College Student Safety in COVID times

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Government Medical College, Miraj

Student Safety guidelines For safe student life In COVID Times

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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nCorona Safety in Student Life (For Students of GMC, Miraj)

Dear students, The world has changed. And we need to change too. Now we have a novel virus –nCorona (SARS-Cov-2) - which has caused a COVID-19 pandemic in virgin world population.It may last for 1-2 years just like Spanish flu pandemic in 1918. Infection may also come in waves over next few months/years unless it settles to endemicity. COVID-19 has already caused millions of deaths worldwide. This being a new disease in modern world, there is much to learn about natural history of the disease. As of today we know that it mainly spreads through respiratory route, mainly by fomites. As new evidence will surface, newer guidelines may come up. The world is waiting for definitive treatment, safer prophylactic drug and effective and safe vaccine. Till then prevention of infection remains the best policy for survival. While living with nCorona, we must unlearn our older carefree lifestyles and imbibe new rules of safety which will help us to stay safe in current era. Like all preventive measures, the earlier the better and more is safer. These activities need to be carried out repeatedly every day at all times without fail. These are supposed to be new internalized habits. And these need to be done for your own safety and safety of your loved ones. Do it not because someone told you so, but do it because you want to remain safe from a new unknown disease. This document has various safety measures for you, regarding different aspects of student life. If you have any queries or more suggestions, feel free to contact at .

Instructions are about A. Travel

E. Library

B. Residence

F. Purchases

C. Food

G. Social Life

D. College

H. Staying Healthy

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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Basic principles of COVID safety: Remember 3 things at all times. P :Physical Distance of at least 1 meter should be maintained from EVERYONE as we won’t know who is asymptomatic carrier. Avoid shaking hands, hugging, hand holding or other similar activities.  This will save you when you unknowingly are in company of COVID positive. S :Soap / Sanitizer use for hand hygiene (as frequently as possible) will ensure virus not reaching your mucus membranes. Don’t forget to follow rule of 20 seconds and rubbing of hands through all 7 steps. Use non dominant hand to close taps.  This will also nullify or minimize the viral dose if you touch your face unknowingly. And it will give more chance to body to cope with infection,if at all it occurs. M :Mask should be part of your attire code. Wearing cloth masks whenever you step out and at least surgical mask while interacting with any patients (standard precautions) will be prudent in current times. Do not touch your face, eyes, nose.  IfEVERYONE starts using mask then we will protect each-other from possible unknowing spread of virus by asymptomatics around us. When masks are used, Droplet spread and hence fomite formation reduces to great extent; which in turn reduces risk of transmission.  Encourage each other for proper use of mask.  Preferably don’t reuse disposable masks and dispose them at designated places as they as potential source of infection for everyone.  Cloth masks need to be daily washed and properly dried.  Touching the mask, halfway removing it and pulling it up again, taking it off and keeping in your pocket/purse/bag are high risk behaviors and increase your chance of infection.  To adjust mask whileeating , you can remove one elastic loop from an ear and let it hand on other ear OR you can untie the upper knot of a mask and let it hang at base of throat till you drink water or eat food. Once done, just put on the mask again without touching the outer surface.  There is discomfort for use of mask for long duration, but do not get thinner masks to overcome it.  Mask use will be there for many more months in future, hence get used to it at the earliest. You can start wearing them at home for increasing duration so as to get accustomed to the feeling. Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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Safety Instructions COVID times demand UNLEARNING and RELEARNING in all aspects of life. One who inculcates new ways of life at the earliest will keep himself / herself (and friends and family) safe. Please understand that the safety levels at home and in hostel stay are different. All the hostel occupants and support staff are differently exposed to nCorona and everyone follows the safety / preventive measure differently. Hence your best option will be to follow as many rules as possible at maximum possible times. Even if you are not a hostelite and have a private rental accomodation, these rules will help to keep yourself and your house- or roommate safe. One needs to be on guard at majority of the waking hours and this continuous alertness can be tiresome. But once these things become habit, you will be able to do these out of habit and life will become less stressful. So please Be Consistent and Persistent.

