THE TIMOTHY CENTER WATER PROJECT Clean Water for a Healthy Haiti
Haiti Highlights
Population: ca. 9 million Unemployment: 70-80% GDP Per Capita Income:$667 Versus
USA Per Capita Income: $46,000
54.9% $1.25/day 72.1% $2/day
Haiti Highlights
Less than half of Haitians have access to clean drinking water. Half of all the deaths in Haiti in recent years, other than those from natural disasters, have been the result of waterborne diseases.
In most cases, severe diarrhea was the cause of death.
Purified water has helped Haitians stay healthy.
A for-profit venture providing access to clean water, health education and employment opportunities for the northern departments of Haiti: To provide a viable water source and distribution network to combat water born diseases such as cholera. To develop a business model for water distribution that provides employment opportunities for the under employed in order to raise their quality of life. To educate customers about water-borne illnesses.
Mission Statement 
The Timothy Center Water Project exists to provide clean water for a healthy Haiti in order to raise the quality of life and dignity of people created in the image of God
Core Values
Working toward a healthy Haiti and putting healthy Haitian to work. Achieving a comprehensive enterprise that cares for the economic, social, environmental and spiritual well-being of Haiti. Treating customers and employees with dignity and respect as image bearers of God. Educating customers about clean water and water-borne diseases. Reaching the community with clean water and the gospel.
Berard Water Plant
The water well is located in a small village outside of Cap-Haitien, Berard, which sits next to the Evangelical Free Church. A 100 foot well has been drilled and water is pumped using a DC pump powered by solar/DC inverter system.
The water is purified by filtration and UV irradiation.
The Berard Water plant holds 2,935 Gallons of water. Two additional 600 gallon tanks can be connected to the current water plant for additional water storage. Water plant is run on solar powered batteries that rely on clear days.
Diesel generators can also be used to power the plant.
Berard Water Plant
The Berard Water Plant holds per day: 2,935 Gallons Every day one quarter of that water is left over after serving the community: 734 Gallons The Timothy Center will construct two additional tanks: 1,200 Gallons in new tanks Total amount of water to be sold = 1,934 gallons
The Timothy Center Water Project
Financial Projection Per
week Revenue (assuming pumping four times per week) = 99,000 HGT (2,504 USD) Per month Revenue (assuming pumping four times per week) = 396,000 HGT (10,018 USD)
Water System Startup Costs Item Robo Plaque Rlx CLEAR P... 18x24 Embal.. Membrane Filter Water softener Water Tanks Employee Training Total
Description Water packaging system Plaque & artwork Plastic bags 18x24Emballage
Qty 1 1 1000 1000 2 2
Cost $7000 $400 $1.70 $0.09 $400 $20
Installation of 600 gallon water tanks
Total (USD) $7,000.00 $400.00 $1,700.00 $90.00 $800.00 $40.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
360 degree blended value enterprise training
THE TIMOTHY CENTER WATER PROJECT Clean Water for a Healthy Haiti