to the ground without your i?ather. Therefore, fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows. •

ov d and Duri d focu e on Martha During thl this th the 0camera is moved focused who t ho

co b t seeing 1 1Impatient p i nt at becomes her sister idle i t r sitting h r 'younger 0 Ittl 1 while 1 I t 1is so she herself busy. o bu y.

She too would like to the feet oul 11 it at 0 sit t 0of ·t th

the Master listen to hi his words. th d 11 t n. to t r and or • IIf hher sister 1 t r would oul only 0

hhelp lp th the work would soon 0 oon bbe finished. 1n! •

on she h approaches ppro oh xior 'or thi this rreason Jesus. The 0camera follows. u • Th o 10 •

(2 6) (2£6)

er sayingWe h hear her 1 Martha: -rth •

Do 1you u. not 0care th tmyisister t er ha. 1 t that has left to r lon El h r th re or me to serve alone? Bid her therefore th he help ID • that she help me«

Mary has jumped to her feet but Jesus makes a 3ign indicating she is to remain«

There is silence for a moment. Martha no

doubt is already sorry for having given way to her temper« Jesus gives her a look of mild reproach and saysJesus:

Martha, Martha«•«

d hut b t smiles 11e as a he continuesoontlnuesJJesus shakes his hhead


You are careful about many things, hut t one ne n thing is needful« Add Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her«

8 her h d lA . Martha bows head in shame. th bo

1th a 10 ly smile With lovely 11 Mary a.r:s

braol approaches her sister, kissing her. ppro oh hr 1 ter , embracing 1 and kl h r. it down o n att th in sits the feet Then Mary1 again t 0of JJesus u and with it her Ider sister 1 t r to invites her. hand lnvl t B hher elder 0 sit 1t bbeside 1 h r. ' 0 sisters at ls e Jesus,looking at the ttwo loving fashion, continues le u ,loo in lovl h1on.. oontinue ..4.

his tteaching. hi chin.

h scene 0 n 1 oly o tly into The dissolves soitly

• • repre ent! representing The next scene, 0 the Temple empl in 1Jerusalem, ru 1 • bre At daybreak a priest cloak h has ascended rl t in aa white hite 010 so n d the pinp1nnnacle cl oof tthe T d look ard th outh. Temple and looks to toward the South«

As soon as dawn soon

bbreaks k h 1 he 0calls down the pr priests on duty n to th t and d 1levites 1t OA utI for or the th

(227) (227)

a eri :fl ces . morn.i morning sacrifices. p le t : 11.. priest:

It dawns. d •

pri ests answers o f the th priests ch an e The chief of in voicein. a shouting houtl 010 "'" Chief-priest: C - rle t:

Is Hebron? 11 ht to H I s it daylight on?

p 1 t on n watch After 1 the priest h shouts hout againAft r a while n1. pr! at : 1. priest:

d 1 ht to It 1is daylight t Hebron. H

et r this thl the C t i n of the After gives an oraer th Temple-guard 1 t e Captain o'p en the th heavy door of t the th Temple, to open he vy doors

The levites blow h 1 it 10 their t 1

r trumpets t p t orn1 s11 h morning silver announcing the service.•

01 This dissolves softly into the next scene, c o t t Th1 scene n en. and during :ur1

th 01 o 1 the the following is hheardth scene-shifting o n - eh1 tl Commentary: 00 llt Y:

On the following day which was the sabbath Jesus and two of his disciples went up to Jerusalem and came to a pool called Bethesda.

en . Hew scene. h 001 ot The pool of Bethesda was situated just outside Th Itu t d JU t ou ld the wall, 1 . nnear


th nor h 0of JJerusalem and th the sheep-market north the 01 old "sheep-gate" that h th t " opened n 0

pon th d 1leading to upon the ro road 0 Bethany. t •

The pool pool was a "t "twin-pool", consisting 1 tl Th in-pool" , 00.0 001 1lying 0of ttwo 0 pools 1 side d but with Id bby side Ith a different r n water 1level 1 and separated bby a t colonnade. 0010 d •

The pools were enclosed stairbby porches from which 010 Th 001 0 r-

eoases led down to the water. t r.

The water was supplied from om a sub1

intermittent hot spring, which at certain irregular , In.t tterranean, Itt nt hot rr

011 uup andseetn 1like water t r boll intervals the water in a kettle. t r In int r 1 made th t 1 •

(228) (228)

en at rt with lth a truck! hot 0of the pool an Th The scene starts trucking shot and. the porohe hieh a great at multitude 0of blind. t t lame and porches, in which "blind, halt,

Ither 01 are lylng. withered folk lying. o dl olpl ((John 1 ttwo t r1ng fe see Jesu Jesus and his disoiples OM and peter) t r) entering

porch • the porches.

hot tthe following During thl this 1long shot is he heard0110 i rdCommentary: Co

It was believed that an angel at certain intervals went down into the pool and troubled the water and whosoever then first stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

h the multitude 10k people pe opl a 1 ultltu The er 1is passing tthrough 0of sick h 0camera

at or rrugs. ts or mats abb th lying on their pall pallets As it .1s is the Sabbath 1y1 B. 1 it many 11 tthe sick have co come to but all 0 visit h rrelatives 1 tlv h lok have a :I of them

v every t h surrace of the water, lr eyes fixed upon the ttheir 0one hoping ho 1


anxiously the first 1rat to enter when the angel again stirs nxiously to be th tlr the water. th t r.

Therefore nobody takes much notice 0of JJesus and the t uc llotlc Th r or nobo u an th

dl 01p1 • ttwo 0 disciples. su arrive slmul ra an.d tan ou 1y bbeside The and JJesus simultaneously a man who h camera Ide a ho 1 e. is 1lame.

;i . ntly 50 p old but ut 1s 0 to 55 He 1 is apparently 55 years is already Be re d3 whitehite-

d hhe is onll o e by are 1lame, only able Both his legs ar ble to move e . and bl t ((when alk1ng with hlon hen sitting) ittl ) or by walking 1th two0 means seat ans 0of a cushioned

haired. r d.

crutches. orutohe • 0 disciples 1 01ple are filled Jesus and with compassion d his 1 ttwo it co 111 ion beb -

out ring 0of thi tlon him about this man question ccause us or the suffering an and they 1 qu r his 1nL ini'irmity. hi • John: 0

ou bbeen B con n tthis Have you condition long tlon a 10 n in ? time?

1 h lames The

Thirty rt and eight 1 h years. • are r lame. 1

Both legs o h 0of my 1

(229 ) (229)

peter: et r :

en in th 00 Have you bbeen the pool?

The 1lame: Th

Hot ot yet, Yt.

peter: t r:

Why not?

The 1 lame: Th :

1 d, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool and while I am coming by myself another steps down before me,

ot and watohing oh th 0 h listening the i'aoe of the as been n 11 t 0 has 1Jesus,, who lame m man,, speaks to hi him1 jesus: BU : 1

d whole? hol ? 111 you be made Will

s in surprise rprl looks at and then d th n at 0 't the two t JJesus The 1lame man look disciples. lso1pl s .

on au wondering 1 1 h 1n to Jesus h th r After he turn turns again whether r tthis

rlou • could bbe serious. or not hhe coul


pak to h1 hil JJesus speaks Ith authorityuthorl After him with e a while u JJesus:

is our bed and walk. d ttake u Rise, and up your k.

The 1lame man,, as surprl surprised as before, again looks at Jesus in loo d th n t th t o dl oipl • and then at the two disciples,

ter: peter:


p t

ne our a him 'b 1 peter encourages him by saying-

1 • Eise.


an shakes his hhead, saying1 h lame am man The

The lame: h 1

But t II am 1lame«•

John: lohn:

Ho, you are whole now..(pointing at o •• ( poin 1 m d ou hol • Jesus) He has made you whole.

peter: r:

Rise and walk. 1

10 ly, at The 1lame m man ris rises slowly, tottering, ir t unsteady t d.Y and tot t first r1 •

but 11ttl ain o our little by 11ttl little hhe gains courage. luntarl1y and from 0 • IInvoluntarily

(230) (2550)

s bu ore 0or ha. 1 he uaea rha 1 k d a few force habit uses hi his orutch crutches "but afterhaving walked Ind th steps he finds thatt hhe 1is able ble to sstandd and also to walk. k.

He H

toh ho that hhe. oan lifts U.p up hi his c crutches to show can walk without th them. 11 •

opl look att hi oni ent aas hhe shoutsh r sick people The o other him in astonishment Th hout The h 1lame:

1 • II am hhealed.

ole : Voices:

How? HO ?

h 1 The lame:••

1 rl He JJustt said: rise and walk. H •

01 ea: Voices:

Who? ho ?

h 1 The lame:

He. He .

v you 0 ou been healed? How have e ?

ho said 1 . th Who that? t?

o1n d around to tthe place 1 c where oun · andd points h r He h has turn turned Jesus J sus had R r • stood before» no 10 longer th there. 1 nut b or • but Jesus is no t od a minute

He, with H • 1 h

erv d . John and P peter, hhas gon gone away unobserved. JO Vol Voices:••

ho;. Who?

0 u The lame man 1 is confused. h 1 •

The rh

1 lame:••

010 Voices: :

That man... Tb •• • What man?

p d the r 1 h 1 iJ r at perplexed lame man do does not· not answer once. t onoe .

Then hhe l'



The 1 lame::

e 1is gone« He on •

And beaming with joy h he adds» Ih Joy d '" h 1lame:•• The

And leaving too. II must find out d II am le vi too. o t ho hhe 1is. v v 0 him . I who I have not even thanked him. •

1 h n ttalking th While he hhas b been the 1 lame man has rolled to together th ' 1 his cushioned now h he hurr! hurriesa away, greeting hi his fellowon d seatt and .no 1 cu

(2'11) (££1)

:r.f r r by waving rav1 hl crutches orutcb OV r his head. had . surrerers his over rtt

lpe to the th next n xt scene. so ne . Wipe

J at outside outsIde the Bethesda the d pool, pool, not tar ~ar from 0 the A road just sheep-gate. eh p-:,J te e

ho has h Th man, m , who b n cured our d andd who ho feels The been like a new ala 1Ik n.e

person, r on, 1is seen e.n walking along the th road. ro d .

He H meets meet two t 0 Pharisees har1 e

lr way ay to the th Temple. Tem,Pl . on th their As th they 3 see ee the 1lamee man an carrying, c rr 1 • not only onl3 a ppair lr of 0 crutches but also a cushioned him.. crutoh OUShiOll d seat, et. they stop to' him

Then, Then. . speaking p ak1

in a friendly rIendly and d not in any way y commanding, command! ' . they hey give 1 v him instruction the Instr ot1on in order or er to prevent pr vent him from om profaning ro th Sabbath. bb h . 1. Pharisee:

the S Sabbath It is Is th bb th day... d •••

The lame man look looks at at th them,,not not under understanding at first Th tandlng at lr t the

purpo purpose o of their ad admonition. Certainly it was onltlon. C talnll 1t w the Sabbath abb th but but he h thought the man who him and who ha had bidden hhadd only thou ht 0of th ho hhad d hhealed aledh1m bl e4 him ttake hi e up his bed and walk. w k. As the other ph Pharisee that the man la Ruzzled puzzled by 8 the 1 e rrealizes l1ze th t the an 18 bl he adds way 0of explanationthe admonition onlt1on he de by W expl atlon-

2. h r1s e: 2. Pharisee:

It 1is not not 1lawful for you to carry your It bed bed on on th the Sabbath day. •

Now the man und understands answers, o th r tand and ana er • sayingThe 1lame: The

He, made me me whole, the same said Be , tthat t ma hol me; your bed and walk unto m s Take ake up lOur k .f

1. Ph Pharisee: 1. 1

Made you whole? de IOU hol,

rh e The 1lame:

Yes, lame for thirty and Y • II hhave y bbeen 4 1 or 1ihirtl 4 hv ... ~_I.&. . 19ht lear and no I eight years and now I am healed.

(232 ) (222)

e idea d com in s o h ri a and The 3ame comes to the minds of' tthe Pharisees T d they


1 ning the manloo c oth r and d th n oontlnu look at each other then continue quest questioning

Pharisee: 22«. Ph rl

ed you? Who healed o he on? I do not know o .no mo who 'lh it was» a •


The lame: h 1 ••

t you 11.. pPharisee: But you know how you were 1 0 d whole? r made ~ho le? ~you The 1lame: Th

1 • rl just said; rise and walk« 1 • He Just

h two or look att each The Pharisees once more other o Ph rl 011 ch oth r and d then send sen

th the man away«•


t ho 1. Pharisee: Get home 1.0. in a hurr3. hurry. e , G 1. h f as . qu 1bl while le th . rl es 0off The man makes auiokly possible the PPharisees Th okll as .P

walk to toward the rt"sheep-gate"« r ep"" t tt •

o n • h next xt scene« Wipe tto the

. v gone Peter« have on to h Temple t r .• and John have 1 and h v 0 the JJesus,• P entered the court of tthe Gentiles« ot h G nt! nt r h 00 r • Th! '.iti thin n pora . This. oourt court was porches, a. enclosed 010 d v bl t reremarkable • hthemomost

of which the porch Solomon.• In tthese porches orch 0of Solomo of hi oh was th pore rn tthe 1learned r . brought Rabbis and Lawyers together and taught ou h their 1 o p to ht t ·lr disciples


tthem«• open 0 n

At other they 11k liked d to stroll r times 1 t oth trol uup <nd down in the court«. court

0 As a rul rule th the tteacher block of oh r sat b noh or a blook t on a bench

stone on the floor around him« ton while 1 0- 1 sat Oll Im. 11 the e disciples ·loor aro cussions were ccarried methodically« ry m thodl0 . :i . ou rl d on very J-c.40e~


The disTh

The dl disciples 01 1 s would

listen and the the-Rabbis -would answer« 11 n and question 10 an 0

Sometimes the h

disciples were among questions 1 ·01 1 r allowed 110 d to discuss 1 ou e and qu tthemselves tlon 0

and answers then flew through the air like play-^lalls. The purpose of the discussion wasÂť always in order to get to the very heart of the tiirological problem being debated,

NOW and

then a frabbl could be seen closeted with a single, intimate, disciple, in a whispering voice teaching him the most secret truths concerning the nature of God. Jesus, John, and Peter are sitting in one of the porches surrounded by a crowd of listeners. The man who has been healed is seen passing through the crowd which has gathered in groups of various sizes. He is searching for Jesus. He does not discover him but Jesus sees him and calls him.

He goes to Jesus, happy to have the oppor-

tunity of thanking his beneiaotor, but Jesus outs him short, saying in a xriendly fashionJesus:

Behold, you are made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come to you.

The man stammers out a promise and words of thanks and withdraws.

We follow him.

just a few steps away he meets the

two Pharisees who reproached him for carrying his bed.

He treats

them with respect and, pointing to Jesus, he saysThe lame:

That is he who made me whole.

He accompanies them to Jesus who realizes the purpose of their visit and is ready for the controversy. 1. Pharisee:

Why have you done these things on the Sabbath day?

2 ri 2. P Pharisee:

Know you Law? ou not what 1is written r1tt . iin n the h L ,

r them hm by saying1 JJesus answers

(£24| (23 I


Yes, I know that you eircumsize a man on the Sabbath, and now you are angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the Sabbath.

ar 22.. Pharisee:

1 Bat t 1it 1s is not lawful, •

bou tthi3 i and sayss 0 not appear conoerne Jesus does concerned about Jesus:

d so ver, and o must I. ork ever, My father works I.

I. t..

q I f equal lth God? ou ID 0 Tou maice yours yourself with

Pharisee: h i e

.h ir heads, loo t each oh 0other, The ttwo look at their 0 Pharisees r. sshake th

oth r word ord for or them. th • But Jesus has another u h

and prep prepare to leave.

0 oh the th Scrlpture~ 3earch Scriptures -- th they Y testify t 1 3 of me«


t o Pharisees h r1 1leave the 1 ce. t r th1 th two After this the place. d makes a sign Jesus rl rises and to hi his dl disciples that 19n to clpl 8 th t they hel are Br

to to Lo110 follow him. h


10 th orch (0110 d bby the h camer) V/alking along the porch (followed camera) 1


• sayinghe speaks to them, JJesus: u

£ven Koses in whom they trust, accuses ust . acouse. s v d Moses, 0 8 , they th '¥ them, for had they believed e t for Or hhe wrote rot would also have believed me, -ve not his of me. But if they believe not 1n in his hen bbelieve 11eve in lD. writings, how shall they then my words?

1 to h .n Wipe to the next scene. c .n •

• eds rrapidly p1dly and tthe IIn the Ori nt ne e word or was Orient news speeds as soon 00.0

round th su was in to n and d hhad d hhealed led a 1lame man. around that JJesus town man.

Therefh re-

ot r m et! fore another meeting was a hel held in th the' palace of the High-priest. 1 - 'pr! t. hi .f- prl t t Lawyers, y Gome Chief-priests, and Pharisees are 1 .... present, r nt t and a.n.d

(2' T. ) (2£5)

p 0of Arimathea. 0 ;h them Gam Gamaliel. and Joseph 11 1 , .1:Nioodemus, 0 e us . an with •


t th hat hhas hap n U. at Scribe reporting what happened the Betheada pool. oribe 1is report! • 1 He JU justt said: Bise and walk. And the man H ros d walked«• JJesus has', made him rose and

. orib : Scribe:

hal whole»

.profaning ro.f nl tthe Sabbath.•

Lawyer:•• 11.. L


o . God. i tthus u acting against h will 1 the of n 11.Chief . Ch t ppriest:And o • • With m 1 jjicodenras 1 0 ·u asks1 h a knowing smile


,. Nlcodemus: 0


22.. LLawyer: Y

1To 0

What 1is tthe will 11 of God? o ?


Joseph of A«: 0 la ••

keep P tthe . Law« L •

1 or God to be good • to 00 0 IIs not the will 0 good? do

2.Chief p rl r i e sat: t : N oott 1i f the Law 1i s bro broken. 2. C h L n.


Joseph 0of A«:: la

u d.1 To-day JJesus did good: 0 : he made a man whole.


A man who has been lame for ^ t h i r t y and n 1 ei&ht y e a r s .

1 Gamaliel:

II s nft n ' t t h a t a proof t h a t God t h att od wished 1 b man t o be healed?

Nicodemus: 100 mu

Even n on n the h Sabbath? a h?

y .: 1 . Lawyer: l..

No» on the c o n t r a r y , by breaking the Law L Jesus proved t h a t h i s power t o heal 1i s not of God.



C 1 ph hhas 11 Caiaphas l i s tte nne d t. o0 thl t h i s dispute with 1 h 1i n d i f f e r e n c e . hi s tt h e o 010 t ~y i1s nothing .not This l o g1i c a 1l spphistry t o him and he t h e r e f o r e


welcomes the a r rl r i v a l of of th the ttwo0 P h a r i s e e s who have been t a l k i n g loo t oo J e s u s .•

Knocking on tthe t a bbll e hhe s 11 i l e n c0e s tthe dl d i s c u s s i10n o n and

t o the new-comers, t u r n s to - co r . asking-

(236) (236) .I'

pha • Caiaphas: C

AJJ.yll ? Any newa?

11,. Pharisee:

o· Nazareth..• z et •• • Yes, J u of Y • Jesus



C1 Caiaphas: •

( (interrupting) tl ) we know»• lame «an«.• 1

2.• Pharisee; hr

do or t He has done worse than that. h t •

Caiaphas: C 1 h

What? h t?

1. Pharisee: 1 1.

a1 that t t he is 1 the He said God.• on or 0 th Son

G 1 1: Gamaliel:

t r csc h i l drr e.n. We are a l 1l God's n.

2.• Phh a r i s e e :

1 He made himselff equal with God.•

11. LLawyer: Y

1 a God. 0 • Thatt 1i s : he made himself

2. LLawyer:

d A God?

leo u . Nicodeaius:

The s t a r s a r e not axraid 1 of being n mis« 1 taken for f i r e - r i i e s .

1i s bor C 1 h Caiaphas bored,•

Ee has ha healed a


on 0or us, He 10 looks l i1k e anyone H

on r 'o /eaxing anotherr monstrous l o g1i c a l tt h e o10

e debate he s a yssh cCaiaphas:

He is of course a blasphemer 1 h r but ut what t oan 0 we do?

priest:Let him speak and his-woÄ-words will 11 11.Chief . Ch! pr! t:L eventually nullify his teaching. After thinking over Caiaphas agrees with the C Chief r tthe matter c 1 h th 1 t pr! t. priest.


You right. u are rl t.

Gamaliel» Joseph shake G 11 1 , Nicodemus, and 1 d 10 e h 0of Arlmathea k hands. 1 pleased 1 They are well with the 0outcome of th the meeting. Ith th too 1 •

(2 7) (i»T)

W 1 to th xt scene« se n • Wipe the n next


f ro the Temple-area At one of of the A t on h Southern outh rn ggates,t 1leading Trom to 1 and the priest rl to the Oph Ophel quarter. t.&.ilo.ul JLlogl t t or In Near tthe in th the gates themselves, the b'liillOf~· beggars h gates, t • th Q,Io.

"requently sat. requ nt t.

,a Here Jesus, JJohn,t and peter 1 a blind 1 n beggar, r t r are passing br on aa board 0 over hi young man. his head are the yo 1 t n in Hebrew t • written words;» bllhd. or : nlI was born blind."

hi - the '1 1 1 After him ask Jesus a question, 1 tl • h disoiples t r passing

jt It

11 II 1 in 0 was a co co non belief in that day th thatt sins committed by parents

h 1 cchildren, 1n 1 1 bring1 ri h 11v • frequently caused suffering in the lives of their f llot OIl. 1 on m nt 1 or o 113 t1011ing on mental or bodily affliction, peter asks the questionpeter: P t r:

Who ddid sin, n.. tthis i man, or his parents, that rn '. that he is born blind?

stops walking and answersJJesus us 0 Jesus:

neither has this man sinned,• n nor his r hi o ho • parents:• but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

Then n hhe turn turns to Jo John,, sayingJJesus:

., d 0call 1 him. Go and


ro ch th the blind man and we follow him. 10 John speaks 1 0 hi John approaches 0 to him saying-

,: John:

Be of good comfort and rise. 00 1 • J. O 0 you. calls you.


ho? Who?


The Master t

((238) 2 8)

az et • Jeu .. of Hazareth. Jesus

John: 0



r o t? The prophet?

John: ohn -

Yea, Y •

ment , s ggarment, g .r . If! lth hope, op . • 'put The beggar, filled with puts on his 1 b 11 h blind rises qu!o quickly and comes e to Jesus» d co ri

th o£ e us eau e the o 10 The actions of Jesus cause Th

to 1r cle . '01 disciple? to bbelieve is going to perform a miracle» 1i e that he 1 solp c e u he ori s outr rreaches ut As soon the begg beggar Jesus cries oon aas th


Have mercy on me.


What will you that I should do unto you?

The beggar answers without hesitation» Beggar:

That I might receive my sight.


Believe you, that I am able to do this?



At t h i s Jesus turns away»

Then crouching down he s p i t s on

the ground and makes some clay out of the s p i t t l e and dust» (This scene of Jesus making the clay i s taken from such an angle that we do not see him directly "spitting".) 1n1 hi hi o1n After h i s 'pr preparation Jesus rr i s e s and anoints the th t r finishing


1 h blind 01 , of t ©yes of the blind man with the clay, saying.~ .



coordln tto your tf a i tt h be 1t According i t unto unto 30u. you.

dd .. o1nt1 d a iter 1n 1 hi , And anointing the man's eye eyess Jesus t r finsishing th u adds-

(2Z ) (239)


Go no nowrv and d wash ah In tthe pool 1 0of oiloam. 1 •

opl who ho have been watching ttake the blind man Some of th the ppeople So 001 0of Siloam. 10 • by the h hand and 1lead hi him tto the pool b3

(It was generally believed that not only the spit but also the mud were remedies possessing a healing power)»

en . Wipe the n next scene. i Je to th '*

10 t th The pool was situated at the South West 0of the hill 001 0of Siloam Th 1

of 0

Ophel. 0 h 1. . 0 h blind 1 u 1 , kneeling Here we see the man,• whose name was Samuel, Hr

d ou down, surrounded by friends and curious ones who 10u on 1 n 0 have been passing o n , sur OWl

by. hands he dl dips uup tthe water lth his o b by . Making a cup with t r and 1 two washes

y the mud .from from hi his eyes. XIfta his head,• loo looking at · ts hi • Then he 11

ound him.• tthe sky and at t tthe people P 0 1 around

They him8 ask h1

, 010e .• Voices:

Do yc t you see anything? ?

Samuel: u 1:

as trees, r II see men a • walking.•

.h t do o yyou u see? What ?

i ·u Again he ddips up water in hi his hand* and washes his eyes. in h h hi •

Voices! ole

oh t do you see now? What o ?

Samuel; u ·l:

0 Now clearly. r th II see everything 11 .


o 1 who Some 0of th the people h are r thronging bron n around him say« So

Voices: 10 : V

h sat t and begged? IIs not this he that

Voices: 010

This iis he. he .

01 Voices:

N Oo..





It is not hef but he io like him,

Samuel puts an end to the discussion, sayingSamuel;

I am he.


And you are not blind any more?



An incredulous one who has been watching has an idea. He holds up his hands before the face of Samuel, askingpasser-by;

How many fingers do you see?




Ana now?




And now?



The man looks around triumphantly. During all this two Pharisees approach, their curiosity aroused.

They question some ot the orowd1, Pharisee:

What is the matter?

2. Pharisee:

Is not he the beggar born blind?

A voice;

Ten, and now he ha3 received his sight again,

2, Phariseej


((241) 2 1)


o1e A voice:

rise : 1. 1. Ph Pharisee;


azar t· made him whole.• Jesus 0of Nazareth .Q? «hea?

voi e .. A voice:

no just now,t a 1little while u 1 · ago« tt o.

h ." s e 11. Pharisee:

On on

a h day? th the Sabbath

o P hari r o ch Samuel» u The Pharisees approach h ttwo t sayingh a l' s e: 11». Pharisee:

follow us to the Synagogue and tell the Elders the manner in which you have been healed*

Samuel: .:lam 1-

(protesting) no, .first of all I want too see my father and mother. I have never seen them.

1. Pharisee: h 1 e : 1.

111 send yo We will your rather n .L.for 0 O h r and mother... • ••

Pharisee: rl 22.. Ph

e , you will 1 meet tll y Come, them in tthe Synagogue. Co 0 •

A young man in th the crowd, Samuel, o 01 t a friend 1 n of 0 h 1 1. offers to help

out . out. friend: end:

and tell them. OM I1*11 11 go •

0 with tthe two e tthe .p And Samuel leaves pool 0 Pharisees. e • u le h

(Competent raedioil authorities maintain, that the sudden healing of this man is proof that the blindness was not due to organic disease but to functional disturbances. The case before us therefore is considered an having been caused by a psychic-hysterical mental disease). Wipe 1 to the next scene. 0 n •

A Synagogue in 1Jerusalem. n in. r 1 m.



We see some of the Llders, to whom the two Pharisees have already given a report of the healing of the .young man born blind. The whole group is now on their way to a special room used for examining offenders of the religious laws. Here Samuel is waiting. The hearing begins immedi&tely1. Elder:

How were your eyes opened?


A man that is called Jesus made clay and put it upon my eyes and said to me: Go to the pool of Siloam and wasli: and I went and washed, and I do see«

2« Elder: 1': 2·.

h r 1 1 Where is th that man 0called Jesus? eau ?

Samuel: u 1. S

no I know not.


er 0of P T v t num pre n t and b -in r e aarec a great arl e present There number Pharisees they d th Y begin 0 el v • di cuss ln among h discussing themselves.

e '• l v1,i on among Th re 1s 0 There is a ddivision tthem,

33. . Pharisee: ri e

u e he This man is not of Sod because 0 e does 0 b not keep the Sabbath day. •

h ex! 4. Pharisee:

f a sinner HOW can a man tthatt iis r do0 such uo miracles?

s ee side id with, 1 h , and ^ome he Ph ome OJ. de against Some 0of the Pharisees of th them sside ainst.

o. 5.

r is Pharisee:


r e 4.• Pharisee:

1 1 he has a devil. Certainly vil e

v11 op Xl tthe e Can a devil open eyes 0of the C h blind? b1111 ?

1 th of tthe £Lders ccalls the highly excited Pharisees e to order, or r, 0One or

o tthat h ccan contlnu tthe hhearing 1 • so continue.


Addressing the £Lders ddr 8 1n Samuel e th r

o;,J k himask

d r· 11.. Kldcr:

Samuel: u 1:

'h tt


0 o 0i ^ 12H:

h i m tiaat t

0 That he 1is a prophet. •

ur e es t° P 0pn end * oyour * ?


(24?) ( 4 )

n. low 0 on • The tones* t r in 0 r Siders talk together

Some of them have h

oubt a co doubt concerning the blindness 0of the young man»

after all he

. i ~ f..., not have been 1) might blind; he might h .ve been only dim-sighted. 1 •

Two wo Elder3 consultt e?ohh other in whispers and then 1 th n decide n 6. to examine the parents. ~~~

Addressing the "hesscon" of the Synagogue the aiders question t t t him2. Jgldor:

The parents - have they come;

'Jhe- h&BKaPi .


i, they are out here, Let them in.

Jamuel turns toward the door waiting impatiently for his father and mother whom he has never seen,

AS they approach» their

faces expressing their great Joy, Samuel is too moved to speak. Then he says to the fatherSamuel;

Are you my father?

The father is a dyer by profession as can be seen by his ear rings made of colored %h

To his 3on*s question he only nods

and smiles, Samuel:

Speak to me and then I will know.

The father is thoughtful for a moment and then answers by Quoting Isaiah 9:6, The father:

for unto us a ohild 1~ born, unto us & son is given.


Yes, you are my father.

((244) 24·4)

Ke turns turne to the motherHe Samuel : Samuel:

you are my mother? And 30U

The mother: mother:

Yea, fD.' my3 son. yea. 8011.

i s s e s his h i s rather father A.l1d and mother and the lUdel's Iftders then start start He k lde~3es cross exam1nat1on examination by asking themeros. bl Qsking

1. Elder:

rh. The

Is I s this t h i s lOur your son?

.father rather and the mother talk talk togethertogether-

parent s: parents:

Yes, that 1. is our non. ~on. Yes.

1. 1. Elder: Elder:

Who was born blind?

Parents: parents:

Y33. YS3.

2. Elder: ilder:

(emphas1z1ng) Born. («nphasizing) Born blind?


Yea, born blind. blind. Yes,

1. 1. Elder:

HOw How then does he now see?

parents: parent s:

We know not. not.

2. Elders Elderj

By what means does he now see? l\V




parentel parents:

•• know not.

1. Elder:

eyes, has opened his eyes. Who ha.


•• We mow know not. not.

we know not.

The parents properly evade these ~ueatlons. questions. The3 They kcow know that is oonsidered considered by the relig10us religious lee.ders leaders as as a. a tefa.oher teacher who is Jesus ls la

(_ ' 5)

preaching against the Law and the tradition and that he and nis followers are not locked upon with favor by the authorities, /earing to be excommunicated they try not to say anything they can avoided The Ilders» noticing that the parents choose their words with care» try to trip them by ruae treatment. 1. Elder:

They continue-

You know know know nothing at all. Are you fooling ae?

But the effect is the contrary to that desired.

The parents

are only put more on their guard. The father;

,e mother: h r:

Ho, we know nothing. self; he is of age..

Ask our son him-

Yes» he shall speak ror himself»

't or As the parents cannot be forced to give any information ion they 'b r dismissed 1 are and the Elders decide to examine the son once more. .01' • HOW o opened he your o

1. • Elder:

iat did he to you? eyes?

u 1: Samuel:

I have told you already, and you did not hear: wherefore would you hear it again? Will iou also be his disciples?


o tthe Elders are angry and they revile Now 1 the young man» say-



Z 2, Elder:

You are his disciple, but we are Moses' oTsciplts. Me know (hat Croo* spoke to ' Uoses. As for this fellow we know not from whence he is.

o becomes quite excited and at the same time gains Samuel| who n r i 1 of arrogancein courage, with a bit • answers

(246) (246)

Samuel: u. 1:

Why, herein is a marvellous thing, that

you know not Trom whence he i s , and yet he has opened my eyes« Since the world toe^an was i t not heard that any man d. opened the eyes of one that was born blind« I f t h i s man were not or God, he could do nothing. po .D. to 1in thi hi on. They h The Sider be spoken this fashion. r s are enraged JU' ' d to b Th


d shout hout in lou voicerise in ttheir lr anger r and In a loud rl vol

2. Elder: 2. r:

yo r born in sin o you tteach you who h 0 are in. -- do u ? us?

1. Elder: 1. r:

v th Leave the Synagogue at once»• t ono L out 0 th t1on.. out of the congregation.

you You are oastt

ogu but hi v .11 Samuel his parents lack the courage 1 1leaves ok th tthe Synagogue 1 our Do

to follow him. 0110 hi . Wipe next scene. 1p to the c h n •

• our 0of the G ntl1 • h o The court Gentiles,

in on one 0of the III h porches orohe Jesus. J u •

- p 0of stone-blocks. lttl .as on "n a h John, and ppeter are sitting heap John-. tOll - blook • ..."

Samuel. ;vho has been looking for Jesus, catches sight of him and hurries to his side. Out of breath he speaks to Jesus. sayingSamuel:



what is the matter?


I have been cast out of the congregation.

