Trump's America #MAGA July 2017

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Trump’s America: #MAGA

“Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been ignored, neglected and abandoned… these are the people who work hard but no longer have a voice, I am your voice.” -- Donald Trump, Republican National Convention, July 21, 2016.


May 10, 2011 – At the White House Correspondence Dinner, Obama reveals his birth certificate after over four years of controversy in which he and the state of Hawaii had refused to produce his proof of citizenship. Making sure that Donald Trump was in the audience, he begins to roast Trump in joke after joke, eventually showing a Photoshopped Donald Trump version of the White House with neon lights. In 2016 the revealed birth certificate is proven by experts to be a fake.


Comedian Seth Meyers who also began to roast Trump states, “Donald Trump has been saying he’ll run for president as a Republican, which is surprising as I just assumed he was running as a joke.” A later PBS documentary called “Hillary vs. Trump, The Choice 2016” stated that this was the date that Trump decided to run for “revenge”. The documentary by the self-proclaimed “non-biased” Frontline series is extremely biased towards Hillary Clinton, while PBS executives and reporters are later revealed by WikiLeaks to be “on board” with the DNC and the Hillary presidential campaign of 2016.


2013 – On The Daily Show, John Oliver laughed when Trump declared his intent to run for president, shouting “Do it! Do it! Look at me! Do it! I will personally write you a campaign check now, on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run!” Two nights before the 2016 presidential election, Oliver urged viewers to not give their vote to Donald Trump, “the human equivalent of a clear plastic bag filled with cheeseburgers and Confederate flag belt buckles… and he has really stupid hair!”


June 19, 2015 – On HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, his guests and audience all break into laughter when Ann Coulter states that she believes Donald Trump has the most likely chance of receiving the Republican nomination. augh_at_ann_coulter_for_saying_trump_could_win.html


May 11, 2016 – Susan Shin Angulo introduces Hillary Clinton at a Camden County College, New Jesey campaign rally and purposely removes the words “under God” from the end of the Pledge of Allegiance”. “Only Hillary can bring us together as one nation, und… indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Hillary notices nods and laughs out loud.

June 01, 2016 – In a town hall meeting televised on PBS, Obama tells a Carrier employee that there is nothing that can be done about his factory being moved to Mexico. Eric Cottingham of Carrier asked Obama, “What can we look forward to in the future as far as jobs, employment, whatever? Because all of our jobs have left or are in the process of leaving, sir.” Obama replies, “What we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back… when somebody says, like the person you just mentioned who I’m not going to advertise for, that he’s going to bring all these jobs back, well how exactly are you going to do that? What are you going to do? There’s, there’s no answer to it. He just says, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a


better deal.’ Well, how, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually, the answer is – um - he doesn’t have an answer?” On December 1st, 2016, through the use of tax incentives, President-elect Donald Trump and Vice-President-elect Pence secure that the same Indianapolis, Indiana Carrier Air Conditioner plant will not be moved to Mexico, saving approximately 1,000 American jobs.

June 02, 2016 – Refugee Muslim boys from Iraq and Sudan molest and sexually assault a five year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho. Two of the Muslim boys ages 7 and 10, stripped her naked, molested and urinated on her while she was gang raped by all three Muslims for at least three hours. An elderly woman who is also a resident of the apartment complex broke up the assault after hearing cries of pain from the five year-old. Local liberal media claim that the mother made up the story because she hates immigrants, and the court case has been delayed several times. Idaho Supreme Court judge Jim Jones calls for “empathy for refugees” while accusing WND and Breitbart News of reporting a false story to “create public hysteria”. Many believe the sexual assault case is being swept under the rug as the Twin Falls’ largest employer, Chobani Yogurt, uses refugee labor for at least 30% of its workforce. On June 7th, 2017, an Idaho court finds the three Muslims not guilty of rape and sentences them to one year of probation, citing that all three of the boys now have PTSD due to the courtroom proceedings. County prosecutor Grant Loebs tells the media, “'I am pleased that we were able to resolve this case in a way that was approved and agreed to by the victim’s family. This continues to be a serious and sad case, but it was resolved properly.” Nothing could be


further from the truth states the mother of the five year-old who lost her virginity to three Muslim “refugees” who raped her at knifepoint for over three hours.

July 13, 2016 – Once again, CNN cuts their live televised stream. This time when their own reporter, Brianna Keilar, states that Hillary Clinton helped contribute to the mass incarceration of black people that she now speaks out against.


June 27, 2016 – Trump tweets “Pocahontas is not happy, she’s not happy. She’s the worst.” In reference to Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren who openly criticizes Trump during press conferences. Warren claimed during her 2012 campaign that she has Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage, that her family has high cheekbones, “being Native American has been a part of my story, I guess since the day I was born.” The New England Historic Genealogical Society initially reported that Warren was 1/32 Native American, and then retracted their statement after they couldn’t produce any documents. Democrats are so obsessed with race, that they are now inventing ethnicities for themselves that they do not have.


July 18-21, 2016 – After the entire news media, Hollywood, and even his own party berates and discourages anyone from supporting Donald Trump, he receives the Republican Party nomination. In a last ditch effort to deny the nomination to Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan attempts to broker the RNC convention by stealing Trump’s primary delegate votes in order to place himself as the presidential nominee.


September 07, 2017 – At a “LGBT for Hillary” fundraising event, Hillary Clinton records a video where she insults and demeans one quarter of the people of the United States. She states, “You know, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables, right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it! And unfortunately, there are people like that, and he has lifted them up.” After eight years of Obama’s name calling and identity politics, the statement had a negative effect on Hillary’s poll numbers. Trump supporters immediately began calling themselves “Proud Deplorables” on Tshirts, hats, and social media platforms. Hillary also categorized Bernie’s supporters as “basement dwellers”, while admitting she needs to steal his “baristas” and “needy Latinos” in order to win the presidency. She was also quoted calling Trump supporters a “basket of losers.” Ironically, she was standing in front of her slogan sign that says, “Stronger Together”, while she literally insulted tens of millions of American voters. Hillary had just had a severe coughing fit two days earlier during a campaign rally, followed by another coughing fit during a press conference on her airplane. She joked during the fit, “Every time I think about Trump, I think I’m allergic.” Many began to call the candidate “Hacking Hillary”, while #HillarysHealth trended on Twitter for days. Hillary’s health was really called into question when on September 11, 2016 she left the 9/11 Ceremony at Ground Zero at 9:30 AM while a personal cell video caught her fainting, falling, and losing her shoe while Secret Service pushes her into a black SUV while an ambulance follows. Her campaign stated that she was “overheated” even though the outside temperature was 79 degrees. That day, Hillary had also been wearing a pair of ZI Cobalt blue lenses manufactured by Zeiss that is prescribed by doctors


for neurological diseases associated with Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. From then on, Hillary’s personal doctor and ambulance would be at her campaign rallies. The media called Hillary’s health questioning a conspiracy theory.

October 07, 2016 – After Hillary’s poll numbers drop drastically, the Clinton campaign releases an audio clip from 11 years ago where Trump is recorded by a microphone stating, “When you're a star, women let you do anything. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful, I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy, you can do anything." Trump immediately takes to social media to post a video with his apology for his remarks. “I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am.” In the following days, Hillary’s campaign pays and promotes several women who come forward stating that Trump has sexually harassed them and one that even says she was raped. At least three are found to have been lying when other eyewitnesses from the 1980’s to the 1990’s


state that they were there. Trump threatens to sue all the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct and rape, and within 3 days, all of the women refuse to talk to the media and the stories are dropped, even by the Democrat campaign.

Hillary’s WikiLeaks Revelations: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks releases emails to and from Hillary Clinton, her staff, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, Obama, the DNC, and liberal news agencies. During the third presidential debate, Hillary states several times that 17 intelligence agencies have proven that Russia is behind the email leaks. Zero agencies told her that, while most of the leaks came from inside the government and according to Assange, the documents were sent to him from inside the U.S. in order to be published. Only after the 2016 presidential election does Obama state that he agrees that any intelligence agencies believed that Russia was involved in cyber-espionage. By early December 2016, Obama states that the CIA and FBI have both blamed Russia for the email hacks, and then by late December of 2016 he states that all 17 intelligence agencies agree that only Russia hacked the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s private email server, even though no new evidence has been provided by the CIA, FBI, or NSA since or before the election occurred. Obama and Hillary have never stated that the


published WikiLeaks emails are not true, even though they describe hundreds of federal crimes committed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, and the DNC.

January 2008 – Hillary was behind the “birther” movement, she denied this in a debate with Donald Trump in October of 2016.

June 06, 2009 – Hillary, as secretary of state, worked to keep conservative Jewish radio talk show host Michael Savage on the “hate speech” banned list in the United Kingdom. Savage has been openly critical of Obama since 2007 and is now not legally allowed to travel to the UK.

January 2010 – After the Haitian earthquake, Bill and Hillary use the crisis to funnel billions of charity donations, mostly from the U.S. into The Clinton Foundation where they reward no-bid contracts to donators to their foundation. Bill literally tells the American people to not donate to The Red Cross, and instead send their donations straight to The Clinton Foundation’s website. WikiLeaks later releases emails showing that they worked with convicted pedophile Laura Silsby, who was caught attempting to kidnap 33 Haitian children during the relief efforts. Silsby formerly worked for The New Life Children’s Refuge, and had email contacts with Hillary’s top aide, who is also a Muslim, Huma Abedin. Hillary used her influence to prevent Silsby from being prosecuted for the attempted sex trafficking. The attorney who was defending Silsby, Jorge Puello Torres, is also a convicted child sex trafficker. One email released by WikiLeaks shows that the Clinton’s were inquiring about the cost of transporting children out of Haiti.


November 23, 2010 – Hillary states in a meeting about Julian Assange and his upcoming WikiLeaks CableGate release, “Can’t we just drone this guy?” since he is a “soft target” just “walking around.”

November 28, 2010 – WikiLeaks CableGate emails show that Obama ordered U.S. diplomats to offer several countries money to accept detainees from Guantanamo Bay Prison. Diplomats also collected information including credit card numbers on other foreign diplomats to track their movements. Saudi Arabian’s King Abdullah pleaded with Obama to not allow the Iranian Nuclear Deal to occur, and that Yemini President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to take the blame for America’s controversial missile strikes against Al-Qaeda in Yemen. November 2012 – Hillary admits that what she says and believes are two different things: “If everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position."

October 2013 – In a paid speech to the Jewish United Fund of Chicago: “Jordan and Turkey can't possibly vet all those refugees so they don't know if, you know, Jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees." In 2015 she suggested that 65,000 more come to America, and stated that under her presidency she would accept “any number” of Syrian refugees as England, France, Germany, and Sweden have.

October 06, 2013 – In a paid speech to a Brazilian bank Banco Ital: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” She denies this statement in the third presidential debate in October 19th, 2016, stating that she was talking about sharing electricity across borders.


April 10, 2013 – The Colbert Report’s interview with Bill Clinton was 100% scripted by the DNC with pre-approved questions and answers in order to show the Clinton Foundation in a positive light after the Haitian Earthquake Relief scandal in which The Clinton Foundation misappropriated hundreds of millions of charity dollars. Stephen Colbert emails: “Hope you enjoy and looking forward to your feedback. Next will be your Colbert appearance!”

February 23, 2014 – John Podesta emails, “I’ve been doing well, but fear that the little finger may be getting infected. He also sent an email directly to Marina Abramovic, the self-described Satanic performance artist stating, “What place do you see the occult having within contemporary art; can magick be made (not simply appropriated/performed)? Her reply states, “Everything depends on which context you are doing, what you are doing. If you are doing the occult magic in the context of art or in a gallery, then it is the art. If you are doing it in different context, in spiritual circles or private house or on TV shows, it is not art.”

August 2014 – Hillary Clinton knows that the nations of Qatar and Saudi Arabia are financially supporting ISIS and does nothing about it.

17 February 17, 2015 – Hillary Clinton is in direct collusion with several major liberal news sources. Her campaign sends regular talking points to AP, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, Politico, The Boston Globe, The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. John Podesta routinely receives articles, especially from The New York Times and The Washington Post (who literally employs him) before they are published, the news sources ask if anything needs to be changed or “spun a certain direction”. In one email thread, Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill joked that CNN Politics Producer Dan Merica and Clinton were "basically courting each other at this point.” They call Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper from The AP “a friendly” and “helpful to the Clinton campaign” where they can “plant stories” and time the release of specific articles. Clinton aide Christina Reynolds is congratulated in a 2008 email for “single handedly” convincing a Washington Post reporter to pursue a story about John McCain’s wife during Obama’s first presidential run. Democratic operative Paul Begala wrote back, “This is truly outstanding! Great work!” Contributor Frank Islam of The Huffington Post emails, “I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president. Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.” Maggie Haberman of Politico states, “We should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC.” In another Podesta email, it is shown that the Clinton Staff hosts a private “offthe-record cocktail part y” with 38 “influential” reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors from 16 different mainstream media outlets.

February 22, 2015 – Podesta email, “I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.” Seth Rich, the DNC leaker, was murdered in July of 2016. March 03, 2015 - Obama was lying when he said he didn’t know about Hillary’s private server, “POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news.” “We need to clean this up. He has emails from her – they do not say” (Cheryl Mills).

March 22, 2015 – Hillary violated campaign finance laws by coordinating with a Super-PAC. The email further states that they should attack the book Clinton Cash with the media. Clinton Cash describes The Clinton Foundation’s appropriation of most of the charity funds sent to the


Haitian Earthquake Relief, while donators to their foundation received no competition bids to rebuild the island nation, and then did not fulfill their own contracts to rebuild the nation. Bill Clinton went on television right after the earthquake and literally told Americans to not donate to the Red Cross, instead they should all send their donations straight to the Clinton Foundation website.

March 22, 2015 – John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager emails, “People tell me that Hillary is ‘acting like a retard’ since her head injury. Frankly, considering her normal behavior, I’m surprised anyone noticed (this is a joke!). Have someone talk to her doctor and see if there’s anything he can give her. Also, I’ve noticed she has an ‘odor’ lately. It reminds me of a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts. I’m guessing it’s either connected to her fall or simply the fact that she rarely bathes. Outside of encouraging her to take a shower once in a while, I don’t know what to do about this – any suggestions would be appreciated.”

May 2015 – Hillary was getting updates from the DOJ about upcoming hearings concerning her handling of confidential government emails on an illegal private server in her Chappaqua, New York home. Brian Fallon wrote: "DOJ folks inform me there is a status hearing in this case this morning."

May 2015 – Hillary accepted $12 million from the king of Morocco in exchange for her sending Bill and Chelsea Clinton to a Clinton Foundation summit. moroccan_king_in_exchange_for_appearance

May 2015 – The Clinton campaign believes that Obama committed voter fraud in 2008 with Hillary stating, “He flooded the polling sites” with “ineligible voters.”


May 26, 2015 – The DNC decides that Bernie Sanders will never get the nomination irregardless of what his poll numbers are. Emails referring to Sanders state, “stick the knife in”, and “crush him as hard as you can” while Podesta also called him “a doofus” and his millennial supporters “a bucket of losers.” She admits that she needs the votes from the “basement dwellers” and “baristas”, but doesn’t think that they are intelligent. She later stated publically in a September 9th, 2016 speech to “The LGBTQ+ for Hillary Gala” crowd that half of Trump supporters are “a basket of deplorables” that are “irredeemable.”

June 28, 2015 – Tony Podesta emails his brother John Podesta stating that the artist Marina Abramovic really wants him to attend. The email he is referencing states, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina. Her dinner hosting claims that it contains blood, sperm, and breastmilk, but mostly blood.

August 2015 – Chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign John Podesta, tells Hillary to court “Needy Latinos” by getting two Mexican politician’s endorsements, while also calling one of the Mexicans, New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, “a dick.”

December 03, 2015 – John Podesta states that he wished the San Bernardino shooter would have been a white male because it doesn’t fit with their narrative that Muslim immigrants are not a threat. “Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter.”

February 17, 2016 – Hillary’s interview with talk show host Steve Harvey was 100% scripted, she is able to address her recent health issues where she fainted in public, and even addresses a staged question from a grandmother in the audience.


February 21, 2016 – Hillary laments in an email that she wished she had rigged the 2006 election in Palestine, then suggests to the DNC that they skew the poll numbers for her presidential election.

February 23, 2016 – A document release is published showing that the Obama administration bugged a climate change meeting between the UN Secretary General and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, wiretapped the UN Commissioner for Refugees’ Swiss cell phone, stole Italian diplomatic cables, wiretapped EU, German, Italian, and Japanese economic officials and trade ministers’ private cell phones.

March 12, 2016 – Hillary receives debate questions ahead of time in at least two of the debates: "From time to time I get the questions in advance," Donna Brazile, chair of the DNC. Brazile denies the claim, calling a questioning reporter a racist even though CNN fires her after the allegation. On November 7th, another WikiLeaks publication shows that Brazile gave at least two more debate questions to Hillary.

May 13, 2016 – Bill Clinton has traveled on registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private Boeing 727 to visit a private island where sex slavery occurs. The leaked flight logs show that Bill traveled at least 26 times between 2001 and 2003 on Epstein’s jet which they themselves nicknamed “The Lolita Express”. Epstein’s close friends are international heads of state, royalty, celebrities, and billionaires, even though he has been convicted of procuring child prostitution on his 72-acre private estate in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Epstein was investigated by the FBI in 2005 for sexually abusing at least 20 girls between the ages of 14 and 17 in Palm Beach, Florida which resulted in his arrest on July 27, 2006. After several counts of witness tampering and money laundering, Epstein took a 30 month plea deal which included only 13 months in prison and a promise that no federal charges will be filed against him. Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey has also been connected to the flights to Lolita Island. There are no records of Hillary or Bill Clinton’s secret service detail having ever visited the island; Bill Clinton had ditched them at least five times in order to board the plane. Hillary had visited the island at least six times according to state department emails. The New York Police Department claimed


that they were going to go public with emails found on Huma Abedin’s laptop which included sex trafficking of minors, but were obstructed by the FBI in Washington who very quickly reopened the case against Hillary in order to keep the information private. Hillary stated in several speeches “There is no case!” to which her supporters applaud and give her standing ovations.

March 15, 2016 – Hillary attempted to delay the Illinois presidential primary date to April 2016 in order to change the timing of released poll numbers.

May 18, 2016 – The DNC created fake sex-themed Craigslist ads to paint Trump as a sexist.

June 2016 – Obama requested a wiretapping order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisors. The request was denied.

July 2016 – Facebook admits that it has been blocking WikiLeaks and DNC email leaks, but will not tell its users why they are blocking the article links. Amazon has also blocked all WikiLeaks links from its servers.

July 2016 – A series of emails from John Podesta to Huma Abedin show Hillary Clinton campaign staffers bribed six Republicans to “destroy Trump”. One email states, “He is on board, will retract the invitation to speak. Eyes only.” Days later, Speaker of the House Paul


Ryan withdrew an invitation to Trump to speak at an event in Wisconsin. Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsay Graham also received funds from PACS and private sources just after they criticized Trump, while both later called for a look into Russian influence in the presidential election.

August 2016 – Hillary Clinton was on the board of directors of a French cement company named LaFarge who did business with Saddam Hussein, and who now also does business with ISIS. In 1992, Bill Clinton reduced LaFarge’s EPA pollution fines from $1.8 million to $600,000. A November 1996 report by The American Spectator also cited sources that claim that Hillary did legal work for LaFarge in the late 1980’s while they were providing weapons to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Even by 2013, LaFarge’s EVP for operations, Eric Olson was an attendee at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meetings.

October 2016 – The Obama administration requests a newer, and more narrow request to the FISA court in order to wiretap a computer server in Trump Tower, while also including Roger Stone, his campaign manager. The request is approved this time, but finds no evidence of links to Russian diplomats or banks, while the wiretapping continues illegally. President Obama is literally monitoring emails and phone calls of an opposing party presidential candidate using the NSA and other intelligence agencies after he had told the American people, “No one is listenin g to your phone calls.”

October 17, 2016 – After receiving a question on NBC’s State The Nation that was not approved by her campaign, Hillary Clinton throws a full glass of water at one of her assistants while screaming, “You fucking idiots, you were supposed to have this thing set up for me and you’ve screwed it up! If that fucking bastard wins we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished… and if I lose it’s all on you assfucks for screwing this up! (looking at Donna Brazile) I’m so sick of your face! You stare at the wall like a braindead buffalo, while letting that fucking Lauer get away with this! What are you good for really? Get the fuck to work janitoring this mess! Do I make myself clear?”


November 05, 2016 – Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s email from October 8 th, 2015 is published by WikiLeaks showing that he hosted hot tub parties where several children as young as 6 would be in attendance for the entertainment of his friends. “We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.” The Pew Charitable trust and Jon Stewart were included in the email chain.

A computer app instruction is also posted in November 2016 on Comet Ping Pong’s website. "Last month's satisfied customers were raving about our pizza and we know you will too. Repeat customers know the drill. For newcummers, first run the program given to you by your special friend and all instructions on how to enjoy this joyous hobby will be easily understandable. But please, remember the penalties for breaking the rules which are also included in the program. Very few have broken the rules and needless to say the penalties are harsh. All pricing is included in the App. The app will only run once, and the following requirements must be meet: * The app is to be run from your own personal computer that only you have access. * Your computer must be connected to the internet when run * The App must be run from your home * You must destroy the media on which you received the App. * Remember the password that will activate the app as there will be no icons on your computer.” “November Specials: This month we have five fresh pizzas for your enjoyment. We also have four surviving pizzas from last month’s session, all are on sale at an extremely low price as they are in poor health and not expected to survive so a requirement is that your finish eating your pizza after your session. This month’s special includes a 30% discount on severe torture! Each image below is available for $1,000 in fine print. Andrew also has some prints he would like to sell, so contact him for more information (they are true masterpieces)”

Any reporter who investigates or talks about PizzaGate is ridiculed and discredited. Ben Swann, a local news reporter for CBS46 in Atlanta, Georgia is fired after he talks about PizzaGate on his regular segment called “Reality Check”, his social media accounts are closed. David Seaman


who also reports on PizzaGate has his Twitter account closed in February of 2017, while Brittany Pettibone who reports on the same scandal has her GoFundMe account permanently closed in the same week. The week before the election, liberal news sources do not deny that WikiLeaks is false, but do publish their own list of the most devastating leaks concerning Hillary. The list is made up of the least offensive scandals available from WikiLeaks so that a liberal can read the list and could still in good conscience, vote for Hillary Clinton, while CNN’s Chris Cuomo incorrectly tells people on October 12th of 2016 that it is illegal for anyone to read WikiLeaks, so you can only hear the information from them.

2016 FBI Revelations On September 2nd 2016, the FBI releases a summary of their investigation in to Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Hillary used 13 mobile devices under her two phone numbers to send emails via The man who set up her private server personally destroyed several devices with a hammer, Clinton aides were also instructed to dispose of old SIM cards after switching devices, while the FBI was unable to recover any of the devices after they seized the server. The program BleachBit was used to erase 31,830 emails from her personal server in the basement of her Chappaqua, New York home, most concerning the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack, which is a federal crime. At least 110 emails were classified confidential government documents. Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin originally had the idea of the personal server in order to circumvent the Federal Records Act and Freedom of Information Act. The


investigation determined that Hillary had emailed her daughter Chelsea the night of the Benghazi attack at 11:11 PM, that it had been an “Al-Qaeda like group” which contradicts her claim that it was based on a YouTube video, and is another federal crime in that Clinton’s daughter is not legally privy to top secret and classified government information. Huma’s mother is an active member in the Muslim Sisterhood, promotes Sharia Law and female genital mutilation in Saudi Arabia, and has ties to the Rabita Trust, which was implicated in the 9/11 attack, and has been named a” terrorist entity”. These connections alone should legally have disallowed her to obtain national security clearance. Huma herself lived in Saudi Arabia until she was 17, moved to Michigan and somehow at age 19 was Hillary’s aide in the White House during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Colin Powell warned Hillary about her private emails stating that should they become public, they would “become official record and subject to the law… Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.” Hillary tells the FBI that she didn’t know that the letter C meant “confidential” when it was on a government document, she also knew that her email had been hacked, stating that it happened after she opened a pornographic link sent to her. Hillary tells the Congressional hearing that she turned over 99% of her email after the subpoena. They tell her that less than 1% of the emails were turned over, she denies it stating that the FBI gave her that number. Trey Gowdy claims that she was never told that and that only Hillary has produced the statistic of 99%. She laughs during the inquiry. During her transition out of office in 2013, Hillary was legally required to print and turn over documents to the government. She instead deleted everything from her account and told the FBI that she was unaware of the protocol even though they had briefed her specifically. After believing that the FBI investigation was concluded, director Jeff Comey announces two weeks before election day on October 28, 2016, that he is re-opening the investigation after she is implicated once again through an unrelated case. Anthony Weiner’s laptop was seized by FBI officers in connection with a pedophilia bust which resulted in Hillary’s “lost” emails being found on that laptop that Weiner and wife Huma Abedin share, apparently for illegal purposes. Hillary claims that it will not affect the election, “that’s factored into what people think and now they are choosing a president.” Even NBC claimed that this could result in a “Constitutional crisis” in which a newly elected president could be found guilty by the FBI and jailed.


James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Hidden Camera Revelations: Video 1 Manhattan Board of Elections Commissioner Alan Schulkin talks about how voter fraud is difficult with required IDs, so they will have to bus in voters from out of state. Scott Foval admits that they receive money from the DNC and use it to pay people $1,500 each to incite violence at Trump rallies which they call “birddogging”. Bob Creamer proudly claims that their paid protestors assaulted police officers in Chicago with rocks, broke noses and beat up dozens of Trump supporters in several cities so that Hillary could later claim that Trump speeches incite violence in America. These paid rioters resulted in the Chicago rally being cancelled as protestors ripped signs and shirts off of Trump supporters and burned them in the street while they attacked those who were trying to run and drive away. People are also paid to state that they were attacked by Trump supporters, making sure that cameras are pointed at them. Video 2 shows sexism in the Clinton campaign with one worker stating that the bar is set so low, he could “grab Emma’s ass” three times before he would get fired. Scott Foval claims that the democrats have been bussing people in across state lines for 50 years in order to vote several times in key states. He also states that bussing may be too visible, so they may have people drive rental cars across state lines with in-state license plates. Video 3 shows Russ Feingold stating the Hillary may use an executive order to invalidate the 2 nd Amendment while Democracy Partners founder states that Hillary is directly involved in FEC violations (which is also backed up by a WikiLeaks email). Hillary wanted people dressed as ducks at every Trump rally in order to attempt to incite violence from his supporters, none of the people in duck costumes were attacked at any rally.


