be clean cleanse guide
why cleanse Although our bodies are equipped with some awesome systems that break down and eliminate toxins, they sometimes need extra help. D u e to th e s h e e r vo lum e o f ch e m i c a l s th at a r e n ow pr e s e nt i n o u r e n v i ro n m e nt, a lo n g with a d i e t th at l ack s s u f f i ci e nt n u tr i e nt s , it c a n b e h i g h ly b e n e f i ci a l to a i d o u r b o d i e s i n th e n at u r a l pro ce s s o f d e toxi f i c ati o n .
Our lungs, liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, and skin all work together to keep the body clean. These are the organs and systems in our bodies that are responsible for the process of detoxification; the purpose of a cleanse is to assist each one in its unique functioning. We may not always realize the multitude of toxins that we are exposed to, but just think of environmental pollution, chemicals in our air, water, and homes, pesticides and
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unhealthy ingredients in our food, particularly in processed foods, and the toxic chemicals in our cleaning and beauty products- all of which we are knowingly and unknowingly exposed to on a daily basis! Even stress, anxiety, depression, and negative thinking can be toxic to the body and impact our wellbeing. The good news is, there are many things we can do to protect our bodies, and cleansing is a fantastic way to give the body a break and jumpstart our health!
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C h o o s e f o o d s o u r c e s t h at a r e
h ow to cle a n s e
organic (without pesticides, chemicals or additives)
wh e n it com e s to cle a n s i n g th e r e a r e m a n y o p ti o n s , s o ch o o s i n g a m e th o d th at i s r i g ht
C h o o s e b e au t y a n d p e r s o n a l c a r e
fo r yo u i s th e f i r s t s te p. O n e o f th e s im ple s t
p r o d u c t s t h at a r e f r e e o f t ox i c
way s to cle a n s e i s to e lim i n ate a ll pro ce s s e d
c h e m i c a l s a n d t h at a r e m o s t ly p l a n t-
a n d n o n - o rg a n i c fo o d s f rom th e d i e t. M ay b e e v e n co n s i d e r e lim i n ati n g m e at a n d a lco h o l a n d fo llowi n g a v e g e ta r i a n o r v e g a n d i e t. Th e d u r ati o n o f a cle a n s e c a n va ry f rom
In addition to cleansing, there are many things we can do to limit and prevent toxins from harming our bodies:
U s e c l e a n i n g s u p p l i e s w i t h a l l- n at u r a l ingredients
o n e day to s e v e r a l m o nth s . With cle a n s i n g , D r i n k f i lt e r e d wat e r
th e r e i s n o r i g ht o r wro n g way, b u t m a ke s u r e to co n s u lt a h e a lth c a r e pr ac titi o n e r
M i n i m i z e t h e u s e o f ov e r -t h e - co u n t e r
a n d ch o o s e a cle a n s e th at i s a ppro pr i ate fo r
d r u g s , t o b acco, a n d a l co h o l
yo u r cu r r e nt h e a lth n e e d s a n d g oa l s .
W o r k t o d e -s t r e s s o u r l i v e s a n d f o c u s m e n ta l e n e r g i e s o n p o s i t i v e t h i n k i n g
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why a juice cleanse
Juice cleansing is a longstanding detoxification option that has recently grown in popularity and notoriety. A juice cleanse typically involves fresh or homemade juice as either the single source of food during the cleanse or as a meal-replacement supplement. A juice cleanse gives the colon (and liver and kidneys) a chance to rest and repair by removing the fiber from the fruit and vegetables, and it also allows fresh nutrients and vitamins to hit the bloodstream more directly and quickly. Most of us do not get adequate nutrients due to the sheer volume you would need to eat to meet our bodies’ requirements.
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Juicing is a way to get these vitamins and nutrients without the excessive fiber and quantity. Juice, especially juice made from green vegetables like kale, spinach, and chard, helps to restore the alkaline and acid balance of the body, which increases health and wellness and works to prevent disease and imbalance. The body has a natural balance that leans more towards an alkaline pH level, but with a diet that contains more acidic foods like breads, grains, and sugars, the body’s pH level becomes more acidic, leaving it vulnerable to disease, illness, and other imbalances.
An increase in alkaline fruits and vegetables helps to maintain a healthier pH balance. In addition, consuming only juice from organic fruits and vegetables eliminates the other sources of food toxins for the duration of the cleanse, giving all of our organs a well deserved break. Increased energy is a very common effect of juicing because your body can focus on its natural processes and function at its optimal level when it isn’t burdened with the task of breaking down complex foods and unhealthy ingredients.
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WHAT A JUICE CLEANSE LOOKS LIKE At Tr u ce , we o f f e r cle a n s e s i n th r e e d u r ati o n s a n d t wo le v e l s .