It was


dreadful thing to be excommunicated and Samuel had

reason for being alarmed. jesus motions to John and peter to leave them alone and then

(2 7) (247)

do n . it down. in it he Samuel h Invites u 1 to sit

loo n tl at the t After looks earnestly young man and hil Jesus A t r a while J a hlmasks himDo on 1)0 you 30U believe b 11 n the th Son Oll of 0 Ood?

jesus: : J

n surprise pr! look at Jesus In Samuel askingul looks

o 1is he that th Who I in him? I might believe 1n

Samuel: u ••


b .n £0 a Jesus forward, 1 J us bends t saying-

Jesus: J ••

oth seen nhi You have both him and it 1is he, h • thatt Ith o • talks with you»

1 or a moment andd then t n saysu ·l 1is quiet Samuel for

1i v • II believe.

u 1: Samuel:

0 rreflecting 1 d confidence With his joy and listens to Ith hi s face on 1 . 0 hhe l1 t 0 Jo

u • JJesus.


j?or Judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see, and that they which see might be made blind.

t r and John have rreturned.• the meantime peter IIn th

Some Phari1-

o hav sees also have approached ch JJesus and have heard the 1last words or po n b spoken by him. •

one on

of th them asks him-

1 Pharisee: 11. . P

Are we blind also? 11 0

d answerslooks up and u loo JJesus r -

JJesus :

If You were blind should have no 11n you 0 lll, 0 sin, but now you say, we see; therefore your ur sin remains.

(248) (248)

a th »la.o • The .p Pharisees shrug the place, hrug their shoulder hould r and lleave r1 Th


Jesus his dl disciples» 1 clpl n to hi Je u tturns • sayingJesus: Jsu:

on. 0of men, n, My y soul is sorrowful Tor the sons ·th not . 0 because they are blind and see not*

He rl rises and 1leaves with v 1th peter t r and John* JO • B

on • This scene softly into the Jl next scene. 0 01 11 1n 0 th Th! on · dissolves , 0110 1 1. miring th the scene-shifting the is hheardh following dDar1 o n - hl t'tl

Commentary: n Co 1:

One of the Counsellors of the High-priest, t. a Pharisee, named Nicodemus, who in secret believed on Jesus, went at night to Bethany to question him concerning the Kingdom of God.

This is a truoki trucking shot, close 010 close-up -u 0of a 1lantern, t rn. n 1 ot I a 010 hi scene

rv in the th night* n1 h • by a servant ocarried rl

The ~h

d1 road 1leading from Jerusalem tto B Bethany. :ro t •

We see Nicodemus 10

on hi his way to JJesus. a lantern and 1leading 1is 0carrying rv 1 • A servant the way. It 1is a windy night. weather bends the trees, 1n nl r th h • The stormy to • sweeps th the ro road and 0catches the of Nicodemus, blowing it 100 0 b. cloak 10 0

c about, the storm because his errand 1is 1important. bou t butt he defies th h rioh Nicodemus was on one· 0of the richestt 01 citizens tlz n 0of 1Jerusalem at

that ti e. R He was not only a member of tthe political privy counth 011 10 o OWl cil 0of th the High-priest, distinguished member ell 1 ut he was also a d1 t1 1 r of 0 t but the powerful Sanhedrin. He was a righteous, th ou • God-xearing man and highly cultured. passion to ion to



He bbelonged to th the pharasaio It was his 10 to ho.r 0 party. It the tru t h t hth a t t drov ruth hi out outin111the night. 111 t. He ^ove him

((249) 9)

in . wanted of tthe new doe doctrine. lr t hhand knowledge ot an d a rirst lp to xt scene. en . Wipe to th the- nnext

n r 0 seen from The entrance

The of LLazarus in Bethany. ot ou h house •


1 t th A knock knock at the door is heard. After a while LLaz1n 011 1 pp r t aru arus appears, an oil lamp in his hand, and asking-

1d • h 1n the inside.

h 1 r ? Who is th there?

L Z Lazarus:


The voice of Nioodemus outside, sa^lng1 od u 1is heard Trom out ot 010 Nicodemus: ioad :

A friend. 1 d.

100 u • Nioodemus.


ot Lazarus opens they oor and th op n tthe door 1 greett 0one another. L z -

Nioodemus: 1

to see Jesus.• 0 II have come

Lazarus: L z

He in here. r • H 1is- 1n

Lazarus leads lighting t1 d Nioodemus to Jesus, 1 L Z u • walking ahead and 11 the h way.• Wipe to o the th nextt scene. o II • *

hou of Lazarus. A room ln the h house 1'00 in L • with Ith John. JO •

1 seated t Jesus and talking J u is

1 He rises as Nioodemus and Lazarus enter the room. rl L

1co 1 Jesus sits down Nioodemus to sit beside him.• do .n again inviting 1 1t1 1 Lazarus and John stay with them. t L z •• t • u tl h or putting 1 ttl time tl Nioodemus wastes little before too Jesus J u the 100


question qu ion in 1 his mind-


Nioodemus: 1 d ••

oh r . come 0 e We know thatt 1you are a tteacher» from God.


We? ?

Nioodemus: lood mu :

a. no Yes, we are many who realize that do man can do these works that you do except God be with him.


11 continues0 Nicodemus pauses and th then 1 od mu .P

Nicodemus: And we would like to icnow-the conditions 100 U: -Lc<~~~~~-~~~~ ^e^jC^^weentering the Kingdom of God that you speak of.

oo od u • For searohingly at Nicodemus. r a moment Jesus llooks

Then hll he

answersr Jjesus:

o pt aa man be born n, hhe cannot ot orn again, Except h G d. 0 see the Kingdom of God«

.· ood u 1 1 Though Nicodemus is tamiliar with the figurative language of 1 0 Tho that the spiritual him. lrl u meaning of the h words 0 or 0of JJesus th t day th u escape hi .


Therefore very r10u 1 r seriouslyTh r or hhe asks v 100 Nioodemus: u :

How can a man be born again when he 1is old? Can he enter the second time 1A into0 ll? his mother's womb, and be born again?

icod Nioodemus, his education, 1th all 1 of hi ne t1on, 1is a man who only sees • with tthatt are plainly ho 1 1bl • JJesus appreciates his those things 1 11nll visible. d tries rl eager spirit and lift hi him to a hi higher to 11 h r and more or spiritual 1r1u

d1 • 1level 1 0of understanding. Jesus:

Marvel not that I said unto you, that you ou must be born again« But that which is born of the flesh is rlesh, and that which is born or the Spirit is 3pirit. Therefore I said unto you: exoept a man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

((261) 1) All strange tr lco u • 1 this sounds to Nicodemus« un

tlr 1 0 entirely It 1Is so

d. different oonoeption God« dlf 1 n 0of tthe Kingdom of G r nt from r o tthe 1Jewish


with his ardent he sincerely desires to 0 h ne r h1rst for knowledge lr d nt thirst o 1 lth hi


understand his tteachingohi rstand Jesus and h1 un

leod Hi c od emus: :u s

Born orn again??

• Jesus: J

Yes,• Born orll from above. 0 •

1 0 ITioodemuB:

orn from above? Born 0 ?

Jesus: J

e t of h Sptrit. Yes, the 0 t it .


or 1 difficult iu! for 100 110 It or Nicodenus u to follow t becomes 1increasingly the words or and thoughts of Jesus»• th

p 1 11 After he rrepeats pensivelyA t r a while Hioodemus:%

plrlt? The h Spirit?

John and Lazarus have 11 listened with interestt to t oon r 0 the h converJhn sation quoting the first lines lp Hicodemus bby quo no ttry r 3 to hhelp tlon andd now 1 lr t 11n of Genesisot G n 1 John: John:

Lazarus: L z

In the beginning Go God or created the Heaven and the ikrth. -Aad-darJcneas waa--upon-the--face-. oi the -deep. And the S P I R I T of G O D moved upon the faoe of the waters« And God said: Let there be light» and there was light,

Regardless o of how eager Kioodemus was to understand o Ull r tthe meaning

r 0of Jesus they were still oof tthe words 1 unintelligible 1 1 1 1 to him» therefore h r or tries rl to help 1 with 1 h a simple 1 analogy.•


The wind howling o 1

outside inspires out 14 111 p1r tthe analogy« o •

J Jesus:


- t


• 10



HarJc - the wind blows when i t Ustøtte-and

(2 2 ) (252)

you hear the sound thereoi but ut cannot tell whence it comes, and whither hi r it goes, goes . so is it with every one 011 that tht is 1 born of the Spirit. 0 We cannot perceive the Spirit with our p re 1 h 1 senses» but he is there* within us, preparing our second birth - our spiritual birth.

John: 10 :

llO begins an.1 To degree Nicodemus now o realize re lz the meaning r 0 1n to 0 some

of the orn from above. th words: or : born again, 0 0 in. born •

no another Bit t now ot r

hi mind« how 0 t n too that question to qu tlon forces itself upon his t 0 attain

spiritual birth. p1rltu

Therefore or hhe asks-

Hioodemus: 1 d

How can these things be? Eow can II become worthy to enter the Kingdom or God? o ?

lp1 John handOM was eagerr too lend a hhelping r t we must b r 0 irst be transformed from within. 1 n.

John: 0 :

Lazarus also 1 0 has a wordL or .irst 01 cleanse the inside n. 1 0of the oup up h id OWl to b 1 1 that the outside is bound to be clean.•

Lazarus:: L


T .n JJesus saysThen

Jesus :

Are you a Master of Israel, and Icnowwfc^ not these things? If i tell you earthly things, you believe not. How shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things?

n the h words ord 0of Jesus are difficult Once again for Hioodemus ono 1 1 100 ;u to 0


understand and hhe asJcs1 0 U: Nioodemus:

How can I believe in things which are unhloh er Wlseen and in Heaven? No man ocan ascend cnd up to Heaven.


Ho. No man can ascend up to Heaven but he that came down Ir om Heaven, even THe Son of man«


11 no for a moment» Th r is 1 silence There

Nicodemus: lood mu :

Then Hioodemus says-

I know now what ia required IX one is to be round worthy to enter the Kingdom of God "but there is one thing yet that I do not know: where is the gate?

Jesus answers r very rl earnestlyJ 1 jesus: J

CrOd so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son into the world» that through him it might be saved. And whonot soever believes on the Son shall not perish» but have everlasting lire«•

It more understandable to 0 0 Hioodemus» 1 becoming b I t 1is all last words have set in a better t the matter 1n or t r light«• 1


Everything is 1


100 now clearer u and he saysno cl r to Nicodomus

Kloodemus: iood U :

To believe in the Son and to 10 love the 0 0 /at her in his Son «»is that the gate to the Kingdom o£ God?



100d rl Hioodemus rises» saving-


from now on I will seek with all 1 my t strength to rind that gate»•

JJesus U also 0 rl s rises and says-

Jesus :

Seek» and you shall rind» and when you ilnd, you shall marvel, and when you marvel, you shall enter the Kingdom and when you have entered the Kingdom. I will give you rest.

iood v of Nicodomus takes 1leave of «Jesus and John,and Lazarus sees him

to to th the door door».

n his way to the door he turns toward Jesus, saying« On • 1

100 mu Nieodemus:

I warn you not to go o to 0 JJerusalem» ru •

((254) {) )

10n With an air r 0of rresignation 1 1 Jesus s Behold, .and the •• I shall

JJesus U answersr I must walk to-day and to-morrow o and the d toorro day following, third day • and the thir d "be perfected.

ne h roo p1 moved, leaves the Then Nicodemus, deeply room,, th the scene n • ending when the 010 olosed door the .n.xt next scene» oor dissolves intoo th hen th ndl

(Jesus never publicly proclaimed himself the liessiah but undoubtedly he had slowly reached the conclusion that he was the expected Messiah, called by God to establish his Kingdom on earth» But Jesus felt t .at his mission In the world was an infinitely higher one than just to fulfill the traditionally National and political hopes which were tied to the Messianic dream of the people» Jesus wanted a revolution but one of a spiritual nature. And he gave the uesslahship a new significance by tu identifying it with "the righteous servant" of whom Isaiah had spoken and who through h his sufferings would redeem Israel» When therefore he decided the next day too enter the Holy City he wished by a symbolic act to emphasize that he came as a Messiah in a spiritual sense, but the multitude thought of the Messiah only in political and military terms»

oor has 010 As soon as the door closed on Nicodemus the preceding 00 to a 010 t 010 scene close-up foal of an ass c n dissolves softly -up 0of a white o tll 1into

ot r . sucking its mother. uo on .. hi t1 h scene-shifting During the the following is hheardth r1 d-


The next day Jesus went up to Jerusalem, riding upon an ass - thus fulfilling the words of the prophet: Thy King oometh unto thee, lowly, and riding upon an ass. •

n y in 0 Jerusalem riding upon When chose to make his entry into 0.11 n JJesus oho 1y. an ass he did this deliberately» d bby distinguished been uused people: 1 1 1 h

irom old olden times the ass had

ro h Kings, judges, and prophets. •

(2 ) (£05)

as a sign thatt hhe oame .p0n an ass it was When riding uupon n a King oame rid! with wi th ppeace» ne •

therefore tor to bbe expected that the Anointed a thr It was

on an ass.• of God aod would enter Holy City riding upon r the H ot f rr d because 0of their 1 1 She-asses were pr preferred light-Tooted and oh -

c • ul t pace. quiet 1into to a 10 oh we see the 01 th The 010 close-up d1 dissolves long shot» Th ho • 1in which tfoal. white with th the sucJcing u hit she-ass h - a. •

place p1 c where hr ttwo 0 ways meet» t.

The animal is tied 1 d near a

op1 are standing about. Some people 0 OU •

Two disciples of Jesus» Jacob and Thaddai, approach the h o of the h dl 0 »1 ass foal an and loo loose them» r fo s and hher

The owner r of the asse3, seeing

whatt th the d1 disciples are them askingaipl r1 0over e doing, r to th oin • hurries


h o The owner: .n r:

0 Why ddo you thisf• loo loosing them? 1 th

Jacob: :

Jesus 0of Nazareth them. th has need of h • 0

h 0owner: The r:


d 1 Thaddai:

He 1is entering Jerusalem to-day. .n: r to- d • R

oob: Jjaoob;

5Solemnly» 1 mnl •

The owner: II r, h o

Taxe them. h •

Jacob: o r

You will 1 get

h t or what?

them back to-night. th 0 o-m t,

And he lets th them go her foal, h she-ass and hr 0 with 1 h the dh 0 th 1 • and they

v th 1 0 drawing th the place the asses after 1leave r them. • Wipe next scene. 0 1 tto tthe n •

In front , ont 0of th u 1.0. the hou house 0of Laz Lazarus in Bethany there is a large r 1

(256 ) (256)

p o 1 from to .n , and pilgrims r way to crowd on their 1 cro d oft people om the th town,

Jerusalem, gathered« m, have Jeru s h t er d.

or thatt Jesus It has been rumored e llr au ha already

rl is riding on 011 an ass. a a. 1 to enter Jerusalem e.l J

tl or Jesus before a is 1 waiting J

hou e . t h house« the How Jacob with s. oob andd Thaddai r T ddai arrive ~ th the th asses« 0

With lth a sudden a den

burst enthusiasm one the takes off his th other oth r disciples on of t 0 0 bur t of 0 striped she-ass with it 1like a saddle-cloth« 0 r the t rl d "simla" and covers - 10 h . In ancient Kings of Israel t r 1 were given homage in this way. 1 nt times the Jesus mounts the animal and,t followed by the crowd, he starts t ts J out over the th 0 t 1 -t ok which crosses the crest of r the th rou£h mountain-track 0 Mount oun of Olives«•

way from Bethany to Jerusalem«• t IItt is the shortest

The white of Jesus appears to merge into0 the white skin hit cloak 0 lI. of J the animal« ani al.

»hat in like a d1 disorderly .t1 the th beginning had looked 1 or r l¥

mob changes little. by 11ttl little into a triumphal procession, oh 11ttl roo 8 1 n. headed 0 a d by the and some Pharisees and La Lawyers by Ipl h disolpies 1 r who have joined lJ. the roo ion. ' h procession.

Men and women ha have OU cut branches from the trees r ch th tr 0

at the he roadside and wave them at Jesus«•

01 T 1 scene c n dissolves ssoftly into This n

11 angle a II new scene, down of tthe road bbefore the pro1 shot 011 . a do 0 h ro or th ro 0cession« ion.

lr t noo on At one 1is seen. t first

Then some om of the disciples and

o,Pl ul tu ' are seen running forward, taking off people from the h multitude

th 1r their


n "simles",

and spreading them on the road. r

The Pharisees loo look

ch 0other Ith disapproval at each written upon their faces. r with p rltt .nu • This kind of homage is olll only ppaid d tto Kln&a« o. We see JJesus riding 0over r the garments spread on the ro road. r •

The crowd continually y increases,t

t ttree branches waving its fashion« r 0 iin n enthusiastic 1 t o •


e: scene. en. Wipe to tthe next

1 rl 1 r to Jerusalem oaul could not ot give sshelter 0 the thousands or pilgrims Jru 0 h who City for the passover and many 0or them had to n tto the Holy 11 01t ho went

1t • pitch their "black ok ttents nt 0of goats1 hair outside the oity. pitoh th lr bl

The h

black 0 bl c squaresB are spread all over the 3lopes of the Mount of Olives h vplley of iridron, like a weaver's pattern. 11 e and the The procession headed by Jesus u passes by. h 'pr

All the pilgrims 11

0 meet it and join come out of ttheir . 1 tents, some 0of tthem running to o n co

roe 10 • the h procession.

1 Jesus by waving their All of them hhail 1 hands. •

.n the 00 of one of th In the tents sits an 01 old, b1111. h door • blind man,

tf hair. A woman n . o10 weaving tent cloth out 0of black goat's relative 1 0 1is trying tto ttell him whr.t is happening. n1 • r 1

We listen to of 1 t 0 0 some 0

their 1 • th 1 conversation. The bll d man: Who? ho h blind 0 The woman: :

th. JJesus 0of Nazareth.

The blind man: Who 1is he? h bll ? h woman; 0 The

He 1is a prophet. o h •

The blind man: A pprophet? h bll11. r 1> The woman:••

Yes, a few days ago here in Bethany he h raised a man from the dead.

1 d man: Did id he? Maybe then The blind .n he is tthe Messiah? 1 The woman:

Maybe he is. •

1 Wipe to o the nnext scene. n • »

((258) 58)

n many r were a. the time of JJesus,t tthere a ggreat at 1 IIn Palestiae, • att th h sacriThe ori-

more In that country toto-day»e or sheep than are to0 found in

r tlock , n r an fices number and 1large flocks, ic e of the Temple denia^ed an immense

especially at tthe time of Passover» 00 1 p 1 1 • could bbe seen moving along all1 d · leading to Jerusalem, the ro roads th •

10 1led by Jesus As the a h procession su moves along tthe main-road n- 0

shepherd with his flock enters from a seoondary ro road,• t r n 10 "flocks"

meet at t the Jjunction of the two roads.

The two t 0

The h shepherd, er ,

hailing Jesus, involuntarily catches hold of the hhalter t t r of the h 11 h assf perhaps irightened. 0 T nt it from becoming 1 h n .. 0 prevent r p in Jl order to

time at all the sheep have surrounded the asses* 1 th h no tl


The .P people 1

make way for tthe sheep, enjoying the in h sight of Jesus, clothed h • white, astride sheep. d a white animal, surrounded by the white t • Beaming with Be 1th Joy tthey 1 hands and 3 shout and laugh and wave ttheir the bbranches like little children. 11ttl th 1 • Wipe OIl. 1 tto thee next scene.

11 11 r1 t ()camping 0out near Some Galilean pilgrims, road-side, 0 r the ro - 1 • are

Itt1 sitting around a watch-fire,• ov over which a kettle is suspended. • h When they catch sight of Jesus, countryman,• they are • their 1 joy t 1 ud 010 u t pleased and give vent to their joy by shouting with a loud voice{

pilgrims: 11

Blessed be he, that comes in the name of 0 co e. the Lord. Blessed the Kingdom, that comes» 0 Eosanna, Hosanna in the highest.

c o th e t scene. Wipe to the next 1 • i

(2 9) (£59)

ded b"by JJesus and d surrounded by the sheep. The prooes procession headed 10n he T The Joy of tthe o-al Galileans has 3tirred the hearts or the pilgrims h 1 r d th 1 Th Jo 01" the procession as well as the disciples and the enthusiasm 1is 1 r 0 1in th spreading quickly. pree..dl d .

Words is are 0on every tongue, words or 0of praise

spealdLng of Messiah the th people are waiting Tor» pe t JJesus as the e or. t


. ch , surthe disciples the procession has bbecome a triumphal march« ro 0 1 th th passing their h lr mostJangulne expectations. P • nthu 1

m, 1

and impatiently

Giving vent to their h 1


enthusiasm, long/Held in restraint, they join in shouting01 o o 1 • : Voices: Hosanna to the son of David.

o our 1 • Blessed the Kingdom of our rather David. Hosanna in the Highest» Blessed he he, that o comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed the Kingdom, that comes. • peace in Eeaven, and Glor Glory in th the Highest. 1 t. be understood, that "He that comes 1 in th the name of r o It mustt b th ord 1 the Lord" is tthe Messiah.

All with 1 Jews were familiar 111 1h that term. r •

1p tto the next scene. o Wipe •

Three 0old men by the road-side. 0 t Thre n are standing 00 - 1 • They could 1 h-ve been tthe "three wise men from the Ea«t%• h As Jesus approaches then tthey get down on their knees bowing th their 1 1 heads. • h shouting from the preceding 0 The scene carries over and is II 1

d 1in thi h o II and the following heard this scene one. 0110 1 .n • Wipe to o tthe next scene« n • *

((260) 6

The procession comes to a place where the road branch*. While the procession continues along the main highway the shepherd takes the side -road, walking ahead or the sheep.

As he

takes leave of Jesus he shouts» Shepherd:

Hosanua to the Son of David,

The disciples repeat his parting salutation« Now that the shepherd has gone it is possible for the Pharisees to approach Jesu3.

The proclaiming In public of Jesus

as the Messiah seems to them to be a very dangerous thing to do, considering the possible political consequences for the Nation and also the likely personal consequences for Jesus himself.


their opinion Jesus is acting in an inexcusable lashion in not forbidding his followers to address him in this way.

i?or this

reason they feel justified in making an appeal to him themselves» sayingla Pharisee:

Master, rebuke them!

Jesus up to now has been silent *w.(L very serious.

It is as

If the whole procession were a dream to him and he has only allowed himseli* to be praised.

But is not that his own business?

Therefore he turns to the Pharisees, anaweringJesusj

I tell you, if these should hold their peace, the atones would immediately cry out*

lz1 o no 0 Realizing not ob object to tthe homage tthey pay tthat t JJesus does h1 1 01 1 him the disciples and the pilgrims again with n shout ho ttheir r praise r 116 1 it

a 1loud voice and continue waving their nt1n 1 branches» ch • c.n d1 01 The scene dissolves softly into o tly 1nto *

(*-61) )

1rl waving 1 a new scene: close-up - u 0of tthe hhandd 0of a young girl en: a 010 ch • some br branches.

Th! 010 -~ p again al n dissolves 1 01 e softly into This close-up

b n , rrepresenting t tthe subterranean, 0 r a n new scene, of tl tthe interior t

le of t th white .stone-quarries of King Solomon,t .n no longer 1 in u use at the tone- qu wh1t

ttime of JJesus«•


1 0 Daring the the following is heardh seene-shifting n -

nt y: Commentary: Co

1 At the same hour revolutionaries from all 1 over palestine met secretly in the auarries t of King Solomon. Tidings had spread that Jesus was about to make his entry into Jerusalem as the Messiah. The revolutionaries, who were constantly seeking a way to get rid of the Bomans, were not disposed to let this opportunity slip out of their hands.

A hundred or more young men of the fanatic revolutionary type have gathered to learn the news that had just come from Bethany, The men are standing or sitting upon the square stone-blocks to be found all over the floor of the stone-quarries. At one place some stone-blocks are piled up in such a fashion that they form a pulpit. At the opening of the scene a man is just leaving the pulpit, and another man, the leader, is about to go up into it.

He starts

speaking at onceThe leader:

You ask for a plan, vre have a plan. And if we succeed Jerusalemwill be in our hands before sunset.

11.revolutionary:What 1 is your plan? Y


The h 1leader:

111 uuse Jesus,•• We will •••

Z9•revolutionary:And he?? V~"&"".LU "" O used? The leader:

Will himself to be 1 he allow 1

We will not ask him - till all is over,

2. revolutionary: And then? The leader:

Then - we will have a will o£ our own.

Two young Galilean pilgrims, who have been sent to rind out the size of Je3U3f procession and how it is received by the population, hurriedly enter the stone-quarries, both o£ them out of breath. The leader lndioates they are to make their report.


to tell their news and to encourage the other membex^s of the "underground-movement" they both start speaking at once. 1, Galilean:

He is entering the city as the Messiah.

The leader:


1, Galilean:


Zi Galilean:

And the crowd is enthusiastic,

1. Galilean].

Let us all go to meet him.

£, Galilean:

And now.

The leader:

While the iron is hot let us strike,

1, Galilean:

All the pilgrims will be on our side,

We have no time to lose.

4,revolutionary:(sceptically) nothing will come or it. He is not our man.


• •

.revolutionary;Hot better wait Tor another. • 1.• G Galilean: 11

It would be foolish not to seize an opportunity like this«

2. Galilean:

(impatient) But we must make up our minds.

The greater part or the men have risen and gathered around the leader. The leaderi

Steel your hearts. Let us die» if need be, but do not let us behave as cowards,

1, Galilean:

Come, Let us go and stir up the town.

The leader:

Yes» come - oat to meet him* On the way I'll tell you more about our plan.

Slowly the ones who had some doubts in their minds have joined the group behind the leader» and now even the two soeptios surrender. While the men are leaving in small groups the scene dissolves softly into

II hand waving branches. The shouting a nnew scene or a girl»3 1


01 o of voices, rejoicing and prai3lng/£od has increased.

This scene T n again dissolves softly into

a new scene.

The procession headed by Jesus is just crossing

tthe bridge over the brook or Kidron, which has already dried -1 up.



h enthusiasm nt u 1 The among his followers 1is, 1it* po possible, greater s 1 1 , gr at r


than ever. •

All "believe that 1 oi of them th ed Son h t «Jesus on u is the promised

of David, ot

A hope op has "been e Jl kindled n e tthat tthe day 0of deliverance 11 rano

1is at hand. •

Surely Jesus was that should come and d a the Messiah e haul com

institute the Kingdom of God,, prop prophesied 1 bby the th e prophets. ro d in t1 • Wipe to next scene. th n. 011 . o the 1

, t r-g out of the Temple-area The South and of JJerusalem, r he "water-gnte" 1 -


upon leading to Bethany, 1 th oopening p nl U Oll a road 0 • side, 1

om the outIt is seen from

A ore crowd ox' people is flocking 0 oout t to 1 id 1 0 meet Jesus and bid

Most of them are the reve pilgrims. 11 r1 • We notice that h t th r volutionaries, according to with the ocrowd. c or lt h th 0 cl. tion 01 0 their plan, have mingled 1

him welcome. hi

op It was common from Jerusalem to out and Oll custom xor people 1 o ou 0 go 0 1 welcome from and or some rom far it ome ccaravans r v r away places d personalities O.i loo

importance. 1 ort 0


v n to Jesus The e u was larger nthu ore enthus4 h welcome given r and more

ordinarily given le than those ho 1v n tto pilgrims. 1iastic

This bi was s due 1in

part e revolutionaries. r volut1on 1 • t to the efforts 0of tthe P wipe to the nnext scene. o th 08 1 •

h head of the 01 y t A olose-up of the young donkey ttrotting patiently 0 1

after its mother. • Wipe next scene. lp tto the n. " n •

h top 0 0of a 1> The palmtree, •

one o of tthe revolutionaries (whose race n 1 ~ 0 0

l ........... ~ .... up the tree and is busily 0 1 ) has climbed 11 cutting we rrecognize) down lO ll

((2 2 Cr5) Gö)

h tr t r who 0 distributee d hhanding ding tthem hem tto o tthe h 1leader "branches and them to branche

the h r iIn n hi d. the 0others his bband.

t tthem, t th At the same ti time hhe 1n instructs

yl sayingThe h 1leader: ad r:

...and remember: when I make a sign we start chanting the "Hallel".

d .p 1 iin n bl 1 . of :t palm branches r oh The waving was used particularly bidding T

stlno ion. welcome to kings and persons o J.' distinction. loom to Wipe to tthe nnext scene. on . ip to

In oln tthe h road an old 1 white-bearded n front on of a house facing it Patriarch is mounting a kneeling camel, 11 pa.t 1 roh 1

it rises Just as the It 1

u "meek and sitting Ittl procession proo . ion from Bethany passes by,• with Jesus

procession. i ion. uupon pon an ass". The patriarch JJoins o1n the proo

c ipe to the nnext scene. o th •

0 t roa ahead of A down the road the o n angle shott of 0 th procession, 10n. 00


11 rl see the and the pilgrims who0 have come out from th rrevolutionaries 1 t10 00 0 0

pr odi the the on the road a green oity, spreading 0 t h city, h palm-branches d like 1 mat.•

finally .le 11:

the two the 0 t 0 bodies of people meet and those from th

olty with ith shouts of nosanna. o1t greet Jesus J taken a new turn. t n. n t

But now things have v a

Jesus is no longer praised of 1 e as the 0 th Son 0

David as the <A*-J<. ik 7~.s 0 bu openly h King of Israel, 2i£«. D v d but Voices: V i

~ J.e..c..cJ.s. Blessed is U*+*JJ. 1 the King of Israel»Z^

th King that Blessed be the oom in th nam« t t oomes 1 the of the lord. ord ..

((tit] 26

oof f tthe revolutionaries« C 01 10 This as tthe work o T 1 was 1 • 1 to tl to n . Wipe the n next soene.

th ass to where acr s the h s th A shot the side across wee see the ho from th

t a sign to his followers to 0 1ut lon r of the revolutionäritunmaking 1leader start the n"Hallel". 11 fI . t r chanting h

II fhiapsftlm WIMS^ chanted on certain

u •!*•wao'also chanted as a welcome solemn religious festivals but 01

11 r s of pilgrims to the 0caravans arriving at Jerusalem. o th 0of 1.'

h chanting The

oserul d t er with the shouting out! the of the Hosannas and 1 " together h "Hallel"

•. r c • was of utmost significance, tthe waving of palm-branches

"h xhe

tlpho vo /psalm la an antiphony chanted alternately by different voices. • oof f people from Jerusalem ~o bodies 0 The h ttwo m and o*om Bethany ir with l 11e the air 1 h their and now united,, J.filled lr song. 0 •

ipe to o tthe nextt scene. o .n •

c A close-up of Jesus. 0 J ,U • e pi weeping at t the

Tears have v come into his eyes, •

ight 0of JJerusalem, ru 1 h doomed City? • the

is he

Or is he

moved and the shouts of joy that greet him? d tto ttears by the song 0 hou 0 ? he realize thet the danger he is üLcinü in entering Jerus« 0 0Or does u alem is just at hand and that the sshouts of the .p pilgrims, acclaim« 01 1 1 u t'~ .::7~r-:.

ing him as tthe King of Iarael ,/ are lincreasing the danger?? n Wipe 1 to the next scene. en .

h procession roo 10n hheaded b3 The by JJesus n from the th "water-gate" "at r- t , u 1is seen


t . • hioh fframes r e it as a it enters. which Wipe to the next scene. •


, women, n stand t u Inside children on tthe housethe b<;ate In 1 n. and ohi1 at men, l "n tops unusual sight. tthe he unu u ops to witness • g t:'l

pr The news spreads rapidly and

the ppeople catch glimpse 0or tthe man who toh a gl r necks to o p e strain tr i n ttheir t~ >JL4-4rJ..s is said to bbe th the King 0of Israel»-&U. ^*-~-*-. id to 1s

at -g t " seen 11 lTrom r II 1 tthe City. 1 • The n"water-gate" inside

e processAs the r

h gate Jesus is greeted cordially and symion passes s 9 through the 10

op brought into the streets by ppathetically th tio 1 by the crowd 0of ppeople the shouting. th • making. •

The whole city is moved. •

Great events are in the r

The disciples are full 0of joy and expectation. h di

Jesus u

himself is sitting n tthe midst 0or the shouting and l tt n silentlyif in 0chanting


The is thinking: This 1is the h excited multitude 1 t

beginning greatt event. b .n 0of a.a gre 1

But is the bet Jesus knows that it 1

ginning oxJ.. his passion. inn! a • the nnext scene. ! je to th e ll .

oc 1 ov! o The .pprocession is moving along the which 1leads to h main-street r o r 0 to the Temple-area from the th "tr1 1 -g the T, triple-gate", the chief entrance

out . South.

T The artisans: the glass-blowers,, matmakers, barbers, and

sandal-makers,• working la their open shops, rise to the prophet, the Messiah, the King.


