11 minute read
Contributor: Destiny Pennington Sample NearPod Lesson
In this unit, second graders will identify various cultural groups within the U.S. and their community. Students may not understand what culture is or that there are other cultures beside their own and how they function. Students will have learning experiences through field trips, being partnered with students of different cultures, and using devices to record videos of people doing what is considered “normal” for their culture. These various activities will guide students' understanding of different cultures and allow them to see how they are similar or different from their own. Learning about other cultures within the U.S. and their community will help students be more understanding of people, how they act, why they act the way they do and learn to respect others despite their differences.
Students will explore how collaboration and respect for others is necessary to achieve and maintain a functioning society.
2.01 Identify various cultural groups within the U.S. and the students’ community.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
2.03 Distinguish how people from various cultures in the community and nation share principles, goals, and traditions.
Name: Destiny Pennington
Duration of Lesson: 40 mins Subject Area(s): History Grade Level: 2nd
Analyze learners In the 2nd grade class at Hattie Cotton Magnet Elementary School, there are 20 students. 11 of the students are boys and 9 of the students are girls. The school and class are very diverse with a mix of African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian students. The students in the class are all 7 to 8 years old. There are 3 ELL students who receive services weekly. The remainder of the class speaks proficient English for their age and grade level. 4 students have individualized educational Plans.
The school is not predominantly made of one ethnic background. Hattie Cotton is a Title 1 school which means that it receives a large amount of federal funding. Most of the student are from low income families.
Curriculum Competencies – To complete this lesson, students must know how to compare and contrast different cultures in the US.
Technology Competencies – To complete this lesson, students must know how to navigate a computer and open Word.
State & NETS*S objectives Students will explore how collaboration and respect for others is necessary to achieve and maintain a functioning society.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
ISTE Standard
3c. Students will curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Behavioral Objective:
Given the story and a blank Word document, the learners will create a Venn diagram using Word in order to demonstrate their ability to compare and contrast and their knowledge of the different cultures of the US identifying at least 2 facts for each culture and 2 facts that are the same for both cultures.
Language Objective:
Key Vocabulary – compare, contrast, culture, community, alike, different
Students will compare and contrast different cultures after they observe the video. Students will have the opportunity to practice during an open discussion after and during the video as we use our sentence frame and observation skills to identify similarities and differences between the cultures in the US.
Linguistic forms: The ____ culture is like the _____ culture because…
Select instructional methods, media, and materials Book - My Food, Your Food, Our Food by Emma Carlson Berne
Laptop with internet access
Compare and contrast video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBTldiZu8Sc
Smartboard/Dry erase board
22 Laptops with internet access
Word application
Utilize media and materials What materials will your students (student-centered) need? ***Any teacher using this lesson plan should use a rubric to determine the educational value for the learner and the learning environment*** •To prepare the MEDIA AND MATERIALS, pre read the book My Food, Your Food, Our Food to be prepared for unfamiliar words or other text features. Ensure that the teacher’s laptop and all the students laptops are charged and are connected to the internet. Each device should already have the Word application downloaded. Preview the compare and contrast video link and ensure that the link is still accessible.
•To prepare the CLASSROOM, check that the laptop cart is there and plugged in. Check that the smart board is working to display the video. Turn off the lights when playing the video.
•To prepare the LEARNERS for the lesson, introduce what the lesson will be about today and inform them of the objectives. Read over the key vocabulary words with definitions before reading the read aloud. Read the book My Food, Your Food, Our Food and get a discussion started comparing and contrasting the different characters, encourage students to use the vocabulary words and sentence frames that you provide. Play the compare and contrast video. When the video allows for students to practice open word and demonstrate how they will create their own Venn diagram. Show students how to open a blank document, choose the marker to draw 2 circles, double click to type in different areas, and how to save their work at the end. Use your Venn diagram as practice and compare something familiar to the learners like a dog and cat. After a practice round allow students to use their laptops and create their own Venn diagram with at least two facts in each section.
Require learner participation
Evaluate and revise After completing the practice Venn diagram with the teacher, the students will each get their own laptop and be broken of into pairs. The students will be instructed to open word and create a Venn diagram as shown by the teacher in the example. From there students will be allowed time to think and discuss with their partner and fill in their own diagrams on their own computers. After students have completed this activity, they will save their work. The teacher will Create another Venn diagram with the entire class and students will put all their facts together on one diagram. Formative Assessment (Process):
The formative assessments used in this lesson will include observations while students do partner work, the completion of the Venn diagram with at least a 3 or 2 based off the rubric and the student’s ability to explain what they wrote using the vocabulary words from the lesson. Students will demonstrate understanding as they work and communicate with their partners to complete the Venn diagram. I expect to hear students use the vocabulary words like “alike” and “different” and the sentence frames provided as they work. The Venn diagrams will be reviewed and scored based off of the rubric. Students are expected to have at least two facts in each section of the diagram. If the students are not meeting the objective the lesson will be paused and the class will work with the teacher to be reminded of what it means to be the same or different and find examples from the story.
