The Top Philanthropy Podcasts - Dr. Malik Muhammad

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The Top Philanthropy Podcasts Dr. Malik Muhammad

Organizations have strived to eliminate the high poverty level by providing support services to the less privileged in society. However, the Covid-19 pandemic aggravated the situation, creating more demand for aid. As a response, various organizations increased philanthropic efforts to raise funds to support the increased number of people in need of humanitarian assistance. Consequently, multiple organizations initiated the following charitable campaigns to alleviate suffering among the people:

UNFUNDED LIST OPEN DOOR PHILANTHROPY Unfunded List Open Door is a not-for-profit organization formed by Dave Moss in 2015. The organization's main objective is to raise funds to support noble courses for the less privileged in society. The organization gathers people across all spheres of life, including successful entrepreneurs, social media influencers, and prominent individuals, to encourage them to donate toward helping the less privileged. The organization also offers recognition to the donors who support its work and provides an atmosphere to raise the next generation of change-makers in society. The organization publishes one podcast every week, with each episode being about one and half hours.

SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION PHILANTHROPY PODCAST The SVCF is a charity organization based in Mountain View, California. The organization's founders formed the organization to improve service delivery and revamp the quality of life of people across the globe. The foundation partners with donors to raise funds to support the course. Besides, SCVF receives funds from corporations operating in Silicon Valley to undertake humanitarian projects as part of their corporate social responsibility. The foundation publishes articles regarding its undertaking every week on its Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The organization has continued to provide services since its conception in 2016.

DR. ED OSBURN CHIROPRACTIC PHILANTHROPIST Dr. Ed Osburn holds weekly conversations with specialist health professionals. The platform provides the caregivers an opportunity to narrate their encounters while in practice. The professional also explains ways of overcoming daily hurdles both at work and home. The conversation encourages other healthcare personnel to remain persistent and creatively confront challenges that they may encounter in their practice.

OUT OF THE MARGINS-PODCAST Leticia Peguero, Director of Andrus Family Fund, host the out-of-margin movement founded in New York in 2014. The campaign focuses on applying social justice issues and their impact across people of various racial backgrounds. The program is held monthly, with each conversation being about half an hour.

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