What do they know?

h chanting and the shouting slowly dies down. The •

(268) (268 )

. J'ri At the and pilgrims vls1to san 1 er visit013 th "Triple-gate" :>1 cc where "Tr 1e- ten is a place .P can the ass he hass been riding bo ri 118 u gets off a. a.nlm l s. Jesus 0 t h r animals. oan leave 1 e..v their and, with surrounded by who a ll b the t e revolutionaries vol tio ri dl s ol les, and ' ho 1 th his hi s disciples, all

have mingled the Gentiles, nt l1 e • oourt of 0 t r the h court ore d, he enters 1 h the th crowd, h 1 le with

en . n i p to the Wipe 3cene. th next

, r1 le- t t in the h ru just "Triple-gate", at the southern th porches n id the h t J at inside 111 er aban corner the Gentiles, the merchants selling animals co .rt of or the Gentil e t t e court corn r of 0 hay their stalls all and for and have t he money-changers n -oh r and. a er 10 an the or the h sacrifices

, and lambs re the lamb are icept. 'pt . Here their ohop • Eere the th o»»o? sheep, h ir shops. pigeon have their o eA 1in c th ir doves pi on dealers d r

on r t e money-changers •, Iirere the

th, left 1 t t e tl 0 .4: the a denarius dangling in aa thread fixed at the tip of 11 1n ((with it

m c •ar) and their ) h> ve their ttables, with th their t ir cash-boxes t l r money h-b · '11l e o n 113 filled th l e • And nd th scales suspendedd above the ta tables. the whole scene bo

with the 1 chattering and quarreling men. But this market for the sale o:f of birds and beasts needed for 1 t thl the sacrifices was lndl indispensable to the Temple-service. pen b1 to ori..l..l the necessary. 0 cchancers also 0 were n

The m Oll h money

The the Templehe animals sold 01 within 1 1 hin th

area hhad be been Inspection; they were "cl "clean". o ed tto n subjected p ot on; th o a sanitary in e nn . The money-changers were because the Temple e nnecessary 0 on or religth mple for o ·u 118reasons to accept Greek and coins in v1 view cc Iious ou re non rrefused to d Koman coin · 0of the emperor. piltthe h fact et tthat h t they bore or tthe impress 0of th ror . JJewish 11o grims from of tthe world brought om all t of 1 parts 1 h them coins 0of 0 t t with every kind. l nd .

Such money ccould not to tthe ot bbe used for ppayments ent to 0

Temple 1 and therefore had to be exchanged. 0 •

At the sight 0of t h i s oat^le-marxet within the Temple it 1 tthe h hheart r 0of Jesus i s f i l l e d with t ou indignation. th rrighteous 1 n ton ,

( 69

ye are fixed f ix d upon u on hinw hi • . 11 eyes All

6J.. or he Before the multitude h begins b 1 ltu

r · vo utlon lea wait "·he revolutionaries J.. it eagerly r and especially for what he is 1 to0 e 11 1 1 tfc*

say.• res are flaming fl 1 \ 1 eyes h righteous i ht ou wrath His with a h and he h reminds one n qu t 0 J? l"'O of the prophets. from their r writings1 B quotes • He

e Jesus :

Is it not written: my house shall be called the House of prayer? Therefore the Prophets 3aid: To obey the voioe of the Lord is better than sacrifice, and to hearken better than tbi . To do Justice is better than sacrifice. So spoke the prophets: your burn offerings ore not sweet unto me. I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of the £eå. beasts. And I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of goats. And v/hen you spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: for your hands are full of blood. Verily, verily, with the words of the jtrophets X say unto you: knowledge of God is more than burnt offering.

olnt att tthose Ad JJesus su points os tthat sold And 1 animals for sacrifice, 1 10 • 1 11saying firmly-

Jjesus: U·

Therefore, take these things hence, and make not my father's house a house •o of merchandise.

1 e During the preaching of Jesus the leader oof the revolution01 10 lon.u..IU..L

rle 1is seen n moving 0 aries furtively from r oone to another oof his comrades

1 p r1 and whispering to them.

Now he 1is seen running forth o t and mount-

saying1ing a bbench from which he addresses the multitude, t h The leader:

Jesus has spoken and his words prove that he is the and the Messiah we are waiting for. Long enough the people have sufx^ered and tolerated the iniquity of our treacherous rulers. It is time that the true patriots of this country take the Lew into their hauda and turn these thieves

27 (270)

z' &oors« 00 'In • • • and rrobbers out ox' • #•« come,..

The to the o at ti o market nnow J«jumps s pointed to e r who0 has he lleader Into th the midst and money-changers, followed by on y- oh 1 t 0of the merchants an into

, to0 1 1 eat number b r of he .Ppilgrims, others his bband and a great of tthe tthe he ot her 0of hi Some e 0of tthe rrev-

whom the Tem Temple-market unpopular. a always Wlpopular hom the • - arkot was

1~ 1 make scourges rope-ends, with which our e 0of ro oh tthey e drive oolutionaries utlon 1

-and the sows»• h oout t the sheep

th blos of~. the Others the ttables t ilr t r 0overthrow th

money changers« r • The ~h

ym th t c toward what h t 1 multitude apparently is ttaking pp ntl is sympathetic

e rioters» rl0 r • place of the t };>1 c and acclaims the actions d shoutingou 1 The 1 a are heard -vo u 10 h rrevolutionaries

Voice»: oio

Away -"rom her£S Gett iff* Be gone. • t you gone.• Away with you. Get

The merchants protest but it is of no use.

The revolution-

aries/quickly enter the stalls^/ They snatfoh the wnipe out of the 1 hands of »the cowherds and the shepherds who are taken by surprise. 1 • Beating the cattle with the at the rge and whips and striking th scourges 0 1 herds and the merchants, who resistance, they finally ho make lutile t J. t 1 put them to 0 flight. '1

. The aeronauts of oattie are busily catching ate

hold them out of the 3tallj, 1 hol of the animals and pulling t

The h

pigeon-dealers, filling the cages with the doves, carry them c 1 on-d t r th away on their shoulders. • cases. a •

Some of the doves escape from their 1

The money ohangers also hurry on ry away with their money boxes T.

and their scales. 0 •

01 1 0 During the cleansing of the porohes, in which or 10 the Temple1

1 market was installed, • Jesus is standing by silently.• 0 0 0 t t he and his becomes aware of the fact that

He suddenly

..plea have l v been



people whose ways are not his ways, whose idoula

were contrary to his»

He has always kept aloof from them« fhe

disciples, realizing this, gather cround hiu« The leader of the revolutionaries with a look of pride and triumph "because of the success of the enterprise, approaches Jesus hurriedly and out of breathThe leader:

We have won the battle« follow up the victory.

Kow we must

Jesus looks at him reproachfully and shakes his head slightly, but without angering« The leader:

Come with us up to the Temple. We will proclaim the Kingdom of God and make you the King,

Jesus doesn't answer.

The disciples answer in his place,


And the Eomans?

The leader:

We'll run our dag&ers through them»


The Kingdom of God cannot come by killing...


Only in men's hearts.

The learned itathanael puts an end to the conversation, sayingNathanael:

Rot by force but by the Jpirit of God.

Jesus makes a sign to his disciples, and together they leave the place. The dramatic scene has been played of a few minutes«

to the end in the course

((27E) 272 )

s 1 t oe has "been bee 0offered f ered by b the th people ~ o1l1e "because b cauae OL th Koo rresistance of the unpopularity the Temple-market. mpl - ark t . un 0 ul 1t 0of th

tumult but does doe l t n e ed the t The Temple guard tumults h JJewish 1 h T p l e gu rd hhas witnessed t n n or the Temple mple gua rd has interfere. The C Captain of the guard r f er . T not venture to lnt 1th r on Jesus Je us or 0 h d either been called o outt bbut not 1lay hands on o t he does b

rioters. ra

r d tthat , s on the th side id of 0 O'pul 0 was They tthe ppopulace T Y feared

Jesus 0110 r . 1 followers. J au and his

ht sight ai t I s only when ~ n the th people eo le oaught 0 It was

tal a . 1leading ' d.! eao n Eoman troops the 3taircase3 down from oof the t tr 01' descending

o tt ocasern Antonia tto the F.oman .0 t

.. ortb rn G orner of t h Temple1 rthern corner of the

th r evolutl onari s . ttook ook 11 1 ht . d. 1n 1 dl area that tthe oro crowd, including the revolutionaries, flight. r h oourt _ th ntl1 1is oleare o~ the th om n the court 0of the Gentiles cleared ox IIn n a ffew moments

p 0 1 people.

em t th The Captain of the Temple guard whoo go goes to meett the

(;-uuuf ,

e in Latin, rreassures sour Captain of the Roman military police, speaking rs police. C P d r bby ttelling 1 him t ~t some 0 r 11 him that religious x'anatlos tthe h Boman commander

om bl xcltec nt an t iis already Ir a h 1r excitement have exchanged some blows 1in their and it h

oover. r. ttroops 0 By th the time the Roman arrive disciples r l v JJesus and e1 1 th d his hi di 0 h Gentiles tthrough have the cour court of of tthe the Triple h v 1left ou f'·t · th rl le gate. Here r h 1 cchildren h i t ttheir many pilgrims with have 11 1 v gathered,•

.-rom the enthus~o e t II .. th

1' their iiastic t c faces ca 0of h r fathers th th the boys realize that Jesus th 1is the J

rprophet roph t the

u e about. rå so 0 much

At of the street tr t t the side 1

the other boys on on their way to or have t r from school 00 h v rranged "e themhe selves in order 1 iin n. single file,• rrising 1 - to 1 In.g 0on tip-toes r r to catch oh a glimpse of the prophet. t. him.

The boys go h boy o to Jesus u and gather er around oun

3uddenly a 11 little chanting the "Hallel" t l boy commences 0 no oh H 1 ff and

immediately the ot other in, praising Jesus as 1 r boys b y Join in. r a the th Son 0 0of

David. i d. X group of priest3 and Lawyers this are alarmed r witnessing t s t 1


n they think of the possible political consequences und one when

, o :us, of them, going fco Jesus, addresses hiia say insL yer: Lawyer:

Hear .you whatt these say??

Jesus8 answers with a smile* Jesus: e

Yes, have you never read: "out u of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have perxeoued praise"?

o Andd surrounded chanting bo;<s roun d by the t1 .n them he t o. and caressing h

oOllt1 continues his walk*• t The children's voices are also heard during the scene, 0 ......... -... 1 1 h next 11 •

n out u slowly» 11 • fading *

The porches with the stalls for the cattle and the tables for the money-changers,

»e see the merchants of catt&e; also

the herds return to the stalls, driving the oowa, the calves, and the sheeg before them.

And the money-changers raise their

tables, put the money-boxes on them and put up their scales. The end of the scene is a close-up of a scale, with the two balances swinging up and down. This close-up dissolves softly into the next scene.

7 74)

0110'1 During the ll heard.• he scene-shifting s e n - hi tin the th following Dur!


In the mind of the Righ-priest/jesus has changed, from a religloiis toaohor to political insurgent, he has become a peril to the Jewish s^ate. Too much was at staJce to leave unnotioed the con lict between Jesus and the oattlo-merohants. The privy council was therefore summoned/for the same

The house of the High-priest Caiaph-

t-racitcally the same

counsellors are present that were et the two preceding meetings. We notice Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, and Gamaliel, Caiaphasj

Again one of these useless revol •

1»Chief-priest: If we let him go on in this way the Eomans will make our whole Nation suffer because of him. Joseph of A.:


No harm has been done so far.

1. Lawyer:

Isn't it now clear that he is stirring up the people?


i r o p h e t a are always i m p u l s i v e .


To me he i s not a prophet but a r e b e l .

2 . C h i e f - p r i e s t : A menace t o the p u b l i c order. l . C h i e f ~ p r l e s t : W e $ u s t g e t r i d of him. 2 . Lawyer:

The sooner the b e t t e r .


But how?

. La»yer: 4 . Lawyer:

There are grounds enough t o a r r e s t him. I t would be for h i s own good IX we could take him i n t o custody. Then he would be ni^-den .rom the Eomans.




l co emus : Uicoclemus:

0 Does oar Law jud&e any man I hi h e i1s doing? him andd knows whatt he

4 .• Lawyer; La. er :

( s n e eer1 r i n g l y ))

i1t - hears

Aree you alao 0 1 3 0 ox' G a 1l i l e e ?

thoug he has et heard i cod mus aacts as not Nicodemus c t s as though h ar the s nee e r •.


think1 o er the Caiaphas, e r thinking over saysC l a he.a, aa. f tter he matter, ID


not p os No, 0 , iit t i1s not o s s i bLll e ,

C i aphe. • Caiaphas:

ffott during the f e a s t * 1

1 .C Chi h i e f - p rie r i e s tt: : fthy not? ot?


of A.: Joseph JO 'ph of ••

e an uproar upro r among 1 ht "be There the Th re might 0 t h .pp e0o p1l e •,

Nicodemus: 100 .u

Thh att ' s ttru r u e .•

A11 l l people o 1 hang upon hia v.ords, or •

h i e f --ppri r i e s t t: O n the hand i t i s too dangerous to to : On the other 0 1 ,.CChl 1 h l e a v e him at l i b e r t y •, 'runal J_ : Gamaliel:

rul t he suo 0 " hi 0 Truly, s u f f eer r s bbecause of h i s p o.Pp u l a r1i ty. y,

er : 22,. LLawyer:

op l ~r lt 1i n it Y e s ,• hi h i s popularity i t s e 1l f i s dangerous.•

32 . Law Lawyer: er:


w er 2 .• Lawyer: r;

!;~ r/ø-*** ??

Because i t ;.ii^ht be U3ed by o t h e r s .• Indeed that may already have happened.

2 . Chi C h i e f~-- ];)r p r li e s tt: : A t any r a t e some measures must be taken.•

But how?


perhaps we might be able to change the mind of the people.

1.Chief-priest: You mean, deprive him of hi3 popularity. 1. Lawyer:

Cr even make him unpopular?


In any ca^e, turn the people away from him.

, Lawyer:

How can that be done?

(~r'6 ) [ ?6)

Ca.laphaa: Caiaphas:

II think we aan can leave it to our Lawyers and l'.he..risees to ~'ill out _O-.~ J!: e~d ill -that )S find to .0 pr00«e4 in that matter . matter.

The meeting iis 0106 closed. •

rises. He rises .

And the scen -the next scene. sce..o..e. scene dissolves so.:.:tly softly into the * 3 scene we t e see or this see only aa small loom (the At the t e beginning of

l.Ih .. hb.Llds U. in a cloa uup wee see se tiM looms were at tthat a close nand3 lat time)» ere small all at time). and

of o~

ba. 1{ward and i.'orward . young woman carrying the shuttle forward. :u t e backward 10man o e.rraillg Ghe aa yo

ea backwa The camera. camera gll glides backward an and side si Th room. room.

We a. are Bethany.. e in BethfW.3

ary ls Mary is waving. weaving.

sitting be ide her, beside her, preparing the yarn. yarn, deep

then theIJ.

.a'y Ss and we/see /C e t: the whole

artha is ls Her sister Martha

esu is th them, them) loss los'li gesus is \/1 with

s d. in his eyes are cl closed. in. 0 own thoughts. thoughts . His ey

The t 0 sisters fhe two sisters

look aat him now and then but they do not speak. s~eak . heard. A Taintt noise like men's voices in the distance is heard. Suddenly Jesu Jesus opens his eyes and rises. rises. He ls is seen leaving the Su.ddenly e.n room, the terraee and mounting the outer staircase room, going out on 'the terra.ce an o'uter stair a. e e roof where ~here tthe ' e disciples 1s01p1 up to the are gathering together. a.r g tl er leading Ull to ther.

iiis step steps in the staircase so so they less They , do not hear ius the3 are more or leas

n by surprise. urpri • ttaken Jesus a3ks thcmthemJ sus as Jesus: J sus:

t was it that you disputed among your' hat la 1 that you "eput d among yourselves? elve ?

The dl disciples answer. Th oiples do not answer.

t each a.oh oth ,r. at other.

Ashamed Aan ed or 0.1." themselves, theme 1 eSt they look

JJesus au ans era :for answers for themthem-

Jesus: Jesus:

Tou d1 disputed as to You eputed among o yourselves as o who 11 llou b e re test ill should be the greatest in the Kingdom or God. dom 0:£ Ggd.

(2 77) (277)

he dl sclp e hatl us continues. continues . The disciples hang their head heads as as Je Jesus

Jesus:: Jus

shall 1it he amo'" among you, So sha.ll t be ou, that whosoever 1hosoev I ' will 111 bbe gr at amon 'OU Sla 1 be „our our minister: mini ter: great among you shall and whosoever hOt oe r will 1 be thee cchie'est i ~es t shall all be b servant tor even the Son Man the ser ant or all. 1 . i"or on or 0 came not to be ministere ministered unto, cam unto , but to minister. ter. f


e't;er takes co ra ,e and d a3ksieter courage


Peter: Peter:

d .followed ~ol lo Behold wee hhavee 40r -en all, forsaken all, and youyouwha.t what sha.ll/have shall/have there:'ore? therefore?

IkJeTo this Jesus J BUS answersana ers-

'. sus: Jesus:

There man, that lert house, h r~ 1is no man, th t has h la hous . or , or bret n, or ' 'i e, n. parents, or br et loren, or wife, or or chil children, for th ingd ffi of God' k t ho hall not for the ringdom of God's sake, who shall not iv m i401d more this present time, 1 t receive maniTold more in in this in t e orl 0 co overl 11 'e . and in the world to come everlasting lire.

11th r the disciples were ith this this ans answer tat if..led. r of .. tl s led .

it did not ooour occur It 1 not

manl!'old more to them that thp.t th ord "manifold tual e nt in a sp!r the \words more" were meant spiritual

sens ,. sense. eaus le .ves the roof nd re urn to the elo where Jesus leaves root* and returns the roo room below r he h joins joi s UTJ

and ; -rtha. d l1artha. ((To t|ie jev,'s of that a^e it was an accepted

tact that those who would be admitted as the chosen ones of the Kingdom or God would be raised immediately to honor and power and greatness. It was therefore not surprising that the disciples should openly discuss the matter of who should be accounted the greatest in the new Kingdom). Jesus hhas sat the two t 0 sisters. 1 terse t down by th Je as b before, in thought as f or .

in he h 10 Again losey himself 1 sel

s against the h wall. Shutting his eeyes hhe le leans all. 'hut tin hi sideways si de aye 10 I Y . t Y with lth hi n the . him,, th then Camera moves slowly r or a while hi1 we stay

(278) (278)

and fforward or ard and e on! ose up of and at at the the end end or of the the soene scene we only S8 see aa cl olose up of and he loo of Mary ary carry1 tthe loom and and th the hand hands of carrying tthe shuttle ba.okward backward and

for forward« ard.

During this the ardthe follow1 following 1is hheardCommentary: Co ntary

W hile time was as weaving e 1 th at 0of Jesus he he While the fate more lon lonely ever. He almost elt mor ly than ev r. He ffelt despaired of the the very m men de pair d because of n who ho had had b n living with Ith h1 ter dday, , who ho had h been him day day aafter heard him preaching and he rd him! and tteaching aching and an who ho had h d witnessed his m mighty they 1tn d his i ghty works. orks. Though hough th y loved love him and and were to him him th they simply hi r faithful a1th to y s1 1y could ooulCl comprehend his mission on Earth« not co preh nd hi 1ssion on the

The 010 e up olose up 0of the the loo loom and and th the hands 0of Mary dissolves 8 01 a softly so tl th next scene, so ne. into the c n shirting hi tlng th i During th the scene the £0110 following iis heardDu.ri

Commentary: Comm nt

tro the th Th wy rs who ho were re try! The L Lawyers trying to to d destroy popul ity ot su were r already lr a dy at ork • popularity of JJesus at work.

• • The Sanotu Sanctuary the T Temple, near the entrance close to th the Th ry of th pl. n ar th ntr8.lloe and 010 Northern all. North rn wall.

To the f-lagl a g - s ttones o n e s of of th the floor o one 0of th loor an iron ring ii s

make i t pos possible l i f tt up th the stone. ffixed ixed to m k 1t Ible to 11 ton.

Under t h i s st stone Und r this one 1i s

a hollo hollow f ill i l l e d with the SSanctuary. Ith dust ust ffrom ro th ctuary . We some women accused or of adultery, o n acoused dult ry. e see e som their are ah shaved, th lr hheads ad are d.

Aocoriing to to custom Aooorl1 oustom

A priest on on duty lis the hollo hollow,• a bbending d1 over th

up some it ~nto into a oup cup ot of water, He is .ne; up om dust and 4 putting putt1 t r, H 1 ttaking J,t accompanied by some Levites, coomp d bl ome Levltes.

A drink 0of water mingled at r mingl ed with Ith dust from o A

the T Temple given to thee these women as a symboli symbolico act, aot . th mpl e was a glv n to o en as A young woman place. 'pl o . om 1is led led through the th hall hall while hil this thi 1is taking talcl

((279) 279)

She has her head shaved and is weeping pitiously.

She is followed

by a priest and some Levites and several executioners who take her to the Court to^bo oontenoed, [~We follow her, and we hear the f ol l owl.ngfollowing-

Commentary: Commentary:

This woman oman who had bbeen en ttaken n et of a ult ry, ooordl t o act of adultery, according to o , should b t o d . Moses, should be stoned«

iin n th rl the very th L ot the Law of

On their way to tthee Cour hl ~procession roo a ion meets t some La Court tthis Lawyers y r part n th ion 0of the t 11 ttalcing k1 Pharisees part iin the dl discussion and Pharis ee whom we hhavee seen privy council of the HI High pr! y oounoil of th h priest. prle t .

hn passed by when They have hav already r ady 1>

stop,, acting upon a sudd sudden impulse. n 1 pul • they stop

r oon ultl t o th r After consulting together

h executionx outlonin whispers they command th the ~rl priest, the L Levites,, and tthe ln hlap r th y oommand at , th 10 • ers to ffollow young woman along. er ollo them and to bring tthe h yo

xt scene« so n • l pe to th Wipe the n next

The Court of of the G Gentiles« Th ntl1 e .

ton .. bloc JJesus su iis standing t dl · on a stone-block

A great gr e t m tItud has ha. ggathered th r d round him« hi • multitude and tteaching. ea. "hl • A

cl pl a are All hhis disciples him«. dl it him r with i All a 11tt little aside« a l asl d •

d is, as usual, standing 1 JJudas • t

Sometime during th the scene Judas turns and tl durl o n Jud So udd nly turn a suddenly d

discovers by hi his aid side aa yyoung oung Pharisee« Ph r 1 dl cover by •

They greett eeach other oh oth r and Th Y gr

11 from ttheir they iitt 1is seen n. tthatt th i ndly smiles fro hei r friendly e old friends« r1 nd • Y are

t andi ng together during tthe h whole They remain now an and then ole scene o n and d no n sstanding Th Y remai p ale! we see and in aa 116w to tone 0of voioe voice«. mill d speaking e them smiling 1n

We und underr-

the young Pharisee the .p personality yo 1 1is 1impressed r d bby th r on 1~1 and stand tthat ha.t th Ph d words ord of ot Jesus« J sus .

pr ea oh! of Je Jesus quoted in ((The 'rh preaching 0 u 1is quot i n extenso, xt nao, the soene-shifting as to but it ddepends p nd on th tl to o n - hi ho how m much uoh of 0 it shall ah 11 bbe uused.) ed .)

(280) (280)

Jesus: Jsu:

I I am the th time tru vine, vin , and my rather .fath r is 1 the th husbandman. Every ry branch br 1.0 me m that th t bears b are husbandman. in ruit he h takes akes away: a : and d every v ry branch r ch not ffruit th t bears b ara fuit, tuit . he purges pur'es it, it, that that it may that mor fruit, r uit , I I am the h vine, vine , you bring forth more th branches. branohes . As the th branch ranoh cannot oannot are the ruIt of 0 itself , except exo t it It abide in the bear fruit itself, vin ; no more mor can you except exe t you abide bId in vine; me . If It a a man abide abld not in me, me , he is 1 cast me. 8. branch. and _d is 1 withered; it red; and men n forth as a branch, g th r them, th • and ca3t ca th m into the th fire, gather them and they burned. th '3 are r burn d .

th Pharisees p ri The Lawyers whom L Y r and the ho we e have h v seen een att the th gate of ot #?..d, y'~5o--L~~ arriv and behi*nb h1 the the th executioners Bioanoar arrive them x outlon r with o 1 h the th woman. • The Th

glv s way ooun el10r of H1gh... rie t who crowd ora d give3 ay to the counsellors o f the th High-priest pu h the ho push woman toward to a.rd Jesus, eau • 0

Weeping loudly she in her arms. h hides her hr face &0 nhr pl118 loud! s.

hi teaching. Jesus topp d his t ohi • le us has ha stopped

The Lawyers h reason the he La yer and d

hay come Pharisees have clear and, not objecting to aa disr to him and, 0 J et1 oom 1is 01 dieri Ph

s them the to state tate their th ir business. bu in it cussion, invites He hi himself 1 sits eu slon , hhe lnvlt • H

n to th down listen them.• do n to list 1. Lawyer: 1. L '3 r:

We know that you are good and tthat you h t y ou tteach oh in g oodn of h t. the way for one to find goodness of heart. 1 le Therefore we have com come to as ask you aa single question.


, sayingThe the woman, oin t at t th 0 h Lawyer Y r points 1. L Lawyer: 1. Y r:

This woman 1is taken in adultery, Th1 dult er1, in the very r1 act . 0 i n th u • act. How Moses in the LLaw co commanded us, th t such should houl d bbe stoned: ton d: but that but what say you? B-1 yOU?

The question subtle. the execution outiOll t 10n 1is very btl • IIf JJesus to th r h q su oobjects J 0 0 Ou he acts against the LLaw of Moses and that hhe has not d hhe hhas said u b11c1 th h 1 publicly

oome 00

d, iif he to ddestroy but to to fulfill the 0other h LLaw,• but 1 111 iit. h to ro tthe t . On th r hhand,

consents 00 nt

p 0to lose his popularity popularity,, eespecxeeutlon hhe will 111 10 e some 0 0of hi 0 the execution

the women, the way he has has al always de1ially on the ay he ho are grateful t 1 for or th om n. who 13 among fended them and placed them on an equality q 11ty with d pl o d th nd d th m on Ith men. n.

(281) (281)

gin Boau 1,ng th hn th a y r b sus, a rreed o an, JJesus, When the LLawyer begins aoousing the woman, in d 1.0.

b nds fforward o e.rd and bbegins his hand, 1n making ddesigns 1 n 1n hand, "bends in th the sand, an - • th oth crosses,t one next to the other. continues doing so croase r. He continue 01 n arter 0 even t r It s ed speaking, p k1 yer has cceased hou h hhe hheard Lawyer "as though tthe he La a tthem h not"» n.ot".

ceu er wait B1t :tor Th u after a while, The accusers for an an answer, 1 h n it 1 r. but • when ar th i nd g1 does not app appear thatt h he int intends giving an answer, they bbegin in to r. th

tio s . r of ask h him a numb number of qu questions.

jhe purpose is to 1 r to entangle 0 0 try n e pu

him discussion. cu ion. hi in a dl 2. LLawyer: 2. Y r:

hat 1 What is your oopinion? inion?

Lawyer: 11. . L 1 r

b stoned to d or not h 1 she Shall not? h be

r from Jesus.• Ho0 answer they Th n th y ask again-

p h ·1 e 1. Pharisee: 1.

rI e Pharisee: 22.. ph

s 1 d th ah 1n-. She has led the man 1nto into sin* d tthe s1ns 0 th 1 h are abominable bomln bl And sins of the flesh

to to God God..

o Jesus. s. o answer r from Ho d again14th Y asked And they

1. L Lawyer: r: 1.

You shall Judge her. Yo h 11 Ju hr

2. LLawyer: 2. 1 r:

And whatsoever Judge,• it shall o v r you ou JU h 1 be valid 'ValId in Law.

till no answer from There Th r 1is still om Jesus. :le • r1 look at t eeach oh other and shake The Lawyers and th the Ph Pharisees their h thlr h L '1 r

he heads. a.d •

((282) 282 )

. H der1 The young woman hhas rai raised her ha head. Her are wandering r eyes Y

e executioners, y r e to th h 1 e t to tthe n ra. an from the L Lawyers the Pharisees» and th then

~ rom

r gnori to JJesus, ho app judge, who apparently her continues • her nnew JU n 13 iignoring in th i making ddesigns the sand*• j or an answer.• Lawyers try to pr press Jesus r tr u Tor IImpatiently mp 1 n y the La

1. LLawyer: 1. Y

, shall ha.ll tthis woman b one or not? Say, be sstoned not? 0

2. Lawyer: y r: 2. La.

Her H r fate 1is in your hands.

At replies. t llast a t JJesus rep11 • He rloeo to his .feet and says« u : JJesus:

r th,s After these A

it ut sin among you t 1is without , 1lett him He th that you, H ir t oa t a stone first oast on at her.

g in stoops toop do words down begins ma making ord JJesus II and begin u again 118

d. de designs the sand. 19ns in th

The Lawyers and the Pharl Pharisees do do not know what say. d the h t to say . h L Y r

In fact et

at all. They experience tthey h y ddared ed not say ay anything rl no that that thi tall . Th Y knew by ex Jesus hhad power to llook the past rt n po r tthat t enabled nabled him to ook into th a t Jesu d a ccertain the future t ure 0of other ppeople. opl • and th the woman of Samaria. th art •

All 1 of them had hheard ard the story of ot

b some o Maybe of tthem, or all of tthem knew, h • or 1 of hem kn • they t 3

were of th the flesh". er not Iinnocent nnoo nt 0of ""the h sins in of 1 sh" . one th they went out, bbeginning at th the eldest, even nt out. g1nnl One by on at ld st , ev n unto the th

young r. younger. .ft alone. lon . He ha And had ended the L Law o of Moses d not 0otr en d the e d JJesus was lleft and he had not lost ot 10 t his ls popularity. op arltl . ing no on When gone JJesus looks one but n all 11 hhave gon su lo ok up and, . d . seeing t ..the th woman,• hhe pretends surprise urprl and says to her... r t n h r •••

(283) (283)


Jesus: sus J'

aQua r ? Where hr are your accusers?

The woman, ping , answersan oman , still weeping, Th r -

The woman: oman:

0 not . not. II know

Jesus: Jesu

you s no m Has man oond condemned you? H

The woman: \10 an:

No. Bo.

11 do n on h r kn Involunt arily th Involuntarily the wom woman falls down her knees, awaiting hr • it! her

ylngtter aa while hil JJesus 8U P After speaks, saying-

doe doom.•

: JJesus:

you. Neither I condemn you. e1th r do 0 loon

not tru r 0own n senses. an does 0 .n At ffirst the young woman trustt hher At irst th •

She Sh

d iis Tree. that has escaped cruel death th t she he ha 1 d ath and r • But so P d a cru cannot believe elia from the eexpression the face Jesus she lastt re realizes h at la lze that that ro th pression on th ac oof f J

pi , not oonvul iv 1y but loudly hursts out weeping, convulsively it is true and she h bursts (3 1 lIng 0of rrelief. 11 • H th and with a ffeeling Her is bbathed with Ith ttears of r face o Joy. Jo:/ •

o n a olos So her duri Somewhere during thl this scene close u~ up 0of Juda Judas an and th the young

Ph lee is l s intercalated Interoal te and wee 11 ten to a few words or a spoken po n in a Pharisee listen low voice10 010Young Pharisee:(in sincere admiration) He is great in de:(1n s1no r r at in d .. Ph 1 tlon) H 1 Yo b t , your Jesus. J bate, Judas: Jud s:

((a little drawling) Yes, how 0can h he for) Ye • but ho orgi nt 0of hher r hu b d? give her without th the con consent husband?

loo 1 t Juda . surprised urpr1 at The young Pharisee looks at Judas, at his oritio! criticism of o Jesus. sus .

Noticing this Judas addsotioi hi s Jud judas: Ju e.

Anyhow,• it 1is hhe who has been Anyho ohs. noffended o n d •. IIs 1t not 01 it not so?

((284) 284 )

yo Young Pharisee:(nodding h rise : (nodding pens! pensively) 13) yYou ou axe right right. .

He invi tes Jud ith him or a private rlvate talk and they invites Judas to come with him ffor leav 0 arm in arm. m. leave the pl place r lud th eeping of 0 the woman During thi oman ls this i,nt interlude the weeping is heard heard.. And g in " still b eel! f or JJesus. nnow o we e see sus. e her again, still kneeling before

beoomi he 1is becoming 3he

rise quietly quiet ly udd n 1 pul se ah a though seized l z d by a sudden d as calmer now and impulse she rises oal mer no nds down o n and kisses m 0or his hi 1 ses the th h r to Jesus J au sh and walking over she b bends hem 0

y1 gar garment, ent. sayingThe m h woman:

k you. you. Thank l'

JJesus, SUB . llooking ooking at t hher r with i th oompassion omp ssi on answersana r JJesus:

Go,, and Go d sin in no more. mor •

rohl.r so 0 that ha her nod r hheadkerchief er race ac The nods and, adjusting hher o h woman covered, is almost 1 oat cov r d. she he runs away. a • 19n h n making ak1 completes the ddesign he hhas be been JJesus su turns turn and 00 pl t in the

sand. • d s inl 0 t h sand an with Ith the th crosses ore s s and an the reed re A alo close up of the designing

another cross Is is the end the oene. It dl dissolves solves so softly tly into the anoth r cros nd of 0 th scene.

nnext xt scene. cen .

((We will take the opportunity her to charac-

terize Judas in a few lines. In the beginning he had for Jesus sincere devotion and faith. But he was by nature a sceptic and after a while he began looking at Jesus with critical eyes. Hot of a spiritual bent of mind he interpreted the words of Jesus literally and he noticed with disapproval how often Jesus appeared to contradict himself, in the discussions between Jesus and the Pharisees

(28 (285) )

inclined to agr agree with them hhe 0often ten was a Inolin d to rather rath r than with 1 h JJesus, whose thought was

beyond his comprehension. Slowly doubt crept t into his mind, »then he nevertheless allowed int o hi himself hi eel to suffer humiliations, privations, it was partly because he and persecutions per was attracted by the personality e. strongly tro Jesus oof Je us and partly because, being a Jew, he never never ceased hoping for the Kingdom of God. God . The royal entry into Jerusalem had inspired him with new hope but now it was rapidly dwindling away. Judas was a sceptic and a doubter, but he was no traitor. As the action of the film progresses the wavering of Judas, the wavering between faith and doubt is shown particularly by gestures and mimioally, but also by exclamations of approval and disapproval, improvised on the spot).

The close up of the sand and the designs made by Jesus dissolves softly into a new söene in the house of Lazarus at Bethany. During the scene shifting the following is heardCommentaryj

Jesus, who knew the fate of the prophets, since Caesarea phllippi had spoken more and more of Death«

f the h same It 1is du dusk of It .n1 • am evening.