A. Travel

a. Avoid travelling when you have fever or other symptoms. b. Utilize public transport to minimum. If possible do not travel by public transport. c. Repeated home visits need to be avoided till everything comes back to normal. d. Once you travel to college from home, try to visit back directly in term vacations, if possible. e. While traveling avoid unnecessarily touching of surfaces in vehicle. f. Keep using hand sanitizers (Alcohol based hand rubs) and wash hands when visibly soiled. g. Use water proof luggage bags which can be sanitized upon arrival. h. Try to carry your own food and water bottle during travel to avoid possible exposure to fomites. i. If using public transport, then try to ensure physical distancing if possible. (eg. Use of side birth in train) j. Use mask throughout the travel, even during sleep for overnight travels. Request other passengers to do the same. k. If possible use your own pillow cover or cover the available pillow with own towel/cloth. l. Do not put provided covers / Chaddar / rug over your head while sleeping. m. As far as possible avoid using AC buses/ AC luxury coaches / AC compartments of train. Central ACs can help spread infection to many people at one time. Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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n. Try to keep windows open to ensure air changes to reduce viral exposure. o. Use travel hacks like sitting at window seat, sitting in front rows and on alternate seats to avoid being in line of air flow from other passengers. p. Never touch your face with unclean hands during travel. q. Wash hands when common touch areas are touched by you eg. Charging or light and fan switches, taps, various door handles. Also you can use non-dominant hand for such chores to minimize risk. r. Avoid air travels as much as possible till safer times. Aeroplanes have closed spaces with re-circulated air, so they pose higher risk of transmission. s. You may need to intimate your travel plans to concerned authorities for all future to and fro journeys and take prior permissions. t. No double or triple seat for two wheelers, Preferably one or maximum 2 people while travelling in auto riksha, Car should not have 1+2or3 people . This will ensure physical distancing.

B. Residence a. Staying in Room 1. Room needs to be a place where you can reduce your guard, so all roommates needs to decide on safety rules to be followed inside room apart from following them outside. 2. Ensure hand hygiene before entering the room. The entry could be from college, from library, from mess or from any other place etc. 3. Minimize incidence of entry and exit to minimal possible. 4. Keep the things those were taken outside the room separately. 5. Arrange room furniture in such a way, so as to provide some social distancing within room. 6. Improve ventilation of room by opening windows when possible. (Get mosquito nets for windows though.) Use of fans will help too. 7. Identify common touch areas in room like handles, switches, chairs and clean them at least once a day. 8. Use non dominant hand, knuckles and shoulder to do chores like opening door, switching on light or fan. 9. Ensure good hand hygiene at all times. 10. Avoid sharing items and things like pillow or mobiles and toiletries. 11. Disinfect mobile at least once a day.

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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12. Try to do room cleaning on your own. If done by any outside help, he/she needs to follow all safety rules too. 13. Avoid visiting other rooms for chitchat or studies. Use mobile for contacting others. 14. Avoid keeping pet or allowing any stray animals in hostel. 15. Self monitor for any illness or fever and respiratory symptoms at least twice a day. 16. Start using facemask inside room whenever you will feel down or ill and report to the hostel rector and screening OPD for further instructions.

b. Using Common bathrooms and toilets 1. Use personalized (your own) bucket and mug. 2. To avoid overcrowding and rush, try to work out a plan along with other students living on same floor toeffectively use common washrooms. 3. Follow proper hand hygiene after use. 4. Ensure that frequently touch area like taps and door handles are regularly disinfected by support staff.

c. Washing cloths 1. Clothes should preferable be washed by self and dried properly / in sunlight if possible. 2. If outside help is taken then instruct her to wash every student’s cloths separately and also to follow all the safety rules at all times. 3. If one has visited the hospital, soak the clothes in hot water or bleach solution / Dettol etc solution.