Video 4 shows that the DNC operatives were tampering with Republican voter registration. Clinton donor Benjamin Barber states that blacks who vote Republican are “seriously fucked in the head” and compares them to WWII Sonderkommados who were Jews that sold their own people out.


October 10, 2016 – As part of his campaign tour to elect Hillary Clinton, Obama appears on late night talk show Jimmy Kimmel. He performs a comedy routine where he reads a tweet from Donald Trump that states, "President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States.” He then pretends to tweet back @realdonaldtrump, “At least I will go down as a president!” Obama then drops the cell phone as black rappers do after a rap battle in which they have won.

October 16, 2016 – The morning of the third presidential debate, CNN cuts their live feed while Chris Cuomo is interviewing Congressman Chris Collins as soon as Collins states that WikiLeaks has shown that Hillary Clinton is a liar.


On the same day, social worker Maria Ladenburger, and daughter of an EU attorney is found in the River Dreisam after she had been raped and murdered by an Afghani Muslim asylum seeker. The 19 year-old girl was working at a refugee center in Freiburg, Germany where she was snatched off of her bike by a 16 year-old Muslim refugee Hussein Khavari. Germany migration services still refuses to deport the murderer back to his home country, and had already been arrested for throwing a 20 year-old Greek woman off of a cliff in May of 2013. Her father has asked that instead of flowers, money should be sent to a fund that will help more Muslim migrants stay in Germany.


October 21, 2016 – A Muslim Iraqi refugee, Amir A, who had raped a 10 year-old boy in the Theresianbad swimming pool in Vienna, Austria, claims that he had “a sexual emergency” because he had not had sex in four months. His rape conviction was overturned after the appeal court decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to show that they boy had said “no” to the rape. The Muslim immigrant, who had been in the country for less than a month before the crime, was released from jail and not deported.


October 24, 2016 – Every major news source, including Fox News, claim that Trump has no chance of winning the election. The Washington Post’s front page states, “Donald Trump’s chances of winning are approaching zero.” “We are making three changes to The Fix map this week, all favoring Hillary Clinton.” Amazingly, they moved the states of Texas, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Arizona and Utah to a list of states that Hillary has a good chance of winning. It is later found that at least five states were guilty of massive voter fraud with some districts in swings states, reporting 100% votes for Hillary Clinton.

October 25, 2016 – Five teenage Afghan immigrants beat up a young boy, drag him into the forest at knife-point, and then gang rape him for over an hour while filming the incident with their cell phones. A judge in Uppsala, Sweden later decides that none will be deported because they are minors, and because their home nations are too dangerous. All were sentences to only 13-15 months in jail.


October 30, 2016 – At a rally in Colorado, Trump is handed a LGBT for Trump rainbow flag and he holds it up for the crowd to see, marking the first time a presidential candidate has affirmed his support for the gay community. The Huffington Post’s front page just one week before the election states, “Trump Bizarrely Displays Rainbow Flag”, while claiming that since he was technically holding the rainbow flag upside down, he actually hates gay people, and that the flag was a plant. They continue to call Trump’s supporters, family and friends homophobes. This type of identity politics and name-calling leads to Hillary Clinton’s upcoming loss.


October 28, 2016 – FBI director James Comey reopens the Hillary Clinton’s email case after another laptop is found to have her confidential and top secret government documents stored in its hard drive. The New York police initially obtained a warrant to search and confiscate Anthony Weiner’s electronic devices after they found that he had been sexting a 15 year-old girl on the same laptop. Huma Abedin, his Muslim wife, who has direct family connections to the terrorist organization The Muslim Brotherhood, had been using the laptop to store 650,000 confidential government emails connected to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. After only eight days, Comey drops the second FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton, stating that there are no connections to Hillary Clinton in the laptop, even though it had taken the FBI over a year to sort through the 33,000 deleted emails that had initially placed Hillary into the email scandal. Comey did admit that an indictment was possible, though liberal news sources deny the statement and claim that somehow Trump had made death threats to the director in order to swing the election. According to several news sources, Comey only re-opened the case after more than 100 FBI employees under his management put their resignations on his desk, and after the NYPD threatened to release the information they had backed up from Huma Abedin’s laptop. Months after the 2016 presidential election, the FBI states that they are not even close to releasing the findings from the seized laptop.


Anthony Weiner, who is Jewish, had already been caught three times sexting women on his cell phone, once while his toddler was in the background while his Muslim wife, who just like Hillary Clinton, never took her husband’s last name. Huma is legally separated from him as of November 2016 though still lives with him in their New York apartment. Huma Abedin has been Hillary Clinton’s aide since she was 19 years-old in the Clinton White House. It was originally Huma’s idea that Hillary create an illegal private server in her house in order to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act, and Huma had already testified to Congress that she had turned over all electronic devices that contained government documents. Hillary had her staff destroy 11 devices with hammers and also used a program called BleachBit to erase any hard disk information before the first FBI investigation was underway. One thing that Hillary and Huma Abedin have in common, is that they have both married sex addict husbands that they will never divorce in order to promote their political agendas. During a Senate Judiciary Hearing on May 3rd, 2017, Comey admits that Obama’s AG, Loretta Lynch, assured Hillary that the FBI investigation would “not go too far”, and that the her charges would never be prosecuted. He also reveals that Hillary’s top aide, Huma Abedin, was illegally forwarding Hillary’s confidential government documents to her husband’s laptop. By May of 2017, no charges are brought against any of the people working for Hillary who committed dozens of felonies and who also lied to Congress about their actions.


November 06, 2016 – Two days before the election, in an interview with Gina Rodriguez, Obama stated that all Latinos should vote, specifically those who had illegal family members living in the United States. Rodriguez asks if “undocumented citizens” should vote, he states “if you want to vote, and you show up at your polling place, they can’t stop you from voting”. She continues, “many… are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?” Obama responds, “Not true”. After the 2016 presidential election, the White House states that zero illegals had voted in the election and that the claims that Latinos had used dead voters’ registration to vote Democrat are “simply not true”.


November 08, 2016 – Clinton vs. Trump polls were eventually found to be completely biased and intentionally skewed by nearly every major news source, including Fox News. Only the IBC and The L.A. Times (which is a liberal news source) were found to have not skewed their poll numbers as they didn’t use the Real Clear Politics National Average of polls which even on the day of the election had Hillary Clinton leading by three points. ABC’s poll just days before the election stated that Hillary was 11 points ahead of Trump and that he had a 1% chance of winning the presidential election. Hillary spent nearly $2 billion for her election campaign, heavily funded from foreign nation contributions and The Clinton Foundation, while Trump spent $957 million and only aired commercials on major networks and satellite television in the two million two weeks after a few larger donations came in.


As the election cycle came to a close, The Gateway Pundit noted that Trump’s massive populist rallies totaled 1 million attendees, while Hillary’s small rallies that media sources photoshopped supporters into vacant spaces totaled just 100,000. Hillary had taken off 57 days since July of 2016, while Trump was giving several speeches a night in three states on each of the closing days of the campaign. In a leaked email chain published by WikiLeaks, Hillary’s campaign manager Robby Mook stated, “I think running on her gender would repeat the same mistake as before, having a message at odds with what voters ultimately want, she ran on experience when voters wanted change in 2008. Same deal here, lots of people are going to say it would be neat for a woman to be president, but that doesn’t mean that’s actually why they will vote for her… injecting gender makes her candidacy about her and not the voters, and making their lives better.” While Podesta agreed in the email chain. A week before the election, Hillary’s campaign was so confident in the skewed poll numbers that the media provided, that they scheduled a $7 million fireworks display over the Hudson River. The arrangement was made the same day FBI director Comey reopened his investigation, which dropped Hillary’s poll numbers even further behind Trump’s. Two days


before the election, the fireworks display was cancelled. The news leaked out into social media and Fox News reports.

After Obama used the last two months to campaign for Hillary Clinton, an unheard of task for a still sitting second-term president, Trump is elected in an Electoral College landslide, while Hillary received more of the popular vote. Before the election, Democrats had called on Trump to accept the “legitimacy of the election” to ensure the “peaceful transfer of power” while also stating that they believe Trump supporters will incite violence when their candidate loses. It is later found through WikiLeaks documents that the poll numbers were skewed by purposeful oversampling of liberal areas. CNN’s reporter Van Jones says on live television just after the election is called, that this is “A Whitelash!” against a black president and a changing and racist nation. Only talk radio hosts Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson had stated that they believed the poll numbers were intentional lies in order to keep Trump supporters from voting on election day. Liberal news sources continue to increase Hillary’s popular vote numbers daily even one month after the election increasing from one million on November 9th, 2016, to nearly three million on December 12th 2016. No explanation is given why it would take over a month to count all the votes in liberal states. Inside information reports claim that Hillary was “inconsolable” after losing Florida, a key swing state that went red. She flew into a “drunken, psychotic rage”, throwing glasses and lamps at her top aides including Robby Mook and John Podesta. Hillary refused to speak to her supporters at the Javits Center in New York, instead, John Podesta appeared at 2:02 AM to instruct her supporters to go home and come back in the morning because some states are too


close to call, leaving the impression that Hillary may still win the election. The Javits Center was not open to the crowds the next morning, and Hillary did not make her concession speech until after cancelling two more times the next day. Finally, at 2:50 AM, Donald Trump appears to his supporters to the chants of “USA, USA” and acknowledged that he had received a concession call from Hillary Clinton. In the coming weeks and months, Hillary will be nothing but conciliatory, funding a recount, supporting the electoral college to cast their votes for her instead of Trump, and supporting the riots that followed a presidential election. Rather than learning or changing after their devastating loss, the Democrats would begin a resistance campaign based on hatred, lies, divisiveness, elitism, Nazi and Russian conspiracies, and even more of the identity politics that lost them the election. With Hillary’s campaign based mainly on gender, she only received 55% of the female vote, while Trump received 62% of white women’s votes. One third of African-Americans and one third of Mexican-Americans also voted for Trump, a record for the GOP.



In the last months of the election cycle, all major social media platform had suppressed antiHillary posts and/or videos while deleting pro-Trump ones. Reddit CEO admits a week after the election that they edited posts to make Trump supporters look violent and intolerant, and that he “would do better” in the future. Facebook had previously been charged with suppressing non-liberal news stories and posts. YouTube continually deleted anti-Hillary documentaries posted on their sites, while also deleting the Project Veritas hidden camera documentaries which showed proof of voter fraud and DNC collaboration that paid protesters to foment violence at Trump rallies, while also resetting likes on pro-Trump videos. Twitter reset hashtags in order to keep #CrookedHillary, #LockHerUp, #DrainTheSwamp and other non-liberal hashtags from trending. Twitter also used a program called shadowbanning which hides a post they don’t approve of by using keywords of interest. The original poster may never know their post is hidden, because it isn’t actually deleted and the original link is still valid, though no one else on Twitter will be able to see it. In contrast, Twitter allowed #fuckwhitepeople to trend in each presidential debate between Obama and Mitt Romney in 2012, and also allows the terrorist group ISIS to use Twitter to communicate and recruit new members.


November 09, 2016 – As soon as the election has been called for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, Democrats take to the streets to protest. Within a few hours of the election results, riots break out in 14 U.S. cities, the first time in American history a presidential election turns to violence.


In New Orleans, the protests turn to a riot where the Nola Monuments were vandalized with “Die Whites Die” and “Black Power” spray painted, and a nearby bank was broken into.

L.A. riots blocked the 101 Freeway while buildings were burned and at least one person was shot and killed. A Mexican woman was recorded by CNN shouting “Fight back! There will be casualties on both sides!”


In New York City, protestors will not allow residents to enter or exit the Trump Towers, while signs claim that “Capitalism kills� and that Trump is a racist.

In Portland, Oregon, the I-5 Interstate was blocked and some drivers were pulled out of their cars and assaulted by Black Lives Matter protestors who joined the anti-Trump protestors.


In Chicago, Illinois, where lines of tour buses gridlock the city with bussed in protestors, a white man is pulled out of his car in broad daylight and beaten by a group of blacks who shout, “He voted Trump! He voted Trump!”, when he tries to get back into his car, the man is dragged through the streets as his clothes are caught in one of the car doors. The bystanders agree that they should leave the area before “the pigs” show up.

After hundreds of arrests for violence and at least one shooting occur, police find that over 60% of the protestors were not from the local state in which they were protesting, and that most of those out of state individuals had not even voted. Many of the arrested state they have been


paid $250 per day, or $10-$15 per hour as posted on nationwide Craigslist and Facebook ads. The riots have been, and still are being majorly funded by democrat financial source George Soros, and at least temporarily by Michael Moore. Even after a black male is shot in Atlanta, Georgia, because he was joking that he had voted for Trump, Obama refuses to tell the rioters to stop. “So I would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.” Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts lowers the college’s American flag to half-mast in protest of Trump’s election. A few days later, the flag was taken down completely by students, ripped into pieces and burned. The president of the college only returns the flag after national attention on December 2nd, 2016. Obama doesn’t mention the riots, but does tell Rolling Stone magazine on November 9th that he blames the election results on “Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks in the country.” The article is published November 28th, 2016. After calling over 1,000 bars and restaurants, Fox News states only one bar or restaurant admitted that they regularly keep them on their televisions.


Celebrities on Trump: November 2016

Al Sharpton “I’m reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins.” Press Conference. November 10th, a week after the election, he retracts his statement saying, “I was just kidding!”

Alyssa Milano “Being anti-Trump is not about politics, it’s about human decency.” Twitter March 13, 2016. “Contact your reps and demand a special prosecutor to oversee the investigation into #TrumpRussia”. Twitter May 10, 2017.


America Ferrera from the TV shows Ugly Betty and Superstore called Trump’s speeches “hateful rhetoric”, while also stating “You, Mr. Trump, are living in an outdated fantasy of a bigoted America!” The Huffington Post. After the election, “A platform of hate won, we can be sad and be ready to fight back at the same time. Twitter, November 10, 2016. Later at the “Women’s March Against Trump” on January 21, 2017, she speaks specifically to illegal immigrants, “The President is not America! Congress is not America! We are America!”

Amy Schumer actively campaigned for Hillary, following her rallies while having security throw out any dissenters from her comedy shows. She claimed several times that she would move out of the country if Trump won the election. “I will need to learn to speak Spanish, because I will move to Spain or somewhere.” speaking to BBC Newsight. After the election Schumer stated, “Anyone saying pack your bags is just as disgusting as anyone who voted for this racist homophobic openly disrespectful woman abuser.” Instagram, November 2016. She also created a fake news story which stated that Trump thinks all Republican are stupid and easy to manipulate. In contrast, WikiLeaks emails prove that it was Hillary that stated “Democrats are easy to manipulate.”

Amber Rose American model and actress who has decided to shave her head stated “I can’t even think about it! I’m moving! I’m out! And I’m taking my son with me!” interview with US Weekly


Andrea Barber who played Kimmy Gibbler on the 1990’s TV show “Full House” used her Twitter account which was initially used to promote the reboot of her TV show “Fuller House”, began to send angry responses and blocked any Full House fans who dissented from her agenda to get Hillary elected.

Ariana Grande “Well this is utterly terrifying” and “I am in tears” after the election. Twitter, November 08, 2016.


Ashley Judd speaks at the “Women’s March Against Trump” on January 21, 2017 stating that Trump has wet dreams about his daughters, brings up racism and slavery, and tells the angry crowd of women that they should be proud of their bloody bed sheets and jeans.

Barbara Streisand “I’m either coming to your country (Australia), if you’ll let me in, or Canada”. Australia’s Seven News Sydney. She also performed a concert for Hillary days before the election, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama.

Bette Midler Tweeted a dirty plastic glove with the middle finger up after the first attempt to repeal Obamacare does not pass. Twitter, March 24, 2017.


Brittany Snow “Flights to Canada are really cheap.” Twitter, November 08, 2016.

Bruce Springsteen “Trump is an embarrassment” while describing the “absurdity” of his White House bid as “beyond cartoon-like”. He also performed a free “Hillary for President” concert days before the election, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama two weeks later. In February 2017, he tells an Australian audience that he’s ashamed to be an American.

Bryan Cranston “I would definitely move… it wouldn’t be a vacation, I’d be an expatriate.” The Best Seller Experiment podcast, November 2016.


Chelsea Handler “I did buy a house in another country just in case. So all these people that threaten to leave the country and then don’t… I actually will leave the country.” ABC Live with Michael and Kelly. On November 10th, Handler broke down in tears on her Netflix show stating, “It’s so easy to say throw in the towel and that we’re going to leave or I’m going to move to Spain, because I want to move to Spain. I really, really want to move to Spain right now! But everyone in my office is saying you have a responsibility, you have a voice and you need to use it and you have to be there!”

Cher “I he were to be elected, I’m moving to Jupiter.” Twitter, June 2015. “I feel sad for the young. Trump will never be more than a toilet, I’ve used as a symbol for him!” Twitter, November 08, 2016.


Chloe Grace-Moretz “Being a woman in America, under Trump’s presidency, terrifies me!” Twitter, April 02, 2016. She later decided to wear a “Dump Trump” button on airline flights, and stated “Trump isn’t even hiding his sexism!” Just before the election, she had pulled out of all her casted movie roles with no explanation.

Chloe Sevigny “I’ll move to Nova Scotia.” from a red carpet interview with The Scene, February 2016. Ironically, Nova Scotia is known as the most racist area of Canada.


Chris Brown “Fuck Trump and fuck the pigs! To see this evil shit is so wrong! God will have his revenge! Who the fuck u think cleans your hotels and works hard to feed a whole family. Us!” Instagram. Chris Brown has been convicted of beating his wife Rihanna and has also been arrested for attempted murder.

Chris Evans “This is an embarrassing night for America. We’ve let a hatemonger lead our great nation. We’ve let a bully set our course. I’m devastated!” Twitter, November 08, 2016. “We’re watching unabashed bigotry creep into the White House right before our eyes. This isn’t about left vs. right, it’s about right vs. wrong!” Twitter, November 13, 2016.

David Letterman “It’s all fun, it’s all a circus, it’s all a rodeo, until it starts to smack of racism. And then it’s no longer fun.” Talking to Dr. Phil, April 28, 2011.


Drew Carey “This is Donald Trump’s Worst Day as President” – GQ”. Twitter, March 24, 2017.

Eddie Griffin “If Trump wins, I’m moving to Africa, if he want to build a wall to keep Mexicans out, I know what da fuck he feel about a nigga.” Interview with DJ Vlad.

Emma Watson who is not an American citizen, responds to the election by placing Maya Angelou books under subway seats. Watson stated that she wishes she could vote in her “second home” and urged every woman to vote for Hillary to swing the election. Maya Angelou, was an African-American civil rights activist and poet, who worked with MLK and Malcolm X, and who was also a prostitute and whore house madam.


Eva Longoria from the TV show Desperate Housewives, spoke at the DNC “His words create emotional poison”, while also stating that his rhetoric is similar to Hitler. E! Magazine. She later posted a photo of herself crying after the election tweeting, “I am freaking out!”

George Clooney called Trump an “opportunist and a fascist”, The Guardian. He later stated, “This xenophobic, fascist theory that we are going to ban Muslims from our country… none of that is ever going to happen!” The Telegraph.

George RR Martin author of the theme from Game of Thrones stated that there has never been a candidate “more unfit to lead this nation… he has said the vilest things since George Wallace!”


George Lopez “There are enough racists in this country for him to get elected. If he wins he won’t have to worry about immigration, We’ll all go back.” TMZ, July 2015. George Lopez has not moved back to his third-world socialist home country of Mexico.

Howard Stern changed from a Trump supporter to Hillary supporter and stated Trump was for the Iraq war when interviewed, while never admitting that Hillary, himself and nearly every New Yorker were also for the war after 9/11. “It feels like the apocalypse has just happened”, The Howard Stern Show, November 09, 2016.

JK Rowling the creator of Harry Potter was shocked that people were comparing Trump to Voldemort. “How horrible, Voldemort was nowhere near as bad.” Twitter.


Jane Fonda “Trump is driving Muslims closer to the terrorists”. His views are “terrible and dangerous… fanning the flames of people’s anxieties and racism”. Charity Comedy Night, New York, February 2016.

Janet Jackson converts to Islam, just as Will Smith and his lifelong friend DJ Jazzy Jeff has. The new Hollywood is turning Islamic and promoting it through television and movies.

Jennifer Lawrence “If Donald Trump is president of the United States, it will be the end of the world.” After the election, “This country was founded on immigration and today the only people that feel safe, that their rights are recognized and respected are white men… do not let this defeat you, let this enrage you! Let it motivate you! Let this be the fire you didn’t have


before. If you are an immigrant, if you are a person of color, if you are LGBTQ+, if you are a woman—don’t be afraid, be loud!”

Jennifer Lopez “This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, and no room for fear. We do language. That is how civilizations heal.” The Grammy Awards, February 12, 2017.

Jerry Springer reality talk show host stated, “He has no knowledge or the temperament or the understanding of the decisions you have to make to be president.” He also stated, “Hillary belongs in the White House, Trump belongs on my show.” Twitter, September 26, 2016.


John Cusack “Keep it simple – trump just fired the guy investigating him. Facts so inconvenient I know. We must impeach this clown NOW!” Twitter, May 09, 2017.

John Oliver laughed when Trump declared his intent to run for president three years ago, shouting “Do it! Do it! Look at me! Do it! I will personally write you a campaign check now, on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president but which badly wants you to run.” Two nights before the election Oliver urged viewers to not give their vote to Donald Trump, “the human equivalent of a clear plastic bag filled with cheeseburgers and Confederate flag belt buckles… and he has really stupid hair.” Last Week Tonight, November 06, 2016.


Jon Stewart “I would consider getting in a rocket and going to another planet, because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.” Jon changed his last name from Liebowitz in order to sound less Jewish.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt “Just think about how that mass surveillance system will be in the hands of a man who has said he doesn’t care what the Constitution says unless it works for him.” ACLU awards, Nov 13, 2016. Levitt played Edward Snowden in the 2016 movie, and seems to have no problem with Obama’s role in the NSA warrantless wiretapping program which he expanded.

Judd Apatow “This is the beginning, When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?” during the leftist riot at Berkeley protesting a pro-Trump gay man’s scheduled speech which resulted in dozens of women being beaten and pepper sprayed.


Kanye West stopped a rap concert after the November 8th election to rant for 40 minutes about how Trump would be a good president. His managers cancelled the rest of his tour and he was instantly committed to a mental institution. Afterwards, his wife Kim Kardashian claims that they hospitalized him due to his paranoid thoughts.

Katy Perry performed a free concert for fans (which Hillary paid for) while being instructed that they had to vote before they were given the free tickets. Katy later called for “a revolution” after violent protests erupted in California and in 13 other American cities. She later tweeted, “the revolution is coming!” Twitter, November 08, 2016.


Kevin Nealon “Trump needs a rattle to play with while Hillary is speaking.” Twitter, September 26, 2016. He also promoted a petition to only count the popular vote in order for Hillary Clinton to be automatically called the winner of the presidential race. Twitter, November 09, 2016.

Kunal Nayyar from the TV show, The Big Bang Theory, “Never in 15 years of living in this country have I felt afraid to look like I do.” Twitter, November 08, 2016.

Lady Gaga performed a free concert (paid for by Hillary) two days before the election, wearing a costume similar to a Nazi SS uniform. She later tweeted, “Trump is one of the most notorious bullies we have ever witnessed.” while her fans regularly send death threats to any interviewer or news source that doesn’t promote her. Again on Twitter, “We need to mobilize now, #VoteHillary and stop this dangerous man from continuing to divide and wreck our democracy.” She staged a protest outside Trump tower on November 08, 2016 appropriately standing on a New York City garbage truck. She very quickly retired to her private limousine where she cried by herself, making sure that the cameras were still pointed towards her. After the cameras decide to cover the real NYC protests, she has her limo driver take her back to her luxury apartment.


Larry Flynt “I don’t know, maybe move to Canada.” Toronto’s HOSS Magazine, October 2016. On October 16th, He had offered $1 million to anyone with any audio or video of Trump that would ensure that his poll numbers would decrease. No audio or video was submitted.

Lena Dunham who promotes the extinction of the white male, “I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there, I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will.” speaking to Hollywood Reporter at the Matrix Awards, New York, April 2016. She later states that she wishes that she could get pregnant so that she could have an abortion.


Lindsay Lohan admits in April 2017 that she is studying Islam, and is photographed wearing a swimsuit burka while on vacation in Tahiti, where former president Obama also happens to be vacationing and writing his memoirs.

Louis CK “Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while, but the guy is Hitler, and by that I mean we are being Germany in the 1930s. Do you think they saw the shit coming?� An email to his fans in March 2016.


Madonna bought her 11 year old son a Trump pinata to destroy and also stated that she would move out of the country for good if Trump were elected. “A new fire is lit, we never give up, we never give in”. Twitter, November 09, 2016. She later gives a speech at the “Women’s March Against Trump” the day after his inauguration stating “I’ve thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

Mark Cuban endorsed Hillary Clinton stating, “I would rather lose every penny than have Trump as president.” His team The Mavericks will never stay at any Trump hotels from now on. November, 2016. Cuban also supports the refusal to stand for the American flag at sporting and other events inspired by Colin Kaepernick.

Mark Hamill – States that Trump’s cabinet is a “who’s who of really despicable people”. November 2016.


