May 30 issue

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May 30, 2013 Volume 86, Issue 5


College Issue


Masthead staff list

editorial policy

----------Staff  Writers Tom  Ackerman Molly  Bruns Ryanne  Bruns Michael  Gasick Rachael  Girmscheid Elise  Houcek Kyle  Laska                  Staff  Email Emily  Luce  Emily  Malecha   Danielle  Matheo                Gabi  MuĂąoz                            Ava  Polzin                                     Bailey  Schmid Tyler  Skinner Abigail  St.  Claire Sara  Thunga Madalyn  Wanbaugh Taylor  Zant Alex  Zoellick Faculty  Adviser Michael  Gluskin   Â

May 30, 2013 -----------

The  following  is  an  abbreviated  version  of  the  editorial  and  advertising  policies  of  Drops  of  Ink,  the  Libertyville  High  School  student  news  publication.  To  see  the  full  policy,  view  our  website.

STAFF  WRITING:  Drops  of  Ink  staffers  will  attempt  to  produce  the  most  well-­â€?written,  ac-­â€? curate,  balanced  and  informative  articles  pos-­â€? sible.  Community  members  and  other  readers  should  be  aware,  however,  that  the  high  school  staff  members  are  learners  of  the  journalistic  process  and  are  journalists  in  training.  The  staff  members  aim  to  meet  professional  jour-­â€? nalistic  standards  but  cannot  reasonably  be  expected  to  do  so  in  all  situations.  Construc-­â€? tive  criticism  is  welcomed,  while  ridicule  is  of  little  value.  Writers  directly  involved  with  a  particular  sport  or  organization  will  not  write  articles  relating  to  that  organization,  so  as  to  meet  the  goal  of  objectivity  in  writing  and  to  ÂƒÂ˜Â‘ܠ ƒ …‘Â?Ď?Ž‹…– ‘ˆ ‹Â?–‡”‡•–Ǥ

staff  or  of  District  128  members.

CONTENT:  Drops  of  Ink  operates  under  as  designated  public  forum  where  student  edi-­â€? –‘”• Â?ƒÂ?‡ ƒŽŽ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ …‘Â?–‡Â?– †‡…‹•‹‘Â?•Ǥ Drops  of  Ink  is  not  reviewed  by  anyone  in  the  District  128  administration  prior  to  publication,  but  it  is  expected  to  abide  by  the  school  board’s  publications  policy.  The  adviser  will  act  as  one  who  makes  sure  this  happens.  The  right  to  make  any  editorial  changes  or  operating  deci-­â€? sions  rests  with  the  editorial  board,  and  more  Â•Â’‡…‹Ď?Â‹Â…ÂƒÂŽÂŽÂ›ÇĄ –Š‡ Â†Â‹Â–Â‘Â”Č‹Â•ČŒÇŚÂ‹Â?ÇŚ Š‹‡ˆǢ ÂŠÂ‘Â™Â‡Â˜Â‡Â”ÇĄ the  District  128  administration  does  have  the  authority  to  edit  or  delete  material  that  is  inconsistent  with  the  District’s  educational  mission.

LETTERS  TO  THE  EDITOR:  Letters  will  be  printed  as  submitted  unless  any  portion  of  the  letter  is  in  poor  taste,  libelous  or  unnecessary  to  the  understanding  of  the  writer’s  message.  Letters  should  be  no  more  than  350  words  Â‹Â? Ž‡Â?‰–Š ȋ–›’‡†ǥ Â†Â‘Â—Â„ÂŽÂ‡ÇŚÂ•Â’ÂƒÂ…Â‡Â†ČŒǢ –Š‡ •–ƒˆˆ of  Drops  of  Ink  reserves  the  right  to  edit  any  letters  longer  than  350  words.  Submissions  must  include  the  writer’s  name  and  phone  Â?—Â?„‡”Ǣ —Â?•‹‰Â?‡† Ž‡––‡”• ™‹ŽŽ Â?‘– „‡ ’”‹Â?–‡†Ǥ Drops  of  Ink  will  withhold  the  writer’s  name  upon  request  only  if  circumstances  warrant  its  absence,  and  only  at  the  discretion  of  the  Â†Â‹Â–Â‘Â”Č‹Â•ČŒÇŚÂ‹Â?ÇŚ Š‹‡ˆǤ    Opinions  expressed  in  a  letter  to  the  editor  do  not  represent  the  opinions  of  the  Drops  of  Ink  staff,  their  advertisers,  or  District  128.  Let-­â€? ters  will  be  printed  as  space  permits.

   Freelance  writing  will  be  accepted,  but  priority  for  placement  is  given  to  those  articles  assigned  to  class  members.  Freelance  photographs  are  also  subject  to  the  terms  for  freelance  writings.

COLUMNISTS  AND  CARTOONISTS:  Colum-­â€? nists  and  cartoonists  are  held  to  the  same  editorial  standards  applied  to  other  parts  of  Â–Š‡ ’ƒ’‡” ƒÂ?† †‘ Â?‘– Â?‡…‡••ƒ”‹Ž› ”‡Ď?Ž‡…– –Š‡ opinions  of  the  Drops  of  Ink  editorial  board,  its Â

ADVERTISING:  Drops  of  Ink  accepts  adver-­â€? –‹•‡Â?‡Â?–• ‘ˆ ˜ƒ”›‹Â?‰ •‹œ‡• Č‹ÂŠÂƒÂŽÂˆ ƒÂ?† ÂˆÂ—ÂŽÂŽÇŚÂ’ÂƒÂ‰Â‡ČŒ for  its  print  issues  and  advertisements  of  a  set  Â•Â‹ÂœÂ‡ ˆ‘” ‹–• ™‡„•‹–‡ Č‹ͳͺ͡ ’‹š‡Ž• š ;͚Ͳ Â’Â‹ÂšÂ‡ÂŽÂ•ČŒǤ Ad  rates  vary  from  $50-­â€?$120.  Ads  are  accepted  in  a  variety  of  electronic  formats  and  as  at-­â€? tachments  in  email  in  most  cases.   We  reserve  the  rights  to  reject  any  proposed  advertise-­â€? ment  for  any  reason.   Advertisements  that  will  not  be  accepted,  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:   advertisements  for  any  products  or  ser-­â€? vices  that  would  be  illegal  or  against  District  Â’‘Ž‹…› ˆ‘” Â?‹Â?‘”• –‘ ’‘••‡•• ‘” —•‡Ǣ ’ƒ”–‹•ƒÂ? ’‘Ž‹–‹…ƒŽ ƒ†˜‡”–‹•‡Â?‡Â?–•Ǣ ƒ†˜‡”–‹•‡Â?‡Â?–• ”‡ˆ-­â€? ‡”‡Â?…‹Â?‰ǥ ’”‘Â?‘–‹Â?‰ǥ ‘” †‹•’ƒ”ƒ‰‹Â?‰ ”‡Ž‹‰‹‘Â?Ǣ advertisements  containing  copyright  viola-­â€? –‹‘Â?•Ǣ ƒ†˜‡”–‹•‡Â?‡Â?–• ”‡ˆ‡”‡Â?…‹Â?‰ ƒ ’ƒ”–‹…—Žƒ” ’‡”•‘Â? ȋ‹Â?…Ž—†‹Â?‰ ’‡”•‘Â?ƒŽ ÂƒÂ†Â•ČŒǢ ƒÂ?† ƒÂ?› advertisements  promoting  goods,  services,  messages,  or  activities  inconsistent  with  the  District’s  mission,  policies,  or  curriculum.   The  remedy  for  any  cancelled  advertisement  shall  be  limited  to  a  refund  of  any  prepaid  fees.