Summative Assessment (Product):
The summative assessment will be the scoring of each students Venn diagram at the end of the lesson and also how well students can take information from one source (the story) and use a digital source (Word) to create a collection of artifacts that demonstrate connections (Venn diagram). The results will demonstrate student’s ability to open Word and use the tools within it to draw and type and also the ability to compare and contrast cultures. Students will be able to reflect upon their work at the end of the lesson when I create a Venn diagram for the entire class and combine all of their facts. Questions will be asked along the way to see if students followed the same steps as me or found their own way to complete the assignment. I will ultimately be evaluating the creation of the diagram and the information on the diagram. The students are expected to score at least a two based off of the rubrics for the state standards and ISTE standards.
CATEGORY Can Recall Details From Story
Identifies Facts 4 3 2 1 Student recalls Student recalls Student is able to Student cannot several details for several details for locate most of locate details each main point each main point, the details when with accuracy. without referring but needs to refer looking at the to the article. to the article, article. Student Student No category has Student has accurately locates accurately locates a minimal of 2 difficulty locating at least 2 facts for at least 2 facts for facts facts for each each category some categories. category.
CATEGORY Requirements
Document 4 All requirements are met and exceeded.
Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material.
Correctly opens document. Uses the correct tools. Saves document. occasionally.
3 All requirements are met.
Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Correctly opens most document. Use most of the correct tools. Saves document. 2 One requirement was not completely met.
Content is logically organized for the most part. Needs some assistance assistance to open document and find tools. 1
More than one requirement was not completely met. There was no clear or logical organizational structure, just
lots of facts. Need full support to create the document, find the tools, and save document.
Media Share Resources
Cultures Around the World
Cultures Around the World is a quick video that addresses what makes cultures different. This video includes real photos of people in their native lands, native clothing and food of their cultures. This video includes pictures and words which will benefit visual students.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
2.03 Distinguish how people from various cultures in the community and nation share principles, goals, and traditions.
Neyra Hanley. (2015). Culture Around the World [Video], Retrieved on September 7, 2020. https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTxKv5n5M2Y

Cultures of the World
Cultures of the World | A fun overview of the world cultures for kids is an educational video that gives an overview of what it means to have a different culture from someone and what makes your culture different, things such as language, food, and clothing. This video offers pictures and videos of real people instead of cartoons so that students can see the cultures and what it represents in an authentic way. This video explores the American culture, French, Chinese, and many other cultures around the world.
2.03 Distinguish how people from various cultures in the community and nation share principles, goals, and traditions.

`Clarendon Learning. (2020). Cultures of the World | A fun overview of the world cultures for kids [Video]. Retrieved on (September 7, 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwSYrsjTiW4&t=58s
Kids World Cultures
Kids World Cultures allows children to explore places and people all over the planet. It shows children how things are done in different parts of the world in terms of housing, education, dress, and entertainment. This app is equipped with hundreds of HD pictures and videos, multiple games and exciting graphics. Kids World Cultures gives students the opportunity to identify different cultural groups and compare and contrast them.
2.01 Identify various cultural groups within the U.S. and the students’ community.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
Planet Factory Interactive S.L., (2016). Kids World Cultures- Educational Games for Children [Mobile App, Free]. Retrieved on [September 3, 2020]
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids is a good source for students to explore each state within the United States. There is a link for each state for students to look through. Under those links there is information about where it's located, its people, wildlife, fun facts and much more. There is lso information and pictures about the Native Americans. After exploring the website students can play games and take quizzes about all the information they just learned.
National Geographic Kids. (2015). Retrieved September 08, 2020, from https:// kids.nationalgeographic.com/
One Globe Kids- All Friends
One Globe Kids- All Friends is an interactive mobile app that provides students the opportunity of meeting other children from around the world. Experience the similarities and differences with these other children through their stories, games, and langage. This app includes 21st century skills likke global competency, cross-culture communication and social and emotional intelligence. It also includes cross curricular education toolkits for elementary and is multilingual.
2.01 Identify various cultural groups within the U.S. and the students’ community.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
2.03 Distinguish how people from various cultures in the community and nation share principles, goals, and traditions.
Globe Smart Kids Inc., (2019). One Globe Kids- All Friends [Mobile App, $9.99]. Retrieved on [September 3, 2020]
Touchable Earth
Touchable Earth is an interactive website that allows students the opportunity to choose different countries to explore. Each link takes students to a page which displays the country's flag, anthem, capital and many other details. There are also videos of other students from that country discussing these topics. This video allows students to see others of their same age and grade and learn about their country while doing so. Other topics such as money, clothes, dances and symbols are also discussed via video by elementary students from that country.
2.01 Identify various cultural groups within the U.S. and the students’ community.
2.02 Compare and contrast the beliefs, customs, ceremonies, and traditions of the various cultures represented in the U.S.
2.03 Distinguish how people from various cultures in the community and nation share principles, goals, and traditions.
Touchable Earth Foundation. (2017). Places. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from https:// www.touchableearth.org/places/