Drones Monthly Magazine

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MAY 2015


T h e F u t u r e o f d r o n e T E C HNO L O G Y , I NNO V A T ED T OD A Y

Buying your first drone A beginners guide!

HEXO+ The Autonomous Drone that tracks you

COuld drones be the future of the emergency services

2 5 3 7 9 9 7 3 6 5 7

what to expect from the new phantom 3


3D Robotics introduces Solo, the world’s first smart drone




Could drones be the future of the emergency services

What to expect from the upcoming phantom 3

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World leading drone series continues to innovate

18 2

Your first drone a b beginners guide

Editors comment The first issue of Drones Monthly is upon us, and the past month has been very exciting! With major announcements from two big players in the drone industry, we take a look at the new Phantom 3 and what is proclaimed as being the worlds first smart drone, the Solo from 3D Robotics.

10 3D Robotics introduces Solo, the world’s first smart drone

With Drones now in the spotlight more than ever, we also take a look at how they are saving lives, and where their possible innovation could lead in the future. Emily Seymour Editor Published By Humphrys Media Ltd Contact +44 (0) 20 3289 4075 General enquires info@dronesmonthly.com Editorial & Advertising Press@dronesmonthly.com www.dronesmonthly.com

16 HEXO+ The Autonomous Drone that tracks you

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of material published in Drones Monthly, however the publication excepts no responsibility for the claims or opinions made by advertisers or contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prior consent of the publisher.



Drones map out damage to help deliver aid relief in NEPAL Drones are being implemented to help bring aid to widespread destruction in Nepal, which was hit by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The charity Global Medic are using a number of drones to photograph effected areas, sharing information to ground teams such as where survivors are, landslides what roads are blocked out and much more, aiding in a faster response.


Drones and water do not usually get along but one prototype has been innovated to not only float but tests water quality. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been testing this floating drone which runs of swarm technology which enables collective drones to work together without collisions.

Latest Industry News

The team at MIT are hoping these drones will be able to test water and air cleanliness.

Drones Monthly announce UK Drone Show as official media partners

In this rapidly innovative industry the first consumer drone show has reached UK shores, the show will cater the latest in drone technology from companies on the cutting edge of innovation, whether you are an enthusiast, aerial photographer...just interested in tech or an industry professional, the UK drone show is the event to be at. tickets are on sale now. The event will feature all the very latest aerial and terrestrial drone technology products and will focus on the safe use of drones, CAA regulations and drone industry careers as well as top manufacturer product demonstrations, first person view (FPV) racing and special guests. Included attractions will be filming, flying, product demonstrations, manufacture presentations, speakers, the future of drones in the industry and beyond, FPV racing, 3D (Drone) printing, pilot training, UAV gadgets, specialist software, underwater drone tech, special attractions, video promos, competitions, prizes, and much more.


Man Tasered for filming lava lake with drone in Hawaii Travis Sanders took his familly to Kilauea volcano to witness a rising lava lake, the last thing he expected was to get tasered for using a microdrone to film the night time spectacle.


“My daughter was crying. She was screaming, ‘Leave him alone! I hate you!,and she started going after the park ranger guy,” he confrontation happened after

Sanders was approached by a park ranger who says he refused to cooperate when caught using the drone to video the Kilauea volcano.

Several witnesses who reached out to Hawaiian news channels described the incident as excessive and unnecessary but park officials say their actions were warranted to keep a crowd of hundreds safe. Travis Sanders used a 3inch microdrone to capture the action of the rising lava lake at Halema’uma’u Crater. “A guy approached me in the dark and said, ‘Bring it down!’ and he was very angry. I had no idea he was a ranger. He sounded very angry, confrontational

-- like he wanted to fight -- and I didn’t really want to stick around for it so I just told him, ‘I don’t have ID and I’m leaving’,” described Sanders Apparently the ranger then pursued and tasered him to the ground. It’s illegal to fly an unmanned aircraft in all 407 national parks across the United States and although there were no signs but park officials say it is included in their list of rules on the website. The park officials also went on to say it’s an ongoing investigation, but the law enforcement ranger -- who is certified to carry a taser -- acted in the best interest of public safety.



We take a look at prototypes, concepts and drones currently being used today that could one day radically reduce fatalities. Ambulance prototype drone by Alec Momont

Could Drones be the future for the emergency services? With technological drone advances already being implemented within the emergency services we look at what the future holds for such concepts, before just imagined as science fiction.

