Ecoprises Concrete Solutions
A division of Timothy Center Ecoprises Creating business solutions for a sustainable world
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“Our mission is to provide economically and environmentally conscious products that are concerned for the return on society.”
“These additives enhance the behavior of concrete in terms of durability and mechanical properties.”
Concrete is one of the most ubiquitous
providing an exceptional product that
building materials in the world. It has
will reduce our footprint on the planet.
great structural and aesthetic value as it
Our materials make such a difference.
is used for building foundations and high-
According to Dr. Mohsen Issa, Professor of
rises, bridges and roadways. Not a day
Structural and Materials Engineering at
goes by that concrete has not made an
the University of Illinios, Chicago, “These
important contribution to our lives. For
additives enhance the behavior of
those exact reasons, a durable,
concrete in terms of durability and
economical and environmentally friendly
mechanical properties.”
additive to strengthen this material is so important.
durable, ecologically friendly and
Our mission is to provide economically
sustainable concrete that will reduce
and environmentally conscious products
long-term repairs and provide a safer,
that are concerned for the return on
cost effective living environment for
society. We believe that we have a
responsibility to ensure a better future by 2
We are leading the way to ensure a
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Concrete is the second most consumed product on earth after water. There is approximately three tons of concrete produced every year per person. It is used twice as much as wood, steel, plastic and aluminum
Our products are designed to help those who are environmentally conscious and desire a long-term benefit on society. They are perfect for the green building industry and ideal for concrete construction projects in the developing world where cost and durability are important.
combined. However, due to economic conditions, poor material quality,
These products are only effective when properly applied. Mixing concrete
and constructions methods, much of the concrete in the developing world
thoroughly is vital to the health of the material.
is compromised. The end result can be devastating like in the case of Portau-Prince, Haiti in January 2010. Ecoprises Concrete Solutions provides products that increase the durability
of concrete and lowers the maintenance costs over the life of a structure.
Eco-Pre-Mix creates high performance
Eco-Seal integrally waterproofs, densifies
Eco-Seal+ does all that Eco-Seal does plus
concrete (HPC) by providing much lower
and preserves existing concrete while
provides a tough breathable barrier just
void percentages, greater impermeability
reducing dusting. It increases resistance
beneath the concrete's surface porosity
and increased strengths. Eco-Pre-Mix
to chemicals like sodium chloride. Eco-
also on the concrete surface. It provides
improves workability and pump-ability
Seal retards internal corrosion activity that
more resistant to cracking and spalling
through increased lubricity. It reduces
affects steel reinforcement but does not
during freeze thaw cycles in cold
shrinkage cracking and excessive surface
impair surface traction or bonding
climates. It increases surface abrasion
bleed water volume. It adds greater
ability. Eco-Seal contains no volatile
resistance, as well as chemical damage
density to provide increased durability
organic compounds, (VOC's) and
resistance. It will make a concrete
and enhanced freeze-thaw resistance of
reduces pitting, spalling and shrinkage
surface much easier to clean and keep
concrete. It provides stronger bond of
cracking. It provides internal humidity
looking new (Important: concrete needs
concrete-to-steel and better surface
stability, adds surface abrasion resistance
to be free from rain for 24 hrs. and should
abrasion and chemical resistance. It also
and increases strength. Eco-Seal restricts
not be used on older or contaminated
provides reduced heat of hydration,
vapor transmission and alleviates
which is important for pouring on hot days
carbonation. Usually a one-time easy to
and climates.
apply application with pump-up or airless sprayer is all that is necessary to protect concrete.
Contact Us
Eco-Seal++ does everything expected by
Eco-Repel provides increased density and
Robert L. Bickers, Vice-President
Eco-Seal and has the added protection
resistance oil to concrete while repelling
Ecoprises Concrete Solutions
of corrosion inhibitors to neutralize salts
water. It resists freeze-thaw damage,
954 Brae Loch Road
before they can penetrate the concrete
improves mildew resistance and retards
Grayslake, Illinois 60030
and damage the embedded steel
efflorescence. It should not be applied to
dirty or contaminated concrete.
(847) 922-6954 Call or email for pricing.
Environmental Conditions Normal (Moisture Room) Mechanical Properties Compressive Strength (psi)
Splitting Tensile Strength (psi)
Days 7 14 28 90 180 360 7 14 28 90 180 360
EcoPreMix 4833 5747 6604 7286 7415 7424 442 482 534 626 634 648
EcoPreMix with EcoSeal 4514 5283 6401 7257 7290 7292 404 444 548 612 640 -------
EcoPreMix with Fly Ash 4702 5544 6372 7388 8061 8520 420 490 540 642 691 -------
Severe (15% NaCl by weight)
EcoPreMix 4833 5617 6372 6909 7301 6992 442 476 546 572 -------------
EcoPreMix with EcoPreMix EcoSeal with Fly Ash 4514 4702 5065 5298 5907 6212 6488 6923 7027 7061 6335 7230 404 420 476 436 546 526 558 572 558 -------------------
Room Temperature EcoPreMix with EcoSeal 3817 4427 5109 5472 5409 5409 432 474 480 508 508 -------
Environmental Conditions
Mechanical Properties Flexure Strength (psi)
Modulus of Elasticity (ksi)
Days 7 14 28 90 180 360 28
Room Temperature
Normal (Moisture Room)
Severe (15% NaCl by weight)
EcoPreMix 533 649 774 829 905 883
EcoPreMix with EcoSeal 496 559 604 803 884 880
EcoPreMix with Fly Ash 626 763 837 843 935 934
EcoPreMix 533 705 775 929 1001 1025
EcoPreMix with EcoSeal 496 775 887 951 1049 1126
EcoPreMix with Fly Ash 626 849 970 1145 1236 1340
EcoPreMix with EcoSeal 563 575 617 781 794 867
Ecoprises Concrete Solutions 954 Brae Loch Road Grayslake, Illinois 60030