media KIT
about US
SOCIAL CAPITAL IS THE MAGAZINE FOR ENTREPRENEURS, PROFESSIONALS AND SOCIALLY MINDED INDIVIDUALS STRIVING TO UNIFY THEIR NETWORKS, ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITIES. Social Capital is a quarterly print publication that complements a strong online presence composed of monthly e-zines, forums and top-quality video journalism. New online content is published monthly and includes feature stories, how-to articles and contributions from industry experts and notables. Contributors include business and philanthropic leaders and scholars who share their unique stories and insights about today’s global community-based economy.
Readers and Life Changing Ideas
Social Capital teaches readers how to build social capital in their own lives, relationships, networks and communities. Taking a higher-level view, the magazine also shows readers why building social capital is important and what social and personal benefits come from strengthened networks. Social Capital readers find that building valued networks, relationships and communities is far more than a personal agenda: it is an agent for significant change and a driver of social improvement. It is this social purpose that guides the magazine’s content and readers’ lives.
Social capital is something everyone has. It is the rapport that proceeds you in each of your relationships. It is the value that those relationships build toward creating a cohesive, positive community. It is the epitome of the statement “the sum is greater than its parts.”
the AUDIENCE 25,000 Engaged readers... And that’s just the first quarter of 2011.
Social Capital targets entrepreneurs, capital investors and socially minded individuals who recognize the need to build alliances with others who can affect change, both entrepreneurially and socially. Social Capital serves as a valuable how-to guide to help readers do just that. The magazine’s content is aimed directly at giving readers useful tools to build beneficent networks and to tell the inspirational stories of other readers and experts who have traveled the same path.
Market Segments: • Entrepreneurs • Social Capital Industry • Social impact based organizations • Connection and network based organizations • Social Networking Industry • Network Marketing Industry • Academia • Corporate • Non-Profits
• Women 55% • Men 45% • Average Age 34 • Average HHI $74K • Education 86% College Education • Self-Employed 55%
sponsor BENEFITS Companies and individuals that pledge support to Social C apital get access to our most valuable asset: our network of interested, engaged readers.
Social Capital is read by 25,000 men and women in the social capital, venture capital and network marketing industries. They understand the value of a strong, optimized network and read the magazine to discover tips about how to build and strengthen their network.
Sponsors receive:
• Advertising exposure to 25,000 initial readers with an exponential gain in monthly subscriptions and magazine sales expected to reach (_________) by December 2011 • Access to entrepreneurs, investors and MBA students • A tool you can use with your clients in creating lasting value in your relationships • Increased influence with Social Capital readers and your own clients • A connection with the country’s ONLY networking and social capital printed publication • A corporate license to distribute pre-release access to articles to employees before they are seen by the general public
sponsor benefits CONTINUED Seed Round Sponsor: $2,500 Sponsorship Includes:
• 12 months sponsor recognition on website and physical publication • 1,250,000 advertising impression online (small sized)
• 300,000 advertising impression in physical publication 1/4 page
First Round Sponsor: $5,000 Sponsorship Includes:
• 12 months sponsor recognition on website and physical publication • 2,500,000 advertising impression online (medium sized)
• 500,000 advertising impression in physical publication 1/3 page
Mezzanine Round Sponsor: $10,000 Sponsorship Includes:
•12 months sponsor recognition on website and physical publication • 5,000,000 advertising impression online (medium sized) • 500,000 advertising impression online (small sized)
• 1,000,000 advertising impression in physical publication 1/2 page
Founder Round Sponsor: $20,000 Sponsorship Includes:
• 12 months sponsor recognition on website and physical publication • 10,000,000 advertising impression online (Large sized) • 1,000,000 advertising impression online (small sized)
• 500,000 in content impressions online (micro, buttons, links)
• 2,000,000 advertising impression in physical publication 1/2 page
Social Capital magazine is the premier source for finding information relevant to reader goals and serves as a valuable how-to guide in achieving those goals.
With a distinctly directed mix of reported stories and
expert-submitted articles, Social Capital is designed to
inform, educate and inspire. Whether in print, online or both, Social Capital’s content offers utility and insight and directly links readers to related content in its opposite format. In this way, readers can find a
networked repository of useful information that, in turn, ensures your ad is seen.
Features: Get into the theory and nuance of building social capital in a clear, easy-to-read way. Get Connected: How-to articles that highlight specific strategies readers can use to enhance their social capital. Opinion: Submitted, curated articles from social capital experts and academics. [also online] Leading the Way: Profile pieces about leaders worldwide and throughout history using their networks to affect change. Building a Legacy: Tips for managing your image and perceptions within your networks. [also online]
The regular print features above, plus: Forums: Areas where readers can get together online to network, discuss Social Capital articles or offer their own tips and stories. Six°: Reader-submitted how-to pieces that show other readers how they’ve built social capital and made a difference. Ohm!: Articles focued on self-mastery and how to direct your energies toward a positive goal. Inspirations: Short affirmations and empowering thoughts to help readers succeed when the going is tough. [also in print]
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Vertical Banner - 120 x 240
Micro Bar - 88 x 31
Wide Skyscraper - 160 x 600
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Skyscraper - 120 x 600
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Half Page Ad - 300 x 600
Square Button - 125 x 125
Print Editions
* 2-page spread (trim) 16.75” w x 10.875” h
1/2 page 7.875” w x 5.1875” h
1/3 page 2.5139” w x 10.375” h
* Full-page (trim) 8.375” w x 10.875” h
1/4 page 3.9375” w x 5.1875” h
* 2-page spreads and full-page ads have full bleed. Please add 0.25” to all sides for bleed.
We believe you can have anything you truly want in life, if you empower others and contribute in meaningful ways while improving the human condition. Our mission is to empower people to make a difference in other peoples lives from whatever station in life they find themselves in.
social CAPITAL Magazine