PURPOSE:  Drops  of  Ink  is  a  student-­â€?written,  edited  and  produced  high  school  publication  that  acts  as  a  service  to  the  school  and  greater  community  of  Libertyville,  bringing  news  of  events  affecting  our  readership  as  well  as  other  education  and  entertainment.  Drops  of  Ink  is  a  class  for  credit  at  Libertyville  High  School—not  an  extra-­â€?curricular  activity— for  student  journalists,  graphic  artists  and  photographers.  Students  interested  in  joining  Drops  of  Ink  need  to  enroll  in  the  course  and  be  accepted  through  an  application  process  in  order  to  be  in  the  class.

T-­Shirt Quilt Got  a  lot  of  T-­â€?shirts  that  you  don’t  know  what  to  do  with?  Let  me  turn  them  into  a  quilt  that  will  look  great  on  your  bed  at  home  or  on  your  lap  at  the  game!   A  T-­â€?shirt  quilt  is  a  great  gift  for  high  school  grads.   Prices  start  a  $125  plus  the  cost  of  materials.   Call  Debbie  Jacobson  at  847-­â€?347-­â€?9435.

PROFANITY:  Drops  of  Ink  will  refrain  from  the  use  of  profanity  except  in  direct  quotes  and  only  when  the  meaning  or  connotation  of  the  direct  quote  warrants  its  use.  Gratuitous  use  of  profanity  is  always  discouraged. ERRORS:  The  Drops  of  Ink  staff  regrets  all  factual  errors.  Any  factual  statement  requiring  a  correction  must  be  brought  to  the  attention  Â‘ˆ –Š‡ Â†Â‹Â–Â‘Â”Č‹Â•ČŒ ‹Â? Š‹‡ˆǤ ‘””‡…–‹‘Â?• ™‹ŽŽ appear  in  following  printed  issues,  if  printed,  or  will  be  changed  directly,  if  online.  Online  corrections  will  be  noted  so  readers  are  aware  of  the  change.


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Table of Contents

May 30, 2013

what’s inside

4-5 8-11 12-13

News  Briefs

Wegren  to  capture  â€œFour  Years  in  a  Flashâ€?  at  gradu-­â€? ation;  Executive  Board  for  2013-­â€?14  school  year  an-­â€? nounced;  The  end  of  an  Era

Ryanne  Bruns Staff  Writer

Š‡ ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ ‹•– Drops  of  Ink  presents  the  annual  list  of  where  stu-­â€? dents  are  heading  to  college

Graduate  Game  Plans  While  some  students  are  going  the  traditional  four-­â€? year  college  route,  others  are  entering  the  military  or  not  attending  college  right  away.

15 16 Make  Your  Bed  (Awesome) 17 What’s  Trending  for  Summer ‘ŽŽ‡‰‡ —‹†‡ –‘ ‡ƒŽ–Š› ƒ––‹Â?‰

Š‡…Â? ‘—– –Š‹• Ž‹•– ‘ˆ Â‡ÂƒÂ•Â›ÇŚÂ–Â‘ÇŚÂ?ƒÂ?‡ ”‡…‹‡’‡• ˆ‘” …‘Ž-­â€? lege  students  so  that  you  don’t  go  broke  next  year.

A  collection  of  what  will  be  trending  for  when  you  decorate  your  college  dorm  room. Â

A  guide  to  what  DOI  suggests  will  be  in  style  for  the  summer

18-19 Summer  Music  Festivals!

An  overview  of  some  of  this  summer’s  best  music  events  happening  in  the  area

21-23 A  Written  Portrait Â

A  close  look  at  some  of  senior  Forrest  Wagner’s  talented  artwork

25 Hot  Seat 26-29 Opinion

Math  teacher  Tim  Budge  took  time  with  us  to  answer  a  few  questions  about  himself. Â

Staff  Editorial:  A  review  of  the  2012-­â€?13  school  year;  Saying  goodbye  to  Libertyville;  Too  much  ÂŠÂ‘Â?‡™‘”Â? •–‹Ď?Ž‹Â?‰ •–—†‡Â?–•ǍǢ •–—†‡Â?–• lucky  to  use  phones Â

30-32 Moving  Up 33 Who  To  Watch  For 34-35 On  the  Varsity  Sidelines

See  which  LHS  senior  athletes  will  be  competing  again  next  year  in  college.

Find  out  which  up-­â€?and-­â€?coming  athletes  will  play  big  roles  for  their  teams  next  year. A  recap  of  the  spring  sports  season  in  photos.

Photos  credits  for  the  cover:  Row  1  (left  to  right):  Kelly  Conway,  Arizona  State;  Illinois  State  campus Row  2:  Arizona  State  campus,  taken  by  Kelly  Conway;  Haley  Becker,  Illinois  State;  Emily  Sickert,  Butler Row  3:  University  of  Missouri  campus; Lauren  Watson  and  Steve  Poulos,      Â

University  of  Indiana;   Iowa  State  Uni-­â€? versity  Campus;  google Row  4:  Jessie  Bowser,  University  of  Missouri;  University  of  Indiana  campus;  Lauren  Dohse  and  Brittney  Morin;  Iowa  State  University

letter to the readers

Dear  Readers,    This  issue  is  known  to  be  one  of  the  favorites  among  the  student  body.  In  this Â

