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Melasma is a common condition of unknown cause, it is manifested by brown pigmentation of the face, which sometimes triggered after pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives. Melasma is a chronic condition that gets worse in the sun. The strict sunscreen, depigmentation creams and peels help mitigate significantly.
WHAT IS MELASMA? Melasma (Greek melas black) is a greyish-brown pigmentation of the face, the color is more or less supported.Chloasma is a synonym used less (Greek khloasma, yellowish).This is a common condition that affects women in dark skin or colored (phototype III to VI).Melasma is exacerbated by hormonal factors (pill, pregnancy) and sun exposure.Melasma often worsens in the summer period and improves winter. Melasma is a benign condition that poses a cosmetic problem, it often causes significant impairment of quality of life.
WHAT CAUSES FACIAL PIGMENTATION? The exact cause of melasma is unknown, it may occur with the waning of pregnancy or after taking hormonal contraception, the mask of pregnancy.The cause of melasma is often not found.Some cases are familial, but this is not always the rule.Brown pigmentation worsens after sun exposure or use of tanning booths.Recent work incriminating factors of vascular growths or secreted by stem cells. Melasma is a consequence of the excessive production of pigment (melanin) by the cells which normally give color to the skin and make the tan (melanocytes) .. In summary, melasma is the result of an interaction between hormonal factors, family and those of the environment (ultraviolet) which cause an increased and uncontrolled production of pigment in the skin. converted by
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF MELASMA? Melasma results in irregular facial pigmented spots, brown-grayish color. In the variety of facial melasma centro, stains often distributed symmetrically around the eyes.They particularly a ect the forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin, but the upper lip.The variety of melasma mandibular particularly affects the branches of the lower jaw. The light brown color is discreet at rst, she majorises in the summer period and is cleared in winter.Irregular spots spread and darken gradually, they are even darker than dark skin. In pregnancy mask, there is often a pigmentation of the areola, the white line and the vulvar region.
HOW TO TELL IF YOU HAVE A MELASMA OR ANOTHER VARIETY OF FACIAL PIGMENTATION? The diagnosis of Melasma is easy for the dermatologist.A blackish pigmentation and symmetrical middle of the face appearing in a woman and made worse by sunlight is evocative.The existence of dark skin, family history, a recent pregnancy or taking an estrogenprogestin is particularly suspect, but these elements are not always found.
WHAT ARE THE USEFUL EXAMINATIONS TO DETERMINE THE ORIGIN OF FACIAL PIGMENTATION? The ultraviolet light in examination or Wood light theoretically possible to distinguish the super cial part of the color, it darkens when illuminated by black light.Conversely, when the pigment is deep, the color does not change when it is illuminated by black light.When the pigment is super cial, it goes easily with treatment.The pigmentation is often mixed – super cial and deep, that’s why we often eliminate most of the pigment, but it tends to recur at the next solar exposure.
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