_n aa roo 0 In room of th the house Jesus 1is sitting with Lazarus Itt1 ith .L zaru and Mary.

Th rv d by an atmosphere t 0 ph r ot 1 oho1y and sadness The roo room 1is ppervaded of melancholy Je u • ocaused 'U e by th the words oof Jesus.

r beginning b g l ............. o fill °11 with i ttears. r . The of Mary are to h e yes o t..u.f!')

h and her She h r

11 nt but ut ttheir ir hearts are full 11 0of lov brother are silent love as tthey listen broth Y 11 e to Jesus. J • Jesus:

Verily, r lY t verily, I say unto you: the hour is 00 0 come.• Except a MBXÄ grain of wheat fall into th round and die, it abides alone; but if the ground it • it brl it di die, it brings forth much fruit.

((286) 28

ort while hl1 hhe oontinuesoont1n e .A r a short After Jesus:

o say y unto you I hhave yet many things to you,, but you you cannot Hear them now.

nt r oh she h o nt Martha ar At this enters the room with a o candle which hi moment

tl • ha d and which hloh eh has l1ght lighted she no now put puts 04 on a candlestick. grave as her "brother and sister.

She iis as s

At the sight of the candle the thoughts of Jesus turn in a different direction and he saysJesus;

Yet a little while is the light with you.

And after a pause he goes onJesus:

While you have light, believe in the light, that you may be the children of light.

While Jesus is saying the last words the camera approaches the candle.

The scene ends with a close up of the light which softly

dissolves into the next scene. During the scene shifting the following is heard-

Comm nt r : Commentary:

d oertain But the Lawyers and certain 0of the the Pharisees 1 how th y might and the Sadducees took couns counsel they entangle Jesus in h1s his ttalk k and turn turll the he people against him.• And Oil on th the 10110 following day, n t hi 1 d8.3. when went the Temple, they hen JJesus 8U nt to th m 1 t th Y were er ready to put th their plans lr pl s into action. aotion.

(287) (187)

e Je us tteaching aohl 1 We ssee Jesus in the court o of tthe Gentiles. • A great

mult 1tude has haggathered t hered around oun hin Im an multitude and 1n in th the multitude there are Phar1sees . Sadducoes, adduo ~t and Lawyers. L er . groups 0of Pharisees,

or the h They have 00 come Tor

JJesus» su , 1n lueno e with lth th purpose of de destroying influence the people. pur pose of str03i 01.

Judas ls e n with 1 h the young oung Pharisee h_r ee he he met m t yesterday,• Judas is seen 0if .1. his enemiest begins Jesu Jesus», who ssenses n es the h 111 ill ffeeling 11 1 his

preaching by denouncing the Lawyers and the rharI seesby d Jl o.og The th L W3 r ohi Jesus: Lawyers and the Pharisees sit in noses* seat; all therefore whatsoever they bid you J U observe, that observe and do. But do not you after their works: for they say and do not. They do all their works to be seen of men: they make bread their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments. They pay tithe of mint and anise and otuamln but omit the weightier matters of Law, Judgaent, mercy, and faith. Jhoy ago llko unto whitcdaepulohreo, which indeed appear boautiful outwardly-but within are full of doad møn»o


ero is heard shouting: 010 1in the th crowd out 1 A voice "Thatt 1is unjust". Ju t • ood men men1». oth r vol0 Another voice: "Th "The Pharisees are good s words IO~ r h d1 r at rreactions During we 0observe the different the ion uupon 0 h Dur1n tthese QO faces of the hearers.

The Pharisees and tthe Lawyers are of offended. •

oca.tl0 and he does no uda disapproves 1 p r o e tholg open provocation Judas not make any

or t or n. th 1 secret of hi hi3 d1 disapproval to his friend the yyoung Pharisee. • t d watch ao 0of tthe Pharisees and the People the ora crowd the faces b 1 in th t :t wy re 010 Lawyers closely l1 in 0order to learn tthe effect of the words of Jesus.• su has finished speaking on oon as JJesus As soon one of the h Pharisees i .fo d., asking himsteps forward, t

L• P h a r i s e e : h


T e l l u s ,, by what a utt h o r i t y do you say these things?

((188] 288)

oth r Pharisee h r Jo n himmAnother Joins

22.. phaxiseej:

-Who ho 1 uhr i s he tthat gave you t h i s authority? ·

r-q tl0 JJesus answers "by asking a counter-questlonjesus: U:

k you on 11 also 0 ask r me«• one tthing: and answer II will

h r h two t 0 Pharisees The not assent-



The baptism of John, was it from Heaven, or r t • of men?

tur The two are at a loss for an answer and they turn. to 0 Pharisees ri 0 t T


00 nearby. tthe h group of Pharisees and Lawyers standing t di r to• TheyY confer

ggether p hr and though they speak in low ton tones the camera is brought 0 t up P

close and we hear what they are saying*• 010 1. • Pharisee:

Shall we say: •• from Heaven?

0 d1d then he will 1 1 say: 38«. Pharisee: No, 0 , because •• why then did 0 not believe him? you

22. . Pharisee: ••

o 1 will But if we say: men, 0 •• of 1 the th people 111 .Il. all stone us«

4. Yes, because th they are persuaded that John was 1 t t Jo • Pharisee: a prophet. 5, Pharisee: 1 11 P

r 1if~ we give no answer at t all. Better 1 1.


1 in to 1 1. 2, P Pharisee turn again toward d JJesus, saying• and 2.

1 1. e Pharisee:

at ttell 11 whether h t .n. Y.e ccannot it was from Heaven. ~'

1 ••• or 0of men. n. 2» Ph Pharisee: ...or 2.

qui . 1 quietlypl l JJesus replies

(28 ) (2Qü)

neither you by either can II tell 10U bl what ha authority nthor1tl l o t h s thi s . I do these things.

Jesus: Jesus·

r again n The grou group or Phariseesa withdraws litte way and oon confers Th of ?hariaec wlthdr s aa 11tt ursue nof. n ~. as to the best course of action to pursue tl In the me meantime the in initiative and ask Jesus t1me the Sadducees ad u,o ttake tll J

x,po trioky qu question hope will him to a.a trIoky t10n which hioh they hop 111 confuse hhim and expose

ridicule«. r1d1oule (While the Pharisees believed in the resurrection, the Sadducees did not because there was no indication of a resurrection in the written Law. (The Thorah) th r ore saysa tto JesusOne 0of the S Saducees therefore On ne

Sadducee: 11«. Sadd:c :

Master» Moses said: if a man die» having no children, his brother shall marry his wife. How there were with us seven brethren: and the first when he had married a wife» deceased and left his wife unto his brother. Likewise the second also» and the third» unto the seventh. And last of all the woman died also. Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven, for they all had her?

hoped tthatt JJesus would compromise If the Sadducees himself by o pro 1 e th Sad n


giving some clever answer the puzzling question they were disr ttoo th pu 11 qu tloA thy glv l 80 e 01 appointed. appointed.

them their er ed th m in a gentle manner, revealing IHe answereed v 1 th lr

abysmal ignorance. aby m 19nor o .

Je u Jesus:

You do err, not knowing the scriptures,• nor the power of God. SOT in the resurrection they neifcher marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God.

Then Pharisees them phar4 Ph rl h tthe young 0 h n 0certain rt in LLawyers 8 r and ((among 0 P


i8ee who They ) make known their 1 ho hhas been b n see'with Judas) 1 approval. r h are because 0of the defeat of the r pleased pl dbou hd f to h Sadducees and appreciate o

((290) C9 )

th the answer from Jesus: The pPharisees nrl ot r 00 f r c approach pp 0 after yet another conference Jesus once more and thi t h i s time they him a p i t i c a l question onc 1 poo l1t! oof u at! h Y ask hi national n tl0 1importance.•

ho qu tlon 0one of them says f1l att But bbefore asking the question t t e r1i n g l~-


5. • Pharisee:

Master, we know that you are true, and teach the way of God in truth, neither care you for any man, for you regard not the person of men. Tell us therefore: what think you, is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?

Jesus, however, and answersre lr subtlety ttheir tl r r, perceives


u : JJesus

Why tempt t you ou me? ?

66. . Pharisee: i

n doubt We do not tempt t you. ou t ourour• We are in 1 selves.

them«JJesus f appreciating the spirit of the pharlooooT asks th Show me a denarius. 1u •

Jesus :s

((A denarius was a silver coin. Such coins

were stamped with the portrait of the roman empsror and a superscription giving his name. Sometimes there was also another superscription saying that this coin was the emperor's property.) One 0of th the Pharisees hands him a denarius*• Showing them the h h ooin On 01 JJesus asks them. •


.«hose Image is this? 0

4. • Pharisee:

t Caesar's. •

Jesus looks at the col coin for a moment hands it back to t th 0 0 Jl and then t


owner .11 r saying1 tthe K S o

((£01) 1)

Jsu· Jesus;

"** A>Å~o



Kender 1 unto Caesar the tilings which are Caesar a; and unto &od the things that are God's. (It was a very clever question the Pharisees put to Jesus. If he answered in the negative it would be an oxTence to the Koman authorities« I - he answers (as he actually did) in the affirmative he would lotse popularity among all patriots« to whom it was humiliatiae to pay taxes to the Koman Tor ces« itff this reason they Telt deceived« XX they had nourished any hopes that the coming or Jesus would give them a National i^ejjiah these hopes were now definitely crushed« On the other hand Jesus was as good a patriot as any one and there could be no doubt of his nationalistic reelings and sympathy« But he was opposed to any insurrection against the Komansi? no was •apposed because he came as theffriaeeQ£ •ffeaoe and was In no way a Messiah w i f e — •a sword.

o^ &.<sC

hot tthat gives lv In a shot a bird's we see hair cof the In. they II 1 h m u! ltud g multitude gathered round JJesus as/Ea ieave# the place« And in a h rl r close up we see tthe Pharisees feeling triumphant and satisfied over 010 what t they have accomplished« and d tthe young pPharisee«•

r appears Judas up tthere IIn another close u

Judas has upon his x'ace a look or despair«

d the Pharisee walicing away together«• Jesus notices Judas and Je

ro thin«• The Jesus has grown undJ h orowd around z~ S ' of the orowd Jesus continues to denounce the Lawyers Regardless'of

1 and the Pharisees, to themnd th • saying

J Jesus:

Woe, unto you, you blind guides, which say: whosoever shall swear ay the Temple is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of o the Temple, he is a debtor« You fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold or the Temple that sanctifies the gold? And whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing, but whosoever swears by the girt that is upon it, he is guilty« You iools and blind, Tor whether is greater, the girt, or the altar that sanctifies the gixt.

((292) 29 )

d 0110 Judas We do not hhear v very this "because we 1:rollow and o 11 r muoh h 0of th

the young Pharisee. h 1 •

et the t The eexpression on Juda Judas1 face ro reflects r i Oll

ge h people»• general of the tfeeling 11 r

The n r h and d 1 toward a bench 1in one 0of the porches he ttwo 0 young men n walk sit it down. o ll. d 8 way. The he voice 010 0of JJesus u hhas faded •

Judas i a <iuite disheartened. h r 1t •

10 We l1 listen conversation. o ttheir ir 00 s n to d Judas:

1 What a disaster« t

nt · n o n "be 1 1 soon Young phariseetli he continues like that t 1it will .ith lm all over with him.

Judas:•• Jud

-1th all 11 0of us who are his disciple,. With 1 0 •

11 he addsAfter or while r a short Judasj

it were 1 lt r over. r. II wish

Young Pharisee:Are ou deceived? 0 : r you not ot answer.• 0 JJudas does

He just stares into space»•

h 1 1 Young Pharisee:I you» u. sI pity

o el h r1 At elder r Pharisees come 0 up»• t this moment two

ihe young Pharisee

0 o old r men "butt at in or order for the two older at th the same rrises ill r to make room

d time makes a sign to Judas 1 tto rremain sitting. • 1 1 r The young Pharisee introduces Judas to others, sayingtro u. i 0 the ot

((•**) 9 )

yYoung ph risee: u : This is Judas, • on© or Jesus» disciple...•

oclosely Q They Tor some minutes and, 1in truth,• d h :J look at Judas po 1 he does .not not make aa very appearance»• ry 1Imposing h

Then one of them asks

him in a sympathetic y vo1 th tic voicehi

ou still 11 his disciple? Are you 1

1. h 1 • Pharisee:

00 r r Judas looks at him 1in surprise. u •


The other goes o on, 1 • saying-

1 11. . Pharisee:

ou still Have you 1 faith 1in him? ?

Judas: :

((hesitating) )

11*. pPharisee! rl

...and no no? You doubt? b •••

yYes... •••


t Judas answers faintheartedlyud r

judas: Jud B

X hoped that he was th the one who would rer deem Israel.

1. · 11 1 • Pharisee:

t the one we are waiting 1 So,• he is not for or f.

2, ph Pharisee: 1 •• 2.

why don't 't you break with him??

no Judas does not answer. d 0 •

zl d 0over how lie is puzzled to act 0 t and whatt

tto say.• 1 t 00.0 1 u The P Pharisee, who 1is rreally t continues in a ll1 sympathetic,

tone of persuasion. on. Oll

rl 2. • Pharisee!

lu do you l1 listen to a man who has led you astray?

Judas does n not answer. do u 1 ly he rises, saying1 i t

1 He is wavering and 1irresolute. 01 •


(294) (294)

Judas:• 11

o• II must go«

He 1leaves hurriedly« 1. c ether« r. r him and then at each The Pharisees loo look after 0 elder 1 h two

One them saysn 0of th .p 0 The 1 h end is approaching» 11«. Pharisee: • t t the The soene dissolves softly nextt soene«• 0 1 1into

Commentary: •• nt

v nl That same evening the friends 0of JJewis in d a supper for him«• Bethany made

on standing 1in a niche A close up of a 1 long-neckedd alabaster flagon 1 u 1 in the h wall of one of the rooms in the house of Lazarus at Bethany«• We see

the hands 0of a young woman 11 lift 1it o out t 0of the niche«

1 IIt is

lc)u one of those flagons t age. were used for precious on whicht at that

perfums containing ointment 1 nt 0of spikenard«

A seal was »u put over the

mouth of the flagon« on. The hands belong to Mary, and by means of a true trucking shot 10 r 0 '" t we are able to follow to the door bl to 01 0 herr to or of another room where r the supper is held« S She remains standing at the door because Jesu3 1 is speaking«


We approach him and hear him sayingp Jesus: I say unto you: Wheresoever two are together, God is with them«

And wheresoever someone r,

is all alone I shall be with him« Martha is serving« 1 • LLazarus, his father, and the disciples are at the table with 1


1 are lying at the table, 1 All aceogaiaa to Oriental ouu»oui.

(£9ö) •

It was strictly against custom for a woman to enter a room where men were lying at table•

Therefore Mary hesitates before entering

but finally she overcomes her doubts. Jesus, these last days, has constantly spoken of his approaching death,

with her greater sens-

ItiYity and with a woman1 s intuition Mary was more capable perhaps than the men of knowing how near he was to his end.

perhaps she

would not be at his side when Death came and for this reason she had deolded to use this spikenard symbolically as an ointment. As soon as Jesus (as finished speaking Mary approaches him with the flagon in her hand.

All eyes follow her.

6he halts at

the side of Jesus, breaks the neck of the flagon, and pours the precious contents of the bottle over the head of Jesus, not drop by drop but all at once.

While she is doing this those who are present

held their breath in apprehension,

in great simplicity Mary accomp-

lishes the ceremony and in equal simplicity Jesus allows himself to be anointed. act.

All who are presant feel they have witnessed a sacred

That is all but one and this one is Judas. He is too profane

to be Impressed by this solemn ceremony.

Jesus, to his way of

thinking, is contradicting himself and once more giving proof of his inconsistency. the poor. this*

One day the teaching is; give all that you have to

The next day Jesus himself allows an extravagance like

The spikenard was worth 300 denaries and was equivalent to a

laborer«s wages for a whole year.

Judas cannot restrain his indig-

nation and says in a loud voiceJudas t

Why was not this ointment sold for 300 denaries and given to the poor?

Judas has taken the flagon out of the hand of Mary and points to it.

Then he flings the flagon into a corner of the room where it is


((ZU) 29 )

h Judas has not reproached deeply• ro h JJesus "butt Uary and she bblushes 0 Jud :/ . d She has acted Impulsively out 0or 10 love and nnow she 1is bl blamed v 1 tut c t ou Sh

and being h: humiliated, 11 • her r by sayingn JJesus defends


Let 0 t her r alone« •

Mary turn turns to toward r JJesus«•

why trouble you heVi

s her r d lights A faint n smile 0of gratitude

face no as hhe continues. 00 tl u. • Jesus:

1th ~o~ You have the poor always with you;: but me ot alwa; • you have not

And after he continues solemnlyon i n u r a pause Jesus:•.



our n or in tthat she has poured this o1nt ointment 1 t 0 h on my body,• she did it Tor my burial.

Mary b begins 1n to cry* r •


y ilary's proof In spite of his anger Judas is moved by of love 0 00 ov

and of Jesus» words, HOW he I S sorry that his h t hi r h gravity n by the temper got of him.• t ot the better t p

Ashamed of himself he approaches 0

Jesus forgiveness invites him to sit t ur of or n 1 it a 1lovely 1 gesture 0 ho with it J u who down o 11 at his hi side«• 1 The scene ends with a close up of the broken Tiamon«• u k 0 t

And it

dissolves into dl 01 1nt

c .n which o shows ho Judas walking The next scene nQ.j~ .u.c:> in 1 one n of Ol the porches o h •

h Court Co t of of o the 0 the th Gentiles« G t 1 •

In the beginning we see him in a close o

up but this slowly into thl changes 0 l1t a medium shot and then into a long o shot« ot .

He approaches of among them his young pro oh a group h o r o Pharisees, h 1

( 7) (297)


i d the ttwo elder ld r Pharisees ha 1 s tto whom his frin friend and friend has intro-

oon as they Clcatch sight of him they e day b"before. uoed hi or • As soon duced him tthe top him n h joins th stop him and he joins the group, The usual greetings arc exchanged*• 1 r rl 0 ( • 1 ) b 1 Then on of the t • Then one of the two elder ^h: rlsees (1* and £» Pharisee) begins r)



r a t1on.

the conversation, saying-

r1 e


le Pharisee:

1 0 u you are still clinging to him?



Z. z.

(ironically) h bitter (1 0 c 11 ) To 0 the r end?


Pharisee: har1

Judas does not answer. r. Jud

He has been humiliated so often for 0 the h

sake of Jesus that h t once more makes little difference,

%% Pharisee, 1

1 sympathizes with Judas, now who asks him,, saying1no h sincerely 0

2,• Pharisee: 1 ••

t II b 1 you believe him to be tthe Messiah? ou 3till 1 ?

Judast Ju


11. . pPharisee: r1

f he is the Messiah, he must prove Butt if • it, •


_or . Thatt is whatt II am waiting for, 1 1

4•# Pharisee: h 1

^or the pr proof? ~ 0


3, r 0 •c • A clear prow.

Young Pharisee: h 1

That he is the Son of God? 0

JJudas: d ••


h r1 It• Pharisee:

(Ironically) You have not been 11 waiting 1 lone enough?

u Judas: :

(after a pause) Why is he hesitating? 1 o not understand. That is what I do r


.( 8 )

11.. pPharisee: 1

u We ask the same question.

2«• Pharisee:

1 r Vie too desire h.i him to show us a sign from Heaven«'.

4. • phariseet

But ut hhe always re-fuses»•

5B. . pPharisee:••

(ironcially) I wonder if it t is because he lacks the power?


Oh - no. o.

1. Pharisee: 1

ou believe ) You 1 v ou believe, and you (fatherly) • not.

• r

o Think of all hi o mighty works. •


22, . Pharisee: ffor will we believe, except we see signs«•

S. Pharisee: • Ph rl 4, Pharisee: r1

t o I I ) But (sarcastically) t we will 3ee no signs«•

'or he 1is no 0 üesaiah« 0 prophet and no

Judas, who all the time has been watching Tor Jesus, 1 hi J d • suddenly

o 1 criesThere ~h r

Judas :

on« 011. 1«• Pharisee: r1 They rise«• rl h

he is, 1look hov/ the o crowd is rush1 rushing h 0 ho 0

Let 0 al30«• L t us go

Judas b: hurries away 1n in advance or the h r1 0 h others« •

0 ipe tto the next scene« '1 •

n i jomewhere in the oourt court 0of th the Gentiles Jesu3 is »peaking to tthe crowd«

1 Judas 1is standing between the other disciples and the

group of Pharisees, but there are many other Lawyers and Pharisees

mingling with the oro crowd« 1 d.

r . Many rrevolutionaries are also there,

rh ihey


s because b oe.u._ e he 1 are openly to h has refused r J t be their 'S hostile h tl1 to Jesus P f 1 ri cl 1 leader« pilgrims, especially those Iron Galilee, 8 1 1 r . But many of/the o •


believed a.rd gave him their support. 1 him or • b 11ev d in hi and

perhaps they remembered r

previous I omans had crushed pitilessly» pr lou rebellions re 1 on which h oh the t rh Pharisees ph lee b g1n their t e1 plot 0 a t 0 which hie The begin by asking Jesus a question J f e 1 he th y feel h will evadethey d -

Pharisee: Pha.

How long do you make us doubt? 0 th the uessiah, tell us plainly»•

even Je3us is/more energetic usual«• t n r tic than 1 J d e tio • authority which demands attention» h1 ut or

if you be

His on of 1 voice has a tone 0


I told you, and you believed not: the wprks that I do in my ?atherfs name, they bear witness of me» Though you believe not me,• believe ray worics: that you may know and believe, that the anther is in me, and I in him, I and my >nther are one.

y r: Lawyer:

Where is your rather? ?


You neither know me, nor my *ather; if you had known me, you should have known my i;her also. I an come in my rather» 3 name, and you receive me not, though the works, which the father has given me to inish, bear witness of me, that the rather has sent me.

.Q lame at tthe pool 0 d we notice 0 crowd the man who had bbeen IIn tthe o

n the man who had been born Of of Bethejida end r blind. 1 II •

Both of them are

•ager to testify to the power of Jesus»• 1 Y to


The lame: •

He made nie whole. •

The blindborn: 11 d my sight. : And 1^ received


h Lawyer who asked the last Jesus speaks tto the saying«t question, 1 1

(Z ) (£00)


You believe me not, because you are from Yo

p ar e Pharisee:

Who o are you?


Even the same that I 3aid unto you from the beginning, I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not waJUc in darkness but shall have the light of life, I say unto you: If a man keep my saying, he shall never 3ee Death,

beneath; I am from above; you are of this be world; I am not of this world. wo

Pharisee:: P

Hfow We know you are mad, Abraham is dead, and the Prophets, snd you say:«If a man keep my 3aying, he 3hall never taste of death".


ho Are you greater Abraham, who e t r than our father h is dead?


„horn make you yourse. h


I do nothing of mysell, i only do what II see a.r my father doing. But he that is of God hears God's words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God,


Are we not of God?


Nay, if God were your er, you would love me: but I know that you have not the love of God in you.

Pharisee: I

Are we not r1 right that you are mad?

Jesus: J

I am not mad; I honor my rather, and you dis« honor me. But who of you can accuse me of any sin?

t 1 Eevolutionary:Tell me whom you mingle with and I1*11 tell 1 you whet you do. p c revolutionary:You eat with publicans. o

10 • o goo with t harlots. Revolutionary:And you

( t;! Ql) (•Ol)

Some of the Pharisees make signs to the revolutionaries to keep silent.

And one of the Pharisees makes himself the spokesman

or them all» askingPharisee:

What sign showest ***•**-unto us?


Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

The Pharisees hurst out laughing, and one of them answersPharisee:

orty and six years was this Temple in the building, and will you build it up in three days?

They shake their heads in unbelie . But many of the people believed in him, manifesting their belief in shoutingpilgrim:

:ien Messiah comes, will he do more miracles than these which this man has donev


He raised Lazarus from the dead.

There is a division among the people concerning him and they all begin speaking at once. Voices:

Of a truth this is a prophet.


Ho, he is the Messiah.


lay» shall the Messiah come out of Galilee?


We know this man whence he is: but when the Messiah comes, no man knows whence he is.


c1 e to' d the th LLawyers s no 1 e tthe excitement When *-. notice or the h r l st ees pjnd n the th phari crowd, aro d, some ome of tthem e are

.f· earful ble and appeal to the Captain Ca .pta1n of tro trouble r 1 o£

of the o Iinterfere. nt r L' r • r to h Temple 1 guard

~o llo cl We theau and e e follow b ~ Pharisees

p listen the Captain. ent with 11 11 n to their argument •


Pharisee: har

ou seize this man?? Why don't you 113 do

Lawyer? y r L

t1 r1 Don't you see ho how he is stirring up the people?

Captain: t 111 C

1 1 That would mean .f1 righting and killing» 0 •

pointing to 0 himself and the remple police who erowa. around hia o!nt he continuer:~ on lnu h


Captain: • t

11 • e they who0 would be killed» JLnd fiA we aare

Pharisee: h 1

.pO bl .J..or We'll Tor that» 1 hold 01 you responsible t•

Captain: C

And I'll 1 answer to it. •

We follow these Pharisees and Lawyers baok to the crowd surround1 ing Jesus«•

o n more r vehemently h n 1 than ever» e • The discussion goes on

u Jesus

bl b 1 1 Ju is just about to tell a parableJesus;:

I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd /es his life -.'or the sheep» Therefore does my cather love me» because I lay down my life for the sheep»

1 Voice:

) Kow lon^ shall we yet suffer r (scornful) you?

r o not 11 Jesus does listen tto the shouting but t 0continues his remarksk jesus:

Yet a little while I am with you, and then I go unto him that sent me» You shall seek me and shall not rind me: and where I : thither you cannot come.




Ph,-- 1 c e put their t air heads h ,ads together to t er and tallc The Pharisees t t 1 among them-

s 1 esselvespharisee; ari ea .

o rind Whither will go, that we shall not i l l he eo. tl him?

Phsrisee: Ph r1 ee :

h kill Will he 1 himself? hi 1

d i As before, Jesus does not listen« • r '.

1 He la absorbed orb in whatt he is

sayingJesua: J

Yes, therefore does my ather love me, because I lay down my lire. Mo man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself•

i t great solemnity« with .pO JJesus has spoken

o he changes his tone Now on

Ars and his thought as he address/the Pharisees,• sayingd

d h1


I speak that v. hi eh my rather said unto me, and you should do the same»

Lawyen L

Our lather is Abraham»• t


If you were Abraham1 s children, you would do the wcrks of Abraham* But I say unto you that Abraham, whom you call your rather, re« t1oiced to see my day; and he saw it and was glad.

Pharisee: h 1

You are not fifty yara oold, and you have • seen Abraham?

JJesus: u ·

I say unto .you, was born, I o ,bbefore r Abraham b or I am»

1 i 1 n among tthe people on Again there in th r 1is a division o t 0of these II aooount

yl sayings» • Revolutionary: .hy, hear you him?

ol : He is mad«• Revolutionary:

But 1 But some oof th the pil pilgrims him, ddefended nd hi . saying-

(30 ) (804) J

Th e a.r or These are not th the words or a madman. o

Pilgrim:: P11gr

pro om rrevolutionaries volutlonarl h v approached In the have a heap h meantime some h P p1 build! 1nt n.dd for or rrepairs oof the Temple of stones intended building.• ton o Other are shoutingoth r rrevolutionaries olution 1 hout! }evolutionary: yYes, stone ton hi him. ••

h Temple. olu 10 ry: H prof a.n1 Revolutionary: He 1is profaning the p1 •

bl e olution r : He 1Is blaspheming d. Revolutionary: CrOd.

r tly 0calm. lm. is pperfectly JJesus 1

1 • hhe tur ho would oul Unafraid, turns to thos those who

stone to him» hi . You seek to kill my word has 11 me,• because b ea.u 1.11 beau OU. no place in you. Ånd because II have told truth. you the truth.

JJesus: :

ho have on for v gone tone no The who the stones now return Tol t10n 1 t n h rrevolutionaries or th d up ov with them 11 lifted in their hands over r their heads.• 0 0of JJesus hnh But hr 1is no0 fear 1n in th the face he 1is speaking t there u when

to th themmMany good works or have I shown you from my or ou Moh 0of those works do you rather, for which ? stone me?

: JJesus:

ht between n th rl There the revolutionaries volutl0 and d th the p11 pilgrims Th r 1is a fight 1

pr v nt th ho would 1 ton. • oul prevent th who them from thro throwing the stones* 0

ot th r



th 1 '1 h During the fight


some of the revolutionaries shoutRevolutionary: not, but for vo utl0 : jtorr a good work ork we stone ton you not. or , bblasphemy. l 8 h r41. Revolutionary: you,. b being a man,t make volutl0 1: And bbecause 0 U tthat t IOu 1 lOur 1 Go . yourself God.

(30 ) (205)

1 hheight 19ht and d with it power po raises himself his full and i e him 1 to oh! JJesus r authority In hi his volo voice hhe saysuthorit 1n 1Jjesus: :

Verily, I say unto you: all these things shall come unto this generation, 0, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you that kills the prophets, and stones them which are sent unto you« Behold your house left unto you desolate, and verily I say unto you: you shall not see me henceforth, till you shall say: Blessed is he that comes in the name 0of the Lord.

10 r ro 0 the 0officers Once more and LLawyers 1 or some 0of the Pharisees Ono '3 r approach

ot th T


1 of the Temple-guard, saying-


Pharisee :

n 0 0 hi 0 no p t Why do you not put an end to this?

1 r: Lawyer:

ho h 1 thr t o Y u not h u ? Do you not hear how he is threatening us?


t ic r 0 11 t hi ru th On One 0of the 0Officers cannot hide his true feelings and he says1 r: 1.0 1.Officer:

r spoke man 11 Never like thl this man*•

h 1 J Pharisee:

((with 1 t rll loo ) Are you 0 1 0 mislead? ? a stern look) also

La rs Lawyer:

1 0 account You'll 00 0 t for t You*11 be 0called to that«

hs.rl Pharisee:

l1 on Do we believe on

2. Oftl0 Officer: r: 2.

p • No, not o ' you but the people.

Lawyer: rl L

p 0»1 who p1 • ah*• The ho know not the The people, h people ur Law are acursed«•




him? ?

v already notl0 d thatt ro 1 r By means ot of lnt intercalated scenes we have notioed B

roman soldlers and in the nearby Eoman fortress t r dOofficers quartered 0on 1 Antonia observe what is going in the Court of the 0 ton! watchfully 0

Gentiles. The C Captain is filled with indignation* pt G ntl1 • Th lth 1.041 t10n.

And as it does 0


p r that to the disnot appear h Temple-guard will t the 111 do anything 0 end hi II th

orders, the Eoman Captain sends soldiers the mob* or nd some r • th 0 01 1 r to0 disperse C 0 r th ob.

(306) (306)

Ug c:~ng to down the place 1 shot hot th pl c where h r JJesus 1is speaJcing In a do Jl angle

the multitude 1 it d 1is seen. n. th JJesus:

We hhear Jesus tin! finishing hi his tallcYou believe not, beoause you are not or my sheep« My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And II give unto them eternal life.

alpl 1leave e. r thl u and his 1 disciples After this le Jesus the place* »1 0 • d disputing 1 put1 t1 t and hat But the ore crowd rremains, debating, what t th m in. discussing, 1 an 1 »d

has bbeen n said« id. h Roman 0 o d1 old1 r are descending or th Suddenly 1t it 1is rumored that. the soldiers Sud

do n from Antonia dl ton1 to th G ntl1 the staircases leading down the Court 0of th the GentileJ t ira 8 1 th


1 p r and little time th the crowd has dispersed* d in 11 tl or no tl

n the h Romans om When

0 ocompletely p1 t . 1 deserted, and th y find ind th arrive they the p1 place they n to rrl 3 rreturn • d th

qu t r • their th l r quarters.

The do down-angle its P pavement Th 1 shot of the deserted rt d place 1 a with lth 1t v nt of 0 nsoftly qu r stones i ton olv ll • square dissolves/Into the nextt O scene«

• Dur1 During th the seene-shifting the following 1is heardn - hi tl th h dCommentary: C 1

The riotous incidents in the Court of the Gentiles were soon known about in the palace of the High-priest, who fearing reprisals on the part of the Roman Governor pilate, summoned his privy council to meet at once. *

Th plo 0of C 1 ph • The The palace Caiaphas. "tablinarium". h "t blln rium" . We 11 listen the following t n to 0 th


The h privy r1v:J council. oouno1l •

t h1 on pilate 11 t will 1 1 taJce away 1* Chief-priest: If we 1let him alone rlvl 1 8 v 1left. t. the few privileges we have

(307) (307)

ar 0of what ond r whether h t has f prie t: II wonder h ther h 2« Chi Chiefpriest: he 1is aware 2. . ben h pp n1 been happening«• Clap Caiaphas:

rtal,D. he Is* be ocertain You 0can be 1 •

fpri t: L 2. Chiefpriest: Let 2. Ch! t us go and tell pilate whatt we Jcaow and we shall at least be clear ourselves and .Qot not have his wrath upon us* Nioodemus: 100d u :

1 1 we maJce ourselves 1 ? Shall his spies? Sh

Pharisee: h rl ••

1 h h we do not always agree with Even though o n Jesus, he 1is after all one or our own people«

Joseph of A«: h ot .: 10

J • And a good Jew«

Gamaliel: G 11 1:

ot Of oour course

oCaiaphas: i ha.:

r as possible. As far 011 •

111 stand t we will uup for or him« hi •


bl t o 1 p rv t enters» nt r t hhanding dl A servant a wax-tablet toeCaiaphas« • sayfing-

rva.nt t Servant:

h Governor. Go rnor. A message from the

t and d rreads d 1 Caiaphas untl unties th the tabl tablet it«• C Caiaphas: :

Then he sayshnh

t d at ono b n 1 ht have been I am wanted once, • as might et expected«•


100 ph of Arimathea, He point points at 1« Ch1 Chiefpriest. and 10 Joseph r1 t, Nioodemus, 1 th t 1. R


1 sayIng-

Calaphas: C 1 pha. :

you, 1th me«• You» you, you go 0 with d 30U Ut and


h oo.ntlnu nln to the others th And he continuesd tturning

Caiaphas:•• C

you You had better • s t ta y un until baoic 11 we oome b 0 0 in port t in acase we have to to ttake any 1Important otlon. action«

0110 Then he 1leaves tthe roo room followed by 1. 1« Chi Chiefpriest, Nioodemus, hllh t rl 100

and Joseph rl d 30 h of Arimathea« h •

(2108) (208)

1p to th Wipe the next xt scene« en .

