Homeopathy for Adrenal Fatigue | Drlam : https://bit.ly/2MzxdiL

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Homeopathy for Adrenal Fatigue, Hypothyroidism and Chronic Stress Factors Without continuous thyroid hormone supplements, Helen was practically paralyzed & unable to speak. With meds, she still felt far from good: very chilly, tired & suffered from ‘mind fog’. She had a poor appetite. She was not ovulating & her cycle was overly long, with scanty bleeding. At 30 she had the cycles of a woman entering menopause. Because of the side effects from the thyroid replacement hormones she had been prescribed, Helen was buying expensive natural desiccated thyroxin (NDT) from abroad. Although she has a family history of autoimmune hypothyroidism (Grandmother, mother & sister) & had been diagnosed with it, she suspected that she suffered from hormone disruption due to adrenal fatigue. Within a month of starting homeopathic treatment, Helen was seeing clear improvements. She had to reduce her NDT dose. She was beginning to experience symptoms of the high thyroid with the supplement! She began to feel a greater energy, more clarity & an improvement in her motivation & appetite. She began to have ‘real’ periods & to ovulate!

In the process of treatment, Helen’s childhood asthma returned. I’d told her this would likely happen, looking at her medical history, and that it would be temporary. Her body would begin to work through old, suppressed conditions on its way to recovery. He had Ventolin to hand. (*Ventolin is not a suppressive medication but should be used only if really necessary. There is some evidence that continued use causes small lacerations within the lung tissue and can lead to more attacks as a result. He is very well, able to work & her mood is greatly improved. Him hormonal balance is good and she is less inclined to overwork then crash and burn! Now we work together periodically to keep her immune system strong and to avoid the stress issues, antibiotics and steroid medicines that likely triggered her predisposition to thyroid disease.

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