Mark Ruffalo staged a protest at Trump Tower after the election where in a video he captioned, “Love Trumps hate love fest NYC Thousands in the street. Fuck your wall!”

Matt Damon mocked Trump’s support of building the border wall stating that a wall should also be built on the Canadian border to keep the white walkers out, a reference to the TV show Game of Thrones, The AP, September, 2015. The joke was made while he was receiving an honorary degree from a university he never attended, though Matt Damon seems to believe in walls when it surrounds his own $19 million home in Miami, Florida which he bought in 2012.

Meryl Streep who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama weeks earlier, makes a speech at Hollywood’s Golden Globe Awards where she derides Trump for an inaccurate claim that he had made fun of a physically disabled liberal reporter. She also states, “All of us in this room really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it. Hollywood, foreigners, and the press.” Her impassioned speech is applauded, and Chris Pine called her speech “beautiful” while Robert De Niro stated “it needed to be said.” Meryl Streep has also lobbied for Hollywood director Roman Polanski’s kidnapping and pedophilia charges to be dropped while also giving him a standing ovation in 2003. Roman


Polanski was arrested, charged, and also admitted to kidnapping and raping 13 year-old Samantha Gailey. Roman picked her up in his limousine, stating that she would be taken to a modeling photoshoot for the French edition of Vogue, and then gave her champagne and quaaludes before raping her orally, vaginally, and anally on March 10th, 1977. California attorneys plea bargained Polanski’s guilty charge down to statutory rape. Polanski’s defense attorneys and Roman’s later autobiography stated that the underage girl “wasn’t unresponsive”, and that there was evidence that the victim was “physically mature and willing”. Polanski has since lived in France, and has never been extradited to the United States for prosecution.

Michael Moore “His populism is filled with hate and racism and xenophobia”. Later stating, “The sexual predator mumbles under his dirty breath, such a nasty woman”. Twitter, October 19, 2016. Anti-American and Canadian national, along with George Soros, has been financially supporting Trump protestors since the day after the election whom have been rioting, vandalizing buildings and police cars, throwing bricks through the windows of banks and homes, and are attacking any dissenters including news media. November 13, 2016.


Michael Shannon from the TV show Boardwalk Empire and who played the character General Zod in Man of Steel earlier stated that a civil war may be the only way to prevent Trump from becoming president, and that “this country is filled with ignorant jackasses”. In a interview on November 15, 2016, Shannon stated “The big red dildo running through the middle of our country are moronic assholes! You can call it the United States of moronic fucking assholes! I don’t know how people got so goddamned stupid.” Then on Thursday Shannon stated, “If you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn. And if your parents voted for Trump, fuck ‘em! You’re an orphan now. Don’t go home. Don’t’ go home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Don’t talk to them at all. Silence speaks volumes.” Interview with Metro News, November 16, 2016 while promoting his new movie, Nocturnal Animals.

Miley Cyrus “Honestly, fuck this shit, I am moving if this is my president! I don’t’ say things I don’t’ mean!” March 02, 2016 on Instagram and several times on Twitter. A few days later she made a video where she cried for several minutes and said “Trump is my president.”

Natasha Lyonne “I’ll move to a mental hospital if Trump wins, for a while because you’re like why is this happening?” She did not check herself into a mental hospital.


Neve Campbell “His honesty is terrifying, I would move to Canada” The Huffington Post UK. Campbell was born in Canada and has never been an American citizen.

Nigella Lawson “This is more than just populism, it’s racism! Confederate flags will be flying. Twitter, November 08, 2016.

Patton Oswalt “For the record, Hillary soberly explaining Obamacare made Trump think she’s such a nasty woman. #debates” October 19, 2016. After the election, Oswalt stated, “Trump has properties all over the world. Terrorists will have a long list of targets that are literally owned by POTUS and bear his name. Holy fuck, Come n’ get it terrorists!”


Paul Schrader – Hollywood filmmaker who called for the assassination of Trump in a personal Facebook post. “I believe this is a call for violence… we should finance those who support violent resistance.”

Raven-Symone “I’m gonna move to Canada with my entire family. I already have my ticket… No, I literally bought my ticket, I swear. I’ll make it! I’ll make it! I’ll figure it out.” The View.

Richard Gere “He is a demagogue, a clown… we’ll get rid of the Jews, the blacks, anyone we perceive as a problem, we’ll get rid of. This is how it starts.” March 2016, The Evening Standard.


Riz Ahmed Muslim actor who starred in the recent Star Wars movie “Rogue One” tells the UK’s Channel 4 that television producers must embrace diversity, or young people will join ISIS.

Robert De Niro posted an anti-Trump video stating that he would “punch Donald Trump in the face” while also calling Jon Voight “delusional” for supporting the candidate. He later stated after the election that “I feel like I did after 9/11.”

Rose McGowan “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this is what misogyny looks like.” Twitter, November 08, 2016.


Rosie O’Donnell stated several time that she will be moving to Canada if Trump wins, and confirmed on November 11, 2016 “I’m moving and never coming back!” Days before Trump’s inauguration, Rosie states she supports martial law in order to keep Trump from becoming president because he is a Russian agent.

Russell Simmons “We are at a moment now that’s darker and scarier and scarier.” ACLU awards, November 13, 2016.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Supreme Court Justice stated, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.” The New York Times.

Ryan Reynolds had to watch the Pixar movie Frozen by himself as he was inconsolable after the election. Reynolds was born in Canada, and stated in 2008 that he was only becoming an American citizen in order to vote liberal.

Samuel L. Jackson “If that motherfucker becomes president, I’m moving my black ass to South Africa!” on Jimmy Kimmel, December 2015, he also stated this on The View later in 2016. Afterwards, he claimed that it was “just a bit”.


Sarah Silverman appeared on late night talk show Conan O’Brien in April of 2016 dressed as Adolf Hitler while stating, “I agree with a lot of what Trump says, like 90% of what he says, I’m like, this guy gets it”. After the election, she stated, “Putin’s gonna win this thing.” Twitter, November 08, 2016. During the anti-Trump Berkely riot on February 1st, 2017, she tweeted, “Wake up and join the resistance, the military is with us fascists get overthrown. Mad king and handlers go bye bye”. “Hey, is it considered molestation if the child makes the first move? I’m gonna need a quick answer on this.” Twitter, July 06, 2009.

Seth MacFarlane tweeted “I cannot visualize the rambling incoherent creature I saw at the debates now addressing the nation from the Oval Office. Twitter, November 08, 2016.


Seth Meyers at the 2011 White House Correspondence Dinner helps Obama to roast Trump stating, “Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke.”

Shakira “This is a hateful and racist speech that attempts to divide a country that for years has promoted diversity and democracy!”

Shia LaBeouf creates an installation art project using a live streaming webcam outside of the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York. The instructions state that you should say “He will not divide us” while facing the webcam, for the next four years. Dressed like a homeless man, he encourages the growing crowd to continuously chant the phrase 24 hours a day. When trollers pretend to be a Neo-Nazis in front of the camera, LaBeouf physically attacks them while the museum security guards look the other way. The next day, police show up and arrest Shia for the live streamed assault. January 26, 2017.


Sienna Miller stated she would leave the United States if Trump were elected, she has also stated that she identifies with her homeland Britain more than America. She has still not left America for her identified home country.

Snoop Dogg stated he will be moving to Africa if Trump wins. After the election he changed his destination to Canada while also posting “Worst day in America 9/11. Second worst day in America 11/9.” Instagram, November 09, 2016. One month later, he attacks Steve Harvey for being a “sellout nigger” after a meeting with Donald Trump to discuss how poor African American neighborhood can be helped in the new administration. In March 2017, he releases a rap video where he points guns at police and assassinates President Trump who is dressed as a clown. Snoop Dogg has bragged that he has killed several people, and was acquitted of murdering another gang member at Palms Park, Los Angeles in 1994.


Steven King “A Trump presidency scares me more than anything else.” Other tweets called Trump a “rabid coyote” and “a temperament of a three year-old”. After the election, King stated that he is “shutting down”, he will sign no more autographs, no book forwards and will not write any more novels. After Trump’s inauguration he also states, “The ugliest first week of a presidency in the history of the American Republic” Twitter, January 25, 2017. King continues his anti-Trump tweets weekly as his book sales plummet.

Steven Spinola, Comedy Central contributor on President Trump’s inauguration, “Baron Trump looks like a very handsome date-rapist to be”, following it up with “I don’t want my mom to get raped, but if she does I hope it’s by Baron Trump, small pp would be painless and we’d win lots of money in court.” Twitter, January 20, 2017. Joking about rape and attacking a 10 year old boy is now typical liberal humor.

Susan Sarandon “He reminds me of a drunk uncle… he’s made hated and racism normal.” She later attends the #IAmAlsoAMuslim March in Times Square where she poses for photos with


Linda Sarsour, the organizer of the “Womens March Against Trump” who promotes Sharia Law enforcement in America.

Tom Hanks stated that “Donald Trump will be president when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs.” April 2016. He was also the guest host on SNL the weekend before the election in which he played a racist, uneducated white trucker Trump supporter who is scared of black people.

Wanda Sykes tells her audience “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!” after she is booed for calling Trump a racist, sexist and homophobic. She then flips off her own audience and ends the show early. November 12, 2016.


Whoopi Goldberg “Maybe it’s time for me to move, you know. I can afford to go.” The View, January, 2016. On Nov 10th, 2016 Goldberg told her viewers on the same show that she has been “incorrectly lumped in with celebrities” who had claimed they would leave the country if Trump were elected.

Will Smith travels to Dubai in the Muslim nation UAE to promote his new movie Suicide Squad. He stated at the Dubai Red Carpet Ceremony, “As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.” Smith also said, “In terms of Islamophobia in America, for me that’s why it’s important to show up.” August 07, 2016. Will Smith stated on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel in July 2016, “It’s absolutely collective insanity… I think everybody can see it now. And I think it’s just a little darkness before the cleansing that we’ll have as we move forward.” He had also traveled to Dubai for New Year’s 2014 with DJ Jazzy Jeff and posted several Instagram photos in traditional Muslim garb.


Zachary Quinto a homosexual who plays Spock in the new Star Trek series stated, “Donald Trump is a buffoon… he is a dangerously egomaniacal horrible person. It’s unsettling how unethical he is. I loathe him, I actually loathe him!” Shortlist Magazine

November 11, 2016 – U.S. Border Patrol agents arrest several Pakistani nationals crossing the Mexico border at Nogales, Arizona. One of the men had traveled through several nations before reaching the United States which is not typical of a refugee, one of the men had his hair dyed blonde, and all spoke perfect English. Last June members of the Taliban were found by Border Patrol agents 15 miles north of the border in Arizona after smugglers in Mexico had received money transfers from the Middle East. Democrats still maintain their narrative that the southern border is “safe and secure”.


November 13, 2016 – A church is defaced with the words “Heil Trump” and “Fag Church!” in Bean Blossom, Indiana. The Huffington Post and NPR immediately claim this is proof that Trump’s racist rhetoric is influencing a new wave of white supremacy across America. In early May, after a police investigation, the liberal and homosexual church organist admits that he had spray painted the church in order to stir up anti-Trump sentiment. The liberal news organizations do not print retractions or report the resolution of the police investigation, while the links to the fake news story remains online.


November 20, 2016 – In a Sunday press conference in Lima, Peru, Obama states that he will not follow former President Bush’s lead to not publicly criticize his successor after the election stating, if he deems it “necessary or helpful.” In the past week and a half, dozens of false claims of racism by Trump supporters have been reported by police across the nation. A black female at Bowling Green State University stated that she was assaulted by three men wearing Trump shirts and hats who threw rocks at her. Her Facebook post went viral, while local police found that her cell phone records show that she was not in the area she claimed to be in during the alleged attack, while a Muslim female stated that she was attacked by three men wearing Trump shirts on the subway. Police charged both women with filing false police reports.


College students post racist signs in hallways and then take photos of them to post on social media, while onlookers rarely confront the fake racist claims they see happening in front of their eyes. A black woman in Houston, Texas literally kicked her seven year-old son out of the house because he had voted for Trump in his school’s mock-election, the video went viral on YouTube and Twitter. Several universities cancelled classes and midterms for over a week, while also offering aromatherapy, dog therapy, coloring books, Play-Dough, and cry rooms for the confused liberal college students who cannot believe that Trump has won the election.

Democrats shift the narrative of who is to blame for Hillary losing the election. They first blame uneducated racist white men, then FBI director James Comey, then claim Trump supporters


who lied to pollsters, then they blamed women who must have been so ingrained with the sexism of America that they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a female. Later, they blame the “fake news” of Breitbart, Michael Savage, and Alex Jones, and then decide that it was Republican voter fraud. Recounts of swing states begin, while it is only swing states that Hillary narrowly lost and not other states that Hillary had narrowly won. Jill Stein, who received less than 1% of the popular vote, raises $7 million in just over a week, which is more than double what she raised during her entire election campaign running as the Green Party candidate. Hillary, who had earlier conceded, now decides she is an active part of the recount of swing states, just as Al Gore was in 2000 after he had conceded to Bush. Jill Stein first stated that she needed $2.5 million to fund the recount, then changed it to $4.5 million, and then after she met that goal, changed it to $7 and then $9.5 million. When the recount results in even more popular votes for Trump in each state recounted, and also reveals that Detroit, Michigan had the highest voter fraud in the nation all skewed towards Hillary, the recount is ended. Jill Stein decides to keep the remaining millions of dollars given to her for the recount. Electoral College members continue to receive dozens of death threats as they have not officially voted until December 20, 2016. Two days later, the Obama administration fines the Denver Sheriff Department $10,000 because it has refused to hire illegal immigrants as deputies. True The Vote, an IRS-designated voters’ rights organization backs up Trump’s November 27th Twitter claim that literally millions of illegal immigrants had voted in the 2016 presidential election. Data is still being collected, and will be released in comprehensive report along with hidden camera video of voter fraud and voter intimidation. In the weeks leading up to the election, a massive surge of illegal immigrants from Central America and Mexico cross the southern border. Nearly 50,000 were arrested in October of 2016 alone, the largest since June 2014. San Diego reported an increase of 303% compared to last year, while also reporting a 600% increase in Haitian refugees crossing the Mexican border. This week, Obama has also decided to end the Mexican border aerial surveillance program which he had previously stated prevents border crossing and saves lives and money. As border patrol agents are massively understaffed, tens of thousands of illegals per month are crossing unhindered and may never be deported under Obama’s executive orders. not_criticize_your_successor_obama_i_will_if_necessary.html


November 22, 2016 – Obama gives the Presidential Medal of Freedom to lesbian talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, who had been openly critical of Trump and has also interviewed Obama several times. Michelle Obama also had a scripted interview on the show along with a choreographed dance number. She also hosted a Hillary Clinton interview where Hillary stated that Trump “was literally trying to dominate, and then stalk me around the stage” during the first presidential debate. Obama states that he “almost choked up” during the ceremony. The medal was also given to Bruce Springsteen who had performed a free concert for Hillary Clinton just before the election, and also to Tom Hanks who portrayed an uneducated white trash Trump supporter on SNL the week before the election. Another recipient of the medal was Robert De Niro who made an anti-Trump Twitter video weeks before the election, and Meryl Streep who had campaigned for Hillary and who will later criticize Trump as someone who makes fun of mentally disabled people when she receives a Golden Globe Award in January of 2017. Obama has awarded 114 Presidential Medals of Freedom, more than any other president in history.


November 23, 2016 – Four white Catholic schoolgirls were attacked by a gang of black girls on their BX8 bus ride home in the Pelham Gardens section of Bronx, New York. A black teen stated, “Oh, white girl got money!” and then called his black friends who boarded a few stops away who beat them up, sending them to the hospital. Then six to eight more black girls boarded the bus, while the bus driver did nothing. The gang escaped with a backpack, an iPad and cash.


November 27, 2016 – Obama has decided to “fast track” 1,800 Muslims which have already been rejected by two other countries. After their rejection from Australia, the UN appealed to secretary of state John Kerry two weeks ago in order to relocate the Muslim immigrants to America without telling the American public. Germany alone has recently accepted 1.5 million Muslim refugees, mostly Syrian, which has resulted in nearly 800 new crimes per month committed by immigrants, and a political party change.

November 28, 2016 – A Somalian Muslim crashes his car into a crowd of college students at Ohio State University and then begins to stab at least nine people with a butcher knife. An OSU campus police officer shot and killed Abdul Razak Ali Artan who had entered America legally under Obama’s Somali immigration program which has increased Somalian Muslims in the country by over 43,000 in the past few years. Over 110,000 Somalian Muslims have entered America since 9/11/2001 which is a nation that is 99% Muslim and still practices the removal of the clitoris from females. Two days later, ISIS claims responsibility for the attack. The next day, African American OSU Diversity Officer Stephanie Clemons Thompson, tells the students that they should have compassion for the Somali terrorist who attacked the college students. She tweeted on November 29th, “think of the pain he must have been in #BlackLivesMatter #SayHisName”.


November 28, 2016 – Black Lives Matter member and Virginia Board of Education member Wes Bellamy types a series of Tweets including, “Eat it if she sleep, if she moan it ain’t rape”. “I don’t’ like whit ppl so I HATE white snow!!!!! FML!!!!” He was one of nine people who decide which textbooks students read in public schools, and admits that he doesn’t listen to white people in board meetings. Black Lives Matter first stated that his account was hacked, then when more Tweets came out, they defended his racist statements and called the reporter who first published his Tweets a racist. In contrast, the government official in West Virginia who once called Michelle Obama “an ape in heels” on Twitter was immediately fired when her identity was discovered and no one defended her comment as free speech.


November 29, 2016 – The Repression of the First Amendment: Apple removes non left-wing news source apps including Breitbart News from its iTunes store. Google Chrome has created an add-on that warns users that they are at a fake news site when you attempt to visit certain news websites like Fox News’, and even Google will not allow Breitbart to place ads on their search pages, and Facebook has deleted 58 news sites from its social media platform which is ironic because most of what is posted to Facebook is already fake. Twitter has issued a statement saying they may cancel Donald Trump’s personal account. This comes a week after a liberal feminist professor Melissa Zimdars from Merrimack College made her own list of what she believes is “fake news”. The liberal media picked up on this idea and is repeating the news sources which have now been considered fake news which include Breitbart, Drudge Report, Infowars, Redstate, Zerohedge and over 100 other conservative news sources that published articles unfavorable to Hillary, even though media sources like CNN literally fed debate questions to Hillary Clinton and over sampled Democrat areas in order to skew the polls and swing the election. In the coming months, all social media platforms will step up their censorship of libertarian and conservative alternative media.


On May 7th of 2013, CNN was caught faking a satellite interview which was being filmed in the same parking lot where you can see the same cars driving behind each reporter. CNN had also previously faked a SCUD missile attack where they were supposedly stationed in Saudi Arabia during the first Iraq war in 1991. The two reporters put on a gas mask and a helmet while they were actually in their American TV studio. In 2003, The New York Times helped the Bush Administration to sell the Iraq war based on only one Iraqi man’s statement of yellow cake Uranium. NBC’s Brian Williams has also lied about being under an RPG attack during a 2003 trip to Iraq, while Hillary Clinton has lied several times about being under sniper fire in 1996 when she landed in Bosnia. On September 8th, 2004, CBS lied about G.W. Bush’s Air National Guard records from 1972-73 two months before the presidential election which resulted in Dan Rather being fired from the TV show 60 Minutes. _war/


November 29, 2016 – Teen Vogue releases a video called “Six Misconceptions About Native American People”. The video tells white people how racist they are by stating that it’s not true to Natives don’t pay taxes, that they receive casino money, receive free college tuition, that no Native lives in a TeePee, most of the so-called misconceptions are actually true.


November 30, 2016 – Yet another Obama riot begins in Charlotte, North Carolina, after a panel of 63 SBI investigators finds that the police shooting of 43 year-old African American Keith Lamont Scott in September was valid and warranted. Police initially became aware of Scott while they were staked out in an unrelated undercover case at a nearby gas station parking lot. Scott had walked into the 7-11 with a gun visibly stuffed in his sock. They later saw him stuffing marijuana into a pill bottle after smoking a joint. After running the license plate, they discovered that he was a convicted felon who had served eight years in a Texas prison for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon where he shot a man, which made the gun he possessed illegal. After Scott was confronted with local police in front of his home, he placed his hand on the Colt .38 semi-automatic gun in his car and took the safety off. Police shouted “drop the gun” over and over until Scott began to move his hand. An African American plain-clothes officer shot and killed Scott on the scene. During the incident, Scott’s wife used her cell phone to record the incident from her front yard, yelling at the police that he doesn’t have a gun. Later in the video recording which doesn’t show her husband at all, she screams at him, “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!” just before he is shot four times. Scott’s wife tells local news that he was a loving husband who was reading a book in his car when he was assassinated by racist white police. In actuality, she had a restraining order filed in October 2015 against him for beating her eight year old son, and had told the arresting officer that night that he carries a 9mm in his sock. Scott had also been convicted of assault with intent to kill in 1995, assault with a deadly weapon in 2004 where he had pointed a gun at a police officer, and evading arrest in 2005 where he served 15 months in a Texas state prison. African American eye-witnesses tell police, local news, and post on Facebook that Scott had a book in his hand when shot and that the shooting officer was a white male in uniform. They later admitted in court that they were lying when put under oath. Two days of riots in Charlotte had already occurred the night after the shooting occurred on September 20, 2016.


The hate group Black Lives Matter has begun to bus paid protesters in, to escalate the riot while once again chanting, “Hands up, don’t’ shoot!” over and over.

December 01, 2016 – Before Trump is inaugurated, he is successful in keeping the Carrier airconditioning factory in Indianapolis, Indiana from outsourcing their 1,100 jobs to Mexico. Trump spent his Thanksgiving holiday in negotiation in order to save these jobs. In his speech, he warns other American companies that “there will be consequences” if they move their jobs outside of the United States. In contrast, Obama’s secretary of state John Kerry said in a speech on July 22, 2016, that air conditioners are as big of a threat to the planet as the terrorist group ISIS. At least 18,800 people have been killed by the terror group ISIS in the last two years, which arose from Obama’s quick withdrawal from Iraq.


The next day, a CNN producer is caught on a hot mic joking about how they were hoping that Trump’s plane had crashed after the president-elect had been saving the jobs of working-class Americans.

December 02, 2016 – CBC in Canada airs a strange rap video celebrating the extinction of the white race when people “all look the same” during a “beige horizon”. Canadian taxpayer money produced the video, while the top comment stated “race doesn’t exist” while also stating that “white people need to die!”


December 06, 2016 – The European Union demands that what they have categorized as “fake news” be removed from all social media within 24-hours or face new laws concerning “racial abuse”. Their list of fake news mirrors America’s liberal “fake news” list which includes Breitbart, Drudge Report, and some reporters on Fox News. Three days later, Hillary Clinton gives a speech stating, “It’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. This isn’t about politics or bipartisanship. Lives are at risk. It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.” She then calls for Congress to pass legislation to stop the “fake news”, and for social media sites to prevent it from entering readers’ Facebook and Twitter feeds. After Hillary mentions Alex Jones by name, his viewership increases exponentially as many Americans are looking for new news sources that haven’t been purposely misinforming them. A few days later, Facebook censors their list of fake news using Snopes, an internet news site ran by an ultra-liberal Californian couple from their house. Google also warns users before they can arrive at, and that they are visiting a news source that is not credible, and YouTube suppresses new video posts of the same sites, while also extending the censorship to hundreds of videos related to PizzaGate and George Soros. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all still allow Al-Jazeera, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS to post and recruit terrorists on their social media sites with little censorship. On March 25th 2017, Facebook Live, Twitter, Periscope, and YouTube all cut live streaming during the #PizzaGate/#PedoGate protest at the White House and shadowban any user who posted or live streamed the gathering. In contrast, Hillary Clinton has promoted false stories of her own life dozens of times. She once claimed she was landing under sniper fire in a trip to Bosnia in 1996, that all her grandparents


were immigrants, a recruiter shut down her attempt to join the Marines because she was a woman, and that the Benghazi attack was a reaction to a YouTube video. She has also lied about never receiving classified information on her home email server, and that according to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, Russia was behind the WikiLeaks release of John Podesta’s emails. Every single left-leaning media outlet lied about the actual poll numbers favoring Hillary in order to swing the election towards the Democrat Party. While the liberal’s definition of “fake news” is being suppressed, The Washington Post states that America will “soon be living in a dictatorship” after retired General James Mattis is appointed as U.S. Defense Secretary.

December 11, 2016 – A Texan Muslim, Gary Nathaniel Moore, pleads guilty to felony arson after he had set fire to his own Mosque in Houston, Texas in order to stir up religious hatred from other Muslims. The fire had been blamed on Trump supporters and was set on Christmas Day of 2015.


December 12, 2016 – Obama states on The Daily Show, hosted by an African Muslim, that “we have by no means overcome the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow and colonialism and racism… you know, you might not have taken into account the ongoing legacy of racism in why we have so many black men incarcerated.” He also stated that Chris Rock has the ability to say what he himself is not able to say about race. In his last speech to the American people in January of 2017, Obama states that a post-racial America is just not possible; the exact opposite of his post-racial premise that got him elected where he stated that only he could heal the nation’s racial divide. Obama is the first sitting president to appear on television talk shows to promote his political ideology.


December 15, 2016 – After five years of investigating the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Phoenix, Arizona, concludes that the certificate is a forgery, taken from another n from Oahu, Hawaii 16 days apart. The Sheriff has consistently claimed that he began the investigation in order to prove that Obama was actually born in the United States. On the same day, the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office confirms that 10 separate cyberattacks on its voting network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security internet addresses.

December 15, 2016 – Michelle Obama tells Oprah on CBS This Morning, “See now, we’re feeling what not having hope feels like, you know. Hope is necessary, it’s a necessary concept… what else do you have if you don’t have hope? What do you give your kids if you can’t give ‘em hope?” Once again, Michelle believes that hope and patriotism begin and end with an Obama administration.