Very often throughout the last five years we have see new innovations and technological marvels being released, we have also seen new concepts being implemented into reality.

One such prototype as part of the drones for good project comes from design engineer Alec Momont. With a vision to leverage drone technology to improve global health Alec has designed one such drone with that in mind, the Ambulance drone, which aims to implement a high speed network delivering emergency medical supplies within minutes. Leading to a 10% increase in survival rates. Such a response system could provide the emergency care needed until an ambulance arrives, linked to a live doctor through a remote camera instructions can be given to individuals on the scene.

The Argodesign Concept Drone Another Ambulance drone far from prototype but rather a concept design comes from Texas design company Argodesign. Š olly - Fotolia.com #61534552

Their design looks to be more of a provocation to the manufacturing industry than a serious concept for prototype but still gives us a glimpse into the potential drone technology has saving lives. Such an emergency response drone would be able to land virtually anywhere due to its small size and four rotors. The conceptual solution is that the drone would be contain a single EMT that would would stabilize a patient, load him up and take them back t hospital for treatment. Although such a concept may appear wild at this stage, but with lighter material innovation such an idea could become a reality, drones are currently becoming faster, bigger and cheaper so it is not  implausible to see this type of response vehicle in the future.

As a the Ambulace drone has a speed of 100km/h and the ability to avoid roads and traffic this could be one prototype we may be seeing implemented by emergency services very soon.



So what about search AND RESCUE?

advanced sensors and sophisticated computer vision will path the way for search technology

Š prochkailo - Fotolia.com #68198034

GimBall Just one rescue drone deviating from a conventional design Whether the scene is a burning building, devastation zone or a vast land of wildness there is currently drones being developed for every application. The Gimball is one such prototype, The recent Drones for Good winners Flyability, a Swiss start up company received $1 million in prize money for their unique design which sits inside a carbon fibre cage protecting it from its environment, this keeps the drone flying after minor collisions, in addition to this the cage protects any found survivors from harm due to any moving parts, a potential problem with more conventional drones especially in a confined environment such as a building or wreckage.


“It solves multiple challenges in inspection of industrial facilities, rail and roadways, firefighting, search and rescue, marketing and communication as well as law enforcement�

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3D Robotics introduces Solo, the world’s first smart drone

“Solo is a breakthrough in intelligent flight. It’s not just smarter so that it can do more; it’s smarter so that you have to do less. We’ve turned the Hollywood toolkit into software, and allowed everyone to experience epic video, both behind and in front of the camera.”. — Chris Anderson, CEO 3D Robotics


Purpose-built aerial photography controller Meet the Solo, an all-in-one personal drone whose ease of use and powerful new features kick off a new aerial age. With computing power unmatched in the industry— from two integrated Linux computers, one on the craft and one in the controller— Solo delivers several worldfirst technologies, such as unfettered in-flight access to GoPro controls, including wireless HD streaming straight to mobile devices, and effortless computer-assisted

Smart Shot flight features that allow even new pilots to capture professional aerial video from day one. “We set out a year ago with the promise of not just creating the best drone, but the best overall aerial filmmaking experience imaginable. While this meant giving Solo smooth and powerful flight dynamics, it also demanded we make a smarter drone, one that could abstract users from flying so they can focus on getting great video,” said Colin Guinn, Chief Revenue Officer of 3DR. “What our users really want is great shots. They want professional tools that enable them to get those shots easily and consistently, right out of the box. Solo delivers on this promise: You get the shot, every time.”

“Solo will expand our concept of what a drone can be and do,” said Chris Anderson, CEO of 3DR.

“Solo uses advanced autonomy to make creativity easier. Rather than needing skill to capture a great shot, you can let the software do the work. Even better, you can be in the shot— you can be the subject of your life’s story, not just the director.”



Experience effortless flight Effortless flight means effortless filming—less flight control; more creative control. Solo makes flying easier than it’s ever been with smooth and authoritative GPS satellite-guided flight, which also features auto takeoff and land, return home and the ability to instantly hit an e-brake and pause your flight midair. All these features are immediately accessible through the Solo mobile app or dedicated buttons on Solo’s remote controller.