very  last  issue  of  Drops  of  Ink,  we  created  the  annual  list  of  all  the  seniors  head-­â€? ed  to  college  next  year.  It’s  crazy  to  think  that  I’ll  be  headed  into  that  direction  along  with  493  of  you.  Wow,  can  you  believe  it?  Four  years  ago,  we  were  walking  Â‹Â?–‘ –Š‡ Ď?‹”•– †ƒ› ‘ˆ ˆ”‡•ŠÂ?ƒÂ? ›‡ƒ” –Š‹Â?Â?‹Â?‰ ‹– ™‘—Ž† „‡ ˆ‘”‡˜‡” —Â?–‹Ž –Š‡› Ď?‹Â?ƒŽŽ› let  us  out  of  here.  Well,  now  looking  back  at  all  we  have  done  together,  I’m  really  going  to  miss  assemblies,  Friday  night  football  games,  dances,  and  all  the  great  times  we  had  together.     Now,   for  the  seniors,  tomorrow  is  our  last  real  day  of  school  here  at  LHS.  After  tomorrow,  we  leave  forever  as  a  Wildcat  and  onto  whatever  mascot  will  welcome  you  next.  I  hope  that  all  of  you  head  off  into  the  future  and  remember  LHS  as  a  part  of  your  life  you  will  never  forget.  And,  to  you  underclassman,  really  take  in  your  time  here  at  LHS  because  in  a  second,  it’s  gone.  I  know  the  cliche  â€œit’s  gone  before  you  know  itâ€?,  is  used  to  often,  but  it  really  is,  so  take  my  advice  and  take  every  opportunity  you  have  at  LHS. Ž•‘ ‹Â?…Ž—†‡† ‹Â? –Š‹• ‹••—‡ ›‘— …ƒÂ? Ď?‹Â?† ƒ ’”‘Ď?‹Ž‡ ‘Â? –Š‡ ƒ”–•› ‘””‡•– ƒ‰Â?‡”Ǥ Next,  Drops  of  Ink  includes  a  guide  to  the  best  summer  concert  festivals.  In  the  sports  section,  read  about  our  athletes  who  will  be  playing  in  college  as  well.  Also  check  out  a  few  of  our  online  stories  at  We  have  some  really  good  articles  on  there  including  one  about  what  really  happens  during  a  lock-­â€? down  drill  and  another  on  advice  for  juniors  about  college.  Â–Š‘—‰Š– ™‘—Ž† ƒŽ•‘ Ž‡– ›‘— ƒŽŽ Â?Â?‘™ ƒ„‘—– ‘—” •–ƒˆˆ Ď?‹‡Ž† –”‹’ –‘ ƒÂ? ”ƒÂ?-­â€? cisco.  Drops  of  Ink –‘‘Â? ƒ Ď?‹‡Ž† –”‹’ –‘ ƒŽ‹ˆ‘”Â?‹ƒ Žƒ•– Â?‘Â?–Š ˆ‘” ƒ Œ‘—”Â?ƒŽ‹•Â? …‘Â?-­â€? vention  together  as  a  staff.  We  stayed  in  the  heart  of  the  city  and  enjoyed  many  touristy  things,  such  as  Ghirardelli  Square,  where  we  ate  a  ton  of  wonderful  chocolate  and  took  pictures  in  front  of  the  Golden  Gate  Bridge.   Next,  we  visited  Alcatraz  and  took  a  tour  around  the  prison,  which  was  pretty  cool.  We  got  to  see  what  it  was  like  to  be  in  prison  for  a  couple  hours.  It  was  an  awesome  time  for  us  as  a  staff  to  bond  and  come  up  with  wonderful  ideas  for  you  for  next  year.     Lastly,  I  just  want  to  thank  the  readers  for  helping  us  out  this  year.  Not  only  is  this  the  last  issue  of  Drops  of  Ink  for  this  school  year,  but  it’s  my  last  Drops  of  Ink  ever.  We  had  some  good  times  as  a  Drops  of  Ink  staff,  from  the  Wall  of  G,  consist-­â€? ing  of  pictures  of  Mr.  Gluskin’s  head  attached  to  random  celebrities,  to  singing  Dz ƒŽ‹ˆ‘”Â?‹ƒ ‹”Ž•dz ‘Â? –Š‡ ™ƒ› –‘ ƒÂ? ”ƒÂ?Ǥ Š‘’‡ ›‘— ‡Â?Œ‘›‡† ”‡ƒ†‹Â?‰ ƒŽŽ –Š‡ ‹•-­â€? sues  as  much  as  we  loved  creating  them  for  you.  Have  an  awesome  summer  and  for  you  seniors,  enjoy  your  time  next  year  wherever  you  are  headed!


4 News

May 30, 2013

Executive Board for 2013-14 school year announced By Kyle Laska The results are in, the polls for the 2013-­‐14 Student Council elections have closed, and it ap-­‐ pears as though the girls are taking over. In the election for executive board, sophomore Shannon Roche became the new president, and will work alongside the new vice president, sophomore Alex Yoor. Roche, who hopes to make school more enjoyable, isn’t going to just jump in and implement her own rules. “Before I make any changes with the school, I want to hear what the other students have to Ǥ ǯ ϐ ǡdz Roche. Roche looks to improve school events like dances, and town events like football games, by making them more enjoyable and fun for people to go to. Roche also looks to increase the amount of fundraisers during the school year. Dz ǯ ϐ ǯ ǡdz Roche. Yoor is also excited for the role, and looks to make the school more productive and increase the involvement among students in school-­‐related events. Dz ǯ ϐ -­‐ dent’s absence, I’ll take over at meetings and such,” explained Yoor. The board will also be complete with a few other members. Sophomore Abby Militante will be treasurer, sophomore Jenny Pahng will be corresponding secretary, and junior Kayla Stokes will be recording secretary. However, the Student Council goes nowhere without the help of Dr. Sara Rogers. As the coordinator, she makes sure everything is running smoothly. Even in the elections, she has a lot to do. “I advertise the positions, create the petitions and work with the web page director to get the elections posted and calculated correctly,” stated Rogers.

Shannon Roche, left, and Alex Yoor, right, will look to make improvements after being elected to the executive board

Wegren to capture “Four Years in a Flash” at graduation By Molly Bruns Senior Travis Wegren will be this year’s graduation speaker when the graduating class of 2013 gathers at the Sears Centre on Friday, June 7. There is one phrase that stands out to Wegren and that phrase is “Four Years In a Flash.” He heard this quote while working with Cat-­‐TV at the countless number of orientations he Ǥ ϐ class of 2013 has spent together. ϐ class with Mrs. Amy Wiggins. For one of the last assignments in the class, Wegren got to choose a type of speech to perform to the class. He decided to try a graduation speech. “I really wanted to capture the sense of community and support that LHS has offered each of us through friends, teachers and family,” said Wegren. After delivering this speech to his class, Wegren decided to audition for the graduation speech. ϐ Ǥ instruction packet of guidelines but Wegren stated there were really no requirements for the speech. “Those directions make writing it interesting, yet stressful because you either nail it, or go totally off topic,” said Wegren. Tryouts were held on the PSAE testing day. On this day, all seniors had a day off. The speech auditions were held in the Studio Theater. The speech committee was made up of various faculty members, including Dr. Scott, Mrs. Kruckman, Ms. Belstra, Mrs. Angelos, Dr. Rogers, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Uliks. Dz ϐ ǡ ǡdz Ǥ Angelos, a counselor. Wegren expressed that the tryout process was stressful because you only have one shot to make it or break it. His speech went around 15 minutes. “I was comfortable with my speech, so I felt good about my presentation after leaving,” said Wegren.