December 16, 2016 – Politico reporter Julia Loffe, who Tweeted that Trump “is fucking his daughter” is given her own show on CNN.


December 19, 2016 – National Geographic, which traditionally has covered world ecological, geographical and environmental stories decides to put a nine year old so-called transgender boy on the cover while the article describes the boy as “sitting pretty”. In contrast to what the liberal media promotes, which now includes National Geographic, gender is not a fluid or mental state, the transgender’s parents claim that he “transitioned” at four years-old after asking to wear a princess dress, and now is “living as her true gender”. Gender is determined by chromosomes, men having XY and women having XX. Homosexuals for decades have claimed that males are only 51% male and that females are always 51% female. Teen suicide has only increased as the media, public schools, some doctors, and psychologists have promoted the idea that gender identity is a mental psychological state that can change day by day, depending on the current feelings of the individual. Children as young as five years-old can now legally take hormone therapy injections to mock their opposite gender, according to an NBC News article posted on April 23, 2015 and cited below. By any definition, children as young as four and five do not even have a grasp of gender, they copy what they hear and see, placing the societal change on the media, public school, and parenting. According to one study performed in California, a boy who is raised by two gay women has a 300% higher chance of “transitioning” before he finished high-school, while in the state of California, a sex change operation on a 13 year-old girl was legally performed without the mother’s consent. Suicide rates for transgender children and teens are as high as 500% higher vs. their typical gender identifying peers.


December 21, 2016 – The Wall Street Journal airs commercials stating that they were 100% unbiased and that they prepared its readers for the reality that Trump would win the presidential election. "Not everyone was blindsided by this year's presidential election result. Over 2 million Wall Street Journal subscribers, whether they were excited about the outcome, or nervous about it, were ready," The supposed subscribers in the ad were paid. WikiLeaks states the exact opposite of what the advertisement states, as they were colluding with the DNC and the Hillary campaign, and their poll numbers were posted together with NBC as “WSJ/NBC Poll” which had Trump behind by over four percentage points the morning of the election, even though Trump’s numbers were increasing each day and their final poll was only current to three days before the election. The WSJ also stated Hillary would still win in a landslide electoral win.


Two days later, following up Hillary Clinton’s speech on “fake news” Obama now signs the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) called “Countering Propaganda and Disinformation Act” the day before Christmas Eve. The bill allows $611 billion to be spent in 2017 alone in order to counter so-called “fake news” that the government deems is anti-American, an affront to the First Amendment of the Constitution. The European Union signs their own version of the bill weeks later.

December 29, 2016 – After no new information has been gathered or presented since before the presidential campaign, Obama states that Russia’s involvement in the election was “significant and malicious”. He also states that he will bring the proof of their interference in the election within a few days, and that he may still retaliate to the Russian hacking at his own time and choosing. He sanctioned five Russian entities in the United States and expelled 35 Russian diplomats from two Russian compounds, giving them 72 hours to leave the country.


With only three weeks left of his presidency, Obama also sends American troops and tanks to the Russian border in Lithuania, in order to increase tensions with a nation in which there is no evidence that they hacked or otherwise attacked America. The next day, CNN prints a fake news story claiming that Russia has retaliated to Obama’s sanctions by closing an American school in Moscow and expelling the American diplomats in retaliation. During their commentary, CNN states live that America’s “just going to have to go to war with Russia, there’s no choice.” CNN retracts the story 48 hours later. Facebook’s socalled filters for fake news do not filter the story before or after CNN admits they were wrong. On December 30th, Arizona Senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee John McCain states that Russia’s cyberattacks are “an act of war” and “that there is a price to pay”.

December 30, 2016 – George Soros, Nazi collaborator, Occupy Wall Street, and Black Lives Matter financier calls Trump “a would-be dictator.” This is the same man who has admitted to financing the overthrow of several democratic nations including the Ukraine and has stated that the overthrow of the government of the United States would be his “life’s achievement.”


Currently the 17th richest man in the United States, when Soros was a young boy in Hungary, he sold out his own Jewish people to the Nazis in order to save his own life, steal possessions from Jews that were being sent to death camps, while calling that year “the best and happiest year” of his life. Soros has just pledged $10 million in order to fight “hate crimes” after Trump’s election, which will most likely go to the group Black Lives Matter who advocates the assassination of police.


December 31, 2016 – The White House’s so-called proof of Russian hacking was the claim that malware was found in one laptop in a Vermont power plant. After DHS announced that the Grizzly Steppe Power Plant had been associated with a Russian hacking operation whose goal was to shut down the entire east coast power grid, they immediately scanned all their computers and found nothing but one piece of common malware in one laptop that was used for office materials and had never been connected to the power plant’s power grid. Forbes and Media Matters pick up the story and reprint it, while no one at the power plant was called or interviewed. The Washington Post was forced to retract the story two days later after there is no evidence to support the claim.

On the same day, illegal immigrant Isaac Cardenas is charged with aggravated sexual assault of a two year-old, which he then stabbed in the genitals. A relative noticed blood on the child while bathing it, but then waiting another three hours before calling 911. Cardenas claimed that the injuries were from a dog attack, but medical evidence states otherwise.


January 03, 2017 – The new Fox sitcom called “The Mick” features a promotional ad that shows a transgender six year-old boy wearing a ball gag and wearing a dress while the child states that it “kind of breezes on my vagina.” One more example of how liberal Hollywood, is forcing the normalization of child pornography and pedophilia.


January 04, 2017 – Four African-Americans kidnap an 18 year-old mentally-challenged white male from a Chicago McDonald’s that one of them had known earlier from school. The black teens record the incident on Facebook Live, while they bind and torture the mentally disabled teen who thought they were his friend. They berated him while one of the girls states, “He a goofy motherfuckka!” and “Fuck you! Fuck you Trump voter!” After they beat him up, the group decides to tie him up, cut him with knives, and force him to say “Fuck white people” and “Fuck Donald Trump” several times while all four are drinking and smoking marijuana. They later forced him to drink their urine while shoving his head into a toilet. When their downstairs neighbor tells them to be quiet or the police will be called, the teenagers kick down the neighbor’s door and beat their neighbor up. When the police arrive, the white teenager had already escaped and was walking around the black neighborhood in circles bleeding out of his head, not knowing where he was. The kidnapped teen male had not even voted in the presidential election. Chicago mayor Rom Emanuel stated that this was no evidence that this was a hate crime, and that the teens just made “a series of stupid decisions.” CNN states that America shouldn’t call this a hate crime because it had nothing to do with race, while Obama’s speech the day after the attack did not mention the torturous incident at all that occurred in his adopted home city. The four individuals plead not guilty on February 10th, 2017.


January 05, 2017 – After calling any American who doesn’t agree with his Mexican and Muslim immigration policies racist and xenophobic, Obama literally has a brick wall built around his new Washington D.C. multi-million dollar mansion.


January 06, 2016 – U.S. Army veteran turned ISIS terrorist Esteban Santiago arrives at the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida airport with only one checked bag which contains a 9mm handgun. He goes into the bathroom, loads the clip and shoots random airline passengers in the baggage claim area resulting in five dead and injuring nine. Police fired no shots after finding the shooter sitting on the floor by himself, waiting for them to arrive. An additional incident at another terminal resulted in panic, additional shots were heard in the parking garage and the bomb squad was called in while the official story remains that the shooter was alone and has no ties to organized terrorism, even though his YouTube account shows that he was watching and downloading ISIS videos. Esteban had also joined MySpace in 2007 under the name Aashiq Hammad and recorded Islamic songs in Arabic, posted photos wearing Islamic robes, is wearing a Palestinian scarf in the above photo, his finger raised indicating that Allah is the only god, and he had posted on Jihad forums for years. The Obama White House continues to deny that this was a terrorist attack, and the FBI states the next Monday that there is no evidence that Santiago had any ties to Islam or terrorism. CNN immediately uses Photoshop to lighten Esteban’s skin color and calls him a white male. This is not surprising as they had done the same thing to George Zimmerman after the shooting of Trayvon Martin in February of 2012, and to a mixed-race shooter in Oregon, Chris HarperMercer (below-right), in October of 2015.


CNN’s skin color alteration of Esteban Santiago 2017, and Chris Harper-Mercer 2015.

January 06, 2017 – Another WikiLeaks revelation shows that Secretary of State John Kerry states that Obama wanted ISIS to grow, supporting Trump’s earlier claim before the election that Obama is the founder of ISIS. The audio which was earlier reported by CNN and The New York Times, though was heavily edited in order to keep with the White House’s narrative. The audio has Kerry stating that Obama armed and funded ISIS in order to create a regime change and the removal of President Bahar al-Assad, in Syria.


January 08, 2016 – At the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards, Meryl Streep decides to project her anger at Donald Trump, stating that he had previously mocked a disabled reporter. While Trump does mock reporters, several videos show that he mocks various people in the same way with the same arm gesticulation. Only four days have passed since black teenagers kidnapped and tortured a white mentally disabled 18 year-old for days, but Streep doesn’t mention the incident. She is given a standing ovation after her anti-Trump speech while in contrast, Streep had earlier given a standing ovation to Roman Polanski who was charged and convicted of drugging and raping 13 year-old Samantha Gailey in Los Angeles, California in 1977 while being told she was going to a magazine photoshoot. The rape occurred at Jack Nicholson’s house where Polanski drugged her with Quaaludes and Champagne. Streep had also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama four months earlier. The next speaker Chris Pine from the new Star Trek movie series, thanked her and called it a “beautiful and moving speech”, while Robert De Niro stated that “it needed to be said.”


On the same day, the History Channel airs a two hour special called “Transition of Power: The Presidency” which begins with Trump stating he may not accept the results of the election if they seem fraudulent. No video is shown of Hillary, and no mention of the fact that it was the Hillary supporting Democrats that literally rioted in the streets within minutes of hearing that Trump had won the presidential election. On January 15th, the same channel will also air a two hour special called, “The 44th President: In His Own Words” where Obama literally talks about himself, his achievements, and difficulties with pre-approved questions given to the interviewer. One week later, their internet site will feature an eight part oral history of Obama. The History Channel is now owned by the Disney and ABC corporations.

January 11, 2017 – An internet poster on the site creates a fake story that states Donald Trump has been illegally collaborating with Russia. According to the story, Trump had spent the night at the Moscow Ritz Carlton and paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed that Obama and Michelle had once slept on because that is how racist he is against Obama. Since the Russian government had bugged the room, Putin was using the video to blackmail Trump,


which explains why Trump doesn’t blame Russia for hacking the election, and doesn’t think that America should go to war over it. The fake two page document, which is full of misspellings and obvious falsities, ends up in the hands of Senator John McCain who gives it to the CIA and the FBI, who do not check on the veracity of any of the information. The FBI shows the report to President Obama and to President-elect Trump. Someone in the FBI or CIA illegally leaks the story to the press which results in the liberal blog Buzzfeed reporting the story as true also without fact checking any information. CNN picks up the story, repeating it nearly all day. The story also stated that Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen had traveled to Prague in August of 2016 in order to meet Russian spies and pass information to Putin. It’s later found that it was a different Michael Cohen in Prague and that no one had checked to see if it was a different person with the same name. Trump’s attorney was actually in California on that date at his son’s baseball game and has never been to Prague. One week earlier, Democrat Senator Charles Shumer stated on CNN that the CIA and FBI were very upset at Trump for not respecting them, and that “they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”

In contrast, it was Hillary Clinton that literally took millions of dollars from foreign nations, many of them state sponsors of terror for her campaign, which is illegal as she was Secretary of State during many of the donations. The Clinton Foundation received $2 million from the nation of Russia alone just before government of The United States sold them 20% of their Uranium stores which are used to create nuclear weapons.


January 13, 2017 – After a 13 month federal investigation, The Department of Justice, headed by African American Loretta Lynch, decides that Chicago police habitually and knowingly use excessive force especially when it comes to African Americans. The investigation began after African American Laquan McDonald was shot and killed by a Chicago policeman. The report specifically mentions the case as “unjustified and excessive force”, even though McDonald was in and out of prison, had several drug and violence arrests, was in a gang, and was brandishing a knife at the police officer. The 161 page report required retraining for policemen and focuses specifically on how to treat African Americans. The report doesn’t mention the record-setting 4,368 shootings in the city of Chicago, almost entirely committed by black people towards other black people, and that none of the persons shot by police were innocent civilians who happened to be targeted by so-called racist police. On the same day, Obama continues to sign executive orders, this time taking sanctions off the Muslim nation of Sudan.


January 15, 2017 – After already sending American troops and tanks to the Lithuanian/Russian border, Obama decides to send hundreds of Army and Marine troops Poland and Norway, where American troops have not been stationed since the end of World War II. News media states that if Trump brings the troops back from the Russian border, it proves that Putin has in fact blackmailed the President-elect. WikiLeaks releases a series of emails from John Podesta to Huma Abedin that shows Hillary Clinton campaign staffers bribed six Republicans to “destroy Trump”. One email states, “He is on board, will retract the invitation to speak. Eyes only.” Days later, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan withdrew an invitation to Trump to speak at an event in Wisconsin. Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsay Graham, and Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina also received funds from Super PACS and private sources just after they criticized Trump, while both later called for a look into Russian influence in the election.


January 16, 2017 – James O’Keefe once again releases hidden camera video made by infiltrators of Democrat groups who are planning the disruption of the 45 th Presidential Inauguration under the name “DisruptJ20”. The groups plan on blocking main traffic and mass transit into the city so that people cannot attend the ceremony, attack Vice-President-elect Pence’s home the night before the inauguration, setting off fire sprinklers at Trump gatherings, and introducing butyric acid to the HVAC intake at celebration events such as The Deploraball. The video was recorded at the now infamous Ping Pong Pizza, which has been mentioned in WikiLeaks emails as being connected to Washington D.C. Democrat pedophilia rings. Other anti-Trump groups such as Black Lives Matter have been funded and plan on rioting the night before the inauguration. In the video Luke Kuhn states, “The message has to be, we do not recognize the city government either. If you try to close us down we will look for your house, we will burn it. We will physically fight the police if they try to steal one of our places. We will go to war and you will lose.”


On the same day, Martin Luther King Day, Donald Trump is told that he is not invited and is unwelcome at the new Black History Museum in Washington D.C. after Democrat Representative and African American John Lewis stated on television that he believes that Trump isn’t a legitimate president since he was elected by the Russians. In 2008, John Lewis had accused John McCain and Sarah Palin of “sowing the seeds of hatred and division” which will lead to “racial terrorism”. When Mitt Romney later ran against Obama in 2012, he said that Romney would bring back racial segregation in America. He also accused Tea Party demonstrators of yelling the N-word at him and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus; after Andrew Breitbart offered to donate $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund for audio or video proof of the incident, none were found. John Lewis also stated that this is the first time in his political career that he will boycott an inauguration, which is also untrue, as he boycotted George H.W. Bush’s 2000 presidential inauguration. Sixty-seven Representatives will also boycott the ceremony, the first large scale boycotting of any presidential inauguration. President Barack Hussein Obama had decided to take one last vacation on the taxpayer dollar, boarding Air Force One in order to visit Palm Springs in southern California on the day of Donald Trump’s inauguration. Also on the same day, audio is released showing Democrat Mayor of Warren, Michigan Jim Fouts calling black people chimps and women dried up cunts. Obama makes no speech about racism in America.


January 17, 2017 – Former Donald Trump campaign advisor, Roger Stone, who was just finishing his latest book entitled, “The Making of the President” based on Trump’s 2016 presidential run, reveals that he was recently poisoned. Stone’s personal doctor states that he was poisoned by a radioactive material polonium which gave him lesions on his chest and nearly shut down his liver. Stone has also been a regular guest on Alex Jones’ Infowars program and had claimed that his book would expose the falsity of the Democrat Party’s claim that the Russians had hacked the election, and were responsible for the DNC and Podesta email leaks that were published by WikiLeaks. Democrats and liberal news sources have also claimed that Roger Stone was himself a Russian agent and that he was feeding information straight from the Kremlin to Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.


On the same day on MSNBC, California Congressman Maxine Waters claims that Russia fed the slogan “Crooked Hillary” to Donald Trump, and due to the fact that it trended on Twitter and produced so much anti-Democrat Party rhetoric, Trump should face impeachment. Also on the same day, Democrat groups state that they have found video evidence that Trump uses the N-word on his reality show “The Apprentice”. They claim that they will release the video the afternoon before the inauguration in order to prove that Trump has and always will be a racist. Tom Arnold had stated earlier in October of 2016 that he had the tape, though it was never released. The liberal blog Buzzfeed and CNN have stated they are the ones who will release the video; the same two news sources that released the fake intelligence Dossier that claimed that Trump had traveled to Moscow in order to pay Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed that Obama and his wife had once slept on. at_someone/


January 18, 2017 – One of the initial WikiLeaks providers of classified information, Bradley Manning from Crescent, Oklahoma, has his 35 year sentence commuted by President Obama, even though information that he leaked included names and codenames of CIA operatives in Afghanistan that resulted in dozens of assassinations by Al Qaeda terrorists. Bradley Manning happens to have converted to a transgender female while in prison, taking hormone therapy and was scheduled to received gender reassignment surgery all paid for by taxpayers. Instead he will transition to the female Chelsea Manning by surgery after being released from the Leavenworth, Kansas military prison in May of 2017. Manning’s crimes should have given him the death penalty as he is literally a traitor and provided government intelligence to the enemy that resulted in the deaths of an unknown amount of enlisted soldiers and American spies. Many of the 750,000 leaked documents were found on Osama Bin Laden’s computer during the May 2nd, 2011 raid in Pakistan, and are thought to have fueled the Arab Spring, and may have supported the rise of ISIS. Also on the same day, Democrat groups state that they have found video evidence that Trump had used the N-word on his reality show “The Apprentice”. They claim that they will release the video the day before the inauguration in order to prove that Trump has, and always will be a racist. Tom Arnold had stated earlier in October of 2016 that he has a copy of the tape, though it was never released. The liberal blog Buzzfeed and CNN have stated they will release the video; the same two news sources that released the fake intelligence Dossier that claimed Trump had traveled to Moscow in order to pay Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed that Obama and his wife had once slept on. The alleged video is never released.

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January 18, 2017 – Obama commutes another two hundred prison sentences, this time two of them being convicted terrorists. Oscar Lopez Rivera, member of the Puerto Rican communist terrorist group FALN who set off 150 bombs in the 1970’s and 80’s, including the historic Fraunces Tavern in New York City where George Washington had planned Revolutionary War battles. Bill Clinton had tried to commute his sentence in the 1990’s, but Rivera refused to renounce his terrorist ideology. Also included in the group is Mohammed al-Ansi who was trained by Bin Laden as part of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and had also been Bin Laden’s personal body guard. Rivera will return to his home country of Puerto Rico, while al-Ansi, who had already been released from Guantanamo, will be put on a plane to travel to the United Arab Emirates.


January 19, 2017 – On Barack Hussein Obama’s last day in office, he commutes another 330 federal sentences, bringing the total to 1,719, more than any other president in American history. Without asking Congress or informing the press, he also sends $221 million to the terrorist funding nation of Palestine under the guise of “climate change.” While Obama has passed 292 executive orders in his two terms, more changes have come from his rewriting of rules, regulations that amend existing laws and orders. By May of 2016, Obama’s new federal agency rules total 20, 642 and consists of over 481,827 pages, an all-time presidential record, while the annual cost of these new rules cost over $100 billionalex.


His two terms as president end with record mass shootings, riots, terrorist attacks on and off of American soil, the highest prosecution of whistleblowers of all presidents combined, the addition of $9 trillion to the U.S. debt, the lowest labor force participation since the Great Depression, and has the honor of becoming the fourth worst economic American president in history. Obama has also reigned over the longest lasting war in American history while beginning three more wars in the middle east, he has dropped over 25,000 bombs on men, women and children, removed economic and petroleum sanctions from Iraq (the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world), presided over the highest number of riots in American history, became the first president to apologize for its military and economic might, while also attempting to start a war with Russia during his last month in office based on false evidence presented by the FBI and CIA directors that he himself appointed. In the community organizer’s city of Chicago, Illinois (the most anti-gun city in the nation), shooting victims total 4,368 in 2016 alone with 780 deaths. In Obama’s eight years of presidency, 3,903 murders occurred in Chicago, nearly matching the total deaths of American soldiers in the Iraq war. Obama barely mentioned the shockingly high murder rate in his adopted hometown, while he focused national attention on specific police shootings of criminal black men. In the first week of 2017, Chicago had 64 shooting victims with 13 deaths, but he never stated that if he had a son, they would look like any of them. In typical liberal Democrat fashion, Obama points a finger at the ghettos of American cities while never doing anything to address the root cause of the violence and ignorance that fills the ghettos. President Obama leaves the White House a multi-millionaire owning at least 6 mansions, while minorities have an unemployment rate of 35% and are much more dependent on government subsidies than ever before.


Domestically, he escalated his anti-police rhetoric leading to at least 26 riots, the highest number under any president in American history. Internationally, the self-described anti-war president has also reigned over the longest lasting war in American history while also starting three more wars in the middle-east. He has dropped over 25,000 bombs on men, women and children in seven countries, and ordered more drone strikes in his first two months that Bush did in his two terms. He has removed economic and petroleum sanctions from Iraq, the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and became the first president in American history to apologize for a previous president’s actions and for the size of its military and economy. The war he started in Libya has cost an estimated 30,000 lives, while the Syrian war he got America involved in has claimed an estimated 250,000 lives while Muslim refugees have flooded all of Western Europe, destroying the foundations of Western Civilization. President Barack Hussein Obama also removed economic and petroleum sanctions from Iraq, while also providing $1.75 billion in cash payments for a terrorist prisoner exchange, and approved a UN payment of $150 billion to the same nation.


In the last week of his presidency, Obama ridiculously claims that his presidency has suffered zero scandals, and that there were no terrorist attacks on American soil while there were at least 24 riots and 15 confirmed successful Islamic terrorist attacks.


Obama’s trips to Hawaii since 2009 have cost taxpayers $3.7 million in flight expenses alone, another $1 million to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and $1.6 million to give a speech about immigration in Las Vegas, Nevada while Michelle Obama has used Air Force One to take personal vacations to Europe and Africa with her mother and daughters while Barack was still in Washington D.C. Air Force One costs approximately $200,000/hour to use, while nearly 50 vacations have occurred in the past eight years costing over $85 million many times staying in rooms that cost $10,000 per night. Obama himself has golfed at least 306 times in the last eight years, averaging one golf outing every 10 days. In contrast, George H.W. Bush had played 24 rounds of golf, and completely stopped after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, eight months into his first term. Somehow, Barack Obama has been able to buy three mansions in the last three months including a $5.2 million mansion in Washington D.C., a $4.7 million home in Rancho Mirage, California, and a second vacation home in Hawaii costing $8.7 million. He is also currently renting two other huge homes, which on a presidential salary of only $400,000 is financially impossible. Former President Barack Hussein Obama’s eight year rule cost his own Democrat Party 1,142 seats nationwide, while Republicans now control 33 state governorships. In Obama’s farewell speech to the nation, he made several references to slavery and Jim Crow laws. He repeated the Occupy Wall Street slogan that the rich 1% is stealing money from Americans, while referring to himself 75 times. In Donald Trump’s inaugural address, he referred to himself three times, while stating “We the people” 45 times.



By January 20th, 2017 the nation has already begun to recover from eight years of Obama rule. After Donald Trump’s presidential win, consumer confidence is the highest in 100 years, the stock market has had 18 record setting highs, and oil prices have risen by over $10/barrel. Carrier air-conditioning has cancelled their factory move to Mexico after Trump intervened. On January 3rd, Fiat-Chrysler announces that they are also not moving their plants to Mexico and will instead invest $1 billion in Michigan, while Ford will also cancel their move to Mexico while investing $700 million in America. Sprint also called Trump stating they will bring back 5,000 jobs that they had outsourced earlier, and Japan has invested $50 billion in their U.S. based company Softbank. The Chinese company Alibaba stated they would create 1 million U.S. jobs in the next five years after Trump met with CEO Jack Ma on January 9th.

Snowflake parody video clip from Matt Walsh:



January 20, 2017 – Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. As the inauguration has not occurred yet, Obama gives “stand down” orders to allow violence to occur in the city. Black Lives Matter groups attack men and women as they try to pass through designated gateways, while police close down several other entrances to the inauguration in order to make it difficult for attendees to access the ceremony. Hundreds of rioters dressed in all black with hoods and masks covering their faces violently attack Trump supporters walking to the inauguration at 10:30 AM, people were randomly punched in the face, their anti-Facist “White Lives Matter Too Much” and “Love Trumps Hate” flags were used to hit people in the head and break store windows, a limousine was set on fire, and trash cans were overturned and set ablaze. Black Lives Matter groups blocked entrances to the event with human walls while anyone attempting to break through were physically attacked. Police watched BLM activists attack men and women physically while doing nothing and arresting no one. Ironically, the limousine that was burned by liberals was privately owned by a Muslim immigrant whose insurance will not pay for the totaled car. Antifa member Dane Powell is later arrested and sentenced to three years in prison for rioting, arson, and assaulting police at the inauguration. Under Obama’s administration, even after being identified, rioters were allowed to walk free after the destruction of property and violent attacks on police officers.


That evening, outside the Deploraball, over 300 paid George Soros liberal protesters threw eggs, rocks, urine, feces, and bags of Clorox on attendees. Police arrested 230 anti-Trump rioters on Friday, charging 217 with felony rioting.


Bill Clinton watches Ivanka Trump come down the stairway towards the newly inaugurated President Trump and gets caught by his wife Hillary.

The same evening, Time magazine reporter Zeke Miller reports that upon entering the White House, Trump removed the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. A cameraman had been standing in front of the MLK bust in the photo that Time published. In contrast, Obama’s first act as president was to take down and send back the bust of Winston Churchill which represented solidarity between the United States and England. The Churchill bust was installed once again in the White House the day of Trump’s inauguration.


