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Patented technology to help to prevent viral infections

The world’s first patented health technology to help to fight certain viral infections – naturally

The research results formed the basis of the patented technology to help to fight various mutations of coronavirus infections naturally. The infection mechanisms inhibited by patented micronutrient combination tested included. They include (see graph):

1. Inhibition of the binding of the coronavirus to human lung and blood vessel cells.

2. Inhibition of coronavirus entry into human body cells.

3. Inhibition of all key enzymes required for the coronavirus to multiply inside human cells.

4. Inhibition of multiplied coronaviruses leaving the cells.

Based on the research results obtained with this micronutrient composition, the Patent Office allowed the following statements to be made in connection with COVID­19 and coronavirus infections:

Patent claims allowed (excerpt):

‘A micronutrient composition to treat a SARS­CoV­2 virus infection by inhibiting attachment to a cognate receptor, cellular entry, replication and cellular egress of the SARS­ CoV­2 virus in a mammal’ — that includes human beings.

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