• no in tthe ppalace 0or Herodes. Pilate his rre sidenoe pil t has h1 B 0 • d as a reception ion roo Calaphas enters what 1is u used room»• nt r 1 p 0

pil t 1is pilate

la! t laid r tar! ho ha om secretaries talking with his oh chancellor who have J just o llor andd some tal lth hi

pyru on a table. bl • some rolls 0of P Papyrus roll 0 1 in. The is of Koman o origin» h furniture 1

p made out of silver 1l r 011 Oil 1lamps

00 and lighted is burning in the warming pans. t e and oharooal 1 pan • d bronze br cllZ are 11

s place pl 0 between pilate, Calaphas. The conversation which takes h oonv r 1 P t and his thr three counsellors 1is held in the Greek language. 1 dh1 •

on e of Jesus To P Pilate the 0case is only a matter routine, one th r 0of routln T 1 J

0 d 1it 1is soon oon a forgotten or ott .n r similar 1 11 among hundr hundreds 0of oth other oases and

episode. pi od •

c Iv pilate. who he has justt rreceived from one ho has a slip i 0of ppapyrus P 11 t

0 of

th 0 t 1 • lnvlt 1 h- r1 t and the three OOUA 110r the secretaries, invites tthe High-priest counsellors

' 1. facing in standing to sit h He rremains himself, them while speaking« o n. H t dlng him it down. 01

Pilate: te: P11

b 0 u e of this... thi ••• It 1is because


pyru ill th 11p ot He studies the slip of Papyrus in hi his hand and oontinuestu ·i

Pil t I Pilate:


••.Jesus of Nazareth I have summoned you*••• You think probably that I know nothing of what is going on in this City but believe me I do. The men in my service are neither blind nor deaf. This...

onsult the h slip 11 of 0 paper, before or oont! He must again consult continuingu Pilate: Pl1 t I

..,Jesus of Nazareth has for months been carefully watched. Nothing is hid from me and I am fully informed.••(emphasizing) This man must be put away before the feast;

(309) (309)

time. IIt t 1is high t1 e. tood stood?

I'll run no risks. rl k . UnderUn r-

After aa short hort s11enc loodemu speaks, p silenoe Nioodemus • y I sa.y e words? s1 May say a few

Nicodemus: Nlcodemu

Pilate nods as assent. pil te nod ent .

a You are mistaken if you tthink he 1s is acting uthorltl • seditiously against the Roman authorities. Ith polipo11He has never had anything to do with tics.

Nioodemus: loode u :


tic . 11g1ou fanatic. Joseph of A.:: IIf thing hhe 1is only aa rreligious ph ot t any th1 10


Pilate: pil t

tic are 1 ng rou • fanatics always dangerous. r

Caiaphas: Ca! ph

II agree, but in my opinion the best thing to do 1is to leave him alone for a while. We hhave v "been provoked by him ourselves but we ffeel e1 that in time the people will turn away fro from him and he will be forgotten. n. He has already lost some of his popularity. it •

Pilate: Pil t •

0110 r have hailed 11 His followers Hi him as a King. Xi •


1.Chiefpriest:He has n never proclaimed hi himself 1.Chi efprl tzB ha r proolai 1 a king. •

pil Pilate: :

b not . To-day o- d Maybe not. the people follow him. him. 'Toorro th y force him to follow them. To-morrow they T t 1is- th ........_... ~ .. That the ddanger. I know who the people are th that ar t tfollow 110 him.

Caiaphas: Ca! p

m• . He 1 i 10 tl t him. You over-estimate is a visionary» • a dreamer. r.

Pilate: 11 t :

Dreaming o of a Kingdom.

Nicodemus: loodemu :

do ot A Kingdom of Go God, not a political 011 10 1 kingdom plrltu 1 kingdom. but a spiritual

Pil t : Pilate:

(frowning) To me a kingdom is a kingdom, and n 1 a king is a king. To me this man is a rebel. •

(310) (210)

lood Nicodemus: :

hay no proofs proo of, that« th t . You have of

Pilate: P 1 t ·

He B is 1 a suspect u peot and that is enough* It is Is my will that he 111 h he b arrested and handed d d over ov r to me m before b or the th feast; that means not later 1 t r than han tomorrow to orro night.

Caiaphas and his counsellors Caiaph hi three thr ooun 110r are startled, 1 d. they loss for words. t a 10 th '3 are at • Caiaphas: C 1 ph ••

j?or or a moment

p ak and saysCaiaphas C 1 h s finally speaks y -

h t 1is 1impossible. p 1b • But Bu that

arrest 11,Chiefpriest:To . 1 fpri rr at him hi in broad bro d daylight d 11 t - that t t would oul mean fighting and blood bloodshed. 1 htlng andd killing kill! h

11 t : Pilate:

Then at night? nights?

iood u: Nicodemus:

In Bethany. B t •

11 •• Pilate:

Then take him there. T n ta th r •

10 d Nicodemus:

111 not be b easy It will lay y to 0 1 Y hands on Oll him there th r either. t r.

Pilate: Pi1 t

Why? ?


• He has many friends in Bethany; thoy will warn him and he'll escape into the deaert. •

Where does he spend r 0 h .n his hi

.u.c;;w....- g

Caiaphas: C ph

Why iaust he be handed over to o you to-morrow instead o of a more convenient ttime?

Pilate: 1 t J

Because I have received reliable information tio that the pilgrims have planned a public ddemonstration in his favor.

Caiaphas: C 1 h ••

((sincerely Ino r 1 astonished) oni h ) when? hn

•• Pilate: Pil

the first the feast, the dday On th l r t dday y 0of th r t. th I after tomorrow. to orr •

C 1 »h Caiaphas:

pr! That is a surprise to o me.•

((Fil) 11)

pl1ate: Pilate:

Not to me. e . II am even aware that they have planned to set the Temple on Tire« But I'll wait on you until tomorrow night. \ t you have not delivered him over to me by then I'll take the matter in my own hands.

C 1 ap p hhas: Cai s:

against our t r e a t y , &JL. Th i n t -t:ft:t~~~~ Thatt 1i s ag

P11at Pilate:

Not i n ca casee oft rr ebb e111on l l i o n••• ... o in

Nicodemus: !flood u.:

t hhe 1is not a rrebel« b 1. But

AX^X^L <*>JZ


that hhe do r th Pilate pretends does not h hear the 1 last rremark ar from Nico100pr t nd that t Pil 1 pha • sayingdemus turns to C Caiaphas, dem us andd turn 11 Tomorrow night. o orr n1 ht.

11 Pilate:


nt nd doi Joseph doing to him? 0 1 ? 1> of A«:. Whatt do you Iintend Pilate: Pil t

work or It ll make short/of or /O f it. 1*11 t. la ? him.. What else? hi

For there hi th r 1is a deep silence. 11 r a while •

o do0 and say.• what h t 1is best b t tto

To cross with o tthe or Ith

Caiaphas is thinking of C 1

The others await h r excitedly xol t h ot it his decision. 01a10ll.

pe At t llast a t hhe speaks. • Caiaphas: Ca.l ph

~.~I:nlll ~nt 1 We have always tried tto 00 come to trl o an agreement th you« you. with

pil t Pilate:

h r there r 1is a will 1 th r 1is a way. Where there •

Caiaphas: C 1 P 8. :

In this case also we will act in good faith. We will issue an order that all who know where Jesus is must ini'orm us and then the Temple gwffd will be able to take him alone. /

Nicodemus look at eaoh other 14 in surprise. 1 o P of Arimathea o leo u and Joseph pr1 • They h Y are ttroubled. ou 1 d.

11 t shrugs h Pilate his shoulders as if to o say:•• 'It 1is nnot my business u 1

(312) (212)

but your n and th n hhe speaksspea ... yours" then

pPilate: 1 t

1r it. it As you de desire

Th n Pilate pi1 t Indicat 1 ne 1is at s Then indicates that th the au audience at an end. end. Ca1ap Caiaphas

and the three counsellors llor 1leave v the roo • room. 1pe to the ne en • Wipe nextt scene.

(A -fair appraisal of the/personality and character or pilate is'possible if the contrast between the Koman and Jewish conception or the relationship between the state and individual is taken into consideration. To the Romans the state was or supreme importance, to the Jew it was the individual. It will also help in understanding the condemnation of Jesus by Pilate if an analogy is seen in events of our own time. As a Koman Governor pilate was guilty of the same kind of corrupt conduct as were the governors Hitler sent to the European occupied countries; in brutal and reckless fashion each was quick to suppress any signs of rebellion by the people, pilate too acted under the pressure of a maniac. The philosophy of Law he was ordered to follow was this: better let ten innocent people die than let one guilty person escape. All historical evidence agrees in characterizing pilate as a hard and uncompromising man whose suspicious Nature always obeyed his reason rather than his feelings. He possessed the Koman conqueror's contempt for the conquered people, and in addition to this he abhorred the Jewish mentality and spirit which was as different from the Koman as the Orient ^rom the Occident, The Jews1 eternal meditation on religious problems, their JPUI fanaticism, their ritualism, their hatred everything which was un-Jewish - all this no doubt had aroused his antipathy as had their religious excitement. He was too much the intellectual and too unimaginative to appreciate the Jew. His condemnation of Jesus must be seen in the light of these facts.)

r3 1~ 1Z))

e ot The hou turn Trom ro house of C Ca laphas. his thr three companions rreturn • He and hi th etl 1 tho ho have been l at l.or t t PPilate* n waiting 1 the m meeting with All those who for them ~

a oaroely re can oan scarcely restrain excitement.• tr lnl\our 0 lty and Aouriosity z"~

et is for ir t act or the th er they have entered the roo After room the first lve him an 1 a oorlborgnT give n order. order High-priest High-pri st to ccall 1 pha • Caiaphas:

th t all 1 who ho know Write a commandment that where 0 r 1 it so poll 0 0 that h t tthe police Jesus is shall reveal may take him.

r1t The «oribe-starts writing 1immediately. mad! t l Ye

In n tthe meantime the

Coua ellors discus it tlon Counsellors discuss th the situation. pPharisee:

((terrified) rrlf'l )

Ca1 p s: Caiaphas;

(sneering) You understand nothing. Can't you 't IOU to see, that the commandment is a warning to Jesus. The wisest thing he can do is too take the hint and flee, oross the border.• The n he will be safe and we and the Romans will be rid of him.

Lawyer: r-

s tr o bl we have v with The 1less trouble lth him tthe better. b tt r .

G all 1 Gamaliel:

And if i f JJesus doesn't 11 ht. n ' take to flight.

eCaiaphas: iap

11 1 be hi t will It his own n fault. ult. 0 01 no • conscience.

;$"a- ...~

o 0 • But thi this means tthe cross.

We have a clear 01


O ;;;]

, ha l 1 rit! tthe commandment and Th The ooribehas ffinished writing it n places 0 it b or Caiaphas. before C 1 •

Ith his signet 1 t r1 With ring,, or a special signet, Caia1

1 undern phae put th t the phas puts the seal underneath - at time setting h same tl ttin tthe seal upon th s. the :tat fate ot of Jesus. 1 Ith a 01 d 1it dissolves 1 and o n ends nd with The scene close up 0of tthe seal 1 01 Th

o n • softly o tly into the ne nextt scene. During the scene 0 shifting i tl ollo 1 iis heardDuri tthe ffollowing r -

((214) 31 )

Co nt r y : Commentary:

8. tthe h High~priestT3 commandment That very day ent was as iissued, U J and in order not to exposee his friends Bethany to any danger i ends Iin n B th er Jesus spent sp ut night olive grove onthe the n1 ht in I n an 01 nth Mount ount of of' Olives,. His disciples were with him and the Olives 1 dl 01 th hi of tthe place name or h pl a e was Gethsemane.•

ount of Olives 1 v o On tthe h e slope lope of the Mount of olives 011 e is is tthe grove on oooa ion would a ld spend the night« here Jesu nd hi clp1 where Jesus and his dl disciples occasion rd n of ethi::jC,"L1f:.UoL~ called of Gethsemane« IIt t was as oall e the Garden

11 d by aa wall IIt was surrounded

in which tthere was a gate« I n whioh h r gat •

q: ar white eu l ed by the h gat hit hu Just gate wa was a ssquare house o occupied Ju t inside tthe t or d in tthe grove gvt trrnor 4 During the dday P people as we follow opl worked d e. rav and 011 0 his disciples walking through tthe garden we n notice 1 alpl o c the JJesu« and hl tools and the workers have oil-press, av 1left: tool 11 th d utensils t 1 , the t ft: tthe oil-mill, 011- r 8 •

'or th , mortars, drawing water for the water-pipes, large and 1 tthe h wheel for dr t r - pl r r small b k t e. ss l a , and baskets« m 11 vessels, Jesus the garden and we follow 1 ol ple enter th t 0110 them. J sua and his disciples m r s Their because of th the tur turn of i r t are somewhat t depressed :f events« i r spirits Th nt • II thoughts and to out him Jesus lostt in hl his o own 0 have about hi an aair lr of 0 su seems 10

sadness« dn •

He rrealizes hour 1is approaching«• l 1z tthat h t his ho

looking ~for they 1 walk 11 c , 1JO or a place where th They all 1 iin n silence, :I can C lie down« o n. 11

Ne:.t tto peter, o Jesus walJof 1 t , JJacob, Andrew, and John« John


path right hioh crowns 0 ht 0over against the Temple which 110 1 1is r1 II p tb they h Y are following the gr great City«. 0 e t walls et 11 of . r the h Holy th

The mountain fortress on the other r

side contrast tr oontr t r and strength, is a strange Id 0of the valley al l y, lin n iits t power the P pastoral 1 d 0of tthe 1 • Suddenly John he valley« 0 e n on tthis side t 1 scene ttoo th stops at among tthe The e trees« tr r 1 t a glade 1 t op walking.• They Th Y hhave arrived of th the ol1v olive tr trees ound alovelyy view 1 v e place a frame 0of lace around 1leaves 0 0of

City. the sight of all th the^e walls of tthe h Holy 01 C1t • At th ~ 1 and building 1 1 0

(3 5)

ord or JJesus bear DB in mind tho u constone and thosee stern stern words massive ston." an bearing n-


eh 1 , Y ou 1 cerning th the priesthood your house is left oern! r i thood and the Temple: 1 t e »1 • "Behold, ,s Jesus,sayingohn turns to o Jesu unto you desolate", de olate" John John:

J ohn

Master, see what manner of stones and what e hat r 0 on t buildings are r e here. h r

y and answers at th l oo 0 Jesus the- Boll Holy C1 City solemnlyeau looks r

Jesus:: le

d Behold, the days will come, in the whioh h there shall not be left one stone upon another$ that shall not be thrown down,

Peter: p t r:

Master, be? 11 these things b st r . when h n shall hi


When you shall see Jerusalem compassed with ru 1 e desolation thereof a. the armies, then know tthat is nigh«

Peter: Pet er :

d what hat sign will there bbe when h.n these h And things ha.ll co e to pass? shall come

Jesus;. Jcsu

The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall Tall Trom Heaven. When you 3ee these things come to pass» know you that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Then you shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven.

lJacob: a cob :

Butt before,.. b :t r •

interrupts hia1Jesus 1nt r Jesus:••

But before all these things happen they shall lay hands on you and persecute you, and you shall be hated o of all men for my name's sake.


b t th t 0 h 1 0 10n 0 urro Ith an With an expression oZ sadness he looks about the faces surround1 hi m, and th n h cont1 n ing him, and then he continuesJJesus:

But if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you, and if they have persecuted me, the,/ will also persecute you. They shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and they who kill you

(31 ) (316)

h y d o God service. Butt will thinJtc that tthey do . d re to o th he that endures the end, 11 n t the same shall o be saved. In J~our jour ppatienee you tl ne pposeess ou your soul •

1 c 1 it down own with f tthe h disciples 1 y he Some of sit heavy hearts ts bbutt Jesus e u

mai n standing»• remains c n o tthe nx Th The scene dissolves softly iinto next scene«• 1 sol

hi Da.r o n shifting During tthe soene tthe following is heard.n Commentary: 0 1: And the next morning the High-priest's t' command ient was read aloud in all Synagogues. By order of Pilate Jesus «as made an outcast among hi3 own people.

We see the written commandment, written in Hebrew and with the seal of the High-priest. Two hands hold it and by means of a at the same time super-imposition we see/The document and the Synagogue-ruler who is reading it aloud. The scene dissolves softly into the next scene. During the soene shirting the following is heardCommentary:

On this day which was the day of the unleavened bread Jesus sent two of his disoiples to Jerusalem to prepare the Passover for the Law bid that the paschallamb should be eaten within the walls of the Holy City, and Jesus would not flee from his destiny.

The h garden r n 0of Gethsentane. e

By means ot we see an 0of a truoicing shot

ten o of tthe dl disciples lying fa3t clp1 st a.asleep. 1 •

Continuing ont1 .. ~ tthe gliding 1 \Ao ....

movement come to JJesus who peter 0'1' nt we 00 ho has Just 11 u t called t r andd John and

(31 7) M.7)

l vl th i nstruot! no now in a 10 low volc voice 1is giving them instructions. •



Go and prepare re o r that we may eat. t tthe Passover

Peter: t r:

'0 d yo re'p v us prepare 1it? Would you· have

Jesus: J SUB

Behold, when you are entered into the City» Cl there shall a man meet you, hearing a ... u v . pitcher of water; follow him into the house, where he enters in.


John John:~

iis tthat house? o e Whose

pretends the question o on, sayingJJesus u pr t nds not tto hear r tb u 1 n and goes

Jesus: J u:

And you shall say unto the good man of the house: 'The Master said: my time is at hand.• r I will keep the Passover at your house. Where is the guest cha mber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?"

ot conceal on hi JohnjWho his astonishment, asksJohn , ha cannot 0

JJohn: ohn:

i l l let us keep tthe passover r at his And he will nous

Jesus: J su ·

He shall show you a large,• furnished upper r room; there make ready.

1 he ttwo 0 disciples 1 clpl The silently leave the grove« o •

returns n to JJesus U

.p 1 tthe he ot er ddisciples clpl ho are still sleepin, other who •

o 1 intol ntoh scene 0 n 1 01 The dissolves softly

ru -u.llt~UIIllent. h foot oot 0of a PPapyrus-document. a nnew wscene, o n . showing the

IIn n. a vvery rl

1 n 111t l t 010 oof pilate, 11 t t his hand carrying the intimate close up we see the signet t

signet, wax-seal. 1. t 1 n t. and the


th o n shifting hi tl the following 1is hheardDuring the scene 1 do ent ry · Commentary:

On the same day pllate put his seal to an order of the day forbidding the jews from holding any meetings and assemblages except divine services in the Temple and the Synagogues, Ho crowding in the streets or the market places would be tolerated, The Roman rounds were doubled and no more than three persons were allowed to walk or talk together

01 o 1y iinto 0 the e nnext scene« Th 0 n ot h seal dissolves The soene of tthe softly n •

at which ~hl0 h Holy City the water n r the t r enter Y th t r gate 011 Cl Y by John and peter opens 0 n

dlng do n tto th f Gihon. 1hon. 1 of to leading down the well th 1 0 a path

The watera e -

r in. i y used 0 t d this h rn partt of 1 t h Sout carriers Southern the City ordinarily o rr1 r from the C . t • gate.

It was women's n'

p o 1 r work ork to carry r and 1t rr water particular it was not

on by men. customarily cu t o r 11 done

rrl h r head tthe pi ch r on her d A woman o carried pitcher

oul r 1 while it u_>on his shoulder. hi1 a man ccarried •

er for rather er It was therefore

1 r and when it happened it was unusual water 1 to a 0 see a many carrying

s hou 1 most of a rich household. 0 h man's 0 1likely 1 11 to be p. servant or a slave 01 • 1 00 .at 0of a man carrying i 0 1 The soon caught sight a J jar h ttwo 0 disciples r on

his shoulder. r. hi

him. i 110 V/ithout accosting him tthey followed him.

twipe ip tto the n on . nextt scene.

l ber- y rd. A street, occupied by a ttimber-yard. str et, one on side 1de 0of which hie 1is oooupl

r car r ! r from ~r o h dl al'pl 011 1 t The disciples follow the water carrier a distance. • I p to 0 th xt scene. 0 n • Wipe the n next %

(319) (S19)

quent d. s .frequented. Another street 1 less

fh d1 cip 1 seen The disciples axe again

still ffollowing ollow1 the water-carrier t r-c ri r fro 1 from aa distance. round d by walls, 11, On rd surrounded One aide side of of the street street 1is aa oourty courtyard 1 buildingr 11""""",,,~ Inside of th the gat gate to th the rlght right and to th the 1left In id of ft are small used us d ffor or storing wine« in

IIn n th rd we e see e casks of wine» the courty courtyard 1n.


the middle mlddle of th Is a larg the oourtyard courtyard is large bul1d1n building ...... shaded over by old ~._"d 0 r bl 0 trees. tree • servant, notloi noticing th thatt he 1is followed two turns to 0110 d bby t o men, n . turn The servant, John them k him1them questioningly questioningly andli and/asks john: John:

h r Is Where is th the goo good man o of th the hou? house?

Servant: S rvant.

Come with Co Ith me.•

nt r the hou He enters house,• fo110 followed by th the disciples, and we follow ad b3 0110 i cl 1 H them. them.

b r of th the members the :f family the servants are busily d th r r IInside, n Id • th t 111 and 111

preparing the Pas Passover One of hioh ttakes place la.o tthatt same evening. pr parl th so'\' r which v nl • On 0 the servants preparing th the Ch Charoseth, bitter ond , ro th, a compound of bl t r almonds, th rv ts iis prepari nuts,, fig figs, dates, cinnamon, other d oth r things. other servant is • da.t e s, 01 nuts ont and • Another r washing herbs. Others are working at the oven, bbaking the • Oth r or shing the bitter herb th

ened bre d, ccalledTTMazzot", 11 d ~or unleavened bread, for in th the LLaw.• A. A servant unlea azzot n • as ocalled rv at 10 v B out of th n. the :!l flat loaves the 0oven. 1is ttaking th

All thl this 1is seen only 1.0. in n

passing. pe. s1 •

Th rvant 1leads d th 0 disciples 1 olpl to th The sservant the ttwo the goo goodman o of th the house, hou

or th ho Is 'pp! in for who is ttapping wine the even1 evening.•

rl 1 t seeing H He 1 is sur surprised at the

1 t 0 d1 alpl • P t r p to h1 • two disciples, peter speaks to him, saying-

Peter: P t r'

"The Master said; my time is at hand -- I I h r will keep the Passover at your house. Where th is the guest chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?"

(320) (2£0)

Th brighten and d he answersana r The fao face ot of th the goodman brightens

Goo Goodman:

rTell 11 th ast r th the Master thatt hhe iis welcome* lcome.

pp ntly th an 1is on f th oret dl clple of Apparently the goo goodman one of the m many secret disciples JJesus. •

b en warned rned by so eon that U and his He h has probably been someone that JJesus H

d1sclpl oul sp nd th ru al an ho h it was 1 S disciplesa would spend the night in In Jerusalem and though ddangerous r u to do so 0 h a rready a· to reo ive hi he was receive him.•

The h situation itu t on rer -

und rground movement ov nt in th mind minds us of of th the underground the oooupied occupied aoUA countries rf of

Europ ar . Europe duri during th the 1last at war.

Tho e who ho belonged b 10 d to the th und rground Those underground

never or shelter. n r aasked k d in vain for ah 1 r.


goo b ekoD the beckons them to 00 come with him, sayingIth him. The goodman 1 Goodm Goodman:

ho you; r-roo • you; II have large upp upper-room. v a lar I'll show

0110 th id Md olpl The two disciples follow the goodman out outside and olimb climb an outer out r t 0 dl

staircase the "upper-room" the roo roof. upp r-roo n on th • ta1ro a to th

By u 1 out Ide using this outside thi

staircase Jesus come and go un unseen by thoe those 0of th the hou household. hold. ould 00 n b us would t 1re e Je They the room. h Y enter nt r th 00.

It 1is ""furnished" as Jesus has said.• The d d1 h • The 1 ith vessels, t with cups,• and dishes. lamps p rtl set 1 • cup ttable ble 1is partly P are

roo b sin for or hand-washing* fill d with Ith 011. n of t filled oil. In a 00 corner of the room 1is a basin thi Is x1>l 1nl o th h so n dissolves 1 01 hi1 th 00 While the goodman is explaining things to them the scene so 1y into softly

** to pr th the ne nextt scene, the "d "day 0of or order",/which in a th en. rreprecenting r". /Whioh we 1n en the hand 0 pr cen hhave ve seen 11 t put. preceding seen hands 0of pilate put hi his seal. we c d1 • Now

nt in fUll ize . see document fall size« e the docum

n in Latin, L tin, Gre d written Greek,• and IItt 1is wrltt

Hebrew, r • H

oen shifting 0110 i th 1 During the scene the following is heardrl th hi 1

((•eil) 21)

Co m nt ry: Commentary:

In the early hours of the morning the order of the day was issued by pilate and, according to common practice, read aloud at all the gates of Jerusalem»

By mean r - Impo Itlon we see th means of a sup super-imposition the oodument, nt, with 1 h the th

seal rald read! loud . Att th seal and th the h herald reading It it aloud. the same tl time th the herald h r d is coompanied by aa drummer ho mark v ry single 1 1 section is aaccompanied drummer,, who marks every a otl on with 1 roll. roll.

1y into n dissolves 0 1 01 lnto The so scene softly Th

• 1 Ith a market-place the nxt tr et- er~ next scene, showing a street-crossing with in the o n. sho th - 1 0 1n

n like the m market-place lin"lhe 100 gates" round, 11 bbackground, 0 e th pr t n 0of the he present nt rusal e • JJerusalem«

ocarrying rryl b e lJudas ud We see a basket« t

1 1 th th During the so scene-shifting the :tollo following is hheardrl dn - hl f tl

ent 1: Commentary: Co

0 went nt to Jerusalem Judas also thatt dday to buy ru 1 th bU1 pro 1 ion • food and provisions.

r.o. • n a corner. We see Jud Judas turn

l ht 1is a grou To the rright group of several v r

-pr1 Jews d1 disoussing the High-priest's commandment. nt . ou 1 le

A Roman patrol trol arrives. lv •

r et It scatters the home separately. h Jews to 0 t r tthe group directing o ho tely . 0 go

on. ip to Wipe to th the nxt next scene.

Another o her street. tr t .

. . . . . . ·.. --nt op at t a store stops different IJudas d to'r and bbuys dl

r 101 ot ood. articles of food.

or facing 01 The now 1is pl placed inside the store the street, h 0camera r no 0 1.0. 1d th th tr t . so0 erior 0of the h store tor in the h foreground or roun and the th the int interior th rt t we see th street ound. tr t in the background.

((322) ) 0 rl In the street we the ttwo 11 th tr e see th , to whom ho Judas has s been b en

lntroduced together. They ki ng . surprised ur r l e att the Introd ced,;walking lki tog ther e Th ¥ stop top waliving,

sight 0of on alpl' ot J su • one of of th the d1 disciples of Jesus«

t r th tl • try to They cross th the street the u usual greetings, tr e and, after h Y ora 1 t th rn from ro Judas, Ju a • see what they 0can 1learn

r you do r 1, Pharisee: Whatt are doing here? 1. h r1

Judas: Jud :

Buying food ood for or to-night» o- nl h • Bul1

2« Pharisee: 2. P 1

01 t the th passover pa ov r (surprised) Are you going to eat in Jerusalem? ?

Judas: Jud

y • Yes*

.All 2. P Pharisee: All of IOU you? 2. rl

Judas:: Jud

y • Tes«

1« Ph Pharisee: 1. r

t oo . JJesus too?



1. Ph Pharisee: 1. rl

II thought hhe had fled« d.


Why should he flee? ro • t done any wrong« 1 ? fie has not

rl 22«. Pharisee:

Where did you spend h r dl .P nd 1lastt night? ght ?

Judas:: Ju

(smiling) (8 111 )

1« pPharisee: 1. 1 e'

ov r Where to eat t the Passover h r are you going 01 to-night? tonl ht?

Judas: lud

polo l zl ) It 1is a secret too««« ((apologizing) n loiow myself« even

/e. / , 2.

pPharisee: rl



It 1is a secret« er t .

er t Why a11 l l tthese secrets?

I I do not

(323) (323)

1. p f Jesus 1 ee : If e 1. Pharisee: u 1is th the Messiah whom has he to fear? r e jjs 1 th e He the Messiah» •

ud Judas:

s 1. 1, Ph Pharisee: . i e ToTo-day " he 1is tthe Messiah. • in doubt.

Yesterday you were t r 30

s look loo at each other. hy sympathize Ph rl z with The ttwoo Pharisees r. They i h i to hhelp 1 him. young man and wish they oon oonslder the yo 1 • It the same time th 1d r o th their inform the Rig High-priest, they Judas it th ir duty to inf -pr! hr or th r J d '3 urge • Therefore d them.• He does* ollo th to ffollow •

Ip to tthe nn Q II • Wipe next soene.

p l o 0of tthe Highid of pr! t. The out outside f the h Palaoe High-priest. Th

The h Ph Pharisees 1

0110 them h m into tthe palaoe,• again urge Juda Judas to follow g in urg 1. ph 1 1, Pharisee: I


I have a few words to say to the h High-priest, 19 - rl t . Come and keep him company for long,,• or tthatt 10 •• • (pointing to the 2. Pharisee) )


it t in hhesitating. Jud 11' i.n o th Again Judas ffinally in to their in 111 gives r coaxing. 0

Ip to tthe nnext soene. on . Wipe

H1 ' h- r l t . ot the t roo in the th Plo A pri private Palace of High-priest, t room

The h two t 0

e to he at t home in tthe P Pharisees, who palace, enter r and are ho seem r Ph rl 1

followed by Judas. 011 d

h r1 The india indicates to th the o others h r thatt h first t Pharisee

they are to rremain h r tthey are. r • n where th Y ar 1. Pharisee: i 1. P •• He 1leaves room.. 'V tthe roo B

St 111 not at bbe 10 Stay hr here,, 1it will long. • 2, Ph Pharisee ana Ju Judas sit continuing t down 2. o .n oontlnui

b n having the oon conversation they while hi l walking.• th 1 r lOll th Y have been


(The following conversation must not be understood as though the Pharisee is trying to lure or to outwit the young man« The Pharisee is seriously troubled about Judas whom he considers as one who has been led astray and to whom it would be a service to lead him back to the right way. And the Pharisee isTlnterest« ed as Judas is in rinding some proof that Jesus really is the Messiah.)

r ^^^

2« Look, you have been mistaken in him« All or 2 . Pharisee: Ph rl you have been mistaken in him. Believe me: his downfall will come soon« The clouds are gathering« Stay out of danger for your own sake« Take courage and protect your own destiny« Judas: ud :

(disheartened) to pass? h rt n d) How will i l l it come (1 00 ?

2« rl 2. Pharisee: :

He will be given 111 b ov r to0 the 1 en over h Komans« 0 H •

Judas: Jud

That D ath. h t means Death«

1 e 2« Pharisee: Yes« 2. Y •

ro • On the th cross«

Judas:I Jud

2. Pharisee: Yes,• And God' God's will 111 be done« rl Oll • 2. Judas: Ju

((with God will it conviction) on lo -ion) Butt Go not lett him 1 die«•

•• hr 22«. Pharisee:

ot iif f hhe 1is th Not the Son 0 0of God« Go •

The Pharisee is suddenly struck by a new thought 0 ho t and after r a h Ph rl while on ill hil hhe continuesPerhaps that the sign from Heaven we are rha,P th h 1 t 1is th 22«. Pharisee: 1 waiting for« 1t! or . The Pharisee looks like a man to whom nly secret loo rl ho a hheavenly h P or IIhas Just n rrevealed« v 1 d. JU t been


-tar Judas stares at him, askinglUd t him,

(32 ) (325)

What t??

