Ecoprises Recycling Solutions

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Ecoprises Recycling Solutions

A division of Timothy Center Ecoprises Creating business solutions for a sustainable world

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“Our mission is to meet economic, environmental, relational and spiritual needs of Haitians through the establishment of a recycling program in order to create jobs and equip Haitians to care for God’s creation.”

“Poor environmental stewardship practices affect the livelihood of Haitians.”

Ecoprises Recycling Solutions has identified two

to sustain a recycling program in northern Haiti

root issues affecting the livelihood of Haitians to be

where little effort has been given to waste

unemployment, caused by a lack of sustainable

management. ERS’s connection with organizations

jobs, and poor environmental practices, due to a

in Cap Haitien provides a link to the second largest

lack of ecological education.

metropolitan area in Haiti.

The unique opportunity of Ecoprises Recycling

Unemployment and its symptoms have troubled

Solutions as a Christian-based environmental

Haitians for many years. ERS seeks to redeem this

stewardship enterprise is that it seeks to address the

problem by creating jobs for Haitians. Employment

root causes affecting Haitians.

with ERS will bring dignity and respect to individuals

Previous attempts to address the solid waste epidemic in Haiti have merely served to address a portion of the problem. Consequently, the root causes are not properly addressed.

supervisors, job skills training, environmental stewardship education, and empowerment to break cycles of poverty.

Implementation of this initiative will address the

Haiti was known as the Pearl of the Antilles. She is

following critical issues: unemployment, solid waste

a beautiful country and Ecoprises Recycling

management and environmental stewardship

Solutions is only one step toward recovering her



Ecoprises Recycling Solutions’s unique opportunity


as they receive a fair wage, proper treatment from

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Ecoprises Recycling Solutions is strategically positioned as a Christ-centered, blended-value business. Globally, social entrepreneurship is valued as an effective way to breach the root problems of the modern world. Ecoprises Recycling Solutions is positioning itself to combat the needs facing most Haitians today through the establishment of a recycling facility. ERS will provide processed recycled resins of plastic, paper, glass, and metal to interested markets. The products of ERS will provide cost-effective solutions for packaging corporations, briquette producers and various other vendors utilizing post-


consumer products in their materials. Ecoprises Recycling Solutions is committed to sustainable change on the local level. Leadership and employment will be solely Haitian. We believe this is critical to the success of the business. The local population must operate the business within their own local context, utilizing their own business language and committing themselves to the future success of the business. Ultimately, the local constituents must be committed to the mission of respecting all of creation, improving the quality of life for Haitians and operating a Christ-centered, blended-value business for the sake of sharing and demonstrating the gospel.


Job Creation

Recycling Program

Environmental Education

We seek to provide a substantial amount

We employ Haitians to collect, sort and

Educational programs and training will

and wide ranging employment

bale recyclables that will be exported

occur by way of partnerships with local

opportunities. We will always seek to

and made into viable goods. The vision

churches, schools, universities and

improve the quality of life for Haitians and

for the enterprise is to have the capability

environmental organizations, and through

respect their intrinsic value in order to

to collect all solid waste material and

the orientation and ongoing training on

break cycles of poverty that so deeply

process it accordingly, taking the

principles in the work place. Christian

entrench many Haitians.

pollutants out of the natural environment

themes of redemption, reconciliation and

and producing new goods with the

stewardship will be taught as they relate

reclaimed materials.

to creation care and the Christian faith. Employees of ERS will be encouraged to commit to and implement environmental stewardship practices in their daily lives. The worldview shift within the lives of Haitians must occur in order to secure the success and value of the initiative.


Contact Us Sarah J. Bushman, Vice-President Ecoprises Recycling Solutions 954 Brae Loch Road Grayslake, Illinois 60030 USA (479) 841-0546


Ecoprises Recycling Solutions 954 Brae Loch Road Grayslake, Illinois 60030

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