May 30, 2013



The End of an Era

By  Alex  Zoellick

š…‹–‡Â?‡Â?– ‹• ‹Â? –Š‡ ƒ‹” ĥ –Š‡ •…Š‘‘Ž ›‡ƒ” ™‹Â?†• †‘™Â?ÇŁ ˆ”‡•ŠÂ?‡Â? ƒ”‡ ‡ƒ‰‡” –‘ Ž‘•‡ –Š‡ †”‡ƒ†‡† Dzˆ”‡•ŠÂ?ƒÂ?Çł Â–ÂƒÂ‰ÇĄ Œ—Â?‹‘”• ™‹ŽŽ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽŽ› ‰‡– –Š‡‹” chance  to  be  the  Big  Kids  on  campus  and  seniors  are  looking  forward  to  graduation  and  college.  The  seniors  aren’t  the  only  ones  graduating  ÂˆÂ”‘Â? –Š‹• Â›Â‡ÂƒÂ”ÇĄ –Š‘—‰Šǣ Â?ƒÂ?› •–ƒˆˆ Â?‡Â?„‡”• ™‹ŽŽ „‡ Dz‰”ƒ†—ƒ–‹Â?‰dz ™‹–Š –Š‡ …Žƒ•• ‘ˆ ʹͲͳ; –Š‹• ›‡ƒ”Ǥ

Kathy  Colon  -­â€?  Special  Services  Supervisor

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  27  years What  is  the  best  part  about  working  at  LHS?:  The  LHS  Community:  Students,  staff,  parents. What  was  your  favorite  LHS  Event  to  Attend?:  â€œI  probably,  more  regularly  go  to  more  sporting  events  and  things  like  that.  Fine  arts,  that’s  one  of  Â–Š‡ –Š‹Â?‰• ”‡‰”‡–ǥ ™‹•Š Šƒ† ‰‘Â?‡ –‘ Â?‘”‡ Ď?‹Â?‡ ƒ”–• ‡˜‡Â?–•Ǥdz Do  you  have  any  plans  for  retirement?:  Seeing  her  niece  graduate  in  Ireland  from  the  National  University  of  Ireland,  Maynooth  in  October.

Dianne  Fischer  -­â€?  Social  Studies  Teacher

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  26  years Faorite  LHS  Event  to  Attend?:  â€œFootball  games.  I  love  the  football  games.  I  love  the  football  games.  I  only  live  a  block  away  but  I’ll  Â’”‘„ƒ„Ž› Â?‡‡’ ƒ––‡Â?†‹Â?‰ –Š‘•‡Ǩdz What  are  you  going  to  miss  most?:  â€œMy  students.  I  will  miss  my  students.  I  love  com-­â€? ing  into  the  building  and  hearing  â€˜Hello  Mrs.  Fischer,  good  morning  Mrs.  Fischer,  Hey  Fisch!’  I  love  that!  It  really  makes  Â?› †ƒ›Ǩ Šƒ– ‹• ™Šƒ– ™‹ŽŽ Â?‹•• –Š‡ Â?‘•–Ǩdz What  are  you  going  to  miss  least?:  â€œI  will  miss  the  least,  some  of  the  language  I  hear  in  the  halls  these  days.  Some  of  what  I  would  consider  Â‹Â?ƒ’’”‘’”‹ƒ–‡ ™ƒ”†”‘„‡Ǥdz

Gwen  Markson  -­â€?  Special          Services  Aide Â

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  11  years What  is  the  best  Part  about  working  at  LHS?:  Colleagues  and  Students What  are  you  going  to  miss  most?:  People  she  has  grown  close  to  at  LHS What  are  you  going  to  miss  least?:  â€œWithout  a  doubt,  it's  the  4:40  a.m.  alarm  telling  me  it's  time  to  head  to  the  YMCA  [to  work  out].  I  will  NOT  Â?‹•• –Šƒ– „—œœ‹Â?‰Ǥdz What  are  your  plans  for  retirement?:   â€œI  will  continue  to  bowl  in  com-­â€? ’‡–‹–‹˜‡ –‘—”Â?ƒÂ?‡Â?–• ƒÂ?† ™‹Â? –Š‡ ‘˜‡” ͸Ͳ †‹˜‹•‹‘Â? Č‹ ̾ŽŽ –”› ƒÂ?›™ƒ›•ǤǤǤČŒǤdz Mrs.  Markson  wants  to  join  a  book  club,  move  just  north  of  San  Francisco,  learn  to  play  harmonica,  camping,  gardening,  caring  for  birds.

Mary  Madura  -­â€?  Tech  Services

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  12  years,  11  months What  was  the  best  part  about  working  at  LHS?:  Not  being  stuck  in  a  desk  all  day. What  are  you  going  to  miss  most?:  Students,  staff,  and  the  bell  schedule What  are  you  going  to  miss  least?:  Reconnect-­â€? ing  all  the  computers Do  you  have  any  plans  for  retirement?:  Watching  her  daughter  gradu-­â€? ate  from  Bradley

Maryjo  Robins  -­â€?  Drop-­â€?in  Lab  (IRC)  Aide

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  14  years What  is  the  best  part  about  working  at  LHS?:  Dz ‘”Â?‹Â?‰ ™‹–Š •‘ Â?ƒÂ?› ™‘Â?†‡”ˆ—Ž ›‘—Â?‰ ƒ†—Ž–•Ǥdz What  are  you  going  to  miss  most?:  â€œThe  energy  of  Â?‡™ ‹†‡ƒ•Ǥdz What  are  you  going  to  miss  least?:  â€œThe  smell  of  the  halls  after  the  lacrosse  or  football  team  has  paraded  past.   I’ve  been  Â–‘Ž† –‘ „‡ –ŠƒÂ?Â?ˆ—Ž ™‡ †‘Â?ǯ– Šƒ˜‡ ƒ Š‘…Â?‡› –‡ƒÂ?Ǥdz Do  you  have  any  plans  for  retirement?:  â€œCooking  up  a  storm  â€Ś.  I  need  Â–‘ Œ—•–‹ˆ› –Š‡ Š—Â?†”‡†• ‘ˆ …‘‘Â?„‘‘Â?• Â?‡‡’ „—›‹Â?‰Ǥdz ”•Ǥ ‘„‹Â?• ‹• ƒŽ•‘ looking  forward  to  quilting  and  sewing,  kindle  (reading),  spending  time  with  her  husband.