Future expandability Solo was built from the ground up to be future-proof. To accommodate future technologies and expansion options, we’ve included a gimbal bay, an accessory bay and easy-to-swap motor pods with integrated speed controllers. The gimbal bay enables other companies to make specific plug-and-play gimbals or imaging devices, providing these devices with the HD feed to Solo’s mobile app, full camera control and even access to Solo’s computing power.


Computer assisted cinematography

The first ever consumer drone run by two full-blown computers

Solo’s intelligence unlocks powerful and one-of-a-kind computer-assisted Smart Shots (patent pending).

With a 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A9-powered Linux computer running on both the copter and the controller, Solo’s intelligence unleashes nearly limitless possibility and future expandability. Because we use the onboard computer’s Flight time: up to 25 min processing power to do the heavy lifting, the autowithout payload, or up to pilot becomes the “brainstem,” exclusively focused 20 min with GoPro and Solo on executing the rudiments of stable and reliable Gimbal flight, while the computer serves as Solo’s “frontal cortex” and handles the higher-level processing; Controller battery life of up this task distribution dramatically reduces the to 4 hours; built-in rechargeable likelihood of autopilot system failure during battery (8 hours with optional flight. Solo’s smart technology not only extended battery) allows us to introduce many industry-first capabilities today, but also gives us the Weight: 1500 g; 1800 g with Solo Gimbal and ability to unlock future technologies— GoPro everything from a next-gen Follow mode to computer vision and true Autopilot: Pixhawk 2 artificial intelligence.


Video latency: 180 ms Wifi range: up to half a mile, depending on environment



World leading drone series continues to innovate

What to expect from the new Phantom 3 Since Frank Wang founded DJI back in 2006 it has become the Phantom series that has become a worldwide sensation with their drones been spotted all over the world, with their drone series coming straight out of the box that suits to a professional use of aerial photography but easy enough for novices to get to grips with. The last few years have seen a boom in drone advances, new innovations and while there are some impressive models out there DJI are still a global giant as far as drone companies go. Since the Phantom vision+ we have had a glimpse at where DJI were going in regards to aerial photography, which brings us to the Phantom 3


DJI unveiled at a press event simultaneously in New York, London, and Munich, the newest model, the Phantom 3, and two models will be available, the Professional and the Advanced. The Global drone manufacturer have announced at the press event that shipping should start within weeks with a suggested retail price of around ÂŁ850 for the Professional and ÂŁ680 for the Advanced models The new model appears to be a vision 2+ on steroids hosting several critical updates to the hardware and software making this the beast of the bunch.

So whats new? A Far as the visuals go the Phantom has not really changed apart from the colour of the stripes which are now Gold for the Professional and silver for the Advanced model.

Key Features EASY TO FLY

Visual Positioning System: The craft has a new downward facing camera enabling the Phantom 3 to hold its position without GPS, a new Russian based satellite-based navigation system has also been implemented, these two systems allows the craft to locate a satellite signal more efficiently

Built in Lightbridge System: Previously an expensive add on with tiresome installation this system now comes built in with the Phantom 3, this system streams live HD video to the pilot up to 2km away, allowing the footage to be retained if say...you destroy the drone in an inhospitable environment.

Improved Camera: The professional comes with the 4K we saw with the Inspire one, while the Advanced comes with a 1080p HD Both can capture 12 megapixel still photos.

iOS and Android App Upgraded: The Phantom 3 comes with the newly improved app included with the recently released Inspire one, this includes a flight simulator enabling practice without the risk of crashing the drone.


Live link to youtube: You will be able to share a live stream with your friends via a link on youtube, this enables the pilot to show the aerial footage live.

“Pilots, whether they are journalists, extreme athletes, or global travelers — will not just be able to share aerial videos of where they were, but will also be able to send a YouTube link to their friends and colleagues to show them the aerial perspectives of where they are right now, ”This has tremendous potential for changing the way we share experiences with one another.” - DJI’s San Francisco General Manager Eric Cheng.



No one to hold the camera? Not a problem with HEXO+

HEXO+ The Autonomous Drone that tracks you


EXO+ radically changes the way footage is captured and action sports are documented, making Hollywood style shots accessible to all with its unique user tracking system and camera movements’ library. HEXO+ has been awarded at CES in Las Vegas earlier this month as best

“As a rider and filmmaker, I wanted to capture myself in action from a bird’s view, but getting an helicopter or a crew to pilot a drone following me is expensive and cumbersome. HEXO+ is the perfect rider’s companion to make amazing footage from above without a pilot”.