Important: If you are staying in hostel, get well versed with newer hostel rules and follow them diligently.

C. Food a. Eating in Mess a. Maintain physical distancing while sitting at table. b. Sanitizer use or hand washing should be done at the entry as well as the exit from Mess. c. Common touch areas like taps, switchboards etc should be touched with non- dominant hands.

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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d. Masks should be worn compulsorily while in the mess. It can be removed in secure way just for eating and worn again once it’s finished. e. One should change completely; wash the hands before entering the mess after Coming from wards. f. Taking dabba / tiffin (Carry your own tiffin ) or plate from mess can help to avoid overcrowding. Return the mess properties with responsibility. g. Mess timings can be increased or divided in batch-wise manner and it needs to be followed properly. h. Prefer breakfasts as take away food like sandwiches.

b. Eating from Dabba / Tiffin a. Always remember that the outside surface of tiffin can possibly be contaminated. b. Wash hands after opening dabba and wash hands / sanitize after closing it. c. Prefer non-contact delivery.

c. Eating outside 1. Avoid eating outside in hotels or at road-side venders. 2. If at all needed, then use home delivery of food instead. 3. Prefer cooked food over uncooked.

d. Receiving Food parcels 1. Prefer no-contact delivery and online payments. 2. Discard the boxes / containers properly which might be contaminated. 3. Wash hands after unboxing the food.

D. College a. Attending Classes / Practicals 1.Follow the instructions given. 2. Use masks continuously and maintain physical distancing at all times. 3.If you have any respiratory symptoms or fever truthfully report to the OPD before attending classes. 4. If online activities or submissions are advised, then follow instructions and follow timelines. Your cooperation and involvement will help to establish safer ways of education.

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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b. Attending Clinics 1. Follow all instructions. 2. Wear a surgical mask when in hospital premises for longer duration. 3. Maintain physical distance while taking case history. 4. Minimize time taken to examine patient. 5. Do not touch any surfaces unnecessarily. 6. Follow hand hygiene with utmost care while leaving the ward. 7. Clean cloths properly after visits to hospital.

c. Use of stationary and accessories 1. Make different sets of stationary to be used at room, in college/library and at hospital duties. Keep outside sets separate on entering the room. 2. Keep minimum accessories in bag. Use same bag and keep it aside on entering room.

d. Sports and Cultural activities 1.Sports and Cultural activities where gatherings are expected need to be avoided. 2.Sports like Badminton, Volleyball, carom, playing cards which require exchange and handling of sport items need to be done with caution and should be followed by proper hand hygiene.

Important: Get well versed with newer rules for college activities and follow them diligently.

E. Library a. Use of library books 1.Issued library books to be used after stand-in periodof 3-5 days. Keeping book aside untouched will kill any virus on them. 2.Proper hand hygiene should be done every time before and after touching the book. 3.Do not turn pages by wetting fingers with saliva.

b. Use of reading rooms 1. Maintain physical distance while sitting in reading room. 2. Wear mask at all times and follow hand hygiene before entering and after leaving. 3.As much as possible try and fix your place in the reading room. 4. Ensure that the table and chair is clean and disinfected before sitting. Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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5.Air conditioner should not be used

Important: Get well versed with newer Library rules and follow them diligently.

F. Purchases a. Visiting Malls / Shops 1. Minimize visits to shops or malls. Prefer online shopping or shopping from smaller venders where many people do not touch packets. 2. Make list of purchases and buy for 2 weeks or more at one time. Repeated visits for 1-2 items should be avoided. 3. Practice immediate hand hygiene at exit from malls/shops. 4. One person (by rotation) can buy for a group of friends. It will help to reduce exposure to market places. 5. Opt for e-payments wherever possible. 6. Keep the non-perishable items for 3-5 days of stand in period and then start using. 7. In case of immediate use, outer coverings can be disinfected and hand hygiene to be done after handling items.

