Amanda Satanek Typography Cards

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Š amanda, 2009

nder leg eye bowl ear link loop descende k serifs counter spur arm stem terminal pine stroke tail hariline fillet typeshoulder anatomy sbar ascender leg eye bowl ear link loop cender link serifs counter spur arm stem hestroke parts of shoulder letterforms. Over minal spine tail hairline the centuries, a nomenclature llet crossbar ascender leg eye has evolved that identifies the bowl ear various components of each k loop descender link serifs counter spur individual letterform. Learning m stem the terminal stroke shoulder vocabularyspine will develop a greater understanding ail hariline fillet crossbarand ascender leg sensitivity to the visual harmony bowl earandlink loop descender complexity of the serifs nter spur arm stem terminal spine strok lder tail hariline fillet crossbar ascende eye bowl hariline fillet crossbar ascende leg eye ear p descender link serifs counter spur arm em terminal spine stroke shoulder tail rline fillet crossbar leg eye bowl ear link



Italic Old Style Modern


sans serif

sans serif

Italic Old Style Š amanda, 2009

d style italic transitional modern egypta sans serif old style italic transitional odern egyptain sans serif old style itali fontmodern classifications ansitional egyptain sans serif ol tyle italic transitional modern egyptain n infinite variety of type sans serif old style italic transitional styles are available today. odern egyptain sans serif old Digital typography has made style itali entire arrayegyptain of typefacessans serif ol ansitionalthemodern developed over the centuries tyle italic transitional modern available for contemporary use. egyptain Numerous effortsitalic have been sans serif old style transitional made to classify typefaces, with odern egyptain sans serif major old style itali most falling into several classification ansitionalcategories. modernSome egyptain sans serif ol systems add a decorative, tyle italic transitional modern stylized, or novelty category for egyptain the wide range of fanciful type sans serif old style italic transitional styles that defy categorization. odern egyptain sans serif old style itali ansitional modern egyptain sans serif ol tyle italic transitional modern egyptain sans serif old style italic transitional



design design


design design


design design Š amanda, 2009

ondensed medium condensed italic demi ondensed demi condensed italic book boo font families alic book condensed book condensed ital edium condensed medium condensed ita emi demi condensed demi condensed ita complete collection of typefaces in different weights ook book italic book condensed book cond and classifications, but having alic medium condensed medium condens the same point size, and to work together. For alic demidesigned demi condensed demi condens example, the ITC Frankllin alic book Gothic book font italic book condensed boo family includes Book Condensed, Book ondensed italic medium condensed mediu Condensed Italic, Medium ondensed italic demi demi condensed Condensed, Medium Condensed Italic, Demi Condensed, Demi emi condensed italic book book italic bo Condensed Italic, Book, Book ondensed book condensed Italic, Demi, and Demiitalic Italic. medium ondensed medium condensed italic demi ondensed demi condensed italic book boo alic demi book condensed book condense alic medium condensed medium condens




Poi n

ts T he

Tre a



typographic syntax

Look at this treasure it has shiny coins and jelewry! I shall take this treasure and become rich. Like Paris Hilton and buy myself a tiny dog! Maybe I can travel to France, Japan, or China with my private jet. But how shall I take this heavy treasure off this tiny island. I can’t share with these people or they might take my treasure away! I guess I shall stay here and die with greed.

Š amanda, 2009

line column margin basic unit letter line column margin basic unit letter line col typographic umn margin basic unit syntax letter line colum margin basic unit letter line column mar yntax is the connecting gin basic unit letter line column margin of tyopgraphic sings to form asic unit words letterandline column margin basi sentences on the elements margin of design basic uni unit letterpage. lineThecolumn letter, word, line, column, etter line and column margin basic unit lette margin are mad into a cohesive whole through unit the useletter line line column margin basic of typographic space, visual column margin basic unit letter line col hierarchy, ABA form, and grid systems. umn margin basic unit letter line colum margin basic unit letter line column mar gin basic unit letter line column margin asic unit letter line column margin basi unit letter line column margin basic uni etter line column margin basic unit lette line column margin basic unit letter line


form & counterform

a gb a e xe



f c s


dc f



Š amanda, 2009

form&counterform form&counterform counterform form&counterform form&counterform counterform form & counterform form&counterform form&counterform form&counter form&counter orm and counterform form&counterform=== realtionship, found within form&counterform form&counterform individual letterforms, also exist within indvidual words. form&counter The material of typography form&counterform is the black, and form&counterform it is the designer’s task with the help form&counter of this black to capture space, form&counterform form&counterform harmonious whites inside the letters as well as between form&counter them. form&counterform form&counterform form&counter form&counterform form&counterform form&counter form&counterform form&counterform form&counter form&counterform


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