Mark  Scharfenberg  -­â€?  Special  Services  Aide

How  long  have  you  worked  at  LHS?:  34  years What  is  the  best  part  about  working  at  LHS?:  Working  with  the  students  and  teachers  in  his  department. What  are  you  going  to  miss  most?:  Seeing  students,  teachers,  and  staff  members What  are  you  going  to  miss  least?:  Paper-­â€? work  and  meetings What  is  your  favorite  LHS  Event  to  attend?:  â€œI’ve  been  to  some  great  games,  wonderful  concerts  and  plays,  but  my  favorite  events  were  my  Â†ÂƒÂ—‰Š–‡”ǯ• ƒÂ?† •‘Â?ǯ• ‰”ƒ†—ƒ–‹‘Â? …‡”‡Â?‘Â?‹‡•Ǥdz Photos of Markson, Robins, Colon and Fischer from old yearbooks. Photo of ScharfenEHUJ FRXUWHV\ RI 0U 6FKDUIHQEHUJ 0DGXUD SLFWXUH IURP FXUUHQW VWDII Ă€OH


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When you are away from home at college and off the standard meal plans, making healthy food for yourself can be tricky. But you don’t have to go gluten-­free, carb-­free, or fat-­free to maintain a healthy lifestyle while warding off the fabled “freshman 15.” By eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking water, and not skipping meals, it’s pretty easy to do. But for the cooking impaired, here’s some super easy recipes for you to try.

Eating a healthy break-­ fast can help you focus, maintain your energy, and prevent you from overeating throughout the day. Having your favorite yogurt with fruit and granola is a great way to kick off the day.

Though it sounds complicated, Ra-­ tatouille contains a ton of vegetables and just requires a lot of chopping. Serve it with your pick of rice or couscous.

Just because you’re eat-­ ing healthy doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself once and a while. This super easy brownie in a mug is a great way to re-­ ward yourself for acing \RXU ¿QDOV

Tune up microwave quesadillas by adding chicken and vegetables like tomatoes and green onions.

Unnecessary snacking is one of the many prob-­ lems college students face. Try trading out the Doritos for pita chips or vegetables with your favorite dip or hummus.

For full recipies of these meals and more, scan this code or go to: college-­guide-­eating-­ healthy

Photos by Bailey Schmid


Make 7. Your Bed (Awesome) By Abby St.Claire



3. from

A rad room is a happy room. Drops of Ink is here to tell you easy ways to make your college dorm room funky and personal. 1. Personalize it-­ Attach photos to this quirky bulletin board that will comfort you whenever you are feeling homesick. 2. Bring the Outdoors in-­ Get rid of cabin feaver by bringing in greens that will keep your room smelling fresh and will give it an organic touch. 3. Kitschy Carpet-­ $ FXWH ÀRUDO VSUHDG OLNH WKLV RQH will put a smile on your face. 4.Bright Light-­ Lighting can be a key factor in any room, so make sure your lighting sets the mood and looks good. 5.Store & Organize-­ Hide all your unwanted junk in a darling organizer that is easy to access. 6. Fun Side Table-­ Purchase a nice bedside pedistal to place your nightime belongings;; a nice vintage nightstand may make the perfect statement. 7. Play With Prints-­ Don’t be afraid to go bold and get a duvet with a wild print;; bright colors and shapes will catch anyone’s eyes.

4. from



5. from

May 30, 2013



What’s Trending: Summer Edition

ho s rt

Pa s


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lululemon headbands

America Clothing Ray Bans Maxi Skirts




Justin Timberlake

Frozen Yogurt

Sushi All photos by Rachael Girmscheid



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A Written Portrait: Forrest Wagner’s Story By Alex Zoellick

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May 30, 2013



In The

By Sara Thunga

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7,0 %8'*( What college did you go to? Illinois State. How long have you been teaching at LHS? I’ve been here for 13 years. I taught three years at Antioch before this, so I’ve been here since 2000. What classes do you teach? I teach Precalc 2, Trig, and Precalc 1, and then I teach Informal Geometry, which is a co-­‐taught class. When did you know you wanted to be a math teacher? Probably junior or senior year of high school. I always knew I wanted to get into teaching because I had a lot of great teachers and coaches in high school. What did you want to be before then? I thought about being a psychiatrist because I’m pretty good at talking to people and helping them solve problems or helping them solve problems themselves. Were you always good at math in school? I was good, I wasn’t a brainiac. We didn’t have Calc BC when I was in high school, but if we did I’m not so sure I would be in it. I was good at it but I had to work at it.

What do you like about math? What I like about math is that it’s a logical progression to get to an answer; its very concrete, there’s steps. It’s a lot like life. If you follow directions and steps, you’re successful. What is your favorite class to teach and why? I don’t want to sound cliche, but I like all of them. I really do enjoy working with the seniors though; I teach Precalc 2 and Precalc 1. It’s really cool because I get to know them earlier in their high school careers, whether it’s through football or I had them in a class when they were juniors. What do you like about your students? They’re awesome. This school has such wonderful stu-­‐ dents. There’s just so many real students, going through real issues and you can always tell there’s great families in the community. The kids here want to learn, they’re good people. What is your favorite thing to teach in math? Two things: number one, I like teaching the series and sequence in the Precalc 2 section. And I also enjoy related rates in Calculus because there’s so many real-­‐life applica-­‐ tions to it. Photo by Sara Thunga



May 30, 2013

Staff  Editorial

A review of the 2012-13 school year    As  the  year  quickly  dwindles  to  a  close,  the  Drops  of  Ink  staff  is  looking  back  on  what  the  2012-­â€?2013  school  year  here  at  LHS  brought  to  all  of  its  students.  With  a  year  brimming  full  of  activity  and  events,  there  was  no  shortage  of  memories  from  this  past  year.  Academics,  athletics  and  the  arts  all  seemed  to  take  center  stage  in  this  hectic  but  incredibly  success-­â€? ful  year. Â


