2 minute read
EndoButler: The non wearable Endodontic file organiser
Organise, access and measure your Endodontic files efficiently
The Endobutler Base
The option of EndoButler as a ‘non wearable’ allows the assistant to participate in the preparation of the chosen file system. As well as the efficient measurement of working lengths.
Eliminates the change of focus for the operator.
Fit removable 5 Hole BurButler on Top Surface
Choose from 5 colours of BurButler for hand file, rotaries, access files and post preparation files.
Allows set-up and pre-sterilisation of set by the assistant if required.
Open Cell Single-Use Foam InsertPackaged in 25 double or 50 single.
Each single use foam can be used as a whole or easily split into two halves (see last image) as required. Can be placed and presterlised once only.
Set up chosen access / Preparation files
Choose from 5 colours of BurButler for hand file, rotaries, access files, post preparation files. Allows set-up and pre-sterilisation of set by assistant if required.
Autoclavable Transparent Closed ‘Soft-fit’ Lid
Autoclavable lid: Allows steam penetration to files. Allows safe closed storage of ‘set-up’ prior to patient arrival. Allows visualisation of contents.
Working Length Measurement
The open sided central column allows silicon stop engagement. As well as easy and precise ‘end stop’ measurement of apex locator working length file.
Recessed Central Measuring Column
Setting files With Individual Incremental Columns
The open sided columns allow precise ‘end stop’ measurement of any chosen file, access rotaries or post preparation system by either the assistant or dentist.
With wearables this must be done by the dentist.
Open Cell Single Use Foams
Supplied in bags of 25 full foams which may be split into 50 one ended foams.
Simple Efficient
Clear Accurate
DentalOrg Ltd Garrynagry, Roscahill, Galway, Ireland, H91V8C5 www.dentalorganiser.com sales@dentalorganiser.com