Judas: Juda :

Pharisee:If 22« . Ph r1 e :I£ hhe dies on the cross it will be proven that he wa was a false prophet. But if God miraculoushe ly saves his life, it will prove that he is the ly Messiah, that he and God are one« e Judas rep repeats 1th CconviotionII lot1 nts with Jud God will not let let hi him dl die«• 111 not God

Judas: •• Jud


h • oont1nu The PPharisee, away by by hi his luitli in tthoughts; oontinuesrl ccarried 1 The E«Phcrisee: Then he will i l l have stood the test« If he de2. p r1 tthe cross even we will believe scends from 0 in him«

Then, 1in truth, the Messiah will have Then.

come to IIsrael« co sr el.

d bby tthese n on Apparently Judas 1is swayed new 1ideas and h he 1is 11 like one


when Pharisee 1 to him,sayingh p tturns 11 1 'h n the

rl e: It is in your power to maJce possible that sign 22«. Pharisee: from Heaven« What a deed you will have done«• Perhaps God has chosen you/for that deed. just


y to At this 1«• Pharisee enters and says rl t t Judas0 nt the Ju hi moment

h High-priest r1 t wants 1, The to see you« t h 1 ou. 1 . Pharisee:

Judas: udas:

Ho? 0

d, wondering He is and, what lu t r 11 le flustered n rl h t it 1 is 1 all 11 about, 1 a little out. he h

follows 0110 the two t 0 Pharisees to the High-priest« -p 1 • Wipe scene« o .n • t e next .n 1» too the

The Th private pr v t office of 10 of the th High-priest«•

The n enter« h three men

r 0 1 1th a cordiality which 1 r Ju Caiaphas receives Judas with o cannot 0 ot fail to impresi C P

him« 1 •

( 326 ) (S26)

th 11 goes 0 otl; to t o the t h business bu He then directly at handI teye just been told that Jesus is to to h J 1 going 01 t 1 JJerusalem. ru 1 eatJvPas3over here in

Caiaphas: C1


Judas: Jud ••

(a little uneasy because of his c u hi talkativeness) Yes.

Caiephas: C 1 h :

p1t of ot my warning? In n spite 1 n1

Judas: J d •

( o (low-voiced) Yes.• 0 .)

Caiaphas: C

He must do so his own 0 at th1 o n risk. u 1 •

Judas does not answer. ud •

1 He 1 is standing with down-cast t eyes. h n• The

vole and speaks p ton of 0 hi voice h tone High-priest changes the his to Judas in a 19h-pr! on • more tone* or confidential COll 1 Caiaphas: C 1

IT we do not give him over to the fcomans to-night they will fall upon us and the whole nation will have to suffer. r.


Judas raises his hhead suddenly in self-defense, saying1 hi u d n.l as 1 Ju Judas:

1 not b t I111 betray him. 0 •

Caiaphas: C 1. J}

ou .betray But the people. t you r 0 1 •

ot answer. d do Judas does not r.


After some moments of silence the Hight

1 t takes Judas by the hand, sayingppriest 1

Caiaphas: C h

, If Jesus is the Messiah: believe 1 v he 0 h a : and you Ts, don't ycu?

Judas: Jud

Yes. •

Caiaphas: C P

Then God will take care of him. But if he is a deceiver you know what the Law says: "You shall exterminate the evil from your midst.'1

7) (527)

0 p rl0 ot 1 t ne or 11 ne • The rresistance Again there of silence. Judas J in th r 1is a period 0 press isw weakening so thr^t the High-priest home his point. r o th t th -pr est 1is able to ak nl 1 •

Gaiaphas: C 1 ph

Arter supper to-m to-ni&ht you will know where Jesus is going tto spend the night?

Judasi Jud

((Taint -hearted) rt Yet«•

Gaiaphas: ia h

0 r and inform me? Then you must come here


) Yes«• (though reluctantly)

11 c 0of oconflicting he 1is victim n 11 1 feelings. 1 JJudas 1is unhappy bbecause • His mind,which that of a simple 1 villager hioh 1is the. r ,;has suddenly been forced H1 ur 1 he turns to which are too much for it it. . After a while pro hi o tface c problems High-priest, speaking fervently and persuasively. But his to tthe Hi words are direoted to his own conscience as much other oh as tto tthe ot r man dl r 0 as hhe seeks to ur himself0 reassure 1 Judas: Ju n :

Whatever I do I know it will be for his glory for I believe In him: I believe he is the Son of God; that God is in him and that God has given him power to give eternal life to all those who believe in him...

He is almost carried away by the Idea that he has been chosen by God to be an instrument of his divine purpose. indulgently listened to the youth.

The High-priest has

Now the High-priest interrupts

him and says with a smileCaiaphas:

You almost persuade me to become one of his disciples.


I wish to God that you were.


(still smiling) for that.

I don't think that I am fit

h High-priest makes a sign to h two o Pharisees 1 The to the and to Judas, u

1 saying-

( 328) (288)


c • Come«

11 They follow him»•

o the t n Wipe to next scene* 1

rt 11 r are r gathered together, The "tabllnarlum". r the counsellors • where


1 waiting for return. tl or the High-priest's

He enters, followed by the

0 1 1 to o his h High-priestt goes two and Judas. The immediately t 0 Pharisees h rl

o the counsellors seat and speaks to C 1 __ --Caiaphas:

^ C J f c -


Jesus has not fled. He has not taJcen our hint. He will have himself to blame Tor what toenails him* In sheer defiance he is going to eat the Passover in Jerusalem. This has ^ust been told me by this young man who is one of his disciples (pointing at Juda3). He does not know where Jesus will eat the Passover as it has been kept a secret even from his disciples. But arter supper tonight he (again pointing to Judas) will Jcnow where Jesus will spend the night so that we can send the*g?omple-guard to takehim. I suppose you agree with me that this is how we should act.


G 1 11 1 rl Gamaliel r i s e s ,• saying-

Gamaliel: 1.

Before we come t o any decision I would say a few words but I beg you t o command t h i s young man t o go aside from the council while I speak.•

dr h High-priest 1 h- rl The addresses Judas, sayingJU • 1


C Caiaphas:

ou wait 1t out 11 you Will outside for 1 or a few minutes? 1 ?

And he makes a sign too th the 2 •. Pharisee to t o accompany the young 1 man.•


As soon as th theyy ha have 1l e f t the room Gamaliel begins speaking1 1% Gamaliel:

My advice i s : Kefrain from t h i s man and l e t him alone, f o n * he be of God you»ll find 0

{'Jü9) )

yourselves in a fight against God« Therefore let us straightway refuse to give him over to Pilate« But our "no" kaüc must be a "determined no". Ho the oonsequenoes will be*7. o matter what h •

Caiaphas: Ca1 h Gamaliel:




Yes. We are in the right according to the treaty» rie must insist that a signature is a signature*

C 1_~ .._ .... : Caiaphas:

1 We must not allow ourselves to be guided by 1 our personal feelings* The state is at stake.•

Gamaliel: 1:

But this is not just a matter concerning Jesus; it is a matter concerning public security as a whole.

•• Caiaphas:

(impatiently) The matter is urgent. We have pledged ourselves to deliver him up to-night, and a man1s word is a man's honor.


1 The High-priestt ppauses and then continues apparently deeply

movedo d-


As Tor Jesus, you may believe me or not, but it is with a heavy heart that I give the Jew Jesus over to the Iomans. On the other hand, all things considered, is it not preferable • to sacrifice one man to save the lives of many,..

A Lawyer: L '3 r:

••••including •• 1nclu our o own .n lives. 11 •

The High-priest pretends not to hear the interruption and goes 1 hon, sayingon, 1 Caiaphas: C

IanTt it expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and that our nation perish h not. •


After r a pause he oontinuesCaiaphaai: C

1 to know who agree with me and who II would like do not.

(330) (330)

hu - covers s em 1 0 r t A hush the assemblage. •

of 0

11 1, Hicodemus, 1 0 JOB h Gamaliel, n • and Joseph

d and d then they rl it o t saying a word h Arlmathea shake hands rise without

1 ri n silence, 1 c t tthus dr tiz leave th the "ta "tablinarium" in dramatizing their and 1

position. o 1t on.

tur to As soon has alo closed upon them the Hi High-priestt turns 00 as the door to 0


th the oth others, themr • asking th Caiaphae: 0

And you?

The majority lift up their hands. • silent^with their eyes oast down. •

n. sitting 1ttl Two three are seen 0 or thr

0 They do no not vote. •

then ud The High-priest/Indicates that they are to h 0 let Judas iin. •

Judas u

the presence d by th ne 0of all tthese distinguished 1 1ll humble 1 njndjimpressed people. 01 .


d r The High-priest Judas, sayingt addresses h H - r

Caiaphas: C 1

0 , tthe h matter ot you Now, and II expect tar is settled ou 1 to-n1 to-night. •

Judas;•t .Tu

Yes. •

Caiaphas: C 1 I

After supper. -pp r .


11 come. 0 II'll •

y 0of admonitiond The High-priest adds "by way dmonlt1o.nb3 Calaphas: 1 C

thi And see that ¥ou you tell these things. 11 no 0 man th •

d Judas:

Ho« o.

v1 th hi l Ju While Judas 1is 1leaving the roo room we see th the High-priest hitting tt1 - rl dn tthat 1is suspended a gong near his seat, either 0 r hi Ith r as a sign that the

1 meeting is 01 closed or to the servants. 1 0 o 0call ~ th 0 rvant •

The rapidly he 0camera r 1 r

(3' 1) (531)

n s \'ith tl approaches the go gong and the scene ends with a.a cio closee Uup o£ or it aas it st!X£


rings rings..

our has eom • or Jesus the hour come.



y .


(Caiaphas was doubtless/a patriotic Jew with good intentions; a man with experience and a knowledge of human nature, a man who v.ould not hesitate to compromise and who was well versed in the art or diplomacy. He was also a ooldfcalculating politician. And with good reason. The near East at that time was subject to perpetual shifting andohanges. In the controversies between the great powers of that day lay the possibilities JCA^ÄÖL ror a free Israel* The Jews themselves were not strong enough to shake off the yoke of their oppressors. History only too soon proved that Caiaphas was right in his efforts not to Irritate the Eomans but to live on good terms with them and to hope y that in due time God would give I ara»l /Ax. J**<*± ^a^ tAau^t. back it s-freedom. When Caiaphas deoiåed to sacrifice Jesus was it not possible that he, in spite of his hard character, did so with a heavy heart simply because Jesus was a jew. There is no reason«to believe that Caiaphas did what he did in order to save the people from the cruel reprisals of pllate. To Caiaphas it was common-sense to believe that it was preferable to sacrifice one man to save the lives of many especially when this one man was a permanent danger to the public order, H O W many political and religious idealists both before and after gesus have been killed because of political or religious necessity, and always in the name of the people?J

• 1 solv The close upp of of th the go gong dissolves softly into the next seen» o Th which shows the Priest court crowded with prieots—edad Leviteo a l l — in white. £m'inü the ioene»ah1 rtlng thn fallowing In henrdCommontaryt

At sunset, when the first three stars app o or coin the aky a three-fold blast of the ffeaplc trumpeta announced the paaaover.

(IZZZ) 32)

We hear the grieats and, the Levltea ohantlng; tholr prayero antiphoaally with the blowing oX the »liver trumpet a, By means off a truoklafl-panorama the lon& ohot endo with a olose up of three Levitea blowing their trumpeta— •This oleoo up dissolves again ool'tly into

nth r chamber" which n rrepresenting r "the upp upper h has been n tthe nnext scene 1 01p1 o the h celebration 1le tt to Jesus and h1 his disciples for 10 0or the Passover*•

The disciple3 have arrived in small groups»

r present is Judas.

Among those already r

We see him talking tto JJon«, Andrew, and Jacob, oob . 1 •

Speaking to John he asks-

JJudas: JJohn*

Judas; Ju

Where to-night? In Gethsemane? r do , 0 we Bleep 1 Yes, • V/hy? I must go and see someone after r supper« u cr. I'll '11 come a little later»

He turns away trom John and Joins another group. The last group arrives and Jesus is with them.

The owner of the

house welcomes him cordially showing him that everything is ready Tor the fe tival. The room is lit by lamps which two servants have Just brought in. All that is needed for the supper has been prepared: the wine, the unleavened bread, the bitter herbs, and the roasted lamb, wfcioh is to be served later.

The table is already

l^ld and, after having invited the guests to take their seats, the owner of the house withdraws to celebrate the passover with his own family»

bl is s 1long and 1low,• aabout o t a Toot hi The table 0 high«• l'

Two thirds of the

p t 0ox* the table the oun tthis part 0 cloth and around 1 is covered with a o ttable

ch side and tthree at one end«• 1110 • 1"1 guests are lying on/jlllows, rive at t each of a hor ed iin n the .form 0 The ttable horseshoe, le 1is arranged Th o • leaving one ^nå du 0 h servants 1 rea which hi h 1is uncovered r d and tree used by the in handling the

dishes dl h b .p 0 r The cushion cushions e.r are ppushed close to the ttable and 1lend support Tor Th

d elbow, 1bo the left arm and thereby leaving th the rright eb 1 h hand free«• th

The feet

a; are away from the table« bl • 0 r stretched backward

p et th h "h Jesus mustt aot the part of the "housefather" and 00 occupy the th r t u f

n ou "housefather

b • But 1 place was n s" seat not« t his t at the table« t . as gener-

ally 11 believed« at th • the end of the table bat att one of the,•

at from tthe free end« TThe 1>1 the second seat place on his right hand was th p1 c on his 1 occupied bby JO John. left, the oooupl • TThe place • e seat of honor, was ~

occupied ocoupl d by Judas« u • ((It should be emphasized that Jesus, as

a Jew, was celebrating the traditional Jewish pasohal supper according to inherited custom. To speak the benediction over the bread and wine and the offering of both to the guests was an old Jewish custom)« Jesus and the disciples have taken their seats round the table« The disciples know that Jesus, who is sitting among them, Is being sought after.

They also know of his thoughts concerning his Death

so it is not surprising that an air of depression hangs over everything«

Jesus himself knows that the hour is come that he should de-

part out of the world.

His eyes look with affection upon his friends

and disciples. They begin the supper«

The servants have mixed wine and water

(3 4) (SM)

o Jesus who, before cup and o one orr th them hands this to in a 1large r

the thanksgiving, speaks to the disoiples, saying1 ssaying 1 th • Jesus j

With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I surrer« For I say unto you, I will not anymore eat thereof, until it be .fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

u •

-1 t saying1 1 1 0over th Then the v/lne, hn he speaks tthe thanksgiving


0 has r Blessed are you, Jehovah, our God, who created th the fruit of the wine. •


up to th 1 cl 1 0, B n He ttastes and presents the disciples who, tthe cup te the 1 h wine on , take a sip« 1 • one on bby one,

pour d water-pot and pours tt1th a basin and A servant approaches Jesus rv J u with water on the hands 0of JJesus, afterward handing him a ttowel«• at 0


1 h with it th r the meantime, placed one dish the "bltt "bitter other servant has,• in th

rono or Jesus, who, ot r with 1 h salt-water before 1 a -hot pronouncing hherbs" rb " and another rb 1.0 benediction, in th the salt water, b .n dIotlon. dips tthe bitter herbs t 0of them t r. eating

himself them to each c 0of the hi 1 and th h disciples» d 0offering i 1 1 •

1 Cl n 01 tthe roo At this moment the scene Inside room softly into 0 1 dissolves lnt

the outer wall of the room and the ho house»•

At tthe same ttime the

1 camera starts moving vertically 1 downward»

pro ch the When it approaches th

.0 n 00 the scene 0of the outer wall ground floor of the 1 dissolves into a scene 0 th

1 h th 00 in festival room the owner of the h house and his family n which 111 are 0 celebrating xs± their Passover.

Here too the festive lamps 00 all 1 11 th 1 P are

Itn lighted, and we witness the nextt step t p 0of the ppassover-oeremony: 0 -0 th 01l3: the breaking r of unleavened bread. •


or the housefather (the goodman) 0 Before bread) tthree unleavened br 0cakes

pl 0 • are placed.

ooordl to th According the JJewish ritual the one 1 h rltu 1 hhe ttakes th on

((SSö) )

d br 0 two o parts. rts . in the middle and breaks 1 it 1 into

:J.: j?he

one hair, called

aid the "arter dioh': is put aside, covered with 1 h a 0cloth, oth. and is to be eaten after supper.

£he other hair is placed in a dish.—This is

11 ted up and the housefather blesses it in the following wordsHouoofathoj!

$hle is the bread of nioery» whioh our fathers ate la the land o.C ägypt. All that are hungrfr>coae and eat i all that are needy, come, Jceep— the pnnnhfi.

The housefather breaks/the bi'ead, takes a piece himself, and h hou 1 then o each one of tthe ocompany, noffers o r 1it to .P

NO one partakes however

the housefather begin eating. until they h y see th • The scene inside th the roo room dissolves softly 1 1into the outer wall. We are again in the street t and the camera moves toward a neighboring

to the :aint ~ house. Ü3ten sounds of Joyful ~e 11 t hou • During the trucking we

, psalm-singing,• and prayers.• voices, 010

It in JJustt like some Christmas

night. n1 ht .

1 As camera is focused upon the outer t 0 00 as the A soon 1 of 0 the r wall

th scene dissolves neighboring house the into one showing the Inside of n 1 1 1 n '0 h , family ((according to the Law never less than ten tthe room, where the t n b.

persons) is gathered around a gayly deoorated table whioh tl r 0 oh is Just ~ being removed.

We witness the next step or the Passover ceremony.• t n

While the second cup wine is being filled and handed to the cu of 0 t 1 th housefather 1 this case a boy seven or r the youngest in the company,t in


eight years old, rises and, addressing the Inquires the th houseiather, 1 hou ill r meaning of the festival of this night. h • t


He makes the inquiry wordsr in the following 1 0

336 336

·:1h1 on vnll othor night ni1;ht:3;s wo '.Tay on ^ othor wo do do not not dip dip ovon ovon onc~~ once but but 011 on thlo this lllght we dip twice? n1Cht us cl p t't/icef «Tay on nll all othor ni.:.:hto nijhts do do ue we ea:~ oat noat l"oautod, roastod, bolled boiled or "Vh} ntotlod) hut l1i~ht only roantod1 bttt on this thi* night roasted!

Tho boyi Tl \.') boy.

Th ~3

lOido 0 Ino 0 0"

t .• u



diasol ves



houso and the outor nul- of tho houao tlH;) camera carlora


n-o T~ 0

outor into thv tho inside of tl.-, the house bo cone acou or wall nul 0of tl io di::molvos into oUSt) and we e bocome

quainted \Tit!l with ;another family, consisting looatly mostly or of aloorly olderly pconl people. Hero the tho housoqunlntlld nothor :fnn °11, conaiotlne • Horo houoofather io it an old whito-bearded man and the the younceot youncest 0of tho compnny company is younc man !n.thor hi to-- boardod 11llUl t tho a aa young twenty :rearo years old old«. HGre~~10 Here too tho tn.blo table ia is tenr>ornrily temporarily ropx)vod romoved. I twonty . Tho young


is just io juot

the In13t last 0ofr the · four quos questions tho I.n Law1 asking the tio1l9 commanded by tho -



T~'1.11 Jj

.11 other other ni nlghto do wo wat loaven loavon>;d or unIon.vone unleavened ~"lh7 on al' tSj ts do TO cnt c. or bra~ d \i °10 on 11:3 nie.1t b~ I.. n.d . broad X \/0 wo oat oat 0l'11 only unlQnvonod uniouvonod broad,

01(. 7llito-boardoa

1-' 1

rioos isos (Uld and Givos ^ivo;j ru1 an account ot of the lilt cnptivity captivity in in ?;L)ypt Egypt

./oranco- and t.10. dellvoranco


old 11lCll1, nan 1

111i3 •Li a dono so 0of tl. (t \ hieh .ord die! done boc:~ bocauso iJLch tJ10 tao Lord did unto unto us us ,hen ~ 0 brou -1 itt us ua out ou tor iEypt . At thn t time tirno of tho tao land of of Egypt« that 03 called for for nll all tho tho ol oidors :,ors of Israel and said unto 1:0000 thorn tako you na III lamb and k_ll. kill the the PnsRovor Passovor th n- draw out and tnko b und and color th') tho lintel and tho/sido the/side posts posts with the the blood blood.. Md •• two \10

Tho inside 0of room d_3so1 dissolves into tlL~ tho outor wnll wall and camera movos moves to to the 'T ho inside r tho rOOM V06 into Md tho crunorn outer wall or of the tho hOUGO house ne:tt next to to the tho one one in '\1hich which Jonus Jesus is is colebrntillG celebrating the Passover. ou·tor Paosover.

v/all di::::oolorlOO dissolves ]into i 13 inside ide ,ot of aa roon, rooi:, 1 li~tle .ittle stl{ smaller ..u"'o t"1 lIar than the Co

othor room o~\ r rOOlS

I w


soon*. ~or For tlia tail roC.son reason tl th". pooplo do do not not roelino roclino on on thoir pillows soon

but art) are asiytinf, on thom them with buv i . i1 r. 011 \71 tl thoir hoir

(Zv7 )

, as ric t 1 gs 0crossed, 0 1 legs as Orientals Here the hou house rather th H r

~ • o even to-d do to-day.


.n o 0 t of ends the h account or th the captivity,• saying-*

Housefather: «hen the Lord saw the blood upon the lintel r: Hou - d rA~ti. yr^ and on the two side posts he passed over the s< /-js*u&^£ &/ ÅG^CLA. home and would not suffer theft destroy or to ij ' come in anu smite those in the home. co 1 ccup 1in his right e this the hu Alter housefather lifts up the second


0 011 han hand,t dr1 drinks» and th then hands the cup ov over to the company and each one 11 0 Ip from it. r t . At the same time all ttakes a sip who are present begin

th r of theTTHallel"* r t part 1 singing the tfirst

raise you the Lord, praise, 0» you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord* Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. Jrou the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to bo praised. The insidee 0of th the rroom dissolves into the outer wall and the h in to th e uupper-room ov 1 upward tto the vertically ocamera^ er moves rt1 r-roo oof tthe same house. ou •

t r wall1 dissolves intoo tthe Inside .n the outer r n 1 o Here again of the roo room r p 1 11 1is gathered. h r where a pilgrim-family We heer them singing the last 1

tr ph ot h "Hallel". r t p strophes of th, the first past of the

Tremble, you i&rth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, which turned the rooJc into a standing water,• the flint into a fountain of waters. And no now tthe paschal meal begins. The h table is replaced in the midst of the family. The Paschal c lamb, by means of two 1 1 • distended

servant t alee s care of the hand-washing. She has a basin, a water-

branches of a pomegranate-tree,• is put 0on the table.• An old maidr


pot, about from 0one guest to0 ot. and a towel 1in her hands and goes 0 0 l~O

another. oth r .

(( r


ocor hou n According to now should hand each one of o rule tthe "houserather" uch Oll ot tho n 1 0of a pi those pr present a *teaT?røpL-(-a "sop'tf consisting piece of f the th f tthe h hitter herbs er b wrapped ~r pp in a piece Of t roasted lamb and some of or the ro

t tI . • We see t o tthe "Charoseth" unleavened bread that has been dipped 1into u pr p 1 h first the preparing the 30p". r start t 8 housefather Op" . r

1 ol vc iinto l to the outer o t r wall and Then the inside of the rroom dissolves t ~ r staircase s to the outer moves slantingly along tt e out outer 1 tthe ocamera rnov

p r chamber" wall 1 0of the "upper " where Jesus is seen with his disciples.•

nto the 1inside of tthe "upper chamber". The outer wall 1 dissolves into r' • :I

poon out br Jesus has formed a spoon bread and filled 0 t of a piece of the "spoon" with a piece of the roasted lamb and 0 n some bbitter tt r hherbs rb 1 which 0 wmÆe dips into the "Charoseth". • 1f to someone 0 to to In the Orient it 1is the while h 0custom 0 hand a H"sop" 1 n th

p. at th the table bl as a sign of friendship. 1 except 1 JJesus has already handed "sops" tto all the disciples Judas.

At the moment the camera brings the scene into focus, Jesus

d 1 h "sop" he has just made to Judas, loo3dLog at him with h is handing the



an expression of sadness and love and spesJdng to him in a low voice




so that his words can only be heard by Judas, saying-


That you ou do, 0 do o aulcJcly.•

Judas looks at Jesus, struck with astonishment. amnOILli • t

He rrealize« 1

vaguely that Jesus has seen into his heart and Joiows what he 1is going oh! 01

o. to do.


At the same time there 1is n. no hint of disapproval 1 in^rirs-eyes

J.bci". J*



((£39) 39)

and no to tone ot of rreproach his vol0 voice, pro oh in hi •

h "sop" Judas put puts the Oll" rrom

d 1 him O on rises and leaves th the room. ro • bl • rl ll the th ttable, hi

h other disoiples The

lr thoughts are his ddeparture as th their ttentloll to hi h attention do not 1>pay Y much oocupl occupiedd by th the meal»•

• t 1re The out outer Judas is descending the t tl r staircase* Th • Hesitatingly t d still, t t tIll. meditates, steps. He stops, turns around, oun • as 1if he top • stands t ps . R

to act ot according 01 o or turn., but in 111 d to the promise ro 1 he would out finally decides ould rreturn, - pr! hhas s given glv n th the H1 High-priest. •

• r 0chamber. The upper h upp


111 d and handed to JJesus The thlr third cup 1is .no now filled u who, ho , after r havdl 01 1 • h disoiples. ing ppoken h bbenediction over it, passes it to 1 n the 0 the p 0 hi p Knowing of his approaching death Jesus speaks the simple 1 yet


d majestic or 0of his farewell pro round discourse to ound and 1 d1 oour 0 his disJ tic words

01'p1 ciples«•

Jesus: J :

A new commandment I give unto you. That you love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disoiples, that you love one another even as I have loved you. (After a pause he continues) And greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. But if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and reoelve you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

Peter: rt

Whither go hith o you? OU?

Jesus: :

Whither I go, you cannot follow me now, but you shall follow me afterwards. But whither I go you know, and the way you know.

(3 0) (240)

h Thomas: :

We know not whither ho oan c we hlth r you go, o. and how O~ know the way?

s J Jesus:

I am the way, the truth, the l1 life; ruth, and d th t : no man eomes unto the .ather ~ th r but by bl me*•

Phillp Philip:

f le u . Show it suffices us* ho us u the th /ather, th r. andd 1t


• J Jesus: '

Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known met i^hilip? He that has seen me has seen the rather; and how say you then: shew us the rUther? (After a pause) I came forth from the rather9 and I came into the world: again. I leave the world» and go to my jftither.

How l i e v e •. o we w bb e11

t r Peter:

Lo f, now p l a i n l y .• no you IOU speak p1


Do you now believe? Behold the hour comes, yea, i s now oome, that you shall be scattered, every man to h i s own, and shall leave me alone:: and yet I am not alone, because I go to the iather. «A l i t t l e while» nnd you nhnll aafe•see mer and agin, a l l t t l e - w h l l o » and you— shall see me.

j£ke-d4»olp.Les look at each- other with astonishment^ among themselves: What i s t h i s that he says unto us?

A little

while?—We cannot t e l l what he pays» Jesus oeeo that the disciplea do not underotand hl o woyds and he says unto them» Jesus:

Vorlly, v e r i l y , I say unto you, that you shall weep anrHnmant, but the world shall r e j o i c e : snd you shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned Into Joy.—I— t e l l you the truth: i t i s expedient for you «*hat- I go away: for l f - 1 &o not away, the— <Ceafortar-wllJUnot~eome unto-you; but it I «dsparfc, -I—will «end 4ilm 4*nto-you-«—a hon he, the- Spirit of truth, I s come, he w i l l gulds you into a l l truth,—And whatsoever you ohall aak the nat her in my name he w i l l give you.

((541) 4 )

II po ord th 01 1 While these words the d1 disciples have 11 listened th hil JJesus has spoken

r . with interest and loving hearts. ith deep d p l,nt art •

• 0 We see Jud Judas on his way to to tthe palace or the High-priest. nh1 0 - rl •


r t and 1lanes. h chooses streets and there o t deserted ho e the most r • But here

11 1 • rraised 1 stand by the pilgrims. ta.nd tents» t t

ttents small Tires, Outside the t

over the 1lambs have bbeen roasted, n ro ov r which hi h th till burning. The air 1 t • are still is filled with psalm-singingi prayers, 11 1 1th 1> r t and joyrul talk,

jrom the 0 t

roofs of the houses people wanderer. op1 are watching tthe solitary 01 t hi rr. roo

• r 0chamber. b r. The upp upper Th r

The f ourth (

d 1 t) oup 1 oJ • He The fourth (and last) cup is filled and handedto Jesus. n t br put s the cup on the table and takes the half of the' bread 9 called 0 1d r the gftfter-aiBh'^ put aside to be eaten after supper. And after

r 1 having given thanks he y1 breaks the bread and distributes the piece« h d1 1pl




among the disciples, saying• 1 0 h h 1 br Take,oeat; • • this is my body,• which is broken for you.


pl - Impressed not only alpl h dl The disciples, deeply words tr or 1 by tthe strange 1 0 by the h p 1 t also but peculiarity of the ceremony and the solemnity of 0 t 01 0 his 1 0 0 voice, pieces of bread and eat tthem. 010 • take tthe pi •

t wine, h h cup of 1 Then Iv thanks and hands the JJesus takes the • gives

cup to tthe disciples, sayingclpl h dl 1

1 J Jesus:

This cup is the new covenant in my blood,• D. 0 which is shed for you. This do, as often as you ou drink it, in remembrance of me.

(342) ( 2)

111 you not . ot drink drl Will of o it 1 yourself? your l ?

peter: r:

hi head. h Jesus shakes his J • ru1 0of th the fruit the V111 vine II will 111 nnot t drink oof~ th dr1 it n lth you un.tl1 that ay until that day when I drink it new with you in m:a tb r' in my gather's Kingdom.•

Jesus :j J

1 drink 1 ot it« it . And disciples all of 1 01pl d the t *

Another Judas walking on his way to the palace k1 on. hi t 0 n of 0 t scene J d o h r street t of the h High-priest. 0 Hi -pr! st .

b • Except trol passes toy. or these thes few A Roman patrol " pt for

opl are seen tr t . n in the th street. Koman soldiers 01 1 r no people

IT S were re not The Jews

c pt for 01 pl c where or going o th h r on. thl n1 o tdoor on allowed outdoors this evening except to the place they 111 stay 0over-night. r-.n1 t. th 1 will *

r chamtoer. 0 r. The u upper Th The around JJesu3. th r .• He who ho has h eleven 1 v n disciples have gathered n puts t the been last b 0 sip 1 of the wine h 1 t to h cup from him on the table. 1 • n the

All looking at now lifts up hi his eyes to B Heaven 1 0of them are loo u who 'ho no t JJesus


1, a1pl d b 1n praying and begins for his d1 disciples, sayingor hi 1


father, the hour is now come. I have manifested your name unto the men which you gave me. I have given unto them the words which you gave me; and they received them, and have known surely that I came out from you, and they have believed that you did send me. I pray for them: Holy ^ther, keep through your own name those whom you have given me, that they may be one, as we are. As you have sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes X sanctify myself, that they also might be sanoftifled through the truth. But I pray not for these alone, but for them also which

((949) v)

shall believe on me through their word that they all may be one; as you rather, are in me, and I in you, that they also • may be one in us: that the world may be-* lieve that you have sent me*


• The h-p 1 t. 1 0 0of tthe Eigh-prie3t. h palaoe

n rl • Wt see Judas entering.

The upper chamber. Earnestly the disciples have listened to the prayer and tears have come into the eyes of many of them, Jesus has ended the prayer and turning to the disciples he saysJesus:

Hereafter I will not talk much with you. Arise, let us go hence.

Some of the disciples put out the lamps. The door to the outer stair-case is opened and the owner of the house, the goodman, enters,

Jesus embraces him cordially, kissing

both of his cheeks. Through the open door the second part or the "Hallel" is heard being sung in a neighboring house,

involuntarily Jesus and the

disciples Join in, singingThe Lord is on my side; I will not Tear: can man do unto me? The Lord takes my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

(S44) ( ) Singing the hymn they leave the room which remains dimly lighted« While the sound of the hymn slowly dies away the room remains empty for a while» In that day the guests at meals on festival occasion cleaned their hands with large pieces of bread which they then threw on the floor. We see a dog entering the room and greedily eating the pieces of bread.

pr1v In the adjoining the private office Caiaphas,Judas th 10 of 0 C 1 JoIn! 0 0 th anteroom , Ju and waiting to in. He is visibly excited. 1is sitting 1t! o bbe let In. 1 tl 1 • How the sound of the gong 1is heard and a moment later th 0 r a servant v t p appears. •

1 He makes a sign for Judas to follow him. 0110 hi .

pr1 t office of Caiaphas who t tthe private Judas enters him ho rreceives Jud o 1

in rlou 1 • kindly but t seriously.

A hum human l1 H i e meantt much to no more 0 o tthe JJews than

to th the !• omans. • h : Caiaphas:

111 hhe spend r will Where night? P nd tthe n1 t

ud Judas: ••

IIn Gethsemane. •

out 1 0 with it some Out 0of aur10 curiosity,but also compass!on inquires after q lr 0 1t J t r 10 J;he h 1 JJesus. •

C 1 pha •• Caiaphas:

1is h How he? 0 ?


1; Ho. To-night he said that he would not eat the Passover anymore until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God. That means.••

cCaiaphas: p ••

What? t?

low spirits? plrl ? In 10

((S45) 346 )

Judas: Jude. :

o 0of Go T t th That the Kingdom God 1is near at hand, and•i• •••



Judas: Jud :

1 tiie tl ) That Jesus JLs o t trl (almost triumphantly) Messiah« 1 •


ord hhesitantly 1 tt13 bbecause 0 u. Judas a Kingdom uda has spoken the 1lastt words

l1m1 tlon 0or th r1 mean th the elimination the priestoul m oof God with Ith JJesus u as King would hood and th the whole priestly hol pr! at y system. y t • hdl ou r aglngly. Caiaphas hha-ces h his1head diso our Ca.! 'P

1 To him, t tthe rrealist, •

all th that 0.11 t 1is absurd talk, ^&<yid!.c*^y


h ot 10 Ith As a aoritoo enters the office with a wax tablet/Eis hand of t h o n r ton. C 1 ph br Caiaphas breaks off the conversation, saying-


This man will take you to the Captain of the police. You will gije him the information he needs. He hus been informed about the matter.