   On  August  22,  2012  we  all  excitedly  descended  onto  campus  and  were  welcomed  to  a  chaotic  and  fun-­â€?loving  scene  of  the  graduating  class  of  2013  throwing  water  balloons  and  silly  string  while  proudly  sporting  their  â€œ13  on  topâ€?  tank  tops  to  ring  in  the  new  school  year.  This  was  a  great  and  school-­â€?spirited  way  for  the  seniors  of  LHS  to  celebrate  the  Â„‡‰‹Â?Â?‹Â?‰ ‘ˆ –Š‡‹” Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ ›‡ƒ” ‘ˆ Š‹‰Š •…Š‘‘Ž ĥ ™‡ŽŽ ĥ ”‡…‘Â?Â?‡…– ™‹–Š ƒŽŽ of  their  peers.    Fast  forward  a  couple  of  weeks  after  students  settled  in  to  their  new  schedules  and  classes.  Homecoming  week  had  begun  to  dawn  on  us  as  students  took  part  in  spirit  week,  went  to  the  homecoming  football  game  and  the  homecoming  dance.  The  Homecoming  assembly  incorporated  some  incredibly  creative  and  unique  walk-­â€?ins  from  this  year’s  sweet  sixteen  girls,  like  Katie  Lample’s  hamburger-­â€?  tossing  entrance  or  Madi  Stoneman’s  Chicago  Blackhawks  extravaganza. Š‡ Â?‡š– ƒ–—”†ƒ› ™ƒ• ‘ˆĎ?‹…‹ƒŽŽ› –Š‡ †ƒÂ?…‡ Â?ƒÂ?› ‘ˆ —• Šƒ† „‡‡Â? ™ƒ‹–‹Â?‰ for.  With  B96  coming  as  that  night’s  entertainment,  the  general  consen-­â€? sus  of  the  DOI  staff  was  that  while  it  did  take  on  more  of  a  concert-­â€?like  feel,  Homecoming  was  exceedingly  better  than  years  before  and  was  Â†Â‡Ď?‹Â?‹–‡Ž› ƒ ’‘’—Žƒ” †ƒÂ?…‡ –‘ ƒ––‡Â?† ƒÂ?‘Â?‰ •–—†‡Â?–•Ǥ    While  school  spirit  did  seem  to  be  lacking  compared  to  recent  years,  the  varsity  football  team  and  volleyball  team  had  very  successful  seasons  Â–Š‹• ›‡ƒ”Ǥ Š‡ Ď?‹”•– ‰ƒÂ?‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ ˆ‘‘–„ƒŽŽ •‡ƒ•‘Â? ƒ– ƒ””‹Â?‰–‘Â? ƒ’’‡ƒ”‡† to  be  a  general  favorite  among  the  staff  as  the  Wildcats  went  8-­â€?3  for  the  season  and  made  it  to  the  2nd  round  of  the  high  school  playoffs.  The  girls  volleyball  team  also  had  an  incredible  season,  coming  in  4th  at  State.    The  drama  department  was  also  keeping  busy  as  Anne  Lowell  and  company  headlined  the  impressive  and  incredibly  entertaining  musical,  Legally  Blonde.  Many  of  the  staffers  of  DOI  found  the  musical  to  be  very  fun  and  well-­â€?put  together,  and  it  was  an  overall   great  production  by  the  drama  and  music  department  and  the  entire  cast  and  crew.


   As  the  colder  months  slowly  crept  upon  us,  the  holiday  season  hit  LHS  in  full  force.  The  annual  WISH  program  was  one  of  the  main  events  that Â

students  around  the  school  participated  in.  While  the  WISH  program  in  general  seemed  to  be  a  triumph,  the  DOI  staff  felt  as  though  this  year’s  fundraising  seemed  to  be  lacking  in  participation  and  school  spirit.  DOI  staffers  also  believed  that  many  ideas  were  not  as  creative  as  they  have  been  in  the  past  and  that  there  were  quite  a  few  repeat  fundraisers  from  previous  years.    After  the  holidays  came  to  a  close,  it  was  time  to  get  into  Turnabout  week.  Again,  the  spirit  seemed  to  be  lacking  with  very  few  people  noticeable  participating  in  the  dress-­â€?up  days.  The  Turnabout  assembly,  however,  was  just  as  successful  as  the  Homecoming  assembly  with  help  from  the  hilarious  walk-­â€?ins  from  several  of  the  Select  Sixteen  boys.     The  Turnabout  dance  appeared  to  have  a  much  lower  attendance  to  the  DOI •–ƒˆˆ ƒÂ?† ™ƒ• Â?‘– ĥ ‡Â?Œ‘›ƒ„Ž‡ ĥ ‘Â?‡…‘Â?‹Â?‰ ™ƒ•Ǥ Š‡ Ď?‹”‡ ƒŽƒ”Â? didn’t  help,  either,  with  many  students  exiting  the  building  on  that  chilly  February  night  without  shoes  and  jackets,  which  would  put  a  damper  on  anyone’s  night.     Â


   As  the  weather  began  to  get  warmer  and  the  idea  of  the  ACTs  and  AP  testing  occupied  many  students’  minds,  the  spring  season  has  been  a  great  way  to  close  out  the  year.  With  spring  sports  starting,  Relay  for  Â‹ÂˆÂ‡ÇĄ –Š‡ •…Š‘‘Ž Ď?Ž‘‘†ǥ ƒÂ?† •‡Â?‹‘”• ‰‡––‹Â?‰ ’”‡’ƒ”‡† –‘ Ž‡ƒ˜‡ ‹„‡”–›˜‹ŽŽ‡ the  end  of  the  school  year,  the  spring  has  offered  many  unforgettable  memories  to  end  the  year.    LHS  students  also  got  a  couple  of  extra  days  off  this  semester  after  a  Â™Â‡Â‡Â? ‘ˆ ”ƒ‹Â?•–‘”Â?• Ž‡† –‘ Ď?Ž‘‘†‹Â?‰ ™‹–Š‹Â? –Š‡ •…Š‘‘Ž †—”‹Â?‰ ’”‹ŽǤ Š‹Ž‡ these  extra  days  did  seem  like  a  reprieve,  Drops  of  Ink  felt  like  they  were  really  detrimental.  A  lot  of  valuable  days  of  teaching  right  before  AP  Â‡ÂšÂƒÂ?• ™‡”‡ Â™ÂƒÂ•Â–Â‡Â†ÇĄ ™Š‹…Š …ƒ—•‡† ƒ Ž‘– ‘ˆ –‡ƒ…Š‡”• –‘ ”—•Š …‘˜‡”‹Â?‰ Ď?‹Â?ƒŽ information.    A  special  tribute  was  also  paid  to  LHS’s  own  math  team  and  band  who  both  received  major  accolades  during  the  spring  months.  The  math  team,  which  won  State,  and  the  band,  which  won  Superstate,  all  helped  to  boost  spirit  throughout  the  school  as  well  as  enhancing  LHS’s  already  remarkable  legacy.    With  prom  and  graduation  closing  out  the  year,  it  will  be  a  bittersweet  moment  as  underclassman  say  hello  to  summer  and  seniors  say  goodbye  to  Libertyville.  While  there  were  many  highs  and  a  few  lows  to  the  school  year,  this  year  was  once  again  marked  as  another  accomplishment.  This  year  provided  lots  of  great  memories  that  will  always  continue  to  be  with  us  and  remind  us  of  what  it  is  like  to  be  a  Libertyville  Wildcat.