The New York Times reporter Benjamin Appelbaum posts a photo of Trump’s inauguration crowd in attendance on Friday, while stating that it was much smaller than Obama’s inauguration. The image he used was taken by his cellphone at 8:20 AM, several hours before the event. CNN repeats the false story, while also uploading a gigapixel image of the inauguration crowd several days later that debunks their own story that Obama had a larger attendance. In spite of the threats and physical attacks to his supporters, Trump’s inauguration numbered over 1.5 million with tens of thousands more who were not allowed into the fenced and walled off area.


Several agencies report that Infowars host Alex Jones was drunk at the inauguration and had to be escorted out of the area by police. The photo and video they posted was from eight months earlier at a protest in Cincinnati, Ohio.



January 21, 2017 – Saturday’s “Women’s March Against Trump” had originally been scheduled to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory as the first woman president. The protest planned for an estimated 2 million to attend the parade and protest, while approximately 500,000 actually showed up. Many women were there to support abortion rights, while others shouted antimale, anti-white, and pro-Muslim rhetoric. Women wore pink “pussy hats” and dressed themselves and their daughters as vaginas. Muslim women also joined the march shouting that Islam’s Sharia Law empowers them while handing out free hijabs to white women and telling them to put them on for the rest of the day. The few men that were in attendance were also wearing pink and were pushing strollers while chanting feminist slogans that deride their own gender. Pro-life feminist groups which were initially invited to join the march were uninvited a week before the march and were told that they must fund their own protest. While the group was mostly non-violent, store windows were still smashed in by some women carrying signs saying “Love Trumps Hate” and “Rape Melania”. All of the protest signs were left behind on the streets and sidewalks, leaving it up to men working for low wages to clean up their waste.

Once again, The George Soros Open Society Foundation had donated to over 50 of the groups that funded the march, including the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Code Pink,,, NAACP, Green for All, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood.


In addition, the organizer of the Women’s March Against Trump is Linda Sarsour, a Muslim woman who promotes Sharia Law in America, has financial ties to the terrorist group Hamas, tells liberal news groups that Muslim children are being executed in America, and flashes the ISIS finger sign in photographs. On the same day in a parallel anti-Trump protest in Berlin, Germany, so-called feminists chanted “Allahu Akbar”.


Wearing an oversized space suit, plus-size actress Amy Schumer introduced former pop-star Madonna at the feminist protest. She ranted that she was angry and that Trump should “suck a dick” and that she has “spent an awful lot of time thinking about blowing up the White House.” The secret service is now required to conduct an interview with the celebrity who had earlier offered blowjobs to any male who would vote for Hillary. Madonna has still not left the country, or provided any blowjobs for men who did vote for Hillary Clinton.

Celebrity Ashley Judd accused Trump of having “wet dreams” about his daughters, while also going into detail about her menstruation. Her full speech is below. “I am a nasty woman! I’m not as nasty as a man who looks like he bathes in Cheeto dust. A man whose words are a distract to American Electoral College-sanctioned hate speech contaminating this national anthem. I am not as nasty as Confederate flags being tattooed across my city. Maybe the South actually is gonna rise again! Maybe for some it never really fell. Blacks are still in shackles and graves just for being black. Slavery has been re-interpreted as the prison system in front of people who see melanin as animal skin. I am not as nasty as a swastika painted on a pride flag, and I didn’t know devils could be resurrected, but I feel Hitler in these streets! A mustache traded for a toupee, Nazis re-named the cabinet, electro-conversion therapy the new gas chambers, shaming the gay out of America turning rainbows into suicide notes. I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege! I’m not as nasty as using little girls like Pokémon before their bodies have even developed. I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes.


But yah, I am a nasty woman! A loud vulgar, proud woman! I’m not nasty like the combo of Trump and Pence being served up to me in my voting booth! I’m nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth. I’m nasty like the fight for wage equality. Scarlett Johansson: Why were the famous actors paid less than half of what the male actors earned last year? See, even when we do go into higher paying jobs our wages are still cut with blades, sharpened by testosterone. Why is the work of a black woman and a Hispanic woman worth only 63 and 54 cents of a white man’s privileged daughter? This is not a feminist myth. This is inequality! So we are not here to be debunked. We are here to be respected. We are here to be nasty. I am nasty like the blood stains on my bed sheets. We don’t actually choose if and when to have our periods! Believe me, if we could, some of us would. We don’t like throwing away our favorite pairs of underpants. Tell me, why are tampons and pads still taxed when Viagra and Rogaine are not? Is your erection really more than protecting the sacred messy parts of my womanhood? Is the blood stain on my jeans more embarrassing than the thinning of your hair? I know it is hard to look at your own entitlement and privilege. You may be afraid of the truth. I am unafraid to be honest. It may sound petty bringing up a few extra cents. It adds up to the pile of change I have yet to see in my country. I can’t see. My eyes are too busy praying to my feet hoping you don’t mistake eye contact for wanting physical contact. Half my life I have been zipping up my smile hoping you don’t think I wanna unzip your jeans. I am unafraid to be nasty because I am nasty like Susan, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Amelia, Rosa, Gloria, Condoleezza, Sonia, Malala, Michelle, Hillary!”

And our pussies ain’t for grabbin’. Therefore, reminding you that are balls are stronger than America’s ever will be. Our pussies are for our pleasure. They are for birthing new generations of filthy, vulgar, nasty, proud, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sheikh, you name it, for new


generations of nasty women. So if you a nasty woman or love one who is, let me hear you say, “Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Hell yeah!”

Michael Moore also joined the feminist rantings, ripping up a newspaper with Trump’s face on the front page and telling the women that they have to join liberal groups to make them larger. He also said that Democrat groups are too straight, white, and male. “We need young leadership, we need women leadership, we need people of color, we need gay and lesbian and bisexual and transgender!” He yells to the crowd that they all need to join Planned Parenthood. He also criticized Trump’s planned immigration changes while he is not, and never has been an American citizen.

Celebrities who also marched but refused to speak at the anti-Trump protest include: Amber Tamblyn, who is married to heroin addict comedian David Cross, Cher, who stated she was moving to Jupiter if Trump won, Lena Dunham, who wants to have an abortion in order to anger conservative men, Amy Poehler formerly of SNL, and morbidly obese actress Melissa McCarthy. Miley Cyrus decided to protest in Los Angeles, while Katy Perry joined the protest in disguise, only speaking through her Instagram account, “I march today because I am not afraid anymore and I hope I can be an example of fearlessness and resilience! I will not let anyone


suppress me, silence me or clip my wings! For a long time I misunderstood the true definition of being a feminist, but now that I know, I am empowered!"

On the same day, while overweight white women protested President Trump, a gang rape was broadcast on Facebook Live where at least three Muslim refugees sexually assaulted a young nearly unconscious girl in Uppsala, Sweden. A 21 year-old woman who saw the video recognized one of the Muslims as she had been raped by him earlier in 2015 while she was taking a shower. One of the Facebook Live attackers stated, “You have been raped!� while the others laughed. The Swedish media did not mention the national origin of the attackers, while it was already known that they were Iranian refugees.


January 23, 2017 – During President Trump’s first official day, he signs four executive orders. The federal funding of abortions in Mexico City overseas is withdrawn, specific executive ordered Obamacare regulations are repealed, a federal hiring freeze begins, America is withdrawn from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the Keystone and Dakota pipelines, which will now use American steel, will go forward creating over 22,000 jobs. The United States and Russia bomb ISIS targets in coordination for the first time ever, hitting ISIS 31 times while critically injuring ISIS terrorist al-Bagdhadi. Trump orders the removal of Islamic crescent moon symbols and practices in the White House which includes several dozen Muslim prayer mats that Obama’s aides and czars have been using. Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics maker stated one day ago that they have decided to invest in a $7 billion plant in America creating approximately 50,000 jobs after already planning to invest $50 billion during a meeting with Trump in December. Grocery store chain Kroeger states that they will immediately hire 10,000 permanent jobs in America.


January 24, 2017 – Trump calls a 9:00 AM meeting with American auto executives in order to convince them to move their factories back to America, offering them lower taxes and looser federal regulations. Auto stocks significantly rose after the meeting while Toyota also announced that they will invest $600 million in American auto plants. Trump also fired two corrupt employees at the Veteran’s Administration.

On the same day, DNC candidate Sally Boynton Brown states in a speech, “My job is to shut other white people down when they wanna interrupt. My job is to shut other white people down when they say, ‘no I’m not prejudiced.” African Amearican politicians in the room applauded her self-hatred. Another insane rant uploaded to YouTube shows a Hillary supporter telling an African American Starbucks barista that she wants all of her minority dreams to come true.


January 25, 2017 – Another round of executive orders are signed. The construction of the Mexico border wall will begin, the “catch and release” and “anchor baby” policies are ended, federal funding will be withheld from sanctuary cities who defy federal law, illegal immigrant felons will be sent back to their home countries, 5,000 more border patrol agents will be hired, the number of ICE officers will be tripled, victims of illegal immigrant crime will be handled by a federal office, and immigration from seven terrorist nations is put on hold. On the same day, the stock market reaches another all-time high of 20,060, gaining $2 trillion since Trump’s election victory.

The same day, a video of a Dallas, Texas high school teacher shooting the image of President Trump at his inauguration is uploaded to YouTube. She shouts “Die, die die!” in front of her students.


Also on the same day, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright, whose father was a Nazi collaborator, says that even though she is Jewish, she will register as a Muslim, and may convert to Islam in order to protest Trump’s new executive orders blocking immigration from seven terrorist nations that have all carried out terrorist attacks on American soil.


January 26, 2017 – Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto uses Twitter to state that his country will never pay for President Trump’s border wall. Trump counters by quickly tweeting that he is considering a 20% import tax on all Mexican products entering the United States. The meeting between the two is mutually cancelled, and the Mexican Peso immediately plummets. Nieto states on Mexican television, “I regret and disapprove of the decision by the United States to continue with the construction of the wall, which has for years, far from uniting us, has divided us. Mexico does not believe in walls. I have said time and time again, Mexico will not pay for any wall.”

Last summer, the Obama administration had already sent $75 million to Mexico in order to help them fund construction of a wall on their southern border with Guatemala. Mexico’s southern border wall has barbed wire and towers with armed guards who have instructions to shoot illegal immigrants on site.


On the same day, Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf is arrested at his Astoria, New York art installation project outside the Museum of the Moving Image. A live streaming webcam was placed outside the museum with the instructions to chant “He will not divide us” for the next four years of Trump’s administration. When trollers arrive pretending to be Neo-Nazis, and North Korean communists, the self-described pacifist actor attacks them physically while shouting “He will not divide us!”

One day later, another troll asks to take a selfie with Shia after he is released from jail and then states, “Hitler didn’t do anything wrong” resulting in the anti-bullying actor punching the troller in the chest. This time assault charges were not filed. Many liberal protesters show up to the live streaming webcam to ask for food delivery and cash, and also to rant about their west coast diets and political views. When trollers show fascist symbols, police are called and they are arrested, but when liberal chanters assault the same trollers, the same New York police claim that they are exercising their First Amendment rights.


January 29, 2017 – Former President Obama breaks his promise to not speak negatively about his predecessor only nine days after Trump’s inauguration stating, “Citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble, organize, and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when American values are at stake.” He was referring to groups of hundreds of liberals entering American airports to protest and to keep pilots, flight crews and travelers from being able to board their plane on time. Grant Chisholm, a Christian preacher, was punched in the face by black protesters until he lost consciousness after trying to talk to the disrupters in Portland, Oregon while they shouted “Die Nazi Die!” In Los Angeles, the roads were shut down so that no one could arrive or leave the LAX airport, causing travelers to walk 1.5 miles for transportation. In contrast to Obama’s remark, people do not have a constitutional right assemble en masse in an airport and prevent the public from boarding their plane on time.


January 30, 2017 – After Democrats have refused to confirm Trump’s pick for Attorney General, temporary acting Sally Yates decides to not legally defend the president’s executive order on travel bans from seven terrorist nations. Trump fires her immediately, while liberal media source CNN states that the firing was unconstitutional. New York’s Democrat Senator Charles Schumer brings a Mexican male and young Muslim girls onto the stage with him, waits until the cameras are rolling, and then begins a speech on how “mean spirited” the executive order is and then begins to cry. Muslim CNN reporter Fareed Zkaria suggests to Mexico that they should release its drug cartels and chaos as a form of payback for Trump’s immigration restrictions. Starbucks Coffee corporation states that it will purposely hire 10,000 refugees from the banned seven nations that Trump has temporarily disallowed to immigrate. Ten days later, they also state that they will provide free legal advice to any illegal immigrants, while also placing Trump’s face on floor mats so that their customers have to walk on the president’s face as they enter the store. In the month of January alone, immigrants were charged with 500 child sexual assaults in the state of North Carolina.


January 31, 2017 – A Black Lives Matter activist and teacher in Seattle, Washington demands that white people must give their possessions to black people ranting, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all!” while also stating “We need to start killing people! First off, we need to start killing the White House! The White House must die! The White House, your fucking White House, your fucking Presidents, they must go!” Threatening any federal employee’s life is a felony. In an anti-Trump speech, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tells a fellow Democrat congressman to tell the crowd of pro-immigration protestors that he is a Muslim. “Tell them you’re a Muslim,” Pelosi states, while Indiana representative Andre Carson complies, “Not only do I represent Indiana’s seventh congressional district very proudly, but I happen to be a Muslim and a former police officer.”


February 01, 2017 – President Trump approves an Al Qaeda drone strike and terrorist raid in Yemen which results in intelligence gathering including a laptop and several external hard drives. A Navy SEAL and Al Qaeda recruiter Anwar al-Awlaki’s eight year old daughter dies in the raid after a terrorist used her as a human shield. Months earlier, Obama had decided to not raid the terrorist compound. Iran fired its fifth missile in violation of the nuclear deal that gave them $150 billion in repayments under Obama’s presidency. Four of the missiles were fired before Trump’s inauguration and Obama did nothing. Within two days, Trump puts several sanctions back on Iran that Obama had removed. On The View, Whoopi Goldberg compares the defunding of Planned Parenthood abortions by Trump to the Taliban, a terrorist group who throws acid in the face of girl who go to school and chop their noses or heads off if they try to get a job. Goldberg had stated before the election that she would leave the United States if Trump won, and then lied about it after the election. The View has never once denounced the actions of the Taliban or any other terrorist group’s treatment of women in eight years of the Obama administration.


A riot erupts on University of California Berkeley’s campus where libertarian gay activist and Breitbart contributor Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to speak. Protesters dressed in all black with masks to hide their identity attacked students who had showed up to see Milo’s speech with ANTIFA flagpoles, pepper sprayed women, spray painted “Kill Trump!” on buildings, set a large bonfire, and threw Molotov cocktails. Rioters chanted, “No borders, no nation, fuck the deportations!” Police on the scene were ordered to stand down by the mayor of Berkeley while the violence escalated. Only one arrest was made. Hollywood writer Judd Apatow supported the violence on Twitter, while Sarah Silverman tweeted “Wake up and join the resistance, the military is with us fascists get overthrown. Mad king and handlers go bye bye”. On CNN, liberal political commentator Robert Reich claims that right-wingers were the ones that must have been rioting on campus, while it is found the next day that the funding came from the liberal activist group The Global Alliance for Justice, funded by George Soros.

Infowars host Alex Jones is interviewed by Joe Rogan, resulting in the largest watched podcast in history which covered PizzaGate, the election and WikiLeaks revelations. Apple censors the interview by deleting it off iTunes. The first jobs report reveals that the U.S. economy added 227,000 new jobs.


February 02, 2017 – Another liberal riot erupts, this time on the NYU campus where ANTIFA liberals showed up en masse to prevent conservative comedian Gavin McInnes from speaking. Once again, conservative college students, women, and onlookers who were not there for the event were pepper sprayed and hit over the head by liberals, while they also lit a building under construction on fire. On the same day, in the culmination of a three day statewide bust, 474 people are arrested in the state of California who were involved in a pedophile ring that had thousands of members. Beginning on January 1st, California’s SB 1322 legalized the soliciting and engaging of underage prostitution.


February 03, 2017 – Another terrorist attack occurs in Paris, France, this time at Le Louvre. Abdullah Reda al-Hamany, a 29 year-old Egyptian UAE citizen visiting on a travel visa attacked a French soldier with a machete that he pulled out of his backpack. The attacker yelled “Allahu akbar!” while stabbing the solider; another solider shot and killed the Islamic terrorist.


February 05, 2017 – Nearly 100 U.S. technology companies led by Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Google prepare a legal brief against Trump’s January 27th temporary travel ban against seven terrorist funding nations. They state that it “inflicts significant harm on American business” solely due to the fact that they will not be able to recruit employees from those seven nations for 90 days. Less than one-half of one percent of employees from these companies have ever hired employees from these seven nations. One week earlier, Google allowed its employees in California to walk-out of their workday to protest the travel ban.

February 06, 2017 – The White House releases a list of 78 terrorist attacks that were not covered by the mainstream media. MSNBC host Katy Tur suggests that Trump will start assassinating journalists in the same fashion that Vladimir Putin does. On the same day, Robert M. Gill, whose cocaine and heroin distribution prison sentence was commuted by Obama is imprisoned again for purchasing over two pounds of cocaine in a grocery store parking lot after a high speed chase which resulted in a collision with another vehicle.


U.S. Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters from California states in a televised press conference that Trump must be impeached after Russia has hacked the “D triple-C” and that “Putin is continuing to advance into Korea.” Nancy Pelosi says in the same press conference that “we’ve seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on.” Later in the first week of March, Maxine Waters states, “I was a millennial once” and concluded her speech with “Stay woke!”


February 07, 2017 – The Christian Post reports that the terrorist group ISIS used a Medieval flesh ripping torture device called a biter, to punish a 10 year-old girl who accidently stepped outside her home without a male escort while cleaning her house in Mosul, Iraq. When asked who should be punished by the Sharia Law morality police, the mother chose her daughter instead of herself. The 10 year-old died hours later after also being poisoned by the device. While American liberals resist Trump’s executive order that attempts to ban refugees, a Muslim refugee from Syria named Mohammed is sentenced to only two months of jail after anally raping a 13 year old girl in a Swedish bathroom. Sweden has now become the number two rape capital in the world.


February 08, 2017 – Netflix releases the first trailer of their produced TV show called Dear White People which is based on a movie of the same name. The trailer tells white people a list of acceptable Halloween costumes and other actions that white people in America have to conform to, otherwise there will be repercussions. Writer and director of the movie, and producer of the television show Justin Simien, who lives in Los Angeles, CA, stated on Twitter, “No seriously, Fuck white people.” The show premiers April 28, 2017. Retail store Nordstrom drops Trump’s daughter’s clothing line while T.J. Maxx and Marshalls employees are instructed to throw away signs for the clothing line and mix the items in with lower priced brands.

February 09, 2017 – Bill Kristol states in an interview with Charles Murray of the Weekly Standard, that white people should be replaced with immigrants. “Look to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in?” In Europe, thousands of so-called refugees are received daily after being loaded onto boats from a port in Libya whether they want to leave their nations or not; they are dumped into Europe without any background checks or processing while riots occur weekly in France, and crime increases exponentially in each Western European nation that accepts them.


Target has decided to reverse its “transgender bathrooms” policy after its shares have dropped 22% after their April announcement which has resulted in a $10 billion loss for the retail company, after they had already spent $20 million in bathroom expansions for potential transgender customers. When interviewed, Target CEO says the stock market share drop is a part of the normal ebb and flow of business, and is not related to the controversial decision.

On the same day, Kellogg’s CEO John Bryant states that the company’s $53 million loss in the fourth quarter are unrelated to the current boycott of the brand. Kellogg’s had pulled ads from Breitbart News last November while it was also found that they have been receiving donations from George Soros, and financially supporting Black Lives Matter.


February 10, 2017 – Black Lives Matter leader Micah Rhodes is charged with having sex with an underage boy, while additional victims are being researched. This is the second BLM leader charged with a sex crime. In Phoenix, Arizona, illegal immigrant Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos is legally deported back to her home country of Mexico under Trump’s new enforcement of existing immigration law. Since her arrest in 2008 for using a false social security number she has been allowed to stay in America under Obama’s refusal to enforce the law. CNN claims she was a “Threat to Nobody” and that she did it for love. It costs approximately $100,000 to recover from identity theft, and is a federal crime which would normally result in up to two years in prison. Protestors blocked a freeway after hearing of the deportation.


Iran state-controlled television shows thousands of protestors shouting, “Death of America!” while Muslim children burn and stomp on the American and Jewish flags. Over 1,000 immigrants have arrived in the United States since Judge Robart blocked Trump’s executive order a week ago. On the same day, a 16 year-old Muslim teenage girl is arrested along with four others plotting an ISIS inspired attack in Paris, France.

February 11, 2017 – In the three weeks since Trump has been president, over 1500 sex criminals have been arrested in dozens of states across America. Democrats in Washington D.C. still claim that “Pizzagate” is an alt-right conspiracy that could never occur. During the Super Bowl alone, 332 people were arrested.

During an interview with Erin Burnett of CNN, former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ live feed is cut two seconds after he joked that CNN is fake news. “Maybe he (Trump) was watching CNN fake news. What do you think?”


On the same day, it is found that during the last days of his presidency, Obama expanded the NSA’s collection of data to include data from sources inside the government. Essentially, the outgoing president gave them the power to spy on government officials that Trump has or will appoint, while never allowing it during his own presidency. The Trump administration has had dozens of high level informational leaks, including one that resulted in a U.S. Marine’s death during an Al Qaeda raid in Pakistan.

Two weeks later, a Congressional investigation finds that Obama had been funneling at least $3 billion dollars to liberal activist groups including Black Lives Matter, The Council of La Raza, The National Urban League, and The Reinvestment Coalition, through a Department of Justice slush fund. The transfer of government money to political action groups is illegal, even for a sitting president.

Obama had funneled $260 billion from government-sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to keep Obamacare from financially collapsing. U.S. District Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled against HHS Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell (130 F. Supp. 3d 53, U.S. District Court D.C.), ending the transfer of low income housing to Obamacare’s financially


unfeasibility, but not before investors lost most of their money. The secretive transfer of this money from one government agency to another is constitutionally illegal.

February 12, 2017 – At the 59th Annual Grammy Awards in Hollywood, musician Joy Villa wears a Make America Great Again dress designed by a legal Filipino gay immigrant Trump supporter. Her latest song jumps to #1 on iTunes the next day. MTV called it the worst dress of the night.

February 17, 2017 – Nearly 4,000 National Guard and 82nd Airborne Division soldiers are preparing to return to the United States after being secretly deployed by former President Obama last September to the Horn of Africa. The deployment was kept secret from the media for an unknown reason.


February 16, 2017 – Muslim refugees riot in Paris as flames approach the capital’s city center and tourist areas by the early morning. The riot, which began in the suburbs spread to the city as fire truck crews were surrounded and attacked after a Muslim youth worker claims that the French police beat up and raped a Muslim refugee. Earlier in January, 1,100 migrants stormed the France/Spain border injuring 55 French police using metal bars and rocks to attack anyone in their path. Riots have now occurred over 50 times in the past two years all over the nation of France.


On the same day, a Pakistani migrant in Germany, Asif M., only receives 20 month sentence after being found guilty of raping a six year-old German girl. He tells the court that he only did it because he wanted to have sex, but couldn’t find a girlfriend. He was also accused of sexually assaulting five other girls, though some of them were able to fight him off before they were raped. He defended one of the rapes by saying to the court, “I thought she wanted it.” The typical sentence for raping a child in Germany is a 25 year sentence with lifetime electronic monitoring. Since the migrant crisis, only 8% of immigrant rapes result in convictions, while 90% of migrant crimes are not added to official German crime statistics.

February 17, 2017 – A six month manhunt ends after an illegal immigrant is arrested for raping a 15 year-old girl in Falls Church, Virginia. Ronald Fabricio Herrera Contreras was charged with abduction, battery, gang participation, and rape after dragging a teenage girl into the woods and then threatened her and her family after the rape occurred. Contreras had been picked up by ICE in June of 2015, was given a “final order of removal” but was never deported. On the same day, an Ethiopian immigrant, Adeladilew Mekonen receives a 25 year prison sentence for raping elderly women at a hospital where he was employed. He had been living in Oregon state since 2011, arriving under former President Obama’s African refugee program.


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson dissolves most of the seventh floor of the State Department, which has been called a “shadow government” since the Clinton White House.

February 21, 2017 – Continued Censorship of the Alternative Media AdRoll, the advertising company that Alex Jones’ Infowars uses to promote their products removes all online ads from Google citing that his messages are too offensive and that they could offend some people. Jones’ products made a $3.3 million profit in 2016. Infowars and Paul Joseph Watson’s Facebook posts are flagged and censored as spam, particularly if they mention anything concerning PizzaGate or the current Muslim violence and rape in Germany and Sweden.


Conservative news source The Daily Caller is also censored by Google, while Roger Stone’s Trump book called The Making of the President also has his ads removed from Google and Facebook. Milos Yiannopoulos resigns from Breitbart News after audio is released where he describes that there is a large crossover between gay men a pedophilia. The publishing company, Simon & Schuster, will not print his conservative book, Dangerous, though it is number one in the politics section of and has pre-sold millions of copies.

Brittany Pettibone’s conservative podcast named Reality Calls which make references to the PizzaGate scandal, is defunded and permanently banned by GoFundMe after the funding site claims that she is a conspiracy theorist, white nationalist, and accuses of hate speech. David Seaman who also reports on PizzaGate has his Twitter account permanently closed, while Ben Swann who reported on PizzaGate once on a local CBS station in Atlanta, Georgia is fired and all his social media accounts are closed. Joe Biggs and Christopher Greene’s YouTube accounts are censored after he reports on PizzaGate. Mike Cernovich who reported on PizzaGate in social media is now being sued by Jerry Epstein, who is a convicted pedophile that flew Bill Clinton to “Lolita Island” dozens of times, while Alex Jones of Infowars is now being sued by John Podesta who is at the center of the scandal. Months earlier, Twitter accounts have been closed after posting related articles about the PizzaGate theory, while Reddit closed the subforum completely before the presidential election. If there is nothing to the PizzaGate scandal, why were eleven news sources that have reported on it censored in one day? On March 24, 2017, Alex Jones of Infowars reads an apology to James Alefantis prepared by his attorneys where he now claims that his PizzaGate coverage was based on incorrect facts.