.n 1 Caiaphas Ca! p ' 1n 10 t th Nodding kindly indicates that the .audience u1 ne is 1 at t 8Jl an ~~..Jl-~

The Jud leave le v the h office 0 10 together. t r. h scribe and Judas

end. nd .

v left 1 1 have 1 t Jerusalem hi disciples J thro h the Jesus and his through "watert J t r-

t ,• gate".

ro under er the th Eaet-wall ollo 1 th road Following the 11 they h cross the th brook broo

brl Kldron, which had used a few days ago0 droll, using the th same bridge Moh Jesus J ora ringing in with of the ppl u th crowd 0 1 his ears.• lth the th applause


1 b 1 1 oonli fields The is are sprinkled with hunh moonlit 1 andd the 1 full 00 h moon

bl 0 goat-skin tents set up by tb dreds the th black 11 objects, obJ t I the OJ.. small dr d of pilgrims, 1'1 •

th "Hallel". '8 II n . h irom vo are heard singing the _ 0 the t nt voices h tents

((246) 3 )

d and 41 6 lrlt • The disciples are tired dispirited. e tlr 1 01 1

Jesus. •

bout h They gather th r about

th h r tlm Sometimes they other times they just still. al and at o t u t stand 1 111. Y walk

On th the "bridge they halt. h It. On.

ply moved n deeply They have v bbeen ov d by '3 the th

p r. words Jesus spoke to them after the supper. t 0

0 h They oannot annot gett out of

oul 1leave him their his propheoy his fatal hour the they would hi ro h 0 that in hi th 1 minds 1n alone. lon •

uoh thought? What has given him any suoh

qu tThey 1 ask him quest-

p to th r. ions,t at times all together. 1 speaking lon

Andrew: dr

y hour 1 How say you: you: my is come? ? H

John: John

Your rather you Vll. will ther in 111 not suffer 11 Heaven ~ r IOU ny don rm. being done any harm.

peter: t

t .., ) ((simple-heartsd) impl -

oob: JJacob:

U.p It'll up J.or for you. t ou. '11 stand

phil! Philip:•

ot leave you ou along.• course» we'll 0Of cour ' 1 not

Hor or will ill we • won't on t we??

it a sad smile lr prot 11 Jesus hhears th With their protests. t •

Then Th n he answers r




it the th shepherd, It 1is written, rltt n. I will 111 smite d th eh p hall b o tt r • and the sheep shall be scattered«

11 d with lth ardourt r 1 Peter is filled ourPeter:

I am rready to go into prison, 0 with lth you, OUt both oth lnto r1 on, o the and to Death.

Taddai: dd 1:

So o am II. .

Matthew: tth

And d I. I.

John: John

II will 111 not abandon you.


Neither lth r will 111 II..

((347) 34 1)

And likewise saaid 1 tthey 11. d 11 1 Y all.

0 d giv<sn t They so many proofs of lv h '3 .i.had

r h .n 1 1 th th l r 10 their love that it it was 1noo incomprehensible thatt he s Quid imagine they d. ould 1leave hi would him in in hi his hou hour of of nneed,

p 1 was greatly t peter especially p 1 1 It ccompelled 0 ord 0of Jesus and ffelt th 1 tur disturbed "by the words to give force to 1 b ur c hi his assurances by saying-


Peter; P t t

life for i ll 1lay down or your our sake«• o n my 11 II will

lth 1 at him earnestly and with love a nd affection, 00 tOt u looked JJesus


Will you 1lay down your 11 life for or my sake?

peter of tthe do doubtt expressed by Jesus and P t r feels injuredd because Ol p or affirms .ne more hi lr speaking vehemently hhe once his intention 0of standing d 0 Ith J r. l1 with Jesus in case of danger, saying-

Peter; t r:

Even 1if II should die with you, 111 not .not o • II will you 1 • ou 14 leave you alone and not deny you in any wise*

th i with love 0 Jesus 1looks at him but 0 t also 0 with 1th sadness,• JJesus:

r ,. tthe 000 I tell you, peter, cook shall not crow this day, before th that you ou shall thrice deny that you know me. •

d in a 0calm voice 010 and tthe disciples JJesus hhas said these words 1 olpl 0 know from experience th thatt his predictions spoken in this voice and 'pr .D. 1 0

in thi 11. r fail. this manner nnever

hr They therefore dare not^portoot»


and perplexed th they loo look at each other silently 11 ntl and ati peterf who for or •S

ono 1 10 t r or • 1 1 d h .n J u 1nd.1o t h onoe is at a loss for words. He is glad when Jesus indicated they r to ontlnu h 1r • are to continue their walk.

u Judas and the oorlbo arrive at th the bull building where the Jewish h r th 1

((348) 3 )

~CA...4tt...~ '1 They enter the oorlbo llt r tthe guard-room -roo and th

polio orc 1is qu rt r e • police force quartered.

d 01 Cl sergeant, sayingaddresses a police

~e~:t~ - : Soy&b<r .. /

Bring this young man to tthe Chief-captain for he has something tto ttell him from the Kigh-priest.•


t 1 t to Judas, sayingThe ooribe hands the wax tablet t


5~/ ~ Scribe i /

Take this and give it to to tthe Chief-captain 1 -0 t 1n a and he will understand. •

..&~zt~ 0110 sergeant The scribe 1leaves the h guard-room while the police 'to leads police-sergeant speaks to d Judas into the adjoining room.. The p 1

Chief-captain, 1n, sayintthe Chi 1 Sergeant: t·


A scribe from the Kigh-priest requested that , he has something I bring this youn<<; man here; to say to you. •

The withdraws. h police-sergeant 11e - r

The chief-captain f -a .pt in ttakes Judas Ju

d with him privately, asking himby th the hand and goes aside b

Chief-captain; .n: what is 1it that you have to -0 0 tell 1 me? C ? Judas: u :

v you this.• told to give II was tol

He hands tthe wax-tablet -t bl t to tthe Chief-captain -00. t 1n who ho unties t1 it andd


r it 9.l • hllh reads what it says. Then he turns again to Judas, asking-

1 01p1 C -0 pt 0 lth hi ? Chief-cap tain: How many disciples has Jesus with him? ud Judass

v n. Kl even.

hi -0 pt in: Are th y armed? Chief-captain: they ? Judas: ud

No. 0,

0 Chie '-captain: Come, 0 at t once. ona • • 1let t us go

(3 ) (349)

Judas and the ChI -0 »taln. go 0 Int 0 n1 Chief-captain into tthe aadjoining guard-room u - 0 together,. together

th f -c it while Judas 1is waiting the Chi Chief-captain chooses a score or "hile Jud

ed with staves« t ve . policemen polloem n armed

o sergeants r~..,,,,,,_ o are H 0 selects 1 t two He al also who

...w.",r e. 0 the Chi -0 pt 1 • med with !1th 8swords ord in n th armed the ssame AU~, manner as is Chief-captain.

1 0 1 r they are his eleven reach Gethsemane where n disciples 1 JJesus and hi

d h feoing to spend then.1night. h • 01

The night is very guiet. 1 •

Only the of the h distant sound Ol1l o 0 h "Eallel" " 11 1 "

11 rl h pilgrims 1in their tents. rd, sung by the "be hheard, ccan be

oob, walk ahead or the Jesus John, and Jacob, group. s with Ith peter» t t • John, le • a.ft r tb 0 1 • A short distance after them come the other eight disciples. t or d_st o 111 , Jesus turn r th Inside the gate the 011oil-mill, turns toward the eight id. th 1 t 9, nnear In nd signals h r th p watch, disciples and them to stay where they exe and keep o pl h, dl 1 n 1 th


ssay 3 1ing-

u : JJesus:

ou here and d watch, while Sit 1 you o and pray. 1 I go r •

o p1 1 h disciples 1 down. The sit o n. h eight

The h night is cool and they are

very they lie down, ry weary so thatt after o n, muffled up in their r th :/ 11 h 1r cloaks 0 and the 011 oil mill, d sheltered h lt r d by y th 111 , tthey soon oon fall 1 asleep. p.

tlm Jesus and th the meantime the thr three disciples walk In th 01 1 1 tto a part of o the garden plants grow r n where th t r tthe trees and p o wild, 11 .

ho appears distraught, tr uht , stops at a group of trees and JJesus,• who OU 0 r


p1 c to^three dl in.dia t 1pl indloates a place disciples where by r thg* may stay t b saying-

JJesus: u:

Tarry ry you u here, r . and watch. tah.

Th it down 0 n and loo ith oo.p ion at Jesus They sit look with compassion u who o for or a moment

(Z ) (350)

b J.:or them th with 0 stands before sadners. a deep 1th an expression d ("., s . Heaving i e r s len of

1 h he savs: sigh

Jeanis: J

Myy soul oul 1is exceeding sorrowTul orr ul unto un 0 death. t •

Then 8 from them, n he h withdraws lth r t • and n sympathy, Y 1> t

They looJc arter ond r r him with it wonder

John and Jacob the ob bow their heads andd wrap pr 0 r h upper

parts of their, p r th 1 oloaks around them. •

They o this thl in order to pray ~h Y do

but are soon by weariness by their l.nes caused c u but they th 00 overpowered r 0 0 h lr exhaustting excitement lastt days. O.L. these 1 1 o1t nt of

Suffering makes one weary, k u f r1

Peter his cloak around his head but fallen 10 t r too has wrapped r pp bu he has not 1 n hi 0 asleep. 1 p.

He 1 is 11 listening to the of Jesus, h soft t t n1 o t steps J •

Jesus disciples about h three thr out "a stone»s J u hhas a withdrawn I h r n from the i 01»1 tOll. '

o ft . throw".

11 dO n. We see hi him kneeling down.

He 1is deathly pale 1 as a man in in

d1 tr greatt distress. •

A. tthe three ddisciples, 01 1 • We see again a.t!. C;;&. ...

peter is still listening t 1 till 11 t"'........ ~ and d

1 h him we hear r th with the prayer of Jesus. J •



Abba, father, all things are possible unto you, jaXe away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what you will.

ho h dl t t the words Though distant are distinctly or ar lat1notll hheard. • r y After this prayer we hear peter now bo bows hi his head ar hheavy s.vl sighs, 1 r n.o


t touches ouo forward until it his knees and hhe too 00 falls 1 1 asleep, •

(It has always puzzled scholars as to how the writers of the Gospels could Jcnow the wording of the prayers of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane since the three

(£51) (361)

disciples with him all Tell asleep. The few words whioh Jeu3, according to Mark and Matthew, used for his prayers can only "be a very brief outline or his prayers. The only explanation appears to be that the three disoiples (or perhaps one or two ot them) at intervals wakened and then fell asleep again. In these short intervals they may have heard the brier fragments quoted in Mark and Matthew. We must remember that Jesus had only withdrawn "a stone's throw" and he did not say his prayers silently or in a low voice. Lather he poured out his heart "loudly lamenting and with a flood of tears". The problem in this script has been worked out in such a way that we never see Jesus himself praying*but are only aw&r-e— of them-indirectly-» fwe see the three disoiples and with them we hearThe prayers of Je3us. And when all three 01 them arc asleep we Just hear the distant and indistinct sounds of his lamenting, sighing, and groaning, mingled with a ew inartlculated words, which also might have penetrated their drowsiness and reached their consciousness.) .. return to the 01p1 • We disciples. th dl

lr sleep 1 During their w£ hheal? the h

t1n t sounds h sighing and groaning of Jesus. distant and indl indistinct oun 0of the d t t an u • Suddenly loud The disciples awake. h udd nl a 10 d 0cry Y 0of despair is heard. • They that have come from Jesus are startled.• ory must ha th t the th cry u and they rrealize 11 th 0 John and hurry but peter holds him b back, /or burr to 1 bu 0 his 1 1 aid John would rise r a moment they listen and tears come to prayers t their eyes. ur ur! r • Murmuring they around th y again o 0 oun their heads and sleep. g in wrap their ir oloaks 1 ,P .

And again 111

ve hear the and Jesus. After a while in th distant 1 t d indistinot h t not prayers r of 0 t 1 • they cease. c s • th *

r t in n Jerusalem. ru. A deserted street d rt h chief-oaptain ohi J1 • Judas and the of with the policemen are of the th police 011 1 th score cor of 0 011 r on n their t 1 way to Geth3emane.



G Gethsemane. •

The three h group ro R 0of thr

o pl • d1 disciples.

They t 11 sleeping« 1 pi • hl are still

d of 0 like aa man who 1is 1n in need ars . asad and sorrowrul,t 11 u appears, JJesus human sympathy.•

~ln s his tthree "best 'pi And he finds s friends, sleeping. •

oul . e tthe h struggle 0of tthe soul. Sleeping while he 1is righting desperately tl 11dly Jesus y u saysBeproaching mildly tthem h ro JJesus:

Sleep yOU? you? 01

lth sleep, k at 1 0 The dl disciples awake, drunk with look t Jesus whose • and 10

tface 0 "bears his suffering. r witness of hi • h o oh1 them mildly and addressing .tfeter in rreproaching 11 .n 1 t JJesus continues

art! particularrJesus:


11 01 1 • feeling The disciples,

ou .11 t watch on you not one ho hour?

ro oh. bo tthe rreproach, 1 heads. how th their hy are • They

ashamed« h d.


oont1 11 Jesus u oontinuesJJesus:

Watch you and pcay, lest you enter nt r into 1111 temptation. The spirit truly 1is willing, hut the flesh is weak.

When Jesus warns them jt is time to 0 watch to and pr pray they underund rt not for my sake butt Tor stand that it is: "not or your sake".

They too are

t their eyes are hheavy3 with in danger. They no it weariness. nod assent bbut 1 0 r th Jacob and peter at their heads, bow tthem forward, t once cover .e.ll art and fall

the will power 111 .pO JJohn ohn has th r to keep awake. lttl in sitting • He remains uprl u leaves the upright; place ht; when h JJesus h pl c is more lonesome than ever. r . This hi asleep. 1 •

i ht 0of JJesus u are aooupied h tho oou 1 d with time the thoughts h his disciples. 01 1 •

The cup u

( ~) (S5?) 1t! tor him hi is 1 also 0 waiting it1 waiting for Tor unless he or them t h saves them by b

rink! hi drinking it himself. 1t . -------' ---.1th John we With ------~

oan hear h pr can Jesus J u praying. •

The sounds are distant 1

but distinct. distinot .

J : Jesus:

0 , my rather, If 1 this 0, oup up may not pass away» t • xo t I drink it, except be done. 1 t . your will

eau hi humanity, it , hopes op Jesus, in his there may be a way out,, an escape

ro the ero t but above abov all, 11 , his desire is that the from cross; but i-ather's t , th r' will ill b done. on • be

1 praying 'pr While he waits Tor the gather's answer.• ~O 1 t

OM has h John fought bravely against Tailing asleep but at lastt he

succombs to it it.. ucoo

He bows his head without covering 1it.•

t Again the

n distant and prayers of Jesus are heard, more passionate r d indistinct n 1 t 1 t 0 ~ ^r^ o 0 d co 1 thaX before and accpanied by heavy sighs and groans. We hear somecon r 1 obb1 o • thi 11 thing like sobbing and convulsive crying, and then silence. 1 t r we see Jesus approaching the three disciples. 01 nut f A few minutes later •

ho, though in danger himself, must u hi time h This he comes 11 like a rather who, rh! 0 are 1 hil loo 1 look after his children who also in danger. He finds them asleep a in. again.

1 p soundly. OWl He 0calls them by their names but tthey sleep • HHe

t to answer r calls tthem again and they awake but "they know .Qot not what n h him". •

y are 1 t sight of f him. r They startled at

with exhaustion.

He looks weak and tired

th 1 He 1is b bathed in col cold sweat and drops 0of sweat fall

from his forehead.•

He 10 looks like one sick with a fever. •

r a After

rn around and leaves the three hr 1 short while he tturns disoiplea alone. 0 d as their eyes r 0 r And are exceedingly heavy they are soon wra pped 1n in Y

1 ep again. sleep *

((3W) )

The brl bridge crossing the br "brook ok Kidron.

a n, Judas, • tthe Chief-captain,

o i way and his score or men rl on their 11 cross ro tthe bridge 00

to Gethaemane.


Gethsemane. G th • We see th the thr three sleeping disciples and we hear distantly and 1 1 dl olll indistinctly and pouring out hi3 stricken soul»• 1 tinotly Jesus 1lamenting 1ndl

t hear a loud plaintive cry which awakens Peter,


c again the h once

I f and his own Tate«• thoughts ht 0of Jesus are occupied with himseir 0 0$ my father, 1if you be willing, then let this hour pass from me - this evil hour that is coming and drawing nearer« Nevertheless not my will hut yours he done.

su : JJesus:

p r th ss d the 1 and that has passed climax ox hi his struggle h 01 t he ha It appears

the battle b ttl has "been won. on. th 0 10 hhis head and again in falls 11 asleep. Peter wraps his around 1 cloak t 1 •

Ih1 Slowly the sighing and groaning or Jesus decreases and comes to 10 0 0 an end. nd.

We hhear no nothing more, or •

1 clpl · • sleeping disciples. 1)1

or a while we see only the three /or hI'

u returns and now hhe is calm. Then Jesus hnJ •

fought his way to a final ht hi i n 1 victory over himself. •

He has

He sit3 on it down n the t O~

'i face calm 0 stump a ttree, and serene. t p of 0 • His dd .nl h tl • Suddenly he listens lnt intently.

He has hheard a llO! noise. rl • HeEt rises

1 n 0calls 1 0 are drowsy with sleep. and the thr three disciples who th le •

In t 1 that Instinctively ot1 1 JJesus u feels h t danger r is approaching. • 01p1 The thr three d1 disciples rise to their feet and they all 1 1listen. t ll. h t h 1 ht 0of Judas, standing Then Jesus o catches sight on• t 1 inn a glade inn tthe moon-


1 ght and loo in ntly . light looking at him Intently» 0 To Jesus the appearance of 1Is something he has been t JJudas d b n. u th

o • wo. tl r f&om God. waiting for» r. an answer

0 And he gives up all thought of

·fleeing, 1 1 •

Judas»t hhaving seen JJesus» u vi Ju u • approaches him quietly, 1 • kissing him cordially and in gr great sincerity» oord1

He has now steeled himseir with

o , that instrument in God*s t hhe is an in t h th 111 tthe thought somewhat tthe same thought»• h


Jesus has

nothing will unless it 11 come to pass t 1is t P

God's od f will» 111 . ((throughout the whole film we will have

been seeing men kissing each other when they meet so that the kiss of Judas was only following a common practice, ffho olrcumotanooe of the greeting however made It the id aa of a traitor») f the h danger co r oof aware r and he and the three disciples s bbecomes 1 cl»l JJesus h oil-mill to move toward other disciples who are all 0 Join 0 tthe oth 1 to r the 0 1


010 tthey IIn whispering voices :I awake them»•

The shines on h moon 0 in

their faces»• th 1 troubled Loubl

01 or y know 1t The noise Jesus has heard increases and tthey it 1is th the noise 1 0of

d shortly ort marching feet and the Chief-captain and his score or 0of men .Il

stand 1in the open 1> .t1 gate»•

They enter the garden and walk toward the

8group oup around roun Jesus. J u •

oc 0 1 Now having calmjty accepted his fate, steps forth, saying* JJesus, art 1 t


Whom seek you? ?

Chief-captain; C 1 in: Jesus u 0of iiazareth. t •

Jeøus i

II am hhe»•

( ) (256)

(In Arnmaio the word o "I am he" oro ox-— -pressed with the words "I am"-,—but "I am*~ 1B the holy and störet nemo or God, whioh— no Jaw wac o11nig»ri f.<> p^orrnin^ff) »

-*&e-Struole aghast at hearing Jesus pronounce/holy aame-.fthe policemen involuntarily draw back and some or them stumble and fall to the ground. of Jesus.

Maybe they also are surprised at the infinite calmness

They were prepared to meet resistance» i"ear and flight,

but not this calmness.

And, being Jews, some of them m03t likely

disapprove the work they are ordered to do; while others perhaps fear the supernatural power Jesus has orten manifested. Then Jesus asks again: Jesus:

Whom seek you?

And the Chief-captain repeatsChief-oaptain: Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus:

I have told you, that I am he.

How son© of the disciples, among them Peter, John, Jacob, and Andrew, hasten to the rescue of Jesus and begin a quarrel with the policemen. Jacob:

What manner.


Why all those weapons?


Have you set out to capture a robber?


Are you Jews?

The Chief-captain responds to their reproaches by sayingChief«captain: I do my duty.

((257) 7)

1 1 tur 0of authority u or ty JJesus silences 11 no With gesture our disciples th a ge tthe four

t -o t in he h saysn addressing th and th then the Chi Chief-captain JJesus:

I was daily in the Temple teaching, and you took me not. If you therefore seek me • 9 take m me, but let them go.


nh The Ch! Chief-captain things it ov over he sayst· then r for or a moment; -c pta1 thi Th JOU . Chief-captain: one but you, :f- c tin: I will Chi 111 take no on

r 1 1 but no now the disciples rush forward tto prevent c but n the h su advances JJesus

1laying y1 policemen hands on him«• 0 po110 !l from sayiin: -

Jesus: u :

, however,• turns gesus, around, ur

My hour is 00 oonu% ~ •

o t will 1 be done. God's •

Then he advances and surrenders to the policemen, stretching out ou 1 this hi is going oln 0on some of 0 While

h t tthey may bl his hands that bind them.

1 c on the policemen e disciples 1 0 n 1 tt pt a futiie 0 the attempt attack in order to

om ttheir hands. 1 t 1 0 • • A short hand to0 hand fight free Jesus from takes place. n Ch! - 0 t • 10 But the Chief-captain, losing patience, shouts1

Chief-captain: C n: Take them, all 11 0of them. •

v o le h policemen^ The draw their staves and tthe sergeants their r h 1r swords, or s .

cl 1 superior force the disciples pacing flee. tthis 1 1 11 b • Some of them climb of the wall 11 while 1hl1 others hide in the thicket 11 f the h garden. • "Andd they all him and fled." 11 forsook or • 1 hiding places 1 Srom ttheir they away, out 1 ou Y see Jesus being ccarried t

of the gate. n dissolves 1 0 The scene softly 1 into 0 t the next 3cene.•

1 th During the scene shifting the is herrdhi 1 h following 1 r -

((956) 8)


AAA they led Jesus and brought him to the High-priest who had cabled a meeting of his privy council üe_ore handing Jesus over to the Eomana. i

rle h The palace of the High has a gate 1in which there i s a 1 h priest 1 c or

wioket with a .po p o rtt - l i1d .• 0 closed C 0

This can be worked from within and i s T i

with a gfote, y>'V=-t O'c&'i*- •

1y 1into to a c10 1 t The preceding scene dissolves softly close up c 0 11 0of the 0 port-lid. ort

er. r The face 0of a woman,t the janitress, t appears,

expression and spying« iOll 0of listening r tn.1 :I •

dh ühe has an

r 1 ;Che noise 0of trampling feet 1is

heard. • A close up is taken by means of a trucking shot which 1is slowly 0 0 1

ont of ot transformed into long shot and the front tr t of the deserred street t o a 10 tr We see th the Jewish policemen)^ approaching with Jesus in 1 tthe palace. 0 • their midst. The janitress open3 the gate for them and th they d t . n:ter . ~h Y enter. Only a few people the procession. t r Cl 1 have nnoticed

The h 1last 0of the

policemen cause th them to move on. o 10 0 on. Commentary: Co

Peter, t e • who0 at

While all the other disciples fled Peter 1 clp1 r followed Jesus afar 0off, to to see the end. •

1 t a distance now c has followed d the procession, oc no

appears. He approaches the palace, 0 1 • • taking 0care not to be seen but remaining outside 1d the gate waiting for an opportunity to get into the courtyard.

He hides in the shadows so at bbe seen o tthat he cannot

by the janitress. t •

The whole palace seems 8.0 m to be in a state of alari^.•

Members of the privy council arrive. are 1let rriv • Messengers e t in n and out, out . among these one with a wax tablet in insists 1 0 n his 1 hand, which he ins t on Oll d 11 to the pr1 delivering High priest himself. h Ri 1 •

The Janitress le leaves the gate v th t

op n for 0 open a few minutes in or order into 1nu r to follow 011 tthe messenger th r in. 0 the

(359) ( 5 )

advant ., or 0 t or to Peter advantage the opportunity to slip into P t r takes t k

courtynrd. courtyard.



the f 1 e has been kindled in a large warming pan cour yard .• . Here Her a Tire th courtyard. / around which and men-servants and some or the policech maid-servants an

them 1 men Peter g th re to warm themselves. r sits down among them. m n have gathered •


In the corner the peter surroundth courtyard r sees Jesus ppo 1 corn r of 0 th opposite 0 J The Chief-captain also is at his side,• üho oeribe» :c-c 11 ' . 7k t whom we have seen act as a aeQretary-»o-Caiaphaa, approaches the ed by policemen^.



v1 Chief-captain, lov/ voice and giving him certain n, speaking to0 him in n a 10 Ch! - 0

nod and t in nods The Chief captain makes a sign to U1 t Jesus and to hi • They enter the th policemen/Tollow 0110 t 0 t 0 of the two him. colonnade surroundGUll directions. r otlon •

le into the building it-al*£» oourtyar and disappear ing the courtyard 1 1


1 0110 r1n this h During the following is heardt

Co n:.t yCommentary-

xle the High priest was waiting for his privy counsellors Jesus was led away to Annas who was i ather-in-law to the High priest. •

A room in the palace. ill 0 the scriptures. th er t ur •

Annas is sitting on a low oouoh couch reading 1 1 r d1

... 0 :pt in introduces The Chi Chief-captain tro 0 t JJesus and leaves the

room, outside de where he can bbe summoned 00 I waiting out one 1if needed. Annas 1is an 01 old,, white-bearded man, accustomed to wielding -b 1

utho t • authority.

He has been High priest be'ore his son-in-law, Gaiaphas,

and d was a man of wealth and oi great t influence.

He wished to meett

Jesus out of curiosity and bbecause he hhad heard 30 much of him. His • Hi conversation with Jesus not a ttrial or even invest1 u therefore wa3 no 1 or n an l,nve t1igation. 10 •

tor speaking he 1is silent 11 II ~for Before time studying Jesus who or along 10 1 he 1is standing t bbefore or hi him.


*t t 1length h hhe speaks-

((360) 60)


z t So Jesus o you IOU are Je U 0o± Nazareth?

JJesus u does not answer, •


0 Jeruse warned you strictly not to com come to d the City 1 alem and behold you have Tilled with your teaching.

There 1is still t 11 no0 answer from Jesus,•


our doctrine? 0 h meaning of your What ii s the

Now JJesus answersJJesus:


lLt I spoke openly to the v/crfcd;, I ever taught in in the Synagogue and in the Temple, and in

secret I have said nothing, Annas:

qu ion. r my (question. answer II know,t but an


Why ask you me? Ask them which heard me what I have said unto them: bahold, bhey know what;' I said.

o t u Tor a long n bids b1 tthe ChiefCh Annas looks at time and then t Jesus o c captain to come and lead him away.

He then resumes e his reading»

JJesus is led into the adjoining room which is the anteroom of th t t v 1 is held, the tablinarium where the privy council \46""101' . .

o seats t down bby th Jesus 11 B asked to sit the Chie^-captain who also himself.

In the courtyard,• a i 0 the ' 'cting upon an impulse peter hhas ventured 1 into Tortreas of th the

1 d apparently nobody 1 o 0 I h priest and is aware oof his presence. r no .

((361) 61)

All are r t qquietly 1 tl ttalking and warming their hanas over the Tire, r up l the s 1lighting ~ tl the fflames up th their races. •

0 passes Only a maid-servant who

p 0 r 0cistern "becomes suspicious. l r on tthe • Maybe on hher way to th the water Gn 0 t n th C r Ith . seen peter with he h • Looking she has Jesus in the Court of the Gentiles.


tul t hi c P at him carefully she speaks and saysMaid: 1

Are you not one of his disciples? 0 1

peter "by surprise and is completely at a 1loss Tor nb t r 1is ttaken words. ord •

In his contusion on s10 he tolls u. lie» Bayingnhl p Peter: r:

^tx^s -07


I know not, understuad, what you 1 u n t, neither 0 say.

She looks at him disbelievingly and continues her trip toward the water-cistern but she keeps her eyes on him while filling her 3&r with water,

peter* s e-uxiety is reflected in his X'ace.

We have followed the maid to the watern cistern and we follow her back to the rire. Here she stops, looking at him sharply and this time does not speak to Peter but to the crowd gathered around the

ire. Pointing at peter she saysMaid:

This man was with him; he is one of them.

peter by now is better prepared.

Kudely and sneeringly he

repudiates the accusationPeter:

I am not.

I know not what you say.

But a spark of suspicion has been ignited. Peter is surrounded by suspicious people who whisper and look at him beligerantly. The crowd, having become hostile, one or them shout s-

((S62) 36 )

Han-servant: - er v t:

0i f:' them r.Surely, .)urel , you yo &ere one h f ror you u are a 0 . Gill G a l i l e a n .•

,1 h indignation 1 a , sayingn to ourse and swear, With Peter begins nd n

ppeter; t r:

I know n not s 1 man of whom you speak. t tthis •

And immediately while po • tthe cook 00 crew. hl1 he yet c t spoke, 1 t • ldlll ju t at midnight (In Palestine the cook crow» just o .) and a&ain in the morning at six 1 o'clook.)

or to mind nd tthe words And pPeter called Jesus had said,"and when he 1 • he wept". urn away in order to hhide his t • He turns 0 tthought tthereover

ttears. wonder. •

'I 0 stood But all by QO 11 tthose who Y llook oo at him in surprise and

Have they wronged him?

t any rate they leave him alone. At 0 •

1 A 11 little he risea, and the Palace. rt 1 later t • 1leaving tthe ccourtyard •

, The"tablinr<rium". • led to the High-priest with his privy 1 0 Bits 1 0 011 . JJesus 1is 1 1 :I counoll. -~ 1 t who


We notice th that n neither of Arimathea 1 o· h r Gamaliel, 0 1 u • 0or Joseph • Nieo/demus, are present. t.

This meeting was only a matter t r or form,t necessary in order r r to hand Jesus over to the Komana. • Jesus is standing so that he faces the ccouncil. 0 •

They test him

in order to is his that 00 n out 0 find t how deep rooted la belief 11 t t he is the Messiah. 1 • A Pharisee: h

0 Did you not say: n"I am able to the 0 destroy r 0 Temple 0of Go God and to rrebuild it in throe days?"

Jesus hol holds his peace. o •

3) (£63)

l apha : Caiaphas:

h t is 1 it which tfhat 1 these say againstt you? ou

con u l O d his peace and answer» nothing. Øesus continues to hold Caiaphaa: ph a

Answer An 1JJer you 10U nothing? nothl

Th r is silence for or a while$ 1 ,t n the t There then High-prieat bends forr rd and giving g 1 n o chance c c to t o evade the t 1 v/ard Jesus no crucial question he asjcs— Caiaphasj C1

1 0 you the Messiah? Are

1 us,• Tell

t e .f:from 0 voice excitement; he is both hoping and ex» 0 1 3 vo c vibrates x111 deny it. pecting t. c in.g that t h t J,sus will

he affirms it. it . h

Bat Jesus does not deny it;• rather r

g priest 1 Addressing the High he saysa 1

Jesus: u ••

If I tell you, you will not believe. And if 1 • I a^ic you, you will not answer me, 0

A o Q and addressing hi 1 01 Council Baising his voice the whole J. 1 Co 011 he adds-


But hereafter 3hall the 3on n 0of man sit it on 0 the tight hand of God.•

Then th the High-priest his aue3tion1 h- r1e t1 n rrepeats 1> Caiaphas:

Then you are the Messiah? T

The h question is asJced with the purpose 0of drawing a denial and 0 as a solemn warning; but Jesus refuses to avoid the danger. • With 1 Y h u 1 1 guileless sincerity he answers-


You say that I am, 0 •

or or a while there at r 1is deep silence. The h counsellors look 0 each other and mrny shake their 1 heads with l th regret. t. 0 saving 0of a man who would no oul not be saved. •

There 0could be 0 b

((264) 6 )

;!"ain addresses r e dre .. ea Jesus, not t Th h priest ot 1in eXQ Then the Hi High again excitement

p by, saying1 but tone of sympathy, hi time in a to t this


by o r arrestt 1ia or Your ordered "by pilate. r t •

m «Tesus« e There h r 1is no answer r from • (;Caiaphas: 1

ours 1 to be You should not have allowed yourself 1 addressed as a king«•

Still r from Jesus. 0 answer 1 no st J • Caiaphas: 1

olt . The thought you were planning a rrevolt. 0 h fcomans 1

lo answer r from Jesus. su •


h 1n or too jesusIn low volc voice C Caiaphas speaks his final words d 1 J n a sad 1>

Caiaphasj C

ov r It 1is with heavy hearts you over rt tthat t we hand '30 It to the Komans. o th

No answer rom Jesus. J r from • Then C Ca iaphas make» a sign to the Ghief-oaptain t t t in who is B standing Chi - 0 near th the door. 00 •

Handling ~TJesu» gently the Chief-captain him f - o pt n 1leads hi

out 0of th the roo room. ou •

The atmosphere ia full of aadness. e •

The scene softly into tthe o tl 1Ilt c n dissolves 1 01 h next on . t scene. Daring shirting the following is heardr1 hi" ti 0110 1 c th tthe acene

y. Commentary; II Co

And in the night they -^eé- jesus/away and delivered-ki«-to Pilate who sat down in his Judgment-seat in a place called Gabatha.

i c n 1is a close up oo f tthe Judgment-seat oor rilate, The n next y^ene • a

carved ivory in tthe Koman pretorium. ~or 0chair, l r. placed 1 0 o 1n r tor1 •

This chair was

(365 ) (366)

c lled "Bima" 'B! n or "Curul", "Curul • called h scene so ne dissolves ve soxtly 1 in»o The

cene showing the h "Gabbatha". a new ne scene "G ". 1)11 e occupied Duxinc his visits in the le Pilate 00 u n Jerusalem J h palace1 e -

Öo ¥a jlJ -- 1./0

bl.. 1 by icing rod only on y -8Q-SQ years y K1 citadel Herod e1t d 1 built s ago. 0

Inside the walls 1 1

. 8 a large paved ve 0or flagged square Qcalled G hi s l'palace thi 11 1in Aramaic 1 ce was

fTG th " • "Gabbatha".

his square was elevated A part of this like a tribune. 1 11k rib •

In I

th" tribune a nt r of O.J.. this tr un stood the ivory chair. the th center

_:or assessors of the t t tBeside the judgment-seat there was room ror ro 01' t rl 0 court, secretaries and clerics, •

one or the clerks iis preparing s

other one on is nibb^in^ new sheet of papyrus; his rreed ^on* 1 :'IT •t another n. ont 0of th In front 1 bun th 0 the ttribune the pprosecutor, cu or, the , h counsel 1 0of defense, 11 eou d ttake k ttheir places. and tthe Accused 1 0 • h 1 scene was set 1n Th h midst The whole in the 1 0of a regiment of soldiers 01 1 r

by ft ccenturion. d commanded nt • 1 too c on T The tr trial took pl piece on '^riday morning at t tv>a ifl4rth h™'rt honen " d

tim»! th'-t Is ato'clock. - 66 0' • n nn tthe .;;10 scene opens Jesus is just being 1 ,. brought in. He is

acom 1ed by ttwo '0 Jewish Lawyers, members 0or the privy council of accompanied

tthe Eigh-priest. 118 - rt t.