First  three  photos  by  Bailey  Schmid;  last  photo  by  Mr.  Eric  Maroscher

May 30, 2013



Molly Bruns Staff Writer

Saying Goodbye to Libertyville “Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” -­‐-­‐J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan I remember taking a deep breath my freshman year right ϐ school. I walked in trying to stay out of the upperclassmen’s way. I remember I had no idea where any of my classes were. One class that is very vivid in my memory is Ms. Kuz’s fresh-­‐ man lit class. This class was always the best part of my day. I believe that this class made me want to join Drops Of Ink and become a writer. Ms. Kuz was an inspiring teacher and made me enjoy school for 50 minutes. Every Friday, there was Foot-­‐ ball Friday where Coach Kuz would come in and talk to us. I want to thank you, Ms. Kuz, for making my freshman year easier and for being an amaz-­‐ ing and inspiring teacher. Sophomore year, my back-­‐ pack got lighter and I became more comfort-­‐ able around LHS. I remember that sophomore year everyone thought they were so cool, but in reality, we just weren’t freshmen anymore. Also it was the big year where you could actually sit in the student section at the foot-­‐ ball games. Sophomore year is the year you get your license, so you get to experience a new kind of freedom. Sophmore year for me was the year I buckled down in school. I realized that I needed to study and do well in my classes if I wanted to raise my GPA. I had the best teachers this year, too. Mr. Budge, Mr. Rhode, and Mrs. Akers, I want to thank you for helping me stay on track. Junior year was full of stress. A test booklet, scantron, and a

number 2 pencil is really all you need. Let’s be honest, the only good thing about junior year is that you’re now considered an upperclassman. Junior year was also the year I joined Drops Of Ink. Joining DOI was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I want to thank Mr. Gluskin for helping me become a better writer. Drops of Ink helped me decide that I want to do something in journalism when I go to college. ϐ my four years of high school. I mean who doesn’t want to spray all the underclassman with water guns? I’m pretty sure if every day of school was like that I wouldn’t mind coming to school at all. Everyone’s senior year should be dedicated to Ms. Belstra. The effort she puts in is unbelievable. She helps every senior get into college, and makes sure everyone is up to date and she is truly an amazing person. As I look back at my four years at LHS, I smile. A sudden feeling of appreciation comes to me. I appreciate the great education I have received throughout my four years here. I appreciate the teach-­‐ ers’ enthusiasm to make kids successful. Libertyville is a great school and a great en-­‐ vironment, and I don’t regret any minute I’ve spent here. I will be attending Auburn University next year and let’s just say photo by Bailey Schmid it’s going to be tough to beat Libertyville. It’s going to stink to not come to school every day and see teach-­‐ ers that care about you and want to help you. Underclassman, my advice to you is don’t take Libertyville for granted. Never again will you ever be surrounded by such a great community and a positive environment. I’m going to miss you, LHS, and all the teachers that helped me succeed. Thank you for being a safe place to come to everyday. As I leave the doors on my last day and look back on my four years, I’m so fortunate it was at Libertyville High School.



May 30, 2013

Elise  Houcek Staff  Writer

7RR PXFK KRPHZRUN VWLĂ LQJ VWXGHQWV"    â€œWhat  philosophy  of  teaching,  what  theory  of  learning,  lies  behind  each  assignment?    Does  it  seem  to  assume  that  children  are  mean-­â€? ing  makers  -­â€?-­â€?  or  empty  vessels?   Is  learning  regarded  as  a  process  that’s  mostly  active  or  passive?   Is  it  about  wrestling  with  ideas  or  mindlessly  following  directions?â€? ÇŚ ÂŽĎ?‹‡ ‘ŠÂ?ÇĄ ƒ—–Š‘” ‘ˆ The  Homework  Myth    Perhaps  the  most  unconsciously  designed  of  scholastic  appliances  is  the  acceptance  of  homework  as  a  necessary  means  to  cognitive  suc-­â€? cess.  Certainly  such  a  statement  is  Â‡ÂƒÂ•Â‹ÂŽÂ› “—ƒŽ‹Ď?‹‡† „› Â?‘•–ǥ ƒÂ?† ™‹–Š similar  claims,  arguing  that  the  con-­â€? tinuity  of  learning  after  school  hours  fosters  responsible  character  traits,  higher  standardized  test  scores,  and  ultimate  intellectual  growth.  How-­â€? ever,  as  with  all  hypotheses,  there  exists  a  fundamental  requirement  of  a  three-­â€?dimensional  analysis  prior  Â–‘ ƒˆĎ?‹”Â?ƒ–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ ƒÂ?› †‡‰”‡‡ǥ ƒÂ?† ĥ of  now,  â€œno  study  has  ever  substan-­â€? tiated  the  belief  that  homework  builds  character  or  teaches  good  Â•Â–—†› ÂŠÂƒÂ„Â‹Â–Â•ÇĄÇł ƒ……‘”†‹Â?‰ –‘ ‘ŠÂ?Ǥ Šƒ– Šƒ˜‹Â?‰ „‡‡Â? Â•ÂƒÂ‹Â†ÇĄ Ď?‹”Â?Ž› „‡-­â€? Ž‹‡˜‡ –Šƒ– –Š‡”‡ ‹• ’”‘Ž‹Ď?‹… ™‡‹‰Š– ‹Â? some  (and  if  you’re  lucky  enough  to  be  granted  a  teacher  who  facilitates  work  with  worthy  purpose,  many)  homework  assignments.  But  that’s  not  with  what  I  hold  discontent;  the  unfortunate  reality  of  our  situation  is  that  the  majority  of  assignments  nurture  complacency  over  creativity,  drive  curiosity  to  apathy,  suppress  childhood  freedoms,  and  are  wholly  misperceived.     Take,  for  instance,  an  experience  familiar  to  the  majority  of  high  school  students.  The  half-­â€?period  lunch  bell  has  just  marked  a  remain-­â€? ‹Â?‰ –™‡Â?–› Ď?‹˜‡ Â?‹Â?—–‡• „‡ˆ‘”‡ Â?ƒ–Š class,  and,  as  you  were  consumed  by  the  lyrical  genius  of  your  favorite  artist  the  night  before,  your  homework  rests  incom-­â€? plete.  In  order  to  sustain  a  B+  average  and  keep  the  peace  with  your  parents,  the  most Â

logical  and  present  solution  appears  to  be  copying  a  classmate’s  work  from  a  table  over.  While  I  am  not  nearly  as  self-­â€?righteous  as  to  claim  innocence  to  this  scenario,  from  what  I  understand,  this  kind  of  behavior  (in  any  subject)  represents  the  antithesis  of  American  Â‡Â†Â—…ƒ–‹‘Â?Ǥ ‡ ƒ”‡ ‡Â?…‘—”ƒ‰‡† –‘ Ď?Ž‘—”‹•Š ‹Â? our  individualism,  to  think  differently  and Â

