xavier milili designer pack

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Concepteur Designer Graphique Packaging Edition / Print IdentitĂŠ visuelle Design web

Book en ligne: http://www.ultra-book.com/users/droso E-mail: xaviermilili@yahoo.fr TĂŠl : 06 42 57 54 97

Creation du design de la gamme «sexy girl»: _Developpement du design: facing gel & body lotion (sticker promotion) _Concept, prototype, suivi exe(chine)

Developpement PLV gamme «sexy girl»: _Recherche concept PLV forme et disposition(declinaison) _Concept, prototypage, suivi exe

«DRAMATIC» Design range


3 mineral face powder

3 eye color glitter

Developpement PLV gamme «sexy girl»: _Recherche concept PLV forme et disposition(declinaison) _Concept, prototypage, suivi exe



Developpement packaging gamme «Dramatic» EYELINER/MASCARA, GLITTER et Mineral face Powder: Recherche concept packaging graphisme (declinaison) et forme (glitter)<Dispostion et retouche photo(eyeliner)<Concept, prototypage, suivi exe <-

POS/PLV designed and manufactured for FITS


PLV/POS corner Habillage PLV gamme «Sexy Girl» et «Dramatic» ->Recherche concept PLV forme et disposition/ materiaux(declinaison): plexi acrylique carton cannele ->Concept, prototypage, suivi exe (prestataire chine) 4 volets_105x148



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JAPANESE FRAGRANCES w w w. a r o m a t i c j o u r n e y. n e t

When Japan opens to the world, we discover the essence of different countries captivated in a scented journey. Our Japanese friends have bottled their most enviable qualities in this collection of perfumes ; their subtility, their originality and their vigour.

Developpement PLV gamme «LOVE PASSPORT»: ->Recherche concept PLV forme et disposition(declinaison) plexi acrylique/carton cannele ->Concept, prototypage, suivi exe (prestataire chine)

This fluid presentation flies you on the scene where you’re all set to try these eight refined and trendy fragrances. Fresh, seductive and evocative, these bottles of perfume combine modernity, glamour and fantasy. Dream of a moment elsewhere, carried away on a whiff of perfume and find yourself in a special mood, in a magical space.

JAPANESE FRAGRANCES w w w. a r o m a t i c j o u r n e y. n e t

Benefits for your customers � Original & trendy with high-end image � High quality fragrances � Affordable price 18 euro

Call for immediate meeting at

+ 33 6 100 95 203

Benefits for your shops � Offer Unique concept � Be first one to get it � Very luxury display (fragrance bar)


Creation leaflet promotion «aromatic trip» -> creation maquette, graphisme et mise en page -> suivi exe/BAT

Asia & USA FITS CORPORATION KK Mr Katsunori Yamazaki + 81 3 5772 10 11 Yamazaki@fits-japan.com

Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique.

Europe & Mid-East Kperfumes Mr Simon Menard + 33 4 42 62 72 65 Simonmenard@kperfumes.com


Why english cab for JAPANESE FRAGRANCES w w w. a r o m a t i c j o u r n e y. n e t


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