They were to or defence. r et as his 0counsellors 0 act 1 0 •

su 1is ddelivered to the centuri/ln. l1v r d to JJesus •

e 1 procedure always took Roman legal place 1in the 0open-air in 0 pl n- 1 0or In pub 1 halls, 11 t and tthere is no doubt oubt th public that the ttrial 01 Jesus proceeded

ceordl to according to th the rul rules of of the court. On the h Roman 0 oou h 0other r hand time 1 • On


. to t the pr a v th rulera r are the h rrepresentatives has ttaught us how obedient ugnt 11 1 0 h 0 /an...

-io 1 ; tt , • of in the totalitärstetates. jjustice tot 11 0

r s en as onlookers. 0,1)1 i l.y 0only Most were present o t likely 'I a tfew people had been ttaken rl OIler in the night and in great seci n prisoner


eel]. a been mA

eor~o led to the house of tthe Hi&h-prieat. Iin equal secrecy he vai OU s talcen o th OJ. 1

he trial was ~~l t foi a very the set v r

that same the 10 e night to th

)11 ri a . u p C 0 among the many pilgrims. early order tto avoid arousing suspicion rl hour ~ our in n or 'ou ay so lr ts still till t day ivoryy cl chair 0 tthe lvo JJesus is tthe first cease that

empty. t

But now Pil pilate t no t arrives.

11 .n 0of hi hrrank and Aye. military person high '3 per

1 .type :iH 0 of he had a military bbelonging long1ng to the f that epooh h u"Herrenvois r n 0 p 1is heard all over the th on of walk and his tramping r 1 n tthe pavement b th If . ^bbatha".

le\; 0of Jesus. Lly a hasty ty view Re ttakes oonly

Then hhe aDO asoends

ea hi ov th d ttakes the tribun tribune and his seat. Eoman militaryy governors had the reputa,,101 i reputation of deciding oases 1in a v very short time so» without any 0

in roductio , Pilate urns to th introduction, turns the pro prosecutor and as asks aim 11 t out or an 1m as a was au om 1oustomary-

t : Pilate: 1'11

. s man? 1", t this iYhat you h t aaccusation cue tion bring b 1 m ? au Elagainst (According to the proceeding in the homan ap ** ° the T)ro3ecuto£ ^irst rcede M <* »e«ro«fttion, «r»r»r>p«+i n ±hen the «Juat-< examined the prisoner, .nterrogatio. And at the last the counsel or defense spoke, 'p ok • excusatio^(. Alter thir the jud.^e pro* nounced zhe sentence).

1 e invitation it :rponn the of pilate the prosecutor 1 s and noluing e the ou rrises,

the written bill of in indictment reading (in rltt 1 1 o. c m n in his hands, begins e (in. Latin) tin) -

o 3eoutor» to:


ffell man, Jesus of tfazareth, who tea *>een ided over t o us by the Jewish government* i i s said t o be a successor i n a i r e e t descent rrom Kin& David, of the i i r s t

( 6 7) (*6f)


JP * M> -e^e>/^"^ * x ^ÅG^*^

x jb*e^o/f£±„ / /

Jewish dynasty. I cannot prove the truth hereof. But I can prove that we have had the good lortunTTTo lav hands on one more rebel .rom oalllee, the ^reai breeding ground of revolts against the Roman government, or ellong time . • "been disturbing the Jewish* nation, provoklng^geop 1 e to rise against their Jewish rulers and thus causing disturbances of peace and order. Doing so he was threatening poman interests and undermining Roman authority• But we soon discovered that he was more than a dangerous political agitator, stirring up the people throughout all judea and beginning irom Galilee even unto this place, we learned that he openly proclaimed himself to be the Messiah, the leader sent by the God or the jews to deliver them Trom Caesar and from pome. At his entry into Jerusalem last • hailed as a king. And whosoever makes himsell a king is an enemy of Caesar, it is our duty not only to trace but also, with the utmost rigour, to suppress any attempt of insurrection, indulgence would be interpreted a3 weakness, in the name of Caesar and the poman*ütato i charge the prisoner or high-treason, according to lex julianna, and i claim punishment of ueaun.

l11.,C'or 1 te, who Mate, in about all tthe 0 has büen _ully 1 informed i n advance 0 bo i n t JJesus, a has listenedd with charges ag against he vi h indifference,• flow 0 h ~--<- ,~~ 'c turns to jesus and aoko him (in Greek) - g > - ^ ~






d..Q /,;\




~ 7~

tan t answer you ou tto tthis? h ?

1 Jesus is silent. •

ut pilate; 1:

Answer you ou nothing? ?

n silent 11 t and plL.te remains 111: t marvels, 1 • probably ro b Jesus* con contempt of death 1is what "marvel". The accusation h t makes a. 0 pilate 1l c h t 0 u JJesus

t Le proven. u it

ddesires 11 t lr But pilate an admittance 0of '" guilt t 11 -.rom

1. and therefore h r 10 h he asks himh JJesus himself

11 pilate»

ou tl Are you the king 0of the Jjews? ?


la tthis timer pilate eJesus answers jesus i

o say. you •

1 pilate is not satisfied with this, •

r or lie 3ays againiherefore


Are you a king tuen?


kingdom is not i o world: ix my kingdom were of this world, then ay followers would have fought for me, but now is my kingdom not from hence.

pilate: :

o are a king?? M tthen you


you say that I am a king. To thi a end was Y^orn, and ror this cause came I into the world, that i should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone thct i3 tf the truth hears my voice.

, sayingpilate shrugs his B shoulders, 11 l&tfj

tat i s t m t h ?? are you?

lloe ((after a short pause) «hence

No answer from jesua. pilate» 11 ••

(irritated) (lrr t t )

speak you ou not unto me??

Ho jesus. 0 0 answer from J • pilate»

ruo 3 Know you not that II have power to crucify r to reloase you? you and have power

How with r 1th great dignity19n1ty0 JJesus answers jesu

Y O U could have no power t all over nie, • except it were given you from above.•

. 1 P After this .pilate could not do anything but ratify the sentence 0 0 0 0 ox death but,• according to ou custom, 1 t to • he addresses the two JJewish


Lawyers, saying* 1 L t Jl . , pilate« what can you state lD. in hi his 4 defence? 11 t : One of the Lawyers takes a step forward, saying~ h L Lawyer» we can only repeat that Jesus is a religious fanatic hut not deliberately a political L ra revolutionary, we therefore asJt the prosecutor not to press the charge and we ask humbly for the Governor to show the greatest possibly leniency.


Ad with indifference and even before the pilate has 11 listened 11 Lawyer has come to the olose of t his plea pilate makes a sign to the 1 L to bring the 1indictment for his signature* . prosecutor pro 1

Before signing

the document rises in the h seat and addresses Jesus, saying00 n hhe r1 th • 1 pilate* pl1 t 1


IIbis 1 ad 0crucem - ((go to your cross). ).

tthe o And addressing centurian1 .... 1 dr n

pilate* pl1 t s


I, miles, expedi crucem - ((see to lit ' that he II It is crucified). 1

Then he puts hi his seal 1 on the death th warrant.• T


.a. u.ri !The centurian

salutes pilate by stretching up his hand.• The scene dissolves into " • 1

1 a J1 new scene the document and the hands and signet of n showing

pilate«• p1

o II again ill dissolves 1 01 This scene softly 0 1 1into a new scene» During the soene shifting tthe following is heard00 Commentary i

The doom of Jesus was sealed. H « ^ into Jerusalem proclaimed as a king was

((370) 70)

C o->t-«-<-fc-

t aas a rl t r sentenced to death by pil pilate rioter '"wtiiI~~ 41 r hi it and a rebel» He'-weuAd die ffor nis fa! faith and/for hi« people.

/o J/le^Z^r-M^XS*.


1is u hi The next used by 1 of t the h oitadel whioh oell shows a hall n soene !h

n. • d marble bench» 1 d on an elevated the soldlers» placed 01 1er • IJesus has been »1 in

His hands are still 111 bound»• Hi r to t 0 this hall 1 1in ord d him 111 The Koman soldiers have 1led into order !rh

, ~ hill th r the h whole make fun of him and band» h 4 they have called together

When opens a soldier is just pu't putting a purple» J1 .n this scene

it a clasp 1 woolen military cloak around him and fastening 1it with 1 o 1 at the shoulder» 1» soldiers .01 ler 1.

»Of you are J Just like a king»• . t 11

11 1 n tl to the jesting of the h J 1Jesus submits silently 11 and patiently soldiers. 01 ra. Another a crown 1 i J: 8soldier 1 r 11 of hrA in mockery, t thorns r has platted rI, twigs from one of the so well h two species of bramble-bushes 1 known 1 1 -bu b. in palestine, oni spinosa or lyoeum spinosum.• 1 t ononis 1 does not prick» »r1 k. was not to wound oun4

This species

The 'L putting a crown ro 11 on the head 0of Jesus ru.r.p~ • of Th purpose J him but to mock him by likening him to Roman emperr


ors 0.0.1 occasions G wore plaited or who h on J1 ceremonious 0 4 crowns of t leaves» 1 •

lAi 4 platting The soldier who has just finished now 1 AO puts or ut lZ16 the orown


it Jesus saying« J1 the 1 on h headof h 1

14.1 2» 2. soldier:

you will soon 80 .a. be in your kingdom; in iA the :r meantime: here is your orown»


A third soldier who puts a reed Into his hands says« 3. soldiers

And here is your sceptre.

in turn the soldiers sneeringly how their lenees before him, salute him, and mook him, shouting* Voices:

Hail, King of the jews,

Jesus is able to endure all the Insults because he rests in God.

Ho is heard whispering the old prayer: shemaJesust ,s


Hear, o* Israel: The Lord, our God is one cx^scy -God* and you shall love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

At this moment the two Jewish Lawyers who have aoted as his counsellors pass by.

when they see how jesus is being treated by

the soldiers, they stop and rebuke them sharply, saying1* Lawyer:

For shame.

£. Lawyer:

stop that.

1. Lawyer:

otherwise we will lodge a complaint against you.

A soldier now enters carrying an a long pole the "titulus" for the cross of Jesus:

a square tablet with a coating of gypsum and

with the inscription in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew: The Ring of the ews. Their attention is diverted from jesus booause this Inscription is an open offense to the Jewish people. they ask him-

Addressing the soldier

(372) ( '12)

11. LLawyer;

rl,Pt1 ho orA r was that In. Bar whose order inscription written?

4*• soldier: 1 r

By order of the governor. rnor. ~ r or

2 2. LLawyer; 1

elZ Himself? 81

4«• soldier: r:


1... li Lawyer: "7 I't

That must be a ml stales« •

2. Lawyer« 2. r:

11 Lett us go and speak to 0 him at once. •

1» L Lawyer 1 1 1 r addresses the soldier« 1 Come with us. •

1* Lawyer; • L

1 u n 1 aY the The two the leave 0141 r with th soldier 1 th JI"tltulus" t o LLawyers and the

hall. 11. :y 1 . n 1AU their As soon left the soldiers lcU. re continue h 1:r mockery. 00 r • o J1 as they have .l "

When &a soldier down on n slips h orown 11 141. attempts to0 adjustt tthe reed, the


one side.

,r The soldier tries to straighten he :t o the h 1it out i it rTails 1 off

head of Jesus and J: rolls a roar of laughter 11. along the floor 11. r bringing ar t la: 1 -~ from the m Idlers, tr


one of them shouts to 1 jesus-

6. 1 • soldier^

you almost lost your orown. ro • 0

.Q. and puts it back upon r picks u the 01 One of the soldiers up orown 1 h or 0

the head of • h t jesus. J IIU •

01, 0 r hastening We to1 follow the two Lawyers back to tn1 o the h "Gabbatha«, aGe. than' • I\l 1 , engaged with th 11 t 1is already busily pilate the nen next case. a •

During a

11 Lawyers approach pause the ernor and 4 make ttheir PJ'o oh the governor 1 complaint.•

P in 1 let one of pointing to the h tablet t ithem says-

((572) 7

1. Lawyer: 1. L 'I J

We have come to ask you not to allow that to be used»


pilate is annoyed at the and answers ourtly11 1interruption r I) 1 11 • 1. pllatc* 11


1. Lawyers

(pointing at the t a b l e t ) i t says that hhe i s erucified as the king oT~the jews«

1 pilate;


1*• Itlawyer:

That is not correct. •

£• Lawyer;

He 1is cruoiried beoause he said thatt he was the Icing or the yews«

ai Lawyer;

(persuasively) The people might feel offend»

pilate* 1

(cutting them short) I have written«

what II have written»

He turns his back to the Lawyers and continues his conversation 1 A with the Roman officials. 1 1 Shrugging their 1 shoulders» the Lawyers leave the place« ·The h scene dissolves softly into a a new scene« AJ •

During the s o ene* shifting the following is heard1 1 Commentary; o


on this day,as on all other days« the divine service within the Temple began with the ottering of the lnoense»

• shows a olo3c up of a golden vessel« The D. new scene

we see the

two hands of priest, clad in white and pouring 140 incense into the t a pr! II vessel« 1.

(374) (Z ? ) h., oamera glides backward and we see the priest,. the Tvessel The 8

la hi. his heAd hands, start walUng toward the Sanctuary. H He la is Jol.ne4 joined by 1.0. , at b another priest, fire :pan pan filled tlUd aao .h r »r1 '. olad In white and carrying a golden tire 1 h 11T oal ' that ' , hav. with live, coals have been taken from the altar of ntr t burnt urnt offerozt.ring*• 1 We follow 110 the h two priests into the h Sanctuary, passing by the

l11h has a covering golden candlestick, and the of show bread which r 1 h "table 1 of h

of pure ot ur gold, Xn center is the incense altar*• h Sanctuary 1 A the hon: r of the


The priest with 1 it the fire-pan places the live coals on the altar after which oh tthe other priest sprinkles them with incense* The priest with the fire-pans leaves the Sanctuary while the h

oother her priest r ·.t falls down upon the floor, worshipping God*• The oamera approaches the altar and the scene ends with a close 1 •

t the altar with th bo of the up of the burning incense which .hi h is a symbol prayers of believers* Y r

o 1 lnt The soene dissolves softly into the. 11 next xt scene* 1 During the ene-shifting following is heard heard« he s o84 - . hint tthe ~oll ' 1 Commentaryj

And the Romans took Jesus and led him away to be crucified*


&0 of Jesus was 1 led from tthe palace through the main-street t Herod thr r re .t


w hi oh parallels the northern wall, on road h gate 0opening 111 .0. the 1. to the h ro

1leading northward*• r • h empty street* We see the

All the' Z feast* r 'tb. 1 is aasleep after &8 • The A

h pi ar 10 ••4. 0JllI shops are closed* only a % few R people 1 are about*

The h roar of the wild

(378) (Z75 )

beasts In the oirous nearby is heard and, art er a little while the sound ox studded sandals»

HOW the doors are opened silently and

frightened faces look out as those in the street are asked if any» thing is wrong«

They are told that the Romans are out and the

people hurriedly retreat into their houses, closing doors and windows«

The sound of people bolting their doors and placing the

cross-oars in place is heard in addition to the sound of the Roman soldiers* sandals«

The sound becomes louder with each passing

moment • By moving the camera we are able to see the procession surround* lng jesus enter the street« The procession is headed by a herald who announces in a loud voice the crime of the prisoner«

He is accompanied by a drummed.

who, at certain intervals between the announcement, makes a rolling noise on his drums« A soldier walks behind the herald and the drummer carrying the "tltulus** which later will be plaoed on the cross« He is followed by the centurion and a few soldiers to clear the street« Then follow four exeoutloners with jesus in their midst«


executioners carry different carpenter tools and Implements, for instance a ladder, boards, ropes, and so on* jesus is going to be crucified on a «crux comissa«, that is a cross in the form of a T# according to] oust cm the man who has been sentenced to death must himself carry the cross-beam to the plaoe of execution«

The oross-beam was laid on the shoulders of Jesus who

bends his neck under the heavy burden«

(376) (37 )

Soldi or s follow along at the end of the procession* Out of the soldiers carries the crown of thorns on a lancehead«

Beoause of the cross-beam it has been necessary to remove it

from jesus head* Jesus is pale and weak,

H O has been under a constant strain

Tor some days and Tor many hours has had nothing to eat or to drink« When the procession approaches the camera we see how his feet fail him«

slowly his strength gives way and. stumbling over a stone in

the pavement, he sinks down on his knees«

The procession halts«


of the executioners helps him to regain his feet and replaces the cross-beam on his shoulders« During this scene a few people have become bold enough to draw near, particularly some women and children«

one of the women, feel-

ing compassion for «Jesus, addresses one of the soldiers« Woman:

x,ook how sweaty he is. May I help him to wipe his face?

p As th the vornan 1. is pl pleasant and 4 sympathetic 1 looking, 0 0141 I Jl&. the soldiei

.0.4 nods assent»• h women in palestine tln at The time frequently wore qu i ithat t1 p or a napkin,

10 1 1 over allowing it to hang loosely the shoulders or around the neck« v hou D 0 0 Among the jews 1 it was considered a sign 0of 0compassion to wipe the h

face of another human being who was in distress« 1 0 1 :r • 1 How this woman,movedd with pity, 1 1. hands Jesus her r napkin« n.

d presses it against his face and then in 0 1it and hell gives 1it back tto her. her.

The centurion now shouts an order that they are to continue. 10 n 0 nu • the bearing his cross« h procession moves on, Jesus b ro •

01.., Q o n 41 The scene dissolves softly into 0' 1 1


He takes


(3'1'1 ) (2577) ft

he .n xt scene: h Sanctuary p u I 0or the Temple b 1 The next beginning with J1 : from tthe 1 1th tthe burning incense. a close up of the altar with t


The camera moves baoJcward and the priest who has been worshiping God rises and leaves tthe Sanctuary,• G


we follow him through the enh:r

o the steps leading up to the Holy 01 place. At the foot trance hall tto

:r th of the steps tthe believers have gathered,

standing at tthe top 0 of 0

th the steps and lifting his hands over the people of Israel the priest at

pronounces the eld Jewish Aaronlo benediction» ths same benediction which is used to-day in Christian churches. priest: r l t:

The Lord bless you and keep you» the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

o n:to The scene dissolves softly into 1 01

the llX. next scene. •

During the scene shifting the last sentence of h 1

the is heard. h benediction 1 This soene shows the with has passed the h procession 0 hi 1 h JJesus which h ggate ot oenath and now 1is outside the first northern wall. al.

is not far away. 1

Golgotha otha

It 1is an open rooky landscape without buildings

but from olden times has been oovered with gardens.•


.~ Somewhere along the yesus stumbles onoe more h road,• J or and the pro1

cession stops. The executioners and they also attempt on r again help him to arise 1 T

o the cross-beam on II his shoulders but the centurior interto place feres, saying1

(Z , ) (S7Ü)

Centurion« 0

on. to0 ou N O•, It' it*S no use; we mustt rind someone ro r the h arose carry for him.•

He, loo looks about. b

ot Cyrene, A Greek jew, Simon of moment,t t r en 1 on his way home at this meets the pro procession*

10 calls 11 him 1 and commands 0 The centurion him to

carry the h cross,saying~o

Centurion: .n 10

aCarry r

that oro oross for him. B He 1 is all 1 in« In. · or ~.

Simon refuses, saying-



why do you o ask me?

Centurions .n 1 0

X didn't ask you.

Y O U have men enough* It was an order, re •

.t the executioners, Simon, 1 of one of 10. grumbling and with the help

r lifts tthe cross to his right shoulder* 11 r.

The pr procession behind Jesus who is leaning 1 iOA moves on, Simon going !h on 04

one of t the ex J1 h executioners. Q t The softly into h scene dissolves 1 1

i the next scene« from the Temple.

At the end of the morning-

servloe the Levltes on duty gather on the steps leading to the Sanctuary,

TWO priests with trombones of silver (called trumpets)

are with them.

Each day a psalm was sung by the Levltes while the

two priests at certain intervals in the song would sound their trombones. At each blast of the trombones the people throw themselves upon

(,,7 (579)

pi or the ground, pra jing and worshipping Qod. d, p 1 th o • 0





1 ssene ends with a • cose up ofh01 tro on By means of a 1trucking shot the t dissolves softly into the next scene. During e hl f t1 ana e trombones 1 the the •



t song and the 1music• is heard, the song being d th the soene shixting subdued and the trombones emphasised*

01 0 0 This shows Golgotha and begins with a 10 long shot* 1 0 h1 soene The piaoe was situated about a hundred metres from the oenath 1 0 r gate rrom the road which followed the Horthern 1 1 1 aside te and a little

iQn 0of the palaoe of King Herod»• wall direction e dire 1 in the 0 Roman soldiers to prevent 1 r have been posted all around the plaoe

persons of execution»• r on not concerned xrom approaching the place 1

The h

crowd la small in number« o 0 r. If it was 11 not xor the crosses the place would resemble a timber0 r yard»•

Iin a corner was a heap of rough-hewn beams and boards»

another r corner two men are occupied with sawjtng a beam» is placed on two vertloal beams 1


This beam

oae carpenter is standing beneath»

another r one above the horizontal beam,, each one sawing from his end; the is drawing up, the man beneath drawing down. h man above 1 cuts only when 1it is going downward, ut on! seen»

The saw

A bundle of fagots is also 0

sometimes s the h executioners hastened the victim's death by

t the cross, A hheap 0of sand la also xindl ing a fire foot of lr at the too

seen» .n. The we see working are the executioners.• They h ncarpenters" whom h

o no 0 do not look very bloodthirsty but like artisans exercising their 1 profession.•

o&e of them is carrying water xYom a 11 nearby waterz--

((380) 380)

r , 1. olstern it 1.nt into a. a bbarrel• 1 t r and pp ourlng 1t

mother ot T «carpenter» r" is seenA

be bsnt over a tub washing b1 his bloody hands, "carpenter" pours loo oarp 1 ur • A fellow water 't r from a jar over his hands. •


1 The filled with the sounds of and axer 1is -r oZ hammer-strodes 1 h th rh air

blows, 10 •


'ori Also and wailing and doleful cries.• Ith sighs, 0 11 1 1 h • groans, 0 with


When JJesus arrives at tthe P place the situation is as follows1

jesus Is going to be crucified with t wo [ t hl o v e s» /"§£• of t hem is already hangln*, on the cross and two executioners are just nailing u 111 1

t the cross.. his tfeet on the vertical beaut of hi on his cross»• The other one is about to be hoisted up upon 1 The manner of proceeding was as follows: : The cross-beam was 1laid


on the ground. The man who was sentenced to death was stretched out 0 t


upon p tthe cross-beam, his arms extended and his hands nailed to the h beam.• Then the cross-beam with the man was hoisted d up ana placed 104 1 upon the vertical beam which has already been raised.• r 1 By means of ropes, ladders» and men with 11 with long poles 0 1 b hooJcs • the cross-beam 1is hoisted up to post and 0 the top 0 x- 1 -p of the vertical fastened by nails and ropes»•


Spur-shores are placed between the cross-beam and the v vertical 1 0 beam. • On this hi on

vertical beam, midway up, a wooden "saddle* is fixed,, r • 1

the so "sddlle"»• 0 called 1 on 0

The is placed in a riding position h prisoner 1 0

this "saddle« which supports the body.• r


Then the feet are nailed

to the vertical beam,• ~~h· d .


h two crosses with the thieves-other Midway between the exeoutioners 0 10.0. r

((381) )

are preparing the cross for jesus. A hole is hewn In the rook and a man is cleaning it out. The Tertlcal beam is lying on the ground near the hole» ready to be planted in the ground,

HOW three or four exe out i oners raise

the beam, ^pushing the foot of it toward the hole until finally it sinks down into position«

They put wedges into the hole aroung the

foot of the beam until it is vertical. The vertical beam is not raised too high.

The feet of the

sufferer must be leas than a man's height over the ground. One of the executioners hums a gay tune while working and another one Joins in singing the refrain. All are busy, Just as men might be when engaged in any common toil. When jesus arrives the cross-beam is lifted from the shoulders of Simon of cyrene and placed on the ground. According to Roman law those who were sentenced to death on the cross must be placed naked on "the tree" but in Palestine they were allowed to keep a loin-cloth in place. jesus is ordered to take off his clothes.

Simon of Cyreno offers

to help him but the executioners send him away« Glimpses of other situations are intercalated while Jesus is undressing. When we return to Jesus he is undressed and is stretched out on the ground, his arms extended on the cross-beam. nailed,

They are not yet

A string is put around his wrists and they are straightened


i out toward the ende of the oress and fixed as tightly as possible» dose-up this is seen in a trucking/Shot along the cross-beam from one enA to the other and we see also the executioners marking on the beam the plaoe where the nails shall be driven.

Than the string is

loosened and holes are made with an auger to receive the long nails, Again the arms are straightened out and the string fastened to the ends of the beam in order to prevent the sufferer from drawing back his hands and making it difficult to drive in the nails» While this is happening we hear jesus saying* jesus:

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

prom a new angle we see one of the exeoutloners drive the nails through the hands, first the right hand and then the left, is shot in such a way that it stimulates

ffeis scene

the imagination of the

spectators without showing the cruelties of the deed,

we see the

baok of the executioner and the hammer being lifted up after each stroke and we hear the hollow sound S3 it descends, and the moaning of jesus. After this scene we see the top of the vertical beam of the cross of jesus and a Roman soldier handing the "titulus" to an executioner standing on a ladder.

The executioner fastens the "titulus"

on the backside of the beam so that it will appear just above the head of Jesus when he is placed on the cross. And now the camera


slowly approaches the "titulus" until it covers the whole screen.


Daring this different sounds are heard: the braying of sheepv the 1 bugles from the Roman Governor«s palace calling the bugles at the 1 Roman fortress Antonia and itheir reply,

we also hear the barking

and the wailing of the crucified. oof dogs mingled with the cries 1 1

(W ) ,Atter whil the "titulus* tl ulu dl ol After a while dissolves softly into new soens, 0 .n 0 a Jl ov ra moves or the Uhiu camera bacJcward to a 1long shot. Jesus is now hanging . :-""""

n the ero on cross»•

0 exe out i oners are about to nail his feet to the TWO

upr uprightt bbeam*•

e hhear tthe hammer-strokes and we see the points of we

d . nfrff a.d nails, th o~, h 11s , ppiercing tthrough the beam and appearing the llon&> ••mf ~o

th backside. 0 on the ~ the cross, A 1 ~ the front of Then a scene of ladder *s still •

cross and an executioner 1is standing on it«• 1leaning againstt the ero 0

ot thorns orn to the A Roman soldier hands the crown of executioner t 0 who puts descends the h 1 ut it Qon the head of «Jesus»• The executioner ;r and rremoves it from 0 om the h oross. ladder 1

The paleness of death is

c 0;( u • With the greatest difficulty ocoloring 10 1 already the tface of JJesus» re


he l1 lilts his eyes and 1 in a lOll loud voice cries« I t up llh1

TftrJ N

J. MyiflP^i my fled, why have you for a ait en met

E~ol/ ELoi~



His and Cl he turns his head heavily and slowly 1 1 eyelids close rrom other»• 1 'ro 0one side to the otl

Tears come into his eyes and roll down

his cheeks. • Again the camera approaches the "titulus" until it entirely .p ro

er .11. ccovers .. r the screen. After it dissolves into it raa tfew moments 0 1t 1 1 1 0 a short hor scene of the ~ro~·~~~

cross of th the gobaegü» seun ooi' one o~ n -Crom the front» C 0

The r ebb or


OU shouts disdainfully at Jesust.


1 It and me»• If you be the Messiah, • save yourself

d different r....--,.""" .. .,. " sounds The scene dissolves bacx to the "tltulus" and

r hheard» are

11 dissolves» 1 1 After a short while tthe scene again this time

standing on the ground and ut on 1into a new scene showing three executioners looking lovA.4ll"~

at Jjesus. •

one 0of ().11

them saysh

(~ 4) (984)

Executioner: u 1 rt

uild it 1A m 1 and build H e« vxculd destroy in 01 tthe Temple hr three days. •

ame 1~ The scene "back to the and the camera moves h "titulus" u a n dissolves 1 1 backward and we see JJesus, xn a faint he 1is heard gasping. 01 8. lA a voice •

r t. 1 thirst.

Jjfc3Uoj e

t a has been .pO A Roman soldier 1 ie seen drawing near with a sponge that 1 be II .A 1 1 1 t moistened with vinegar.

1 lance.

11 urn t Jesus who turns 01 1 The soldier lifts the sponge to the mouth of

hi his head away,•



The sponge is fastened to the head or* a

.p t while lifting the sponge to the face of IJesus the


soldier shoutsSoldier: 01

0 You ccannot save. v • ou saved 0others, yourself o . el you


The camera approaches until it entirely r o ch s again the "titulus" lu un covers the screen.

n softly After a short while the "titulus" 1 1

n. the QJ'O dissolves into a scene of several revolutionaries in crowd»• We 1

rrecognise their xaces and we hear them 3aying<» 1.revolutionary: HO said 1 he was the son of t God, .r •

1 • him.

2.revolutionary: l,et deliver him how, 1if he wil»l t God 0 11 1 1 have L • 01 t ic him.•


0 The scene softly bade to the ''titulus" after .n dissolves 0 i . " which, .

a short while, c n showing the 1, again dissolves into a scene h four exe,}I')

u ion. r • cut ioners.

.tl the ground casting lots They are sitting on to t 0 determine

h what each of them should take.

1 The garments of Jesus eo consisted of 0

1 ccloak ("simxah"), 1 his his head-gear, his girdle, and hiajsandals.•

Also 1 0 his »kiton% woven in one <-#•**«•»

The casting oof lots is done 0 ~.

as follows; a square is drawn on the ground and divided into 9 1 1


r squares numbered r smaller from 1 *- 9 .• 0 1

fhen they thrww small . l

.k. ~o.s'Zo-o ~~./o ·~ Ac.. ~:(7u.....ta r..~ L~ Z~ Seem*. a-J <s&s^. (Ja.A..':--' <*ct**,~++...~ *-*~X*<7' o -a / *. */Ot!:c.·k y*o£n£e'cc~e 'C~ SiO'l,..4.. 7~~' ~

((285 )

atones into the squares. The object is to get the moot points« The one who gets the "simian» »aysExecutioner:

x never

dreamt of being clad in a royal

mantle* The scene dissolves softly into the "titulus" and the camera glides backwards until we see jesus again» his strength almost spent and crying in a loud voicejesus:

gather into your hands I commend my spirit*

"And having sala thus he gave up the ghost• « (The dissolves axe not complete dissolves but superlmpositions f«inst« 1-4. so that the titulus remains subdued behind the different intercalated scene After

this scene another scene follows of the cross of Jesus . angle* mle centurion and a soldier o 1 r approach from a different taken, rrom . Xh ** the cross« It was the duty of the centurion to make sure that those crucified were really dead and he motions to the soldier to pieroe the side of Jesu3 with his spear* The soldier does so and "forthwith out same there/Blood and water». This scene is followed \>^ a long shot«

The centurion sits down

1 with a few soldiers who have been ordered to remain until all the

crucified are dead* o 1f1

The exeoutioners have left*• The soldiers have

opened R 4 their "knapsacks" "~~u~,~~ and started eating* By means of a dissolve the soldiers and the crosses of the two r thieves-''slowly disappear. The cross with Jesus is left all alone« We see the shadow of the cross lengthening more and more until it breaks the frame oft the image«•

(306) (386)

During thi3 ih ; follow; Co ntnrys Counoniaryj

hoard -

JoaU1J what Jo3U.. d.-od but but in in Donth Doath ll() ha nccon;>l_uh()d ae con At h.o ho hnd had bOL'1ln b酶gun n ~ _ o. :3 bo Y \laB l~ 11.od. hut h10 nn r t .......~~~I n l d f a Ril bo.": 1% and nobla ~ha\leMe .. 路.,od. Ilia ltAort 1 or..~~ ne,) brol ..;ht to hlU'':}'111 ty ihou ;ato '.ivod. ills laaort i brought to hunanlty 01 ova t.ho lor!d thu :;ood t_dlnco 0 t ., OVO and oh(,}'" J. t~ aor l l oouuu ov tha ood ,f iovo ond elv r i ty b路 tl >rld (J JO\,I all w rophot ... 0.:. ola.

Tor obo

phftta of Ol .

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