- Xavier De Le Rue


Drone of CES by Video maker, Best of CES by iPhoneLife and Showstopper « envisioneering innovation and design » award HEXO+ is incredibly easy to set up anywhere – simply use your smartphone app to set it on whatever path you desire to film you, and then focus solely on living the moment. This simple, hands-free process allows for total creativity. Complex shots suddenly become straightforward, and the user can become both director and star of its own movie. HEXO+ captures your best actions in stunning, artistic ways, without anyone being left out of the picture..

“As a filmmaker, exploring the world, doing more with less and having the possibility to get aerial shoot in the most remote places will allow us to bring back more of a story to share.” - Renan Öztürk,

HEXO+ discover Freedom of Movement

HEXO+ is a flying camera that follows and films you autonomously. Just attach your GoPro to your drone, set your framing in the app and you’re good to go! This package includes : • HEXO+ drone, • 3D gimbal with GoPro Mount • HEXO+ App “The Director’s Toolkit”

Using your smartphone the Hexo+ autonomously tracks you ensuring you remain in shot, whether you snowboarding or running you can also choose to capture yourself in action from any angle, front, back, sides, above and everywhere in between, close up or far away. Enjoy the important stuff, the filming is taken care of, hands free.

Key Features Easy to Use Set the framing on your smartphone, the drone does the rest; from take-off to landing.

Smart and Autonomous No remote control necessary; HEXO+ follows your movements to maintain your framing.

Extra Stable Footage Hexacopter design and 2D or 3D brushless gimbal for smooth filming.



Beginners guide Your first drone So what exactly is a drone? Drones are a type of aircraft that have no onboard pilot, known as (UAVs) Unmanned aerial vehicles, which are controlled by a pilot from the ground (RPVs) remotely piloted vehicles, some drones have built in GPS and can be autonomously (independent) or have a pre-programmed flight. Different drones Different systems Lets start with the rotary wing (quad/multi-copters) a control system that can transition between two lifting modes. For vertical flight and hovering, it spins to act as a rotary wing or rotor, and for forward flight at speed it stops to act as a fixed wing, which makes it a good choice for aerial photography. Helicopters (rotary wing) have flight controls that allows pilots to control the throttle, cyclic controls (pitch and roll), and the tail rotor, this enables the helicopter to perform the same maneuvers as full size helicopters. Planes (Fixed wing aircraft) have a control system that allows you to control the throttle for speed & rudder (yew), ailerons (roll) elevators (pitch) to act like a real aircraft, some even have retractable landing gear. Getting your first drone. If you have never piloted a drone before your best option would be to start off with something small like a mini quadcopter or helicopter which can be used indoors so you can get a feel for it, start off slow dont rush into it or dont fly them near people until you are confident enough, when you feel that you have mastered your drone and you know its limits, then its time for an upgrade, do some research into the type of drone you want and check out the reviews & online videos before you buy.


Coreless Motor

Lightweight airframe

2.4GHz 4 Channel 6-axis flight control system 0.3 MP Camera

We recommend the Hudsan X4 H107C as a perfect drone for beginners, it can be used indoors and outdoors (on a dry day with minimal wind). it comes in several colors. It comes with a built in camera so you can get that areal view, it is has 4 coreless motors & can preform flips (forward,backwards,left,right) and has a flight time or 7 minutes. With a 40 minutes charge time. For more info search hudsan X4 H107C

As you can Imagen small drones are simple but very fun to play with and can become addictive, showing off how many flips you can do without losing control, but remember if you are flying these outdoors to always make sure you fly in a safe area away from airports like a field or a park that is away from play areas and away from members of the public, so you don’t cause injury as some drones can be heavy and could cause injury if not operated correctly, lastly be aware of dangers such as powerful cables. Once you are ready to upgrade and have done your research into other drones,, you don’t want to stick with just a small

drone as this could lead to a loss of interest, different drones suit different people find the drone that has your name on it, if you are looking to do some Ariel photography then stick to quad/multi-copters as they can have built in GPS and powerful HD camera’s depending on the version and brand that you buy, or if you are looking for the sport side of it you can buy a drone like the AirDog that is completely autonomously all the way from take-off to landing, it has a GoPro mount with a gimbal allowing you to just focus on the action to and it will follow you around capturing those awesome moments.



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