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Additional Assistance for Taxi and Limo Operators
NEWS More $$$ for Taxi and Limo licence holders and operators
The Queensland Government has announced additional financial support of $23 million for the taxi and limousine industry to assist with the economic impacts of COVID-19 and to ensure services can continue to operate. This is in addition to the $54.5 million transport industry financial assistance package announced on 25 April 2020.
The taxi and limousine industry is an essential service and plays a pivotal role in transporting the public around the State. This package is designed to provide support to a range of different parties in the industry in recognition of their important role in Queensland communities and to assist the recovery of the industry.
Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Minister Mark Bailey said with every corner of the industry having been severely impacted by the coronavirus, the package was designed to assist not only drivers but licence holders and booking entities.
"This package is especially important for Queenslanders in our community who have a disability, with the package to include an additional payment for operators whose taxis are wheelchair accessible. This is about supporting local businesses and local jobs," said Mr Bailey.
The financial assistance will be delivered through one-off lump sum payments of:
that was recorded in the licence register and was in force as at 16 June 2020,
for applicants who have been declared by TMR to be the holder of a relevant licence where the licence has been transferred to another person in particular circumstances.
who on 16 June 2020 was the operator of each such licence that had a taxi or limousine recorded in the licence register as at 10 March 2020.
$1,000 per licence as an additional incentive payment for wheelchair accessible taxi operators:-
who on 16 June 2020 was the operator of a wheelchair accessible taxi as recorded in the licence register as at 10 March 2020.
$1,500 per vehicle to authorised booking entities for each taxi or limousine:-
that was affiliated with the BEA on 10 March 2020,
capped at 1,000 vehicles, for entities that provide booking services predominantly for taxis and/or limousines.
"While many in the industry have been hit hard by COVID-19, a lot of operators have continued operating despite the challenges to make sure frontline staff can get to and from work, and I want to acknowledge that role they’ve played," Mr Bailey added.

"Just like before COVID-19, taxi and limousine operators will continue to play a crucial role in keeping Queensland moving postCOVID-19."
To apply for the financial assistance you must complete the application form found at QRIDA together with your supporting documentation. For further information please visit www. qrida.qld.gov.au.
The scheme will be open to applications until 4 September 2020.