Dr Neelima Mantri MS & Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery – Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS Obstetrician, Gynecologist, 12 Years Experience
A gynaecologist is a doctor who specialises in the treatment of female reproductive system diseases. Gynaecology is that division of medicine which encompasses problems related to the reproductive system including uterus,ovary, tubes, as well as vagina, vulva and breast. This is a vast science dealing with issues from the prime phase of puberty, till menopause and beyond.
The gynaecological conditions addressed by a gynaecologist are
Menstrual problems, heavy menses, scanty menses, no menses are dealt
Vaginal infections and STI
Abdominal masses – fibroids, ovarian tumors.
Infertility – difficulty in having pregnancy
Abdominal masses – fibroids, ovarian tumors.
Contraception – an inseparable component of gynaecology Family planning services are carried out
Cancers related to reproductive organs are addressed in the branch of onco- gynecology
Endometriosis – resulting in severe pain during menstruation, and infertility
Menopause – health-checks for screening of pathologies, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginaldryness.
Urinary incontinence
Dr Neelima Mantri is a proficient gynaecologist who treats the above mentioned conditions and also performs surgeries for the complete management of these problems. The surgeries which she conducts include:
Laparoscopic hysterectomy
Infertility surgery
Family planning surgery, viz.,tubal ligation
Surgery for Endometriosis
Ovarian tumor surgery by laparoscopy
Laparoscopic surgery for chronic Pelvic pain
Surgery for gynaecological cancers
Contact US MEET DR. NEELIMA MANTRI ON SOCIAL MEDIA For appointments and enquiries, please call Address – Bombay Hospital And Medical Research Centre 203, Level 2, New Wing, Bombay Hospital and Medical Research Centre, 12, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Monday,To, Saturday 11:00AM to 4:00 pm Email – info@drneelimamantri.com Appointment +91 7045115577 .
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