complete  their  homework  in  a  constructive,  thought-­â€?provoking  sense.  Most  are  determined  to  effectuate  completion  on  any  and  the  most  basic  of  levels,  scrambling  to  fabricate  a  legible  response  without  any  consideration  to  the  Â…‘Â?–‡Â?– ‘” •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?…‡ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ž‡••‘Â?Ǥ ˆ –Š‡ ‰‘ƒŽ is  intellectual  growth  then  the  problem  is  clear.  So  where’s  the  source?    What  I  believe  is  one  of  the  most  misguided  of  assumptions  made  by  teachers  and  administrators  is  that  students  lack  the  ambition  or  interest  to  fund  our  own  intellectual  Â‡Â?†‡ƒ˜‘”•Ǥ Š‡”‡ Ž‹‡• –Š‡ Â?‡› Ď?Žƒ™ in  the  system:  the  replacement  of  the  individual  venture  with  a  one-­â€? dimensional  regiment.  Furthermore,  the  sheer  amount  of  homework  that  students  are  expected  to  complete  can  be  detrimental,  both  through  the  physical  stress  and  exhaustion,  as  well  as  a  consequent  apathy  that  can  ultimately  destroy  a  student’s  chances  at  success.  According  to  a  recent  study  performed  by  Harris  Cooper,  professor  of  psychology  and  director  of  Duke  University’s  Program  in  Education,  more  than  two  hours  of  homework  per  night  in  high  school  is  actually  associated  with  lower  achievement.     Perhaps,  and  I  could  argue  assur-­â€? edly,  if  students  were  warranted  Â–Š‡ ˆ”‡‡†‘Â? –‘ ‹Â?Ď?Ž—‡Â?…‡ ƒÂ?† †‡˜‹•‡ ƒ Â?‘”‡ •‹‰Â?‹Ď?‹…ƒÂ?– ’‘”–‹‘Â? ‘ˆ –Š‡‹” assignments,  not  only  would  overall  completion  improve,  but  those  formerly  disillusioned  by  the  inces-­â€? •ƒÂ?…› ‘ˆ •…Š‘‘Ž ƒŽ–‘‰‡–Š‡” ™‘—Ž† Ď?‹Â?† themselves  re-­â€?inspired.  What’s  more,  Âƒ •–—†‡Â?– ™Š‘ …‡ƒ•‡• –‘ Ď?‹Â?† ƒ •‘—”…‡ of  passion  in  any  particular  subject  (whether  it  be  an  inherent  disinter-­â€? est  or  instilled  through  monotonous  Sketch by April Dejon exposure)  will  probably  choose  not  to  pursue  said  subject  in  the  future.  contrive  our  own  opinions,  and  that  the  basis  And  if  the  objective  of  schooling  is  to  procure  of  American  prosperity  is  founded  on  free-­â€? talented,  passionate  citizens  whose  dedica-­â€? thinkers  and  the  heart  of  innovation.  Nonethe-­â€? tion  lends  to  expertise,  why  not  then  allow  less,  students  frequently  and  habitually  fail  to  students  to  cultivate  their  personal  genius?

May 30, 2013



Mike Gasick Staff Writer

LHS Students Lucky To Use Phones I remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking through the 6th grade hallway with my friend. Since it was a rainy day, he took out his phone to call his sister so she could pick us up. We were on our way upstairs heading to the exit when a teacher stopped both of us. We stopped, not knowing what he wanted, and in a stern voice he said, “Hey! I don’t want to see that phone out again. If I see it again, it is mine.” This incident shocked us both because we didn’t know what we were doing wrong; we were just set-­‐ ting up a ride for after school. Middle school phone usage is much more strict than high school. Most teachers in high school are very lenient on phones in their classroom. ϐ Ǧ -­‐ fender is usually asked to put his phone away with no further punish-­‐ ment. If the student comes to class the next day and is on his phone in class, there will usually be no penalty. If the student continues to take it out after that, then there will be consequences, such as taking it for the period. However, in middle school, if a teacher sees a student texting during class, the teacher will ϐ ǯ ϐ Ǥ -­‐ cuses. During school hours, students still can’t take out their phones. As a freshman last year, I was amazed at how many people were on their phones during passing periods. I would enjoy seeing the looks on the faces of middle school teachers going through the halls of high school. They would be astonished seeing the leniency

the school has on phone usage. With the uptight policy middle school teach-­‐ ers possess, this begs the question, “What would high school students do with middle school rules?” Would students be able to survive a school year without phones during the school day? The better question would be if they could even survive one day without their phones. This may sound a little dramatic, but

it’s the truth. I have no problem with our policy. It’s a great way for students to interact with their parents to tell them where they are going to be after school in case of a game or practice cancella-­‐ tion. In my Spanish class, we have the option to use our phones to look up vocabulary in the book we are currently reading; it’s a great way for students to translate words they don’t know. In my English class, we used phones to look up historical references that were mentioned in

the book we are reading. There are many effective ways to use phones in the classroom, but once it becomes a distrac-­‐ tion, that’s when teachers have to step in. There was an instance in my class earlier this year where a student took out his phone for a third consecutive day, so, the teacher had enough, and brought it down to the student’s LST after class.The student then had to pick it up, after his counselor called the student’s parent. The consequences are harsh, but rightfully so. Even though there are many positive effects phones can have on students, there really is no reason to be on your phone checking social media or texting during class. If a student gets caught during a test on their phone, every teacher will give him or her a 0. To be honest, if you are on your phone during a test, you are more than likely cheat-­‐ ing. Students have the Internet in their hands, so they utilize it to their advantage. What’s more detrimental to your grade: a 0 on your test, or one question off your entire test? It also de-­‐ photo by Tom Ackerman stroys the trust between you and your teacher. ϐ ǡ verge of a higher grade in a class, there is no way you will get the grade bumped up if you cheated on a test earlier in the year. Students coming into high school enter a to-­‐ tally different world when they see upperclass-­‐ men using their phones when walking through ϐ Ǥ ǯ ǡ when students use phones the wrong way, there should be some intervention.







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Record: 22-11-1

Record: 13-5

!"#$%&#'()*+$, *+-&.+"&* Record: 11-5-1

By Gabi Mu単oz and Ava Polzin

Senior Edward Kakenmaster C-cuts a Lake Forest opponent on May 1.

Noah Marcus shoots the ball at a water polo practice. Photos on page 34 by Gabi Mu単oz All records are as of May 22.

Record: 16-2

Record: Conference 4-2 Cross Over Play 1-0

Record: 20-9

Freshman Kelly Waldvogel soars over hurdles while practicing for track.

Abigayle Gearing defends the goal against Glenbrook North on April 29.

Jack Springgate serves the ball in a tennis match against Warren on May 2.

Record: 12-25

Sergio Ayala balances on the rings at a gymnastics meet. Photo courtesy of Liz Rose Record: 19-11-1

Record: Conference 6-1 Division: 5-1

Senior Katie McAuliffe keeps the ball away from the opponent, Vernon Hills, on May 2.

Senior Charlotte Jamieson defends the goal against Evanston on April 30.

Junior Matt Reed bats while playing Mudelein on May 1. Record: 11-4

Junior Michelina Caffero runs to second base while playing Niles North on May 16.

Kai Weitekamper races against Lake Forest in the 4 x 400 relay on April 29.

Senior Ryan Stueckemann spikes the ball at a game against Deerfield on May 13. Photos on page 35 by Ava Polzin

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Kenosha, WI


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