b. Receiving parcels from Online shopping 1. Opt for online shopping, ensure no contact delivery. Avoid cash on delivery. 2. While handling boxes, consider them contaminated and practice hand hygiene after opening them. 3. In case of non-perishable items keep them aside for 3-5 days and then use.

c. Buying Vegetables / Fruits 1. Avoid visiting weekly markets which might not follow physical distancing. Regular venders which follow physical distancing are preferred to buy vegetables and fruits. 2. Avoid repeated visits. 3. Use mild soapy water / plenty of clean water / bleach or chlorine solution for cleaning the vegetables before use. Be careful when community cases are more. 4. If possible peel and use. 5. Cooked food is better than raw food. Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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d. Buying other items 1. Choose timings when less people will be around in shops. 2. When items could be handled by different people, consider disinfection or stand in period of 3-5 days.

Important: Get well versed with newer Hostel rules regarding online purchases and parcel delivery and follow them..

G. Social Life a. Movies / Dramas 1.Do not visit theaters or malls for watching movies or drama. Closed confined spaces spread disease very fast. 2.Movies can be watched on your own mobile app.

b. Parties / Birthday Celebrations 1. Avoid gatherings as much as possible. Avoid gathering in closed spaces. 2. If at all needed, then celebrate in open spaces while maintaining physical distancing. 3. Do not feed cake to others.

c. Batch meetings 1. No batch meetings should be called in person. You can have virtual meetings or share video of legitimate instructions.

d. Attending workshops / trainings / conferences 1. Such public gatherings should be avoided. 2. E-tranings and e-conferences can be attended.

e. Use of alcohol / Tobbaco use 1.

Use of alcohol and tobacco makes you vulnerable to nCorona infection.


Stop using alcohol / smoking / tobacco / Ghutaka.


If needed, Get help of psychiatrist to stop its usage.


Avoid visiting places like clubs. Don’t use anything which is shared like hukka.

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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H. Staying Healthy a. Personal hygiene 1. Daily baths and hand hygiene are necessary. Use water with caution. Avoid huge wastages. 2. Work Cloths and hand towels need to be cleaned regularly with or without disinfection. 3. Avoid visiting barber shops, beauty parlors etc which are shown to spread infection. 4. Facial hair pattern like beard needs to be in accordance with CDC guidelines as it interferes with safe mask use when needed.

b. Food 1. Food needs to be nutritious. Eat good amount of vegetables. 2. Avoid any crash diets. 3. Try to maintain good BMI as obesity is marked as one of the risk factors. 4. Don’t waste food in consideration with economic conditions of nation. 5. Hydration is very important to fight viral illnesses. Carry your own water for day.

c. Rest 1. Adequate (8 hours sleep) should be ensured. It will help boost immunity too.

d. Exercise 1. Avoid visiting gym or ensure proper disinfection of gym equipment along with physical distancing facility. 2. Physical activities are important. Try to find ways to exercise in room or within hostel. Eg. Sun salutations / Yoga / Zumba / Aerobics.

e. Stress management 1. Follow relaxation techniques like meditation. 2. Follow RAIN technique for emotional balance. 3. Stay connected with family and friends via video calls, chat etc. 4. Be considerate for friends who may be irritable due to stress. 5. Be in touch with your mentors. 6. Vent out and share with friends or demarked teachers. 7. Limit screen time (Mobile use) to minimum as it interferes with mental health. Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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8. Keep away from Covid related news, if it stresses you. 9. Never forget - Difficult times are always temporary.

f. Support 1. Manage simple illnesses by consulting by telemedicine. 2. During illness take proper rest and hydrate. 3. Take help of helplines, counsellors and psychiatrist when needed.

These are unprecedented events which need high level of dedicated efforts by everyone in the society. Be updated about recent updates from government authorities. You, the future doctors can lead others by your example of dedicated preventive actions. Your present actions will decide the future of the world. Together we can fight and control nCorona in India.

(Prepared by Urban Health Center, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Miraj. Dated 5/5/2020)

Prepared by Urban Health Center, Dept of CM, GMC, Miraj. (05/05/2020)

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