Alefantis is currently suing several news sources including Infowars, while the FCC is now investigating Infowars for communications violations in order to fine them and get them taken off radio stations, and they are also now being accused of espionage by specific Democrats.

On the same day, another riot erupts in Sweden which has now become the number one rape capital of Europe, and is just number two in the world after South Africa. Earlier on January 22nd, 2017 the rape of a Swedish woman by three Muslim immigrants was streamed on Facebook Live accessible to 60,000 people while the attackers laughed. They also forced the woman to deny that she was raped in a separte Facebook Live video. Wikipedia has decided to only publish Swedish rape statistics up to the year 2014, before the Muslim mass migration occurred in that country. Thirty percent of women in Sweden state that they no longer feel safe going outside in their own neighborhoods, while fifty percent of German women state the same thing.


February 23, 2017 – Trump rescinds Obama’s executive order which forced public schools to allow transgenders to use any bathroom that they choose, even if an adult male chooses to use a middle-school restroom or swimming pool changing room. At least 21 sexual assaults have been reported since Obama signed the transgender executive order in May of 2016.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo tweeted that 12 year-old girls who don’t want to see transgender penises in the girl’s bathroom are intolerant. Once again, liberals promote pedophilia, putting the rights of sexual predators ahead of children. California has recently legalized underage prostitution, while their American Psychological Association states that pedophilia is a sexual orientation, not a psychological disorder or crime. Journalist James O’Keefe releases hundreds of hours of leaked newsroom footage from CNN that was given to him from inside the liberal news source.


Connecticut governor Daniel Malloy tells his state police that they will not detain arrested illegal immigrants for federal ICE agents to pick up for deportation, while also telling FoxNews reporter Tucker Carlson that gender is defined by what a person believes they are.

February 24, 2017 – During Trump’s CPAC speech, he states that “the fake news is the enemy of the people”, while liberal media, including USA Today removes the word “fake”, claiming that Trump called all media the enemy of the people. Liberals took to social media and created the hashtag #NotTheEnemy where they posted photos journalists throughout history who had died while covering various news stories. The full CPAC Trump speech is hyperlinked below.


Liberal comedian Samantha Bee uses her TBS television show “Full Frontal” to claim that white supremacists were at the CPAC conference singling out Kyle Coddington for having a “fashy” Nazi-style haircut shaved on the sides of his head. Kyle has stage 4 brain cancer, and had just gone through his first round of chemotherapy. Samantha Bee had also worked for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show from 2003 to 2015, and is not a U.S. citizen. TBS issued an apology, while Samantha Bee did not.


February 27, 2017 – Disney airs its first homosexual kiss in a cartoon called “Star vs. the Forces of

Evil”. The TV show has been shown by Disney since 2015 and is watched by kids as young as five. Once again, Hollywood is brainwashing children in order to make them sexually aware and homosexual as young as possible. Disney is currently writing a full feature film introducing its first LGBTQ princess.


February 28, 2017 – Trump signs four more executive orders. Obama’s The Waters of the United States Rule is rescinded which extended the EPA’s federal powers to regulate smaller and many times dry creek beds and streams, the water laws of each individual state will go back into effect. The second executive order creates a President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities after meeting with 80 African American college presidents which provides $25 billion in support. The third executive order encourages women to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and engineering (INSPIRE), while a fourth bill (STEM) promotes the National Science Foundation to recruit women who are already involved in the sciences to pursue commercial goals.

The news media chooses to focus only on the fact that Trump’s former campaign advisor, Kellyanne Conway, put her feet on the couch in the oval office while taking a photo of the black college presidents, calling her disrespectful. Obama consistently put his feet all over the oval office’s furniture while the same media sources stated that he was “relaxing” because his job is extremely stressful.


On the same day, President Trump gives his first speech to Congress, highlighting his patriotic agenda for the next four years. Democrat women dressed in white in order to symbolize the women’s right to vote, while also inviting illegal immigrants and liberal celebrities to protest the speech outside the Congressional building. The wife of the first fallen soldier under Trump’s presidency was given a five minute standing ovation by Trump, all Republicans in attendance, and only a few Democrats. Democrats turned to booing the president during his speech when he stated that an office would be created to support the victims of illegal immigration crime. Democrats also refused to clap for Trump’s plan to create millions more jobs, attack Islamic terrorists, build the border wall, reduce homicide in inner cities, support black colleges, and stop the flow of illegal drugs into the nation.


Der Spiegel, a liberal German magazine who routinely publishes anti-Trump articles, publishes an article calling the host of Infowars, Alex Jones, the propaganda arm of President Trump. The article states that Trump is “prone to lies, fabrications and half-truths” and that “the two men share a passion for breaking down the complex world of politics into simple thoughts.” After claiming that Jones is prone to half-truths, Veit Medick takes a photo of Jones while he is changing clothes for his afternoon show, and then publishes, “He piles up food onto a plastic plate, and then he suddenly takes off his shirt without explanation. With his bare torso, he sits there and shovels meat into his mouth, a caricature of manliness, but also a show of power to the reporter sitting in front of him. He can do as he pleases. Then Jones gets up and holds out a sausage. ‘Wanna suck?’ he asks.” The article also claims that there are slot machines one of the studio’s back rooms, and lists his number of radio affiliates and total viewership as half of what each actually are. Jones claims he never offered food to the reporter and that there are definitely no illegal gambling machines in his studio.


March 01, 2017 – Two illegal immigrants are sentenced kidnapping two 14 year-old girls, drugging, tattooing, raping, and torturing both girls for around two weeks in two different apartments in Houston, Texas. One of the girls mocked a Satanic shrine in the second apartment and was sacrificed for insulting a specific demon. Miguel Angel Alvarez-Flores and Diego Alexan Hernandez-Rivera both smiled and waved at the cameras during their sentencing. Democrats still maintain that “undocumented workers” who cross the southern border commit zero crimes after they enter America. In the same week, 13 Mexican gang members tied to the two murderers are arrested for beating two other teenage girls to death. Ten of the thirteen Hispanics were illegal immigrants who were not deported under Obama’s immigration laws.


March 02, 2017 – Hollywood Muslim actor, Riz Ahmed, who starred in the recent Star Wars movie “Rogue One” tells the UK’s Channel 4 that television producers must embrace diversity, or young people will join ISIS.

At Middlebury College in Vermont, after being invited to speak, conservative speaker Charles Murray was shouted down by attendees to the speech who also turned their backs on him after attempting to begin a speech based on his 1994 book called “The Bell Curve” which connects


genetics with socioeconomics outcomes. The new left has now criticized the book as racist, even though it has been required reading for sociology and psychology majors since the mid1990’s. Recently, the Southern Poverty Law Center has claimed that Murray is a white nationalist who uses racist pseudoscience. Before the live speech was cancelled, the dean of students, Baishakhi Taylor stated, “We don’t’ have to agree with everything, how do we engage in civil discourse?” Afterwards, Alexander Khan, leader of the American Enterprise institute Club which invited Murray to speak, told the protesters that Murray was a Trump critic. Demonstrators yelled back that it didn’t matter because Murray is “still a racist!” Murray and a college administrator were physically confronted afterwards by liberal protestors, jumped on their car and attempted to turn the vehicle over. Professor Stanger’s hair was pulled and her neck was twisted which sent her to the hospital. In recent months, College age ANTIFA liberal protestors have been focusing on attacking women over men in order to prove some vague racist or sexist claim. No arrests were made, and the university did not apologize to Murray.


March 03, 2017 – Barack Obama has long-time African American political advisor Valerie Jarrett move into his newly rented Washington D.C. mansion which is only two miles from the White House. In contradiction to what he stated after the election results, Obama is not remaining in Washington to allow his youngest daughter to finish high school. Jarrett who has been a political advisor to Obama for years, also lived with him in the White House, was born in Shiraz, Iran, and is a proponent of the Islamization of America. Obama’s AG Eric Holder told The New York Times “He is coming, and he’s ready to roll!”, while CNN has hired Valerie Jarrett’s Muslim daughter the day before Trump’s inauguration in order to bash Trump on air. Since the inauguration, Obama’s strategy has been to leak sensitive classified information from his own moles in the government to liberal media sites in order to discredit and also spread disinformation about Trump’s administration having ties to Russian spies. The leaks and controversy have already led to the resignation of National Security Director Michael Flynn, and are now focused on Attorney General Jeff Sessions for allegedly covering up the fact that he had two conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak before the inauguration occurred. In contrast, it was Obama who was caught on a hot mic talking to Russian President Medvedev: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” to which Medvedev replies, “I understand, I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

It is discovered that in June of 2016, Obama had requested a wiretapping order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) in order to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several of his advisors. The request was denied. Later in October of 2016,


just before the election when Hillary’s poll numbers were falling, the Obama administration requested another FISA court wiretapping order focusing on a computer server in Trump Tower, while also including Roger Stone’s communications, his former campaign advisor. The request is approved this time, but finds no evidence of links to Russian diplomats or banks, while the wiretapping continues illegally. Obama had set up a meeting between Jeff Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak before the inauguration occurred, in order to obtain the FISA court ruling, while the democrats claim that the meeting itself proves that the Trump administration was working with Russia to influence the presidential election. The Obama administration literally monitored emails and phone calls of an opposing party’s presidential candidate using the NSA after he had told the American people, “No one is listening to your phone calls.” In contrast to the Democrat’s claims that Trump is a Russian agent who used his ties with Vladimir Putin to swing the election towards himself, it was actually Barack Obama who was interfering in an American democratic election, using his control of the NSA and CIA surveillance programs. Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch signed off on all the FISA requests for the surveillance. The entire media, including Fox News, state that Trump has no evidence to back up this serious claim, even though liberal news source The New York Times had earlier reported the story on January 20th, 2017 as true, though the story has now disappeared from Google searches and has been replaced with a newer The New York Times article, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones” while also calling it “a dark theory”. CNN’s related article is titled, “Donald Trump’s Baseless Wiretap Claim”. On April 13, 2017, CNN admits that the surveillance did occur while an investigation uncovers that Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice was involved in the unmasking of Trump’s name and the dissemination of the data to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies which is not legal. Liberal media claims Obama has never wiretapped anyone, while Edward Snowden’s NSA document release in 2013 states that Obama expanded Bush’s NSA surveillance program to include American citizens who had no ties to terrorism and were not making international calls. A WikiLeaks document shows Obama bugged a climate change meeting between the UN Secretary General and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, wiretapped the UN Commissioner for Refugees’ Swiss cell phone, stole Italian diplomatic cables, wiretapped EU, German, Italian, and Japanese economic officials and trade ministers’ private cell phones. Hillary Clinton may also be continuing her political career as “Hillary for Mayor” signs have been showing up in New York City in the past few days.


Trump ends Obama’s defense sequester which defunded the military and reduced active duty Army personnel by 85,000 troops since 2009, with 18,000 less Marines, the smallest Air Force since 1947, and the smallest Navy since World War I. One-third of U.S. Military planes cannot fly, and are an average of 30 years old.


March 04, 2017 – Twenty-nine March4Trump events occur across the nation in an effort to show President Trump that the American people are behind him despite the media’s attempts to convince Trump supporters that his approval ratings are below 20%, the lowest of any president in history.

March 06, 2017 – The travel ban Executive Order on seven terrorist nations is revised to allow visa travel and now doesn’t include Iraq. In the five weeks since a liberal judge blocked Trump’s original Executive Order, 4,300 Muslims have entered America from those seven nations while 300 Muslim refugees are currently under FBI investigation for their connections to ISIS.

Illegal immigrant Oliver Funes-Machado is arrested for beheading his mother in North Carolina. Machado was in the country under Obama’s “dreamer” policy, but will now be deported by ICE.


On the same day, Nike and Adidas now produce and promote their version of the burka for Muslim women in America.

$3 trillion has been added to the stock market in the last two months, while $60 billion in U.S. debt has decreased.


March 07, 2017 – WikiLeaks releases 9,000 pages of information concerning the CIA spying on American citizens, called Vault 7. Anyone’s smartphone, laptop, webcam, Bluetooth baby monitor, car stereo, and even smart TVs could be sending data directly to the CIA. A program called Wrecking Crew steals your passwords using the autofill application. Another program called Weeping Angel keeps Samsung smart televisions on even though it appears to be off and transmits video and audio over your Wi-Fi network. Skype and Xbox Live are also being used to spy on Americans, while another program Umbrage masks the source of the CIA’s attacks using known Russian malware to point the finger at that nation if the spying is discovered. Android and Apple phones are both compromised, the microphone can be turned on while the phone is off, and transmits information even if the phone has encryption programs like Signal, Telegram, or WhatsApp. The CIA also gave The Washington Posts’ owner, Jeff Bezos, a $600 contract to build a “private cloud”. Later released documents show that part of the contract included their CIA’s instruction for them to publish Trump disinformation.

According to now unsealed court records, the FBI has also been paying Best Buy’s “Geek Squad” in order to spy on American citizens since 2008. Best Buy has been denying this claim for years, and as recently as January stated that there was no formal arrangement between their corporation and the FBI, while court records show that Geek Squad members get a $500 bonus for finding illegal material on customers’ computers where no warrant has been issued, not even by a FISA court, which is a breach of the Fourth Amendment. Some Best Buy employees have actually been planting child pornography images in customers’ computers in order to receive the bonus while the innocent victim goes to prison.


Data chips in smart cars and in planes can be activated causing the accelerator or brakes to apply in order to create an “undetectable assassination”. Reporter Michael Hastings was killed in a strange car crash on June 18, 2013 in Los Angeles, eleven days after he published the article, “Why Democrats Love to Spy on Americans”. His Mercedes suddenly accelerated to 90 miles per hour and exploded three times which was caught on a security camera. By federal law, the CIA is not allowed to legally spy on U.S. citizens, while the WikiLeaks documents show that data is continuously being collected on nearly every American and is being stored at the Utah Data Center pictured below.

The New York Times reports extensively on the WikiLeaks Vault 7 document leak, while still claiming that there is no chance that the Obama Administration had used intelligence agencies to spy on Donald Trump before or after the election. On the same day, Facebook bans any internet articles linking to Vault 7, while Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson’s video links are flagged as spam. President Trump’s most recent speech is also banned on Facebook.


CNN once again cuts a live feed, this time just as Congressman Scott Taylor tells CNN host Dana Bash that the FBI stated “30% of their domestic terrorism cases that they’re investigating are from folks who are refugees.” The host blames the technical difficulties on “TV gremlins”.

During an interview with MSNBC, Californian Democrat representative Maxine Waters admits that the Obama administration had been surveilling the Trump campaign, even though in


previous and later interviews she denies WikiLeaks information that Trump Tower was being wiretapped. Two days later, Waters states on MSNBC that it is “absolutely true” that Trump is a Russian spy who had paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed that Obama had once slept on in a Ritz Carlton Moscow hotel, and that “impeachment will be necessary”. She later claims that her “sex actions” statement was untrue. Waters has also told the terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood that Sharia Law will not be banned in the United States.

Dr. Ben Carson, now head of the federal agency Housing and Urban Development, states that HUD officials have corrected $520 billion in bookkeeping errors. The HUD spokesman, Brian Sullivan told the Daily Caller in December of 2016 that, “HUD does apply generally accepted accounting standards”, but still has no answer for why the numbers don’t add up. Once again, Obama has illegally funneled billions of taxpayer dollars from federal agencies.


In Sweden, where Muslim invasion is highest per capita, two Muslim teens rape a 14 year-old girl at a high school. The school decides to let the two Muslims remain at the school while they are only given detention, while the 8th grade girl is transferred to another school. The Quran teaches that if a woman isn’t completely covered, they can be abused and raped without any sin being committed, especially if the woman is an infidel.


March 08, 2017 – Liberal feminist protest “Day without a woman” instructed all women in America to boycott their jobs for a day. The largest rallies took place in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, with the only noticeable disruption being that many schools had to close due to a lack of teachers. The main organizer of the women’s march was Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted Palestinian Muslim terrorist who spent 10 years of a life sentence for two bombings, and was also working on the Obamacare law. Once again, George Soros was behind the funding of the protests, giving $256 million to the organizers. Linda Sarsour, promoter of Sharia Law in America with links to Hamas, was arrested for disorderly conduct in New York City.

During the women’s march, an 18 year-old white teenager runs into a church, covered in blood after being raped by three black men after she was abducted and stabbed at her apartment complex in Denison, Texas. Protest signs at the march centered around Trump’s alleged sexism, the promotion of abortion, and the oppression of women by white males while none mentioned rape; most likely due to the exponential increase of rape in Europe by Muslim refugees. On the same day, Samsung moves one of their factories from Mexico to America, investing $300 million in American jobs. Under the Trump administration, 298,000 jobs have now been added to the American economy.


March 10, 2017 – After liberals attempted to boycott Ivanka Trump’s clothing line while Nordstrom’s and T.J. Maxx refused to sell the clothing line stating that sales were plummeting. When the March sales numbers are released, Ivanka’s clothing line sales were up 332%.


March 13, 2017 – Rapper Snoop Dogg releases a music video where he points guns at police and then assassinates President Trump who is dressed as a clown. In the video he raps, “Fuck the police from a black man’s point of view, spray that shit, say that shit, we right in front of you!” while also demanding reparations from white Americans. Snoop Dogg has bragged that he has killed several people, while still being acquitted of murdering a gang member at Palms Park, Los Angeles in 1994. After being accepted by liberals, Snoop Dogg has stated since 2013 that he is now for gun control, while his music video released today seems to state the opposite. He has also been teamed up with Martha Stewart on a VH1 reality television show called “Martha and Snoops Potluck Dinner Party” where she cooks and the rapper talks about drugs and cooking with drugs. One day later, Snoop Dogg’s nephew claims that he will kidnap and pimp out President Trump’s wife. In contrast, every threat against President Obama’s life were followed up with FBI investigations, even if stated as a joke on social media.


Two days earlier, SNL continues to use Alec Baldwin to demonize President Trump, this time Trump has sold out the entire world to a race of aliens, has business ties to the alien world, and thinks that black people are not humans, because he gets his information from Infowars host Alex Jones. Former President Obama meets with tech leaders in San Jose, California. Obama would not reveal the reason he met with business leaders in the San Francisco area as a private citizen. The meeting comes just two days before Barack is spotted a mile away from the Hawaiian federal judge who blocked Trump’s second executive order travel ban. Obama immediately left Hawaii after the executive order was blocked and did not appear to be there with his family.


March 14, 2017 – Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage and his dog are savagely beaten attacked by an anti-Trump liberal at Servino, a restaurant north of San Francisco, California. The attack occurred one day after he appeared on Alex Jones’ Infowars promoting the release of his newest book entitled “Trump’s War”. Savage was left bloodied while his poodle, who was already suffering from an eye disease, was kicked by the triggered liberal because the dog was trying to defend him. Initially Savage told the police to not arrest the liberal, but his attorney is now pursuing felony charges against the Californian liberal who attacked a Jewish senior citizen and a ten pound poodle.


March 15, 2017 – Derrick Watson, a Hawaii Judge who graduated from Harvard in 1991 with Obama, was appointed by Obama, and was one mile away from Obama today, officially blocks President Trump’s second executive order banning six terrorist sponsoring nations from immigrating to America, hours before it was to take effect. Watson admitted that if a different American president had issued the same ban, he would not have blocked it. Federal judges are now using emotion and political prejudice to rule from the bench.

The Huffington Post published that Trump’s speech in Nashville, Tennessee was being booed, while live streaming video showed that Trump supporters were booing the news that the travel ban was blocked by a liberal federal judge who legally has no standing to block the order. During Trump’s live streamed speech, he stated several times that the “fake news media” would spin the boos to make it look like the attendees do not support him. They had also reported several times during the presidential campaign that his own fans boo him at his rallies. On the same day, Huffington Post contributor, Kat Blaque tweets, “White people have no one to blame but themselves for white genocide. You could have left the world alone, but you had to be greedy. Now look” The news source she works for does not ask her to delete the tweet.

An Australian teacher at Puchbowl Public School in Sydney, Australia quits after several of her Muslim students, some as young as five years-old have threatened to behead her and kill her family. The threats began when the Australian teacher stopped the elementary kids from hanging a Syrian flag in the classroom, which resulted in her being pushed into a corner, where they began to chant verses from the Quran. The same students were also calling Australian nationals “dogs” while the teacher’s complaints were ignored by the NSW Education Department.


Senator John McCain introduces a bill to allow the nation of Montenegro to join the UN, when Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky opposes the bill, McCain claims that it proves that Rand Paul is now working for the Russians. An earlier WikiLeaks email states that John McCain was one of several Republicans who took money from Hillary Clinton in order to oppose Trump and his supporters.

Court proceedings began from an October 2016 attack on an elderly German woman leaving the St. Lamertus Church in Dusseldorf, Germany. A Muslim teenage refugee demanded money from a 90 year-old German woman who is leaving church. When she doesn’t give him any cash, he drags her into a courtyard, strangles and rapes her, and then takes her house keys and demands her address. DNA evidence has identified the Moroccan Muslim who committed the crime, because he was in German databases for a prior robbery but was not scheduled to be deported to his home country. Muslims comprise only 6% of Germany’s population, while Muslim immigrant and refugee crime statistics are not reported for political purposes.


March 16, 2017 – Republican Congressman and Army veteran Brian Mast visits a West Palm Beach VA hospital in Florida and sees there is no photo of President Trump which is typical of all VA hospitals. He brought photos of Trump to hang on the wall, but within hours the photos were removed by staff.

On the same day, a 14 year-old girl is raped after being pulled into the men’s bathroom by two Hispanic teens, both having entered the country illegally months earlier from Guatemala. Henry Sanchez and Jose Montano asked the girl for sex at Rockville High School in suburban Washington D.C. When she says said no to them, they pull her into the bathroom, shoved her into a stall after she tried to grab onto a sink, and raped her in every way until she eventually escaped. Both immigrants were admitted as Freshman at the high school because they read at the third grave level, while only 50% of the students at Rockville High speak English. One of the


rapists had already been detained by border patrol in Texas, had a deportation hearing scheduled, but the hearing was cancelled and he was released under Obama’s immigration policies. After the rape occurred, the state legislature still voted to become a sanctuary state two days later, defying federal law. CNN, NBC and CBS do not cover the rape story at all, while other major news stations, excluding Fox News do not cover the story during their morning and prime time programs. Jose Montano, who was accused as being the instigator of the rape gets free legal defense from one of Maryland’s top law firms who claim that the sex was 100% consensual, the girl had no bruises or blood on her, and that no one heard her scream from outside the bathroom. The defense team, led by David Moyse, refuses to reveal who is paying for the defense of the immigrants, but later claims that the parents hired him which is impossible due to their financial status. It is discovered in early April that the city of Rockville itself has hired the attorney with taxpayer money, paying him $575 an hour. After parents begin to blame the school for allowing an adult male to attend 9 th grade, superintendent Jack R Smith claims, “far too many have crossed the line with racist, xenophobic calls and emails. The calls are offensive, will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police.” Rockville High School recently has had a history of covering up violent crimes committed by illegals, while one teen girl months earlier had been beaten by a gang of Hispanics, no parents were notified and the 911 call was only later made by the girl’s parents after she returned home from school. Maryland legislators claim that sanctuary cities are safer and generate more money than non-sanctuary cities, and ridiculously claim that New York City is the safest city in the nation. On May 5th, 2017, the rape charges against the two illegal immigrant males are completely dropped, but will still be charged with possession of underage pornography.


CNN, USA Today, and The Hill report that Sean Hannity, host of a conservative radio show and television show on Fox News, has pulled a gun and pointed it at Juan Williams, another journalist who formerly worked for NPR, after an on-air debate about the Second Amendment. Both state that the story is completely false.


Time’s cover story attacks gender identity and promotes the questioning of male and female paradigms in public schools. Facebook now has 60 gender identity choices for social media users.


March 18, 2017 – Molins as Zayed Ben Belgacem grabs a French police officer’s gun and shoots him, then later in the day arrives at the Paris Orly Airport and holds the same gun to a woman’s head yelling, “I am here to die in the name of Allah… there will be deaths!” He was shot and killed as the airport was temporarily evacuated. Molins had been arrested several times for theft and various violent offenses, and imprisoned once for five years from 2009-2013. French intelligence knew that Molins was a radicalized Islamist, yet did nothing to prevent the attack. He also had a can of gasoline in his backpack for an undetermined reason.

Nebraska liberals respond to Trump’s attempted travel ban by giving away gift baskets to arriving refugees which amazingly also include a voter registration form. Refugees cannot legally vote in American elections. Their video, linked below, was posted on Facebook by the Nebraska Democrat Party.


March 19, 2017 – A 15 year-old girl in Chicago, Illinois is gang raped by a group of black males while they laugh and live stream the attack on Facebook Live. At least 40 people watched the rape and did not call the police. Facebook kept the video active until Monday afternoon when the girl’s uncle found the video on Facebook. She had been missing for over two days when police found her walking four blocks away from her house.


March 21, 2017 – Breitbart News and Infowars are now both under investigation by the FBI who claims that they are both under Russian influence.

Maxine Waters sends several tweets with one stating, “Get ready for impeachment”.

The current Democrat Party’s list of Russian agents include: President Trump, his wife Melania Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump, former campaign manager Roger Stone, Fox News reporter Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Breitbart News, former Breitbart News CEO, Steve Bannon, Rand Paul, and Jeff Sessions.


March 22, 2017 – Another terrorist attack in London, this time Pakistani Muslim Khalid Masood drove into dozens of pedestrians on Westminster Bridge just outside of the Parliament building, got out of the vehicle with an eight inch knife, stabbed a police officer to death, attempted to


enter Britain’s Parliament building to stab government officials, and was then shot and killed by police. CNN incorrectly reports for several hours that the attacker was “a bearded middle-aged Asian man”, while in reality it was a Muslim terrorist with a 20 year police record, was on Britain’s MI5 terror watch list while they did nothing. The attack comes on the one year anniversary of the Brussels Airport terrorist bombing. The attack leaves five people dead whicd includes one American who was on a wedding anniversary trip, and at least 40 more injured.