Yo u m ay ch o o s e b e t we e n a
O n e- Day, Th r e e- Day, a n d F i v e- Day cle a n s e . A ll cle a n s e s a r e ava i l a b le i n th e “ Ta ke it E a s y ” o r “M a ke a Tr u ce ” le v e l s . E ach day o f th e cle a n s e co n s i s t s o f f i v e
16 f l oz b ot tle s o f Tr u ce
j u i ce a n d o n e b ot tle o f Tr u ce A l m o n d M i lk . J u i ce s s h o u ld b e co n s um e d i n s te a d o f yo u r u s ua l m e a l s a n d i n th e o r d e r i n wh i ch th e y a r e l a b e le d. Fo r m o r e d e ta i le d i n fo rm ati o n o n e ach cle a n s e , a s we ll a s pe r s o n a li z e d o p ti o n s , v i s it d r i n k tru ce .com o r s to p by o u r r e ta i l lo c ati o n .
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WHO SHOULD CHOOSE A JUICE CLEANSE ? Anyone who wants to see great results and feel renewed, clean, and refreshed! Truce believes that anyone can do a juice cleanse, whether that means using juice as a meal replacement for one meal a day or for all your meals for up to five days. Each individual should determine the length and level of a juice cleanse that is most appropriate and consult a healthcare practitioner for advice
and guidance. Remember, you can always start with one juice a day and work your way up to a five-day cleanse! Our staff at Truce is knowledgeable and should be able to assist you with any questions or concerns you might have. Ask to speak to one of our certified health and wellness coaches to get started.
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OPTIONS Clear skin Brighter eyes
Our juices are made with as many organic and local ingredients as possible, and each one is packed full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help heal, protect, and nurture our bodies. During a juice cleanse, you and your body should feel alive, renewed, and strengthened.
Increased energy
F i r s t, p i c k t h e n u m b e r o f d ay s you would like to cleanse: O n e D ay | T h r e e D ay | F i v e D ay
M e n ta l c l a r i t y Emotional bal ancing S e n s e o f p e ac e a n d r e l a x at i o n H i g h ly f u n c t i o n i n G d i g e s t i v e a n d e l i m i n at i o n s y s t e m
During a juice cleanse, you can expect to see any or all of the following amazing results:
Weight loss N o c r av i n g s A n a l l-a r o u n d s e n s e o f w e l l- b e i n g a n d h e a lt h !
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Then, choose the level: Take it Easy For the first time trying a juice cleanse, or if you do not regularly consume green juice, we recommend starting with this option. The juices contain more fruit and more variety. This cleanse will leave you feeling light, energized, and renewed! Make a Truce For the juicing veterans or for anyone looking for a highly alkalizing and mostly green cleanse experience, we recommend this option. The juices contain mostly vegetables and greens. This cleanse will you leave you feeling clean, healthy, and invigorated!
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What to Expect During The Cleanse The most important thing to remember when doing a cleanse is that you know your body better than anyone else. Pay attention to your physical, mental, and emotional cues. Be sure to honor these experiences and take note of them. Even consider keeping a journal during the cleanse to remember the experience or to help highlight important insights. A little discomfort is to be expected, whether that comes in the form of slight hunger, cravings, changes in your elimination patterns, or mood ups and downs. If you experience any extreme reactions to the cleanse, we recommend terminating the cleanse and consulting a healthcare practitioner. During the cleanse you should feel energized, healthy, clean, balanced, nourished, and you should experience more
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mental clarity. Remember, when undergoing a longer cleanse, sometimes your reactions and feelings can evolve or take a day or two to kick in. Withdrawal symptoms are natural and are also a sign that your body is losing its dependency on nutritional bad habits (which are different for every person), like sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. You may experience headaches, cravings, and changes in your elimination patterns as symptoms of withdrawal. We have collected some tips to help you prepare for the cleanse and to make the transition as smooth as possible.
Eliminate or decrease consumption of caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and processed foods at least one week prior to beginning the cleanse
Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables at least one week prior to beginning the cleanse
Decrease consumption of meat or choose only lean, organic sources of white meat and fish at least one week prior to beginning the cleanse
Look into and select stress reduction and management techniques to utilize during the cleanse. Ideas include: meditation, guided imagery, affirmations, massage, yoga
Make sure you keep a clear schedule that is conducive to cleansing and try not to make lunch or dinner plans. It also beneficial to choose a time to cleanse that avoids environments that will make it harder stay on the cleanse.
Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about your upcoming cleanse and ask for support
Consider enlisting a cleansing partner or two, who will cleanse with you
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Keep a journal of your observations, and reactions
Treat yourself to a massage or facial to enhance the detoxification process
Consider supplementing the cleanse with the practice of skin brushing to further detoxify the skin and other organs
The day after your cleanse, try to ease back into a normal pattern of eating – lightly cooked vegetables, broth-based soups, nuts, fruits, and of course fresh juices are all great foods to aid your transition
Practice a daily calming and stress-reducing ritual, like yoga, meditation, guided imagery, affirmations
Continue to avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods for a few days.
As before the cleanse, increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables after the cleanse
Continue to journal and note any reactions to going back to your normal way of eating
If you feel cold during the cleanse or are craving a hot meal, especially during the Winter months, you may drink hot, caffeine-free tea throughout the day, hot water with a lemon, or warmed organic vegetable broth in the evening Our staff is always available for advice and support during a cleanse... If you need help, ask!
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