Michael T. Cooper's CV

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Michael T. Cooper President and Chief Executive Officer 736 N. Western Avenue, Suite 168 Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 USA (847) 530.0615 mcooper@thetimothycenter.org

EDUCATION Trinity Ev angelical Divinity School 2004 Doctor of Philosophy Intercultural Studies Columbia Biblical S eminary 2000 Master of Arts Missions Texas A&M University 1987 Bachelor of Environmental Design ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Trinity Graduate School, 2008-present Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Arts Cultural Engagement program. Developed the social entrepreneurship and justice and social responsibility emphases. Trinity College, 2002-2008 Assistant Professor and Director of the School of Biblical and Religious Studies. Developed the Intercultural Studies and Religious Studies minor. OTHER EXPERIENCE Latin American Missional Consultant, Christian Associates International, 2010present

Michael T. Cooper

Affliate Staff, Christian Associate International, 1999-2002 Field Director, Romania, Evangelical Free Church of America, 1990-1999 President, Asociatia Evanghelica Libera din Romania, 1991-1998 Director of Special Project, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Campus Crusade for Christ, 1987-1990 CURRENT PROJECTS Pine Rid ge Indian Reservation Community development in conjunction with Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship and Lakeland Evangelical Free Church. Exploring ways in which the Lakato can self-resource in order to address social issues. Cap Haitien, Haiti Educational development with Universite Internationale en Haiti. Currently sit on the advisory council of the university rector and responsible for curriculum development for the university’s academic programs. Laplaine, Haiti Supervising the development of a business model and educational curriculum for a plastic recycling project in conjunction with Hope for Haitian Youth and Elderly. Montevideo, Uruguay Academic consultant on blended-value business ventures with Centro San Geronimo (Saint Jerome Center). Nicaruaga Supervising research on human trafficking as a measure for determining the feasibility of beginning the Rahab Foundation’s next extension. CURRENT RESEARCH Books Editor and Contributor, Social Injustice: What Evangelicals Need to Know about the World. Under contract with Sacred Tribes Press (January 2011) Parsing Post-Christendom Culture: Essays by a Disenchanted Evangelical (in progress)

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Articles and Ch apters “Evangelicals and Social Justice: Setting the Global Context” in Social Injustice: What Evangelicals Need to Know about the World (forthcoming) With Daniel Bryan “A Christian Rationale for Social Entrepreneurship” Conferences Panel Chair and Presenter, Missions and Social Justice. Evangelical Missiological Society regional meeting, Trinity International University (February 2011) Other Research Lakota Identity Vodou in Haiti SELECTED CONFERENCES AND PAPERS Lessons about Peace from US Relations with Native Americans in the 19th Century. Paper presented at the Peace Symposium, Trinity International University, October 2009. Religious Rights and Sacred Places: A Study of British Druidry and Stonehenge (with Stephen Paul Kennedy). Paper presented at the Center for Studies of New Religions 2009 International Conference, University of Utah, June 2009. An Evangelical Approach to Understanding Religious Culture: The Context of the Consultation. Paper presented at the Trinity Consultation on Post-Christendom Spiritualties, Trinity International University, October 2008. The Role of Deities, Ancestors and Nature in the Construction of Religious Identity. Paper presented at the Center for Studies of New Religions 2008 International Conference, London School of Economics, London, England, April 2008. Druids, Globalization and the Search for Religious Identity. Paper presented at the Center for Studies of New Religions 2007 International Conference, Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux, France, June 2007. The Meaning of Life in Contemporary Druidry: The Role of Deities, Ancestors and Nature. Paper presented at Midwest Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Dominican University, April 2006. Contributing Factors in the Growth of Druidry in the North America: A Case Study of Ar nDraiocht Fein. Paper presented at the Midwest Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, April 2005.

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Michael T. Cooper

PUBLICATIONS Books Contemporary Druidry: A Historical and Ethnographic Study. Salt Lake City: Sacred Tribes Press, 2010. Editor and Contributor, Perspectives on Post-Christendom Spiritualties: Evangelical Reflections on New Religious Movements and Western Spiritualities. Sydney, Australia: Morling Press, 2010. Selected Book Ch apters “From Christendom to Post-Christendom: The Continuing Evolution of the Western Religious Landscape and the Emergence of New Religious Identities.” In Perspectives on Post-Christendom Spiritualties: Evangelical Reflections on New Religious Movements and Western Spiritualities. Sydney, Australia: Morling Press, 2010. “Seventeenth Century Puritan Missions: Some Implications for Business as Missions” (coauthored with Steve Pointer). In Business as Mission: From Impoverished to Empowered, eds. Tom Steffen and Mike Barnett, 167-180. Pasadena, Calif.: William Carey Library, 2006. Selected Articles “Necessity of Worldview Understanding for Sustainable Peace: A Case Study of United States Relations with Native Americans in the 18-19th Centuries,” Sacred Tribes Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2009): 113-131. “US Religious Landscape: Analysis with Potential Implications for American Religious Identity,” Sacred Tribes Journal Volume 3 Number 1 (2008): 73-83 (co-authored with Jonathan Brown, Rebecca Erickson and David Liu). “The Transformational Leadership of the Apostle Paul: A Culturally Relevant and Biblical Leadership for Contemporary Ministry,” Christian Education Journal Vol. 2, Issue 1, Series 3 (Spring 2005): 48-61. “Cultural Considerations in Contextualized Leadership in Post-Communist Eastern Europe,” Common Ground Journal, Vol. 2, 2 (2005).

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Michael T. Cooper

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