A Muslim woman in a hijab casually walks by the bloody victims of the attack while texting on her phone, while the Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan of London claims that the Muslim narrative makes no sense at all. Last September he had stated that terrorist attacks are “part and parcel of urban life.” while the UK has released over 70 convicted terrorists from their jails in 2016. British members of Parliament claim that religion played no part in the attack, while they themselves were the targets of the Islamic attack. An additional stabbing occurs a few hours later at the Kensington Station Underground.


Muslim Periscope viewers press the smiley face emoticon continuously while watching the breaking news that British citizens have been murdered in the name of Allah. Two days later, neither of the above photos cannot be found on Google’s search engine, while Yahoo has one of the images, and Bing has neither. The next day, Canada’s Parliament passes bill M-103 by a margin of 201-91 to make criticism of Islam a crime.


March 24, 2017 – A Muslim professor, Areeje Zufari, at Rollins College in Florida has been instructing her class that Jesus wasn’t crucified, his disciples didn’t think he was the son of God, while also promoting and defending Sharia Law and the decapitation of gays. After Marshall Polston disagreed with her, she gave him a failing grade and then filed a false police report stating that he was stalking her. After further investigation into the professor, it’s found that she is on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist due to her ties to the first bombing of the World Trade Center. The college is still defending the Muslim professor over the student.



March 25, 2017 – A PizzaGate protest occurs in front of the White House while Antifa protestors physically attack women and older men. Periscope shuts down several live feeds from the protest, YouTube censors live coverage of the protest, while Twitter doesn’t let #PizzaGate or #PedoGate trend. The day before, Alex Jones of Infowars was legally forced to fire one of his reporters and apologize to James Alefantis, owner of Ping Pong Pizza and at the center of much of the PizzaGate controversy along with Tony and John Podesta. Twitter’s shadowbanned list is leaked showing that users who make #PizzaGate posts and videos, and who also make pro-Trump posts, or who have appeared on conservative or libertarian alternative news sources are censored.


A short list of the thousands of shadowbanned Twitter users include: Mike Cernovich, Brittany Pettibone, Infowars, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, LeeAnn McAdoo, Millie Weaver, Margaret Howell, Steve Pieczenik, Paul Joseph Watson, James O’Keefe, Hagman Report, Lauren Southern, Craig Sawyer, Joe Rogan, Blacks4Trump, BlacksWithTrump, Pewdiepie, Zerohedge, Obama’s brother Malik, and of course Donald Trump. When the word “racist” is searched in Twitter today, President Trump’s profile is the first on the list.

March 25, 2017 – One AntiFa member pepper sprayed a middle-aged woman in the face and was beaten by a Trump supporter at a MAGA rally in Huntington Beach, California. AntiFa protesters now plan to wear hijabs when they meet Trump supporters so hate crimes can then be filed if they get hit.


In contrast to social media’s view of the president, he has just secured a $25 billion investment bringing 20,000 jobs to the United States, while also moving their offshore call centers to Texas after a negotiation with Charter Communications. Many news sources claim the jobs were already planned over a year ago, but only under Trump’s lowering of the corporate tax rate was the decision finalized by the number two cable company in the United States.


March 28, 2017 – Massachusetts State Representative Michelle DuBois’s post on Facebook warns illegal immigrants in her state that ICE federal agents are planning a raid in the city of Brockton. The area scheduled to be raided is known to be controlled by the Mexican gang MS13 who regularly kidnaps American girls and women, sells them into sex slavery, and dismembers them if they attempt to escape or talk to the police. MS-13 gang members, who are now in at least 46 states, typically have extensive facial tattoos and recruit their members from American Jr. High and High-Schools starting at age 14, who are predominately illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America who have crossed the southern border without their parents under Obama’s immigration policy that refused to deport border crossers under age 31. Ironically on the same day, three MS-13 gang members from El Salvador are arraigned for the murder of a 17 year-old in Loudoun County, Virginia. Henry Ernesto Dominguez-Vasquez and Juan Moises Aguirre Zelaya are both illegal immigrants charged in the murder, while the third is from Mexico, all of whom left their home countries to cross the southern border under Obama’s immigration policies. Last May, MS-13 gang members kidnapped two teenage girls in Houston and sacrificed one to the Devil in a Satanic ritual, while three beheadings occurred in New York City the same week.


Obama’s so-called “dreamers generation” is reaching 50% gang affiliation in nearly every state in the United States. After some criticism, DuBois ridiculously claims that her Facebook post was intended to help ICE agents.


March 29, 2017 – Ex Navy Seal and History Channel star Craig Sawyer begins a crowdsourcing fundraiser to investigate organized pedophilia in America. After appearing on Alex Jones’ Infowars, it reaches $50,000 and the website shuts it down the next day. YouCaring Compassionate Crowdfunding sends Sawyer an email stating that their Trust and Safety team has reviewed his fundraiser and found that it violated their terms of service, while refusing to give any specifics. YouCaring, GoFundMe, and PayPal have all been shutting down pedophilia funding accounts after the 2016 election, while liberal news source Salon has been normalizing pedophilia for years, claiming that it is just another “sexual identity”. One article written by Todd Nickerson was titled, “I’m a pedophile, but not a monster” and published by Salon on September 21, 2015. In February of 2017, Salon deletes their pro-pedophilia articles, while other liberal news sources call it a violation of the first amendment, which is ironic due to the fact that anti-Trump protesters have recently been literally burning signs with the words “free speech” on them. Sawyer’s personal webpage is still active and has reached $30,000 of its $500,000 goal.



On the same day in Bangladesh, Vogue cover model Raudha Athif is found dead in her college dorm room from an apparent suicide. Her family claims that she was murdered and the dorm room was staged to look like a suicide after she had received several death threats from local Muslims because she refused to cover her body up in the traditional Islamic style.


April 03, 2017 – A bomb explodes on a St. Petersburg, Russia subway, killing 10 and injuring 43 others. A second bomb was found and deactivated at a separate subway station. In March of 2010, a Muslim suicide bomber killed 40 and injured 100 on a Moscow subway train. On the same day, a Sarin gas attack occurs in Syria on the 2013 anniversary of an earlier Sarin gas attack that Obama did not respond to; while in speeches he claimed that they had “crossed a line in the sand.” Trump states that all options are on the table, while many sources claim that the dictator of Syria did not perpetrate the attack, and that it is a false flag attack to bring America into a full-scale war in Syria which may pit the United States against Russia.


April 05, 2017 – Helen Hunt claims in an interview on The View that “Being a white woman in America, I am finding is this process of waking up” and that the entire nation should hire more black people after she had worked on a television show about the protest group Black Lives Matter. She states that she was surrounded by 60-70% black people, and that she realized that this is the way that things should be. Jebediah Bila chimed in “Stay woke!”, which is a phrase that mainly African-Americans use to claim that they have realized how racist America really is towards black people.


Another one of Obama’s “dreamers”, Douglas Henriquez-Martinez, who cannot be deported due to Barack’s immigration policies repeatedly molested a seven year-old girl in North Carolina from last December until this April. The 18 year-old illegal immigrant cannot be deported to his home country.


April 06, 2017 – Trump responds to the chemical weapon attack that occurred in Syria two days earlier which left 85 dead and hundreds injured. Sixty Tomahawk missiles were launched from two U.S. Destroyers at Syrian’s main airbase which also housed the Sarin gas. At least fifteen Syrians were killed, while Russia was warned that the strike was coming and suffered zero casualties. The Democrat Party’s narrative that Trump is secretly a Russian agent, and a puppet of Russia’s president Putin continues in the face of this attack, as CNBC now claims that the missile attack must have been coordinated with Russia in order to stop the rumors of their collusion. Vladimir Putin claims that the missile strike violates international law and that there is no proof that a chemical attack occurred last Tuesday. One day later, the site of the chemical attack was hit again by U.S. forces while a Russian frigate has now arrived in the area in a show of force. Under Obama’s administration, the same poison gas was used against civilians by Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, with no response from the United States even though Obama had recently stated that a gas attack would be a “red line in the sand” that if crossed would demand military action. Obama later stated that he didn’t need to respond to the gas attack because he eventually worked out a deal along with Susan Rice, where they would give up all of their poison gas supplies. Obama was either lied to by the Islamic dictator while never following up on the claims that his poison gas supplies were destroyed, or he knew that chemical weapons still existed and did not care. Obama also sent $82 billion in humanitarian aid to Syria in the fiscal year 2012, all paid for by the American taxpayer.


April 07, 2017 – Another Muslim refugee attacks Swedish citizens in a truck attack in Stockholm. Rakhmat Akilov hijacks a large beer truck, fills it with bombs, and drives it down a pedestrian street, into a shopping center, and then into a department store. The Uzbekistan born Muslim was already known to Swedish police as a suspected terrorist and had been using social media to confirm his support for ISIS. His application for asylum had recently been rejected by Sweden due to his ties with terrorism, while during his arrest, onlooking refugees threw stones at the Swedish police. Four Swedish citizens including an 11 year old girl named Ebba who was cut in half in the below image were killed, with at least 15 more injured. The driver of the truck ran away through the crowd of horrified Swedes, but was arrested the next


day, a second accomplice is still at large. A Swedish national drove into the hijacked truck, forcing him to crash, saving the lives of an unknown amount of civilians. Another separate shooting attack occurred elsewhere in the city around the same time, while Swedish police claim that the two incidents are not related. This comes just two and a half weeks after a Muslim terrorist drove through crowds of English pedestrians in front of their own Parliament building, with ISIS claiming responsibility for both attacks. Liberal media refuses to show the images of the young girl killed by the Islamic terrorist, but has no issue showing images of dead Syrian children in order to support an escalated war with Syria.



On the same day, Jihadwatch reports that as of July 2016, the German government has now recognized over 1,500 underage marriages between Muslim couples, with 361 involving girls under the age of 14, which is the legal age of consent in Germany. Under Sharia Law, marriages begin at age 9 for girls, and are arranged to be married to men 20-30 years older than them. The top three nations the child brides come from in descending order are Syria, Afghanistan, and then Iraq.

Self-proclaimed feminist and Trump resister Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren’s financial report shows that in 2016, female employees were salaried at an average of $52,750, while males were salaried at $73,750 in the same office. Warren has also been lying about her socalled Native American heritage which does not exist, but she uses it as a prop to play an ethnic victim to other liberals. The Huffington Post claims that Warren’s salary wage gap is a lie, while the Free Beacon claims that they have skewed the data to cover up the gender pay gap that Warren regularly discusses. The Obama administration also paid female White House staffers lower wages, while never responding to the charges.


April 09, 2017 – Pop star Janet Jackson officially files for divorce from her Qatari born Muslim husband Wissam Al Manna. After five years of the media denying that Jackson had converted to Islam, even after she refused to show any skin at her concerts and music videos and was not allowed to be seen in public while pregnant (which is punishable by Sharia Law), the truth comes out. The photo above was denied by all liberal media sources as an indication that Janet Jackson had converted to Islam and was practicing Sharia Law, while they claimed that her burka was actually just a Star Wars inspired hoodie. In actuality it is an Adidas-made burka, who along with Nike, has decided to cater to Muslim women all over the world in order to make more profit. Google search results of “Janet Jackson burka” include a young white male wearing the same burka and calls it a hoodie which is for sale, but when trying to navigate to the seller’s site, the site does not exist. Her Muslim husband began to dictate what she could wear off and on stage, but the final straw was the fact that he had no compassion for the physical abuse of Janet’s 86 year old mother, kicking the elderly women out of their home and sending her back to the abuser who is also a family member. This is Janet’s third divorce, her first marriage with an African-American male lasted three months, and her second marriage with a Mexican man who abused her cost her $8 million in a divorce settlement. On the same day, the parents of Bangladesh 20 year-old model who appeared on the cover of Vogue India claim that her death was not a suicide after an autopsy is performed. Raudha Athif was found dead in her dorm room days after she refused to wear female Islamic garb. There have been a series of murders in the area as Islamic extremists have nearly taken over the entire nation.


In recent years, Will Smith has also converted to Islam, as has Lindsay Lohan who has been spotted wearing a swimwear burka while on vacation in Thailand on April 7th, 2017. The mainstream media also denied that Will Smith converted to Islam until he stated that he had on late night talk shows while railing against then candidate Donald Trump. While promoting his 2016 movie Suicide Squad, he stated, “As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it’s good. We get to know who these people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country.” He also stated on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel in July 2016, “It’s absolutely collective insanity… I think everybody can see it now. And I think it’s just a little darkness before the cleansing that we’ll have as we move forward.” Cleansing is a term that Islam law uses before the ethnic/religious genocide that occurs when Sharia Law takes over a once sovereign nation. It looks like the new fad in Hollywood has turned from tolerance of Islam, to the complete conversion to Islam and everything it represents.


April 12, 2017 – Trump’s DOJ indicts and arrests Detroit, Michigan Muslim doctor Jumana Nagarwala on multiple charges of female genital mutilation from the years 2005 to 2017. Acting under Sharia Law, she has been mutilating girls as young as six years old in a clinic outside the hospital when Muslim parents bring their children to her office. A group of girls from neighboring Minnesota were told they were being taken on a “girls trip” and then are taken to Nagarwala to fulfill their Islamic traditions. The parents of the girls are also being questioned by the FBI and are under full investigation. This is the first arrest for FGM in the United States, though complaints against this doctor had been made years ago under the Obama administration.


April 13, 2017 – For the first time in combat, the United States uses the MOAB (massive ordinance airblast bomb) in a strike against a series of underground tunnels that ISIS uses to connect eastern Afghanistan to Pakistan. It is estimated that at least 94 ISIS fighters are killed, while liberal media claims it was only 36. For two days, mainstream media sources claim that the 21,000 pound bomb with a blast radius of one mile, costs $360 million. Two days later, liberals claim that the bomb costs $16 million, while the actual cost is $170,000. The media also claims that it was dropped for no reason, in an unpopulated area, in order to start World War III. A second MOAB bomb is dropped the next morning on a separate series of ISIS tunnels.


After several months of denying that the Obama administration performed illegal surveillance on Donald Trump beginning in 2011, through the election cycle, and even after the election, CNN now admits that the surveillance of Trump, his phone calls, associates and transition team occurred. House Intelligence investigations continue their investigation.


April 14, 2017 – Under UK internet law, Facebook could now face charges for allowing pedophilia images, child sexual assault videos, terrorist attack glorification videos and Islamic State beheadings to remain on their site after the posts were flagged, reported and reviewed by moderators of Facebook. The social media site’s algorithms actually promote some of the offensive material, while Christian and conservative posts are regularly censored and shadowbanned including over 30,000 accounts in France who were supporting populist and anti-Islamic French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Facebook has also refused to remove ISIS fan pages stating that it doesn’t violate their terms of service.

Once again, a black person is behind a fake racism story that has been reported on for the last few months. Justin Lamar Coleman sent six letters to black residents in Knoxville, Tennessee, claiming to be a member of the KKK, one letter stated, “I am a very racist white man and with Mr. Trump in the White House being the president, white people going to take over the world!” Other letters promised violence to black people, while CNN and MSNBC repeat the content of the letters without verifying their source. This is just one more example of the media hyping up stories that support their narrative that racism was behind Trump’s presidential victory, and that whites have become more racist since the election occurred. Below is a recent list of purported racial crimes that never happened. A Muslim woman was robbed of her hijab by Trump supporters.


A black woman was racially-harassed at a Philadelphia gas station. An Asian student was racially-taunted in Minnesota A bisexual student received hate-notes in Chicago. A black church was burned to the ground and defaced with "Vote Trump!. An Asian store was firebombed by a white Trump supporter. A Michigan student was told to remove her hijab or she would be lit on fire. A racist note was left for Hispanic students in North Carolina. Jewish Community Centers were serially threatened with anti-Semitic bomb threats. An antiTrump Jewish male was behind the threats.

April 16, 2017 – African-American, Black Lives Matter member, and convert to Islam, Steve Stephens kills 74 year-old Robert Godwin on Facebook Live and then lies about shooting 14 more individuals. While non-criminal Americans are being spied on by government agencies and tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and even Samsung smart televisions, the police somehow are not able to track Stephens’ smartphone or GPS enabled car for over 48 hours. Facebook leaves the video of the murder for two hours.


Once again, CNN lightens the skin color of the African-American and calls him a “dark-skinned white male�, after it is revealed that Stephens has been attending the Cleveland Islamic Center, CNN drops the coverage. Black Lives Matter has no comment on the fact that an innocent black senior citizen was killed by a Muslim convert.


April 18, 2017 – Kori Ali Muhammad goes on a shooting spree in Fresno, California killing three white people; he was already being searched for after he killed an unarmed security guard at a Motel 6. News sources all claim that the crime was motivated by racial hatred and not by Islam even though he was shouting “Allahu Akbar”. He also pointed his gun at a woman and her baby, but then decided not to shoot, and then shouted “Allahu Akbar” again when he gave himself up to the police. One day earlier, CNN’s and Huffington Post contributor Marc Lamont, claimed that black people are incapable of racism because they lack the “institutional power required to deploy racism”. Under eight years of Obama rule, race relations in America have devolved to the level of the 1960s where any attack on a single black person results in riots and murders based on Caucasian skin color and anti-police rhetoric. Over 20 riots occurred in America under Obama’s presidency, 11 being full blown race riots which lasted for days, leaving businesses burned to the ground, and scores of citizens and police officers dead. In each case, the black male targeted by police was guilty. The Islamic terrorist’s social media sites show that he was a regular viewer of MSNBC, The Young Turks, Van Jones of CNN, and was a Black Lives Matter member. He made several videos on social media calling for the “destruction of America”, calling Republicans “white devils”, while also shouting “Allahu Akbar”, yet was never interviewed by the FBI or put on a terrorist watchlist.


President Trump signs an executive order which discourages the hiring of H-1B visa foreign workers while also tightening waivers and exemptions that businesses use to get around existing laws that favor American made goods.

MSNBC’s counter terrorist analyst who has a history of denying Islam’s connection to terrorist attacks, states that ISIS’s next suicide bombing should be a Trump property. He later deletes the statement, while not apologizing or acknowledging that it occurred.


April 19, 2017 – University of California Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter’s speech on their publicly funded campus, citing “safety fears”. No specific threats were reported by the university, while Ann claims that she will speak anyway due to her free speech rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The campus does seem to accommodate other controversial speakers including a South American dictator and various anti-American and white genocide promoters. Coulter was invited by two campus groups and the speech’s topic was free speech. Other conservative speakers Milo Yiannapoulous and David Horowitz were prevented from speaking when Antifa members, dressed in black masks violently attacked students attempting to attend the speeches. The mayor of Berkeley, Jesse Arreguin, is an Antifa supporter and has instructed the city police to never arrest Antifa members even when they attack police. Last week, Antifa members now have access to police-grade flash bombs and smoke grenades and used them during the “Tax March”. No investigation into the hate group has begun by the city or state of California.


April 20, 2017 – Karim Cheurfi, who had spent 15 years in prison for an earlier killing of a French policeman, kills another French policeman on Thursday night on one of Paris’ most famous thoroughfares after being let out of prison years early. Two other police officers were wounded along with a female tourist before police shot and killed the Muslim jihadist. After liberal news sources in France and the United States all claim it is too early to label this as a terrorist attack, a note is found in his pocket proving his support for ISIS and bystanders recall him shouting Allahu Akbar as he was shooting a pump shotgun into the crowd of people on the Champs Elysees. The latest terrorist attack comes as the presidential race in France has its second round of elections, with only candidate Marine Le Pen being the anti-refugee choice. In typical fashion, Obama interferes in another foreign election by calling in his support for Emmanuel Macron, who has stated “times have changed and we will just have to live with terrorism”, while also encouraging more Islamic refugees to enter the country. The Democrats in America still claim that Russia has somehow “hacked” the November 2016 election.


April 21, 2017 – Western Kentucky University votes to give free tuition as reparations to African Americans, even if the individual is a violent criminal convicted of several felonies, while felony applicants for other races are always rejected. According to the university, the student does not have to prove that their lineage has any ties to slavery, and immigrants from Africa are also able to apply to the free tuition program which is funded by federal and state taxpayers.

April 28, 2017 – Liberal news sources including USA Today and The Huffington Post claim that conservative host of Infowars, Alex Jones lost custody of his kids after his ex-wife sued him. The claim is false, and Jones calls a press conference just to tell the media that they are liars. The news agencies do not retract their articles. Chobani Yogurt is also currently suing Alex Jones after he reported that the owner is an Islamist who is hiring Syrian Muslims to work in his factory in Twin Falls, Idaho. The owner, Hamdi Ulukaya, imports an average of 300 Muslim immigrants a month while providing free legal help for two of his employees who are accusing


of raping young girls. Due to the immigration caused by Chobani, TB cases in Idaho have increased by 500% in 2016. Ulukaya has also created a Muslim refugee foundation whose purpose is to bring in more refugees from the middle east, which is now financially supported by LinkedIn, MasterCard, UPS, IKEA, and Airbnb, This comes in the same week that conservative hosts Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity are both accused of sexual misconduct at Fox News. Both hosts threaten to sue for libel, and both women drop their baseless claims.

May 01, 2017 – On Europe’s annual Communist Day, Antifa members riot on the west coast, setting fire to cars and destroying millions of dollars in property while police apparently stand down and make nearly no arrests. Liberal protesters are now demanding full citizenship rights for Islamic refugees and Latin illegal immigrants, with no new laws passed or any legal path to citizenship which even former President Obama supported. On the same day, African-American


Democrat Representative Maxine Waters claims that the refusal to grant all citizenship rights to illegals is “absolutely racist, that’s that dog whistling… he’s using the uhhh, Latino population and Mexicans right across the border to create fear, and uhhh, it is absolutely divisive!” In Paris, France, the riots result in Europe’s Antifa members rioting alongside with Muslim refugees while in the above image, firebombs were thrown at riot police officers, literally burning them alive. Paris’ riots were fueled by the fact that the populist and anti-Muslim immigration candidate has just now pulled ahead to number one in the polls. One Left-wing activist, who identified herself as Nicole, 22, said: “She represents racism and hatred, that’s why we’re opposing her! Thousands of us have come out on the street to stand up for justice and decency, and to show our shame at these fascists hoping to take over!” /

May 02, 2017 – Bill Nye, known for his children’s science television program in the 1990s, has a new show also geared towards children where he claims that there are more than two genders and sexual identities which are determined by “self-identification.” He also urges American children to not produce more than one baby because overpopulation is killing the planet. The term “sexual identities” has been used by liberals to include pedophilia as a sexual identity in order to destigmatize it in order to make it accepted and legal. The state of California has attempted several times to decriminalize sex with underage children, while only months ago decriminalized child prostitution. Bill Nye’s earlier show where he claims that there are only two genders, states that gender is determined by chromosomes, XX and XY, this part of the older episode is edited by Netflix.


May 03, 2017 – FBI director James Comey states in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that Obama’s AG, Loretta Lynch, ensured Hillary Clinton that she wouldn’t let the FBI investigation into her missing Benghazi emails “go too far.” He also states that Hillary’s top aide Huma Abedin was regularly sending classified government documents to her pedophile husband Anthony Weiner. Democrats initiated the hearing in order to interview Comey on the connections between Donald Trump and Russia, while the answers they receive only seem to implicate Hillary Clinton even more concerning her email scandal tied to Anthony Weiner’s laptop which contained photos and videos of underage girls and Hillary Clinton’s “deleted” emails. Six days later, President Trump fires FBI director James Comey citing his inability to lead the bureau, and the lack of trust that the American people have in the agency. Since election day, Hillary Clinton has blamed Comey for her loss, while the investigation would have never occurred if she hadn’t broken dozens of federal laws. Within the hour of Comey’s firing, Democrats claim that Comey was on the brink of proving that Trump was a Russian agent and


he was fired to cover up the fact that the president is being controlled by Vladimir Putin and a Constitutional crisis is now occurring. That night on Stephen Colbert’s ultra-liberal “The Late Show”, the audience applauds the firing of James Comey. Colbert has to correct them, since liberals have now decided to defend him; Colbert calls his own audience “Trump supporters”.

May 04, 2017 – On Fox News’ Hannity show, John Solomon from Circa News states that at least 35,000 American citizens were spied on and “unmasked” by the NSA database under Obama’s direction during the 2016 presidential campaign, up to 400% more than years before. Two days earlier Susan Rice had refused to testify to a Senate Sub-Committee, most likely in order to avoid perjury due to her previous statements that she had leaked no information to any news source and that she did not illegally unmask innocent American citizens. Susan Rice is the same individual who claimed that the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya was due to a YouTube video, while Hillary Clinton supported the claim to the point of looking one of the mothers in the eye during his funeral and stating “this is because of YouTube.”


May 05, 2017 – In Cinco de Mayo, a high-school Spanish teacher in Colorado makes a piùata of President Trump and videotapes her students beating the effigy. The teacher is placed on administrative leave, but was not fired.


May 06, 2017 – Under Trump’s DOJ, the FBI and the State Department in coordination with Interpol, coordinated the arrest of over 900 pedophiles in several countries, releasing 300 children who were kept as sex slaves. The website called “Playpen” was run by Florida-based Stephen Chase, had 150,000 members worldwide, and had been online since 2014. This latest massive arrest of pedophiles highlights the inaction of the former administration when it comes to pedophilia and child sex slavery.


May 08, 2017 – Liberal late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel uses his media platform to attack Trump’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, one of his main campaign promises. For the first time, Kimmel tells his audience that his son was born with a heart defect and implies that without Obamacare, his son would have died. Not only is this not the case, Kimmel uses his talk show to further attack anyone who criticized his emotional appeal to Republicans to stop the repeal of the ACA. Kimmel pleads, “Before 2014, if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you would never be able to get health insurance because you were born with a pre-existing condition. No parent should have to ever decide if they can afford to save their child's life, it just shouldn't happen, not here!" Former President Barack Hussein Obama immediately posts to Twitter, "Well said, Jimmy. That's exactly why we fought so hard for the ACA, and why we need to protect it for kids like Billy. And congratulations!" As a multi-millionaire Hollywood liberal, Jimmy Kimmel has no restrictions to health care, no matter what laws are changed, while also lying to his audience about the laws that compel any hospital in the United States to give emergency care to anyone, citizen or not, if their life is in danger. Furthermore, illegal immigrants under 1980s federal law, have been receiving free childbirth services.



May 11, 2017 – Eight weeks after comedian Tim Allen states on Jimmy Kimmel Live that Hollywood is similar to 1930’s Germany and that a friend of his has told him that the Apple iPhone cannot be turned off and is always spying on you, his television show is cancelled despite its high ratings.


May 16, 2017 – After 27 year-old DNC staffer Seth Rich’s parents hire Rod Wheeler, a former NYC homicide detective, to perform a parallel investigation into their son’s death, it’s found that he was in fact, the DNC WikiLeaks leaker. Earlier on July 10, 2016, Seth Rich was shot in the back several times during his walk home in his Washington D.C. affluent neighborhood, after telling his girlfriend and family stated he was acting paranoid and upset. The DC police state that it was a robbery, while his wallet, watch, phone, credit cards, and cash were all undisturbed and zero witnesses or surveillance cameras exist. Rich’s laptop show that he had emailed WikiLeaks over 44,000 times after it was found that the Hillary Clinton campaign had sabotaged Bernie Sanders in the presidential primaries. The reporter that was the middleman between Seth and Julian Assange, Gavin MacFadyen, is also currently deceased.


May 22, 2017 – At 10:35 PM at Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, a pipe bomb explode at the conclusion of an Ariana Grande concert holding over 19,000 people, most of whom were teenage girls. The explosions occurred in the lobby area where no metal detectors exist which is just above the Underground subway after the terrorist yelled “Allahu Akbar!” For over three hours, CNN, NBC and Fox News all claim that it one of Ariana Grande’s pink balloons must have exploded in front of a microphone, and that the British people are overreacting. After images of bloodied teenage girls emerge, CNN changes its story to claim that it may be an electrical short and that they also have reports that “a rogue popcorn machine” exploded. CNN further claims that Islamophobia is to blame for the claims of terrorism, even if terrorism occurred. At least 22 people are instantly killed, including eight year-old Kelly Brewster, while 52 others are injured and taken to the hospital. Several reports of gunfire are later denied by the British police, while they never say the words Islam, Muslim, or refugee. Libyan Muslim, Salman Abedi, obtained a British passport through the help of ISIS in order to bomb the concert. The terrorist group ISIS claims responsibility less than an hour after the attack, while liberal news sources keep repeating the pink balloon narrative. Muslims on all social media platforms praise the event. One Twitter account under the name Rita Katz tweeted, “Kill him everywhere, Britain and England and Manchester and UK and Britain” while CBS writer David Leavitt tweets, “The last time I heard Ariana Grande, I almost died too.”


Ariana Grande is an outspoken open borders proponent and Trump hater who stated on Twitter the night of the election, “Well this is utterly terrifying” while also stating several time that Islam is a “religion of peace” and that she “hates America.” She claims after the attack that no one should blame a group of people for the actions of one person, and that she feels “broken”. Fellow pop star Katy Perry claims, “No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist”, speaking to the non-Muslims of course. Buzzfeed deletes the August 2014 article where Grande claims that she wishes her fans “would fucking die!” after charging those same fans $495 to take a photo with her. Nineteen more Muslims in Manchester are arrested in the days after the attack including the father, mother, and two brothers who all knew about the attack which originated from Salmon’s home, which was a “working bomb factory”. Sky News who had hosted the event tells the leaving crowd that “there is nothing wrong here, we are glad you had a great time here” while several news sources in England and in America continue to claim that this was a “lone wolf” attack. Four days later, the United States State Department doubles the amount of Muslim refugees allowed into the country, from 830 to 1,500 per week in spite of Trump’s plan to curb the immigration of Muslims into America. Tens of thousands have already been placed on lists to be allowed into the U.S. while Trump is still battling the courts over his Travel Ban, awaiting the Supreme Court to rule on the executive branch’s ability to restrict immigration from nations who openly support terrorism.


May 23, 2017 – Black students from the group “The Coalition of Color” at Evergreen State College in Washington State demand that no white people are allowed on campus for a day in order to honor people of color. Biology professor Bret Weinstein, a self-described white antiracist liberal tells his class that forcing segregation even for a day is itself racist. The liberal crowd turns violent and blocks campus police from taking Weinstein out of the classroom, while the college administrator has sided with the students who have been running the campus since the earlier Tuesday. Weinstein was called by the police, who were ordered to stand down by the college president, and warned to not come to campus as an angry group of black students were searching for him car to car and classroom to classroom in order to kidnap him. An angry mob of students stormed the college president’s office, refused to let him leave until their demands were met, and refused to let him use the bathroom without two black escorts. The students also demanded that they take over the campus security, searching for racist professors and students. The mostly black faculty informed Weinstein that the campus is no forum for him to defend the racist claims against him, after he asks what forum can he defend himself from, the answer is that there is no defense, and also that his denial of racism is racist itself. The Coalition of Color demands racial equity in America in the form of black supremacy and white slavery. Liberals are now so rabid to call white people racist, that even white liberals aren’t safe from their attacks. Evergreen College had to close before graduation and is currently closed for the summer as well. A two hour interview with Bret Weinstein on the Joe Rogan podcast is hyperlinked below.


May 26, 2017 – In Portland, Oregon, 35 year-old Jeremy Joseph Christian begins yelling antiMuslim slurs on a city bus, eventually stabbing two men who try to stop the rant. The liberal media immediately calls Christian a “white-supremacist Trump voter” and blame President Trump himself for the two deaths. In reality, Christian had shown up at Trump rallies to fight Trump supporters and was also recorded giving the Nazi salute in order to frame Trump supporters as racist. According to Christian’s social media accounts, he was a registered Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter who later supported the Jill Stein recount and claimed that he would kill any Trump or Hillary voters.


The White House states that since the signing of President Trump’s executive orders allowing ICE to expand and requiring them to do their jobs, over 30,000 illegal immigrants have been deported. Over 90% of the arrested illegals had prior criminal records not due to their immigration status.


May 30, 2017 – Ultra-liberal group Media Matters, funded by George Soros and Hillary Clinton, encourage Sean Hannity’s ad sponsors to drop their ads on Fox News in order to fire him after he repeatedly implies that Seth Rich could have been murdered by the DNC because he was the DNC email leaker who exposed the Hillary campaign’s sabotage of Bernie Sanders. Last month, Fox News forced Bill O’Reilly to resign after unsubstantiated sexual misconduct allegations were made. Unlike O’Reilly, Sean Hannity’s fans organize a boycott of USAA and which results in a reversal of their decision to drop their sponsorship of the Fox News Hannity show. USAA’s timing to drop the veteran supporting Hannity just before Memorial Day resulted in their office and Twitter feed being bombarded with complaints and hundreds of thousands of insurance cancellations due to the fact that all USAA members are in the military or are related to military veterans. Conservatives have never successfully boycotted a large business, traditionally it is liberals who boycott and force businesses to change policies. Only after USAA reverses their decision, do they decide that Hannity’s show will continue on Fox News. CBS News fires Scott Pelley after he attempts to investigate Seth Rich’s death one day later. NYC Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio honors FALN terrorist Oscar Rivera, who has recently been released from prison by outgoing President Obama by having him march at the head of the Memorial Day Parade. The FALN was responsible for over 600 bombings, one occurring in a New York City restaurant in the 1970s. 7/05/31/usaa-dropped-hannity-amidoutcry-over-conspiracy-theory-coverage-now-its-coming-back/


The same day, comedian Kathy Griffin hires a photographer to take photos of her holding a decapitated, bloody head of President Trump, similar to photos that the terrorist group ISIS posts on the internet. The video short and photos are an obvious signal to incite violence against an elected president and his supporters. Griffin initially defends her photoshoot, then later deleted those tweets and admits that it may have gone too far. Only after several of her comedy shows are cancelled does she make a video apology. The next day ADT Security pulls their ads from CNN after they refuse to fire Griffin. TMZ reports the next day that Donald Trump’s eleven year old son was watching TV when the image of his father’s bloodied head was shown on the screen, and had thought that the image was real, which is not surprising in light of the media’s call for his impeachment and assassination since election day.


Kathy Griffin is fired by CNN the next day, 24 hours after it appears that the conservative USAA boycott was successful. Two days later, after 80% of her comedy tour is cancelled by the venues, Griffin hires the victim’s rights attorney that successfully got Bill O’Reilly fired, claims that white men are to blame for her being fired stating, “Cut the crap, this is a woman thing, everywhere I play there’s a male who owns the theatre, there’s a male promoter, the people who sign my checks are white guys!” She initially denies the above quotes, then states that it was from her comedy act “years ago”, while it was only 5 months ago. Instead of taking blame for threatening the president’s life, she plays the victim while at the same time vows to continue her attack on the “piece of shit president” and his eleven year old son who she now claims is autistic.


In the next few days, a New York Central Park Julius Caesar production includes an extended bloody stabbing death of the a “modern day Caesar” who looks like President Trump, along with the wife of Caesar, who happens to have a Slovenian accent. Time Warner Cable and American Express refuse to pull their funding for the $30 million dollar production of Shakespeare in the Park even after Republican representative Mike Scalia, is nearly assassinated a few days later. Time Warner also owns CNN News who calls the play “a brilliant masterpiece interpreted for the Trump era.” Delta Airlines and Bank of America do pull their funding for the Central Park Arts Council who produced the play, while Delta later uses over one million dollars in ads on Father’s Day to promote “LGBTQ+ Fathers” which drives their stocks further down. MSNBC claims that the play is merely “artistic expression” which was misinterpreted because Trump supporters are “generally uneducated” and may never have never heard of the 400 year-old play. Contrary to liberal news sources, a live periscope stream from Jack Posobiec shows that the crowd of New York liberals stood up, cheered, and laughed when the mock-President Trump is assassinated by his closest advisors in the play, while Antifa slogans are shouted during scene changes.


On the same day, Hillary now adds several more reasons to the list of why she thinks she lost the election. The list now includes: James Comey, the FBI, anti-American forces, low information voters, WikiLeaks, the DNC leaks, Russian vote hacking, Vladimir Putin, Russian spies, Macedonia, Infowars, fake news, weaponized information, Fox News being on restaurant televisions, Project Veritas, Citizens United, conspiracy theories, misogyny, women, suburban women, racism, the alt-right, Facebook, Twitter, automated internet bots, memes, dark money, polls, Obama winning two terms, The New York Times, television executives, cable news, Bernie Sanders, Trump’s media time, Netflix documentaries, the Republican party, the Democrat party, and the mainstream media reporting her email scandal which she calls “a nothing-burger”. She also claims that Trump is causing a “constitutional crisis” because he is on the edge of impeachment; the term “constitutional crisis” was actually used to describe Hillary’s ongoing FBI investigation during the end of the election cycle.


June 01, 2017 – President Trump withdraws America’s support and finances from the Paris Climate Agreement which would have reduced the America’s fossil fuel production while at the same time allowing China and India to continue to double their fossil fuel and steel production. Obama had signed the international treaty, but without the approval of Congress, the treaty is non-binding and does not have to be honored by the United States, while Obama did hold America to the agreement for the last six years. The agreement would have forced the United States to cut production of paper by 12%, cement by 23%, iron and steel by 38%, coal by 86%,natural gas by 31%, costing our nation $3 trillion in lost GDP, and 6.5 million industrial jobs in the next 13 years. The United States, who would have paid for most of the policies in the agreement’s “Green Climate Fund”, would create higher energy prices while energy prices would drop in Europe, China and the middle-east. CNN News immediately states that there will be mass extinction and flooding in American streets. The article published just after the announcement states, “Donald Trump's decision on Thursday to abandon the Paris Agreement is apocalyptic. That's not overstatement when the very health and survival of the planet is at stake.” while incorrectly claiming that 97% of scientists believe in the theory of climate change. CNN also states that Trump gave a “dark speech” which was “angry”, and that “people will die, sea levels will rise, and insects will spread to areas they never existed”, children will also die from asthma, and Nancy Pelosi stated that this is “civil rights issue.”


June 03, 2017 – Thousands of Muslims gather in front of Trump Tower in New York City to demand that Sharia Law be implemented in New York. At the same time, another Islamic terrorist attack occurs on London Bridge with a related stabbing spree occurring at Vauxhall and Borough Market just after several people are mowed down with a white truck. ISIS claims responsibility as New York City police do nothing to restrain the thousands of Muslims calling for a caliphate in one of the United States’ largest cities.


The next day, reports of four bombs going off just after the attack are denied, as is an explosion that occurred in Italy just after this latest London attack. UK police claim that the canisters on the fallen Islamic terrorist shown in the above photo are fake bombs. Six people are killed while dozens are injured by the vehicle and by twelve inch knives in a stabbing spree by three Muslim men. Khuram Shazad Butt, a Pakistani born English citizen and Rachid Redouane, a Libyan, both living in the Muslim controlled East London. Khuram was known to the British police as a terrorist and was literally part of a documentary called, “The Jihadi Next Door”. Several reports state that while over 50 people were stabbed, only one English man fought back in an attempt to take the knife away from one of the three terrorists. The attack happens on the day that the Manchester bombing victims were being buried, and marks the third major Islamic attack in England in three months. The attack also marks the eighth day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan where Islamic terrorists are instructed to kill as many infidels as possible; so far 41 attacks have left 451 dead in just over one week. Liberals in the UK and in America still continue to call Islam the “religion of peace” even though witnesses report that the stabbers yelled “This is for Allah!” while stabbing people. There are over 23,000 Muslims on the UK terror list living in England. Twelve Muslims are arrested the next day at Barking flats, causing concerned Londoners to assume that the police knew exactly where the terrorist cell was while doing nothing until after an attack occurs. One day later, a Muslim in Paris is shot and killed after stabbing a Parisian while shouting, “This is for Syria!”, and two days later a nursery worker in Wanstead, England is stabbed in the street by three women shouting, “This is for Allah!” The below tweet from Reza Aslan, an reporter for CNN News, highlights the ultra-liberal reaction to the London terror attack. Aslan has previously worked for NPR and has recently eaten a human brain. One NPR column that he wrote stated, “When I see bigotry against my faith, my very identity, I can barely contain my anger! I can’t imagine how the next generation of American Muslim youth will react to such provocations. I pray that we never find out!”


NBC Nightly News implies in their tweet that President Trump is not a reliable source of information.


YouTube algorithms held back live broadcasts by anti-Islam accounts such as Tara McCarthy and Tommy Robinson until 1:00 AM the next day, while liberals resume their #prayfor (insert city name) hashtags on Twitter in order to make themselves feel better.


The Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, ridiculously states several hours later that London is the safest city in Europe, and that “this sickening act has nothing to do with the Islam I know.”, while also calling for a travel ban on President Trump coming to England. Prime Minister Teresa May’s response to the terrorist attack is to call for more internet censorship, censoring the British citizens of course, not Islam.

CNN News is caught on video staging a fake gathering of “moderate Muslims” in London who decried the London Bridge attack. No actual Muslims could be found decrying the terrorist attack, so CNN provided their own ISIS protests with scripted lines, printed protest fliers, and staged where each person should stand with a director. BBC News replays the fake protest, while CNN first denies the staging of the protest, then admits it the following day. Hillary Clinton continues her weekly speeches against Trump, this time siding with the mayor of London, calling his leadership “steady”, siding with the Muslim mayor over the President of the United States. Hillary has previously stated that the Muslim news source Al Jazeera is “real news”, unlike America’s news, while a new Congressional investigation has just begun into her pay-for-play scandal while she was Secretary of State. By the end of the holy month of Ramadan 2017, the death toll reaches over 1,600 infidels.


June 04, 2017 – NBC News attempts to spin the Megyn Kelly interview with Putin. When he was questioned about the Trump-Russia collusion theory, he tells her that people who believe this must have boring lives in order to invent a conspiracy. mir_putin_lashes_out_at_megyn_kelly


June 06, 2017 – A 25 year-old liberal activist and man-hater named Reality Winner is arrested and charged with espionage after it is found that she is the NSA leaker providing information to a leaker news source called The Intercept, and possibly to CNN News’ Anderson Cooper. Several of her social media posts claim that she is an Obama and Bernie Sanders supporter who “resists” President Trump, believes he is a Russian spy, hates men, while one of her posts reads, “being white is terrorism”. CNN, which may be implicated in the classified leaks, publishes an article titled, “The GOP wants to distract you with Reality Winner” claiming, “This is especially rich, by the way, given that Trump himself disclosed classified intelligence to the Russians, compromising our relationships


with some of our most important allies.” The reference refers to the fact that Trump told a Russian ambassador that ISIS has been planning to use laptops as bombs on commercial airlines. A story that had already been reported by American news sources two weeks earlier. The liberal media continues to report that Trump has colluded with Russian agents and with the Kremlin on a nearly daily basis, while the real story is that Winner admits that she admires Osama bin Laden and was planning on moving to Afghanistan. Winner now faces up to 10 years in a federal prison.

June 08, 2017 – Former FBI director James Comey testifies in a Senate Judiciary meeting concerning President Trump’s connections with Russia. Comey states that Trump was at no


time under investigation by the FBI, he never interfered with any probes into Russia, he never colluded with Russia, and that Russia had no impact at all on the 2016 election. He further states that Trump never asked him to end the investigation into Flynn, while answering in vague terms like, “Not with his words”, and implying that Trump’s “body language” made him feel uncomfortable, allowing liberal media to spin the story. All of Comey’s evidence that Trump asked him to end an investigation is based on feelings and body language, while Comey calls himself a “coward” and felt like if he were a “stronger person” he could have “stood up” to Trump. Furthermore, Comey states that Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch did in fact pressure Comey to cover up the FBI investigation into her deleted emails and instructed him to call it “a matter” instead of an investigation when he talked to the press, and admits that there was evidence to charge Lynch, but did not. Trump did ask Comey once if he could state in a press conference that he was not and never was under FBI investigation, but Comey refused. Only after Comey was fired from his position, does he state that he has “personal memos” that prove Trump pressured him; Comey also admits that he is one of the leakers and had sent information a professor at Columbia, who then sent it to The New York Times. Under further questioning, Comey admits that the news stories claiming that Trump is a Russian agent are completely false. The next day, Comey states that he can no longer find the incriminating memos that he took on his FBI laptop, while his friend from Columbia cannot be found at his residence or at the university. After 10 months of liberal media reporting that the Trump transition team had regularly colluded with Russian agents, and that Trump himself was guilty of colluding and giving information to Russia, the narrative falls apart. The New York Times only mentions the Comey Senate hearing on page 19, while Politico’s headline reads “Forget Comey: The Real Story is Russia’s War on America”. USA Today headlines, “Comey Calls Trump a Liar” spinning the story to imply that Trump is the one who lied.


June 13, 2017 – Attorney General Jeff Sessions testifies in open court to the Senate Judiciary Committee. He states that there are zero ties to Russia and the Trump campaign or to Trump himself and that he believes that the political witch hunt is a waste of taxpayer money.

While Senate democrats are attempting to frame Trump and Sessions as Russian agents, 12 Indiana democrats are arrested and charged with voter fraud for falsifying registration for illegal immigrants. The Democrats who now face felony charges, blame the arrests on racism. It is now estimated that Hillary Clinton may have received up to 81% of non-citizen voting, up to 800,000 votes in the presidential election. Obama had stated that zero illegals are registered to vote, while at the same time on live television, he told non-citizens that they would not be arrested if they did vote in the 2016 presidential election.


June 14, 2017 – After several months of liberals calling for the assassination and impeachment of President Trump and his supporters, a leftist Bernie Sanders campaign worker, James T. Hodgkinson, opens fire on a group of Republicans in Alexandria, Virginia, who were practicing for a charity baseball game, injuring four and putting Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise in critical condition. Last Monday, Hodgkinson posted on his social media accounts, what Democrat leaders have been saying, “Trump is guilty and should go to prison for treason!” His accounts also show that he was in a Facebook group called “Terminate Trump”, was part of the “Summer of Resistance”, and voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. He was an avid fan of Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher, who had moved to Alexandria from Illinois in order to assassinate the politicians. He had lived out of his car for two months, staking out the baseball practices. Democrats Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch had literally called for “blood in the streets” after Trump won the presidential election. A liberal article published just an hour after the attack is titled, “Sorry, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any”. CNN immediately states that the shooter isn’t evil, he was “just tired of politics”. NBC incorrectly reports that all of the injured Republicans are white males, one of the victims was a black male and another was an Asian female. Huffington Post reporter tweets that violent resistance needs to be more organized, while CBS News reporter David Leavitt tweets “Kill redneck Trump supporters” just hours after the shooting. The majority of liberals on social media celebrate the shooting while continuing to encourage the assassination of President Trump and have to this date never denounced any act or threatened act of violence against conservative citizens or politicians since election day. Alex Jones of Infowars claims that this was the first shot of the second Civil War, while liberal women on the television show “The View” call Alex Jones “a killer”.


Assassination threats against Trump are not new, there are now over 13,000 that exist on social media. Former President Obama also received death threats on social media, but never from legitimate news sources. Immediately after the shooting, Democrat Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe ridiculously states that 93 million Americans are killed by guns each day.

Four days earlier, Bernie Sanders stated in a speech, “Take your anger out on the right people!� In the past two months, five Bernie Sanders supporters have been charged with espionage and


murder. On April 12th of 2017, The New York Times published an article stating that conservatives would be a soft target while they are practicing baseball in Alexandria, Virginia, naming the public park where the shooting occurred. The liberal media is now literally telling their followers how to assassinate conservative politicians. After two days of liberal media claiming that the shooting was “not political�, the FBI releases a kill list of Republicans that Hodgkinson had intended to assassinate, all of whom are on the Freedom Caucus. On June 19th, a Trump supporter is stabbed nine times leaving a Trump rally. Seven days later at a Trump rally in Iowa, Democrat protesters blew whistles and booed during the moment of silence for Representative Scalise,

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June 16, 2017 – Police officer Jeronimo Yanez is found not guilty in a manslaughter case where he shot and killed a black man, Philando Castile, while his hand was on his unregistered and loaded gun in his pants. Yanez instructed Castile to take his hand off of his gun three times, then when Castile reached for his gun and put his finger on the trigger, Castile was shot seven times. Castile’s girlfriend, “Diamond”, claims that he was just reaching for his driver’s license, and that he was shot due to white supremacy, even though Yanez is Latino. Castile had been driving without brake lights, a muffler, and without insurance at the time of the traffic stop and had 55 tickets from Minnesota police alone, while NBC News incorrectly states that he had only 31. Castile had a history of driving without a license, driving under suspended licenses, driving without insurance, abandoning his vehicle, and was a multiple convicted felon. In every major riot occurring in the past eight years, African-American eye witness reports conflict with the


true story as in the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie that was propagated by the Black Lives Matter and the black community. The girlfriend also claims that the police pulled him over because he was black, that they refused to give medical attention to Castile, Yanez was crying, and had to be comforted by the other policeman instead of tending to a bleeding black man. A jury of nine whites and three blacks, find Yanez not guilty of the misuse of force after watching two live videos of the event. Castile’s family immediately receives $3 million due to the shooting, even though Castile was a criminal who refused to follow a police officer’s instructions. In typical fashion, even though his presidency is over, Barack Hussein Obama once again blames racism in America for the death of a black criminal by police, stoking the flames of racial hatred in black communities. Obama states that this is “symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system… blacks are more likely to be arrested and shot by police, when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk, uh, of our fellow citizenry, um, that feels as if, because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same.”

June 23, 2017 – President Trump signs the VA Accountability Act into law.


June 26, 2017 – CNN interviews the Sesame Street muppet Elmo, who tells the liberal news network how great his trip to a Jordan refugee camp was. Elmo describes his trip to Syria, and claims that the “refugee kids are just like us”. The former voice of Elmo, Kevin Clash, was an African-American pedophile who was accused, but not convicted in 2012 for having sex with an underage boy. Three CNN reporters have been forced to resign as of June 27th, after the Trump/Russia stories they were reporting on were proven to be 100% fake.


June 27, 2017 – Project Veritas releases hidden camera video showing a CNN News producer admitting that the Trump/Russia investigation is based on zero evidence. The CEO of CNN has told them to push it due to ratings alone because Trump is “good for business”, while also admitting that Trump is “probably right to say, like, look, you are witch hunting me.” CNN news anchor Van Jones, who had called Trump’s election “a whitelash!” the night of the election says on a hidden camera video that the Trump/Russia connection is “a nothing-burger”. One day later on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, Van Jones claims that his quote was taken out of context, and that the White House fell for a hoax.

Two days earlier, the FBI states that they are officially investigating Bernie Sanders and his wife for embezzlement and bank fraud. His wife may have been involved in real estate scams, while Sanders claims that this is a witch hunt originating from the Trump campaign. Bernie is an


admitted socialist who claimed that he would break up all banks and stop all hydraulic fracking on his first day of his presidency, while also claiming that all Americans should drive CNG automobiles. es_cnn_producer_admitting_russia_story_is_bullshit_about_ratings.html

June 29, 2017 – Kate’s Law is passed in an attempt to combat the invasion of illegal immigrants and the crime they bring with them. The bill withdraws federal grant money from sanctuary cities who illegally harbor non-citizens to the point of releasing them from jail cells before ICE can show up and deport multiple felons back to Mexico. The law was passed on the two year anniversary of Kate Steinle, who was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had been deported several times, the law also increases the legal penalties for those who attempt to re-enter the United States after their deportation.


277 Obama’s America: The Rise and Fall of a Socialist President June 2017 19 Trump’s America: MAGA June 2017

Compiled and referenced by a true patriot to America: San Antonio 1000

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